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The Rainbow Bible

(Also Known as ‘The Noahide Bible’)

Published by ‘Noahide Books’

The Publishing wing of ‘The Advancing Noah Movement’

© 6178 SC (In the updated Calendar of HNF) / 2015 CE

By Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly & The Advancing Noah Movement & Noahide Books




Noahide Books


About 7DF

The Structure of the Seven Divine Fellowships as we define it

Spiritual World: Monotheism

Belief: Unitarian Yahwistic Monotheism

Faith: Rainbow Scripture Faith – Genesis 1:1 – 11:9

Scriptural Basis and Justification for the Advancing Noah Movement core position: Genesis 1: 26 teaches that humans are made in the image of God. Thus, a human descended from Noah who adheres to the Rainbow Torah correctly has the ability to think holy thoughts as well, because God is holy. My attempt at writing the theological articles for the Rainbow Bible is to act in the image of God, and act in a holy way, and thus produce writings which are holy and appropriate for Rainbow Torah based Noahides to live by. As I have secured early copyright in mankind's history of holiness principles, the justification and validation of our Rainbow Torah based religion and, thus, as part of the Rainbow Torah Karaite Noahide community is eternal. Further, as the first promulgaters of the Rainbow Torah faith, we have the legitimate right to claim first and most honoured places in the Karaite Adamide-Noahide community amongst any other potential movements. Finally, we defend the Israelite faith of Karaism as a whole, acknowledging this as the primary scripture of God's covenant with the people of Israel (and within that, in our opinion, the book of Genesis as largely the book or scripture of the Karaite Abrahamide movement). We also regard ourselves as part of 'Noahidism' internationally, and embrace the Talmudic Noahide movement as a part of the overall Noahide community. We view our movement as a whole as a denomination of Noahidism, part of the International Noahide community, and recognize the rights of Talmudic Noahides to follow the rabbinic teaching of Noahidism if they so choose. We do not believe that the Oral Law originated with Moses, or that the 7 laws originated with Noah and his generations, nor Adam, but we recognize the inherent value and decency of the 7 laws themselves and view them as an excellent starting point for Noahidism. Talmudic Noahides are free to affiliate with the Universal Truth Assembly (5DF of 7DF) which allows Jewish denominations, Christian denominations and Muslim & Bahai denominations to inter-fellowship with it. We view the Advancing Noah Movement as part of 'The Kingdom of Noah' which we further view as part of 'The Kingdom of God'. We view faithful Christian denominations, as per Jesus teaching, as also part of the 'Kingdom of God' as we do likewise for Adamide, Abrahamic, Jewish, Muslim and Bahai movements and denominations. We define the Kingdom of God as that area of religious community in which the God of Creation - Yahweh - is acknowledged as the true and sovereign Lord and Creator. We disagree with Trinity and Oneness notions in Christian faith, but likewise teach the Jewish teaching of 'Associationism' in regards to Jesus and the Churches relationship to God.

Regarding the 7 Talmudic Laws of Noah


Genesis 9 teaches that Murder is not allowed for Noahides. Genesis 9 teaches that eating animal blood is not allowed for Noahides. Genesis 2 teaches that animals were not fitting as a mate for Adam. The end of Genesis 4 teaches that people started calling on the Name of the Lord. God gave Noah commands to build the Ark, and scripture says Noah Obeyed God. God encouraged Cain self mastery and to be stronger than the sinful impulse.

Genesis 6: 5 Adonai saw that the people on earth were very wicked, that all the imaginings of their hearts were always of evil only. 6 Adonai regretted that he had made humankind on the earth; it grieved his heart. 7 Adonai said, “I will wipe out humankind, whom I have created, from the whole earth; and not only human beings, but animals, creeping things and birds in the air; for I regret that I ever made them.” 8 But Noach found grace in the sight of Adonai.

If we have evil imaginations in our heart, we need to repent of them to be right and find favour with God. The people of the flood were destroyed because they did not turn from the evil they practiced, which their heart witnessed against them. I would call that a conscience.

I have stolen at times in my youth. I do recall times feeling guilty for this. I repented of those behaviours later on in life, so I would suggest that it is doubtful someone can steal and think themselves ok with God. It is behaviour which our heart witnesses against us.

Job was from the land of Uz. Us was of the Shemitic people, through Shem. He was not Jewish. He was under the Covenant of Noah. It could be argued that the book of Job has direct relevance to Noahides.

Job 1 teaches that Job was concerned with his children and offered sacrifices for them in case they had 'sinned against God in their hearts'.

The term used in Job 1 is in case they had sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts. Thus a heart of a person needs to respect God's name and person.

I, personally, do not follow the Talmud 7 laws, because I base my faith solely on the Tanakh and my personal walk with God. Enoch walked with God, and thus I also can walk with God. But I have outlined above how I personally do relate to the 7 laws of Noah concepts.

So Karaite Noahides do not observe the 7 laws of Noah, but you would be mistaken in thinking we do not observe the general principles and ideas of the 7 laws, and in a practical sense, follow those as ideals also. Yet there are other ideas in Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 we apply to our lives also.


Official Members and Associate Members and Visitors. Official members are expected to follow tithing principles and make an oath of allegiance to 7DF. Associative members like to affiliate but do not wish to be obligated by official observance of the faith. For our services offered a reasonable monetary compensation is still expected, but not necessarily a tithing system. Visitors have no obligations. Regular visitors who become quite regular will be inquired as to whether they wish to become associate or full members. We don't really think it just or fair that they should be allow1ed to learn without some recompense to our movement by just rocking up and getting it for free. That is not really fair to us.

Section One – Haven Noahide Fellowship

The Book of Noahidism


Created by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

6177 SC


Lesson One

The Scripture - the Rainbow Torah. The Foundation - Genesis 1 - 11:9.

The Purpose - Sanctification. The Result - Life Eternal.



Lesson Two

The Covenant - Descendants of Noah. The Sign - the Rainbow.

The Purpose - Protection from Destruction. The Result - Everlasting.



Lesson Three

The Doctrine - A Moral Life. The Reason - Civilization.

The Purpose - Law and Order. The Result - Eternal Peace.



Lesson Four

The Community - A Family of Faith. The Structure - Faithful Genealogies.

The Purpose - A Sense of Belonging. The Result - Meaning in Life




To Proclaim the Covenant to Mankind. To Uphold the Teaching of Scripture.

To build an everlasting Fellowship. To live long, prosper and be at Peace with God and the World.




Holy Scripture – The Rainbow Torah


The Book of Truth

At the first beginning, God existed. He existed in perfect rest and harmony with himself. And then, the first cause, he contemplated. At some point in those contemplations, God had conceived of ideas pertaining to creation. Yet to achieve that creation, God would require knowledge. A system of data and information necessary for that creation to function and run by. And thus, the knowledge and data God created first of all, which was to be used to create the world and the cosmos, was wisdom. Wisdom was the firstborn of God's creation, the knowledge of how creation works, and the knowledge of how mankind would be formed. Wisdom was there at the beginning with God, a companion of sorts, through whom God created all things. The source of energy which was used with wisdom to create all things was the power inherit in God's being himself. So, as it is written, God created all things through his wisdom and power. Alleluia.



In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. But the earth was empty and unoccupied, and darknesses were over the face of the abyss; and so the Spirit of God was brought over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light.” And light became. And God saw the light, that it was good; and so he divided the light from the darknesses. And he called the light, ‘Day,’ and the darknesses, ‘Night.’ And it became evening and morning, one day.


God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.” And God made a firmament, and he divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament. And so it became. And God called the firmament ‘Heaven.’ And it became evening and morning, the second day.


Truly God said: “Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.” And so it became. And God called the dry land, ‘Earth,’ and he called the gathering of the waters, ‘Seas.’ And God saw that it was good. And he said, “Let the land spring forth green plants, both those producing seed, and fruit-bearing trees, producing fruit according to their kind, whose seed is within itself, over all the earth.” And so it became. And the land brought forth green plants, both those producing seed, according to their kind, and trees producing fruit, with each having its own way of sowing, according to its species. And God saw that it was good. And it became evening and the morning, the third day.


Then God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. And let them divide day from night, and let them become signs, both of the seasons, and of the days and years. Let them shine in the firmament of heaven and illuminate the earth.” And so it became. And God made two great lights: a greater light, to rule over the day, and a lesser light, to rule over the night, along with the stars. And he set them in the firmament of heaven, to give light over all the earth, and to rule over the day as well as the night, and to divide light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And it became evening and morning, the fourth day.


And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.” And God created the great sea creatures, and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced, according to their species, and all the flying creatures, according to their kind. And God saw that it was good. And he blessed them, saying: “Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea. And let the birds be multiplied above the land.” And it became evening and morning, the fifth day.


God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became. And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species, and the cattle, and every animal on the land, according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And he said: “Let us make Man to our image and likeness. And let him rule over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and the wild beasts, and the entire earth, and every animal that moves on the earth.” And God created man to his own image; to the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. And God blessed them, and he said, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” And God said: “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant upon the earth, and all the trees that have in themselves the ability to sow their own kind, to be food for you, and for all the animals of the land, and for all the flying things of the air, and for everything that moves upon the earth and in which there is a living soul, so that they may have these on which to feed.” And so it became. And God saw everything that he had made. And they were very good. And it became evening and morning, the sixth day.

And so the heavens and the earth were completed, with all their adornment. And on the seventh day, God fulfilled his work, which he had made. And on the seventh day he rested from all his work, which he had accomplished. And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. For in it, he had ceased from all his work: the work whereby God created whatever he should make.




Adam and Eve

These are the generations of heaven and earth, when they were created, in the day when the Lord God made heaven and earth, and every sapling of the field, before it would rise up in the land, and every wild plant, before it would germinate. For the Lord God had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the land. But a fountain ascended from the earth, irrigating the entire surface of the land.


And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Now the Lord God had planted a Paradise of enjoyment from the beginning. In it, he placed the man whom he had formed. And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat. And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


And a river went forth from the place of enjoyment so as to irrigate Paradise, which is divided from there into four heads. The name of one is the Phison; it is that which runs through all the land of Hevilath, where gold is born; and the gold of that land is the finest. In that place is found bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is the Gehon; it is that which runs through all the land of Kush. Truly, the name of the third river is the Tigris; it advances opposite the Assyrians. But the fourth river, it is the Euphrates.


Thus, the Lord God brought the man, and put him into the Paradise of enjoyment, so that it would be attended and preserved by him. And he instructed him, saying: “From every tree of Paradise, you shall eat. But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.” The Lord God also said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let us make a helper for him similar to himself.” Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would call them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name. And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself. And so the Lord God sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it. And the Lord God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam. And Adam said: “Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man.” For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and mother, and he shall cling to his wife; and the two shall be as one flesh. Now they were both naked: Adam, of course, and his wife. And they were not ashamed.




The Temptation

However, the serpent was more crafty than any of the creatures of the earth that the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Why has God instructed you, that you should not eat from every tree of Paradise?” The woman responded to him: “From the fruit of the trees which are in Paradise, we eat. Yet truly, from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of Paradise, God has instructed us that we should not eat, and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we may die.” Then the serpent said to the woman: “By no means will you die a death. For God knows that, on whatever day you will eat from it, your eyes will be opened; and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.” And so the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and beautiful to the eyes, and delightful to consider. And she took from its fruit, and she ate. And she gave to her husband, who ate. And the eyes of them both were opened. And when they realized themselves to be naked, they joined together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves. And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise. And the Lord God called Adam and said to him: “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard your voice in Paradise, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and so I hid myself.” He said to him, “Then who told you that you were naked, if you have not eaten of the tree from which I instructed you that you should not eat?” And Adam said, “The woman, whom you gave to me as a companion, gave to me from the tree, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the woman, “Why have you done this?” And she responded, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed among all living things, even the wild beasts of the earth. Upon your breast shall you travel, and the ground shall you eat, all the days of your life. I will put enmities between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring. She will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel.” To the woman, he also said: “I will multiply your labors and your conceptions. In pain shall you give birth to sons, and you shall be under your husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over you.” Yet truly, to Adam, he said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, from which I instructed you that you should not eat, cursed is the land that you work. In hardship shall you eat from it, all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles shall it produce for you, and you shall eat the plants of the earth. By the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken. For dust you are, and unto dust you shall return.” And Adam called the name of his wife, ‘Eve,’ because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them. And he said: “Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Therefore, now perhaps he may put forth his hand and also take from the tree of life, and eat, and live in eternity.” And so the Lord God sent him away from the Paradise of enjoyment, in order to work the earth from which he was taken. And he cast out Adam. And in front of the Paradise of enjoyment, he placed the Cherubim with a flaming sword, turning together, to guard the way to the tree of life.




Cain and Abel

Truly, Adam knew his wife Eve, who conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying, “I have obtained a man through God.” And again she gave birth to his brother Abel. But Abel was a pastor of sheep, and Cain was a farmer.


Then it happened, after many days, that Cain offered gifts to the Lord, from the fruits of the earth. Abel likewise offered from the firstborn of his flock, and from their fat. And the Lord looked with favor on Abel and his gifts. Yet in truth, he did not look with favor on Cain and his gifts. And Cain was vehemently angry, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said to him: “Why are you angry? And why is your face fallen? If you behave well, will you not receive? But if you behave badly, will not sin at once be present at the door? And so its desire will be within you, and you will be dominated by it.” And Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let us go outside.” And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and he put him to death. And the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” And he responded: “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” And he said to him: “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the land. Now, therefore, you will be cursed upon the land, which opened its mouth and received the blood of your brother at your hand. When you work it, it will not give you its fruit; a vagrant and a fugitive shall you be upon the land.” And Cain said to the Lord: “My iniquity is too great to deserve kindness. Behold, you have cast me out this day before the face of the earth, and from your face I will be hidden; and I will be a vagrant and a fugitive on the earth. Therefore, anyone who finds me will kill me.” And the Lord said to him: “By no means will it be so; rather, whoever would kill Cain, will be punished sevenfold.” And the Lord placed a seal upon Cain, so that anyone who found him would not put him to death.


And so Cain, departing from the face of the Lord, lived as a fugitive on the earth, toward the eastern region of Eden. Then Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to Enoch. And he built a city, and he called its name by the name of his son, Enoch.


Thereafter, Enoch conceived Irad, and Irad conceived Mahujael, and Mahujael conceived Mathusael, and Mathusael conceived Lamech. Lamech took two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the other was Zillah. And Adah conceived Jabel, who was the father of those who live in tents and are shepherds. And the name of his brother was Jubal; he was the father of those who sing to the harp and the organ. Zillah also conceived Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artisan in every work of brass and iron. In fact, the sister of Tubalcain was Noema. And Lamech said to his wives Adah and Zillah: “Listen to my voice, you wives of Lamech, pay attention to my speech. For I have killed a man to my own harm, and an adolescent to my own bruising. Sevenfold vengeance will be given for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy-seven times.” Adam also knew his wife again, and she gave birth to a son, and she called his name Seth, saying, “God has given me another offspring, in place of Abel, whom Cain killed.” But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos. This one began to invoke the name of the Lord.




The First Genealogy

This is the book of the lineage of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God. He created them, male and female; and he blessed them. And he called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Then Adam lived for one hundred and thirty years. And then he conceived a son in his own image and likeness, and he called his name Seth. And after he conceived Seth, the days of Adam that passed were eight hundred years. And he conceived sons and daughters. And all the time that passed while Adam lived was nine hundred and thirty years, and then he died. Seth likewise lived for one hundred and five years, and then he conceived Enos. And after he conceived Enos, Seth lived for eight hundred and seven years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Seth that passed were nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died. In truth, Enos lived ninety years, and then he conceived Cainan. After his birth, he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Enos that passed were nine hundred and five years, and then he died. Likewise, Cainan lived seventy years, and then he conceived Mahalalel. And after he conceived Mahalalel, Cainan lived for eight hundred and forty years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Cainan that passed were nine hundred and ten years, and then he died. And Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, and then he conceived Jared. And after he conceived Jared, Mahalalel lived for eight hundred and thirty years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Mahalalel that passed were eight hundred and ninety-five years, and then he died. And Jared lived for one hundred and sixty-two years, and then he conceived Enoch. And after he conceived Enoch, Jared lived for eight hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Jared that passed were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and then he died. Now Enoch lived for sixty-five years, and then he conceived Methuselah. And Enoch walked with God. And after he conceived Methuselah, he lived for three hundred years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Enoch that passed were three hundred and sixty-five years. And he walked with God, and then he was seen no more, because God took him. Likewise, Methuselah lived for one hundred and eighty-seven years, and then he conceived Lamech. And after he conceived Lamech, Methuselah lived for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Methuselah that passed were nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and then he died. Then Lamech lived for one hundred and eighty-two years, and he conceived a son. And he called his name Noah, saying, “This one will console us from the works and hardships of our hands, in the land that the Lord has cursed.” And after he conceived Noah, Lamech lived for five hundred and ninety-five years, and he conceived sons and daughters. And all the days of Lamech that passed were seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and then he died. In truth, when Noah was five hundred years old, he conceived Shem, Ham, and Japheth.




The Sons of God

And when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God, seeing that the daughters of men were beautiful, took to themselves wives from all whom they chose. And God said: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh. And so his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they conceived, these became the powerful ones of ancient times, men of renown. Then God, seeing that the wickedness of men was great upon the earth and that every thought of their heart was intent upon evil at all times, repented that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with a sorrow of heart, he said, “I will eliminate man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man to other living things, from animals even to the flying things of the air. For it grieves me that I have made them.” Yet truly, Noah found grace before the Lord.






These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man, and yet he was predominate among his generations, for he walked with God. And he conceived three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Yet the earth was corrupted before the eyes of God, and it was filled with iniquity. And when God had seen that the earth had been corrupted, (indeed, all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth) he said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has arrived in my sight. The earth has been filled with iniquity by their presence, and I will destroy them, along with the earth. Make yourself an ark from smoothed wood. You shall make little dwelling places in the ark, and you shall smear pitch on the interior and exterior. And thus shall you make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a window in the ark, and you shall complete it within a cubit of the top. Then you shall set the door of the ark at its side. You shall make in it: a lower part, upper rooms, and a third level. Behold, I shall bring the waters of a great flood upon the earth, so as to put to death all flesh in which there is the breath of life under heaven. All things that are on the earth shall be consumed. And I shall establish my covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, you and your sons, your wife and the wives of your sons with you. And from every living thing of all that is flesh, you shall lead pairs into the ark, so that they may survive with you: from the male sex and the female, from birds, according to their kind, and from beasts, in their kind, and from among all animals on earth, according to their kind; pairs from each shall enter with you, so that they may be able to live. Therefore, you shall take with you from all the foods that are able to be eaten, and you shall carry these with you. And these shall be used as food, some for you, and the rest for them.” And so Noah did all things just as God had instructed him.




The Flood

And the Lord said to him: “Enter the ark, you and all your house. For I have seen you to be just in my sight, within this generation. From all the clean animals, take seven and seven, the male and the female. Yet truly, from animals that are unclean, take two and two, the male and the female. But also from the birds of the air, take seven and seven, the male and the female, so that offspring may be saved upon the face of the whole earth. For from that point, and after seven days, I will rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. And I will wipe away every substance that I have made, from the surface of the earth.” Therefore, Noah did all things just as the Lord had commanded him. And he was six hundred years old when the waters of the great flood inundated the earth. And Noah entered into the ark, and his sons, his wife, and the wives of his sons with him, because of the waters of the great flood. And from the animals both clean and unclean, and from the birds, and from everything that moves upon the earth, two by two they were brought into the ark to Noah, male and female, just as the Lord had instructed Noah. And when seven days had passed, the waters of the great flood inundated the earth. In the six hundredth year of the life of Noah, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great abyss were released, and the floodgates of heaven were opened. And rain came upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. On the very same day, Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and his wife and the three wives of his sons with them, entered the ark. They and every animal according to its kind, and all the cattle in their kind, and everything that moves upon the earth in their kind, and every flying thing according to its kind, all the birds and all that can fly, entered the ark to Noah, two by two out of all that is flesh, in which there was the breath of life. And those that entered went in male and female, from all that is flesh, just as God had instructed him. And then the Lord closed him in from the outside. And the great flood occurred for forty days upon the earth. And the waters were increased, and they lifted the ark high above the land. For they overflowed greatly, and they filled everything on the surface of the earth. And then the ark was carried across the waters. And the waters prevailed beyond measure across the earth. And all the lofty mountains under the whole heaven were covered. The water was fifteen cubits higher than the mountains which it covered. And all flesh was consumed which moved upon the earth: flying things, animals, wild beasts, and all moving things that crawl upon the ground. And all men, and everything in which there is the breath of life on earth, died. And he wiped away all substance that was upon the earth, from man to animal, the crawling things just as much as the flying things of the air. And they were wiped away from the earth. But only Noah remained, and those who were with him in the ark. And the waters possessed the earth for one hundred and fifty days.





Then God remembered Noah, and all living things, and all the cattle, which were with him in the ark, and he brought a wind across the earth, and the waters were diminished. And the fountains of the abyss and the floodgates of heaven were closed. And the rain from heaven was restrained. And the waters were restored to their coming and going from the earth. And they began to diminish after one hundred and fifty days. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, upon the mountains of Armenia. Yet in truth, the waters were departing and decreasing until the tenth month. For in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tips of the mountains appeared. And when forty days had passed, Noah, opening the window that he had made in the ark, sent forth a raven, which went forth and did not return, until the waters were dried up across the earth. Likewise, he sent forth a dove after him, in order to see if the waters had now ceased upon the face of the earth. But when she did not find a place where her foot might rest, she returned to him in the ark. For the waters were upon the whole earth. And he extended his hand and caught her, and he brought her into the ark. And then, having waited a further seven days, he again sent forth the dove out of the ark. And she came to him in the evening, carrying in her mouth an olive branch with green leaves. Noah then understood that the waters had ceased upon the earth. And nevertheless, he waited another seven days. And he sent forth the dove, which no longer returned to him. Therefore, in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were diminished upon the earth. And Noah, opening the cover of the ark, gazed out and saw that the surface of the earth had become dry. In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was made dry. Then God spoke to Noah, saying: “Go out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and the wives of your sons with you. Bring out with you all the living things that are with you, all that is flesh: as with the birds, so also with the wild beasts and all the animals that move upon the earth. And enter upon the land: increase and multiply upon it.” And so Noah and his sons went out, and his wife and the wives of his sons with him. Then also all living things, and the cattle, and the animals that move upon the earth, according to their kinds, departed from the ark.


Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. And, taking from each of the cattle and birds that were clean, he offered holocausts upon the altar. And the Lord smelled the sweet odor and said: “I will no longer curse the earth because of man. For the feelings and thoughts of the heart of man are prone to evil from his youth. Therefore, I will no longer pierce every living soul as I have done. All the days of the earth, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, night and day, will not cease.”


And God blessed Noah and his sons. And he said to them: “Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth. And let the fear and trembling of you be upon all the animals of the earth, and upon all the birds of the air, along with all that moves across the earth. All the fish of the sea have been delivered into your hand. And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. Just as with the edible plants, I have delivered them all to you, except that flesh with blood you shall not eat. For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind. Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God. But as for you: increase and multiply, and go forth upon the earth and fulfill it.”




The Covenant


To Noah and to his sons with him, God also said this: “Behold, I will establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you, and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth. I will establish my covenant with you, and no longer will all that is flesh be put to death by the waters of a great flood, and, henceforth, there will not be a great flood to utterly destroy the earth.”


And God said: “This is the sign of the pact that I grant between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. I will place my arc in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the pact between myself and the earth. And when I obscure the sky with clouds, my arc will appear in the clouds. And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that enlivens flesh. And there will no longer be waters from a great flood to wipe away all that is flesh. And the arc will be in the clouds, and I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant that was enacted between God and every living soul of all that is flesh upon the earth.” And God said to Noah, “This will be the sign of the covenant that I have established between myself and all that is flesh upon the earth.”


And so the sons of Noah, who came out of the ark, were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Now Ham himself is the father of Canaan. These three are the sons of Noah. And from these all the family of mankind was spread over the whole earth.






And Noah, a good farmer, began to cultivate the land, and he planted a vineyard. And by drinking its wine, he became inebriated and was naked in his tent. Because of this, when Ham, the father of Canaan, had indeed seen the privates of his father to be naked, he reported it to his two brothers outside. And truly, Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their arms, and, advancing backwards, covered the privates of their father. And their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father’s manhood. Then Noah, awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him, he said, “Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants will he be to his brothers.” And he said: “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, let Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth, and may he live in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant.” And after the great flood, Noah lived for three hundred and fifty years. And all his days were completed in nine hundred and fifty years, and then he died.




The Second Genealogy

These are the generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and of the sons who were born to them after the great flood.

The sons of Japheth were Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. And then the sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah. And the sons of Javan were Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Rodanim. The islands of the Gentiles were divided by these into their regions, each one according to his tongue, and their families in their nations.


And the Sons of Ham were Cush, and Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush were Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dadan. And then Cush conceived Nimrod; he began to be powerful on the earth. And he was an able hunter before the Lord. From this, a proverb came forth: ‘Just like Nimrod, an able hunter before the Lord.’ And so, the beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, and Erech, and Accad, and Chalanne, in the land of Shinar. From that land, Assur came forth, and he built Nineveh, and the streets of the city, and Calah, and also Resen, between Nineveh and Calah. This is a great city. And truly, Mizraim conceived Ludim, and Anamim, and Lehabim, Naphtuhim, and Pathrusim, and Casluhim, from whom came forth the Philistines and the Caphtorim. Then Canaan conceived Sidon his firstborn, the Hittite, and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, the Girgashite,
the Hivite, and the Arkite: the Sinite, and the Arvadian, the Samarite, and the Hamathite. And after this, the peoples of the Canaanites became widespread. And the borders of Chanaan went, as one travels, from Sidon to Gerar, even to Gaza, until one enters Sodom and Gomorrah, and from Admah and Zeboiim, even to Lesa. These are the sons of Ham in their kindred, and tongues, and generations, and lands, and nations.


Likewise, from Shem, the father of all the sons of Heber, the elder brother of Japheth, sons were born. The sons of Shem were Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. The sons of Aram were Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. But truly, Arphaxad conceived Shelah, from whom was born Eber. And to Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth became divided, and his brother’s name was Joktan. This Joktan conceived Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, Jerah and Hadoram, and Uzal and Diklah, and Obal and Abimael, Sheba and Ophir, and Havilah and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan. And their habitation extended from Messa, as one sojourns, even to Sephar, a mountain in the east. These are the sons of Shem according to their kindred, and tongues, and the regions within their nations. These are the families of Noah, according to their peoples and nations. The nations became divided according to these, on the earth after the great flood.




The Tower of Babel

Now the earth was of one language and of the same speech. And when they were advancing from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt in it. And each one said to his neighbor, “Come, let us make bricks, and bake them with fire.” And they had bricks instead of stones, and pitch instead of mortar. And they said: “Come, let us make a city and a tower, so that its height may reach to heaven. And let us make our name famous before we are divided into all the lands.” Then the Lord descended to see the city and the tower, which the sons of Adam were building. And he said: “Behold, the people are united, and all have one tongue. And since they have begun to do this, they will not desist from their plans, until they have completed their work.} Therefore, come, let us descend, and in that place confound their tongue, so that they may not listen, each one to the voice of his neighbor.” And so the Lord divided them from that place into all the lands, and they ceased to build the city. And for this reason, its name was called ‘Babel,’ because in that place the language of the whole earth became confused. And from then on, the Lord scattered them across the face of every region.


The End of Holy Scripture




Psalms of Haven Noahide Fellowship


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 1

 Yahweh, the Lord, is the Centre of all that is.

He is the Supreme Power, the Omnipotent One,

Full of Glory and Majesty, Eternal in Sovereignty.


Yahweh is gracious to us mere mortals,

Granting us blessings and peace,

Giving prosperity to the works of our hands.


Yahweh watches over those who call on his name.

He watches and blesses those who repent of sin,

And Grants his grace to the humble of heart.


Yahweh is a trustworthy foundation.

Yes, in God himself I place my trust,

Forsaking the strength of my own hands,

Forsaking the strength of men, whose fidelity is fleeting.



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 2

 How the heart of man can choose a crooked path.

How the heart of man can choose a crooked way.

Oh, heavenly father, that your grace would be upon us all,

Leading us in the right way, leading us against our own evil inclinations.


Yahweh, enthroned in heaven, looks down upon the children of men.

He knows their heart, from their youth he has known them,

Caught up in their evil ways, caught up in their malicious intent.

Oh Yahweh, how great your grace is. Oh Yahweh, how superlative your mercy.


You spoke with our father Noah.

You spoke with him and called him out of a perverse generation.

For mankind was wicked in your eyes, evil from the days of their youth.

And through Noah you rebirthed mankind, saved from the deluge of the flood.


Majestic Lord of Glory, redeem me I pray.

Hear my prayer and rescue me from the darkness of my own heart.

For only in thy goodness can the gift of eternal life be realized.

Only in thy goodness can the gift of forever have hope.



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 3


Can we not be so hypocritical, unfair and double-minded

Can we not be so duplicitous, fork-tongued and unfaithful

Can we not pretend to be paragons of virtue yet find shame in our hearts

Shame at betraying ones we claim to love



Let not my boasts be great, of words I can not live up to

Let me not say of my virtues qualities which I later betray as lacking

Let me be truthful in how much I can truly commit to and foreswear vain oaths

Guide me to be faithful



Show me the way of holiness which will not be questioned as shallow

Help me to grow up maturely, yet not reach for heights I later tumble from

Give me grace and mercy and remind others I am only human, not God himself

Forgive me for my shortcomings



I am only human. I can not be more than what I am. And I am so complex

That I don’t even understand myself half of the time.

But you, Oh Lord, know all the ways of humans and the choices of the heart.

Please, if you will in your mercy answer my prayer, give me the gift of wisdom

To love others in a manner which will last eternally and not be a vain oath of

Allegiance soon forgotten.




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 4

 Let my soul rest in the calmness of nature,

the calmness of God’s creation.


Let my soul slumber and be at peace with the

simplicity of the song of the songbird

and the chirping of the sparrow.


Let the buzzing of the bees bring joy to me,

even to the days of my age and let

the sound of the sheep at pasture and the joy of the

newborn babe be always pleasant in my heart.


Let the sight of a spider’s web fill me with mystery,

and let the early morning mist always fill me with

happiness and aliven me to the new day.


Let the rushing geyser be a source of fascination,

and let me fear in the presence of the tornado and

be awestruck by the power of the lightning.


Let the gentle flow of the stream soothe my soul,

and let the thunderous waves entertain my thirst

for adventure.


Lord God Almighty, I thank you for the wonders

of creation, which give joy and happiness to my

life each and every day. This world is a wonderful

and marvellous world, and all the children of Noah

thank you for your great kindness in creating it

For us.


We are your people, Almighty God, and the servants

of your covenant. And let the sign of the Covenant,

the ‘Rainbow’, one of the greatest signs of nature,

always remind us of the beauty and wonder that comes

forth from the heart of the Almighty.




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 5

 Lord God - You are the solace of my heart’s anxiety.

You are the peace in the storms of life which remains

Faithful and ever unchanging. You are the strength

In my weaknesses and the power of my right hand

In all that I say and do. Lord, you are God, and even

In my wrongdoing my heart still remembers the graces

And love you have shown me.


Lord God – From generation to generation mankind

Searches out the way of truth. For so many finding

God is not easy, but you have always been there, waiting

To be found. You love us, children of Adam and Eve,

Children of Enoch, children of Noah. You love us and

Teach us the right way through the teachings of our

Fathers. Lord, I pray, remain faithful to the heart which

Wants truth above all else, and remember the struggle

We have all gone through in finding our salvation.


Lord God – Remember our fathers who have gone before

Us, and our mothers who bore and fed us. Remember forever

Those who have struggled to build our wonderful world, and

The many sacrifices they have made. I pray and ask of you,

Eternal God, prepare a home of eternal joy and life as reward

For their struggle, and share with them the fruits of their

Labours and the joy and consolation their hearts truly desire.

Forget not the children of Noah who, even those who have

Not known you or understood your ways, still tried in their hearts

To live good and decent lives. Forget them not in your mercy

I do pray Lord God Almighty, and prepare a home of eternal

Blessing for each and every one of them.


Lord God – The children of Noah praise your name. We lift

Up the name of Yahweh and declare that he is God and that

There is no other. Heavenly Father, we will serve you for

All eternity, building a Haven of Salvation in your name, a

Haven of love, peace and prosperity, in true service to your

Eternal Glory. We will feed the hungry, nurse the sick and

Wounded, give homes to the homeless, and give peace and

Love to the broken of heart. We will care for all as you have

Cared for us, and we pray watch over us eternally for we are

The sheep of your eternal pasture, the children of mankind,

And we need you in all our weaknesses and all our struggles.




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 6

 Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth

Wisdom is Truth


In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth

In Praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Truth


Wisdom is Love

Wisdom is Love

The Heart of a Dove

Wisdom is Love


In praise of Wisdom

Praise the God of Love

The Truth from Above

The God of Love



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 7

 Praise God

Praise the God of Noah

Praise the Immortal Creator

Praise him now and forever


Lord God

You keep faith with those who keep your covenant

Your holiest covenant given to our father Noah

Each generation who swear by the Lord the Almighty One

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the rainbow

Who amongst the unbelievers affirm the promises of God

Receive your attention

Receive your blessing

Receive your love


We Praise you, Almighty God

We Praise you, God of Noah

We Praise you, Immortal Creator

We Praise you, now and forever





A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 8

 Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Praise your Name

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Worship your Glory

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Cherish your Spirit

Almighty God

The Children of Noah
Give thanks for your kindness

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Adore your Love

Almighty God

The Children of Noah

Need you now

And Forever




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 9

 Lord God

Grant us Victory

Grant us Success

Help us to Triumph over our opposition

Help us to be undefeated

Lord God

Make us Champions

Champions of the World

Champions, Victorious

Honour bearers of True Glory

For in the name of Yahweh

Comes our triumph

In the name of Yahweh

We have true success






A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 10

 Lord God

Embellish our lives with Quality

Embellish our lives with Excellence

Place within our hearts and minds

A spirit of greatness

A spirit which accomplishes and produces things of merit

Make us a living example

Of the goodness and virtue a child of God is capable of

Produce within us an accomplishment

Of outstanding reputation

Of amazing superiority

Bless us lord God

And through us bless others

For the glory of your name

For the glory of Yahweh




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 11

 Lord God

Let us burn brightly

Brightly full of Glory

Lut us burn brightly

Brightly as the Sun

Let us burn brightly

Brightly like the Glories of heaven

Let us burn brightly

Brightly to shine for all time

Lord God

Have your hand upon us

Those who call on your name

And let us burn as a flame

A flame of your amazing love

A flame of your amazing glory

Lord God

Have your hand upon us

And produce within us

A work of superlative, amazing, glorious majesty






A Psalm of Daniel
Psalm 12

 Lord God

Help me to think orderly

Help me to think rationally

Help me to think logically

Help me to think wisely

Help me to think truthfully

Help me to think compassionately

Help me to think lovingly

Help me to think caringly

Help me to think mercifully

Help me to think prudently

Help me to think carefully

Help me to think soberly

Help me to think humbly

Help me to think faithfully

Help me to think righteously

Help me to think spiritually

Help me to think perfectly

Lord God

Help me to order my thoughts

Each and every day

In a way which is pleasing to you

And brings me into good stead with you

My fellow man

And the community of eternal life



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 13

 Lord God

Help me to love you

Open my heart and turn it towards the power of love

Open my soul and transfix it by the beauty of your loving kindness

Teach me to love gently

Teach me to love passionately

Teach me to love gracefully

Teach me to love perfectly

Help me to love you

Help me to love others

Let my heart be for the lost

Let my heart be for the found

Let my heart love the young

Let my heart love the old

Let my heart love in the morning

Let my heart love in the evening

Teach my heart to open it up to all who need grace in this life

Teach my heart to give love freely to those who are lonely

Teach my heart to show love to all who need a friendly smile

Teach my heart to be loving to all who just need a hug

Lord God

Let your love, most of all, be the central part of my life

Let your love, most of all, be the genuine part of me

The True part of me

The Real part of me

Let your love guide this lonely heart

To the shores of Eternal Salvation

And guide my ship of love

Each loving day

Each loving night

Eternally in love with you

My Lord

And Saviour




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 14

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 15

 Lord God

I thank you for making me happy

I praise you for giving joy to my soul

I adore you for the peace I have found

I worship you for the gladness my heart resounds with

Lord God

You are kind and loving

And I thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me

In all my trials

In all my struggles

In all my weaknesses

You are God

The strength of my right hand

The deliverer of my salvation

I praise you forever

And lift up your name as holy



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 16

Lord God

Teach me patience

Teach me peace

Teach me purity

Teach me perfection

Teach me paradigms of knowledge

Teach me precepts of lawfulness

Teach me personal skills of adaptability

Teach me precise methods of instruction following

Teach me procedures of correctness

Teach me principles of life

Teach me in every which way

Of the knowledge of Good and wholesome things

That will endure now and forever

Into perpetuity and beyond



A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 17

Creator of the Universe

Guide me to have the right knowledge

Guide me to have the correct knowledge

Guide me to have the true knowledge

Help me to make sensible decisions every day

Help me to get along with my fellow man

Embellish my day with sensible things

I pray

Place within my every day routine

A sensible pace of activity

Enshrouded with your wisdom

Enshrouded with your loving concern

Grant me the knowledge

Which makes me choose sensible things to do each day

To do them well

To do them correctly

And to have Godly routines in life

Were everything goes according to plan

In the decisions I make

In the plans I prepare

In the way of life and routines I establish

And through doing my work, each day, appropriately

And in the correct ways and manners

Not shirking

Not being lazy

I bring happiness to my life

Through acknowledging your guiding hand

And the truth of working according to your wisdom

In my everyday ways and routines




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 18

Lord God

Bless us with a repentant Heart

Turn us unto a lawful lifestyle

Remind us to apologize when we should apologize

Remind us to say sorry when we know we have said or done something wrong

Turn us unto the law of reconciliation

Bless us with your forgiveness




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 19

Lord God

Bless our worlds doctors

Bless our worlds nurses

Bless our worlds health workers

Bless our worlds chemists

Bless our worlds surgeons

Bless our worlds psychiatrists

Bless our worlds psychologists

Bless our worlds dentists

Bless our worlds wardens

Bless our worlds medics

Bless our worlds medical researchers

Lord God

Guide all who are dedicated

To the healing arts

To minister their work faithfully

For the health and lifestyle of our human community

Have your hand upon them to do their work professionally

Have your hand upon them to do their work in love

Bless our Carers

We Pray and humbly ask of you


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 20

An amazing speed of knowledge accumulation

An amazing rate of learning

An amazing amount of wisdom intake

An amazing ability to inculcate understanding

Yet learning should be at the speed of life

At the gentle rate of the lamb at pasture

At the skillful meanderings of the rabbit at play

At the fast pace the cheetah sets

And at the glorious soar the eagle makes

For to run the knowledge

Of mankind's wisdom

Through your life

At the speed of the space shuttle

Or the fierceness of a Formula One


Learning at the speed of sound

And beyond

Is not how Homo Sapien

Was designed by God

But instead

For the speed of life

For the speed of nature


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 21

Lord God Almighty

Make us a Haven of true knowledge

Safely guarded

Safely archived

Like the wise scholars of Judaism before us

Like the wise scholars of Christianity before us

Like the wise scholars of Islam before us

Like the wise scholars of Bahai before us

Like the wise scholars of Monotheism before us

Like the wise scholars of Academia before us

Lord God Almighty

Make us a Haven of true Knowledge

Securely, safely and eternally

Recording the knowledge of Mankind

With love, fidelity and care

For Endless generations

Like those who have gone before us




A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 22

Blessings upon those who obey God

Blessings upon those who obey the truth

God is known amongst the children of men

His witness is ancient and everlasting

The Sun and Stars

The Moon and Planets

The Earth, the Sea

Flora and Fauna

All testify to the Creator of Glory

Yet man will question

Yet man will challenge

But only in the truth of the Grand Designer

Only in the truth of the Infinite Creator

Will the peace of the Searching heart

Ever be eternally found

All praise to God

Blessings upon those who obey him

And listen upon his word


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 23

Praise the Lord all you nations.

Exalt the Lord our rock.

Thank the God who watches over us,

And guards us from darkness.

The wicked follow their own desire;

We follow the Eternal One.

May God be gracious to us.

May God be friendly to us who serve.


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 24

I thank you Yahweh

For the gift of life

For the world I live in

For the creativity in man.

I thank you Yahweh

Who inspires morality

In those who call on his name

And walk in the truth.

I thank you God

For the moral heart

The creative heart

That embellishes my life


A Paslm of Daniel

Psalm 25

God of creation

God of nature

God of truth

We thank you for blessing us

God of love

God of peace

God of holiness

We thank you for saving us

God of glory

God of majesty

God of wonders

We thank you for hearing us

Lord God Almighty

We thank you for loving us.


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 26

Mankind needs God

Let us call on Jehovah

Mankind thinks himself wise

Yet, if we are so wise

Let us call on Jehovah

Mankind parades the virtues of science

Yet, if we desire true science

Let us call on Jehovah

Mankind esteems himself the triumph of knowledge

Yet, if we desire true knowledge

Let us call on Jehovah


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 27

Dear Creator

God of Salvation

Lord of Mercy

Teach me the Truth I pray

Let your Holy Spirit please Sanctify my mind

With facts of the World to Come

With facts of the Hereafter

With Knowledge Divine

Of What will Be, & What could be in holiness

Of pure and absolute factual Truth

Thank You God

For hearing my prayer request


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 28

Dear God

May you bless our fellowship with prosperity and success

May you bless our fellowship with knowledge and wisdom

May you bless our fellowship with glory and honour

May you bless our fellowship with authority and strength

And may you bless our fellowship with love and peace

Lord God, by your grace and mercy, may there be no end to our blessings

As we serve you in fidelity, as we serve you in truth

This day onwards and forever


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 29

Lord God

Assist my heart to open itself up to the struggle of life and attain the things I need to attain

Help me Lord God, to work my occupation in duty and sincerity, in hard work and commitment

Teach me the wisdom to understand my work procedures, and how to interact with my workmates

Guide me to undertake my work tasks with both diligence and fidelity

Elucidate my mind to the importance of workers in society, who accomplish the task of keeping it all running

Bless my dedicated work, each and every day, and make it fruitful and productive

And prosper me through all my efforts, as I serve the Kingdom of Noah, the Kingdom of God


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 30

Lord God, may you teach me the music of the soul

May we of Haven Noahide Fellowship sing our hearts unto you of the glory of God and the Beauty of Nature

May we speak heartfelt love songs of care to our partners and our family

May we sing of the fellowship of friendship we have, guided by your holy spirit in all we say and do

Lord God, may you teach us the music of the soul

May we of Haven Noahide Fellowship sing of the glory of creation with words of wisdom and truth

May we speak heartfelt dedication songs to the continuity of the spiritual beauty of the music of our lives

May we sing of the fellowship of concern you have for us all, led by your presence and wisdom to help us gain understanding

Lord God, may you teach mankind the music of the soul

Your hand upon each and every daughter of Adam and Eve

Your hand upon each and every child of Noah

Placing the Music of love in our hearts

The Music of joy in our souls

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 31

When the darkest terror surrounds me,

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When evil is at my door,

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When anger is voiced against my name,

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When lies are cast towards me

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When wrath would attack my family

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When hatred would overcome my friends

You, Lord God, are my sanctuary, my haven

When our fellowship is beset by troubles all around

You, Lord God, are Our Sanctuary, Our Haven

Praise to God

The Haven of the Soul

Praise to God Forever


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 32

Lord God

Please guide the elders of Noahidism internationally

Guide them to make wise decisions and astute judgements

Help them to focus on equity, justice and truth

Help them with courage to stand up for the oppressed

Inspire them to teach with passion yet calmness

Inspire them to instruct with concern and thoughtfulness

Assist them to mentor souls to life wisdom and experience

Assist them to encourage souls to the pathways of eternal life

Bless them with kindness and love and peace

Bless them with faith and hope and strength

Thank you for our elders who watch over us daily, Lord God

Thank you for our elders who never abandon their flock


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 33

A spirit of freedom, a spirit of libertarianism, may sound wonderful, may sound great

But I ask of the Lord God, that he continues to teach me and thee, that a spirit of freedom

Is a spirit to SIN

For when a soul thinks itself wiser, than the wisdom of law, which guards against sin, which guards against death

And when a soul believes itself stronger, than the teaching of Torah, which guards against sin, which guards against death

And when a soul is so vain, that it believes itself, without the guardianship of law, which guards against sin, which guards against death

This soul has become befuddled

by a Spirit to SIN

And while the grace of the Lord abounds

And while the forgiveness of the Lord is abundant

Any fool can see that such lives are not forever

Guided only by wilful self determination

In rebellion against God

Ultimately ending in their own death and eternal destruction

Having rebelled against Holy Law and Holy Torah

Which guards against sin, which guards against death


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 34

Life and death. Heaven and hell.

We aim for one, to therein dwell.

Yet some, it seems, lack clear insight.

And suffer the wrath of damnations bite.

Life and death. Heaven and hell.

The power of salvation we need so well.

The Lord our God to save our soul.

Or is it I, for whom the bell tolls?

Life and death. Heaven and hell.

And in the end, a tale to tell.

Did I choose wisely, did I choose wrong.

Either way eternity will sing its song.

Life and death. Heaven and hell.

Praise be to God, with a heartfelt yell.

This life is eternal, so do not give up.

Heaven and hell, the choice is love.

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 35

In the love of Kin and Family

Are the heart's purest joys

The haven of my life

The source of comfort and of peace

In the love of kin and family

Are life's tender moments

A kiss of fond affection

A word which bring me ease

In the love of Kin and family

Is comical relief

When a word told in jest

Brings relief to tense times

In the love of Kin and family

Is the meaning of this life

When we share the family spirit

And share love so pure and kind

Praise be to God, the father of us all

Praise be to God, the one so good and great

He watches over families, and guides them every day

Thanks be to God each day our family celebrates


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 36

God defend me, save my soul, deliver me from evil

God defend me, keep my family safe, protect my life

God defend me, sustain my good name, shelter my heart

God defend me, protect my home, protect my well-being

God defend me, each and every day

God defend me, each and every way

And when I sin

When I sin, alone

Prosecute me for my evil

But defend me when I atone


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 37

Jealousy is a sin. Envy is a sin. Covetousness is a sin.

And repenting of the desires of thine heart is not easy.

Wrath is a sin. Anger is a sin. Nastiness is a sin.

And repenting of the desires of thine heart is not easy.

Lust is a sin. Rape is a sin. Sexual harassment is a sin.

And repenting of the desires of thine heart is not easy.

Violence is a sin. Aggression is a sin. Murder is a sin.

And repenting of the desires of thine heart is not easy.

Lord God, help me to repent of evil desire

Lord God, help me to repent of stubborn self will

Lord God, save my soul this and every day

Lord God, save my life still





A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 38

Life is a complex thing, wrapped up in human flesh

Paraded to the world from youth, with a boast of success if it all works well

Yet Eternity is more complex, wrapped up in a spirit man

Shown in love to the holy community, with a humble salutation when you've learned to obey God

It is not by pride in human effort that glory is attained

But by meek and mild humility, were eternity is gained

Praise to God forever, Praise to God, Amen

Praise to God forever, sing the sons of men.

A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 39

Life can be ordinary, life can be great

You can spend it all winging

Or you can celebrate

All the good things God has given you

Each and every day

And thank him for his guidance

He gives you on the way

Life can be ordinary, life can be good

You can spend it all complaining

Or doing what you should

But in the end remember

In how you walk this life

Your choices make it glory

Or trouble, tears and strife

Praise to God forever

Saviour of mankind

Like him we practice mercy

To the lost and to the blind

Praise to God forever

The Lord our God Supreme

We thank him for his goodness

Who brings hope to every dream


A Psalm of Daniel

Psalm 40

To be the king, a glorious thing, to God I sing, when I am king

A crown to wear, a throne for chair, more than sir, when I am there

Upon the throne of Godly Glory, Upon the throne of God's royal land

Sits the king of Godly Glory, All his subjects at his command

But this, say I, in psaltery, There is a love more pure than he

Who sits upon the throne of God, And ruleth all with Iron Rod

It's deep within your purest heart, Which you did know right at the start

When spirit holy touched your soul, And told you all you need to know

It's not in the power, nor in the might, Nor in those who tremble at your sight

But in your words and kindest deeds, And in the bellies of mouths you feed

The greatest glory is not supreme, Nay, say I, there's another dream

It's in a heart which simply loves, And follows truly God above

So chase the glory, Nay say I, for this lessons learned before I die

In humility, and please take heed, let grace be all your heart doth need

Alleluia and Amen, Sing Praise to God, you sons of Men

Alleluia and Amen, Sing Praise to God, Father of Men


Maxims of Haven Noahide Fellowship

Daniel’s Maxims


Know what you believe and why you believe it


The truth will defend you against all enemies


Evil will not prosper


Life simply is


To succeed – persevere


God is truth


Knowledge of truth helps you to make the best decisions


Finding something useful to do in life gives it meaning


Study knowledge of truth


Be honest with people


Love people


Practice Kindness


Show people grace


Stay true to your commitments


Pray for people


Be Patient


Turn away from evil


Teach people the right way


Walk with God


Keep on learning


Study the Bible


Help people


Watch your words


Respect your parents


Do the right thing


Obey the law


Seek God’s will


Help the poor


Be factual


Be consistent


Be tolerant


Be peaceful


Study Wisdom


Work on your spirituality


Increase your knowledge


Be faithful to your occupation


Show yourself friendly


Eat good foods


Watch your health




Be careful


Avoid danger


Do not hurt people


Keep the faith


Be in the hearts of Men




Charter of Haven Noahide Fellowship


Prepared by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Head Pastor and founder of Haven Noahide Fellowship. This Charter is Public Domain Information.


Haven Noahide Fellowship is a 'Rainbow Torah' based Noahide Fellowship. The Rainbow Torah is the traditional set of scriptures known as Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 (from creation to the end of the tower of Babel incident). The teachings of the Rainbow Torah go back to the giving of the Covenant and earlier, and are central tenets of Haven Noahide Fellowship Faith. It appears that Noah himself, or perhaps one of his sons, recorded the details we have today in the Rainbow Torah as it talks of historical detail which only they, apparently, would have access to. The sign of the Covenant, as shown in Genesis 9, is the Rainbow.

A Noahide is simply a child or descendant of Noah. The term ‘Noahide’ refers to someone descended from Noah. Noah, of course, is the ancient patriarch who God called to build an Ark and bring animals upon the Ark, after which he sent a flood to destroy sinful mankind, and then started again with Noah, Noah’s wife, Noah’s three sons Shem, Ham and Japheth and their wives. While most of us are familiar with the idea that we are all descended from Adam and Eve, less of us know that scripture teaches we are also all descended from Noah, through his sons, as all mankind was wiped out in the flood apart from Noah’s family. Thus the term ‘Noahide’ refers to all members of mankind today, as all of us are descended from Noah.

This brief sermon examines the Rainbow Torah to answer the basic question of what constitutes the spiritual requirements before God of a Noahide. It is not implied that it is an exhaustive analysis of the Rainbow Torah's doctrine for children of Noah, but simply viewed as introductory principles. Each of us must study the Rainbow Torah for ourselves to learn more of its teachings. It will be split into 3 main sections: 1) Law 2) Imperative 3) Principle. Please consult the scriptural citations for greater clarification.


1) Law

Technically speaking there seems to be only three times the Lord specifically commands the Nations of the world as a whole.

The first is found in what would apply to Adam and his seed in an uncorrupted paradise. This is the command to abstain from the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Genesis 2:16 & 17).

The second is found in the command to Noah and his offspring after the flood to not eat blood. (Genesis 9:4).

The third command is to be fruitful and replenish the earth (Genesis 9:7)


2) Imperative.

An imperative in the sense I will define it is a principle which appears to have obligatory acceptance required by a Noahide but not written within scripture as a direct command but rather implied or assumed. For example the wording of the imperative not to murder is worded in such a way that God did not specifically command directly to Noah and his offspring in a personal sense by stating ‘Thou shalt not’ or ‘You must not’ etc, but made it so obvious to know that such is a requirement for Noah and his offspring in generalization. The Noahide Imperatives are:

To abstain from Sin (Genesis 4:7)

To not murder and to put to death murderers (Genesis 9:5-6)


3) Principle

There are many ideas within the written Rainbow Torah which are not specified as commands or imperatives but are shown as an active part of universal Noahide life. They include:

A calendar system based on the sun and stars and natural cycles (Genesis 1:14)

Permission to eat plants (Genesis 1:30)

The implication within the command to abstain from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God has the right to command mankind, especially due to him being the creator. This is a fundamental principle of Noahide faith (that God can Command us).

The importance of keeping genealogies (Genesis 5 & 10)

The importance of offering sacrifices. The type of sacrifices implied that are acceptable are: Field offerings, Blood sacrifices of animals which are ‘Clean’ animals. Sacrifices are offered on altars. Sacrifices probably should be offered with a ‘Positive’ spirit. (Genesis 4:3-5, Genesis 8:20). Sacrifices are completely voluntary and mainly made to God to show we love him.

The understanding that drunkardness, while seemingly not forbidden, can cause problems (Genesis 9:20-27)

The idea that God can call individual Noahides for specific purposes in the way he called Noah and gave Noah specific commandments.



God encouraged Cain to conquer the spirit of sin which was always at his door, tempting him to its evil ways. (Genesis 4:7)

All of us know of people in our lives and people we see in TV who talk of troubles of the heart - anxiety, worries, depressions, sadnesses and miseries. It seems so many people are miserable in their lives, all of them searching for an answer which eludes them.

The professional psychiatrists all have various answers which they think work, but the real truth to human existences questions of the soul are found in the religious text of the holy scripture which God inspired millennia ago.

What keeps us from finding true peace of heart is our SIN. It is doing things which are carnal, nasty, viscious, mean spirited and hateful which leads to a sense of anxiety in life. And this anxiety will always stay with us until we learn the fundamental lesson which Cain, who killed his brother Abel, failed to learn. We need to repent of the carnal and sinful ways we can be so prone as humans to fall into and become, instead, children of love, joy and peace.

Finding peace with God is found in learning the principles of scripture and applying them to life. It is found in being honest and truthful towards God and our fellow neighbours and doing the very best to show everyone LOVE coming from an honest heart.

The more we love, the more we show kindness, the more we show integrity, the more peace of heart we will find and the more happy we will end up being.




Faithfulness to God means being committed to God. It means most importantly that when you are having difficult times in life – when things are going against you - when things seem to challenging or difficult to cope with - when everything seems to be going well for everyone EXCEPT you - that THAT is the time to remain

faithful and committed to God.

It is easy to praise God and tell him you love him and do everything to please him when things are easy. But that is not the true test of your loyalty. The true test is this: When everything is against you can you still study your bible, praise the goodness of God and remain faithful? God wants followers who will remain faithful to him - through the good times AND the bad times - for better or for worse. Anything less than that is a 'fair-weather friend' and not a true follower of God anyway. So STAY COMMITTED, STAY FAITHFUL AND KEEP GOD IN YOUR HEART, SERVING HIM CONSTANTLY.




Remember, God admonished Cain to conquer 'SIN'. We understand sin as not only rebellion against God, but things which are 'IMMORAL' in nature. A basic list of things which could be considered sinful for Noahides are:

* Violence

* Murder

* Failing to obey God

* Eating Animal Blood

* Offering impure sacrifices to God

* Breaking the civil laws of your own society – lawlessness

These things can be constituted as ideas which are contrary to a sound Noahide faith. A Noahide is called to be holy as God is holy and thus, as Cain was exhorted to by God, master his nature and repent and resist all sinful impulses.



God created in this order:
Day 1
Created Light & Dark - Separated light from dark called light 'Day' and dark 'Night'
Day 2
Created an expanse in the midst of the waters on earth below and above the earth (the vapour canopy) - the expanse is the SKY
Day 3
Separated the Seas from the Land. Brought forth vegetation on land.
Day 4

Created the Sun, Moon & Stars - which serve as signs for the seasons
Day 5
Brought forth Sea creatures & Birds from the oceans
Day 6
Brought forth land creatures from the earth. Made man.
Day 7
Sabbath day rest
Later on God 'BURST' the vapour canopy which provided the water for the flood.



As I briefly alluded to yesterday, there was a vapour canopy hanging over the earth 'IN THE BEGINNING'
We read on the second day of creation that God created the expanse and named it 'SKY' or 'HEAVEN' in between the "WATERS".
Where were the waters above the 'Sky'????
Well, we all know that mankind launches satellites into space and we use them for mobile phones and international television and radio and so on.
These satellites are suspended above the earth in a zone in which they spin around the earth and do two things:
1) they do not spin off into space
2) they do not fall to earth
So it is quite likely that the vapour canopy, being waters 'ABOVE' the sky was suspended here, possibly above the ozone layer, in space.
When the flood came scripture says 'God OPENED up the heavens'. He literally tore apart the vapour canopy and the world was flooded
because of it.
Finally, because the vapour canopy, prior to the flood, was between the Earth and the Sun, it appears that 'RAINBOWS' were never visible. It says right in the beginning of Genesis that it did not rain, but that streams came up and watered the earth. So, because it never rained, and because there was a vapour canopy over the earth, this seems to be why the language in
Genesis 9 says 'God set his rainbow in the clouds.'
In other words, the Rainbow always had the potential to be seen, (as we see the rainbow on a sunny day when we use a sprinkler), but it had not materialized until AFTER the flood and the rain came.



Anthropoids have 24 pairs of Chromosomes, universally. Apes, Monkeys, Baboons, Chimps etc all have 24 pairs of Chromosomes. Mankind is traditionally viewed as an 'Anthropoid' but we have only "23" pairs of Chromosomes. However, right along the centre of the first Chromosome in our DNA is a segment or strip which seems to indicate that at one point this first chromosome were 2 separate chromosomes which joined together. Evolutionists often teach that mankind thus developed from an anthropoid ancestor with 24 chromosomes, but that a genetic defect led to us having 23 and evolving distinctly from them. Genesis teaches that Adam and Eve (as well as the Serpent) were to be punished for partaking of the forbidden fruit. What happened to Eve was that, prior to the curse, when she was to have children she would not have felt any pain. But with the curse God said 'With Pain shall you bring forth children.' What seemed to happen, to my way of thinking, is that mankind was perfect with 24 chromosomes right in the beginning. Because of the CURSE God altered mankind’s genetic structure, merging the first and second chromosomes together, which not only caused women to feel pain in childbirth, but possibly led to many of our diseases and other things to do with a fallen or altered nature. There is another interesting "23". The earth is tilted on a perfect 23Degrees axis. Perhaps, to actually cause the heavens to give forth the rain for the flood, the bursting of the vapour canopy was caused by God changing the degrees of the earth’s axis from a perfect "24" to the new, altered, 23Degrees axis. An interesting idea, isn't it?



The fall of Adam and Eve teaches us many lessons. But one of the most important ones is this: immediately after declaring their punishment God made clothes of animal skin to ‘HIDE’ the nakedness of Adam and Eve. Because Adam and Eve, after eating the forbidden fruit, gained knowledge of good and evil, God gave them clothing to start teaching them the fundamental lesson that they needed to choose ‘Goodness’ when confronted with a situation in which good and evil were involved. They knew they were naked immediately, but God clothed them very quickly, and helped them in their ‘sinful state’. God shows he cares by doing this. You see, the fundamental lesson we can learn from this historical event is this: God knows we have already chosen to have knowledge of good and evil, but he sets us an example by clothing us to help us to choose the ‘GOOD’. God wants us to choose goodness as opposed to evil in ALL our life choices, and helped us to make that choice right there at the beginning by clothing us.

Thus, in all our life circumstance were decisions are to be made which involve good and evil, God has already given us an example that he wants us to ‘Choose the GOOD’.

We must make ‘GOOD’ and ‘POSITIVE’ and ‘LIFE AFFIRMING’ choices in every choice we make through our lives. God desired ‘GOOD’ and ‘HOLY’ people who make the ‘RIGHT’ Choices.


Children of Noah need to be "Children of Peace". The world’s most popular sign or symbol for Peace is usually the 'DOVE'. As fortune would have it, one of the key symbols for Noah's covenant, alongside the Rainbow, is the 'Dove'.

The Dove represents Peace, Purity and sacrifice in biblical language. They were used in official sacrifices because of their gentle nature and their purity for sacrificial food.

What we as "Children of Peace" and "Children of Noah" need to be are "Sacrifices of Peace" to all mankind. We need to sacrifice our own egos, desires and ambitions on the altar of Yahweh in service to all mankind for the "Peace Offering" which will heal ALL the children of Adam & Eve and 'Noah'.

Children of Peace are not interested in violence or bloodshed. We are interested in bringing healing when others would bring pain. We are interested in bringing love, when others would bring hate. We are interested in bringing 'Peace' when others would bring 'War'.

We strive to be friendly and at "Peace" with our neighbour and fellow citizens. We are lawful and try to be Just in all our dealings. We are gentle and soft and kindhearted. We are Children of Peace and Children of the Dove.



It is never easy or pleasant to have to deal with hostility. To deal with deceitful men and violent men can often be the very bane and hardest part of our lives. Sometimes, especially in youth, we can be confronted with people who don't show any affection towards us and are even judgemental, hostile and violent.

Because children of Noah are meant to be a peaceful and friendly people, it can be difficult to know how we are supposed to react.

In Isaiah 53 the suffering servant did not 'Yell Out' or 'bitterly accuse' his oppressors. Instead he went silently to his slaughter.

Children of Noah need to be 'Meek' and 'Gentle' in the face of opposition. We need to return 'Love' for 'Hate', and 'Gentleness' for 'Hostility'.

We need to serve as an example to those who oppress us of the patience and love of Almighty God.

On a societal level the Police have an important role. These brave souls are required by God to confront the lawless members of our society and deal with evil on a day to day basis. If God calls you to the Police force it is because you have the strength of character to deal with this work. Judges and law courts also have important responsibilities in confronting evil and we must always support them by being upright citizens and making their jobs easier. Ultimately, though, regular everyday children of Noah need to be gentle and peaceful. A quiet and sensible flock of God our shepherd, quietly going about life and keeping the peace. We only confront evil as a last absolute, and then only with special roles in society for people equipped to do as such.



Here is a proverb: "The World lies at the Feet of a disciplined Man"

A disciplined man has the ability to:

* Pray, because he finds the time to do this daily on routine.

* Study, because he is motivated and WORKS hard to achieve his goals.

* Teach others, because his inspiration from God leads him to work to strengthen society.

* Achieve success, because he gets up every morning dutifully for work, is disciplined enough to follow the correct work procedures, is disciplined enough to work his FULL allotment of hours without shirking, is disciplined enough to attend ALL work meetings and is disciplined enough to show a good attitude and ethic to his employers. Being disciplined means having the ability to work hard under the Authority of God who will lead you and PUSH you to achieve the kind of goals you are capable of. It is a true saying, "The World lies at the feet of a disciplined man'.



Have you noticed how when people say kind things about your personality it makes you feel good. And have you also noticed that when people insult you or say nasty things about your friends or family that you feel bad and negative. So much of how we react to other people in life is not only in what they do but what they SAY. Words have power. It has been said 'The Pen is Mightier than the sword' and how true that is.

Perhaps the greatest public speaker of all time was Jesus of Nazareth. The gospel says Jesus spoke with 'Authority.' Perhaps the real key to this authority was that it challenged the established ruling class of the Sanhedrin priesthood.
Our greatest political leaders usually have that about them as well - a sense of authority. As if they have something we all want to listen to, and a divine mandate to speak these words.
In life, the words you yourself speak come from your own authority - your own personal power. They reflect you perfectly and communicate to others what you are about and what you believe.
They have the power to speak positively and the power to speak negatively.


These are my personal judgements for what should be part of the practices of Haven Noahide fellowship No tattoos - this is a deliberate marring of the flesh

No Cuttings of the flesh - a deliberate marring of the flesh

No ear-rings or nose-rings through holes in flesh - a deliberate marring of the flesh
Fingernails: Fingernails always grow back and continue to grow if uncut. As such it
is the right thing to do to trim fingernails. God designed us to trim
our fingernails.
Facial Hair: Facial hair, like fingernails, always grows back and continues to grow. It is entirely appropriate to trim facial hair and even be fully shaved if someone desires to. Because the hair grows back and continues to grow it can be
styled according to fashion if desired.
Women's hair length: Women may cut their hair short in the western style of they so wish. Women's hair likewise continues to grow back so this is a non-issue. Being fashionable and practical are important principles for women.
Makeup: Makeup to cover blemishes is important, but women should not be ashamed of their own particular 'NATURAL' look as well. As such a woman who refuses to wear makeup should not be ashamed at the look her creator naturally gave her. Our natural look is beautiful in God's eyes, and never an issue of shame. However it is entirely appropriate to use makeup to cover blemishes as this can cause personal embarrassment otherwise and God cares about our feelings.
Cigarettes: These very often cause cancer and other diseases and should not be used or, if used, only smoked in very small quantities (a few cigarettes a year).
Alcohol: Can cause all sorts of health problems and needs to be kept to a minimum.
Drunkeness should be completely avoided.
Illegal drugs: We should not use these because civic law forbids it. However, in countries were they are legal, all health concerns about the drugs need to be taken into consideration.



It is so easy to answer someone sharply or aggressively. It is so easy to be proud and think we know better than others and, out of that pride, answer back as if we know it all. But God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. Being gentle is the call of all the children of Noah. We have to be strong people, but we have to show our strength through our gentleness. Being gentle means being soft. It means being kind to people, even when they show their harsher sides to us. It means being meek and timid like. It means having NO AGGRESSION. God wants children of Noah to be very, very GENTLE. To be soft, kind and pure. Seek gentleness.



One of my personal proverbs is this: "To succeed - Persevere". You see, completing a work task, especially a long and complicated one, takes a lot of effort and often is not done at one sitting or at one go. To gain success in achieving goals you need to be committed to your goal and work steadily to achieve it. Success does not come through a half-hearted attempt at achieving glory. It comes through patient, careful, thoughtful and methodical planning - and then working to that plan to carefully achieve your goals. There are some principles for reaching goals:

* Start with the end in mind

* If at first you don't succeed, try, try again

* A good beginning makes a good ending

* A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step

Often, to succeed in life, we need to simply get of our butts and actually make a beginning to a project. But to achieve the ultimate goals we have in life, you must PERSEVERE. This means facing up to challenges and obstacles and doing your best to work through them. It means honestly facing up to the challenge and doing the required work for success. If you desire success, God will provide the means for you to achieve it. Your part is to make a good start and persevere.



Members of Haven need to really learn this important truth. God loves us, dearly. But it is also a real truth that God has not yet completed perfecting planet earth, and a lot more work needs to be done in improving our societies and bringing wealth and blessings. We can get so frustrated because of our lack of blessing in life, and we often end up blaming God and saying he doesn’t really care about us and doesn’t answer our prayers. It is true – a lot of the time God doesn’t answer our prayers for blessings, especially finances, and we are left wondering if he really cares about us or is devoted to us.

 There is this saying popular in the western world – ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ A lot of the time God will simply provide us with the knowledge we need to be able to go about doing the work on gaining our OWN blessing from our OWN hard work. God wants to see in members of Haven Noahide Fellowship the attitude that WE will take care of our own lives as well as his own input. You see, God is making leaders and holy people out of us, and training us to be responsible and take care of things ourselves. He doesn’t want us to always have to rely upon him, especially when we are capable of getting our own blessing through our own perseverance. When there are challenges in life, especially the challenge of low incomes, God wants us to do everything in our power to work hard and look for all the opportunities we possibly can in life to further our own situation.

A big part of that and a real key to success, wether you notice this immediately or not in the first instance, is gaining a very good education. I am not just talking about qualifications from schools and colleges and universities, but real life education as well. If you have internet access LEARN as much as you can. Seek out ‘Good Advice’ websites, and also seek out websites on basic things such as ‘Mathematical knowledge’ and ‘Language teaching’ and ‘History websites’ and ‘Geography websites (Ie Maps of the world etc) and all sorts of knowledge and information. You must commit to ‘Lifelong’ learning. A very, very good start is to buy a dictionary, even a small one, and learn a new word every day to increase your vocabulary. Try and learn the meanings of words that you don’t know and talk with a partner or a friend about the word and try and bring it into a conversation. Remember, language is how we communicate in society, so the more words you know, the stronger your communication skills, and the better your chances of success in life. Often success can be done not just through exterior schoolings, but simply our own home efforts to improve were and when we can. Dictionaries are an excellent way to start and should be studied regularly. If you can afford an ‘Atlas’ (maps of the world) this is an excellent idea, and it really is worth studying the names of the countries of the world and their capital cities and major geographical features. Remember, nations don’t change their names a lot, so learning who else is in your world and about them and STAYING INFORMED and BROADENING YOUR KNOWLEDGE is always the best thing to do.

A good lesson is to ‘DO THE BEST WITH WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.’ With the things God has already provided for you, learn to make use of them already. If you have access to the internet remember to spend whatever time you have learning new things. A useful thing to do when wanting to know about something on the internet is also typing in ‘wikipedia’ with whatever you want to look up as wikipedia has a lot of information. Try looking up online dictionaries if you need to and just learn a new word from an online dictionary every now and again, write it down or try to remember it, and talk about it with your partner or friends and family. Remember this truth – ‘THE BETTER EDUCATED A SOCIETY, THE MORE WEALTH AND PROSPERITY WILL COME TO IT’.

So remember, when you find all these frustrations in life, DON’T BLAME GOD, but try to do the very best with what he has already provided for you. When you persevere at life and work hard the blessing inevitably comes. So, DON’T GIVE UP, KEEP THE FAITH, TRUST IN THE LORD, AND LOVE ALWAYS AT ALL TIMES.



The Rainbow Torah records Adam and Eve becoming one flesh as husband and wife. In fact, a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh.

Marriage between a man and a woman is a fundamental and natural human relationship. When we are born into the world from a very young age there is a yearning to be close with people, and it is in the union of marriage upon a suitable age that the most defining of life’s relationships can arise. Marriage between man and woman can bring children – more people in the human race. Certainly, children can be born outside of the marital relationship, but when marriage occurs, strengthened by the bonds of commitment and love, a happier home for children ensues, one in which they can be taught traditional family values and become pillars in their society.

Haven stresses the ‘Normality’ of the choice of marriage and that, in most circumstances, this should be the normal choice a human being would make for their life upon a suitable age. Certainly, we are of the opinion that many people choose to remain single throughout their lives, feeling marriage is not for them. We do not condemn such choices, and respect people’s fundamental human right not to marry if they so choose. But we do strongly recommend marriage and stress that it should be considered the ‘Usual’ or ‘Normal’ course of action for a human being upon becoming mature enough to marry.

Marriage is intended to be an important union between man and woman, is a fundamental aspect of the Rainbow Bible, and Haven Noahide Fellowship upholds and maintains this tradition completely.

Marriage rites and ceremonies can be determined by the individual’s marrying, but there is no problem in national customs in marriage being followed by members of Haven Noahide Fellowship.



It can be such a problem in today’s world for people to find acceptance with other people, with spiritual communities and with business organisations and society in general. It seems that so many people often don’t fit well with the group, and are often ostracized or kept out because of it.

As Noahides we need to remember that all mankind today are children of Noah, and that all are valuable and important in God’s eyes because of it. Haven promotes tolerance and acceptance of people who find it difficult to relate to other people in various ways. As a fellowship we have standards which, while accepting such practices are an active part of the lives of many of the children of Noah, tend to discourage or frown upon such practices being performed in hedonistic or vagrant and vulgar ways. These are certain sexual and magical practices. However it is very important that such people who violate these practices still find a home and acceptance with us. To a degree, in how outspoken they are in their practices, they can still be members of Haven Noahide Fellowship – it all depends how much they flaunt their lifestyle to the embarrassment of others. If they live a moderate lifestyle, obeying the civil laws of society which do not forbid these practices, then they are acceptable enough to become members of Haven Noahide Fellowship. It is important enough to state the general viewpoint of the fellowship in our compliance with the biblical way in general to such people, but we must also practice enormous grace, mercy and friendship towards all people so that they can find a true home in Haven. As Christina Aguilera sings, we are all beautiful in God’s eyes, and Haven is meant to be a ‘Haven’ for all the children of Noah.

But it is not just people with divergent lifestyles which we need to accept – we must accept all lawful people into our fellowship who desire to join and find a home. We must continually show all members of our fellowship grace, kindness, mercy, respect and love. We should treat them as if they are Noah himself, as we must remember we are all Noah’s beloved children in God’s eyes. We must have a heart which does not discriminate against people of vibrant alternative ways of life, yet tolerates and accepts in love such people as children of Noah worthy of our affections.

If you take it for granted that God loves you and shows you grace, so should be your attitude towards all the children of Noah.



The first man, Adam, had children. And these children were made in the image of God, as Genesis 5 relates. A fundamental purpose for us as human beings is to marry and procreate. Procreation is having children, for God desires many children amongst mankind.

When raising children there are many lessons that society has learned over a long period of time to ensure children turn out for the best. I feel the most important of all lessons are those which focus on the morality of the child – those lessons which teach the child to choose right over wrong and make the best decisions.

Morality, of course, should be in harmony with both God’s own teaching for us as well as the laws of society. So many problems appear in the teenage years, such as drunkardness, drug-use, and wild and reckless behaviour, which could be avoided in a large degree if the parent’s exercised a stronger sense of teaching the child morality and lawfulness. So much of the time children grow up with the belief that they are a law unto themselves, and only in later years do they start to realize they have responsibilities not only to themselves, but to society in general, and that being a moral and law abiding citizen is how these responsibilities are met.


Not all of us, it seems, are destined to marry. And this is, really, not wrong. Many people enjoy the single life and the blessing of being able to do things for themselves without the obligations of a partner and children. Yet a single life still has a responsibility to interact with society, and should not separate to its own little world, were problems of insular behaviour can often result.

If you have chosen the single life it is still very important to interact with whatever family you have, or have strong friendships or relationships with a spiritual community. No man or woman is a rock or an island, and we all share this planet together. Even as a single person you still have some sort of obligation to be a member of your society and show other people in your society you care and are concerned about them and society as a whole. You still need to contribute ‘Yourself’ to society, as you are an important and cherished part of God’s plan for the world.

There is a sense that the most regular lifestyle chosen for a child of Noah should be to raise children, as God did command Noah and his seed to do as such, but in a world today with over 6 Billion people we don’t have to worry that much about the fulfilling of this command as there are so many people. But it is still important to procreate and replace ourselves if we can.

Yet there is no shame in the single life, and such people should still strive to be a valuable and important contributing member of the society in which they live.



This Rainbow Bible with its list of sermons is meant to give an introductory idea and feel of the simplicity of faith in God and walking with him as a child of Noah. Really, we can complicate things if we wish to and, in life, sometimes things can get complicated. But spirituality is meant to have a simple essence of simply ‘Doing the right thing’. Christians often use the slogan ‘WWJD’ which stands for ‘What Would Jesus Do’. While that is admirable for Christians, perhaps as Noahides we could ask ‘WWND’ or ‘What Would Noah Do’.

In all of life’s difficulties you are not going to find an answer to every question in a book. You are going to have to think for yourself and put some real ‘Heart and Soul’ into solving your lifes difficulties. As a spiritual person your real quest is to do the right thing in each circumstance you find yourself in life and be a good representative of the name of your father ‘Noah’. God is there for each and every child of Noah, and as we continue to learn from others and for ourselves let us rest in the grace which comes from the love and benevolence of our Almighty Heavenly Father.



In our walk with the God of Noah, there is a purpose. There is a point. We are born into this world and it seems for so many that we arrive at our 18th year starting to ask questions about why we are here and what it is all about.

For those of us in Haven Noahide Fellowship we have found the answer. To serve God as children of Noah living lives pleasing to him. And a large part of that life process, were we are heading, is become virtuous people.

Virtues are qualities or character traits which define us. Characteristics of our personality which shine though in our behaviours. And virtues are meant to be understood as positive, moral or life-affirming characteristics.

Here is a list of some important virtues:





























 To understand what each of these virtues are, simply look them up in a dictionary for their meaning. But most of us instinctively know what these words mean.

You see, a large part of our overall virtue is putting into practice these characteristics, studying out ideas and ways of life which will inculcate them into our nature, and persevering with them, which is a virtue in an of itself, to see a real change in our lives to become virtuous people.

The main character of virtue are words which are synonymous with virtue, such as righteousness, holiness and godliness. Through listening to people teach on the ways of a good life and by carefully putting into practice positive ideals and, when we fall short of these ideals, repenting of our carnal or sinful or simply slack behaviours, we reinforce the teaching of virtue in our life and progress in our walk with God becoming the kind of children of God that he will be proud to call his own.

So strive for being virtuous and committed to a lifestyle of holiness. It will be a garland around your neck which will make you the joy of your family and your community.



If you are a member of Haven Noahide Fellowship, believe me it is no accident. God has placed you in our spiritual body for a reason – to find yourself in a spiritual haven, but also to be a haven to others, in fact to be a haven to all the children of Noah, mankind today.

You are important to God and he has brought you into Haven Noahide Fellowship because you will be taught things here, things on love of God, respect of your fellow man, the ways of practical holiness, the ways of virtue and hopefully biblically acceptable and correct doctrine.

We are not God’s only spiritual fellowship, but we are a dedicated and serious one. We aim to help all members in our fellowship and the pastors desire to care for the flock as their dearly beloved children, children of Noah and children of God. Because of this attitude you can believe me when I say You are important to God because he has brought you into a place were his knowledge is taught, were the father of Glory is glorified alone, and were we attempt to live in peace and harmony with all mankind, not threatening them, but showing them the kind of love that God has so graciously shown us.

You are important to God. Remember that. You are loved, cared about, valued and cherished. Every single member who commits to Haven Noahide Fellowship is meant to be valued and treated with care, to be shown respect and love, never belittled or mocked, never derided or insulted, but shown the kind of spiritual haven that the deepest desire of their soul truly craves.

You are important to God. Never forget that.



Sharing your faith can be a daunting thing. But today, in the emerging world, it is thankfully becoming a little easier to be able to speak your beliefs without being criticized so strongly.

Members of Haven Noahide Fellowship are encouraged to share their faith in ways which they feel comfortable with and are not scared of doing. We will never ask you to do anything you don’t want to do in the sharing of your faith, and if you are ever confronted with a challenge to share your beliefs in a way that scares you, we encourage you to speak to your pastor and share your fears. He will always understand.

If you are a person of courage and boldness and are happy to share your faith, this is a wonderful thing. But God made all of us differently, and some people are shy and intimidated in being bold with their beliefs. And this is exactly how God made them and absolutely nothing at all to be ashamed of.

We can all be witnesses for our faith and our beliefs, and we should all strive when we feel it is possible to have courage to share with others. But not everyone is born with skills of evangelism, and this is perhaps a calling for those who feel the spirit move them in such a way.

But sharing your real faith – sharing the only faith which has lasting value – is sharing the faith of love. Loving your fellow human, showing them grace and kindness and being the kind of person they will be attracted to spiritual anyway. If you can be a vessel of love for mankind, you will be surprised that it will not be you that has to seek out people – it will be people seeking out you for your wisdom and insight. So share your faith in a way you are comfortable with, and let love and grace be in all the words you speak.


Are angels real? Do spiritual beings apart from God really exist? If you have regular internet access and are curious about angels I encourage you to type in search terms like ‘Angel stories’ or ‘Angel encounters’ or something similar. There are numerous websites, message boards and discussion forums which all speak about encounters with what people call ‘Angels.’

Having a focus on angels is a good thing in life, but when we do so it should be on angels of goodness and angels of light. Of course, we must remember it is God who gives the angels their powers and responsibilities and we must always remember who is at the top of the divine hierarchy and not lose this focus. Any focus we have on angels must be sensible and in proportion with a proper respect for God himself as the first and foremost love of our life. Angelic spirituality is an excellent thing and I welcome and desire all such activity in Haven Noahide Fellowship. They are ambassadors of God, bring good tidings, and with our guardian angels we can be protected from many of the hazards of life which unfortunately so often beset each and every one of us.




In nature there is the physical aspect of things which we see, feel, touch, hear and smell which are obvious to all of us. But since ancient days in so many diverse cultures there has been another truth – the truth of spirit or animistic awareness. Everything which has been created has a ‘Spirit’ associated with it. From rocks and minerals, to plants and animals and human beings, there is a spiritual energy associated with creation. For example, have you ever noticed feelings from youth and earlier years, and feeling these things later on in life. And to start with they may not be noticeable, but when people point it out it is very noticeable and you start noticing it all the time. Places as well have a spirit associated with them. What might be termed the ‘Ambience’ of a place is a specific spiritual ocean of spirit energy appropriate to that location.

Animism, as it is called, is part of Yahweh’s design in nature. It is the spiritual soul of creation, and it could well be that such spiritual energy is also the stuff of heaven and the stuff of our dreamselves.

Animism should not be shunned our disdained, but wholeheartedly embraced and researched with good conscience. It is the true spiritual substance of creation, and an important part of the spiritual awareness and sixth sense of our lives and existence.



When God created Adam and put him in the garden he told him to tend the garden. This was one of the duties of Adam – to look after the Garden of Eden.

God loves his creation. There are numerous psalms which speak of the love of God towards his creation, for it is his personal handiwork and he delights in it. It thus stands to perfect reason that God wants the best for his creation, and earth, being the pinnacle of his work, is meant to be preserved and looked after.

Being environmentally focused or ‘Green Minded’ is supposed to be a preoccupation for all the children of Adam and Eve. Having concern for nature and flora and fauna – plants and animals – and our reserves of ores and minerals – is a fundamental part of the management task God has entrusted mankind to do.

Mankind is the pinnacle of God’s created living beings. As such, made in the very image of God, we are responsible to watch over his creation as the ultimate ‘Gardeners’ of Eden, and preserve for all future generations and forever this beautiful paradise of creation which God has entrusted to us to watch over.


The Doctrine of Justice is the hallmark of proper law. Proper law makes it the priority of truth being brought to light, and judgement, accurate judgement, being made on the truth. Legal rulings and procedures violated in the pursuit of justice may be admissible for the sake of justice, if the doctrine of protection is upheld. The doctrine of protection in this case states that were no physical or grievous harm would occur, then investigations which would otherwise be illegal, in hindsight, would be permissible for the sake of justice. An investigating officer may make illegal searches and documents and material admissible if the sake of justice is at stake and they seem merely 'Relevant' or 'Reasonably Possible' determiners in the case. Yet the doctrine of Protection is limited by just that – that it protects. The Doctrine of harm, conversely, equates that if an investigating officer, in attempting to find the truth, acts in a grievously harmful manner, the principle that his injustice allows for another justice to be arrived is invalid. Yet, it is all based on the scale of relative justices and injustices. You can not commit a wrong to make a right. Yet sometimes you must commit a wrong to make a right. It is an issue of justice for the scales of justice, and the weighing of illegal investigation must be balanced against the need and degree of the justice at hand. If a case requires a stricter judgement, and even more so involving cases affecting the public good and knowledge and interest, then a greater degree of tolerance in investigative procedure is permitted. And this is not judged by law, but by judgement of the judge – his or her sober opinion. At the conclusions of cases, greater insight may have been gained on the nature of all the evidence presented in the case, and appeals may be lodged were evidence which may not have been thought relevant for the case of justice appears that it might indeed be relevant.

Further, the Doctrine of Justice dismisses factors of cases dismissed on mere technicalities (the bane of law) out of hand in most respects if it can be demonstrated that the pursuit of justice would likely results in a differing result than the technicality excludes. In essence, if it is known that a party is guilty by the facts at hand, or quite probably guilty, then a technicality may not be justified to excuse the guilt of the party and Justice must be pursued, not the letter of the law of procedures.



Salvation is having an eternal relationship with God. Not a temporal one – not one of a few hundred, a few thousand or even a few million years. It is one of ETERNITY.

And this relationship can and should be found by everyone.

Only in GOD can we expect to have eternal life. Only by HIS power can we hope to live forever. For Yahweh is the source of life, love, morality, truth and peace. In HIS Kingdom – in HIS knowledge – we gain Salvation and enjoy eternal life.



Noahide Tales


Elam and Asshur’s Lesson

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)


Grandpa Noah was in the vineyard one fine day, picking grapes. Young Elam and Asshur, his grandsons through Shem, were also busy picking some grapes. Just then, Elam yelled out. ‘Grandpa Noah! Quick! There is a Lion,’ said Elam, pointing to a lion which was approaching them. Noah told Elam and Asshur to stand behind him, and he reached for his spear. The Lion came closer and closer. The situation was tense. And, suddenly, it sprang at Noah. Yet, brave Grandpa Noah, spear in hand, pierced the Lion in the heart, and it died, slowly bleeding to death.


Elam looked at the dying Lion. ‘It might make good food, Grandpa. What do you think?’ Noah looked down at the dying Lion. ‘Lion’s are unclean animals, young Elam. The covenant our great God has made with us does permit us to eat unclean animals, yet I feel it is perhaps not always for the best. And, of course, we may never eat the blood of any animal.’ Asshur looked at his Grandpa. ‘Why can’t we eat the blood?’ Noah came over to Asshur, scruffed him on the head, and replied. ‘The life is in the blood young Asshur. It is what sustains and gives us life. God has forbidden us eating it because of that reason.’ ‘I see,’ replied Asshur.


They dragged the Lion to the edge of the Vineyard and placed stones over the body to hide it from vultures.


What was it like before the flood?’ Elam asked his grandfather. Noah, wiping the sweat from his brow, looked down at his young grandson. ‘They were violent times, young Elam. Violent times. People hated each other. They stole from each other rampantly – nobody’s possessions were ever safe. And even some of the wicked men worshipped carved idols made of animals and sea creatures, even the stars and moon. They worshipped these idols and mistakenly believed that these were the spirits of life who ruled the world. Often, such men insulted those of the LORD who tried to teach them the right way, even insulting the glory of the LORD. They blasphemed his holy name and despised our ancient traditions. Men would sleep with other Men’s wives, and even with each other which the LORD hates. It was, young Elam, in truth the most immoral of times in our history. And because of this – because the wickedness was so great – God judged the world and sent the great flood.’ Elam nodded, soberly taking in that information.


Grandpa,’ began Asshur. ‘What can we do to make sure the world never becomes like that again?’ Noah looked at him firmly. ‘The LORD commands us to make Law Courts. To have judges who judge our communities to ensure that we obey God and live in peace with each other. My child, we must have mercy and patience with those who transgress God’s holy laws, as he is merciful and patient with us. But, if they continue to disobey, we must punish them to preserve the law, order and peace in the world. By doing such we bring happiness to the world – we continue to make it a better place – returning it to the glory of Eden. Dear Grand-children. Every time you look at the Rainbow, think on these laws, and with your children and your children’s children, teach them, everlastingly so, to be faithful to God and the laws of holiness.’ Elam and Asshur looked up at their wise grandfather, smiled, and returned to picking grapes. And another day passed in the life of Noah and those who God had redeemed from the rest of mankind.


Japheth's Concerns

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

Japheth, one afternoon, in the vineyard of his father, was looking at the grapes. Some grapes were looking ripe, and they had picked them most of the day, he and his brothers. But after the first gleaning, Noah had come up to him and stayed his hand.

'There are many of us now, son. Our community has grown, and some of my great-grand-children are not hard workers.'

'They are lazy, father,' said Japheth sombrely.

'Which, I guess, is how the Lord made them. Yet leave the grapes. Let the poor always choose from after the first gleaning, and let them always be at peace that our family will provide charity for those less able.'

Japheth's own grand children, and there were many, had amongst their numbers a few who were not entirely given over to the labour's he'd endured building the ark. There, they had saved the world, and mankind had been born anew, but some took this so much for granted. How hopeless the heart of so many of God's own children.

But as he walked along, and looked at the grapes, and looked at the barrel full of grapes, the Lord spoke to his heart.

'See, child, how there are some fat and healthy grapes, without blemish, pure and enjoyable to eat. And see also how some are less healthy, and blemished, and of poor condition.'

'I do see that,' said Japheth.

'In a way, that is life. There are those who strive and succeed, for they are healthy, and made well and shine in the image of their heavenly father. But there are others, less fortunate, who do not have the abilities and skills of others, and are less fortunate and less graced with passion for life.'

'The blemished,' thought Japheth to himself.

'Yet all are grapes, and all make wine,' said the Spirit to Japheth's heart.

Japheth learned mercy that day, realising not all God's children were given what other's were. Yet all were family, and all deserving of the love of God and their brethren.

And another day passed in the life of those redeemed amongst mankind.




The Raven and the Dove

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

The Raven sat on the branch, contemplating the scene below. Three tireless workers, and the older father figure, toiling away, working on the big boat. The raven heard the term, often, 'Ark of Salvation', which it seemed to understand as referring to the Ark but, as Raven's were not as smart as humans, was not quite sure.

The Dove, sitting up the branch a little, also surveying the scene, turned to the Raven and asked. 'Why is the boat so big? Are they planning on travelling far, do you think?'

The Raven considered the question before responding 'God only knows.'

Months came and went, and the Raven and the Dove, having come aboard the Ark, were up near the side window, which the old man had opened that day, as it had finally stopped raining. 'Freaky,' said the Raven, looking out. 'There is water everywhere.'

'It is all the rain, dear Raven,' replied the Dove.
'You know, Dove, if this is the only boat and all the others have drowned, then I don't think I will ever leave the boat. It will probably end in no good, if you know what I mean. Leave this boat and who knows what trouble you could get in to.'
The dove considered the Raven's point, yet replied. 'I will take my chances. I mean, how possibly bad could it be? What, would they kill me or something?'
'Maybe,' said the Raven. 'But this God thing the old man speaks about, I think he sent all the rain. You better not be too cocky, or he will punish you as well.'
'Oh, I am not worried. There are plenty of doves here, and I think we will be fine.'
'Whatever,' said the Raven.

And time passed.

And the old man opened the window, and let the Raven go. The Raven flew out and looked all around, finding no safe land anywhere, so returned to the Ark. The old man took him back in, and petted his head lovingly. The Raven looked at the dove. 'I am never leaving, you know. Never leaving the old man. He has taken care of us when everything else was destroyed.' The dove nodded, starting to understand.

A little later on the Dove was released, found an olive leaf, but in considering the words of the Raven returned to be safe and sound.

Yet, in the testing of the dove, the dove was released again, and decided, because of the newness of the world - how it had been refreshed - that it would leave the man and take its chances. It would see just were its own freedom in life could take it.

Yet the Raven remained. And as years past, and as the communities of Ravens and Doves grew once more, the Raven kept in mind the lesson of the Ark and the Flood and, seeing the Old man's descendants sacrifice doves regularly, it wondered to itself just how long it would take before the Dove realized that, at the end, when the second and final punishment came, that there would be only one safe place then, and that was with the old man and the Ark.





Noah and the 7th Rainbow

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)


Noah had been collecting rainbows. Well, maybe, that was a strange way of putting it. Rainbows. You could hardly collect the sign of God’s great covenant with him and his children. They were made of colours – how could you collect colours? They sat in the sky, on rainy days, happy, lovely, beaming their glory. Beautiful. And now he had collected 6 of them – 5 more since the first magnificent, glorious one, he had seen on the day of the covenant. And now he waited for the seventh rainbow.


In heaven, there were 7 Seraphim Angels of Glory which watched over the children of Noah. These were the 7 Noahide Angels. They were not the 7 Archangels in waiting, which one day God would send to the people of Israel. Nor were they the 7 angels of the Man from Nazareth and his followers, or the 7 angels of the Prophet from what would become Mecca and his followers. Those latter groups of 7 angels were made, before the days of creation, put aside for those peoples of the books, to guide them in all their tribulations.


But the 7 Seraphim Angels of Glory were Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Phanuel and Saruviel. They were the eternal Noahide Archangels of Glory.


And Saruviel, the seventh angel, dropped down to see Noah seated upon the rock with his wife Titea, looking out at the raining valley, and with his great power, upon the will of the Most High, brought forth the sun and clouds in a particular manner, and the 7th Rainbow of Noah’s life shone forth in all its glory.


There,’ said Titea. ‘The 7th Rainbow. You can now rest in peace.’

And Noah said ‘Amen.’



Ham on the Grog

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

'Stuff him,' said Ham.
Titea softened, and straightened her dress, and sat down with Ham on board of the rotting ark.
'Your father is concerned, Ham. That is no attitude to have.'
'I saw him naked, you know. Stupid Shem and Japheth covered him up, but I saw the old man. Thinks he's too holy to show himself to the world.'
'You would mock your father's holiness,' she queried.
'Not his holiness,' said Ham. 'He doesn't have any. We worked for a century on that ark. And over and over again we check for holes and leaks, all to satisfy the whims of the Almighty.'
'Do you think those precautions were unnecessary.'
'He has an attitude. Authoritarian. Shem is just like that. More so, I reckon. Up himself.'
Naamah spoke up. 'Noah, when he was young, saw a lot of the heart of man, Ham. The Almighty chose our family from the world, and we were saved. Do you think he can afford to be anything but careful.'
'Stuff him,' said Ham, yet again.
'He'll curse you,' said Shem softly, eating a bit of meat.'
'Go drain the blood of your lamb, and Noah can get stuffed,' responded Ham.
A figure, which had been sleeping, stirred. Noah sat up, rubbed away some gunk from his eyes, and looked at his son Ham.
'You don't listen to Titea either,' said Noah. 'Your own daughter, and you don't even take her wise counsel.'
'She married you,' said Ham. 'She's no daughter of mine.'
'Your insolent,' Noah said to him.
'He's right,' said Canaan, to Noah. 'You are an authoritarian. You have no grace. You and your blasted God have no grace. Father tells me what it was like before the flood. You thought yourself better then them all. You refused to save those who might have been. If you had cared. If you hadn't been so blasted holy.'
No glared at his grand-son Canaan, and a curse settled into his thoughts. But that curse was uttered later that day, in Shem's presence, and Shem remembered it, but refused to speak of it later to Ham and Canaan. Neither was he terribly impressed with the attitude of Ham, who had been on grog far too much of recent times.
Canaan suddenly got angry, stood and looked at Noah. 'Your an old fool,' he lashed out of him, and stormed out of the ark.
'Forgive him,' said Titea to Noah softly.
But Noah had fixed an opinion of his son's, and would not relent of his anger.



  Magog's indiscretion

(A Very Short Noahide Story – by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly)

'I don't like the way he is looking at her,' said Noah. 'He should know better. Titea is embarrassed.'

'I don't think Magog is an idiot,' replied Naamah, mother of Shem, Ham and Japheth.

'I don't like it,' said Noah.

Magog found himself alone with Titea, one afternoon. She was gathering grapes in the vineyard, and he touched her from behind.

'No, Magog. It's wrong,' she replied.

'Noah doesn't love you. Not like I do,' he said. 'Lay with me. I will sire you an empire. I promise you.' And with such vain words he

wooed her, and she succumbed.

When Boath was born 9 months later, Noah had calmed down. He loved the child, and knew him as his great-grand son. But his anger

at Magog's transgression was known to the whole community.

'Forgive me,' Titea pleaded her husband Noah. 'But you have given me no offspring, and now, it seems, you won't again. For your

zest seems hampered.'

'It is not to lust at all times. It is for the chosen of the Lord to abstain also, and show chastity. You have ruined my name.'

'Then do not let the details abound into perpetuity,' she responded. 'Let me be a figure for Boath's generations, and let that be its

own tradition, my beloved. I will keep my faith with you now. I will not succumb again.'

Noah cradled her, and looked over at the sleeping Boath. What grand nation would such a child father? Who, indeed, would be

the generations of Boath? Who indeed.

The End


The Primary Praise Songs for the 7 Divine Fellowships

 Song Lyrics Written by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


Song 1 – Praise God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Oh what joy it is

To praise Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

The Haven of my Soul’s delight

The Lord Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Forever in our Father’s hands

Praise Almighty God


Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

Praise God

And let all the congregation sing

Glory to our God



Song 2 – Jehovah God of Glory


Jehovah God of Glory

Mighty in Battle

Vanquishing the enemy

Triumphant is he


Jehovah God of Glory

Splendid, Magnificent

Shining in his armour

He has the victory


Jehovah God of Glory

Defeating the enemy

Praise to our Creator

A Warrior is he


But all Jehovah’s Glory

For all of eternity

Is found in the simple truth

He loves both you and me



Song 3 – Jehovah the Magnificent


Jehovah is Eternal

Jehovah is All knowing

Jehovah the Magnificent

Until the end of Time


Jehovah is Infinite

Jehovah is Perfect

Jehovah God our Father

On Cherubim Enshrined


Congregation sing

Congregation shout

Congregation praise our God

He is forever kind


Praise our God Jehovah

Praise our God of Glory

Jehovah the Magnificent

The Lord our God Divine



Song 4 – The Peace and Joy of Serving God


The Peace and Joy of Serving God

Who made us all for his good pleasure

Is found in trusting in his word

And watching what we say


It’s found in keeping Godly homes

It’s found in raising happy children

And walking with Jehovah God

In Him we keep the faith


The Peace and Joy of Serving God

Who teaches us through holy word

Is marvelous enlightenment

Of heart and soul and mind


In serving him and trusting him

We find our hearts purest delight

And walking with Jehovah God

We find our peace of mind



Torah of Noah

The 253 Official Rules of the Kingdom of Noah

(aka The Kingdom of Noah Torah)


  1. Thou Shalt Not Kill

  2. Thou Shalt Do No Violence

  3. Thou Shalt Not Eat Blood

  4. Thou Shalt enjoy thy rock & roll, but thou shalt not let the party get out of hand

  5. Thou Shalt enjoy thy wine, but thou again shalt not let the party get out of hand

  6. Thy Rock & Roll parties on Saturday Night is generally the best way to go

  7. Thou Shalt not have thy personal rock and roll up too loud, and make sure it gets lower and lower as the night goes on to allow people their proper rest

  8. Thou shalt have thy teeth cleaned by water when you can

  9. Thou shalt get a good diet which must include some fruits and vegetables for proper health

  10. Thou shalt not eat too much meat – keep it to a minimum – too much is not good for the health

  11. Thou shalt be concerned about thy health

  12. Thou Shalt agree that you should not covet too much land to the detriment of thy neighbour’s right to also live on the land – you should not try and take it all, simply because you think you can just buy it, but you shall share your land and property with your neighbour to ensure peace, happiness, and enjoyment for all

  13. Thou shalt share thy natural resources of thy nation fairly amongst the citizens

  14. Thou shalt trade in equity, fairness and justice with all nations – do not attempt to prosper over them, but ensure they do not rip you off either – you shall have equitable, just and fair trade agreements

  15. Thou shalt make thy spare national resources available to other nations in exchange for their own resources which you can utilize

  16. Thou shalt trade fair resources for fair resources – neither party should profit unjustly over the other

  17. Thou shalt have concern for thy neighbours welfare and ensure they have access to life, liberty, happiness and the pursuit of their dreams

  18. Thou Shalt Wash Yourself after Sexual Relations to ensure no unpleasant substances affect you or others

  19. Thou Shalt Wash yourself regularly and keep yourself clean

  20. Thou Shalt Keep Tidy

  21. Thou Shalt realize that men have penises and women have vaginas – and that there is a difference between men and women in the way that God designed them

  22. Thou shalt realize that a feminine culture is a good idea for females and that a masculine culture is a good idea for males

  23. Thou Shalt Wash Your Clothes

  24. Thou Shalt Wear Clothes so as not to embarrass other people through thine nakedness

  25. Thou Shalt Not Eat the Forbidden Fruit

  26. Thou Shalt Not Steal

  27. Thou Shalt Not Rape

  28. Thou Shalt Wait until Puberty – Nature’s Signal – before practicing sexual relations

  29. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, as practicing sexual immorality if you have oathed to stay loyal to a partner is a sign of corruption and dishonour

  30. Thou Shalt realize that a woman who has children to more than one man is not wise

  31. Thou Shalt Honour Marriages as the foundation of a stable society

  32. Thou Shalt Treat each other with kindness and respect to build a stable society of trust and respect

  33. Thou Shalt realize that gay men can not commit sexual intercourse with each other and have babies

  34. Thou Shalt realize that the idea of gay marriages is pretty stupid as they can’t make baby's

  35. Thou Shalt practice kindness and loyalty to family members

  36. Thou Shalt have fair and true justice and judgements

  37. Thou Shalt not kidnap people

  38. Thou Shalt have a welfare system, thou shalt encourage education, and thou shalt attempt to contribute lawfulness and wisdom to the society to profit those dedicated to eternal life

  39. Thou Shalt budget carefully to ensure your spending is upon the important needs to maintain your household

  40. Thou Shalt exercise prudence and caution when it comes to the company and friendships that you keep – remember, not every supposed friend will act in your best interests or care for you properly

  41. Thou Shalt keep honest and true land boundary records

  42. Thou Shalt honour the law

  43. Thou Shalt not appoint a corrupt judge to office, and thou shalt dismiss a corrupt judge from office

  44. Thou Shalt not consult demonic entities for witchcraft

  45. Thou Shalt realize that Astrology is deceptive

  46. Thou Shalt realize that Tarot is a joke

  47. Thou Shalt realize that Magic is unethical manipulation of the rights of others through spellcraft

  48. Thou Shalt know that many people are offended by faggotry

  49. Thou Shalt know that transsexuals make some people vomit

  50. Thou Shalt realize that tattoos put some people off

  51. Thou Shalt know that coveting other peoples stuff leads to jealousy and envy and theft

  52. Thou Shalt get thine own stuff instead of being envious of thy neighbours

  53. Thou Shalt have concern for thine parents because they are raising you and feeding you in this world

  54. Thou Shalt not honour thy parents wishes if they intend sin for thee

  55. Thou Shalt not get drunk in public places – it inevitably leads to embarrassing behaviour and violence

  56. Thou Shalt not abuse cigarettes – keep your smoking practices under control and allow some time regularly for the body to abstain from cigarettes

  57. Thou Shalt avoid illicit drugs – if they become legal exercise caution

  58. Thou Shalt observe the traffic rules – if you speed, you will inevitably kill others or yourself

  59. Thou Shalt abide by common sense

  60. Thou Shalt not be proud of thine own efforts, for pride corrupts the heart into thinking itself greater than it actually is

  61. Thou Shalt realize that God made everything and designed everything – why is thine boast in a vain idol, a vain statue, a vain human, who sins constantly?

  62. Thou Shalt realize that your vain kings and queens are puffed up with pride, and attempting to usurp authority in place of God and his laws, which are true and just forever

  63. Thou Shalt realize that all civil codes are corrupted by human logic, not that of the divine, and allow sin in great quantities to prosper unchecked

  64. Thou Shalt realize that freedom of religion is freedom to sin, which is inevitable death, and regard all such societal rules which allow this as corrupt

  65. Thou Shalt repent of your sins

  66. Thou shalt not put too heavy loads of theological teaching on young minds as everyone needs to learn about the rules of life, and you can’t learn everything instantly or all at once – so thou shalt allow some people decent, fair and reasonable grace as they learn how to live

  67. Thou Shalt not worship idols

  68. Thou Shalt definitely enjoy having sexual relations with your partner when the marriage is consummated, and seeing all their bodily assets is what life is all about.

  69. Thou Shalt avoid corrupt people

  70. Thou Shalt realize that the author of these rules does not insist you agree with every single one of them

  71. Thou Shalt be civilized

  72. Thou Shalt realize that getting caught up in excessive fantasies is not wise

  73. Thou shalt practice moderation when necessary

  74. Thou shalt be merciful

  75. Thou shalt be just

  76. Thou shalt be kind

  77. Thou shalt be loving

  78. Thou shalt be honest

  79. Thou shalt be brutally honest when necessary

  80. Thou shalt humble the proud

  81. Thou shalt have honest weights and measures

  82. Thou shalt not commit fraud

  83. Thou shalt listen to wise counsel

  84. Thou shalt do all thine mockeries in a spirit of sarcastic love and affection

  85. Thou shalt rebuketh bullies

  86. Thou shalt not tolerate bullies

  87. Thou shalt verily mocketh bullies

  88. Thou shalt not engage in sexual activity with animals

  89. Thou shalt not engage in any forms of sexual bestiality

  90. Thou shalt ensure your working standards are legal, ethical, and according to the correct procedures of the company or business you work for

  91. Thou shalt not exploit anybody

  92. Thou shalt not exploit employees

  93. Thou shalt pay fair, reasonable and just wages, and provide bonuses when the situation fairly warrants – yet thou shalt also provide a decent, good and reasonable profit for yourself and any shareholders also

  94. Thou shalt not be ashamed of being rich, nor shalt thou be ashamed of being poor

  95. Thou shalt strive for wealth and success carefully to build up your estate, as God likes wealth and treasures

  96. Thou shalt not strive for wealth to a great degree if thou doesn’t really mind that much, but thou should never be jealous thus of those who do work for and strive for greater wealth

  97. Thou shalt respect land laws and rights and peoples ownership of the land

  98. Thou shalt seek calm and stable ways

  99. Thou shalt not act as an aggressor

  100. Thou shalt be friendly and hospitable towards people of good reputation

  101. Thou shalt be concerned for your family's welfare and reputation

  102. Thou shalt realize the standards of the Noahide Nations need to be decent enough for us to get along well enough with in the end for us to pursue our dreams in the spirit of eternal life

  103. Thou shalt not racially discriminate

  104. Thou shalt respect those of the opposite sex

  105. Thou shalt not abuse animals

  106. Thou shalt have no slavery in Noahide Nations

  107. Thy Nation shalt not oppress any other nation

  108. Thou shalt seek the ways of national and international peace

  109. Thou shalt have an economic and political system which acts in the best interests of every citizen, whatever the particular economic or political system you favour

  110. Thou shalt realize that both right wing, left wing and central body of any political system are all necessary for the proper functioning of a political system, and respect each components rights to exercise authority when they are in office

  111. Thou shalt not exercise political opposition simply for the sake of it, but that shalt exercise political opposition when the case at hand definitely warrants it

  112. Thou shalt listen carefully to the advice of health professionals

  113. Thou shall try to get along with your society

  114. Thou Shalt avoid hypocrisy

  115. Thou Shalt consider the needs of others

  116. Thou Shalt be concerned with your own reputation

  117. Thou Shalt be polite

  118. Thou Shalt observe the facts of Creation Science

  119. Thou Shalt raise thy children with Kindness, Justice, Fun and Love

  120. Thou shalt realize that God loved Noah and we are Noah’s Children and that God loves us as well

  121. Thou Shalt be humble enough to admit it when you are wrong

  122. God desires Noahide Nations to be Righteous

  123. Thou shalt seek calm ways to find peace for your soul

  124. God expects Noahide Nations to be Righteous

  125. God talks to Noahides and teaches Noahide peoples truths as well

  126. God expects you to remember that the sign of Noah’s Covenant is the Rainbow

  127. Thou shalt remember that Noahide Nations are Free Men and Women

  128. Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide achievements

  129. Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide successes

  130. Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide glories

  131. Thou shalt have just laws and just rules

  132. Thou shalt create and promote your own rules and laws and teach them to others if you believe they are just, fair, kind and well-intentioned towards people

  133. Thou shalt be happy being social or happy being independent if that is what thou desire

  134. Thou shalt disregard others if they mock thee for thy looks or thy personal tastes in things, such as clothes or music or other things

  135. Thou shalt find inner strength through being a child of God’s creation, a child of God’s love, and remember these rules are dedicated to all people, including yourself, and are for your best interests at heart

  136. Thou shalt practice love, mercy, grace and kindness

  137. Thou shalt try to see the inner beauty in people and see as God’s sees – the heart

  138. Thou shalt acknowledge the truth

  139. Thou shalt tell the truth

  140. Thou shalt lie if you want to to a corrupt person who will use it against you

  141. Thou shalt not bow to men

  142. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

  143. Thou shalt educate thyself and grow in knowledge when you have the time and the inclination

  144. Thou shalt encourage education and growing in knowledge in others

  145. Thou shalt not put a stumbling block in front of the blind

  146. Thou shalt protect the rights of orphans and widows

  147. Thou shalt care for the disaffected in your society

  148. Thou shalt give people a break when they need one

  149. Thou shalt not be too legalistic all the time, but thou shalt be legalistic when necessary

  150. Thou shalt exercise balance, moderation and know there is a time for all things under heaven

  151. Thou canst pray to God if thou wants to

  152. Thou shalt not feel pressured into praising God if you think it is stupid or you don’t want to

  153. Thou shalt remember that God is just a bloke as well, as we are made after his image, and he also knows how to relax and have a good time

  154. Thou shalt expect mercy from God and thou shalt grant mercy to God

  155. Thou shalt not judge God too harshly, but express your opinions freely to him on any issue you believe in

  156. Thou shalt not racially discriminate but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

  157. Thou shalt keep prostitution to a minimum so that the land does not fall into depravity and become full of injustice

  158. Thou shalt have designated suburbs in your cities for your brothels

  159. Thou shalt not deliberately force your daughter to become a prostitute, but if she takes it up herself of her own volition thou shalt still respect, love and care for her and provide for her

  160. Thou shalt not indulge too greatly in pornography, and thou shalt get rid of your old porno collections after a while to make sure you do not get involved with old and stale debauchery, fowl obsessions over porn stars who do not want the attention, or smelly odours and substances attached to such things – keep any porn in your collections reasonably recent if you must have such things

  161. Thou shalt not offend straight people with your gay fantasies

  162. Thou shalt not practice sexual harassment

  163. Thou shalt be slutty or smutty with a person of the opposite sex in a flirtatious sense only if they appreciate such things and do not tell you to back off or say that they are not interested

  164. Thou shalt not make assumptions that all men are bastards or that all women are bitches – there is a great diversity of people amongst the human race

  165. If you are gay, better to find your own gay community, and live in designated gay suburbs or gay streets or gay housing complexes

  166. God is less concerned about gayness if it is separate from the heterosexual community into enclaves and areas of the community which don’t affect the mainstream which God prefers

  167. If you are Gay, still keep the rules of God, and do not provoke him or others who are offended by such lifestyles

  168. Keep any profane lifestyles separate and away from mainstream society so as not to bother them

  169. Thou shalt not mess around with thy neighbours property

  170. Thou shalt respect thy neighbours property

  171. Thou shalt not pressure thy neighbour into doing things they don’t want to do

  172. Thou shalt not try to control or manipulate people

  173. Thou shalt be clear in charting thy work procedures for thy workforce, and not expect things of them that are not clearly designated or shown instructions for in the work procedures and protocols manuals

  174. Thou shalt be very specific in the things required of your workers in thine work contracts, and not expect things of them which are not clearly specified

  175. Thou shalt have the right to expect workers to comply with all reasonable requests according to procedures of the workplace if they have agreed to them contractually

  176. Thou shalt have the right to make workers redundant if they are consistently working at a level lower than that required by their work agreements

  177. Thou shalt give fair warnings to workers before attempting to make them redundant

  178. Thou shalt not have sex with dead people – thou shalt avoid necrophilia and respect the rights of the dead

  179. Thou shalt not molest little children – wait until puberty before engaging in sexual practices with anyone

  180. Thou shalt have concerns for thy little ones and raise them properly

  181. Thou shalt allow adoptions when necessary, but thou shalt not attempt to usurp over the child the rights of the biological parents

  182. Thou shalt honour doctors and be careful about medical rules and procedures

  183. Thou shalt treat the mentally unwell with care and concern, and hospitalize them if and when necessary

  184. Thou shalt exercise caution with psychotic people, but thou shalt remember that they do not necessarily intend any form of lawlessness

  185. Thou shalt take the hint if the girl tells you to go away

  186. Thou shalt take the hint if the guy says you are not the one

  187. Thou shalt have the right to refuse everyone from telling you to do anything at all to simply serve their vain wishes, regardless of your age

  188. Children are supposed to comply with their parents wishes if the parents are attempting to raise their children properly

  189. It is quite ok to rebuke rebellious children to ensure compliance with the laws

  190. Thou shalt realize you are not alone in this life and this world, and it does not revolve all around you, and that you can not have all the say or everything your own way – you have to share this world with everyone else

  191. Don’t annoy people off just for the sake of it – have some respect

  192. Take issue with people off if they have a go at you for no reason

  193. Don’t exercise grudges against people

  194. Exercise grudges against people if they deserve it

  195. Everyone thinks its funny until someone loses an eye

  196. Keep your humour in check when necessary

  197. Don’t vandalize

  198. Don’t harm other people’s property

  199. Do the right thing

  200. Don’t be rebellious simply because you are up yourself

  201. Be Natural

  202. Walk in harmony with nature

  203. Care for the environment

  204. Keep genealogies for a relevant number of current generations

  205. Repent of lawlessness when God convicts your conscience of guilt

  206. Enjoy your youth

  207. Settle down when you need to

  208. Get along with society

  209. Be pleasant

  210. Try to like people and understand them

  211. Communicate honestly and openly

  212. Don’t try to get one up on people simply to be a cocky prick

  213. Afford the good things in life when and were you can

  214. Be luxurious when you can

  215. Be thrifty when you need to be

  216. Learn about life by living it

  217. Choose life

  218. Take your school education seriously

  219. Look to contribute to society in some way or other that you are capable of

  220. If you are shy by nature it is ok not to participate in things if you don’t want to

  221. Find your favourite things in life and learn to enjoy them

  222. Be in the Hearts of Men

  223. Be Ethical

  224. Be Decent

  225. Be Proper

  226. Stuffing up occasionally is human nature

  227. Everyone needs a break

  228. Noah offered sacrifices to God of clean animals – you can do this as well if you want to as Noahides – you aren’t commanded to though

  229. It is best to put first degree or deliberate murderers to death

  230. God should kill murderers before they intending murdering – that is the right thing for God to do as far as we are concerned

  231. Thou shalt not torture

  232. Thou shalt not maim

  233. Limited degrees of torture in any ongoing cold war or hot war hostilities can be justified if it is in your nations best interests and will ultimately save lives or other necessary national assets of significant enough value

  234. Limited degrees of acceptable torture should not permanently damage a human body – that is the important thing – for example, scaring the fuck out of them is ok, as they will eventually heal from any psychological scarring, yet their bodies will remain whole, which is the most important thing

  235. It is very important to make sure you have the right person in the above situations if you are going to use limited degrees of torture – you wouldn’t like a child of yours tortured if they were innocent would you?

  236. Keep your anger in check

  237. Try to avoid being angry with people

  238. Go off to the pub and talk shit with your mates to get your anger and other issues of your chest

  239. If you really have to, make sure you only smoke a few cigarettes a year – this might almost be considered moderation on such coffin nails and cancer sticks

  240. Aids will kill you

  241. Don’t infect others with Aids – that is essentially murder

  242. If you have Aids, the only way out of this hellhole is to repent your guts out to God’s personal satisfaction, and then ask him for a cure – he might give you one

  243. Probably the only acceptable sexual activities, when you are finally prepared to comply, are sexual intercourse with your spouse or concubine, oral sex with a condom and, if she likes it and asks for it, anal sex with a condom. Everything beyond this, ultimately, if you don't repent of it, will probably lead down the sexual sins road a step at a time, get to bestiality in time, which will lead to diseases which will ultimately kill you. In heaven or on earth, that will likely be true forever.

  244. If you don't ultimately repent of your sinful ways and attitudes in the heavenly afterworld, you might eventually seek out illicit drugs, and think you can handle them, but you will OD in time. That is the end of your eternity then.

  245. If you are going to smoke cigarettes, you need regular periods of abstinence for the body to be cleansed of the toxins. Talk to your doctor about this.

  246. With a lot of your dietary intake, in fact, you will need to have your toxins diminished through drinking water and sometimes eating very little food for periods. Keep your weight under control, and drink that water, as it helps metabolize fat and gets rid of it.

  247. Gluttony is called one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason. And if you covet, are slothful, steal, are sexually immoral, are proud or excessively violent, don't think you are going to live forever so damn easily my friend, believe me.

  248. It's best to repent of sins when you realize and acknowledge your behaviour isn't really working out.

  249. Find peace with God by obeying sound life principles.

  250. Keep yourself occupied by doing things which are positive and helpful in life.

  251. The 3rd Final Rule is: Study a lot of Stuff

  252. The 2nd Final Rule is: Children of the Kingdom of Noah – Keep the Faith, Walk with God, study these laws and the Literature of the 7 Divine Noahide Fellowships and Live Forever, Prosper, Don’t Worry & Be Happy

  253. The 1st Final Rule is: Be Good




Haven Noahide Fellowship - Policy on illegal drugs


Haven believes in rule of law, and the importance of its members following the laws of society. In general we believe it is important for individuals to form their own moral judgements on illicit drugs and their status as to morality. However, from the founder of the fellowship's perspective, I teach personally that drugs which are manufactured naturally from natural substances, like Marijuana and and drugs made directly from plants, should NOT be illegalized, as are part of the design of God's nature, and in fact SHOULD be used by people on special celebratory occasions, which is part of the 7DF's naturalistic way of life principles. We believe smoking dope is normal, and not an offense against God at all. We do believe, though, that moderation needs to be practiced, and it is improper for people on 'highs' to get involved with paid or official work or driving or using dangerous machinery.  On the other hand, chemically manufactured drugs, which do not occur naturally, are not recommended by our fellowship for personal use when such drugs cause hectic or harmful side effects. Ultimately, if the drug is derived from plants in a natural process it is acceptable in our doctrine for personal use, and we favour the abolishment of drug laws forbidding 'Naturally occurring' drug related items.



Some Prayers


A PRAYER FOR THE 7 RAINBOW BIBLES (Written 22nd of December 2012 CE/AD - 22nd of December 6176 SC)

Dear God

Please guide my words and thoughts for what is written in these Rainbow Bibles
Please help me to put in the dates of composition for every new section of the Rainbow Bibles

Let them express your will and hope for the future of the Noahide World

Let them be true to noahide doctrine in general

Let them embrace the ideas of acceptable Traditional Approaches to the faith

Let them embrace the ideas of acceptable Modern Approaches to the faith

Let them speak your will

Let them speak your truth

Let them be kindhearted to the Children of Adam and Eve

Let them be kindhearted to the Children of Noah

Let them be eternal works

Let them be Humble

Let them be spiritual

Speak your will through them, I earnestly pray

And guide me (and any others involved) to produce a work of qualitative, majestic, brilliance

I pray to you

Almighty God





Dear God

Have your hand upon me, I pray, in the ongoing composition and writings of the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny

Let it speak entertaining words of spiritual magnificence

Let the sarcasm and humour be appropriate, witty, funny, but spiritually perfect

Let the serious tones be non-confronting, but confronting if and when necessary

Let people take joy in the inspiration of the divine within

Let it accomplish grand purposes of salvation, love, joy and relief

Let it speak your will

Let it speak your glory

Let it be grand

Let it be great

Let it be joy

Let it be love

Lord God

Have your hand, I pray, over my writing, and guide my words to speak loving, holy and genuine entertainment,

And genuine spirituality







Dear God

I pray

Place the passionate glory of love into the heart of Noahide faith

Place musical passion and outstanding dedication into the heart of our movement

Place thirst and unending desire to produce music of amazing superlativeness into our heart

Help us to dedicate ourselves each day, each morning, each moment, to the passion of music,

To the passion of glorious rhythms, harmonies and melodies, and exploding cadenzas,

of musical brilliance and splendour

Train our musicians

Train them perfectly

Train them joyously

Train them eternally

Let us witness for the Noahide faith

In abounding words of songs of love

For your glory

For your name





Dear God

I pray for the eternal salvation of Adam and Eve and their children

I pray for the eternal salvation of Noah and his offspring

I pray for the eternal salvation of the Community of Noah

I pray for the eternal salvation of the Seven Divine Fellowships and its members





Dear God

I pray

Bless the doctors of this world

Bless them with medical wisdom

Bless the nurses of this world

Bless them with caring hearts

Bless the health care workers of this world

Bless them with dedication to their work

Lord, have your hand upon the health of this planet, your creation

Let those who work towards our good health be blessed in their lives

And let them be a blessing to others

Bring good health through your trusted servants

And bless mankind

Restore our health, restore our lives

And guide these loyal servants

Each and Every Day

To carry out their important responsibilities

To the best of their courage and abilities






Dear God

Teach the children of men to have caring hearts

Where there is war, bring love

Where there is hate, bring understanding

Where there is tension, bring peace

Lord God

Remind us once more to care for each other

A truth which never goes out of fashion

Help us to pray for each other

Help us to show concern for each other

Help us to care for each other


Bring the caring heart, ever more so, into the children of men

We pray





God's responsibilities towards the 7 Divine Fellowships

(Written Monday the 24th of December 2012 CE/AD - 24th of December 6176 SC)



God provided a wife for Adam. Her name was Eve. Part of God's responsibilities towards members of the 7 Divine Fellowships is to find them suitable marriage partners for marital rights and procreation. In this world it can often be difficult to find the right partner, especially one of credible enough spiritual worth, thus it is God's responsibilty to watch over our assemblies and ensure we marry and marry the most suitable candidate for us.

 Growth of the Assembly

As a Godfearing Noahide assembly, which is seeking the will of God, God has a moral responsibility with the establishment of the Fellowships as a whole to develop and grow them to a suitable and everlasting size on the world stage. Like the Rainbow which endures forever, it is important that God keep faith with mankind and provide an eternal witness of Karaite Noahide faith, as emphasized in the ongoing and eternal development of the 7DF in mankind on planet earth.

 Rights to basic needs and wants

Members of the 7DF who faithfully serve God have a right to the following:

Food, Clothing, Shelter, Entertainment, Marital Rights, Success in life, Prosperity & Offspring, protection from all forms of harm by society, a happy future

 Answering of ALL prayers

God is required to answer every last one of our prayers to the best of our interests. Naturally, prayers may clash with the requests of other people's prayers in society, and the balancing out of how these prayers are then answered is part of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Yet your prayers are never prayed in vain either way. You can have every prayer answered by God if it is a moral and acceptable prayer for your life development. Don't take this to mean you can pray for a winning in the lottery and expect it as, after all, there are potentially many other members of the community who likewise are praying such prayers. But we stress - Prayers are NEVER in vain, as God desires to know what we want and answers them in our best interests and the best interests of society. Praying against the success of a rival is NOT really that acceptable in the 7DF morals. It IS acceptable to pray for our own success, but not against the success of a rival, unless that rival is displaying consistent ungodly behaviour. Prayers also have to be realistic, possible in the natural order of things, and within the confines of a 'Moral' prayer. God is the ultimate judge. Perseverance in prayer is mandated by ourselves, and the use of a Psalm from the Rainbow Bible used in concurrence with the prayer request to sanctify the prayer request, should be prayed 50 times (the psalm uttered literally that many times) for an eternal effect in your generation, or 100 times for an eternal effect in every subsequent generation. (or, at least, this is the faith of the Advancing Noah Movement, but the prayers may ultimately have only so much power in them. It is closely guarded information by the Spirit.) This is how the Holy Spirit has advised me. Faith is important.



Section Two – Assembly of the Divine Creator

The Book of the Divine Creator

By Daniel

© 6173 SC


Verse 1

For Hope is indeed the greatest of the virtues.  For Hope always believes, even when all things seem lost, when all things seem forsaken, when all things seem as if heaven itself is determined to destroy your very soul, Hope still believes.  And as that Hope endures, peace, life, love, faith and joy come forth, born from the strength of Hope, enshrouding the soul of the child of God with Glory.  For children of the Assembly of the Divine Creator are eternal children of Hope, never giving up in their belief that God will always be their for them, hoping for bright eternal promises to give them the consolation their souls truly desire.


Verse 2

For Peace is Hopes firstborn child, born of the Hope for better days, beyond the wars, trials and tribulations of the children of men.  Peace is what Hope has always longed for, desiring its blessing to enshroud the heart with eternal joys of friendship and kindness, even with those who were once their bitterest enemies.  Peace flows eternally, from the heart of God, like a river of purest ecstasy, refreshing the heart and giving eternal consolation under even the most difficult of circumstance.


Verse 3

And Life, New Life, is the secondborn child of Hope, New life, born into a world of Peace, in which Hope has found its glory in the new world of life eternal.  Life begins anew, flowing from the heart of God indeed, growing each day, brightening the heart, brightening the mind, brightening the soul, Life, in all its splendid vibrancy and enchantment, Life to make the joys of each and every day an eternal consolation from the Hope and Peace from which it has sprung forth.


Verse 4

And Pure Love, the third-born.  For in the new life of glory, what more could one possibly desire to seek than the gentlest touch of Love’s pure heart.  For in the death of violence and bitterness, those things which the eternal power of peace has vanquished, love can be resurrected in even the most bitter of hearts, born anew, born to life eternal, and growing each and every day in the beauty which flows from God the creator, the source of eternal and blessed love.


Verse 5

And then faith is restored, growing again.  For love has touched its deepest heart, reminding it that once, when lost in misery and despair, hope almost forsaken, that faith can be rekindled even in the darkest of hearts.  For faith moves us onwards, propels us ever onwards, trusting in the eternal Lord of Glory, trusting in the divine creator to bless us and give us the eternal joys and gifts of heaven which our deepest yearnings so truly desire, all born from the gift of faith, believing and trusting in our eternal lord.


Verse 6

And the fifth-born, the greatest consolation, born from enduring hope and the remaining virtues, blessed and pure joy.  Joy which gives us those moments were everything is perfect, were we cry to the heavenlies that everything is good in the world, that everything is right, that life is rolling along in divine perfection and that all things are as they should be.  And that joy bursts open within us, giving us the greatest sensations of our lives, making us never forget the eternal and loving divine creator who has brought us to be.


Verse 7

And then, the virtues of life, the foundational virtues being in place, we grow and develop, continuing to learn each and every day of those eternal principles of life which embellish and grant ever-growing perfection to our lives, the lives of the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the Lives of the Eternal Children of God.


Thus Ends the Book of the Divine Creator





The Principles of the Rainbow Torah


Prepared by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


The 7 Divine Fellowships



Sabbath observance is not commanded to mankind, but voluntarily following God's example seems acceptable universally

Genesis 1 - 2:4



Animals are not a suitable spouse

Genesis 2:20


Marriage between a man and woman is normal

Genesis 2:24


Wearing clothes is normal

Genesis 3:21



Do not eat the forbidden fruit

Genesis 2:17


Avoid sinful behaviour

Genesis 4:7


Listen to your conscience - the voice of your heart

Genesis 6:5



Keeping genealogies is normal

Genesis 5 & 10



Genesis 9:7



Do not eat animal blood

Genesis 9:4


Put to death murderers

Genesis 9:5



All plants may be eaten

Genesis 1:30


All animals may be eaten

Genesis 9:3



Getting drunk can lead to embarassing situations

Genesis 9:20-27



Curses as punishment and blessings as reward are part of the faith

Genesis 9:25-27



Pillars of Babelite pride not based on God's authority are improper

Genesis 11:1-9



Calling on the name of the Lord is normal

Genesis 4:26


Making sacrifices to God is a regular part of the faith

Genesis 8:20




Core Doctrine of AOTDC – And Explaining Core Doctrine of each 7DF

Haven Noahide Fellowship has the Principles of the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1:1 – 11:9) as what we describe as the mandatory obligations of HNF members. Sermon 1 of HNF illustrates this, and goes on to add some suggested principles for HNF members in the remainder of the Sermon. In essence, that principle applies to each of the 7DFs, as they each utilize the Rainbow Torah in fullness. The Rainbow Bibles do not attempt to usurp the scriptural record of Genesis 1:1 – 11:9 as obligatory towards all mankind. Our own doctrinal teachings are NOT commanded by God. He has communicated truths in the Rainbow Bibles through speaking to me – what those truths are and how people find them is their own concern. However, a regular member of any 7DF should take it as the general principle and understanding of the life of the fellowship is that we follow the fullness of each Rainbow Bible and the various doctrines I write and present. If, ultimately, you only want to live by Genesis 1:1 – 11:9, that is your own choice but, sincerely, there is not much great point in attempting to seriously join a 7DF chapter, apart from AOTLG perhaps. People who commit to study of the Rainbow Bibles should really take the hint – this is our religion. We follow it. If you don't want to follow it, and have chosen to accept the Rainbow Torah of Genesis 1 – 11:9 that is completely your own business. But why bother fellowshipping with us in the end? If you accept the writings and doctrines of 7DFs Rainbow Bibles as perhaps coming from God in some way or form, which I have suggested is possible, then shouldn't you really follow them? If you don't accept them at all, sure, read our stuff, but I perfectly understand that you have rejected our religion as likely just a manmade idea. That is your faith friend – I won't lose any sleep about people who don't believe our stuff. If, however, you would like to associate, but never really want to commit to the religious ideas of the Rainbow Bibles for whatever faith reasons you have, why even bother in the end? Seriously? AOTLG-4DF is primarily concerned with just the Rainbow Torah – Genesis 1:1 – 11:9 – as its mandate. Yet, even there, there are doctrinal writings prepared for that fellowship which should at least be noted and studied a bit. The 4DF RB doesn't really insist you do anything with these writings – it is just material available for study – but even there, perhaps, perhaps you should take the subtle hint. But I will leave it at that. Ultimately, yes, if you absolutely insist on ONLY following Genesis 1:1 – 11:9, but want to be in one of the various 7DF chapters, I guess we can accept you. But who are you kidding? Why even bother? Go off and form your own community based on the Rainbow Torah, or whatever you believe, or go or stay solo in your walk with God. There comes a time, though, when people should really get the point as a member of 7DF. And I think that says enough.


A Noahide family need to show loyalty to each other. Loyalty, love and respect for each other. They should try to like each other, even when there are challenging family members and challenging times. It is not always easy to love or even like a family member of they are a god-damn son of a gun, but be patient. Remember they are only human, and are often doing the best they can despite a sometimes more ordinary exterior. Remember, God knows the heart of a person, and what they are going through in life, so be patient with your kin, and accept that they are going through this challenge of life and might not always be finding it so easy. Remain loyal, don't easily burn bridges with your family members, and if and when you find that necessary, you really should always allow an opportunity for divides between you to be repaired when the situation improves. So remain loyal and patient with family members, and show them the kind of love which Noahide families really need deep down in their heart.

Fathers in families need to be responsible and set good examples for their wife and children. They usually need to be the primary money earner in the family, but while the husband is the head of the wife in a family, sometimes a wife may be the more talented or competent at earning a wage for a family. If her skills demonstrate this, a husband needs to humble himself and accept that. Sometimes, of course, both husband and wife need to work to support the family, and this is completely natural and acceptable. Fathers need to provide for their family, not just their food and clothing, but their time as well, as children need input from their fathers and need to spend quality time with them, getting to know them and having happy and positive family experiences with their father. Sometimes a father needs private times with each of their children, and each child needs that special relationship with their dad. Each should have a time and place for just them. Love your children, fathers, and raise them to respect the family rules and traditions as well as the customs and laws of society. Be a good dad.

Mothers often need to serve in traditional roles as wives and homekeepers. This should not be assumed by the husband, as a woman needs to express herself in life, but this in Noahide tradition should still probably be the normative role of the wife. It's a traditional model and works well, and is in harmony with what is usually a more assertive man and more submissive wife. Not always, but it is a regular truth of our humanity regardless. Exceptions always need to be taken into account, especially in more modern eras in response to the desires of feminist thinkers for greater equality with men. Mothers need to be just like fathers and love their children and have that special time and relationship with each of them. Love your children, for you gave birth to them, and that was challenge enough.

Children. You are learning. You are given grace for a season and a time. But as you grow, and come into adulthood, remember you always needed to show respect for your parents growing up, so learn to maintain that as you develop into adulthood, and stay loyal to your parents and love them dearly.


 Astrology is an artificial creation of minds of staggering intellect, truly stupendous in its paradigms of insight into life, beyond all the fathoming of minds based on simplistic idea like logic and reason. It baffles mere mortals who say stupid things like ‘That’s bullshit mate’ and ‘What a load of bollocks’. But these are the unlearned ones, says the soothsayer of fortunes, happy to read your palms for a buck and tell you just how tall that handsome stranger will be, and just the exact number of zeroes in that sudden cheque you are SOON to DEFINITELY get in the mail. Bwah ha ha harrgh. But I love Astrology – seriously. Couldn’t live without it. Every time I open up one of those Women’s Weeklies and am told the fortunes of Scorpio for the month I wait with anticipation as my DESTINY UNFOLDS. Amazing. Numerology – that is what the Jews are in to. They call it Gematria. Funnily enough, I dabble around with that, and find some very interesting connections on English words using Ordinal Equivalents to total them, when A is 1 and B is 2 and C is 3 and so on through the alphabet to Z is 26. For example God is 26 – the exact number of letters in the English alphabet. Daniel is 45. Adam is 19. David is 40 and so on. Of course Cool is 45 and Dumb is 40, but I digress. Astrology is the WAVE of the Future. As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, our lives will be enrichened by such gems of wisdom as ‘Knowing your Soul Path’ and ‘The Wisdom of your Gemstone’ and so on and so forth. Heart of the Earthmother. I am not sure if she is into Astrology – she might be – but the magazines, which you can find in Aussie newsagents, or order online, are AMAZING. In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny – the Pagan Version – which you can find online, I have some fun with Heart of the Earthmother. Her Combatant is Daniel – from the Realm of Understanding. WHO KNOWS what the future has in store for her as she struggles with the villainous Seraphim of Yahweh, sure to corrupt the universe with their ‘Devilish Ways’. Beware those blonde Seraphim, she bemoans.

Funnily enough, I have been visited by a blonde Seraphim, in the skies above Macarthur, and down at Fadden Pines. And Michael himself appeared in a dream, with the Seraphim who had appeared to me in person. I thought it was Ambriel. It seemed the Ambriel from my books. I really don’t know, as he said not his name. Life is a mystery. Astrology is ok, as long as it doesn’t go to your head. It’s a little bit of fun, but getting caught up in the New Age is just a distraction from the mundane of life anyway, which is why people do it. I mean, after all, its all about spirituality these days, isn’t it politically correct society out there? Isn’t it? I mean, religion. Who needs that.

Daniel, 7 jan 2012



A Noahide has an idea. And their mind goes off on a tangent considering the idea. But sometimes the idea has a merry sarcasm and decides to venture into untamed territories of ideology. And sometimes the will of man is to allow these thoughts to develop and go were they will. The secrets of the heart are mysterious at times, but sometimes the heart, which seeks good things, can be deceived by the thoughts of a mind which has gone into irrational thinking, often for the sake of assuming vain pleasures – sin – will profit the soul in the sarcasm of freethinking delight. It is not wise to let your mind roam unrestrained. Schizophrenia and other mental conditions, including anxiety and depression have their root in thoughts which are left to run unrestrained, and often those thoughts are the simple condoning of behaviours which seem like fun, but which later on are repented of as the sins of wilful youth. The Rainbow Torah teaches this truth – God knew the thoughts of the heart of man was wicked from his youth. For the innocent youngling thinks, if it feels good do it, and runs with the excitement of the moment and the day. And even in teenage years, when they perhaps should know better, they can be a worse devil than ever. Irrational thinking is thinking which condones poor attitudes, mean and hostile words and behaviours, and desires of depravity, immorality and hedonism. At the root of all mentally ill conditions were choices of youth and earlier years in which you allowed your mind to delight in vanities of pride and sin and unabated pleasure. Often it is listening to things and words of people, or watching and listening to entertainment programs of various kind, which your passions somewhat agree with, especially politically correct hypocrisy of liberality, which take root and set an attitude in your thoughts but, the behaviours of which that flow from such thinking are ultimately detrimental. There is a way the human body should function, and if the mind has developed thinking which at its root is irrational, later on you will suffer various mental afflictions as well as often physical ailments. Irrational thinking, ultimately, is the psychologies of stupid and ungodly behaviour being condoned in your thoughts, thoughts which lack experience to discern the ultimate consequences of this thinking and the actions which can and do result from all such belief. Reason accords with truth and decent behviour. Reason accords with things which bring health to your mind and body, as well as to your affects on the exterior environment, and the opposite is thought which ultimately leads to the degradation of heart, mind and spirit.

Remember, people like to justify themselves. They like to demonstrate their point and show they are acting justly according to what they believe. When you are arguing heatedly with someone, remember, they have a built up set of beliefs and viewpoints, and they often want to insist you listen to what they say and understand it properly so you can see their point. People can be very rude and interrupt you and say that is not true, and deny your arguments to justify themselves. Often people didn't understand you properly when you said something and they can insist you are wrong and get quite heated. Then they often feel a little embarassed when the point you made was factually misunderstood. The best thing to do? Stay calm. Make a point, and if someone goes straight to disputation let them speak their mind and stay silent until they have said what they want to say. Calmly explain yourself when they have stopped speaking and clarify clearly and exactly your points. Use factual information to demonstrate the point you are trying to make. There is no point in trying to humiliate someone with truth, as you already know how that feels, don't you. Be sensitive and compassionate and grant people the grace of their often frail human understandings and pride. Sometimes points don't always need to be said and a very important rule is if someone says 'I don't want to talk about it anymore', shut the heck up and drop the subject immediately. Let go of trying to justify yourself. Trust in God and life that the truth of any given situation will speak itself out through the facts in due time.


For a new endeavour to last, it has to be created ancient. For it to be ancient it needs to have principles of life and truth which are well established and have worked in continuity in mankind's history. A new endeavour has to be created with a spirit of everlasting stability, truth and continuance – it has to be created with the intention of it remaining relevant eternally and for it not to be a transient work of a particular age or era, but one of permanence and endurance. New endeavour's can be accomplished. New ideas can be grasped and brought forth. New life and new understanding can shine forth. But if this new work does not have the essence of an eternal nature associated with it and, primarily, if it is an essence of sin in the core of this work, it will ultimately fail. Sin can be popular for a season, yet righteousness endures eternally. Starting a new business needs to be built on sound business principle. It needs to be established in prayer, lawfulness and practical use. It has to have value, meaning and fit a niche or marketplace in the world. Yet not just a business, but a new congregation of religious thinking, or an established one in an established religion or denomination. Yet, a new fiction work, or style of architecture or piece of music, or any endeavour intended to be eternal will ultimately fail unless it is built on enduring principles of ancient tradition.


I use a term 'Technical Virgin' for someone who has not had sex without a condom in the act of sexual intercourse. It is only on a technical point that they remain virginal, for in most respects the innocence and virginity is lost, especially in a woman because of the broken hymen. But, technically, a degree of innocence is still maintained while the physical penis has not be intercoursed with the physical vagina. Usually this protects from Sexually Transmitted Diseases and unwanted pregnancies. This technical point, in this sense, is not even minor, but in fact an important practical reality. When a woman is up the duff, she has often lost her family name/reputation. But a woman who is single with no children has a reasonable and fair enough degree of virginal status remaining to her. If she has not practiced unprotected sexual intercourse at all and always used the condom, an even greater degree of purity and innocence remains. These are important considerations. Uncleanness spiritually is very much associated with STD's and Bastard children. Without the occurrence of these realities, a person is still in a large degree of spiritual purity and innocence. By no mean a chaste virgin, but there is a technical and important amount remaining. I first visited a prostitute in 1999 at 26 years of age. I have been, in the last 15 years since, about 50 times all up, once visiting two girls. This averages to about 4 to 5 brothel visits a year. God has not visited guilt on me on this issue so far, and allows it if I remain within reasonable practice amount. Members of the 7DF are not required to be quite as strict as the headship, unless pastoral, so a doubling of this amount by regular members of the 7DF is quite tolerable and acceptable. But we should not practice unprotected sexual intercourse at all really. We should retain this for our marriage, so we still have a purity to offer our spouse, and can ultimately hold our head up as a reasonable sexually moral person. Complete abstinence is a commendable ideal. Many achieve this, and they should be praised for doing as such. In the realities of life for 7DF, though, we tolerate a certain degree of sexual activity, provided safe sexual practices are adhered to. One last point, after 50 occasions I am most definitely STILL a technical virgin, and intend remaining as such until marriage.


I don't believe in bashing gay men or women at all. We shouldn't bash anyone. I don't agree with gay marriage, but neither do I agree with overt discrimination. I don't object to Civil Unions between gay people, because I do recognize that they can and do enter relationships of care and respect for people of the same sex. But I disagree with the idea of gay marriage, as this, in my mind, is reserved for the hetero lifestyle choice, with children as part of a natural marriage. Really, they should be looking for a different term to 'Marriage' to define their close relationships because, in the end, it's just a corruption of the natural order to view same-sex relationships the same was as natural hetero ones.


The ability to take the 'Rainbow Covenant' of God - the enshrined promise of no judgement day upon mankind - and through adhering to the principles and rules associated with this covenant as found in Genesis 1 - 11:9, has everlasting, eternal and unending possibilities of ultimate glory associated with it. Yet only the noble of heart, mind and soul can hope to win the true blessings associated with God's foundational Covenant for the children of Noah. Eternal shall be thine glory, shouldst thou conquer the darkness and reveal in the light of the rainbow, and acknowledge the truths of nature, the truths of the natural order, the truths of walking in harmony with the design of God imprinted in your very DNA, and find the peace of spiritual harmony by walking in love and peace and truth with your fellow man, your fellow animalkind, by watching over all the flora and fauna of creation and, by showing forth the wisdom of thine heart in all thy studies of truth and proclaiming these wisdoms to mankind - the reward and blessings for you and your posterity shall be of truly grand and unimaginable glory, majesty and amazement - and you shall find the eternal consolation of peace and love your deepest heart and the deepest desires of your soul could ever hope to dream of in your wildest imaginations.


Everyone has a right to express their own racial identity and cultural beliefs and aspirations. I don't believe in racial hatred of people from other Noahide lineages, but I do believe that the origin of most modern nations arose in a group of similar family members developing a unique family-nation, which developed into a race of people. And such races have a fair degree of rights in preserving their racial culture, values and identities. I believe we all go back to Noah - and further back to Adam - and we are all ultimately one family, but a 'Racial Identity' is also acceptable.


In my religion - Karaite Noahide Faith - people accept this belief because they believe it is the truth. We are not commanded by God to convert people to our religion, or even to tell people at all about our religion. If we do so it is entirely voluntary. We can completely keep it to ourselves if we want to. Nobody in the world is commanded in our faith to actually keep our religious observances. It is not based on that at all. We don't care if people in the world couldn't give the slightest shit about our Karaite Noahide religion. Couldn't care less. We keep this faith because we choose to and we want to and we believe it is the truth. We DON'T give the slightest fuck about your religious beliefs at all. They are all idolatry as far as we are concerned. We recognize one branch of Judaism as correct for the jews - Karaite Judaism who use the full Jewish Bible, called the Tanakh. Our Scriptures (Genesis 1 – 11:9) as the same as the early portion of the Jewish Bible. And we are Karaite Noahides. The term Karaite means we follow the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1 – 11:9)


Spiritual growth is not dissimilar to physical growth. Don't expect a three your old spiritual person, who has just discovered faith in recent years, to be all of a sudden a master of theology. Things take time, and its 18 years to adulthood. Be patient with yourself in any spiritual walk you are growing through. Growth and maturity takes time, and their are lots of growing pains along the way. Changes for the better can often take a long time to eventuate and God knows the heart and progress of men and women, and you never tell the secrets of another's hearts or the contemplations they are considering. Often appearances can be deceiving, for the most carnal of people can often end up the most spiritual. It is not a race to win all at once. You don't go out on the spiritual marathon of life, sprint like crazy for a few hundred yards, and expect to finish the race all at once. As Miley Cyrus sings, its all about the climb, and the lifelong walk with God is about commitment and endurance, and having patience with yourself that you will gradually address spiritual concerns in your life and resolve issues in time. A new born spiritual child should not spend up all its spiritual zeal and then drift off back to the world and sin, resenting the faith it was birthed in. It takes time. It takes time to get things right, to re-order a life which has often been a mess, and it takes time simply to learn and understand the spiritual truths necessary for coping with the eternal spiritual life. And, for life, it is not even a marathon. As with Noah, it is a long distance 'Walk with God'. Take each day at a time and build your spirituality slowly and carefully. Just stay committed. The essential basics are prayer, scripture and acknowledging the spiritual issues the Holy Spirit of Jehovah brings up to you when he does. Take your time, plan out your spiritual walk slowly with care and forethought. And you will achieve success and the eternal reward.


The Holy Spirit was talking with me. Factually. Men have available to them a maximum of 400,000 qualified legal seed for children in their sperm count. They qualify at death for the total amount that they will receive in their heavenly afterlife, minus those already born on earth. You HAVE to qualify for salvation in the heavenly afterlife to gain this. You are permitted to have children with those women throughout life you have had a genuine sexual interest in. Stars and celebrities are fine, even if you have only seen them in the media, if the interest is genuine. A spiritual connection can occur, and if she is interested and says ok, then that is fine. LUST is a key factor in this reality. Women you have lasted for establish the sexual connection required. Once your total amount of children who are qualified have been, you will not produce any more. It will happen naturally. God likes natural results. You can't cheat the creator. Women have no obligation to mate with you unless they are interested. To gain their interest, perform at your best behaviour. Plain men have ample opportunities if they dress well and have good conduct and are polite. Be sensitive and kind and thoughtful. Seed is never wasted through masturbation or fornication, the seed failing to impregnate the egg. The spirit of the seed is returned to the man, and has grown in experience. In fact, your seed is nurtured and gains knowledge and wisdom through your own life studies and experiences. The more cultured and educated a life you have lived, the wiser and more experienced – and usually more successful – your seed will be. Like a good wine that matures, patience, and your seed will have better qualities associated with them. For this reason, it is by no means necessary at all to insist on life on earth, but seed can be waited upon until heaven. Naturally, the earth needs to be replenished, but currently that is well under control. The end of your life on earth establishes the end of the types of rights you receive for eternity. It is not the complete end of your knowledge, as the full works of rights for those who receive eternal life – ie the products they produce – are completed in the heavenlies when their knowledge is finally completely produced. Sometimes patience is best.


Oath of eternal allegiance to the Noahide Covenant and eternal rejection of the circumcision covenant as applying to myself – made before Jehovah, Yahweh, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, El Shaddai, God Almighty and other names for God.

Take this oath if you are prepared to eternally commit to the Noahide covenant and being a Noahide. It means you eternally reject the notion of conversion to judaism for yourself and have eternally committed to the Noahide community. This oath is made before Almighty God and part of the wording is that God will never recognize any attempts at conversion to Judaism, even if the whole procedure was followed through with, and circumcision was achieved. This is our own procedure for eternally retaining Noahides in our community and prevent them from the temptation of joining Judaism through circumcision (which is a tactic of the Jews to keep converts forever). Here is the oath:


' Perhaps the greatest attribute of God is that he is holy. He is a being of eternity, and because he is of eternity, his being will not dwell with sin and those things which fall away to corruption and death. In his love for mankind, he offers us a way of salvation, through studying Torah and becoming 'Holy'. Holiness is not a temporary virtue. When it is achieved, it is the stuff your soul must resonate with for an eternal existence. It is a moral heart. It is a true heart. It is a heart which knows and understands the truth, no longer deceiving itself nor allowing itself to be deceived into the seductions of sin. Negative lifestyle choices – sin – are what corrupts a human soul and destroys the eternity God is desiring formed within you. So for eternal life, holiness is not just an option to be chosen on a checklist – it is the fundamental thing. The more you study the Rainbow Torah and the Rainbow Bibles and apply the wisdom therein, and grow in godliness, the holier you become and the more eternity is at peace with your soul. Often, it is the pleasures of the flesh, such as drug use, which destroy a person's eternity, even if they have gained the salvation of the heavenlies upon death. And when the flesh is dead, life ends. It is no more. A holy person attempts to grow in holiness, through study of the faith, and learns to obey godly rules and principles and become wise for life thereby. Practicing holiness is about committing to the faith, applying it, and living it. It is about keeping the faith and enduring, to the eventual point were God grants you eternal salvation. But that choice to life forever can only be fulfilled if you genuinely repent your heart and works of sin, and practice holiness. Yes – eternal life is the reward.


Perhaps the real reason socialism often doesn't work well in an earthly environment, is that people want to get ahead. And they want to be rich, and prosper, which creates a working class to support them, of the less successful and the less driven. Yet a heavenly environment could surely and pleasantly create a beautiful planned economy, were people are at peace with each other, right? A heavenly economy works well, because buying and selling is still part of it, and when it is socialist-capitalist, with a strong sense of social welfare and taking care of its impoverished citizens, a happier and wealthier society results. Encourage the weak and they will become the strong, and do not always insist that the person should have to always work it out for themselves. Give people the occasional break. The bird needs the left wing and right wing to fly – balance your socialist heart of the left with a mature success-oriented prosperity of the right, and with them in good and loving harmony, success is sure to result. This should be the ideal basis of policy and rule, and is the heart of 7DF.


At times, the mind of man believes the mind of man has become wise. A life has been formed on familiar ways which have stabilized. But then the thinking becomes that change is a virtue. A life which has sought stability and found it, has often gone through many hard lessons on what works and what does not work in life. The anxiety of growing pains have become lessons learned in how to live a sensible and productive and, ultimately, stable life. And thus, why therefore wouldst thou chooseth to interfere with the wisdom of victories gained?

Yet, so often, a crisis emerges, and the soul is told it needs something more. And who can not verily say it is not oft pride which is at the bitter root of this anxiously chosen paradigm?

Live the dream! Chase the rainbow! Go for gold! Yet what kind of wisdom on a foundation of stability hard won would venture forth to the risk of a new adventure?

But so many do and turmoil often results.

Shattered dream can come for those who leave firm foundations. Nay, not always, yet often. And often is is verily because of the pride of thine heart rather than any lack of God-given talent.

If you can humble yourself after prides great fall, and admit the often stupid decisions you have made in leaving a firm nesting place, the grace of God is a God of restoration.

When people can admit that they have been pride-filled in certain decisions in life, and show some humility, God is a gracious God who can forgive you and restore you to your former glory. And through the restoration of God's love you can regain that which you let go far too easily of, and be restored to your proper place in life, your proper reward for the hard learned lessons of youth.


I once heard in a catholic priest's homily humility is not to think lowly of yourself but to not think of yourself at all.

For my two cents worth, however, I would offer that true humility is to think of oneself according to the entire facts and the truth of the situation. To see yourself as you truly are, without a distorted and puffed up, boastful view of yourself, which is humility's nemesis – pride.

Pride is an overinflated view of who you truly are. It is an arrogant conflagoration of oneself, a grand distortion of reality, which the pride of your heart has painted into a picture of Princely Glory of a Regent of Splendour in which everyone, but yourself, notices the proud horns of Satan rising triumphantly from your crown.

It means you are up yourself and everyone notices except you.

Humility should really be graceful. If you really are a fantastic chap with sterling accomplishments, and charisma which makes Elvis jealous, at least don't brag as such – mate.

Be humble you old sod. Believe me, everyone can have their come-uppance.

Consider King Nebuchadnezzar. Glorious King of Babylon. Ruler of the Empire Splendid. Feared and majestic ruler, whose minions tremble at his every decree. Yet a few words of vain boasting and he ate grass for 7 years. And he was even told he would do as such.

Or consider Jesus of Nazareth, who pretended to the Rabbis he was the sum of all wisdom – yet tasted the cold steel of the judgement of Hashem as his just desserts. And a fool still believes him as a meek and mild servant, a lamb led to the slaughter. Truly a puffed up preacher – a troublemaker crucified.

Humility is a lesson we all should learn, for the vice of arrogance often leads us astray, far to often to fields of self-imagined splendour, were angels fear to tread.


Divine Mercy is the outreach Program of Assembly of the Divine Creator. Haven Outreach promotes 7DF through evangelistic crusades. Divine Mercy, on the other hand, functions as a charity story of donated second hand goods sold at a cheap price, and also providing financial charity and assistance for deserving cases.


I wholeheartedly support the movement of American Monarchism. Further, I support the British Monarchy looking into the ancient history of faith and founding its religious ideals on the oldest religion of mankind, the faith of our father Noah, the Adamide-Noahide community. (Genesis 1:1 - 11:9).

I believe in the Celtic Isles of Ireland and Britannia. I believe that these people are united as many families, who share a similar and common heritage, united now in English as a common tongue, and who play similar sports, have similar faith, and walk in similar customs and mannerisms. My family history is Irish and I support Ireland wholeheartedly. I was born in England, have an English Mother, and was raised in Australia, were my father was also born. I support the notion of a British Commonwealth of Nations, yet, with the close inter-relationship of the Celtic-Anglo-Saxon-Norman peoples, I also believe in the cultural significance of Scottish, Welsh and Irish Commonwealths within the British one. And, through ongoing cultural immigration, our nations have taken an influx of world citizens, and such cultural commonwealths of peoples are also recognized as valid and important to myself, children of Noah, part of the family of man. In essence I believe in an Anglospheran culture of all cultural truth and customs of the 7 Sovereign Nations, and that all the children of Noah, all the families of man, may find some of their own as members within this great and grand Anglospheran Vision of Glory. Alleluia. Amen.


A Noahide needs a decent work attitude if he or she must work for a living. Employers don't like lazy employees, because they need to maintain a profit for their organization or business to have a successful life for themselves and their family and loved ones as well. You should keep that in mind – the thoughts of your employer. In fact, that should be a major part of the shaping your work attitude – pleasing your employer. A servile attitude is welcome. One which does the job humbly and according the way your employer likes it. This doesn't mean you should be weak or pathetic in your attitude towards your boss, just being a submissive 'Yes Man' who says yes to everything your boss wants in a snivelling manner. A boss who is worth working for will usually respect his employee if the employee has a mind of his or her own and can show initiative and be able to object and raise his voice if he has genuine concerns about work protocols, procedures and practices. But an arrogant employee who thinks they know everything is not welcome either. Be competent, genuinely complicit with your employers wishes, and work hard. Show initiative when you think it appropriate, but at times, just shut up and get the job done.

Work should be carefully according to the procedures and rules of the organisation and the law itself. If there are corrupt practices going on you need to bring this to the attention of supervisors and managers, even if it means losing friends. They may not be the kind of friends worth keeping anyway if they are involved in corrupt practices. Follow guidelines for you job, educate yourself on them from time to time, and work hard to stay informed in your organisation on any new practices and procedures, and try to ensure you attend all work meetings and listen attentively. Try and show aptitude and common sense in following guidelines, and if you are not sure about how a job or procedure should be done properly, quickly seek guidance from your manager or supervisor. Some employers are strict and very fussy and some are a bit more relaxed. You should be sensitive to a strict employer, but never take the graces of a more relaxed employer for granted at all, because slack attitudes can develop. To stay employed you need to be consistent in a good work performance, so don't let your decent standards slip, and work hard to amend casual attitudes in your performance. Be thoughtful, considerate and fair towards all other workers and your supervisors in your organization, try to remain friendly with a generally positive and welcoming attitude. Try to repent of bad habits in your work procedures and and hostilities or rivalries towards fellow employees need to be turned away from. Avoid sexual harassment and unwelcome advances towards other employers, and stay on a firm path of respect and concern for your fellows. This does not mean slightly flirtatious talk towards a person of the opposite sex is necessarily unwelcome, but don't take too much for granted. Show respect for your fellow workers and try to get along well with a friendly spirit.

In the end, especially, work hard. Do a competent and proper job and maintain this ethic and attitude throughout your working life. Try to be a model employee and if you do so your advancements in life should take care of themselves in time.


666 is a normal number in the numerical system. There is nothing weird or strange about this number. In the Christian book of Apocalypse, 666 is attached to the Number of the Beast's name. However, the Christian revelation is not really the word of God. It is the creative imagination of a church member, told to inspire early Christians in their Christian faith and walk with God. There should not really be any fear or stupidity associated with this number in peoples views. The idea of a world wide economic system based on 666 being the officiating mark of such a system is ludicrosity and fantasy. Pentecostal proponents of fear on this issue are really doing society a disservice causing stress in people about end times rapture fantasies and armageddon ideas. Megiddo, the plain in Israel, were this battle is supposed to take place, will not suffer any such battles in any crazy tribulation fantasies. The Advancing Noah Movement dis-associates itself with all craziness involved with armageddon talk and 666 nonsense, and encourages people to see the truth that 666 is a lovely number, a vital part of our numerical system, and to put to rest fantasies of the Church in relation to this societal oddity.


When we talk of the Serpent Seed doctrine in 7DF, we talk of the seed of the Woman versus the seed of the Serpent who, in a spiritual tradition we employ, rather than a strict literal original meaning of the text, we regard as Eve and Satan. Eve's seed are those who confess faith in truth, the correct religion and belief in God Almighty. There are degrees of this faith in mankind but, in the end, those who qualify for the New Earth and the New Heaven in the Afterlife are generally regarded as the Seed of the Woman. The seed of the woman nearly 100% of the time gain eternal life, but not absolutely infallibly so for some who may eventually go astray, a tiny percentage it is. The seed of the Serpent go to the Hades afterlife, the world of the dead in a sense, which is like the new earth, but cloaked in a darkness of sorts. It is like the new earth and life goes on there much the same as it does on earth for people who did not qualify for the new earth or the new heaven, but, so God tells me, it was upon the judgement at their death their fate was chosen and while eternal life is usually the reward for those who receive the new earth and new heaven, only a long age of existence, usually, is reserved for those in hades. Eventually sin will kill them off – their own dark choices, and they will be gone from life forever.

The seed of the woman has eternity. The seed of the serpent has no real future.

When we then, therefore, talk about the establishment of Adamide-Noahide Bloodlines we are talking of those who keep the faith in the Rainbow Torah (Genesis 1 – 11:9), practice its principles, and pass on the genealogical truth that we are descended from Adam and Noah, that God is real and true, and that there is a judgement for those who ultimately go to far astray from these truths. Adamide-Noahide Bloodlines need to know who they are, who they are descended from and what they eternally are meant to represent. Eve versus Satan. Light versus dark. Eternity versus foolishness. So, I encourage you, in any of your plans, if you have them, to establish an Adamide-Noahide bloodline and family, maintain the faith in your children, pray for them and their offspring and God's blessing over your posterity, and remember always the reward for those who obey and the punishment for those who do not.


When colonizing Britain arrived in Australia over 200 years ago, there were approximately 300,000 Aboriginal residents. Today the country of Australia houses over 23 million citizens. This fact of population demonstrates there was ample room for the British to also settle this country with citizens. The land was far from being settled in terms of a solid infrastructure of society, and there was abundant forests and plains for the British to settle in and form their own communities. The aboriginals arrived here a few thousand years ago from an original tribal family scattered here from the origin of the Scattering of the Babel community (Genesis 11:1-9). Yet the British are latter settlers, and as there was obviously ample room for settling this nation, as it now houses over 50 times as many people, the British and subsequent other immigrants have a right and a mandate to live in this land. Thus, with settlement, they begin the process of becoming indigenous to the land of Australia also.


 2DF Teaches the fact that the Noahides, who are bearers of the oldest of the biblical covenants, gain the greatest honour, authority, splendour, majesty, truth, love, and every good thing, in the Kingdom of God. Hebrews are subordinate to us, Abrahamides are subordinate even lower, Israelides are subordinate even lower still, and the House of David is lower still. Because of degrees of authority invested in Jesus of Nazareth, as a member of the Messianic house of Zerubbabel, the gentile and jewish world church who worship jesus in an idolatrous way, and also due to the corrupt elements in Christian faith, the Christian faith is lower still in the hierarchy of the Kingdom of God. Islam is subordinate even further, and, currently, Bahai is the lowest of all official religions. Other groupings of people fall beneath this authority. Thus, Karaite Adamide-Noahides form the highest power in the Kingdom of God.

 Because Adamides-Noahides gain the greatest honour in the Kingdom, hierarchy and rankings of God, we are only able to have the smallest spiritual community, which are the elite rulers. The Hebrew community, thus, is required to be bigger than ours. Beyond their scope is the community of the Abrahamides, a required bigger community still. Bigger than that is the Israelide community. Bigger than the Israelide community is the House of David. Bigger than the House of David is Christianity through Jesus of Nazareth, which has sub-divisions depending on age within her. The newer assemblies formed are entitled to be the largest in size, in this sense, yet more common. Bigger than Christianity is Islam. Biggest of all, currently, is Bahai faith, in its rights of growth. The greatest blessing of wealth, prosperity and authority goes to the older the spiritual community individually. The greatest blessing of numerical size, because of the necessity of a hierarchical tree structure, places the Bahai community, currently, as the biggest allowable, just a bit smaller (currently) than the common pool of other-category mankind allowable.


 What is faith? What is unbelief? Can we truly know anything? Do we really exist? Are we not, as some may say, a figment of our own imagination?

Is not being Uncertain simply part of the human condition? Are we not simply born into this world and, as we grow, start to uncover that there are questions about life which so many people ask and that so many people reach so many different conclusions. Are there not multiple religions and multiple belief systems? And, in all of this, is it not true that ‘Uncertainty’ rules the heart of so many? Yet, say I, what is the opposite to uncertainty? Is it faith? Certainty Itself? Is it fact? Is it knowing something is so definitely true, even despite others who might oppose your viewpoint?

It seems to me that part of the human condition of life on earth is the very fact of uncertainty on moral and religious issues. So much of the time we do not really know for sure about what the truth is. So much of the time it is just very hard to grasp. But, why should so many of us be so insistent that people should be working it out according to their own belief systems to justify their own viewpoints? Hey, brother – believe in my beliefs and my church, or go to hell brother? Just tough, brother. You got it wrong – we are the right church. Tough luck. Now you deserve hell. Is that Justice? Is that the mercy of God? Is it unforgivable to get it wrong? Is it unforgivable to be uncertain?

 NO. Uncertainty is simply a fact of the human condition. It is part of being alive. The whole purpose of having questions is to learn. But, until we get the truth of all our questions answered, we simply have the irrevocable position of being ‘UNCERTAIN’ in relation to a lot of issues.

 Uncertainty is an inevitable part of being alive. We can’t avoid it. We just can’t.

Perhaps – perhaps – we get answers from God over our lives on our questions. Perhaps we get the information we need from time to time. But, one thing I am sure of is that there is a lot of uncertainty along the way.

And the reality of uncertainty definitely appears to be a truth of human existence.


Life can be a rocky ride. Some of the appeal for a lot of people in traditional religion is that it supposedly ‘Doesn’t change a lot’. It is a faith which offers ‘Stability’.

Stability is found in truth. In knowing truth.

1 + 1 = 2

That is an infallible mathematical truth. It is a fact. Funnily enough, such an idea can be latched upon to develop ideas of logic – logic which bring correct thinking about life’s problems.

Spiritual stability is in finding spiritual truths which don’t change and can’t change. Things which remain the same eternally.

Some people need to think you need to ‘move with the times’. That you need to ‘Progress’.

Stability – a constant faith – means reliability. It means people can really learn and know were you are coming from after a while. It means they can know were you stand on issues.

I am the founder of the ‘7 Divine Karaite Noahide Fellowships’ which are: 1) Haven Noahide Fellowship, 2) Assembly of the Divine Creator, 3) Universal Faith Assembly, 4) Assembly of the Living God, 5) Universal Truth Assembly, 6) Assembly of the Most High & 7) Haven Adamide Fellowship. The doctrinal basis for each of these 7 Karaite Noahide Fellowship is finished. The information for Haven and the 7 fellowships can be found at: in the various links.

These fellowships are intended to have UNCHANGING doctrine. They are intended to remain the same, eternally, unchangeable. Whatever truth they teach is meant to be just that – unchanging, and constant. Whatever people think of these religions, that is their own prerogative, but they are intended to never change. To be what they are.

The fictional spiritual literature of each of the 7 Divine Fellowships is still unfolding, but will be complete in time. I am writing this in the year 6175 SC which is the same year in the Christian Calendar as 2011 AD/CE. I will hopefully have the complete literature finished within 1 to 2 decades from now. And once it is complete, that is the end of it. The doctrine itself is already complete – only the literature needs to be finished off.

What these 7 Divine fellowships are meant to be is this – unchanging, eternally, fundamental, Noahide Karaite fellowships. If you like them – one of them could be for you. If you don’t, feel free to disregard. I am only trying to appeal to whom they naturally appeal to. If you want to join one of them, you are welcome. If you don’t, that is fine by me.

But they are meant to offer STABILITY. Unchanging viewpoints, viewpoints which don’t really care what era of mankind they are in, but remaining the same viewpoints forever. Unchanging religion. Stable religion. Happy religion.



God simply is. He is one. He existed before everything else. He will exist eternally. He has sovereign power and abilities. He acts justly and acknowledges the truth. He shows people grace, but will correct them when they are mistaken. He is slow to anger and longsuffering. He is merciful. If you provoke him, he can lean to judgement in time.

God has a consistent nature. It is his natural state. He can’t really be anything other than himself. We should not expect God to be, either – he is who and what he is.

Knowing God is the foundation for eternal life.

Knowing the peace and love which comes from God gives life happiness. It makes life feel like it is worth living when God is in the centre of our lives.

Jehovah God’s spirit is the deepest spirit of all. It is eternal. It is loving. It is peace. It is truth.

God simply is.


In the end, complaints are supposed to be a good thing. They bring attention to peoples problems and concerns. In a dictatorship, thank God for the objectors and protesters who point out the evil and hypocrisy. Yes, we should feel free to complain and voice our opinions and right wrongs when we see them. Some people get carried away though and all they do is complain. But improvements in our lives and society don't come from people shutting up and saying nothing. Voice your concerns and voice them always. Remember it is often said 'Why didn't you tell me there was a problem.' There is no need to be harsh in delivering your point, but sometimes belting out your problem is the best way to get it heard. So let people bloody know if you have concerns. Now, thinking about it, if people obviously have issues, it stands to reason to be proactive and ask people if they have concerns before they feel a need to voice them. Concern yourself for the issues that may be bubbling up in a person's heart. Ask them to speak their mind, their opinion. But in all things, ultimately, moderation and calmness should prevail.


AOTDC - The English Fellowship


The Book of England


Verse One

Be Strong. Trust in the Lord Almighty. Seek his ways. Seek his wisdom. A True Heart must be a faithful and devoted friend, not given only to fair-weather friendship, but through all the seasons of life, enduring, giving love, charity, peace, a good word, a kind smile, and a kiss of affectionate friendship as life passes by. Seek to be a friend to all, kind and true, good in words and deeds, good in all manner of ways and life. Be Strong. Be a foundation of goodness for others to build upon, to rely on, to seek comfort and shelter from. Be true to yourself, your English virtue, your land of hope, glory, comfort and consolation. Be true to yourself. Be a tool of wonder and amazement in the worker of Glory’s grand machinations, admired by all, constantly devoted to truth, constantly devoted to the facts, constantly devoted to the right way of life, constantly devoted to God. Be Strong. Keep faith in he who sits on the heavenly throne, the Lord the Holy One on high. Keep faith in his existence, his centrality, his Almighty Nature, His Infinite Mind and purposes, His flawless truth, his Benevolent Loving Concern, his favour towards good children of English stock. Be Strong.


Verse Two

Walk in melody and harmony, sing quietly, sing joyfully. Be true to yourself and your own mind, but also be true to your nation and play your part and your role in England’s wonderful and eternal destiny in the MOST HIGH – the God of Ancient Britannia – The LORD of Glory. Be strong in courage. Do not waver towards those whose heart is set upon error. Do not waver towards those whose heart is set on chaos and destruction. Seek the calm and steady waters of England’s firm shores, undefeated and rejoice in the pleasure of knowing eternity, firm in the shelter of the Most High, our Glorious Shepherd upon High, firm in the love of his Messiah David, His Loved One Jesus, His Angel Michael, His Angel Gabriel. Be firm in Israel as a friend and compatriot throughout our eternal sojourn, knowing they too have long chosen the firm pathways of salvation. Work in harmony with the will and word and way of God the Almighty One – El Shaddai – the giver of the Covenants of Life – The Giver of the Spirit Truth. Sing Hallelujah with a humble heart, knowing that God cares for thee, that you have chosen the firm eternal pathways of truth and justice, and that Yahweh – that Jehovah – that Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – will continue to guide and teach you in the ways of nobility, love, kindness, truth, chivalry, justice, godliness and every good thing.


Verse Three

Hey, yo, get with the times. Remember, an English soul was not born yesterday sonny jim. As the rockers say, keep on rocking, keep on bloody rolling, rapping and a humming, bopping and a rocking. Stay cool, son and daughter of glorious England, for you are an intelligent, modern, cool, hip, happening, and thinking man and woman, capable of adapting styles with skill, coolness and adroit understanding of the wisdom of the multi-faceted historical cultures afore us in the transversing of time in our eternal destinies. Stay ahead of the pack, set the trends, be culture current, be culturally advanced, yet never forget the wonderful heritage you are building upon, and the wise and faithful souls gone before you. Be spicey, have some chemistry, make sure the kids are alright, rock with that bloody DJ, and learn to be a better man. You are English, and there is more to you than meets the eye, son of the land of Rain and Green and Lovely Pastures. Oh, and one last thing – keep your eye on those Australians in the Cricket. Those ashes are going to be a perpetual field of combat for both of us, so keep the faith, stick to your guns, and keep the ale flowing. And don’t forget, boys, to check out that babe on page three.


Verse Four

And the future. Ahead of us. Shining gloriously, the eternal kingdom, wise and knowledgeable through gained experience, not conquered by sin, resisting stupid ways, still focusing on scripture in our heart, working onwards to establish the reign of the Kingdom of God among men, faithful to the truth, yet now challenging, now seeking, now charting our way to the stars and beyond. We seek planetary bodies, planets of settlement for the British Empire, for the Empire has only just begun, dear son of the United Kingdom, and we are not finished yet. God has made planets with life on them, and our share is before us, ready for us to seek them out and settle, to claim our glory and to continue our genealogies and to build our family legacies and to continue to broaden and increase our love, our faith, our life, our truth, our British and English and Scottish and Welsh and Irish and International heritages. England moves on, ever on, building on a firm foundation, taking our part in the grand design of the creator’s purpose for mankind to tread down even further on our eternal destiny, to settle this universe and to be at continued peace with mankind and show them the love, purity and truth and grace of the heart of our English ways. Keep our land on Earth, our beloved Britain, pure and true, keep it as our eternal foundation, as we build our Empire ever onwards, settling each new world with love, peace, purity and truth, building cities of hope and faith and love, cities of joy and goodness, cities of amazement and knowledge and fun and entertainment, cities of good work, happy consolation and eternal knowledges. Cities of God. So walk on, child of Britannia, into our fair and amazing destiny before us.


Verse Five

Love. Truth. Peace. Kindness. Joy. Happiness. Eternity. God.

England is an amazing nation, a nation of God, a nation of truth, a nation of virtue. Be joyful in your citizenship in an amazing country, serving God with repentance of past woes, and continued service of God for a glorious and blessed tomorrow. Hallelujah.



AOTDC - The Australian Fellowship


The Book of Australia



The Empire is our Mother, and we are Australian. Sons of this fair sunburnt continent, this drought filled plain, this flood soaked soil, girt by sea, a true and proud land, of strange and dark natives, but of promise for advancement in every generation. Land of the southern cross, land of Eureka, and of convict blood proud and true. A land eternal, for all generations will call us the lucky ones, truly blessed by our providing heavenly father upon high.



Tie me kangaroo down sport. Ettamogah pub. Slim Dusty. Kylie Minogue. John Farnahm. Jimmy Barnes. Cold Chisel. Inxs. And Acca bloody Dacca. True Blue. Vegimite. Cockatoo. Shane Bloody Warne. The Bradman still the King. AFL. Rugby League. Rugby Union and Football. Midnight Oil and the burning beds. Land Rights. Mabo. Saying sorry. And the Olympics. Floods. Cyclones. Thorpie having another go. A bright future ahead.



Still children of the Empire. No republic. Not necessary. England still at war with us on the cricket. Still an even contest. Still a hard fight. Improving standards continually in education, health, welfare, science, religion and medicine. Advancing still. Concerned with aboriginal heritage and their place in our nation. Reconciliation for past problems. Finding lasting solutions for a better world tomorrow. Britain still going strong with us in sports. America taking more of an interest in the cricket. New Zealand still fighting us at the Rugby. 2012 Olympics – what a contest. Looking to the stars. Matching Nasa. Setting also a goal for Mars. Being bold and aiming for pluto and charon. Working out with the British how to settle Mars, Venus and Mercury. A joint focus from both nations. People like William and Kate. God still popular in religious circles. The nation stating itself in its heart as abiding by the principles of monotheism. Accepting that God is there, as parliament shows through its prayers to him. Being sensible. Being careful. Society working on the religious truth problem. Trying to work it out properly. Colonizing the stars looks possible. Working out how to get beyond our solar system – a long term problem. But this solar stellar system is eminently colonisable and Australia wants its own share as well. Reaching out in love from hillsong. Being strong in the faith. Enduring. Learning peace. Learning truth. Learning love. Learning faith. Showing mercy. Keeping the faith. Taking sensible risks. Exercising prudence and caution. Growing as a nation. Building as a nation. Staying true to our British and International roots. A Multicultural nation. Still Advancing.



Studying knowledge and building in our planets wise cities of knowledge of love, of knowledge of truth, of knowledge of faith, of knowledge of hope, of knowledge of God. Enjoying our culture, our ways of life, our destiny, our legacy. At peace in our heart. Full of health and vitality. A strong, vibrant and successful nation. A joy to be a proud Australian. Looking forwards, ever onwards. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.



Some Modern Proverbs


A Fool and his life are soon parted


A Wise man acquires wealth which has long-life asset value associated with it


Coins are a better investment than stamps or comics – unfortunately paper damages easily and won’t last as long


Decent people of the world have hearts too and God loves them. So be friendly but exercise sensible caution


ANY land is an excellent long-term asset to invest in. Keep it forever and you will see what I mean


Bless your friends, but don’t spend a fortune on them, unless you really like them or can afford it


Give a small percentage of your income to charities, as this shows you care


Be wary of strangers – don’t give out trust automatically – let new people in your life earn your trust


They say don’t burn bridges – if the person is wicked demolish the bridge damn quickly


Invest in assets which last


Study maths, science, languages, geography, computers and HISTORY


Study can become a joy all of its own merit. When you grow in knowledge it often becomes just as much fun as computer games, and sometimes a lot more


Stay abreast with current affairs – watch the news in full regularly


Be grateful to your parents for bringing you into the world and raising you. Someone had to do it.


Confess all of your sins in every detail to God – don’t hide anything at all. And tell him your motivations for all your sins. Get it all off your chest


Ask God to guide you.


A wise person can learn how to guide themselves


An idiot needs to be disciplined by others. A sensible man disciplines himself


Tell the truth


Conceal your sins from a corrupt judge or person – often they will use it against you unfairly


As long as God knows your sins, that is the important thing


Keep communication channels to God open at all times


God will tell others about your sins if they need to know them


Lie to someone who you think will hurt you


God deludes the nations if they are hellbent on sin – do the same if someone is out to harm you


Violent people are a waste of space


If people are gentle, allow them grace for their mistakes


Study autobiographies of successful people – why listen to last place?


If you are going to try properly – then work your bloody arse off


Being lazy is ok if mummy and daddy are rich or you have a secure income. You don’t always have to work hard for success. It mainly comes to those who are simply good.


Face reality – be practical, pragmatic, sensible and honest


Follow what really works – not airy fairy philosophy


Break a treaty if you bloody well have to – don’t go down with a sinking ship


After the glory days of an Empire, passivity and tranquillity are usually the fruits


A nation will continue to rise if it:

o Maintains its core goals and works to defeat opposing obstacles

o Revises its core goals if the obstacle is impossible

o Only takes on those challenges it knows it can accomplish

o Sets it as a primary goal to acquire wealth eternally

o Knows when to put in a solid, passionate effort – and knows when to relax and rest

o Avoids risks and takes secure pathways


Don’t listen to a braggart


Avoid stupid people


Rebuke violence in your children


Schools are often second rate, catering only for the average. Teach your children everything you know and encourage them constantly. Don’t just rely on the schooling system. Actually DO try and live your dreams through your children, because they will appreciate your teaching as they grow wise in years to come


Quiz your children constantly


Remember this fact – a lot of people don’t try that hard in the end – don’t be like the majority – be a spark in the dark and a passion unending


Seek in depth knowledge of as many useful subjects as you possibly can


Never stop studying


Be wiser than your opponent or they will rule over you


If someone is better than you at something, admit it, but don’t give up – practice harder, and then harder still, and look for intelligent ways of improving more than them


Exercise regularly


It is good to ask advice of sensible, wise and successful people – but a lot of the time, child of mine, you really need to look inside and use the God-given talents that the creator has already given just to you

It is not terribly wise to over-extend yourself - learn to live within your means.

Young people lack experience – a teacher they lack to guide them in their decision making.

Old people have experience – a teacher they often neglect because of pride in their decision making.

Experience is a great teacher – make sure you take note of the lessons it teaches you daily.

If Wisdom lies in a multitude of Counsellors it would be best to ensure you have a good assessment of the actual wisdom of these counsellors.



 The Second Torah of Noah

(Canon for the Kingdom of Noah & the 7 Divine Fellowships)

The 247 Next Set of Rules for the Kingdom of Noah and Mankind

 1) The prior set of rules remain binding, authoritative, and eternal

2) The prior set of rules are to be followed, in principle, with good intentions of being decent, moral and kind and lawful

3) Any problematic principles within the prior set of rules can be modified in their obedience towards them if they are deemed immature, innappropriate or morally unacceptable

4) In general, it should still be assumed that there is a strong and reasonable basis in law for all the prior set of rules, and only careful consideration by an individual or society should set aside any particular rulings as morally unacceptable

5) You shall have appropriate food and hygiene rules for the manufacture of clean and wholesome foods, available for eating in private domiciles and for resale in the general marketplace

6) Health rules of your society should be generally observed

7) The laws of mankind, enshrined in their legal codes and constitutions, are to be generally considered applicable for observance at the point of publication of the first Rainbow Bible, which was 6175 SC or 2011 CE-AD. (NOTE: Yet, as the Spirit informs me, for heavenly purposes, only the Institutes of Legal Documentation in physical copy form I gain through ownership for 7DF (according to our schema of foundational principles) obtained from various nations can be utilized in such judgements pertaining to December 31st 6175 SC. Thus, only the full body of Law writings obtained during my earthly sojourn my be utilized for books of judgement and law for 7DF in the heavenlies. An ultimate heavenly legal system or code of law for 7DF thus remains to be constructed and put together upon my ceasing this earthly life and dwelling in heaven eternally. Further, because my life on earth extends beyond 6175SC, any legal texts obtained beyond this date will also be studied and analysed for suitability of legal doctrine being employed if found sufficiently moral and decent enough.)

8) The legally authorised institutions of nations - a nation generally and usually defined by acceptance as a nation into the charter of nations of the United Nations as of 6175 SC - are intended to be viewed and accepted and followed as the institutions of society, and a functioning and real part of the lives of Noahides - members of Haven Noahide Fellowship and the 7 Divine Fellowships - and Mankind in general. (REPEAT OF NOTE: Yet, as the Spirit informs me, for heavenly purposes, only the Institutes of Legal Documentation in physical copy form I gain through ownership for 7DF (according to our schema of foundational principles) obtained from various nations can be utilized in such judgements pertaining to December 31st 6175 SC. Thus, only the full body of Law writings obtained during my earthly sojourn my be utilized for books of judgement and law for 7DF in the heavenlies. An ultimate heavenly legal system or code of law for 7DF thus remains to be constructed and put together upon my ceasing this earthly life and dwelling in heaven eternally. Further, because my life on earth extends beyond 6175SC, any legal texts obtained beyond this date will also be studied and analysed for suitability of legal doctrine being employed if found sufficiently moral and decent enough.)

9) To reiterate, the laws of member nations of the United Nations as of 6175 SC / 2011 CE-AD, on 31st of December that year, are to be deemed applicable for observance by Noahides, members of the 7 Divine Fellowship and, under our divinely approved authority, by all members of mankind.  If an imminent resurrection occurs, the laws of that date will likely (ultimately) be binding as well.(FURTHER REPEAT OF NOTE: Yet, as the Spirit informs me, for heavenly purposes, only the Institutes of Legal Documentation in physical copy form I gain through ownership for 7DF (according to our schema of foundational principles) obtained from various nations can be utilized in such judgements pertaining to December 31st 6175 SC. Thus, only the full body of Law writings obtained during my earthly sojourn my be utilized for books of judgement and law for 7DF in the heavenlies. An ultimate heavenly legal system or code of law for 7DF thus remains to be constructed and put together upon my ceasing this earthly life and dwelling in heaven eternally. Further, because my life on earth extends beyond 6175SC, any legal texts obtained beyond this date will also be studied and analysed for suitability of legal doctrine being employed if found sufficiently moral and decent enough.)

10) Study of the legal codes talked about in the prior rulings of this second kingdom of noah torah, in the next life - the world to come - is deemed as appropriate and important and should be ideally complied with by everyone.

11) Flexibility to individual behaviour, were society generally accepts this behaviour for you on a personal level, can be regulated and adapted to.

12) It is important to adapt to the particular lifestyle yearnings of other individuals within society where this does not compromise your own quality of life

13) Live and let live is an important principle of the Kingdom of Noah Torah

14) Being too flexible, conversely, is not wise

15) A complete reading of the Tanakh in the world to come should be viewed as a law of this second kingdom of Noah Torah.

16) The fictional Pseudepigrapha - the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' - should be deemed as appropriate reading material as an aid in the interpretations of the Rainbow Bibles and their teaching.

17) Through revision of doctrinal understanding as corrected by the Spirit (as of 16th of July 6178 SC) it has now been deemed that the World to Come is generally understood as our heavenly reward upon physical death from the Earthly world.

18) This law has been revised and Rule 17 is the current interpretation.

19) It is important to be a good person, to love God and to get along with our fellow human beings.

20) There will be 272 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah in the third rainbow Bible, and the final 228 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah in the fourth Rainbow Bible. This will culminate the rules list at 1000 rules.

21) This rule has been revised and rule 17 is the current interpretation.

22) The Pseudepigrapha of the ‘Angels of Hope’ is an accompaniment to the Second Rainbow Bible for the Assembly of the Divine Creator.

23) The prior information of this ruling has been put aside to theological speculations. The new rule is the general principle that we should Honour God as the Creator of the Universe.

24) The Assembly of the Divine Creator is made up of individuals who voluntarily accept the teachings and rules of the Second Rainbow Bible.  It is done so on a voluntary basis.  We believe in the universalization of the entire 7 Rainbow Bibles.

25) Tithing to your pastor for the spiritual sermons and teachings and administration of Assemblies is an appropriate thing to be given in the Assembly of the Divine Creator. In general, we follow the foundational guidelines as expressed at the beginning of the First Rainbow Bible.

26) Rule 17 replaces the prior rule at this point.

27) Doing the will of God is important for Noahides.

28) Doing the will of God is important for Noahides. Following the leading of his holy spirit is important as the world works better following the wisdom of Almighty God.

29) The 1000 rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah are not just simply rules - they are also principles, ordinances, words, statements, imperatives and proverbs.

30) Judgement on Salvation belongs to God Almighty.

31) We recognize the notion of Branches of Judaism and Noahidism and the importance of each branch functioning as it is supposed to in the divine Tree of Life of God's faithful religion and adherents.

32) We think that it is probable that Christians inherit the world to come through their own Torah observance, but are not an official branch of Judaism. Muslims and Bahai also likely inherit the world to come through their own Torah observance, but are also not official branches of Judaism.

33) Other rewards and blessings are the prerogative of God Almighty to bless the movements with, usually depending upon a person's deeds, for Torah teaches God will reward or punish according to man's deeds or ways.

34) Rule 17 replaces the prior rule at this point.

35) The first set of Torah of Noah rules had a degree of sarcasm towards Israel. We defend that sarcasm, but in this second set of rules we stress the importance of treating all mankind, be they Adamide, Noahide, Abramide or Israelide, with courtesy, kindness, respect and love. The people of God's covenants - mankind - are made in the image of God and it is important to treat each and every human with respect, honouring their dignity as human beings who are like God, made after his image. As the Torah teaches it is important to love our neighbour as ourselves, and this includes the people of Israel in relationship to Noahide members of mankind.

36) The Assembly of the Divine Creator has a strong focus on the ‘Anglosphere’ and English, Scot, Irish and Welsh culture.

37) In the first Torah of the Kingdom of Noah we had a healthy degree of mockery of the rabbis. Really, it is only because they are such men of passion for their nation, and often strongly provoke Gentiles. Truth to tell, the rabbinic rebukes of gentiles were often directed towards idolaters a fair degree of the time, and while they were noahide idolaters, we concur with the rabbis that idolatry is definitely not acceptable behaviour.

38) Archangel Gabriel is hopefully a wonderful Angel.

39) Archangel Michael is hopefully a wonderful Angel.

40) May all the angels of God praise Hashem forever, for he is a glorioius God, creator of all things, and to him we owe our love, loyalty and eternal devotions. Praise the God of all mankind and all angelicdom, praise the creator of glory, praise the most high, the God of victory, prosperity, and abundant love. Praise his name forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen. Alleluia. Amen.

41) There are rules at the beginning of the First Torah of Noah which may sound sarcastic. Rules about rock and roll and swearing and so forth. Yet, disguised in this sarcasm, are simple and pragmatic ideas that teach 'Keep the Peace' and don't let the party get out of hand. This is actually sound advice, despite the colourful language employed to belabor the point. Sometimes people use colourful language in life. There is, perhaps, a time for these things, and a time to refrain from these things. The first Torah of Noah employed it somewhat. There is far less in the second.

42) These Torah rules are, as well as principles and proverbs and so forth, ultimately commentary as well, and other things, on its own nature of the rules and principles of Karaite Noahide faith as well. There is probably wisdom in the Talmud. There is falsehood, also, in as much as the idea of the Mishnah originating with Moses is false. A heresy. The early pharisees developed their doctrines and attributed them to Moses. They may indeed be sound in many ways, but divine authority is not explicit upon these writings. God may or may not approve of the Talmudic literature, but there is no basis in the writings of the Tanakh to make this claim. All such attempts to do so are fishing for fish, but catching eels and stingrays and jellyfish, all passed off as supposedly being Kosher.

43) The Full Torah of Noah should be revised on occasions to correct improper legalisms, rulings, immaturities and inconsistencies. Ultimately, a final product is indeed the aim, which does not change its core morality or structure, and lasts eternally. For earthly purposes, upon my passing, the Torah of Noah is to remain unchanged from that point. In heavenly realities, the work is to be continued to be analysed and, were appropriate and necessary, corrected to bring forth a purer and better legal code for the administration of 7DF and whoever adheres to the principles of the Kingdom of Noah Torah. It is important that all prior copies of the code be preserved historically. It is also important that the work is continually modified until a satisfactory final product is realized. Further, the final product must, to a reasonable degree, reflect the intended decency and integrity of the original full Kingdom of Noah Torah and, upon completion, it must be stabilized and set without any further allowable change eternally. It should be 'Covenanted' upon all final amendments having been made.

44) Live and let Live. Live and let die. Which will ye choose? asketh I, asketh I?

45) Is there really any point to endless studies of doctrinal disputes which go on forever? Or reading endless arrays of spiritual tomes on living the enlightened life? Or praying endless prayers? Or going to service after endless spiritual service? Is it, as one might say, all chase after the wind? For the moral heart which has just enough religion may, in the end, seek to live its own life, and be the kind of person bible stories are written about, rather than being the kind of person who reads bible stories.

46) There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it is the way of death.

47) There is a way which seems right to a repentant man, and in the end it is the way of life.

48) Knowing God himself, and conversing with the Most High, if he would ever deem you worthy of this glory, could be the ultimate experience in a life hoped to be eternal. For why wouldn't you seek the hallways of eternity, to bask in the firey glow of Torah's purest caress, and ride the wild stallion of dream, fantasy and adventure in the arms of a faithful companion who has chosen virtue and kindness to embellish the life you have chosen to live in a moral and decent way? For what prosperity is there in endless argument, of people who should know better by now, when so much more comes to those who put a little effort into their spirituality to seek a better way, a kinder way, a purer way, a happier way.

49) 7 Rests.

50) And then a celebration.

51) God has inifnite knowledge. Perhaps you should take his advice.

52) The master of all creation delights in his work. And mankind is the pinnacle of earthly glories. You are important to God, and he loves you even more so when you repent of your wrongdoings, your crass ways, your insulting behaviours, and practice kindness and peace with your fellow man. Caring for the poor and disaffected, indeed true religion, and giving charity when you can, even if only a little, shows your heart cares and considers others, for no man is an island, and well all need to get along in this world with everyone else.

53) Respect for God. Respect for your neighbour. These are principles of Torah in a nutshell, expressed by various religious figures, not only Jewish.

54) Watching your tongue for the words it speaks is often very good advice, for a blasphemer must repent much to earn God's forgiveness.

55) Even in your sin, do not forsake the faith. For tomorrow is a day away, and you can repent later on at times and genuinely still really mean it, despite thinking you might be unforgiveable. But do not take that for granted, for deliberate sins are gravely wrong to the Almighty one upon the throne of Glory.

56) Never defiantly say 'I am just going to sin,' for if God pricks your conscience becuase of it you could be in for a hell of a ride.

57) Isaiah 52:1 teaches the uncircumcised should not enter Zion. Isaiah 56 teaches that those gentiles who wish to cleave to the Lord and his people (Israel) should keep the sabbath without violating it, and then they have the permission to enter Zion to go to the temple and offer sacrifices. So, logically, if you want to observe the sabbath as a Noahide it goes hand in hand with cleaving with the Lord's people, entering into the covenant of circumcision, and making pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Noahides are NOT commanded anywhere in the Torah to convert to Karaism for Israelites. It is not a commandment. Thus, Noahides follow the religion Noah himself followed, which does not normally include sabbath keeping. Because the sabbath is part of the Rainbow Torah in Genesis 1 & 2, it could perhaps be kept on a voluntary basis by Noahides, but only on a purely voluntary basis. There does not seem, thus, to be a commandment applicable to Noahides to keep the sabbath on worldwide basis. If a gentile, coming to faith, chooses, to cleave to Israel, they should normally become circumcised and practice the full Torah faith. Yet, if they have chosen to remain as they are, they come under Noahide obligations. Karaite Noahidism acknowledges the Rainbow Torah Scriptures (Genesis 1 - 11:9) as the primacy of this religious relationship with Almighty God, and that Noahide communities are their own seperate spiritual communities under the authority of God. We thus have a separated community to the Noahide faith,and are logically therefore not part of the Jewish community.

58) There are likely some inter-dealings between Israelides and Noahides at interfaith gatherings, and perhaps sensible business arrangements were acceptable. Israel's torah commands Israelites who are attempting to live by the Torah's rules to live in Israel. There really, especially in this modern age, is no excuse for Jewish synagogues outside of the land of Israel. With Israel restored as a nation in 1948, there really should no longer be observant Israelites outside of the Holy Land. This is not quite right. A jewish community which seems to assume it has a right to live outside of Israel and still be Torah valid is not right when Israel, as a people, is in possession of the holy land. The rest of mankind is the Kingdom of Noah, and should be reserved, at the end of the Noahide work to convert the world to Noahide faith, for righteous Noahides.

59) Noahides are the Everlasting Kingdom of God beyond the boundaries of the Holy Land, the holy land being promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their seed, the rest of the world the dominion of the Noahide community.

60) Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaargah hardy har har har. Ha.

61) Should the resurrections come to pass, Copyright laws are very important matters for mankind. Those who have lived previously on planet earth and are being restored to earth have unlimited copyrights available to them, alike those already alive at the time on planet earth. Eventually, it is understood, that copyright will be used up. That the fulness of knowledge will have been expounded, as it were.

62)  The resurrection of the dead is perhaps imminent in our generations.

63) Thus, if you are good, you will inherit the world to come and good wealth.

64) The World to Come is imminent in our generations.

65) God is good.

66) The essential scriptures which the 7 Divine Fellowships promote as particularly relevant to the Children of Noah are: Genesis 1 - 11:9, Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, Deuteronomy 18: 9-14, Job 1, Jeremiah 12:14-17 & Nahum 2 & 3. These scriptures carry judgements, in a sense, with specific practices mentioned as relevant to the children of Noah. The laws of Leviticus 18 & 20 and Deuteronomy 18:9-14 are spoken of as applicable to Israelites, yet he referred to the nations as practicing these things, and finding them abominable for the people of Canaan. Yet Canaan was given to Abraham and his seed as a covenant, and while he spoke of these practices as also being practiced in Egypt, he only judged the Canaanites for committing such acts. He passed judgement on the gods of Egypt specifically for the reason of their oppresion of the Israelites. ONLY for this reason. Such judgement was part of the Rainbow Torah. He did NOT judge Egypt in punishment for their other practices in the same way he judged the Canaanites. He referred to them, but did not specify that Egypt had been judged because of them. In relevance to the children of Noah, Egypt represents a Noahide nation. The result is this - as a Noahide if you desire to please God, the practices mentioned in these passages would be abstained from by yourself. This idea would be, in their own way, relevant to the other passages just mentioned. Ultimately, they are NOT binding absolutes of law upon mankind. He has not done this. The limit of God's judgemet in absolutism, in this sense, is the Rainbow Torah Scriptures - Genesis 1 - 11:9.

67) Therefore, how much you want to please God is based on how much you actually want to please God. As a Noahide, your walk with God in holiness is in your own hands.

68) Genesis 1:26 teaches that humans are made in the image of God. Because of that we all carry the divine spark - we are all bene elohim or children of God. As a child grows up it hits its turbulent teens and craves independence. So, also, in our relationship with God. We learn to take care of our own lives and deal with our own problems.

69) Deuteronomy teaches the Judges of Law (The Danim) make divinely authorised judgements. My judgement is that within the Israelite community the various movements of Torah based faith can be referred to as branches. These include 'Reconstructionist Judaism', 'Reform / Liberal / Progressive Judaism', 'Conservative Judaism', 'Orthodox Judaism', 'Ultra Orthodox / Haredi / Hasidic Judaism', 'Samaritanism', 'Karaism', and others. Each of these branches has its own individual approach to Torah based faith. We view each of these branches as legitimate approaches to Torah Israelite faith, each naturally following their own suited styles of Torah living. Within Karaite Noahidism, as a branch of Noahidism, The possibility also exists for a diverse array of approaches to the Karaite Noahide manifesto. I view the '7 Divine fellowships' as a whole as the central stem of the Karaite Noahide branch of Noahidism, the earlist movement within mankind of Karaite Noahidism, and this stem which, as it grows, becomes the suporting stem or the heart of the primary branch, also has 7 twigs - the 7 Divine Fellowships.

70) The notion that the Pharisees Oral Law originated with Moses is a fallacy. The rights and responsibilities of the Danim, represented by the Pharisees in Rabbinical Judaism, to make judgements for their own branch, in accordance with Deuteronomy 16:18 & 17:8-13 is acknowledged by us. We thus recognise the Talmud as authoritative within its own appropriate branches of Judaism and communities. That said, the obvious stupidity and inconsistency of the rabbis on many of their bizarre rulings is universally acknowledged. Within Karaite Judaism we recognize the Karaite Hakhamate as the Danim of Judgement. Within Samaritanism we recognize the Priestly hierarchy and their own Torah-based literature. We view Unitarian 'Jehovah-based' Christianity as the way ahead within the Christian world. We view Zerubbabel as the Messiah of Isaiah 11, and Jesus, as descended from Zerubbabel the Messiah according to the genealogies of Matthew and Luke, as emanating from the Messianic house, but not the Messiah himself. When and where Islam and Bahai conform with core principles of Karaite Noahide faith we likewise view a degree of legitimacy as associated with those movements also.

71) Deuteronomy 4:1-4, Proverbs 30:5-6, Psalm 19:164, Ezekiel 40-48, Zechariah 8:14-17, Zechariah 7:8-10, Zechariah 7:4-7 with Zechariah 7:18-19

72) Sabbath observance by a Karaite Noahide is purely voluntary. It is a practice you may choose or not choose to employ. Periods of sabbath observance is also an acceptable option. It is up to the individual Karaite Noahide to decide for themselves.

73) Law 72 just preceeding also aplies to Kosher food observance or degrees of Kosher food observance, wearing of beards, tatoos, fasting on the Day of Atonement, degree of Torah study and other associated Torah principles where potentially applicable.

74) What? Are you a schmuck? Trying to disobey the laws of truth, peace and love of God & neighbour? Shame on you. Now go read Ezekiel 18.

75) Eternity

76) God is good.

77) The international law codes of 2000 CE-AD / 6164 SC are a good idea. Go study them. The international law codes of 2012 CE-AD / 6176 SC are also a good idea. Go study them also.

78) The United Natios Charter of Human rights as of 2012 CE-AD / 6176 SC is also a wonderful idea. Study that also.

79) Israel's law codes are well worth studying as of 2012 CE-AD / 6176 SC. So are the United Kingdom's, Australia's, The Republic of Ireland's, Guyana's, New Zealand's, Canada's and The United States of America's, at Federal/National, State/Territory/County/Provincial and local level's. Well worth studying by Karaite Noahides indeed.

80) For law guides our conduct and helps us to get along.

81) The Law of the Land applies.

82) This is a good saying and worthy of all acceptation: holy religion should involve charity, care for orphans, and concern for widows. Those disaffected in your society are those who need the most help. Love of brother, love of neighbour and love of God are the spokes of a society which will inevitably prosper. Wise sayings are the hallmark of the wise, but the hypocrite speaks one way yet acts contrary to his own words. More hope for a fool than him.

83) Those made in the image of God can find morality in their own hearts. The religously bigoted believe the world owes them everything, that they invented morality, and that they are the centre of all wisdom. I know a people just like that.

84) The bigoted say 'Only we can interpret our holy book.'

85) Humility comes before Honour.

86) Callodyn.

87) Daniel Daly - Glory - Justice - Truth

88) Pray - Just to make it today

89) It is ok to be proud of yourself if you have earned it. But it must be humble pride. Unfortunately people can often end up believing, in their pride, they are greater than the truth really declares, and it leads to arrogance. It is arrogant pride which comes before the fall, as the saying goes.

90) So get a grip.

91) You can't take it with you when you die. The Psalms rightly teach this truth. Though heavenly copies of your belongings are put aside, for the Lord rewards a man according to his deeds. Ashes to ashes - dust to dust - the spirit remains forever. Sow to the spiritual realm, and pray to God to bless you in the world to come. Earn your blessing through seeking God's will. Ask for your heavenly reward in prayer and how you may earn the things you desire. Clear things with Almighty God.

92) A PSALM: Lord God, bless forever the Seven Sovereign Nations of The United Kingdom, Australia, Guyana, New Zealand, The Republic of Ireland. Canada and The United States of America, please. Amen.

93) A PRAYER: Lord God, bless forever the Anglosphere for all eternity. Amen.

94) The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' is the primary 'PSEUDEPIGRAPHAL' work of the Kingdom of Noah and its religious documents. It is 'Scripture' but not authorized for doctrine in a binding or authoritative sense. It is to be utilized in harmony with study of the 'Rainbow Bible's'.

95) The Kingdom of Noah acknowledges International Copyrights. We are NOT separatist from society, and take part in all the standard conventions of societal behaviour.

96) I have decided that this second Torah of Noah will be the primary Torah of Study for the 2nd of the 7 Divine Fellowships 'The Assembly of the Divine Creator'. The Third Torah of Noah will be for the 3rd of the 7 Divine Fellowships 'The Universal Faith Assembly'. The 4th Divine Fellowship operates on the theological premise of the primary law it follows just being the 'Rainbow Torah Scripture' itself, which is Genesis 1 - 11:9. This is the 'Assembly of the Living God'. As such the fourth and final section of the Kingdom of Noah Torah will not be in the Fourth Rainbow Bible pertaining to the Assembly of the Living God, but instead delayed to the Fifth Rainbow Bible for the 'Universal Truth Assembly'.

97) The Assembly of the Divine Creator functions around 'Anglosphere' theology. The 7 Sovereign Nations are fundamental concepts of the Assembly of the Divine Creator. The 7SN theology promotes English as the Primary Language for the Anglosphere. It does NOT promote family-based racial concepts. It certainly DOES promote Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Cultural concepts to all citizens, whatever race, of the 7 Sovereign Nations. It is a cultural concept based on the English language at the heart of its purpose. In this sense it attempts to evangelize all citizens interested within the seven sovereign nations to uphold Anglo-Saxon-Celtic culture. All racial family groups within the 7 Sovereign nations are free to join the Assembly of the Divine Creator. There is no discrimination based on family racial origin, but it most definitely promotes Anglo-Saxon-Celtic culture and ideals.

98) Pride comes before the fall.

99) What we do in life echoes in eternity. Your rights on earth establish your rights in the new earth beyond death. It is what you get.

100) God is good.

101) Members of the Assembly of the Divine Creator should exercise Prudence, Caution and Wisdom.

102) A fundamental principle of this second Torah of Noah is that what you acquire on earth is what you acquire on earth.

103) With the advent of the world to come, the law codes of mankind are finally complete.

104) Being a loving person never goes out of fashion.

105) Karaite Noahides should have a sense of community, togetherness and family. Having values which God teaches are an active part of Karaite Noahide faith. Karaite Noahides naturally believe in God Almighty, and find meaning and value in the teachings of the Tanakh as well as other spirituality texts written which honour God Almighty first and foremost. Writings of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphians, who are Unitarian Christians, have a degree of merit associated with them, because we teach they honour God as God in his true sense, even while mistaken on the Christ notion. Yet torah faith is the pure faith, and this is the kind of spirituality we value and encourage amongst our community. We further teach that Karaite Noahides, who feel so inclined, should call upon God Almighty to help and assist them to write spirituality texts of their own merit, and Karaite Noahide equivalents of the bible, with our own histories, our own psalms and proverbs, our own inspired messages, is a core concern of the 7 Divine Fellowships and should be a fundamental principle of Karaite Noahide faith. In all of this the texts need to, as said above, be imbued with a sense of community, togetherness and family. The family of Noah.

106) God is good.

107) Saruviel

108) God is good.

109) Serving God in this life and turning from sin is the secret to eternal prosperity.  Sin has its pleasure for a season, but catches you out in the end.

110) The Assembly of the Divine Creator is also known as 2DF – Second Divine Fellowship of the Seven Divine Karaite Adamide-Noahide Fellowships.

111) God is good.

112) A sinful lifestyle is never a wise choice.

113) God is good.

114) It is true - God is a loving and giving and caring God. As Karaite Noahides we can expect God to make great personal sacrifices to us from his deepest heart to provide for us when we are in need. God will see to it to answer all our prayers, in great and magnificent ways, for he cares for us amazingly. If we need families and wives or husbands, if we need children, or jobs or other things in life, God will always be there, for all eternity, providing for us, for the blessing of Jehovah Jireh is amazing indeed. God helps those who help themselves, and his constant adoration of Haven Noahide Fellowship and the work it does for the 7 Divine Fellowships is found in his graces towards the Assembly of the Divine Creator. Naturally, all the struggles of Haven will one day, when you have put in a good effort, be turned into the most amazing of blessings and graces of God of truly unbelievable amounts. Beyond even the greatest of blessings of Israel or David that you could even hope to imagine. Amen. Alleluia. And Amen.

115) For God is a great and wonderful and glorious and loving God. And he turns all our sarcastic life commentary into a blessing of unbelievable proportions. For God loves a soft heart, and a heart which loves God, despite its desperate straits, and still trusts in his amazing abilities to bless, even at the nadir of despair. For God is good, alleluia, amen, and amen.

116) And Israel loves to sacrifice to the children of Noah.

117) And God is Amazing.

118) Really amazing.

119) Really truly amazing.

120) Be at peace.

121) God is a God of restoration.

122) God has always been answering your prayers.

123) God is good.

124) Obey the Law.

125) For God is loving and graceful and kind.

126) God is good.

127) Seek holiness.

129) Repent of sin.

130) Obey God.

131) May the eternal blessings of God Almighty rest upon the 7 Divine Fellowships, keeping them impervious to every curse of man and angel, god and devil, beast and woman and other, for all eternity, free from harm and sin and evil device, free from wrongdoing, and sledge and every hurtful word. May God bless the 7 Divine Fellowships, his eternal servants, and bless them this time forth and henceforth for all eternity, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, AMEN and AMEN and AMEN.

132) God is good.

133) God is good.

134) God is good.

135) God, really, is very good.

136) God is kind as well.

137) God is smart.

138) God is merciful.

139) Practice Kindness.

140) There are 140 Seraphim angels in the Realm of Eternity, 70 male and 70 female, in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, which is Noahide Pseudepigrapha.

141) Semyaza

142) God is good.

143) God is good.

145) Sow seeds of friendship with your fellow man.

146) Do Not Steal or Rob people.

147) Do Not Commit Bestiality.

148) Speak the truth.

149) Do Not Eat Animal Blood.

150) Do Not Blaspheme God’s Holy Name

151) Respect God and show him devotion.

152) Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is God.

153) Yahweh is God.

154) Jehovah is God.

155) Elohim is God.

156) Hashem is God.

157) God is good.

158) God is great.

159) God is fantastic.

160) God is amazing.

161) Following the truth and speaking the truth is vital for a well flowing and orderly society.  People in positions of authority, especially, should avoid lies.

162) Do not indulge in magic and the dark arts.

163) Smoking should not exceed sensible boundaries.  Keep it under control, thanks.

164) Watch your alcohol intake.  Too much is not good for the inner organs.

165) Try being kind and considerate with people.

166) Try empathising with people.

167) Try understanding the other sides perspective on things.

168) You are important in the world, but so is your neighbour.

169) Try giving people love and respect.

170) Try arguing less with your family.

172) Make sure you provide for your children.

172) Treat your pets well and ensure they have access to vets when necessary.

173) Make sure your children get a good education.

174) Make sure you clothe, feed, shelter, educate and entertain your children, and spend some quality time with them on a regular basis.

175) Jewish pride is very insulting towards Noahides, and Noahide pride is very insulting towards Jews.

176) Noah was perfect in his generations.

177) Do not steal.

178) Do not rob.

179) Do not move boundary markers.

180) Stop having sex with your neighbours wife.  Get your own.

181) Don’t have sex with pre-pubescent children.   You will be mocked a long time if you do.

182) Honour God with your heart and devotion to rule of law.

183) Copyright laws and Patent laws are important and part of the eternal plans of God.

184) God is honourable.

185) God is decent.

186) God is lawful.

187) God is holy.

188) Do not eat animal blood.

189) Do not commit violence against people.

190) Do not torture or maim people.

191) Torture in war, were necessary, can be justified to a limited degree.  Do not make permanent damage, though.  Make sure you have the right person.

192) Food and Health and Safety standards are a crucial recommendation to maintain eternally as advised by the Assembly of the Divine Creator.

193) We favour biological parents and their rights as, ultimately, superseding adoptive parent’s rights.

194) We believe a raped woman who becomes pregnant should still give birth to the child, and love it as her own child.

195) We think abortion at any stage of the pregnancy is wrong.

196) Same sex marriage is just stupid.  We do tolerate civil unions if the gay couple insist.

197) Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman.

198) We do not believe in hassling gay people.

199) We do not believe in practicing violence against gay people. When gayness reaches 'Sodomistic' levels of behaviour in terms of crudity, violence and sexual harrassment, we do preach the death penalty as appropriate.

200) All lawful people should be treated with courtesy, love and respect.  Sinners should be treated with caution, but we remember their human dignity.

201) Teaching people to repent of their sins is a good idea, but needs to be done sensitively and with care and forethought.

202) Worshipping idols is dumb.  Worship Jehovah God.

203) Jesus is not God.

204) Jesus is not Christ.

205) Jesus was a jewish man with a gospel of intended hope.  We like him well enough in the Assembly of the Divine Creator.

206) Let love rule.

207) Love your mother.

208) Love your father.

209) Respect the Police and Judges and Lawyers in your community.

210) Respect the Doctors and Nurses in your community.

211) Respect the Public Servants and other workers in your society striving for a lawful and civilized world.

212) Coveting your neighbours property is not wise.

213) Do not murder people.

214) Do not tell lies.

215) False witness is dishonourable.

216) Working in a job for a living is a sensible way to go.

217) Raising a family is a sensible way to go.

218) Use your creative talents.

219) Spend quality time with your family.

220) Being loving and kind to people builds a good heart and a good name.

221) Show people love.

222) Love people.

223) Love God.

224) Being kind never goes out of fashion.

225) Practicing hospitality shows a good heart.

226) Be considerate of other people.

227) Practice respect towards God, Man and Nature

228) The Font of Eternal Wisdom is to follow a Torah Code like the Second Torah of Noah.

229) King David is wise enough.

230) Respect the Kingdom of Abraham.

231) Respect the Kingdom of Israel.

232) Treat rabbis with common courtesy.

233) Noah is our father, and we love him so.

234) God is good.

235) God is great.

236) God is awesome.

237) God possibly has an ego.

238) But is probably too humble to admit it.

239) Heh, heh, heh.  Just joking God.

240) Seriously.

241) Obeying the laws of your society and nation is a good idea.

242) Being an upright, decent and honest citizen is commendable.

243) Get some holiday time.

244) Get some great hobbies.

245) Collect a lot of enjoyable and fun things.

246) Collect a lot of enjoyable and fun things and use them.

247) Keep the Law.


Psalms of Assembly of the Divine Creator


Psalm 1

Dear God of Noah

Dear God of Lamech

Dear God of Methuselah

Hear my prayer


Bless forever the

Assembly of the Divine Creator

Bless forever this

Adamide-Noahide Fellowship


Teach it your wisdom

Teach it your truth

Teach it your kindness

Teach it your love


God of Noah

God of Lamech

God of Methuselah

Hear my prayer




Psalm 2

God of Adam my father

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Salvation

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator


God of Adam

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Wealth

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator


God of Adam my father

Hear my prayer I pray

Bring Eternal Love

Each and every day

Forever and ever

To the members of

Assembly of the Divine Creator


Thank you Divine Creator

For your manifold blessings

Each and every day





Psalm 3

Almighty Divine Creator of the Universe

God of Absolute Glory

Sovereign of Eternal Majesty

King of Radiant Magnificence

Pinnacle of Sublime Perfection

Judge of Unparallelled Wisdom

Lord of Knowledge Unfathomable

Holy Yahweh Most Supreme

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever

We praise your name forever







Psalm 4

Lord God

We Pray

Bless the Seven Sovereign Nations

Bless the United Kingdom

Bless the Republic of Ireland

Bless the United States of America

Bless Canada

Bless Guyana

Bless New Zealand

Bless Australia

Forever and Ever




Psalm 5

Lord God

Bless the International World

With Deflation on an ongoing and eternal basis

Bless the Economies

Bring health

Bring prosperity

Bring wealth

Bring Spiritual Blessings

Now and Forever




Psalm 6

Lord God

My Heart needs spiritual nourishment.

I Call on your grace and love, God of Noah.

Fill my Heart with your spirit

And draw me into the comfort

Of your Everlasting Presence

And Glory.




Psalm 7

God is glorious

He is the giver of law

And the laws of the Assembly of the Divine Creator,

Part of the Torah of Noah,

Are his Greatest work



And Amen



Psalm 8

God - The Infinite One

More powerful than a billion burning Suns

Creator of the Glory of Man

Creator of the Glory of Woman

Creator of the Sun's, Stars and Moons

Creator of All Creation

The Intelligent

The Wise

The Majestic


The Glory of this Eternal Universe

The Glory of this Eternal Life

The Glory of this Eternal Love





Psalm 9

In Days of Old

When Dragon's Roamed the Earth

And the sons of men were wicked in their hearts

The Most High

Called upon the Son of Lamech

And chose him for eternal salvation

And because

The Fidelity of the Chosen One

Was true, strong - perfect

Mankind was born anew

Redeemed through its father Noah

To love God for All Eternity

To Witness the Rainbow as the Everlasting Covenant

And to Praise Yahweh


And Ever

And Ever




Psalm 10

In complete honesty

There are times I bloody hate God

Because all men are bastards

And I should know, being one

And as God is the biggest man of all

You do the math

But old Jehovah

Has some minor good points

On a good day






Psalm 11

And that is why

Because we speak our mind

In all honesty

The Rainbow Bibles

Speak the words of honesty and truth






Psalm 12

Of course

The irony

Is that I also really love God

And respect him

And admire him

And value and cherish him

And think he is the Lord of Creation

The Lord of Virtue

And the Lord of Salvation

And in these truths I can praise

And acknowledge

The Lord my God

My Saviour






 Psalm 13

Lord God of Noah

Here my prayer I humbly ask you

Protect the Seven Divine Fellowships

Protect us Spiritually

Protect us Physically

Protect us Financially

Protect us Forever in these ways

Protect our word

Protect the Noahide Torah

Protect our pastors

Protect our flock

Protect our teaching

Protect our works

Protect our offspring

Protect our loved ones

God of Salvation, security and Protection

Hear our prayer for all eternity

We humbly pray

And bless our lives

With your constant protection



And Amen



Psalm 14

Lord God

Teach us to order our lives right

Teach us to prioritise appropriately

Teach us to prioritise wisely

Help us to choose the best occupations for our lives

Help us to choose our best career path

Bless our working lives

Bless our working efforts

Guide us to raise loving children

Guide us to raise a holy family

Be with us in the mornings

Be with us in the evenings

Be with us, now and evermore

Lord God

Be our God

We pray



And Amen



Psalm 15

Dearest Lord Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh

Bless England

Bless Ireland

Bless Scotland

Bless Wales

Bless Australia

Bless New Zealand

Bless Canada

Bless the United States of America

Bless Guyana

Bless Jamaica

Bless Barbados

Bless Antigua and Barbuda

Bless the Bahamas

Bless India

Bless the Glorious Noahide Nations of the World

Now and Evermore

We Ask of You


And Amen



Psalm 16

Dear God

Please bless abundantly

The food production in the Seven Sovereign Nations

Make it possible

For us to feed luxuriously


Perhaps even Quadrillions

Of Citizens, if possible

(And Quintillions would be interesting, if at all)

And bless them also

With Amazing material wealth

And Happiness

And Spirituality

Now and Evermore




Psalm 17

Dear God

Inebriate Us With Your Love

Fill us to the brim with the intoxicating love of your holy spirit

Embellish pure and unadulterated joy into the very fibre of our beings

Place happiness beyond measure into our heart and soul

And bless us with the fantasmagorical ecstacy of your most intimate presence

Be with us

Sovereign Lord of Intimate Heavenly Divine Pleasure

And let your grace, love, purity, holiness, joy, ecstacy and eternal peace

Dwell in us

Now and Forever more



And Amen



Psalm 18

Almighty God

Bless the 7 Rainbow Bibles

I humbly pray and ask of you

Bless it with your wisdom

Bless it with your truth

Bless it with your love

Bless it with your grace

Let people universally amongst the children of Men

Find therein the kind of teaching

Which motivates them to live happy, successful and meaningful lives

Let it be for your glory

Let it be for the glory of the Children of Noah

Let it be eternal

Let it be love

I humbly pray and ask of you




Psalm 19

To You Almighty God We bring our Prayer

To You Creator of the Universe We bring our Request

Bless the Economies of this World We Pray

Bless the Wealth Earning Systems

Provide work for those who desire it

Provide opportunities of advancement

Give Housing, Clothing, Food and Entertainment to your human family

Give Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy to the children of Adam and Eve

Have your hand upon us all to be lawful

Have your hand upon us all to be holy

Guide us throughout our earthly sojourn

Guide us throughout our eternal lives

Praise to you Lord God Almighty

Praise to you El Shaddai




Psalm 20

Almighty Father

Bless the creative talents of the Noahide community

Bless the creative talents of the Adamide fellowship

Lead us to write books, compose music and invent new things

Lead us to be actors, singers, poets, politicians, managers, administrators and Prime Ministers

Lead us to be plumbers, carpenters, electricians, accountants, lawyers, executives and Presidents

Bring truth in all our works

Bring faith in all our works

Bring joy in all our works

Bring love in all our works

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever

We Praise Your Name Forever



Psalm 21

Lord God

Teach us the truth

Teach us Godly truth

Teach us holy truth to succeed in life

Teach us the truth in wisdom

Teach us righteous truth

Teach us the truth about love

Teach us spiritual truth

Teach us wholesome truth

Teach us scientific truth

Teach us the truth about kindness

Teach us beautiful truth

Teach us amazing truth to be blessed in life

Teach us societal truth

Teach us mathematical truth

Teach us linguistic truth

Teach us the truth about courtesy

Teach us the truth about nature

Teach us legal truth

Teach us medical truth

Teach us mechanical truth

Teach us the truth about hospitality

Teach us the truth in all acceptable areas of knowledge

Teach us the truth

Lord God




Psalm 22

Lord God

Rebuke me not when I sin

But correct me gently

And lead me against my evil inclinations

Have mercy on me

Forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings

And make me a better human


Even when my heart feels as if I have tried your patience too many times

Forgive me

And lead me again in the pathways of salvation

Help me to repent of sin

Help me to repent of wrongdoing

Help me to be loving, kind and merciful

Help me to forgive others even as I have been forgiven


Help me to walk with you forever

To call on the name of Yahweh

And to be found in your Kingdom

At the culmination of my lifes work






Psalm 23

Lord God

Teach me to love others

Teach me to have a generous heart, a kind heart, a caring heart

Help me to follow the leading of your holy spirit

Help me to do the right thing toward my fellow man

Develop within me a caring and lawful social conscience

Develop within me a respect for societal law

Guide my heart to obey your rules

Guide my heart to live righteously

I confess I am not perfect, and only human

I confess I have sinned at times, and let down the respect due to your name

Lord God, Help me to keep faith with you

Lord God, Help me to obey you

And trust in your holy name of 'Yahweh' forever and ever




Psalm 24

Lord God

I Pray

Bless Ireland

Bless Dublin

Bless Belfast

Bless Mullingar

Bless Sligo

Bless Tipperary

Bless Limerick

Bless the Counties

Bless the Villages

Bless the Country

Bless the City

Bless the Harvests

Bless the Markets

Bless the Flora

Bless the Fauna

Bless the People

Bless the Community

Lord God

Bless Ireland

Bless Her People

Now and Evermore




Psalm 25

Lord God Almighty

Have your hand upon Scotland

Teach her your rules

Teach her your ways

Teach her to love

Teach her to care

Help her economically

Help her spiritually

Lord God Almighty

Have your hand upon Scotland

Each and every day





Psalm 26

Lord God

Bless your Welsh Villages

Bless your Welsh Cities

Bless your Welsh Country

Bless your Welsh Towns

Bless your Welsh Commerce

Bless your Welsh Industries

Bless Wales

Bless Wales Heart

Bless their marriages

And Bless their families

Bless their Comings

And Bless their goings

Bless their little ones

And Bless their old ones

Bless the high

And Bless the low

Bless Wales

And gather them in your heart and arms

Each and every day

Now and Forever




Psalm 27

Lord God Almighty

Bless England's Competitive Spirit

Bless England's humble pride

Bless England's Sporting Endeavours

Bless England's Economic Agendas

Bless England's Virtue

Bless England's Spirit

Bless England at War

Bless England at Peace

Bless England with Truth

Bless England with Love

Bless England with Strength

Bless England with Sovereignty

Bless England in the Mornings

Bless England in the Evenings

Bless her People with food, clothing and shelter

Bless her People with Entertainment, Spirituality and Prosperity

Bless your English Daughter

Bless your English Son

Bless them each and every day

Bless them in your name



And Amen



Psalm 28

Lord God Almighty

Bless the Isle of Man

Bless the Manxians

Bless Douglas, Each and Every Day

Bless its economy

Bless its spirituality

Bless it with an amazing abundance of people

Bless its population fantasmagorically so

Bless it with Olympic success for the United Kingdom

Bless it with Commonwealth Games success

Bless the city of Douglas with one of the world's greatest populations

Bless the city of Douglas with amazing prosperity and wealth

Bless the Isle of Man and her happiness

Bless the Isle of Man and her love

Bless her each and every day

Now and Evermore




Psalm 29

Lord God Almighty

Bless the Falkland Islands

Bless her People

Grant her economic prosperity

Grant her economic wisdom

Bless her social atmosphere

Bless her camraderie

Take care of her every day

Take care of her every week

Have your hand upon the Falklands

And do your will in this land

Bless her with your spirit

Bless her with your love

And lead her in the everlasting ways

Of God Almighty's Salvation and Truth

Bless her population

Bless it abundantly

And bless her in your name

Now and Evermore



And Amen



Psalm 30

Lord God

Grant us your peace

Grant us wellbeing of soul

Grant us goodness and pleasantness in our feelings and emotions

Grant us kind spiritual experiences and feelings of joy and love

Grant us kindness and charity and happiness

Grant us good days and good nights

Lord God

Be close to us now

Be close to us foreverafter

Be at one with our hearts

Be at one with our minds

Be at one with our souls

Lord God

Show us your love

And make us so very happy

Each and Every Day

We humbly ask of you




Psalm 31

God Almighty

I should be patient, and not judge so quickly

I should be calmer, and not judge so savagely

I should be prudent, and not judge so rashly

I should be faithful, and not judge so impulsively

God, I apologize for my casual words I have said

God, I apologize for my thoughtless words I have said

God, I apologize for my pridefilled words I have said

God, I apologize for my nasty words I have said

God, I am thinking, perhaps selfishly, on my future

Because I don't want to lose opportunities in the faith

By my thoughtless words

By my lack of patience

By my lack of fidelity

God, I don't want to lose the opportunities you offer

So I need to repent of casual words, casual attitudes, casual mannerisms

But this is not easy

For I can be a passionate man, despite my often passive personality

Lord God, I desire wealth, success and prosperity in life

And it is best to be honest about this

I could wish for the nobility of Solomon

And only ask for virtue in judgement

Yet, my virtue, it must be honesty

For I can not deny my heart's desire for material success

And in my desire for success in life

I can use accusing words of your lack of concern for my material state

And this is not right

So perhaps you shouldn't forgive me

As If someone said I was just trying to use God, what could I really say?

How could I deny the charge that I want great success in life?

I couldn't. I can only tell the truth about that. Its just the way I am, I suppose.

Forgive me for my shortcomings.

Yet, if you will bless me, and If I must pray for this success,

Please allow me to focus my prayers of passion on such success

And forgive me for my shortcomings

For I am only Human





Psalm 32

May the Orient come before you Lord God Almighty

May the children of the Far East be in your heart

May you sanctify their soul, heart and spirit

May you teach them kindness, respect for other cultures and love of God

Have your hand upon China and North and South Korea Lord God

Have your hand upon Japan and Taiwan

Have your hand upon Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam

Have your hand upon Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand and Malaysia

Touch all the orient, Lord God, with your gentle heart and gentle ways

And teach them pure and true love, love which will last forever.


Psalm 33

Lord of Creation, God Almighty, True Divine Creator of the Universe

You who are known as Yahweh Elohim,

You who are known as Ahura Mazda,

You who are known as Allah the Merciful,

hear our prayer, we beseech thee.

Bless and encourage, now and in each generation,

those who seek the truth of your knowledge,

and the knowledge of your Divine Creation.

Let all honour you with words of kindness, and deeds of love.

Bless those of the faith of Karaism

and those of the faith of Zoroastrianism

and those of the faith of Islam

with a desire to know the truths of your divine creation,

and to understand the wisdom of love, peace and unity

in the God and Lord who made the heavens and the earth.

By your mighty kindness and mercy we humbly ask this of thee.


Psalm 34

Lord God

May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,

Find Peace and Friendliness delivered to them from the

Assembly of the Divine Creator.

May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,

Find Joy and Love delivered to them from the

Assembly of the Divine Creator.

May those of English Speaking amongst the Zoroastrian Community,

Find Warmth and kindness delivered to them from the

Assembly of the Divine Creator.

Any may they share their own English Zoroastrian culture with us,

If they so choose, and further embellish the Anglospheric culture of the

Assembly of the Divine Creator,

Who loves the English Language

And delights in her wisdoms and eccentricities

And desires to share with all cultures of mankind her joys and wonders,

With all who freely choose to learn her ways and mysteries,

Of their own volition

And freedom of choice.

Blessed be the Lord God Forever.

Blessed be the Lord God of the Anglosphere of the Assembly of the Divine Creator.

Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.


Psalm 35

Dear Jehovah

The Anglosphere speaks English

This is our Language

And of this Language we have no shame

And speak it with Humility

And speak it with Pride

And speak it with Sense

And the language of the Assembly of the Divine Creator is English

This is our Language

And of this Language we have no shame

And speak it with Humility

And speak it with Pride

And speak it with Sense

And May all citizens of the Anglosphere,

Who speak the English Language

Come from all lands on Earth

From France

And from Sweden

From Malawi

And from Egypt

From Taiwan

And from Japan

From Iraq

And from Iran

From Ecuador

And from Argentina

From Australia

And from New Zealand

From Mexico

And from the United States of America

From any and all lands


Unite us all

In this our common tongue

And let the Lessons of the Tower of Babel

Encourage us to seek the hearts of gentle doves

Bless us all

Dear God grant us peace

And may the Assembly of God's people

Speak the wisdom of God within

Bless us all

Dear God of Mankind

Bless us all

And to us be kind



Psalm 36

Have Faith in God

Have Faith in Truth

Have Faith in Love

But have no Faith in Youth

For the life of a youngster

Is beset with Pride

And the life of a youngster

Often walks the dark side

God Almighty is good

God Almighty is the best

God Almighty is Royal

From the East to the West

Praise God forever

Praise Yah the King

Praise God the Lord

To him we all sing





Praise be to God

Father of Men

Psalm 37

Lord God, I beseech thee

Bless and add souls unto the Assembly of the Divine Creator

Bless and add souls unto us on this earth eternally so

Build our congregation, brick by human brick

Build our congregation, soul by human soul

Infuse this Assembly with your Holy Spirit

Infuse this Assembly with your Holy Presence

And bless, guide, teach and love us

The Assembly of the Divine Creator

The manifest beauty of your perfect will


Psalm 38

Lord God, I beseech thee

Bless Europe

Bless her nations

Bless Germany, Finland and Italy

Bless Spain, bless Portugal

Bless Andorra and France and Romania

Bless Luxembourg, bless Sweden

Bless Greece and the Netherlands

Bless dear Iceland, bless blessed Poland

And bless Hungary, Norway and Bulgaria

Lord bless Denmark and Bless Liechtenstein

Bless Russia and Georgia and Ukraine

Bless Albania, Bless Armenia

Bless Belarus and Azerbaijan and Austria

Bless Belgium, Bless Bosnia and Herzigovina

Bless dear Croatia and Cyprus and Estonia

Bless Czech Republic, bless Kazakhstan

Bless Latvia, Lithuania and Macedonia

Bless Malta, Bless Moldova

Bless dear Monaco, Montengro and Serbia

Bless San Merino, Bless Slovakia

Bless Slovenia and Switzerland forever

Bless dear Turkey

Bless old Ireland

And for all eternity dear God bless the United Kingdom

And also dear God, because a nation it is technically

Even bless dear Jesus and his sacred Vatican City

Finally, bless Abkhazia

Bless Kosovo

Bless dear Nagorno-Karabakh

And bless Northern Cypress as well

Bless South Ossetia, a country now, you know

And lastly, bless Transnistria, Forever make it so


Psalm 39

Lord God Almighty

By your goodness and will and pleasure

May you bless the confraternity of the world of sports and pastimes

May you bless Cricket and develop her competitions internationally to every nation

May you bless Rugby League and develop her competitions internationally to every nation

May you bless Rugby Union and develop her competitions internationally to every nation

May you bless Soccer and develop her competitions internationally to every nation

May you bless the Commonwealth Games

May you bless the Olympic Games

May you bless the athletes and coaches and trainers and officials

May you bless volunteers in sport and doctors and medics who assist

May your hand of guidance teach them all fair play and proper conduct

And may you grant us thrill after thrill of entertainment and awe

As we compete in the greatest games of them all

In a spirit of fairplay, competition and human decency


Psalm 40

Dear God

May you bless the Noahide Covenant

May you bless the Noahide Faith

May you bless the Noahide people

May you bless the Noahide flock

May you bless the Noahide teaching

May you bless the Noahide truth

May you bless the Noahide Covenant

May you bless the Noahides for all eternity




Psalm 41

Dear God

Teach me the wisdom of understanding dreams

Teach me the wisdom of understanding schemes

Teach me the wisdom of understanding youths

Teach the wisdom of understanding truths

Teach me the wisdom of understanding stores

Teach me the wisdom of understanding lores

Teach me the wisdom of understanding charts

Teach me the wisdom of understanding hearts

Teach me the wisdom of understanding tumours

Teach me the wisdom of understanding humour

Teach the wisdom of understanding dogs

Teach me the wisdom of understanding Gods


Psalm 42

The Wisdom of Truth is an elusive thing

Praise unto God my heart doth sing

The Wisdom of Truth is hard to find

God is so loving and so very kind

The Wisdom of Truth is difficult to know

God teaches my heart wherever I roam

The Wisdom of Truth is what I want most

God is the lord of the heavenly host

If you my dear seeker want truths wisdom inside

Banish the evil from your heart and cast pride

Right into the deepest and darkest of hells

Never to reclaim that cruelest death knell

Pride thinks itself the true lord over men

Tells it this truth time and again

But pride is the enemy of all holy things

And the truth you believe in your pride, it hath wings

Of devil's and demons and fallen dark lords

Who would slay all your goodness with all their dark hoardes

For they think themselves greater than the truth that they are

For the wisdom of truth sees all of your scars

Be humble, my friend, be humble forever

And truth will embrace you, a smell of pure heather

It resides with the lowly and meek and the mild

It resides with the gentle and purest young child

Praise God, our great saviour, the lord of all Truth

Who teaches the old and teaches the youth

But never will dwell in those full of conceit

So repent of your pride, and take the lowest seat

Praise unto God, saviour of men

Praise unto God, we sing it again

The saviour of man, the redeemer of hearts

Praise unto God, from whom we'll not depart

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen

Praise unto God, all my dear Friends.

AOTDC - The Scottish Fellowship

 The Book of Scotland


Kilts. Bagpipes. Robert Louis-Stevenson. Loch Ness Monster. Haggiss. Golf. Presbyterians. Billy Connolly. Edinburgh. Glasgow. Andy Murray. Thriftiness. Eric Liddell. Highlanders. MacLeans. MacDonalds. MacAllisters. MacEverythings. Lochs. Wee Little Ones. Aye. Bravehearts. Savage Humour. Gaelic. Celtic. Clans. Shields. Mary Queen of Scots. Soccer. Stuff the English. Alexander Graham Bell. Electric Clock. Aberdeen. Princes Street. Tartan. Sean Connerry. St Andrews. Edinburgh Military Tatoo. Susan Boyle. Gretna green. The Clyde. Firth of Forth.



Hail, northern warrior. Praise to the God of creation. Scotland is old and Scotland is young. A country of natures glorious beauties. A country blessed by God. A fierce history. A proud history. Now with the United Kingdom, perhaps even now and forever. A future before us, of unknown blessings, yet the fidelity of God remains true eternally. I charge thee, children of the Scots, keep faith in Yahweh, for he is the God of creation, and those who forsake his graces dwell in halls of eternal misery at the end of their pride. Scotland is brave and Scotland is strong, and grasping the possibilities of the eternal future before us takes courage and faith. Be strong, fair Scotland. Keep the faith, fair Scotland.



The Challenge is 'The Truth'. The Challenge to sons and daughters of Scotland is 'What do you believe, why do you believe it and are you right? Maybe you don't care. Maybe you are satisfied with your religious or non-religious beliefs and do not desire any change. Perhaps that is working for you, so who cares, right? Why change? What would be the purpose in that? Our fellowship offers new life and new hope - as many religions claim to do - and while we are new, we are ancient as well, for we are the faith of Father Noah. The builder of the Ark. The Father of mankind's covenant. The Seven Divine Fellowships crave sons and daughters of Scotland in their ranks, as we crave all the children of Noah. Yet the challenge to you is this - we claim the truth. We claim the correct religion. We claim the right standing with God. If you disregard us in the end, demonstrate the worth of your beliefs in the eternal before us. For the challenge is 'The Truth'.



Glory to God. Glory to the maker of Scotland, the father and creator of Adam and Eve, the ancient ancestors of the people of this faire land. Glory to God. Maker of heaven and earth. May Scotland find the truth and keep it eternally. May it never be sold, and may this fair land cherish the ways of holiness taught by the father of creation, taught to last eternally. Praise be to God. Alleluia. Amen.




Religious Unity amongst Monotheistic Believers and Believers of other Faiths

 7DF do not claim to have a solitary stranglehold on the truth. We do claim to be the closest representations of divine truth through our Karaite proclamation of faith, but do no claim exclusive knowledge of the fulness of every truth or fact under heaven. Goatama Buddha has challenged untold numbers to find truer meanings in this human sojourn on earth.

 Coming together - uniting - getting along with each other is a far better answer than religious pride and bigotry. We all must cherish our religious identities and values, and we must each keep the faith as we see it. Yet we must also share this planet and accept each other and religious understanding and acceptance is a far better bridge of hope than seperation, pride and prejudice.

 And the heart of the Anglosphere culture which AOTDC represents is a culture which has love, unity, tolerance, respect and understanding of each other amongst our human race and family. It is not an Anglosphere for the English - it is an Anglosphere for everyone, and the 7 Rainbow Bibles and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny come through the medium of the English Language and culture, and thus instinctively defend this culture, but march forth to all mankind with an international focus, and a message of hope and unity for all of us.


May we Sons and Daughters of Noah of all nations come together in love, fellowship and understanding

May we share our own visions of glory, may we share our own visions of peace

May we be united, may we accept and love each other, may we be as one

All Glory to God, all glory to the King of Creation





A Prayer Against Guns in the Seven Sovereign Nations

 Lord Yahweh God Almighty

May you eradicate gun ownership in the Seven Sovereign Nations

May the people of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, the United States of America, Guyana, Australia & New Zealand, see the wisdom in refusing to own guns, and the damage that guns can do to the heart of their nation

May we all repent of the wicked violence of abusing gun ownership

May we all repent of our tolerance towards frivolity on this issue

May we all repent of our tacit acceptance of the wrath which guns cause on our society

Eradicate gun ownership I pray, Almighty God

Make people voluntarily destroy their guns, voluntarily give them up for destruction

Convict people for their use of guns in their homes for protection

And teach them there is a better way of life, a better way of innocence

Defeat the seduction of the Gun I pray, Lord God Almighty

Defeat this wicked beast, which tempts with the power over human life

Defeat it, slay it, destroy it forever

Remove it from our homes and our families

Destroy this devil

Defeat the power of cold hard metal

Remove guns from our Land I pray Lord God

Remove them forever

Let all see that they only cause harm and death, in the end

For people inevitably abuse the privileges of owning them

Destroy the power of killing instruments

And let us turn our weapons of war

Melted down

Into instruments of peace

I pray to you

Lord God Almighty







The Book of Wales

 Dragons.  Anthony Hopkins.  Catherine Zeta-Jones.  Cardiff.  The Snowdonias.  Coal mines.  Men’s choirs.  Leeks.  Daffodils.  Shirley Bassey.  Tom Jones.  Dylan Thomas.  Swansea.  Conway Castle.  Soccer.  Cricket.  Rugby.  Celts.  God.

Wales is a mighty nation before the Lord.  Wales is a proud and true nation, of Godfearing people.  Wales is a dynamic powerhouse of passion, truth and life.  May God forever bless Wales.  Child of Wales, seek God Most High, seek him long, seek him often, seek him from dawn till sunset, all the days of your lives, and seek his passions, his loves, his glories.

Wales future is eternal, by the Grace of God Most High.

Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia



The Book of Ireland

 All I can say is ‘Mrs Browns Boys?’




Pillars in the Temple

The Stabilizers of the Assembly of the Divine Creator

The 10 Divine Principles of the 'Pillars'

  1. The General Assembly are regular members of AOTDC. They do not necessarily study the 'Godianity' teachings or the 'Way of the Eternal Dove' teachings greatly, which are concentrated within there own denominations within AOTDC as specialist ministries within the Assembly. Those Denominations are in their separated 'Assemblies of Faith' of the 'Advancing Noah Movement'. However, those members who are called, or present themselves ready to serve as eternal 'Pillars in the Temple' are those General Assembly Members of the AOTDC who commit to the ENTIRE corpus of Rainbow Bible teaching of the Second Rainbow Bible, including each of the denominations study materials, as well as the doctrine of the Pillars in the Temple itself. In essence, the 'Pillars in the Temple' are the 'Hard Core' and '100% committed' members of the AOTDC.

  2. A Pillar is unmoving, and is a support for the temple, being a central aspect of the structure of the temple which keeps it operating and functioning properly. Pillars are solid, foundational, and unchanging. They are an eternal aspect of the life of the Temple of the AOTDC.

  3. Stability – means such pillars have worked out the possessions that they are going to own in life, and NEVER sell them, covenanting them in a relationship with God for Eternal ownership. The same applies for their living address once it has been acquired. It is eternal, unchanging, and remains their stable property forever. The same also applies for family matters and, in essence, all aspects of their lives. The core principle is a stable and reliable life upon which the General Assembly and Denominations of the Assembly of the Divine Creator can function around and build their lives upon. Stability is very attractive once you have completely committed your heart to its foundation.

  4. Fashions and styles come and go. Throughout the ages the Pillars remain the same, strong, unchanging, eternal, true.

  5. Loyalty to the AOTDC has been chosen by their own inner commitments of heart, and can not and should not be badgered upon themselves, or chosen out of any sense of guilt. Only genuine and completely committed souls can remain as eternal pillars in the Assembly of the Divine Creator.

  6. A pillar applies on a form to the pastoral council to be a pillar, starts to undertake study of the materials for 3 years and, when approved of by the judgements of the pastoral council, becomes an official pillar.

  7. Pillar fraternity organizations and clubs and family associations of committed pillar families within the AOTDC is quite acceptable.

  8. Becoming a pillar is motivated by genuine desire, rather than any sense of guilt or lacking in spirituality. The General Assembly is the bread and butter of the life of the Assembly in most respects anyway. It is envisaged that only a certain percentage of the members of the AOTDC become pillars, and that this need not exceed 10% as a maximum.

  9. Putting it simply, Pillars and Pillar families are what you would describe as quite or overtly religious individuals or families. Ones which have a particular focus on the faith, rather than being more regular members of the Assembly.

  10. The 'Servant' (At the top of the AOTDC Hierarchy) of each (presumably Level of heaven in the heavenly application) AOTDC worldly community, of which there is only 1, may only qualify from being a long term 'Pillar'.

Section Three – Universal Faith Assembly

The Anthem of the UFA

We are the UFA, From God we will not stray, Living our life each day, Happy in every way

In truth we live our lives, for faith we always strive, Always our Hope Survives, United by Family Ties

Our hearts cry to God above, Like sacrifices of pure doves, And with handshakes and warmest Hugs, we show all our purest love

We are the UFA, From God we will not stray, Living our life each day, Happy in every way.


The Book of Universal Faith

 Verse One

Unity.  Many coming together as one, linked by an idea, a belief, a purpose.  For we are all one, daughters and sons of Eve and Adam.  And the idea?  Connections, to those within humanity who best meet our hearts needs, wants and desires.  Connections, built with trust, respect and patience.  Connections, which grow into love and appreciation.  For Universal Faith is to appreciate all of God’s children, those who fill this universe, and make connections with them, one by one, to fully satisfy all the desires of knowledge that these connections can impart to us.


Verse Two

Humanity is like one body, with many parts.  All of us are offspring of Adam and Eve, eternally genetically linked.  Yet, as science teaches, in the 700 Trillion unique genetic designs within humanity, there are those designs which connect to us most appropriately and in the most stimulating of manners.  Yet, every design has its purpose in the creators mind, and each design, each and every human gone from us and yet to be has a purpose in our life, bringing those aspects of knowledge, friendship, kindness, blessing and love we so truly desire.


Verse Three

Eternal connections.  That is the purpose of our life.  To find and build eternal connections.  Friendships which endure not just for a day, a week, a month, a year – but friendships which endure throughout the endless eternity before us.  Each of these friendships must be valued and treated with respect, for they are eternally our source of joy, love and comfort.  And to begin these connections, seek out those whose focus is on the eternal – those whose belief is in eternal life – for such people have a focus on Yahweh and the gift of eternal life he has promised them, and thus are well endowed to bless you with the connections to bear the fruit you desire with all your heart.  So seek ye the connections with those whose focus is on the eternal.



Verse Four

And the completion of things is the moral heart.  Value those things which speak to your heart, and remember the purpose those others which do not so speak to you have in the hearts and minds of others.  For not every gift of knowledge, at first, speaks to every unique human, but we find our way slowly and carefully along our eternal destiny, learning, loving, growing and living in the hands of our eternal and great God and Father, slowly appreciating every aspect of the Infinite and its place and purpose in the eternity of creation.


Thus Ends

the Book

of Universal Faith



The Torah of Noah - Section Three

272 Rules

Rule 1 – The essential idea is that the laws of you lands are taught by us, where they do not contradict the 'Rainbow Torah' (Genesis 1:1 – 11:9), to be followed as the relevant legal structures of your nation or country or residence. The Law of the Land, in general, except where corrupt, applies.

Rule 2 - The current Legal codes of your nation of residency. If you are able to obtain copies of National And/Or State/province/territory legal codes from the late 20th or early 21st century of your nation, these are areas of law highly recommended for study. Naturally, society continues to progress on law, yet we are not completely certain, as a fellowship, just how the laws of nations will turn out in relation to issues of morality based on the source code of law for the UFA, which is the Rainbow Torah Scriptures. Because of issues relating to the legalization of gay marriage in various nations, it is the judgement that the legal codes end date for acceptable law, uncorrupted by liberal influences, be set at the 21st to the 31st of December 6177 SC or 2012 CE.


Rule 3 - Creationism is taught as our official doctrine, evolutionary theory is tolerated, but not considered ultimate truth.


Rule 4 - Torah formation doctrine,such as the documentary hypothesis is taught as an area of interest and scholarly pursuit. The general idea is that the written torah is somewhat representative of the divine will for its era, but life can still progress as well. Good ideas remain good ideas in this sense, but in this current era lawful homosexuals are a reasonable idea, but heterosexuality would be viewed as the more normative and regular lifestyle for humanity.


Rule 5 - Naturalism is fine


Rule 6 - The Rainbow is celebrated as a beautiful part of God's creation


Rule 7 – The Advancing Noah Movement of the 7 Divine Fellowships teaches that the Tanakh is a fallible document. Within the Neviim the prophets speak of Babylon being deposed forever and never even having an arab camp there. This is opposed by the facts of the township of Hilla. Further, the prophets teach that Damascus will cease to be a nation, and the timeframe for the fulfilment of that prophecy is well past. Damascus exists to this day. Further, the Documentary Hypothesis clearly demonstrates that the Torah was a product of formulation from various sources. To claim status of the Tanakh as the literal Word of God is fraudulent. The Hebrew Bible is a fallible, largely manmade document. It should not be trusted implicitly for doctrine on life. The Karaite Jewish movement is flawed in its fundamentalist reasoning because of this.


Rule 8 - Be Decent


Rule 9 – The blessings of each individual Fellowship include the right of the founder's set aside physical assets being labelled in the name of each fellowship. For example, Daniel's CD collection has been divided up into various Fellowships and sub denominations, based on the artist's works going to a particular denomination (for however many differing works of the artist Daniel owned). Reference/Non-fiction books are also divided into the various denominations. Fiction books go to 7DF General Library for the whole fellowship, as do most other assets. The protocol is that once a member has donated for a while to the fellowship in terms of tithes and offerings, and show they are genuine eternal members of the fellowship, they become entitled to the blessings of the fellowship and, from the founders own rights, are given their own specific copies of the rights of their denomination.


Rule 10 – If an individual desires to gain greater blessings as a member of 7DF than their own particular fellowship has available, they may apply for membership in one of the other 6 fellowships. Through adherence to the rules of the other fellowship, they gain their blessings also in time. Their tithes/offerings would naturally be divided up appropriately, but a 1 or 2 % increase in tithes may be appropriate for joining each further fellowship. Be aware that your sabbath obligations do increase for each additional fellowship.


Rule 11 – Differentiation in a fellowship and its own denominations for blessings is based on greater commitment to either the fellowship as a whole for non-denominational assets, or adding the requirements for each denomination within the fellowship, to gain their blessings.


Rule 12 - Zerubbabel was the Messiah


Rule 13 – An individual who desires to commit to all 7 fellowships (which would require 7 days of complete rest a week) would have to work steadily towards 6 fellowships, and then, unless they have their own guaranteed income, they would be required to become a member of the 'Religious' of the 7 Divine Fellowships. The religious are not required to be celibate, and may have marriage partners and family, but it is anticipated that for 900 of every 1000 years, they practice a celibate lifestyle and are committed as Nuns or Brothers, committed to prayer, and living in Convents and Monasteries. The Fellowship as a whole will be providing their finances and their upkeep. The 'Religious' role is the one exception an Abrahamide or Israelite may have in joining the remaining fellowships of 7DF. If they fully commit to all 7 fellowships and the requirements of each fellowship, they may gain the blessings of all 7 fellowships. Each Convent/Monastery/Religious gathering centre will be equipped with their own library of the full assets of the fellowships rights, and in their own private lives they have full access to these assets for their own families also. The religious role is only available to an individual, in normal circumstances, after 10,000 years of service in 7DF (although initial religious are chosen in our formative years).


Rule 14 – The Tanakh is a fallible document. But it is motivated by belief in Yahovah as the true God of creation which he is. On a basic level, the Tanakh IS the Word or Message of God. But in terms of scientific rationale factuality in every detail it is NOT the Word of God. Yet, in terms of scientific rationale factuality in a broader sense the Tanakh IS the Word of God. Much of the detail is accurate. Much of the history is accurate. It is a product of its era – one of the earliest attempts of mankind of a rationale history of a people. To claim that back then the people of Israel should have had the kind of recording standards and knowledge and ideology of factuality in reporting that we have developed in our modern era is unfair. It was a learning process, and they did the best they could. The bible IS the foundation of moral rule and society. The bible DOES communicate the essential messages and ideas God wishes followed. The bible is mostly an accurate spirituality from God for man to learn by and follow. It is not fundamentally infallible in every way. But, in terms of the essential ideas it is trying to communicate, it quite well expresses the will of God. The Advancing Noah movement uphold the essential idea that Karaite Faith expresses the TRUTH that the Tanakh is the clearest and closest communication of God's will for Israel, and mankind in terms of Israel being a holy nation which men can learn an example from. We are judged by its morality as Noahides, but not bound by its morality – apart from Genesis 1:1 – 11:9. I would suggest, with the entirety of the Tanakh, GET THE POINT OF WHAT GOD IS DRIVING AT. Don't by a sinner, essentially. Want to get legalistic on what you call a sin, then have fun with that. Want to be honest about it, the Tanakh sort of paints a picture of the morals of God. You don't have to submit to every principle of scripture legalistically. But take its message as an example of Holiness and how God creates a Kingdom of a People to serve his will. The Rainbow Bible is the same thing. It is attempting to paint a picture of the Word of God in a sense for a broader mankind, not necessarily so legalistic, but those who desire a broader way of religious life. In terms of the Talmudic Literature and the bodies of Hakhamic and Rabbinic judgements, we feel the article 'Karaite Talmud' addresses that, but we uphold the bodies of Rabbinic and Hakhamic judgements as appropriate for the people of Israel to live by and form Torah in their own way. Passages from Deuteronomy uphold the rights of the 'Danim' (Judges) of Israel to make judgements on issues of morality and religion. We feel the Rabbis and the Hakhams can make such judgements for Israel. It doesn't make these judgements scripture, and we uphold Karaite principle in relation to this, but with the sanction of Deuteronomy interpreted correctly, they are authoritative. The Rainbow Bible is attempting to be authoritative as well. Time, ultimately, is the judge on how God will use this work for his own Kingdom as he sees fit.


Rule 15 – The Kingdom of Noah Torah is in 4 parts. The first part was written out all at once, and has never been altered. It has sarcasm, profanity and tension in it, but I just can't change it now. It will have to stand as is. People can take the sarcasm and profanity with a grain of salt if they choose, but even the sarcasm and profanity have a point, as it does say. Really, I feel most of the rules of the Kingdom of Noah Torah section one really are sound enough when looked at and studied and understood. I'm not going to change it now – that is just the way it is. Sections 2, 3 & 4 have been rewritten at times, with parts deleted, and you can find some early drafts online in various google groups such as and others. I am attempting in this life on earth, now, to really make sure I do have a final and completed product of the whole Kingdom of Noah Torah and the Rainbow Bible. There is just going to have to be a final and completed product. I will work to make sure it does get completed and is as accurate as possible in my own understanding of the kind of message God desires communicated to mankind. I am attempting this work to equate to scripture – I can't claim it is – but I am attempting to make it relevant, pertinent and eternal scripture like writing and teaching. It is genuinely trying to be the Noahide Bible it wants to be. A lot of the sections had stuff the spirit told me, but the Spirit, I am becoming very aware of now, who speaks through my own voice, is compilation of various angelic voices, and potentially other figures from the heavenlies. And they do TEST me to see if I believe what they might be saying, and while they say they are not lying, they do contradict themselves – but the point of all that is that they expect me to search for the truth and find the truth of it all from the things they have said. Some things, apparently, should resonate after a while. GOD TESTS US. I have deleted a stack of teaching from this section of the Kingdom of Noah Torah, stuff which might really not have been kosher. You might be able to find this teaching online in google groups if you are curious. I want to say – I am doing my best to teach spiritual truths, and those of the heavenly afterlife as well. At this point, I am pretty sure now that resurrection ideas are mostly not the fact of the matter. Those who inherit eternity in heaven are probably going to do just that – inherit eternity in heaven. This earth is probably not our eternal dwelling place, and there is probably not a resurrection to eternal life in heaven. Basically, the righteous go to heaven when they die. There is a point to life on earth – but it is unlikely, I feel, to be our eternal dwelling place. Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and perhaps others of the biblical voices, probably just had strong hopes in that particular doctrine. They weren't heretics – just ambitious. We go to heaven when we die if we are good enough – that is my best guess at the eternal truth. If I am proven wrong I will admit it then, and be humble about it, but the best of my opinion is that eternity is in heaven. And I have asked God very, very, very many times for the truth of the subject, and he says (or the angels say) all sorts of things, but I think, as the bottom line, when he is arguing with me that it is probably heaven when we die, that that is probably it. He won't give an absolute answer, because we are probably not meant to know for sure at this stage. 10,000 years from now, if no resurrection has occurred, then I have probably been proven correct. Time will tell. I could be wrong. I could be right. God won't clarify any more than giving me food for thought on the issue.


Rule 16 – One of the Core teachings of the Kingdom of Noah Torah is our view that the 'Legislation' of the Nations is authoritative and useful law for governing society. The nature of Civic law, currently, is that it is in a continuous state of evolution. This is not – in my honesty – acceptable. God's Torah does not change and remains the same from age to age. Yet the wisdom of current law of the land around the world is undoubtable. The Advancing Noah Movement has judged that the law and legislation of the year 2000 and 2012 (under the common era calendar) should be the ideal law for mankind. But, as said, mankind does not stop. We are in an age on earth were liberality is becoming too prevalent. Liberty is becoming too permissive in our legal institutions. The charge, therefore, I find in my heart is to collect and compile sufficient legislation of various nations of the world from this modern era (and earlier) and, later on, in the heavenly afterworld, to compile the best of this legislative material into what we would argue should be an International Legal code for observance, ideally, by all members of Noahide mankind, but definitely by members of the Advancing Noah Movement. Thus, I task myself with the collection of Legal codes and Acts and Regulations and other instruments of legal purpose from our modern cultural world, with the task of putting together this information in the next heavenly world to act, upon completion of the entire legal code, as the 'Kingdom of God' Torah of the Advancing Noah Movement.


Rule 17 – Fanfiction. It is a growing thing online, and a reality of life. Technically, fanfiction becomes legal when the primary works it is based upon enter the Public Domain. Before then, websites offer a place for these stories to be read, but they can't be pubished for profit. Yet, upon Public Domain status for the works they are based upon, they do become legal for profit. In the heavenly afterlife, though, authors who qualify for heaven retain their copyrights. Because of this, for the financial concerns and rights of the copyright holder of the fanfiction, a way of profiting on their work still needs to be accommodated. This seems only right and fair. I feel, so the spirit says to me, a 25% royalty fee of the total royalty fee of the work should be paid to the original author of the foundational works the fanfiction is based upon. They are the creators of that universe of tales, and a reasonable and fair compensation for the use of their characters and concepts needs to be provided for recompense. 25% - that is the judgement of the Kingdom of Noah Torah – and thus shall it be.


Rule 18 – The Kingdom of Noah Torah Rules also contain 'Information' or theological 'Speculations'. Whether they are the absolute truth of any potential 'World To Come' realities in every detail or not is not 100% known by myself, nor promoted as such. The Spirit talks to me but does not insist that all the ideas it shares with me are true in every detail. There is an idea of the spirit that some of these data information ideas are ideas for 'Consideration' from the throne of God as he works through the justifying process for the Rainbow Bible. Apparently, for the prophetical writers of the Tanakh, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah and so on, one of the core traditional ideas is that they spoke the 'Urgings of God through his spirit'. God is apparently in the process of gradually working through the prophecies over time and fulfilling them. Perhaps the same may be true for the information of the Kingdom of Noah Torah's and the Rainbow Bible in general. Ultimately, the Rainbow Bible anticipates the 'Possibility' of a world to come and resurrection of the dead but does not mandate is absolutely. We do though generally teach that if a resurrection from the dead to eternity on earth or the life of trees on earth does not occur, then there is an eternity in heaven as an afterlife regardless.


Rule 19 – It is possible to continue on observing the law codes of the nations after 2012, depending on the degree of lawfulness and holiness associated with such codes. We are not against moving with the times if such newer legislation's can create a better society and environment for mankind. Gay marriage rules in the UK and throughout the world are ignored by us, and any justification of such rules in these codes are considered invalid. In fact, anything in any worldly legal code which is directly violate of the Rainbow Torah is generally deemed as in valid law by our movement, and not honoured.


Rule 20 – We believe in the fundamental right of a human to follow 'Truth' in religion. We do not believe in the fundamental right of a human to follow any religion whatsoever simply because of whim of faith, but that a complete search and acknowledgement of spiritual truth upon being taught it be acknowledged by humanity. Our view is that 'Torah' based religion is the truth means that we view all other man-made religions as false, depending on the degree they comply with torah based values and morality in general. Some religions with strong moral content are not necessarily deemed invalid by us, yet we caution and question any supposed reception of salvation by such religions lest they acknowledge Yahweh (Jehovah – Adonai – Hashem - Allah) the Living God.


Rule 21 – We in the Advancing Noah Movement have a responsibility to defend our faith and, in any discussions from peoples of other religions who want to know, for example, why we say Jesus is not God or Christ or why beliefs in their own religion are wrong, we should be able to comply with being able to teach why we believe that. Firstly, they are allowed reference to study all of our literature to make their own determinations on what we teach and, if not satisfied, and if they so choose, they may be entertained with our discussing in detail our beliefs and rationality for our beliefs. And we recommend to our movement great patience in teaching curious souls. Christianity uses the term 'Apologetics' and we would probably use this term also.


Rule 22 – There are traditions from the Christian religion which we find kosher and acceptable and good ideas. Both Jesus himself had good ideas and the church over history has good spiritual ideas and things that they do associated with church tradition. We acknowledge good ideas when we see one.


Rule 23 – Like Christianity, we do strongly believe in being loving people also. We don't, though, try to force our membership to commit to the power of love at all costs, but that their love should flow naturally. But we agree with the idea of love as wl to the faith.


Rule 24 – Scriptural Basis and Justification for the Advancing Noah Movement core position: Genesis 1: 26 teaches that humans are made in the image of God. Thus, a human descended from Noah who adheres to the Rainbow Torah correctly has the ability to think holy thoughts as well, because God is holy. My attempt at writing the theological articles for the Rainbow Bible is to act in the image of God, and act in a holy way, and thus produce writings which are holy and appropriate for Rainbow Torah based Noahides to live by. As I have secured early copyright in mankind's history of holiness principles, the justification and validation of our Rainbow Torah based religion and, thus, as part of the Rainbow Torah Karaite Noahide community is eternal. Further, as the first promulgaters of the Rainbow Torah faith, we have the legitimate right to claim first and most honoured places in the Karaite Adamide-Noahide community amongst any other potential movements. Finally, we defend the Israelite faith of Karaism as a whole, acknowledging this as the primary scripture of God's covenant with the people of Israel (and within that, in our opinion, the book of Genesis as largely the book or scripture of the Karaite Abrahamide movement).


Rule 25 – Practice a Godly lifestyle be studying the knowledge of the Advancing Noah Movement and learning it properly. Applying that knowledge is easy to talk about, much more difficult to put into practice in reality.

Rule 26 – Show yourself a keen competitor in the competition of eternal living. But stress not at those who go for gold all at once – take your time, secure your training regime, and commit in a sensible and natural way, which is not overly difficult, but more in harmony with your own nature, and success will inevitably follow.


Rule 27 – Be patient with silly people, but remember a word of caution is sometimes necessary to rebuke those who have fallen into erroneous practices.


Rule 28 – Love. It never goes out of fashion.


Rule 29 -  Consider nature. God designed it. Consider man. God designed him. Consider the creations of man, yet remember, who created man?


Rule 30 – Harmony. What we all should walk in.


Rule 31 – Strive for peace


Rule 32 – Walk in safe pathways, in the light of the kingdoms of law, and avoid the dark and treacherous byways, for who knows what infidels have bred a conclave of assassins.

Rule 33 – Pray to God in your weaknesses, and if he will no longer hear prayer requests, just talk to the great saviour when you need to and share your concerns with him. He is always willing to listen.

Rule 34 – The Salvation of God is Eternal, so strive to the utmost to inculcate the salvation he teaches you regularly.


Rule 35 – The Rainbow Bibles may ultimate be published as both a unified whole and individually as well. Both intentions can be fulfilled.


Rule 36 - God is wonderful. As simple as that.


Rule 37 – Being hostile to people is unwelcome, unfriendly and discourteous. Show people respect and mind your language in the company of fair and graceful citizens.


Rule 38 – Learning to be kind is a lot about doing and a lot less about saying what a wonderful soul you are.


Rule 39 – Humility never really goes out of fashion.


Rule 40 – If you want to spend eternity arguing the point, enjoy the solitary life.


Rule 41 – Give people a break if they are going through hardships and have really felt the pressure of this world we live in.


Rule 42 – Practice patience with the ungodly. You don't really know how God might be working in their hearts.


Rule 43 – Different ways of life and different codes of law and different halakahs can be potentially developed from the Rainbow Bible. Even the same numbered one.


Rule 44 -Respect your parents, but don't let them push you around and dictate to you if they are simply to lazy to get off their own butts.


Rule 45 – Be polite with elders, and show them respect for the long walk of life they have gone through.


Rule 46 – Love also never really goes out of fashion, does it?


Rule 47 – The whole point of expressing a variety of divergent material of divergent viewpoints in the same work is that a variety of divergent material of divergent viewpoints is expressed in the same work.


Rule 48 – If it says such and such here, and an oppossing such and such there, then obviously the such and such here is not teaching what the such and such there is teaching. Viewpoints – divergent – expressing thought and CONSIDERATION OF POTENTIAL POSSIBILITIES are still worth preserving and putting into a Rainbow Bible and being called Scripture. God is the chooser of its anointing as his word as such or not.


Rule 49 – A whole lot of funky information, but don't take it as gospel (heh heh) but its still food for thought, which still must be a good thing as far as I am concerned. And still scriptural enough if its decent.


Rule 50 – Spend time learning the knowledge you have accumulated in life, but when your head is full of facts and figures, try to more understand what you already know rather than endlessly fill it up with all those data bits.


Rule 51 – Hopefully God will anoint the Rainbow Bibles with his Spirit and justify them as his Word and Communicating his will. That is our hope (and inention) and we pray that God does please do as such. AMEN.


Rule 52 – True Philosophy is the study of the ideas of Theological truths.


Rule 53 – If God wanted to Justify the Orthodox Talmud as a legitimate religion for Jews (and Talmudic Noahides for the Noahide laws within), and anoint it with his spirit and call it his word, we Karaite Noahides of the Advancing Noah Movement would accept that if it was true and had been done. We don't object if God justifies it. If God did, though, we would only view it as applicable to the denominations of Judaism and Noahidism which choose to accept it and follow it.


Rule 54 – Work on a project, and keep at it, until you have got the job done, and at least to a standard of quite acceptable.


Rule 55 – Follow God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and ask for his hand in what you do, if he is willing, and surely you will have great happiness.


Rule 56 – Sometimes it might just be spiritual information, sometimes is might be true. Maybe its all justifiable. Who knows the Mind of the Lord for sure.


Rule 57 – If you find it useful then you find it useful then you find it useful.


Rule 58 – If God wanted to justify and anoint 'An Introduction to Karaite Judaism' as his eternal Word and Will for the Karaite Jewish community, we would approve of that and think it an excellent idea.


Rule 59 – if God wanted to justify a unitarian approach to the New Testament (which literally it appears to be anyway upon careful study) and justify Jesus as 'Christ of his Generation' then we would not object to that and would welcome Christian movements as kosher and acceptable to us based upon a proven justification by God.


Rule 60 – If God wanted to Justify the Koran, and anoint it as his word, and justify Mohammed as a prophet of his, like the New Testament regardless of its origin, we would accept that and accept Islam based on the following of the Koran. We would strongly hope it maintain its message as a religion of peace, and that all extremism be strongly disavowed by them. That does not exclude passion and zeal for Islam, but Extremism of a terrorist nature would not be welcome.


Rule 61 – If God wanted to justify the Bahai scriptures and the Bab and Bahaulla as servants of his, and anoint the Bahai scriptures as his word, we would accept that, and welcome them, like Christians and Talmudic Noahides and Muslims and Karaite Jews into inter-fellowship with us.


Rule 62 – We are not aware of any justifications, at this stage, of the above works from those iconoclasts.


Rule 63 – The unitarianization of other religions, enthroning Yahweh God as God within them, and keeping alive the kosher practices and teaching within them, alongside and new required (hopefully original) elements from God's work would be acceptable to us as well. The purification of other religions from idolatry is acceptable to our movement, and their potential justification as servants of God is acceptable to us as well.


Rule 64 – If God wanted to reboot the Commodore 64 into society and using the same base PC with further software and other innovations, we would think that a good idea.


Rule 65 – It may be humour, but we are serious about it as well.


Rule 66 – If God wanted to justify the 'Angels Saga' including the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' and the 'Chronicles of the Children of Fate' as Scripture, his word, and anoint it with his holy spirit, and as a semi-prophetical acceptable agenda of sorts, then we would accept that, and think it a damn splendifferous idea. Go Jehovah!!! Amen.


Rule 67 – If God wanted to justify the Apocrypha and Pseuedpigrapha writings as semi-scripture or semi-prophecy, then we would accept that, and any anointing by his spirit of the said works we think would be a wonderful idea. Amen. It would be great if that happened.


Rule 68 – Obviously there are contending viewpoints and doctrines and differences of opinion in the above (potentially to be justified) spiritual love affairs. But that's life, isn't it. Live and let live, I guess.


Rule 69 – Salvation is of the LORD.


Rule 70 – The LORD is God. Jesus doesn't qualify.


Rule 71 – If the fulness of Rules I have previously made for the 4 KINGDOM OF NOAH TORAH'S were restored in a dot point sort of format for each rule number which has more than one attempt at a rule written for it (as some were discarded because I didn't feel them appropriate after a while) the, if they were restored at a future time, or a possible world to come scenario, as said, in dot point as part of each rule they were initially part of, then that would probably be a good enough idea ultimately as, by now, there are enough explanations of potentially opposing and contradictory ideas and enough explanations on them being potentially speculatory and considerations (as well as, in general, possibly pertaining to other articles removed from the Rainbow Bibles as a whole on a possible re-introduction) then we would generally accept that and think it a good enough idea.


Rule 72 – If the biblical prophet of the tanakh suggested Damascus would disappear, and Damascus was a sensible enough city and ultimately remained, then we would think that acceptable and still most likely the will of God, who does relent if people repent, as the teaching of the book of Jonah makes clear enough.


Rule 73 - Thou Shalt Not Kill

Rule 74 - Thou Shalt Do No Violence

Rule 75 - Thou Shalt Not Eat Blood

Rule 76 - Thou Shalt enjoy thy rock & roll, but thou shalt not let the party get out of hand

Rule 77 - Thou Shalt enjoy thy wine, but thou again shalt not let the party get out of hand

Rule 78 - Thy Rock & Roll parties on Saturday Night is generally the best way to go

Rule 79 - Thou Shalt not have thy personal rock and roll up too loud, and make sure it gets lower and lower as the night goes on to allow people their proper rest

Rule 80 - Thou shalt have thy teeth cleaned by water when you can

Rule 81 - Thou shalt get a good diet which must include some fruits and vegetables for proper health

Rule 82 - Thou shalt not eat too much meat – keep it to a minimum – too much is not good for the health

Rule 83 - Thou shalt be concerned about thy health

Rule 84 - Thou Shalt agree that you should not covet too much land to the detriment of thy neighbour’s right to also live on the land – you should not try and take it all, simply because you think you can just buy it, but you shall share your land and property with your

Rule 85 - neighbour to ensure peace, happiness, and enjoyment for all

Rule 86 - Thou shalt share thy natural resources of thy nation fairly amongst the citizens

Rule 87 - Thou shalt trade in equity, fairness and justice with all nations – do not attempt to prosper over them, but ensure they do not rip you off either – you shall have equitable, just and fair trade agreements

Rule 88 - Thou shalt make thy spare national resources available to other nations in exchange for their own resources which you can utilize

Rule 89 - Thou shalt trade fair resources for fair resources – neither party should profit unjustly over the other

Rule 90 - Thou shalt have concern for thy neighbours welfare and ensure they have access to life, liberty, happiness and the pursuit of their dreams

Rule 91 - Thou Shalt Wash Yourself after Sexual Relations to ensure no unpleasant substances affect you or others

Rule 92 - Thou Shalt Wash yourself regularly and keep yourself clean

Rule 93 - Thou Shalt Keep Tidy

Rule 94 - Thou Shalt realize that men have penises and women have vaginas – and that there is a difference between men and women in the way that God designed them

Rule 95 - Thou shalt realize that a feminine culture is a good idea for females and that a masculine culture is a good idea for males

Rule 96 - Thou Shalt Wash Your Clothes

Rule 97 - Thou Shalt Wear Clothes so as not to embarrass other people through thine nakedness

Rule 98 - Thou Shalt Not Eat the Forbidden Fruit

Rule 99 - Thou Shalt Not Steal

Rule 100 - Thou Shalt Not Rape

Rule 101 - Thou Shalt Wait until Puberty – Nature’s Signal – before practicing sexual relations

Rule 102 - Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, as practicing sexual immorality if you have oathed to stay loyal to a partner is a sign of corruption and dishonour

Rule 103 - Thou Shalt realize that a woman who has children to more than one man is not wise

Rule 104 - Thou Shalt Honour Marriages as the foundation of a stable society

Rule 105 - Thou Shalt Treat each other with kindness and respect to build a stable society of trust and respect

Rule 106 - Thou Shalt realize that gay men can not commit sexual intercourse with each other and have babies

Rule 107 - Thou Shalt realize that the idea of gay marriages is pretty stupid as they can’t make baby's

Rule 108 - Thou Shalt practice kindness and loyalty to family members

Rule 109 - Thou Shalt have fair and true justice and judgements

Rule 110 - Thou Shalt not kidnap people

Rule 111 - Thou Shalt have a welfare system, thou shalt encourage education, and thou shalt attempt to contribute lawfulness and wisdom to the society to profit those dedicated to eternal life

Rule 112 - Thou Shalt budget carefully to ensure your spending is upon the important needs to maintain your household

Rule 113 - Thou Shalt exercise prudence and caution when it comes to the company and friendships that you keep – remember, not every supposed friend will act in your best interests or care for you properly

Rule 114 - Thou Shalt keep honest and true land boundary records

Rule 115 - Thou Shalt honour the law

Rule 116 - Thou Shalt not appoint a corrupt judge to office, and thou shalt dismiss a corrupt judge from office

Rule 117 - Thou Shalt not consult demonic entities for witchcraft

Rule 118 - Thou Shalt realize that Astrology is deceptive

Rule 119 - Thou Shalt realize that Tarot is a joke

Rule 120 - Thou Shalt realize that Magic is unethical manipulation of the rights of others through spellcraft

Rule 121 - Thou Shalt know that many people are offended by faggotry

Rule 122 - Thou Shalt know that transsexuals make some people vomit

Rule 123 - Thou Shalt realize that tattoos put some people off

Rule 124 - Thou Shalt know that coveting other peoples stuff leads to jealousy and envy and theft

Rule 125 - Thou Shalt get thine own stuff instead of being envious of thy neighbours

Rule 126 - Thou Shalt have concern for thine parents because they are raising you and feeding you in this world

Rule 127 - Thou Shalt not honour thy parents wishes if they intend sin for thee

Rule 128 - Thou Shalt not get drunk in public places – it inevitably leads to embarrassing behaviour and violence

Rule 129 - Thou Shalt not abuse cigarettes – keep your smoking practices under control and allow some time regularly for the body to abstain from cigarettes

Rule 130 - Thou Shalt avoid illicit drugs – if they become legal exercise caution

Rule 131 - Thou Shalt observe the traffic rules – if you speed, you will inevitably kill others or yourself

Rule 132 - Thou Shalt abide by common sense

Rule 133 - Thou Shalt not be proud of thine own efforts, for pride corrupts the heart into thinking itself greater than it actually is

Rule 134 - Thou Shalt realize that God made everything and designed everything – why is thine boast in a vain idol, a vain statue, a vain human, who sins constantly?

Rule 135 - Thou Shalt realize that your vain kings and queens are puffed up with pride, and attempting to usurp authority in place of God and his laws, which are true and just forever

Rule 136 - Thou Shalt realize that all civil codes are corrupted by human logic, not that of the divine, and allow sin in great quantities to prosper unchecked

Rule 137 - Thou Shalt realize that freedom of religion is freedom to sin, which is inevitable death, and regard all such societal rules which allow this as corrupt

Rule 138 - Thou Shalt repent of your sins

Rule 139 - Thou shalt not put too heavy loads of theological teaching on young minds as everyone needs to learn about the rules of life, and you can’t learn everything instantly or all at once – so thou shalt allow some people decent, fair and reasonable grace as they learn how to live

Rule 140 - Thou Shalt not worship idols

Rule 141 - Thou Shalt definitely enjoy having sexual relations with your partner when the marriage is consummated, and seeing all their bodily assets is what life is all about.

Rule 142 - Thou Shalt avoid corrupt people

Rule 143 - Thou Shalt realize that the author of these rules does not insist you agree with every single one of them

Rule 144 - Thou Shalt be civilized

Rule 145 - Thou Shalt realize that getting caught up in excessive fantasies is not wise

Rule 146 - Thou shalt practice moderation when necessary

Rule 147 - Thou shalt be merciful

Rule 148 - Thou shalt be just

Rule 149 - Thou shalt be kind

Rule 150 - Thou shalt be loving

Rule 151 - Thou shalt be honest

Rule 152 - Thou shalt be brutally honest when necessary

Rule 153 - Thou shalt humble the proud

Rule 154 - Thou shalt have honest weights and measures

Rule 155 - Thou shalt not commit fraud

Rule 156 - Thou shalt listen to wise counsel

Rule 157 - Thou shalt do all thine mockeries in a spirit of sarcastic love and affection

Rule 158 - Thou shalt rebuketh bullies

Rule 159 - Thou shalt not tolerate bullies

Rule 160 - Thou shalt verily mocketh bullies

Rule 161 - Thou shalt not engage in sexual activity with animals

Rule 162 - Thou shalt not engage in any forms of sexual bestiality

Rule 163 - Thou shalt ensure your working standards are legal, ethical, and according to the correct procedures of the company or business you work for

Rule 164 - Thou shalt not exploit anybody

Rule 165 - Thou shalt not exploit employees

Rule 166 - Thou shalt pay fair, reasonable and just wages, and provide bonuses when the situation fairly warrants – yet thou shalt also provide a decent, good and reasonable profit for yourself and any shareholders also

Rule 167 - Thou shalt not be ashamed of being rich, nor shalt thou be ashamed of being poor

Rule 168 - Thou shalt strive for wealth and success carefully to build up your estate, as God likes wealth and treasures

Rule 169 - Thou shalt not strive for wealth to a great degree if thou doesn’t really mind that much, but thou should never be jealous thus of those who do work for and strive for greater wealth

Rule 170 - Thou shalt respect land laws and rights and peoples ownership of the land

Rule 171 - Thou shalt seek calm and stable ways

Rule 172 - Thou shalt not act as an aggressor

Rule 173 - Thou shalt be friendly and hospitable towards people of good reputation

Rule 174 - Thou shalt be concerned for your family's welfare and reputation

Rule 175 - Thou shalt realize the standards of the Noahide Nations need to be decent enough for us to get along well enough with in the end for us to pursue our dreams in the spirit of eternal life

Rule 176 - Thou shalt not racially discriminate

Rule 177 - Thou shalt respect those of the opposite sex

Rule 178 - Thou shalt not abuse animals

Rule 179 - Thou shalt have no slavery in Noahide Nations

Rule 180 - Thy Nation shalt not oppress any other nation

Rule 181 - Thou shalt seek the ways of national and international peace

Rule 182 - Thou shalt have an economic and political system which acts in the best interests of every citizen, whatever the particular economic or political system you favour

Rule 183 - Thou shalt realize that both right wing, left wing and central body of any political system are all necessary for the proper functioning of a political system, and respect each components rights to exercise authority when they are in office

Rule 184 - Thou shalt not exercise political opposition simply for the sake of it, but that shalt exercise political opposition when the case at hand definitely warrants it

Rule 185 - Thou shalt listen carefully to the advice of health professionals

Rule 186 - Thou shall try to get along with your society

Rule 187 - Thou Shalt avoid hypocrisy

Rule 188 - Thou Shalt consider the needs of others

Rule 189 - Thou Shalt be concerned with your own reputation

Rule 190 - Thou Shalt be polite

Rule 191 - Thou Shalt observe the facts of Creation Science

Rule 192 - Thou Shalt raise thy children with Kindness, Justice, Fun and Love

Rule 193 - Thou shalt realize that God loved Noah and we are Noah’s Children and that God loves us as well

Rule 194 - Thou Shalt be humble enough to admit it when you are wrong

Rule 195 - God desires Noahide Nations to be Righteous

Rule 196 - Thou shalt seek calm ways to find peace for your soul

Rule 197 - God expects Noahide Nations to be Righteous

Rule 198 - God talks to Noahides and teaches Noahide peoples truths as well

Rule 199 - God expects you to remember that the sign of Noah’s Covenant is the Rainbow

Rule 200 - Thou shalt remember that Noahide Nations are Free Men and Women

Rule 201 - Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide achievements

Rule 202 - Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide successes

Rule 203 - Thou shalt be happy in thine own Noahide glories

Rule 204 - Thou shalt have just laws and just rules

Rule 205 - Thou shalt create and promote your own rules and laws and teach them to others if you believe they are just, fair, kind and well-intentioned towards people

Rule 206 - Thou shalt be happy being social or happy being independent if that is what thou desire

Rule 207 - Thou shalt disregard others if they mock thee for thy looks or thy personal tastes in things, such as clothes or music or other things

Rule 208 - Thou shalt find inner strength through being a child of God’s creation, a child of God’s love, and remember these rules are dedicated to all people, including yourself, and are for your best interests at heart

Rule 209 - Thou shalt practice love, mercy, grace and kindness

Rule 210 - Thou shalt try to see the inner beauty in people and see as God’s sees – the heart

Rule 211 - Thou shalt acknowledge the truth

Rule 212 - Thou shalt tell the truth

Rule 213 - Thou shalt lie if you want to to a corrupt person who will use it against you

Rule 214 - Thou shalt not bow to men

Rule 215 - Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

Rule 216 - Thou shalt educate thyself and grow in knowledge when you have the time and the inclination

Rule 217 - Thou shalt encourage education and growing in knowledge in others

Rule 218 - Thou shalt not put a stumbling block in front of the blind

Rule 219 - Thou shalt protect the rights of orphans and widows

Rule 220 - Thou shalt care for the disaffected in your society

Rule 221 - Thou shalt give people a break when they need one

Rule 222 - Thou shalt not be too legalistic all the time, but thou shalt be legalistic when necessary

Rule 223 - Thou shalt exercise balance, moderation and know there is a time for all things under heaven

Rule 224 - Thou canst pray to God if thou wants to

Rule 225 - Thou shalt not feel pressured into praising God if you think it is stupid or you don’t want to

Rule 226 - Thou shalt remember that God is just a bloke as well, as we are made after his image, and he also knows how to relax and have a good time

Rule 227 - Thou shalt expect mercy from God and thou shalt grant mercy to God

Rule 228 - Thou shalt not judge God too harshly, but express your opinions freely to him on any issue you believe in

Rule 229 - Thou shalt not racially discriminate but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself

Rule 230 - Thou shalt keep prostitution to a minimum so that the land does not fall into depravity and become full of injustice

Rule 231 - Thou shalt have designated suburbs in your cities for your brothels

Rule 232 - Thou shalt not deliberately force your daughter to become a prostitute, but if she takes it up herself of her own volition thou shalt still respect, love and care for her and provide for her

Rule 233 - Thou shalt not indulge too greatly in pornography, and thou shalt get rid of your old porno collections after a while to make sure you do not get involved with old and stale debauchery, fowl obsessions over porn stars who do not want the attention, or smelly odours and substances attached to such things – keep any porn in your collections reasonably recent if you must have such things

Rule 234 - Thou shalt not offend straight people with your gay fantasies

Rule 235 - Thou shalt not practice sexual harassment

Rule 236 - Thou shalt be slutty or smutty with a person of the opposite sex in a flirtatious sense only if they appreciate such things and do not tell you to back off or say that they are not interested

Rule 237 - Thou shalt not make assumptions that all men are bastards or that all women are bitches – there is a great diversity of people amongst the human race

Rule 238 - If you are gay, better to find your own gay community, and live in designated gay suburbs or gay streets or gay housing complexes

Rule 239 - God is less concerned about gayness if it is separate from the heterosexual community into enclaves and areas of the community which don’t affect the mainstream which God prefers

Rule 240 - If you are Gay, still keep the rules of God, and do not provoke him or others who are offended by such lifestyles

Rule 241 - Keep any profane lifestyles separate and away from mainstream society so as not to bother them

Rule 242 - Thou shalt not mess around with thy neighbours property

Rule 243 - Thou shalt respect thy neighbours property

Rule 244 - Thou shalt not pressure thy neighbour into doing things they don’t want to do

Rule 245 - Thou shalt not try to control or manipulate people

Rule 246 - Thou shalt be clear in charting thy work procedures for thy workforce, and not expect things of them that are not clearly designated or shown instructions for in the work procedures and protocols manuals

Rule 247 - Thou shalt be very specific in the things required of your workers in thine work contracts, and not expect things of them which are not clearly specified

Rule 248 - Thou shalt have the right to expect workers to comply with all reasonable requests according to procedures of the workplace if they have agreed to them contractually

Rule 249 - Thou shalt have the right to make workers redundant if they are consistently working at a level lower than that required by their work agreements

Rule 250 - Thou shalt give fair warnings to workers before attempting to make them redundant

Rule 251 - Thou shalt not have sex with dead people – thou shalt avoid necrophilia and respect the rights of the dead

Rule 252 - Thou shalt not molest little children – wait until puberty before engaging in sexual practices with anyone

Rule 253 - Thou shalt have concerns for thy little ones and raise them properly

Rule 254 - Thou shalt allow adoptions when necessary, but thou shalt not attempt to usurp over the child the rights of the biological parents

Rule 255 - Thou shalt honour doctors and be careful about medical rules and procedures

Rule 256 - Thou shalt treat the mentally unwell with care and concern, and hospitalize them if and when necessary

Rule 257 - Thou shalt exercise caution with psychotic people, but thou shalt remember that they do not necessarily intend any form of lawlessness

Rule 258 - Thou shalt take the hint if the girl tells you to go away

Rule 259 - Thou shalt take the hint if the guy says you are not the one

Rule 260 - Thou shalt have the right to refuse everyone from telling you to do anything at all to simply serve their vain wishes, regardless of your age

Rule 261 - Children are supposed to comply with their parents wishes if the parents are attempting to raise their children properly

Rule 262 - It is quite ok to rebuke rebellious children to ensure compliance with the laws

Rule 263 - Thou shalt realize you are not alone in this life and this world, and it does not revolve all around you, and that you can not have all the say or everything your own way – you have to share this world with everyone else

Rule 264 - Don’t annoy people off just for the sake of it – have some respect

Rule 265 - Take issue with people off if they have a go at you for no reason

Rule 266 - Don’t exercise grudges against people

Rule 267 - Exercise grudges against people if they deserve it

Rule 268 - Everyone thinks its funny until someone loses an eye

Rule 269 - Keep your humour in check when necessary

Rule 270 - Don’t vandalize

Rule 271 - Don’t harm other people’s property

Rule 272 - Do the right thing



Proverbs of the Universal Faith Assembly on life and evangelism


* You get out of life what you put into it


* A decent sized fellowship can be earned with perseverance and patience


* Love, law and truth should be at the heart of this fellowship


* The Rainbow Should be emphasized as a sign that God keeps his promises


* Keep up a holy witness


* Teach your heart to care for and commit to the souls you are trying to reach with the good news of 'Family Values'


* Remember that Jesus, Mohammed and Bahaullah, as well as the other major religious iconoclasts, are children of Noah as well


* Stress that Noahide faith is the 'Natural Religion' as the rainbow is nature-based


* Stress the unity of mankind as one big family - the family of Noah


* Showing mercy, love and kindness needs to be in the heart of the Universal Faith Assembly


* Stress that Noahide faith is about following the religion Noah himself followed


* With Christians stress that Jesus message of love is also very fundamental to the UFA


* With Christians stress that UFA also upholds some of the moral ideas of Jesus


* Defend the Unity of God with Christians, and sensitively teach that worship and deification of the man Jesus really is plain old idolatry in the end


* Stress that Judaism is a religion of law keeping, but it is not the central aspect of Noahidism, and that we are not promoting Jewish culture or values


* Stress that we are of 'Noah's' covenant, and not 'Abraham's' or 'Israel's'


* Remember that the Rainbow Bibles and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny are available literature for study produced directly by the 7 Divine Fellowships


* Avoid arguments and 'Right & Wrong' situations - stress unity and not differences


* Be accepting of people of diverse backgrounds


* Don't use gifts, kind words, or other tactics deliberately to win a soul - people will see you as shallow if your heart is not in it


* Be very polite and honest with souls you are trying to win - sharing fears and doubts about your beliefs is quite ok - people do actually understand


* Give people all the facts about Karaite Noahide faith - Don't leave them guessing


* Inspire people - DON'T order them


* Put your heart into it


* Stay polite with people


* Don't burn bridges, and say 'The door is always open' if they want to discuss things at some future point


* Stress that Noahide faith is a message of hope


* Give people time - it can take years or even decades to win a soul


* Stress we believe our religion is the truth or we wouldn't bother trying to follow or promote it


* Stress that UFA is 'Family Oriented'


* Handing out flyers is also a good way to get the word out


* UFA is an assembly, like all 7DF, of accumulators and collectors, but NOT hoarders. We don't hoard crappy things like napkins and plastic bags and coke bottles made of plastic and so on. Instead we collect sensible things of value. This is a blessing and impresses others in what UFA can offer


* Help people when they are in trouble and offer them a friendly word about Noahide faith


* Wearing a Noahide T-Shirt can also be a sensible idea


* Noahides can wear beards or they can shave. If people ask about this, stress that it is not a major issue for Karaite Noahide faith


* Having pictures and posters of Noah's ark around the house is a very sensible way of familiarising people with the faith of Noah's covenant



The Karaite Adamide-Noahide sport of 'Wondraball'.
Wondraball involves the use of a standard soccerball. It is played on an oval by 3 teams. Each team has 5 players each. The Oval is divided into 2 equal halves. Team 1 and Team 2 play against each other. Team 3 are 'Wild Cards' whose job is to cause havoc and mayhem in the game. The object is to score goals by kicking the ball into one of the 2 corner goals on each of the 2 corners of the oval, 2 also on the other side of the oval. The oval is roundish, but rectangular approximately in the playing field. Balls which go over the sideline may be kicked back in anywhere by Team 3. While in possession of the ball in your own half you may handle the ball with your hands but not in the opposition half. You may throw the ball from your half into the opposition half. The first team to score 3 goals wins the game. It is similar to soccer but slightly different, with no assigned goalkeeper, but you can choose one from the 5 players if you choose to. There is no offside rule. The competition is played in a league, and the advantage that team 3 has is that they can help a team strategically if they choose to if it will help their own position on the league ladder. In most other respects the general rules of soccer apply. Wondraball is a sport for all of the Advancing Noah Movement and Noahides of other movements, but is administered by the Universal Faith Assembly, the official movement of 7DF responsible for administering the sports of the Advancing Noah Movement.

The Karaite Adamide-Noahide sport of 'Spenderball'.

Spenderball is a game using a standard soccerball. It is played on the same oval as a Wondraball oval. Each team receives 20 tokens at the beginning of the match, which has halves of 20 minutes each. Time out is not used, but delaying tactics draw penalties. The 20 tokens may be spent on various things. The key to success in Spenderball is how you spend your tokens. These include: 5 tokens – extra player for a half of the match. 1 Token – Freeze play for 1 minute (which is the only time out allowed) allowing players to recover and stop quick scoring attacks. 10 tokens – Free goal kick. 20 Tokens – 1 official goal. 15 tokens – remove an opposition's player. 17 Tokens – blindfold two opposition players for 30 seconds (may only be spent when in possession of the ball in your own half). 5 Tokens – redeem a penalty against you for play to continue as usual. 3 Tokens – Opposition Team to play in T-Shirts coloured pink with pretty flowers decorated on them, and may legally be called 'Fairies'. Apart from that the general rules of Wondraball apply.

The Karaite Adamide-Noahide sport of 'Hitball'
Hitball involves a Softball bat and Softball. It is played on a softball diamond. The Batter is given 5 balls and must hit the balls from his own toss into different areas of the field. The fielding team, made up of 5 players, are given notice when all 5 balls are in the field. The fielders must position themselves behind the batter in a sqaure area. When the umpire blows his whistle the the batter must make his decision how many plates he can run to in a circuit around the diamond and the fielders run to retrieve the balls and must choose a different of the 4 plates to stand on, the 5th one being a spare. If the batter can reach a plate before it is captured he is out. The next batter then comes out regardless of whether the player gets out or not. After 5 outs the team retires and the opposition innings begins. There are 5 innings per team each game. A full circuit scores as 10 points, an individual plate scores as 1 point for each plate made. Only one batsman may occupy a plate at a time. The team with the most points at the end wins the game. This is an official game of the Advancing Noah Movement, and is administered by the Universal Faith Assembly. All Noahide movements are free to play in this league.

The Kids Karaite Adamide-Noahide game of 'Triwar'

This is similar to the 'Tug of War' game, but the rope has a central point with 3 lengths running off of it. There are 3 teams, with 1 to 5 players on each team, and the objective is to pull both the other teams over your 'Tri-Line' It is played on a large 'Triangle' on the grass, and when you have pulled one team over your 'Tri-Line' they are disqualified, and then you win by eliminating the other team by also pulling them over your 'Tri-Line'.

Based on standard rules of T20 Cricket with following differences
1) Only 12 overs per side
2) 12 specialist Batsmen may be chosen
3) 12 specialist Bowlers may be chosen
4) 12 specialist Fielders may be chosen
All 12 Batsman can bat. None of the batsmen are required to field or bowl. They are 'Specialist' in this sense. This applies just the same for the 12 Bowlers and 12 Fielders. You Don't have to use 12 bowlers, but a minimum of 6 is required, 2 overs each as a maximum. The 12 specialist fielders do not have to bat or bowl. The wicket keeper is included in the 12 specialist fielders.
Coin toss to determine who bats first. 12 overs each. If all bowled out, that is the final score. Highest score wins. In a tie, most 6s, then if equal, most 4s, then if equal, most 3s then 2s then 1s determine victory. If still equal then, it is only then a tie. The T12 League is administered by the UFA Sporting Committee.

The 75 Metre Dash

Runners start at a running line, each in their own lane. A maximum of 8 runners per race. The first person past the finish line wins. Points are awarded for each placing, 8 points for first, 7 points for second, 6 points for third, 5 points for fourth, 4 points for fifth, 3 points for sixth, 2 points for seventh and 1 point for eighth. The length of the course is a straight line of 75 metres exactly.

The 75 Metre Freechoicestyle Swim

In a 75 metre length swimming pool, the race starts with the swimmers either holding on to the end rung of the pool, or choosing to dive or jump in to the water at the start of the race. Swimming down lanes, using whatever swimming style they choose, the object is to get to the end of the pool first. There are 8 lanes, and the same scoring system from the 75 metre dash is used.

Hit Wicket

Using the inner circle in international cricket matches on the ground, 20 cricket balls are placed in even divisions around the circle. Each competitor has 20 throws to hit the wicket and knock off the bails as many times out of 20 that they can. They must throw from the position each ball is placed and must stand behind the line when they throw. 1 point is scored for each wicket, the winner is the one scoring the most points.

ARKBUILD – A Truly Noahide Sport

Teams have 4 men and 4 women each. The starting point has to be at least 20 kilometres inland. The object is to build an Ark, up to biblical specifications, launch it on the waters, and the Ark has to remain on the waters with the team members until a rainbow appears. When the rainbow appears the Ark has to be rowed ashore (it must be at least 1 kilometre offshore and may be anchored), grounded on shore properly, and to win the competition all 8 members must cross the finishing line were the competition began. An optional extra is that each team also must have at least 12 pairs of differing species of animals, a male and a female of each. You need to gather enough food to ensure the Ark can remain until a rainbow appears, as you can not do any fishing on the Ark. The first team with all 8 members crossing the finish line wins.

Teams of 100. The object is to build a city in 10 square kilometres of land. You have 1 century of competition. You must populate the city with at least 50,000 citizens by the end of the century. Points are awarded for the quality of the city, the total population (the more people the more points), the harmony and civic lawfulness of the society, the quality of the infrastructure and so on. Each team only starts with the land (which they may not leave at all, except on the outer edges of about 1 kilometre grace space) and must mine, chop down wood and so on and so forth to develop their civilization. The winner is the team with the most points at the end of the century, and vast amounts of categories on the various aspects of the quality of city life are factored in for pointscoring.

The Spiritual Devotional Series of the ‘Universal Faith Assembly’

The Sermons of Spiritual Devotion of the Universal Faith Assembly


Sermon One:  Sport and Life

As life works out and develops for you, it is mostly about developing a timetable or a routine in your cycles of life to organize the activities you like to do and need to do.  A regular sport is an enjoyable and exciting way to spend your eternity, and 3DF recommends developing a sporting mentality in your life to fit into your life at various, hopefully regular, occasions, to find the joy and activity and happiness and other rewards an active sports life brings.  Of course, sports breeds a healthy body, and it teaches values of commitment and perseverance.


Melanie Chisholm is known as ‘Sporty Spice’.  Perhaps a hopeful hallmark of the ‘Universal Faith Assembly’ is that among the 7DFs, this be the usual fellowship which has a greater proactive focus on sporting competitivity, becoming the active and full of life fellowship, which contributes to the overall theme of 7DF in contributing to society in various ways and means for the benefit of mankind.


Sports Values:

Fairplay:  Playing according to the rules of the sport and being ethical, decent and proper in all training and matches and associated activities with your sport, setting a good example for others

Perseverance:  Persevering hard in training and working hard in competition to achieve victories and set good examples of professional behavior to others

Healthiness:  Eating good foods and exercising properly to ensure your sporting conduct has the best advantage of a healthy body to compete with

Clean Living:  Bringing a good attitude to your sporting community in your personal ethics and way of life so that when you compete you can be said to be of clean mind and clean body

Dedication:  Remaining loyal to your sport over difficult times when other things have a calling on your life

Consistency:  Producing regular results of a decent quality

Victory:  Taking your sport ethic and training to the point where you are ultimately able to achieve victories in your chosen sport


Sport is an excellent way, simply, to keep fit and have a strong and healthy body.  7DF recommends a regular sport to its members.  Some suggested sports to involve with include:

Cricket, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Netball, Athletics, Hockey, Swimming, Cycling, Table Tennis, Tennis, Badminton, Snooker, Pool, Darts, Skiing


In all competitive behavior over your eternal life, it is important to put in a maximum effort at times to try and achieve a catalogue of victories.  Yet once these are achieved, and you have looked within and proven yourself and risen to the challenge that all of us, in our hearts, dreams, desires and fantasies of glory desire to achieve – yet once these are achieved – well done.  The sport, though, itself, and ongoing victory is to be followed after and sought in humility for personal satisfaction and work ethic only, rather than any stupid gloating over competitors and reasons of pride.  It is for a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, rather than for pride and thinking highly of one self.  But rise to the challenge when you can, I encourage you, and show a bit of spirit and a bit of passion – it will be the making of you.



Sermon Two: Charity and supporting the UFA

It is important for members of the UFA to care for each other which is one of the central tenets of being a ‘humane’ human being.  Care, affection, love and devotion to our fellow mankind – our neighbour – is one of the reasons we have a lawful and good society.  Because we care for each other.  Sometimes citizens in our society fall upon hard times.  At these times we need support systems of charitable care to ensure their health and wellbeing.  UFA believes, as does the 7DF, in a taxation system run by greater society, that includes a certain proportion of the tax put to welfare and health and disability support systems.  Yet not only in an external tax system run by the nation in which we live, but also our own internal bank accounts, transparently run by fellowship pastors, account balance details accessible always by members of each individual assembly, where the Assembly takes care of its less fortunate members at times when and where the societally implemented welfare systems are not working well enough.  As they say, charity begins at home.  Each individual application for charity should be done on a comprehensive form, with the ‘Check Boxes’ used by the pastoral charity assessment team clearly explained and known by every individual applicant.   People need to know when they qualify for charity and when they don’t.  Essentially, if the need is not great enough, or too overtly frivolous, they don’t.  If the need is genuine, or it is an item of use for their household which, for heavenly eternya purposes, only needs to be bought once, the expense can be justified somewhat.  All members of the assembly, even successful ones, are entitled to some form of charity at some point.  Contributions to the charity fund of the UFA do not need to be 10% of your income.  But 1% to 2% of your ‘Net’ income is a suggested amount to put into the charity donation bags for each individual assembly.


UFA does not necessarily utilize a tithing mechanism like HNF.  People can tithe if they wish to.  But the Assembly general support donations should be separate to charity donations for UFA, for people who have different donation priorities.  I feel, specifically for the UFA, members who donate have the opportunity to specify which area of the UFA ministry they wish to donate to.  This includes:  Assembly Hall Building Fund, Assembly Hall Maintenance Fund (any electricity, garbage, food, gas, cleaning, etc. costs for the Assembly Hall), Pastoral Wage Fund, Saturday Fellowship post-service BBQ provisions fund, UFA Sporting Teams Fund, Evangelism Fund, Internal and External Charities Fund, Inhouse publishing fund, UFA Schools Support fund, UFA ‘House of Broken Hearts’ fund and any other applicable area.




Sermon Three:  Delegation

People in responsibility, perhaps at times with too much on the workplate, need to learn the fine art of ‘Delegation’.  Delegation involves finding suitable individuals or groups, grooming them when necessary to meet the requirements and qualification for their upcoming responsibilities, and ensuring they carry out such delegated responsibilities according to procedures, protocols, rules and requirements and also according to general expectations.  When looking for someone to delegate responsibilities to, look at their qualifications, their experience, their strengths and weaknesses, their intimate knowledge of how to run the required tasks, and things like initiative, aptitude, work ethic and other key designators which help indicate their probable success in the position for delegation.  Usually, you should have a fair idea and know the kind of things you are looking for in a person before you delegate responsibilities to them.  The greater the importance of the job, the greater the review structure should be for the assessment of the individual.


In managing a UFA assembly, or a series of assemblies, delegation is one of the key areas for a pastor to master in getting the job done.  Look for enthusiastic and dedicated people most of all, even if they do not have all the requirements initially.  If they are enthusiastic and ‘Want’ the position, they will grow into it and learn about the qualifications and other aspects of the work you are looking for in time.  What you are presented with at the time of choosing your delegates is not necessarily the final product.  Keep it as simple, in general, as those who want the job most of all and have a definite passion or other suitability for the work.

Sermon Four: Facing Life's Problems

Sometimes life is hard. It doesn't matter what they say to cheer you up, because it isn't right with the world. Your heart, your soul, you just don't feel good. Life just sucks. If God could be bothered to really give a damn about your life, it would be better, but he is happy in heaven, not living in the real world, were all day long you deal with crap, crappy people, and just a crappy life. It sucks. It just sucks. The world can go to hell, because nobody cares about the crap I have to deal with, and the problems I face in life are too much for a reasonable person. Mum cares, but doesn't understand. Dad is too caught up in his own affairs to spend time with you. Life is a constant challenge, and it never gets any better. EVER. And they like to say, you know, I've been there too Which is bullshit of course. They don't understand. Nobody possibly could. Only I have ever had these problems. Only me. Just me. Just me.

Over 6000 years ago God created the earth, and when he created Adam and Eve, they made their own decisions a lot of the time, and rebelled. And people have done that ever since. But so do you. Those decisions you made in younger years have caught up with you, and you don't realize that the mess you are in is the mess you allowed yourself to get into by making those selfish choices all along. What, do you want me to sugar coat my sermon and say to you its all everyone elses fault, and you are a perfect angel which nobody really understands? People hate discipline and rebukes, but if you can stomach your medicine, get some divine faith into you, and face your problems with a better attitude which looks for a godly solution to the issues, and not one which moans 'Poor Me' all the time. Bite the bullet, get some religion, think about the shit others are going through, and when you learn to have a bit of compassion on those in the world who also suffer, perhaps you will get the point that life doesn't always revolve around you, God is busy dealing with 7 billion other broken hearts as well, and he has already made it clear to you in your heart and conscience the issues and the problems which you caused yourself, and that the choice to repent of the crap you yourself got into has always been yours, and you just aren't taking it. Don't blame others for your hard life. Blame yourself. Have the character to recognize you have stuffed up along the way many times, and it is your own bloody fault if your life sucks. Sure, there are difficult people. Learn tolerance, learn to appreciate their good qualities, learn to see some of the love in the world, and sometimes those problems can not seem quite so big. Get some perspective in life, and see a bigger picture. Your problems have solutions, and if you dig into a moral and faithful heart to God, pray to him, read some religion and learn to love and respect some more, life will improve. Do it God's way, and the crappy issues can be resolved.

Sermon Five: Do it God's Way – To the End

Well, if you have seen the 'Noah' movie starring Russell Crowe, you know that Noah and his family were decent sorts. They believed in the Creator God, honoured him and kept decent standards. But the rest of mankind, as Torah teaches, was into a lot of godless violent behavioiur. It became too much for God, and he told Noah to build the Ark. Noah did as God commanded him to. Now, because Noah did this, bit the bullet, did the hard work in building the Ark, he got saved with his family, and his descendants are now mankind. He did it God's way. Let's think about that. How about we ignore God and make our own choices. Noah says 'forget it' and doesn't build the Ark. To survive the heathen, he joins them. The family start acting crudely. His wife finds a few lovers. His sons beat people up, and are beaten up as well. Noah has stared to notice the bestiality brigade and how they rave about their crude sexual fascinations. And eating animal blood sounds fascinating to the family. And, as time passes, they sink into the sinners world, no longer calling on the Lord, part of the thing they worked so hard to escape. Does that sound familiar?

Babylon has its own rules. Its own sense of justice. But its a carnal one. The Tower of Babel is were Nimrod built his own glory, and since then people have gone on building Babel's of their own glory. Because Noah did choose to do it his own way in the end, despite choosing God's salvation plan. Because in his seed there were signs of unrepentance, and wars and murders and violence and thefts and rapes have never left this seed of good and evil. Sure, we have a lot of good in mankind, but that dark spirit remains, taunting us, asking us, like it tempted Cain, to succumb to its deliciously decadent charms. You see, often we don't do it God's way at all. And life becomes strife. But then we choose God, yet there is that core within which tells him to get stuffed from time to time, and out comes Mr Evil, delighting when we stuff up and do it our own way. Whatever shall we do?

Repent, you idiot. Put to death the sinful impulse by choosing God, and building that Ark of Salvation in your life and then – when Nimrod comes along with his pride and his glory plan – tell him to get stuffed and do it God's way to the end. And Paradise is surely your reward.

Sermon Six: Religion and Life

That doesn't apply in the real world. Or, that's for religious people. Or, that has no relevance. Or, for you but not for me. And other, well, frankly, excuses. Excuses from religion. And why? Because it's just myths and fables and is not real life. In Israel there are Israelis. Where did they come from? Modern secularists will give you all sorts of answers, but they are a people, with a book. And in that book it says God called out a man called Abraham, whose grandson was rename Israel from Jacob, the father of the Israelite people today. You see, God DOES get involved with the real world. First and foremost, its how everything got here. Look outside, at nature: the trees, rivers, mountains. The clouds, lakes, flora and fauna. All of that is Creation. And it is the Creation of God. God fashioned nature, for we are not the result of a cosmic fluke of a big bang, a universe of order arising from chaos. It's a lie of the evolutionists, nothing more, and the truth is written in the skies as well as written in your heart, if you will only acknowledge it. But more than creation, God called people, when man went astray, and formed spiritual communities from them. Enoch walked with God, and likely the faithful of the day walked with Enoch. And later Noah was called, and built an Ark. A very real Ark, which housed very real animals, which was redeemed by a very real flood. And all of that was very real history. Want to deny the flood? People do. But go study the facts of creation science long enough and honestly enough, which not everyone does, and you will get the point. The flood did happen, and it was a very real even, caused by a very real God, a God who affects the whole world universally with things that he does, from creation to flood. God works in the real world, and God work's in people's lives in a very real way when they call on his name.

But the point I am driving at is this: It has no relevance, supposedly. It doesn't affect my life in any real way. You see, the problem with that is the very shaping of your morals and decency comes from the source of God in the end anyway. You think its YOUR moral choices when and if you make them. Think again. It is the way you are fashioned which gives your heart the ability to make those choices. And, the problem with those choices is that people often choose sinful ones. And the life you live, which you might often call moral, is beset with characteristics and shades of fortune which are not always that moral. Aren't they. But, hey, that doesn't make religion relevant, does it? No. I get by. I make my own choices and live in the real world. I don't need religion, I get by well enough so far. Fair enough, you may make moral choices and live a decent enough life, and don't think you need and spiritual guidance. But is there a real heart in that life? Is there a real mercy, a real kindness, a real life? Do you really have much of a soul? Religion can and does impact the real world, and so much of the behaviours you take for granted in your neighbour and their choices of lawfulness are choices and behaviours guided by a religious principle for a great deal many of us. Yet, honestly, in your irreligiousity, which says the world would be better of without the mind controlling indoctrination of the evangelists, if you got your way, do you really think everyone who showed up with you would agree with your own basic sense of morals and rule (if you have any) anyway?

What, has atheism suddenly developed a universal code of observance? No, it hasn't. If you think there are wars amongst the religious, wait till those who have no God have a go at lawmaking. I can tell, they are not all of a sudden going to agree on everything and have a peachy all together lovely world. Dictators emerge and triumph in such situations – constantly. You see, you might think religion has no relevance, and doesn't affect your life, but it does and affects it a hell of a lot more than you know. You are just too scared to admit it. Religion offers so much in the real life, like a spiritual guidance which nourishes your heart and sets you right with God and at peace in the heart and with the world. But still you resist. And I know, personally, your life is somewhat hollow. You may, ultimately, find your salvation in love, but a love which has no faith. And that is enough for you, isn't it. Or in your friendships or family or career or group of friends. Whatever gets you through the night. But they are going to end with your life. And what then? But still, never mind. You don't need religion. It has no impact on the real world. The bible is manmade, and you are doing fine. Aren't you? Aren't you? AREN'T YOU?

No. You are not. And you feel it in your heart. And you know it. But you are too scared to admit it. Religion HAS and DOES and always WILL affect the real world. And it affects those who admit they need a guidance and a saviour and a God. It affects those who admit it and turn to him and repent of the self which really vainly believed it knew it all and dismissed it all as irrelevant. But keep on going down that road, and never mind, for it seems right to you, and its all for the extremists and fundamentalists anyway.

Isn't it?

Sermon Seven: Humour

Everyone thinks it is funny until someone loses an eye. Or a leg. Or a penis. Speaking of men without a penis, the bible calls them eunuchs. Men without a penis. What a way to go. A man who has a sex change loses his penis and has an artificial vagina created. By doing this he loses his procreative abilities (if his testicles were also removed) and can no longer achieve orgasm. One might question whether the man which says 'I am really a woman inside' doesn't actually ask why the doctor says to him – or her – oh, no. You can't actually give birth to children. You don't have a womb. But, hey, he's a woman inside anyway. Don't sweat it. You see, its not that funny losing a penis. Eunuchs usually had there's chopped off. It was done by regents often so the man wouldn't have sexual relations with women in his court. No, losing a penis isn't funny. And while the Regent may find it humorous from time to time, it's no real fun losing an eye, either. Which is were I will make my point. It's not that funny.

Humour, if you are sensible, has limitations. Getting carried away with a joke, like a jackass, can get to the point were real and actual physical harm can take place. Mock someone just that too much, and many people are bloody sensitive about themselves, they can have a go bloody quickly. And you could be the one losing the eye, or at the least getting a black one. Or, if you are the perpetrator, start getting carried away with your humorous punching on of the class idiot, and when they trip and then fall down that staircase you forgot, break their neck and end up in a wheel chair, you probably won't find Juvie, or worse, prison, that funny. Especially around the often present sodomite population, who have taken a fancy to the new pretty boy. Don't get carried away with it. A good joke has its time and its place, and with a close group of friends there are often liberties, which have been earned through knowing each other well for a time, which can be earned. Even those shouldn't be taken for granted too much. Or, frankly, even some of the stand-up comedy you get these days borders on not only offensive, but to down right rude, nasty, aggressive, disgusting and even illegal. There are limits to a joke.

Comedy is part of life, and while the Simpson's shocked people a bit, they got used to it, but sometimes I wonder if South Park exhibits comedy which is perhaps just a bit too much. Sure, Cartman wanking a dog might tickle the fancy of many an individual, but some things are perhaps just a bit too crude for public broadcast. Funny is funny, and some serious people should often learn to lighten up a little, and take a joke. Learning to laugh at ourselves is often a cure which makes us that little bit happier. But a joker, if he turns into a nemesis of Batman, has gotten to the point were, frankly, he is just a little bit too fucked up. Seriously. Sure, have a sense of humour, but learn the limits and learn when to say them and what to say, and remember there are often consequences for pushing your agenda just that little bit too far. And often very serious ones. Kapiche?

Sermon Eight: Expressing Yourself

7DF are Not Jewish. Yet, we are not Christian either. Within 5DF there exists a distinct movement or perhaps denomination called Karaite Abrahamism, in which Israelite members can assemble if they choose to join. Yet this assembly is also open to Christians, Muslims and Bahai to join also, because some of the teaching within the statements pertain to them to certain degrees.

Speaking of Jesus, one of the ways he taught elements of his Gospel was via the use of Parables. These parables often used a story as a vehicle for teaching moral lessons, but he also taught parables which relied on subtle metaphor for their interpretation, and these were often cryptic and well hidden. This way of teaching had the affect of giving him an aura of mystery, and his followers appreciated the style and way he taught these parables and the mystery within. That was some of the powerful way in which Jesus gained fame and notoriety.

The Seven Rainbow Bibles could use such methods if they chose, and perhaps some of the associated writings of the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny employ the use of 'Story' to teach lessons in a subtle way. However, usually, I like to write in a more straightforward manner, in a way of greater clarity and ease of understanding. Sure, people often like to be challenged and enjoy a sudden revelation over a hidden meaning, and can be inspired by those methodologies, but this is not the usual way of how I go about things with my own teaching.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Probably neither really. It is rather simply the way of how I speak and present myself linguistically. It more reflects the way my own mind works and how my own thought patterns form naturally. But my way is not the only way, nor does it have to be. For many of the morals of Jesus, and likely other iconoclasts, they have their own style of communication as, ultimately, all of us do. Probably, from all this lesson, the point I could make, I guess, is that that is perfectly ok. For a person to speak and teach in the way unique to themselves. It is often said 'Be yourself' and I think that is right. Be yourself. How you like to express yourself is a personal and individual thing, and you really shouldn't feel pressured or intimidated by others in being yourself, the way God made you. You don't answer to them on Judgement Day. You answer to God.

Sure, we all love an inspirational teacher, a grand and wise sage, even a guru of magnificent spirituality. Yet, sometimes, a more a direct and clearer approach to teaching wisdom is what is called for as well. Even dumbing it down, as they say, has its purpose. The real point, though, is that whatever works for you, whatever way you like to both receive and impart to others the lessons or knowledge you have learned in life, is yours. Its your heart, its your life, its your mind – and you shouldn't let anyone walk all over you in how you get yourself out there, or in how you communicate and speak. Say what you gotta say, however you want to say it. If its of importance or relevance people will figure it out anyway, no matter how well pronounced or eloquent you are with your wordings.

Sermon Nine: Facing the Challenge

So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress[c] wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. 15 This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.[d] 16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit[e] high all around.[f] Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you,and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.”

The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

They were the instructions. Noah knew what he had to do. Scripture doesn't say if God made it any clearer than that so, perhaps, one of the things we could consider as a possibility is that it was Noah's job, with the basic design factors presented, to work it all out and do it. It was a challenge, sure, and it took a century. But the thing is, he got the job done. Working with a core idea from the Most High, Noah applied himself, worked steadily for a hundred years, and completed the task. And sometimes, regardless of how much Noah was taught from God, that is all we have to work with in a task. A basic core idea we may have been given, but the detail and, the hardest part, the work, is up to us.

Often, in life, the first real challenge like this we are given which actually tests us is the school essay. We're given the essay title, and knowledge how to research books and how to structure the essay, but then, off we go. Filling in the picture is not easy, and for a lot of our first efforts we produced 200 of the 500 words required, and often in a very basic paraphrase. We might not have even done any real original thinking or consideration, but just wanted to get the job done and the work handed in, and left it at that. But is that really good enough? To build that ark Noah would have had to concentrate on detail. He would have had to ensure there was sufficient materials, that the ark, in the end, wouldn't float and that it would be strong enough to go the distance of the voyage. He needed to have all the tools made to do the building and, in the end, he had to do the actual hard work to not only accomplish the job but, and this is the important thing, to accomplish the job so that it would actually work and not fail. He had to pass the test the first time. He couldn't afford a fail.

Facing life's challenges is never easy, and sometimes the work ahead of us in life can seem incredibly daunting. But it has to be done, and if someone doesn't do my work, who will? Cheating is not a good option. With the way teachers these days use internet resources to check for plaigarism, your copied essay can be found out pretty damn quickly. And cheating is never a good way to go because you have never really learned the whole point of the exercise anyway, which will mean you lack the real understanding and knowledge necessary later on in life when that input required from yourself needs to be applied. Facing the challenge is never about a half-hearted effort, or about cutting corners to do a second rate job. A second rate ark would have sunk to the ocean floor most likely. No, you can't cheat on problems, and they have to be done properly and to the standards required for a pass. Fortunately, a school essay often has the possibility of resits and revisions to fix them up, but do you really think that in your working life your boss will always be so forgiving? Do you think he or she will accept fail after fail and cut corners and a half-hearted approach. Not usually. Facing the challenge is also often about using that mind of yourselves and actually getting those thought cogs to tick over and actually get stuck into what you know in your heart you really have to and should be doing. It's not easy. Nobody ever said it would be. But, if you really want a successful life, if that is something of a dream you have in your heart, you can't cheat. You can't cut corners. You can't put in a half-hearted effort. You have to face up to it, honestly, do the required research, use your mind and think through the required ingredients for the core solution to the problem at hand – yes, you will have to apply your mind and heart to this – and then, the hard part, going the hard distance, the hard yards, and steadily working on getting the thing done. And, like Noah faced himself, often the challenges of life have to be passed first time around. And that is never an easy thing to get used to is it? Facing the challenge has to be done honestly and with determination and, perhaps most of all, hard work. A successful Noahide in life doesn't really have any other option than that.

Sermon Ten: Forbidden Fruit

Rotten apples. Nobody really enjoys eating them, do they? Not exactly nourishing, you would think. Actually, the nourishment is ok to a degree, but there is often a little bit of disease associated with them as well. And such diseases can often make you sick. Your immune system generally handles the job of getting you better, which is part of your body and the chemical processes controlled at its peak by the brain to heal you. Vitamin C (of which oranges are a good source, as well as blackcurrant juice especially) is also a great healer in that process. But, to begin with, perhaps its best if you never really eat rotten fruit to start with. Today, in Australia very few do. We have quality food stores and markets which, usually, sell quality fruit. Sure, some are a bit questionable, and its always best to pick your own fruit from the stall (which my mother likes to do), but usually you don't have to worry. Which could make you wonder why you would want to eat rotten fruit in the first place. Doesn't really sound like a sensible choice, does it?

The Serpent said to Eve, go ahead. It's tasty. It will make you as wise as the gods. She was tempted. She ate. Adam did also. Before that they were innocent, but God had commanded them not to eat the fruit. Yet she disobeyed. And they were kicked out of paradise when sin was born in them because of it.

The forbidden fruit is lot like a rotten apple, you see. Sure, there are things within it which are nourishing to a degree, because God did say it had good in it. But he said it also had evil. And perhaps those diseases which you often get in rotten fruit are a very good comparison to the evil in the forbidden fruit. Kind of makes sense doesn't it.

I suppose,when it all comes down to it, that commandment still sort of applies. We don't really have any access to the forbidden fruit, but we do kind of know the difference, these days, between good and evil. In fact we know it pretty well. Which is kind of strange. Because with all the biblical knowledge in the world available to us, some of us are stupid enough to, yes, eat the good, but also to continue on indulging in the evil, and disregard God's command still. Still we rebel. Still we practice sin. Still we are headstrong and wilful and choose the pleasure we think we are going to get. But it so often ends in pain, doesn't it. It so often ends in pain.

Still obey that command, is my real recommendation. Don't eat that fruit. But we still have, yet there is a blessing now as well in disguise. We are no longer so innocent, and the funny blessing is that we can be choosy now. We can choose the good and reject the evil. How do we know what is good? The Rainbow Torah has fundamental teachings on that and, if we choose to ourselves, we can research the Jewish Bible for a better idea. Yet these 7 Rainbow Bibles, which are catered for universal mankind, also attempt to teach the ideas of goodness and practicing that, as opposed to evil. Sure, perhaps there are some stuff ups within my work as a whole, because I can't really claim to be as perfect as God. But we have a guide, which has been with the children of men all along. Our conscience. When God taught in genesis how the heart of those destroyed in the flood was filled with wickedness, and had made it clear to Cain that if he chose those ways he would be dominated by them, obviously mankind has some inkling that he is choosing wrong. Obviously, and especially when we feel guilt for our sins which I definitely have in youth, and I am pretty sure you have also, we have that sense of right and wrong within us to help us to understand what we should be choosing. Obedience to God and goodness.

It is not that hard in the end and, because it is very difficult to avoid knowledge of good and evil now, we must deliberately make the choice to choose goodness and holiness. If we sin, we rebel, and we all should well know the consequences for sinful types of behaviour. The people destroyed in the flood certainly learned that lesson – in the most dramatic of ways.

The forbidden fruit is still forbidden, so don't fall into the temptations of sin, and eat that rotten apple. For some times its more than a bellyache you will receive. Some times a whole lot more indeed.

Sermon Eleven: Animal's are people

God made a covenant of not sending a flood again with Noah and his offspring AS WELL as Animalkind.

7DF literally teach that all animals are living persons and beings. They have minds and souls and spirits and heart, and inherit eternity. Later on, as animals develop more intelligence many of them are capable of communicating with humans through verbally speaking. Working in regular jobs related to animal kind is quite normal as well as their knowledge and societies develop. The tiniest animals are the bacteria – the microbes. Viruses have a form of life, but are not animals or sentient beings, nor are the plants. Yet from the Brachiosaurus down to the smallest microbe, animals are persons with a personality and an identity.

Protection from cruelty to animal groups are now a fundamental and important institution within human society. We MUST treat animals well and with dignity. Using them for food is still a right of human's on earth, but this does not happen in the afterlife. Regardless, while we may humanely kill them to eat them, we may not in any way intimidate, torture, degrade or mock them, or kill them without need for food. Death penalties for murder also apply to animals, as Genesis teaches. Further, sexually violating an animal remains unlawful in general for humankind. Hunting a fox is a traditional aspect of some cultures, and tolerable, as well as duck hunting, but the animal should never be oppressed in such situations, or unduly embarrassed. In general, animal societies should be respected and afforded their natural living rights alongside humans, and oppression of any animal species is never acceptable.

Sermon Twelve: The Doctrine of Copyright 
7DF teach that God honours copyright principle. Those of us who create original copyrighted information (and if we desire to do this we should pray to God the Almighty Father to ensure our works are original) and have a good standing with God in the next afterworld heavenly life, have the potential to profit and make a growing eternal prosperity in life from our work. If you don't really know what you could write about, my first and foremost suggestion is to write the autobiography of your own life. Perhaps elaborate, in various degrees of detail, the basic history of your life and even the lessons you have learned along the way. Most of us are still living quite original human lives with quite original human experiences. Get it down on paper. Type it into your PC. And, once you have some substantial work written, if you don't know if it will sell or not on earth, ask God to have this released in heaven for you. The heavenly marketplace is enormous compared to the earthly one. Also, music. Can you compose an original tune? Photographs. Can you take original photos? Poetry. Can you write original poetry? Fiction. Can you write original fiction? Non-Fiction. Can you produce a work in a field of knowledge, no matter how minor you might think it? Personal home videos or videos of yourself talking on a subject. These can be even put on youtube. If you want latter success in your eternity, consider obtaining some original copyrighted information, and pray and ask the Heavenly Father to have this released (if you choose) to the marketplace of the heavenlies? Go for it. Use your God-given talents. The world could end up being your oyster. Have a little faith, my dear friends.

Sermon Thirteen: Where are the New Spiritual Teachers?

Thus says the LORD: Where is the man of ambition? The one prepared to take the bull by the horns, get off his lazy arse, and start his own spiritual ministry, with his own copyrighted doctrinal statements, his own copyrighted sermons of Glory, his own copyrighted Gospels of Hope? Or are you all so completely lazy that ye stll insist on bludging off the works of Moses and Jesus and Mohammed and the rest. I desire a man, says the LORD, and if a man will not step to the plate, let a woman take his place, who has ambition for eternity, and can set forth those righteous principles of truth, from his own wisdom, his own spiritual well, his own pool of knowledge, to guide those who can not see, and to help the spiritually poor. WHERE ARE YOU MAN OF GOD????? But nay, they but defer to their holy scriptures, for they are lazy, says the LORD, without ambition, lacking drive or talent, men without insight or fresh spiritual appeal, and as the spiritual truths of the world disappear in copyright by the wise each and every day, the sermons of the future are told by those who did have an inkling to get off their arses and work like bloody hell. For the LORD seeks leaders, and has enough sheep to feed from his pastures, and Moses and Jesus and Mohammed and Bahaullah are not complaining, for they are happy enough to fill their congregations each and every week, and now L Ron Hubbard and Paul Twitchell are enjoying their new attention for having a bloody go also. For the well of spirituality will run dry one day, and the wise will have claimed their share, and those who did not work when they had the opportunity will rue their laziness time and time again.

Sermon Fourteen - 1 Chronicles 5 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) – Israel's Firstborn

5 The sons of Re’uven the firstborn of Isra’el — he was the firstborn, but because he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Yosef the son of Isra’el, though not in such a way as for him to be regarded in the genealogy as the firstborn. 2 For Y’hudah became greater than his brothers, inasmuch as the ruler came from him; nevertheless, the birthright went to Yosef.

The tribe of Judah prevailed. So in this initial point in history, Judah has ruled Israel. Yet, as point of fact, it is Joseph who is the firstborn tribe of Israel, as his is the birthright. The Universal Faith Assembly regards, then, the tribe of Joseph as the official ruling tribe of the House of Israel. This is distinct from the Assembly of the Divine Creator which regards the Tribe of Zebulun as the firstborn tribe of Israel, because they think 'Zebulun Kicks arse'. Putting aside those idiots, Haven Noahide Fellowship regards Judah as the official ruling house of Israel into perpetuity. However, the Assembly of the Living God (4DF) is very traditional, and holds to ideas like forgiveness and repentance, and believes that once Reuben repents sufficiently, the tribe of Reuben will be restored to its rightful status. That said, they further regard that the Edomites, as Esau is firstborn of the sons of Isaac, rule over the people of Israel as their elderly brother. As you can see, within the various of the 7 divine fellowships different theological approaches are taken. Each believes they are pursuing the sensible course of action.

Sermon Fifteen -– Living for God

Living for God. If you wish to live for God, that is an admirable thing, isn't it? All your monotheistic friends will applaud you, congratulate you, and then proceed to turn on the television set, already having forgotten what the conversation topic just was. Living for God, really, can be a lonely business, because so many members of society don't really care that much what you do in the end. It's your life. If that is what tickles your fancy. In the end, don't judge yourself by the opinions of society or other people, though, and do live for God. For the godly lifestyle is an eternal one. Yet, if you crave approval from others, think first that they are not the ones who will judge the living and the dead. It is God who is your judge, so seek his approval. After all – isn't he the one you are now living for in your decision? It takes commitment, passion and endurance to do the whole walk of life to God Almighty. It isn't always easy, and initial periods of zeal can be forgotten as the long grind of your decision takes over. Finding that ability to stay committed is a rare quality in many, and it takes effort. The key is to listen carefully to wise advisors on spiritual things, apply what they say, and look within to how you will find the strength to persevere with your life choice. And then, a real key, is studying the bible from go to woe, and completing it. A completed bible reading, accomplished through patience, sows in the seed of eternal life, and with that seed you should be able to hold your head up high in time in the commitment you have made without falling short of that both God and your own heart expects of you. Living for God in the Reform Karaism tradition is still about acknowledging the Torah way of life has relevance, and while it is not about blind obedience to every whim of scripture, let scripture speak the truths it does have within it to your life none the less. Slowly, patiently, carefully, master this walk of life, and this life you are living for God, and weed out the old man, and sow in the new spiritual man regularly. It is a hard life, some may say, yet in the end when you live for God it can only work out in your best interests. And that is what it is all about.

Sermon Sixteen – Gentiles

We are the nations. The peoples. The goyim. From one perspective, you see, Noahide is a term we could use, but we are who we are. And maybe we don't want to necessarily identify so much with Noah himself and Noahidism, but more of our own identity, and perhaps, as we are the nations, the term Gentiles in relation to the actual religion which is our faith. Certainly, gentile can be termed offensive, racist and bigoted as well. But it can also be a fair enough way to express the ideas of those not covenanted to Israel, the chosen people. We are the rest of the world – the nations. But, that said, we do have a covenant, or religious obligations. Genesis 1:1 – 11:9, the Rainbow Torah as the Advancing Noah Movement calls it, is sort of our bedrock of original spirituality for our movement. In a reform spirit, we might not know exactly how accurate the historical details presented within are, but we accept the Torah way of life in general regardless, so it suffices. Let's hope that world to come truths, should they eventuate, clear such questions up and gives us the bigger and better pictures. Yep, we're gentiles. I suppose we walk with God, and maybe we notice Israel. In Isaiah 40-50 we find Israel are a light, and a covenant nation to the gentiles. Light. We notice it. Some of us can follow their example, I guess. If we choose to. But as we are also Karaite Gentiles, it does mean one thing. We have already chosen to acknowledge the Tanakh as a book of reference in some way, and its a witness to us of a work of God through creation. And perhaps we let some of the light of that work in because of it. Reform – we move with the times in some ways. And learning and progressing throughout history is probably the way to go. But truths of spirituality which remain, which fix themselves in our hearts as good and holy and worthy, them retain. Them keep. Because they are the touchstones of eternity, and beacons of, indeed, light to guide us, teach us and walk therein all the good and long days of our lives.

Sermon Seventeen - A Religious Text: Life's Stabilizer

One of the criticisms often thrown at the religious is that their religion is used by them as a crutch to shield them from some of the harsher elements of life, and that they really should live by just their own viewpoints. But, in response, in reality that is the whole point of religion. That it does act as a stabilizer and support in this life from the world we live in. I, personally, recommend Jehovah or Yahweh God as the greatest of all support systems, God himself. But flowing into this creation of God's, this world we live in, are now an enormous variety of religious texts on a whole host of subjects and ways of spiritual practice. If you were going to choose one to live by, there are always the classic and big 'Scripture' books, like the Old and New Testaments and the Quran and the Bahai scriptures in Monotheism, and the various other sacred texts of other religions. But it doesn't always have to be the big scripture book which makes your day on spiritual guidance. It can be one of the minors, which might not really be a minor in the end anyway. For example, 'In Search of Wisdom' by evangelical christian Robert Hicks, is an excellent assessment of the book of proverbs and the wisdom it offers life. You know, to my way of thinking, you could live by such a book alone as your font of spiritual wisdom. You wouldn't really need anything else after a while. Whatever tickles your fancy, really, on religion or spirituality. The Celestine Prophecy is another book I recommend. But, this is the key thing, why choose a religious book anyway? What we might often find in life is that without a religion or core set of values we affirm, life can be flaky and subject to chaotic whimsical behaviour. Always off to the latest trend or fashion - never settling into a stable lifestyle. In the end, it is really just that. Choose a book, Whatever religious book you want, and STICK WITH IT. When you learn its rules and values and ethos, and you inculcate that into your life, you STABILIZE your life with the same influence time and again. Me, personally - I am definitely the kind of person who could choose a whole host of religious books. So many I find appealing. But I have ended up with the oldest of them all, the Old Testament as a Karaite Noahide, and my own religious writings which I call the Rainbow Bible and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny. But there are limitless options available to every Tom, Dick and Harriet. Choose one. Settle on it. Determine in your heart to stick to it for all eternity. You see, its the stability in the end that it offers which will hook you into it for eternity. The same constant theme, the same way of life, the same ability to stabilize in your life, and stick with the routine of things. And, in the end, routine is something we probably need a lot of. Especially some of the crazier of us. Thanks.

Sermon Eighteen - The Advancing Noah Movement is LBGT NON-Friendly.

We tolerate LBGTs (Lesbians, Bisexuals, Gays, Transexuals) who adhere to a strict code of lawful behaviour in their life as acceptable for exemption from capital punishment, and accept full citizenship claims, but LBGT sexual behaviour is considered an abomination by us. As a movement, we don't really give a damn if society is pro-gay or anti-gay at any particular time. The position of a fluctuating democracy on morality does not change our essential stance from age to age. We do tolerate membership of LBGTs in our Assembly when and where a strict code of personal lawful behaviour is adhered to, and discussion and any forms of outward LBGT behaviour is kept within personal lives and does not interfere with the fuller Assembly. We do not advocate 'Keeping it in the closet' as it were, as our headship should be informed of your sexuality choices, but it is more of a practical 'Please tone it down and keep it in your private life' if you wish to fellowship with us. By the time the behaviour becomes flagrant, we do not oppose and generally support capital punishment for this behaviour. We are not anti-gay people haters. We do accept that they make their own choice on their sexual behaviour, and we view it most definitely as a choice of behaviour, rather than orientation. People become familiar with the gay spirit or feelings, think that they like it a bit, and gradually allow it into their lives. Traditionally this was called giving into temptation. Gay people can still be kind, decent, thoughtful and generally law abiding, and in this real sense we certainly do have respect for and positive views on such gay people. It's just that we know where this lifestyle leads eventually - down a rugged and slippery path. To call us homophobic is stupid - we have plenty of love and respect for our fellow men, regardless of what lifestyle choices they make. But we would encourage them not to be idiots for its is a devil's pathway in the end. So, dear Elton John, Madonna and George Michael - you are perfectly welcome to join our fellowship, and would be valued members. But even having good intentions on the road to hell does not wash that much with us in the end. Repentance is generally recommended. Your choices, though. Glad to see you can live with the consequences.

Psalms of the Universal Faith Assembly

Psalm 1

May God bless us Now and Forever. Alleluia

Psalm 2

Lord of Grace. When I stuff up, and sin, I feel guilt. And it bothers me. Because I want to be a good person.

Lord of Grace. When I stuff up, and sin, I feel shame. And it bothers me. Because I want a good standing with you.

Lord of Grace. When I stuff up, and sin, I am not at peace. And it bothers me. Because I want my life to work out properly with a blessing.

So what would I do, God, if you weren't a Lord of Grace?

Psalm 3

The Lord is a God of Kindness. The Lord is a God of Love. Surely I should show to God humility. Surely I should be as gentle dove.

The Lord is a God of Purity. The Lord is a God of Truth. Surely I should show to God Holiness. Surely unto him I should be True.

The Lord is my God. To him I sing Alleluia.

The Lord if my God. To him my heart does praise.

Be kind unto God, for he shows us all his mercy.

Be kind unto God, the glory whom we praise.

Psalm 4

The Lord of the Universe – A Mind Infinite – We ask for your guidance, we ask for your protection.

The Lord of the Universe – A heart unlimited – We ask for your mercy, we ask for your love

The Lord of the Universe – A grace untold – We ask for your thoughtfulness, we ask for your attention

The Lord of the Universe – A Wisdom Omnipotent – we ask for your teaching, we ask for your truth

Lord God Almighty, you are the source of Universal Faith, for who can deny all roads of truth lead to you

Lord God Almighty, you are the source of Universal Love, for who can deny all hearts find your touch

Lord God Almighty, you are the source of Universal Inspiration, for all will admit they are in the image of God truly made

Lord God Almighty, you are the source of Universal Prosperity, for all will admit they succeed in your blessing

Thank you God of the Universe

For your Presence

Thank you God of the Universe

For your Abounding Love


Psalm 5

God, the Lord, of the Universal Faith, Alleluia. Amen.

God, the Lord, of the Universal Faith, Alleluia. Amen.

God, Creator, Divine Fire, Divine Glory

God, Our Maker, Divine Light, Forever Story

God, the Saviour, Divine Truth, We Adore Thee



We praise our God with our hearts of Love

Not vanity, but purest Love

We thank our God with hearts of Love

Not Pride you see, but purest Love

We draw close near to Yahweh

We follow Jehovah God

And know that it is peace and joy

Twixt Us

Not Whip, or Rod

God, the Lord, of the Universal Faith, Alleluia. Amen.

God, the Lord, of the Universal Faith, Alleluia. AMEN.

Psalm 6

Praise to you, Saviour of Men

Thank you for your kindness

Praise to you, salvation of life

You deliver me from my spiritual blindness

You lead me on, you chastise my forlornness

You rebuke me when I sin

But with the Lord, with God above

I can not lose, I'll surely win

Thank you God, for your grace

Thank you God, for your love

Teach me truth, every day

Praise to you. God above

Psalm 7

May Yahovah guide us, if he is willing.

May Yahovah teach us, if he is our saviour.

Yet, while we may doubt,

May Yahovah show his grace and help us regardless

Thank you Yahovah for whatever kindness you show me

Thank you God for your presence and touch


Section Four – Assembly of the Living God

The Book of the Living God

by Daniel

Copyright 6176 SC


Principle One


What is Life? What is Death? What is Truth? What is Error?

What is the meaning of meanings? What is the correct knowledge which will guide you through your eternal existence,

your eternal walk of life, in true happiness? What is the Answer above all Answers?



Principle Two


Life is the existence, in animated glory, of conscious joy and knowledge for beings made by God. Yet, there is also

life in non-concious things as well, which serve the conscious, as food, enjoyment pleasure, and other things necessary

for our life. With our need for food and oxygen, we can never seperate ourselves from the reality of nature. We must live

in harmony with living things, preserve and protect them, for the purpose of our lives is to live forever and find happiness

and consolation therein.



Principle Three


Death is the end of the living cycle. Yet, who would choose eternity for life? Will we live forever on earth? Will we live

forever in heaven? Yet, in the end, we must choose the decision of life to enjoy it as such. Choose life, for despite its

struggles, that is the wise choice.



Principle Four


Truth is knowing facts. And the spiritual facts are that the Living God - El Shaddai - Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh - Yahweh Supreme -

is God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in the salvation you seek, in truth, by his name will all your hearts

desires find perfect and true consolation.



Principle Five


Error is to depart from the Living God, and to try and find eternal life by your own strength. This can not happen, for you

created not life, and have not the living power of God within you. At the end of all such contemplations of error, sin

rules your heart, and peace and happiness elude you. For then, repentance must find you, to return to the truth - to

return to God.



Principle Six


The meaning of meanings is what you find in your heart which gives life the answers to drive you forward to find the goals

which make you happy. Yet God is this meaning, and in his kingdom you will find your heart's meanings satisfied

to the full.



Principle Seven


The Correct knowledge is enshrined within the wisdom of the Rainbow Torah Scriptures. It is as simple as that.



Principle Eight


And the Answer above all Answers - is the Living God - Enduring Forever - Lord of the Rainbow Covenant - Lord of Creation. In Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, ultimately, all answers can be found.



Psalms of AOTLG

Psalm 1

May the Living God, Bless my Heart

May the Living God, Bless my Soul

May the Living God, Bless me with Eternal Salvation

May the Living God, Bless us all

Now and Forever


Psalm 2

May God watch over you and protect you and cause his love to enshroud your heart each and every day

May the Living God bless you and cause his peace to live in your heart and give consolation, forever, to your soul

May Almighty God caress your anxieties with the gentle touch of his eternal strength, and remind you nothing is beyond his power

And May God keep faith and purity in your life forever, blessing you and your seeds prosperity from this time forth and evermore.


Psalm 3

The Path to Sheol is easy and comfortable, for the soul thinks as it will and gives no thought to God or cares for decency

They walk on in life, speaking words of decadence, and living as such, full of trouble and strife

They know not the truth, they care not for it either, the pleasures of the day are enough for their souls

And living each day, no thoughts of repentance, just pleasure and sin, which each day takes its tole

I thank God that he saves me, and teaches me wisdom

I thank God that he saves me, and teaches me right

Praise to the Living God, Jehovah forever

Praise unto Yahweh, my saviour, my might

Psalm 4

The Burning Ambition of the Soul seeking Glory can find no greater Mentor than the throne of the Living God

The lessons he teaches, of humility and righteousness, grace and Mercy, purity and truth

Are the touchstones of Eternity, the guideposts of wisdom, the signs of prosperity, which guide you on the path

The fool, in his heart, thinks himself the font of wisdom divine

Yet the wise chooses knowledge of the Holy One upon High

Esteemed greater than all the Academic Scrolls of Man

Trust in the Living God

Let him always guide you

He will prosper your way

And in his name you will find your true glorious salvation.

Psalm 5

The Betterment of the Soul is a patient work and does not happen instantly, although sometimes we crave as such

Through battles of faith, and walking with God, we learn the ways of virtue and holiness and peace

Walking with God is a lifelong occupation, and the shores of the heavenlies achieved through diligent effort

So be patient with your soul, your heart and your spirit, and trust for the lifelong journey of service

God is faithful, he will lead you aright, God is faithful, he will guide you safely home

God is faithful, in him you can trust, and the pureness you seek will be yours, yours alone

Praise to the Living God for his kindness and mercy

Praise to the Living God for his justice and love

Praise to Jehovah, the God of the Heavens

Praise to Jehovah, the God up above.

Psalm 6

Blessed is the man who walks not in the ways of the ungodly,

or takes the sinful path, or sits with mockers in their mockery.

But the Torah of the Kingdom of Noah is their delight

And they study it in regular times.

They will be like willows aside a Cooma stream,

Delighting in their abundance of water, well refreshed by

the Lord's provision.

Yet the wicked are a dry creek-bed, parched and begging for water.

Psalm 7

God's chosen King.

He sits on the throne of Noahide Glory.

He sits on that throne, the exalted son of God.

But his nature is man,

And he is but a son of Noah,

But a son of Adam,

In no way Divine,

In no way a god.

Praise be to Yahovah

Praise be to God

Praise be to the Lord Almighty

Praise be to the Holy Name of the Creator.

The throne of Noahide Glory

Sits were the son of Man who prays the most,

Were the son of Man who serves the most,

Were the son of Man who reads the Rainbow Torah the most,

Bestows his glory

Through His prayers beseeching God

Of intercession

For his holy Noahide cities,

Such as Kingston upon Hull

Or London

Or Canberra

Or New York

Or Vancouver

Or Baroda

Or Mullingar

Or Glasgow

Or Munich

Or Cairo

Or Cardiff

Or Paris

Or Christchurch

Or Omaha

Or Douglas

Or Lilongwe

Or Rothera

Or Taipei

Or Georgetown.

Wherever the Sons of God pray

And the ruling Son of Noahide Glory

Who has the greatest works

And the greatest service

Serves and Dwells

May he be anointed with God's grace and will

And may he be a blessing, as Zion is, to the children of Mankind.


Psalm 8

Praise to the God of Noah

Lord, when I consider your Word

I know in my heart that I am not the greatest of Torah Students

But who is?

Lord, when I consider your Kindness

I know in my heart that I am not the greatest of grateful souls

But who is?

Lord, when I consider my blessings

I know in my heart that I really just am happy with what I've got

But don't give much consideration to the one who provided my life, liberty and happiness

And who does?

Lord, I'm a self centred so and so

And I'm not the best example of Torah devotion

And I'm not the kindest of souls

And perhaps I'm a bit greedy as well

But you made me

So I know, in the end, that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made

And despite the shallow soul that I'm not really that proud of within

I trust that God, the great saviour, will get his work right in me in the end

Despite my flaws

And lack of devotions

And nasty words

And indulgent behaviours

Thank you for hearing me when I call on you

And saving me as you promised you would

Even though I'm far from the best example

Praise God for his kindness to me

Praise God forever


Psalm 9

The Truth does not change

And as I progress throughout life

I remember that

The Truth does not change

And in all my yearnings

For a more advanced way of life

I must remember that

The Truth does not change

And your word remains the Truth

From generation to generation

The Fidelity of God Almighty

Saviour of men

And Lord of my Salvation


Psalm 10

Thank you God for the world of liberties and freedoms

Thank you God for the word of liberty and freedom in your Torah

Thank you God for way of life I am able to live in service to you

Which is not beyond my ability to observe

For your commands are life and not death

And becoming holy, as made in the image of God

Is a good way of life and a good moral standard

And you are trustworthy God of great blessings

Deserving of your praise

And deserving of your thanks

Praise to God


Psalm 11

Lord help me to forgive others when they wrong me and repent of it

Lord help me to show others kindness if they are not the most pleasant of souls

And Lord help me to stand firm in my family as a godfearing child of the Most High

I ask you for these things

Because my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak

And I am but a man

Despite being made in the image of a holy God

All to prone to human weaknesses

And thus I call on your name

For the saviour in my own strength

Vacated the lot years ago

And I need you now

And I need you forever

For were would I be without you

My God and Saviour


Psalm 12

Praise to God because he is worthy of our praise

Thanks to God because of his kindness to me

Glory to God for his majestic nature

And honour to God, Lord of all Dignity

Help me against my enemies, saviour of men

And visit upon them only true justice

Do not curse the soul which in the end will repent

And do not harm the harvests of those who are at least trying to do the right thing

We don't all know you Lord God

So remember we are frail humans

Calling on a saviour with what little faith we have

And a power eternal beyond our comprehension, for we are children in faith

Praise be to God because he is worthy of our praise

Thanks to God because of his kindness to us all


Sermon One – A God of Life

When God breathes life into each and every soul created within the womb of woman upon their creation, he creates just that – life. Life is a many splendid thing, something we all take for granted, yet perhaps only appreciate in various degrees. The real art of life, perhaps, is to savour each moment and find those good things, even in the bad times, which make life worth living. All around us is living, and we do not live alone or in isolation, but together with countless souls alive to existence, and other forms of life also. Living – its what it is all about – and in the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the whole point of all that serves creation, the sun, the moon, the stars and all, is that they serve life. That all the universe works together to bless life and the living and prosper life and the living. Eternal living – it doesn't happen in an earthly experience, does it? But that seems to be the promise which religion offers to the heart of man. Their greatest desire or want imaginable, to live forever. Strange that, while many take the idea seriously in this life, so many others couldn't care less as well.

God is a God of life, and the nature of Jehovah is his central choice to life and to have life abounding in his spirit. However God existed or in whatever format he existed before creation, we do know he must have created this living world for a reason, and we must really assume it was to enjoy the camaraderie of the living, the presence of those souls who also taste life and enjoy its simple pleasures.

Life is good. Life is what you make it, it has often been said, and if life really is good, we need to follow those paradigms which lead to it being as such. Because in this life so much of it can be enshrouded with darkness and deceit, evil and immorality, that we can question why there is so much evil in the world, and doubt the existence of a kind and loving God. But the evil is the choice of man to act contrary to the will of the living God and he ordains none of us to sin against him, only that we would repent and turn to the pathways of eternity.

Life has love and peace and joy, and following the Rainbow Torah of the Assembly of the Living God is were we find those eternal principles which guide us away from death and sin, the choices the people of the deluge made in their madness. But we are a called people, it would seem, for we have chosen the Assembly of the Living God and, in choosing that, we can trust that God knows our heart and the decision to live according to the rulings of our fathers Adam and Noah that we have made and that, in our choice to follow the Lord eternal, he will favour us and embellish that living experience, and grant us that eternal life, with all its goodness and love and peace, and every good thing, our service to the Living God will grant us.


Sermon Two – Living an ordinary life

Yet, when it all comes down to it, we might harp on about how life is full of promise and blessings, good things and joy, and that life is what you make it and so much extraordinary good things can be shown in the living experience. But, what gets you through the day, in the end, is a more ordinary world. One in which shopping at K Mart for that bag of extra size dog biscuits with a coupon for a 15% discount, or standing in line at the movie theatre waiting for the ticket to the new action movie starring Sylvestor Stallone, or walking down by the stream when a pretty lady walks by and smiles at you but nothing more, or buying that new X Box Game, or passing your open university exam, all become the really big highlights of the day and talking points for the next few weeks. You see, living the life, the extraordinary dream, which many a christian pop singing iconoclast will recommend to you as the only way to go, is more a case of cleaning up the dogshit from your pet dog, or asking for a refund to your movie ticket because of constant wheezing of the old lady behind you, or handling a jealous boyfriend who is asking 'is this the fella', or finding that no matter what you do you can't get past level 3 on that X-Box game or failing the other 3 exams at open university, which are the other talking points which bring you right back down to earth and remind you that this living experience can be really mundane also, when it all comes right down to it. Very mundane indeed.

Life was not meant to be boring, as they say, but it was neither meant to be lived at a breakneck rollercoaster speed. Life was meant to be travelled at a sedate and sensible speed, which takes in the full picture ensuring you neglect nothing in your lifelong walk. And a lot of it is just plain old ordinary living. Nothing special about a lot of the days in it, indeed.

But it doesn't have to be. It doesn't have to be special all the time, nor should it be. In fact, it is strength, strength to endure, strength to persevere, which comes from a long lived life which has been through a large catalogue of those 'Ordinary' days. In the days, it is about the enduring of those ordinary days which make up an extraordinary life anyway. It is enduring through not just the tough times, but the mundane and boring, the regular and not so special, which only highlights and embellishes the beautiful days within it, the days of our summers of glory, and when all is truly said and done, it is all that strength of endurance which, I am sure, having walked a life close to Almighty God all the way through, will make you look back and in your heart say 'God, that actually was a life worth living.' Because, if you commit to the living God, he won't fill your life full of fanciful bits. He will fill it full of things which get the bills paid, the kids educated, the work done, and the people fed. They are God's priorities, because he takes care of the real realities in the living experience, but, in doing that, he crafts out those special moments amongst all the humdrum, those special days, when you sit back and smile and thank him for small mercies.

Don't be afraid of the ordinary life, for so much of eternity before you is of the same ilk. Yet, when you can learn to find the pleasure and happiness in the more mundane experiences, you have started to find the joys of eternal life and the living, then, of an ordinary life, well.............its not that ordinary anyway. AMEN

Sermon Three – the Judgement of the Kingdom of Noah on Slavery of Jews

Justice is a strange and multicoloured beast. Yet, as the saying goes, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. In the Judgement of the Kingdom of Noah, 'Israel' shall be known by Noahides as the 'Gentile' nation and Israelites as 'Gentiles'. Further, as the Hebrew Torah teaches that Noahide in the Kingdom of Israel may be possessed by Israelites (the Gentiles) as permanent slaves, the Kingdom of Noah judges that the Noahide World may likewise have permanent Jewish Israelites (the Gentiles in our judgement) as slaves. What is good for the goose is good for the gander, so if Noahides are permanent slaves in Israel, then Israelites may be permanent slaves in the Kingdom of Noah.

Sermon Four - Ending Arguments

The strength of humility can be shown in many ways, but one of the most beautiful and inspiring things we often encounter in every day life is that of the humble soul who, when in an argument, has the confidence of heart to back down, stop insisting on themselves, even admit that they might be wrong or don't know for sure, or simply calm down and refuse to argue out a heated debate. So often it is our women who are our greatest peacemakers, which really should inspire us men to think more carefully about our reputation. Ending arguments, really, should be one of the things we strive to do in life. So many times arguments get out of hand, and apart from emotional hostility, physical hostility can become part of the heat. Nobody likes being punched upon so, as the proverb says, a soft answer turns away wrath. It is a spirit of pride, and often it is a spirit of pride which doesn't even care if it is in the right or not, which insists on the last word. It is pride, and nothing more than an arrogant heart, which has to shout the loudest and longest, and carries on when every other voice is telling you to shut up and get over it. Children often suffer under a loud mouthed father, and often the mother as well is just as guilty. Of course, sometimes we can't help ourselves, and arguments just happen, but, in a moment of the excitement, if we can capture that glimpse of rational sanity which reminds us how childish this behaviour is, grasp onto that voice, listen to it, and be brave enough to back down and say 'Look, I'm just not going to argue about this.' So much strife in the world would cease if we are brave enough to 'Not have the last word'. AMEN.

Sermon Five - The Doctrine of Viewpoints

Within the Rainbow Bible there are a multiplicity of viewpoints expressed, often on the same issue, and, at times, from different perspectives. The Rainbow Bible is an exploration or inquiry into spiritual truth and an inquiry also into spiritual truths of the Jewish Bible (the Tanakh) from time to time. As an exploration, one viewpoint may be considered and, at times, almost an opposing or contradictory viewpoint considered. There is likely only one ultimate truth of the matter at hand, but understanding that truth is the point of the research and inquiry into biblical truths. So, there you have it. The doctrine of viewpoints. The Rainbow Bible considers things from multiple perspectives.

One of the perspectives we consider is prophetical truths. A current view under consideration is the status of neviim prophets such as Isaiah and Ezekiel compared with the Kethuvim prophet Daniel. Perhaps Isaiah and co are speaking a semblance of the Word of God, yet perhaps Daniel is speaking the imaginations of Angelic revelations, and perhaps those Angelic teachings are not always the factual and God decreed plans of creation. In this case, when Isaiah says in Chapter 65 the life of the world to come is the life of trees, that as the Word of God this is the truth, and the elect shall simply gain long lives before departing to the hereafter. And thus, Daniel 12, the book of Daniel as a whole being a lovely work of inspiration, yet Daniel 12 being an angelic teaching for the inspiration of Israel, but not the literal truth of what will be. Not eternal life on earth in other words. Currently I am assuming that the Word of God probably does not contradict itself in the end, thus in current thought Daniel 12's teaching of eternity on earth is just Angelic inspiration, nothing more, and an eternity on earth is not the literal truth of what will be. A viewpoint. Of the Torah – the Tanakh – the sacred scriptures. The Doctrine of Viewpoints.

Sermon Six - The Living Experience

We suffer in life. Buddha said that was the chief substance of life for the most part. Buddha was a Noahide, you know. Descended from Noah. The world likes to imagine many origin tales of how we all got here, but the truth remains he is descended from Noah, as his nation was, and his teachings were developed from a long string of spiritual teaching developed in his culture from earlier epochs. He was an iconoclast who devised the core teachings of Buddhism, and while there are corrupt elements such as reincarnation teaching and other untruths, there likely remains a core of moral lessons and rules which remain decent and credible spirituality. Buddha may well possess an address in the heavenly afterworld. Who can say either way for sure. Buddha lived, and suffered. And, perhaps, for the glory he has gained, that was his lot in life. Jesus was crucified for his. Ouch. Life, the living experience, can be a great time, but sometimes in the Living Experience, the true glories you desire for an exceptional eternity can be costly. Very costly. Some of us seem to go through unperturbed, but we don't know the trials of heart they have experienced. Yet, more so, some of us don't sin quite as much as others, and so don't have to do some of the suffering of old sin anyway. The living experience, eternally, is not based on suffering. It's based on happiness. God created us, ultimately, to be happy with it all. But finding that happiness does not come from a dedicated patch of affirmation cards or positive thinking, ultimately. It's in doing the right thing, living a lawful kind of life, and connecting to the source of that ultimate living one – the Yahweh God fellow who made us all. Its your life, its up to you, and while people may guide you through it, the ultimate decisions of it all are in your hand, friend. Choose wisely, choose the good. Party on, dear hedonist, and you might find that hangover, one day, just a bit too bloody much to make life that much fun anymore anyway. Choose life. Choose the living God.

Sermon Seven – Progress

Progress is advancing. It is improving. It is adapting to new information, at times, and new cultural realities, and expressing yourself by accommodating yourself to those realities. But Progressive Hebrew Faith is not about accommodating yourself to the realities of a more critical society, which examines statements of faith and hangs them out to dry so readily that you could go out that morning with your new pastoral degree and find yourself redundant on the drive home. It is not about 'Accommodating' itself to these realities at all in any sense of 'conformity'. Yes, it tries to get along, but the progress it is making is not about moving with the times and getting into the new things, it is about moving with the times and expressing those values and articles of eternal faith, (which is one of the central searches and mission of the Progressive Hebrew Faith community), which remain just that – eternal. It is about radical faith, which goes back to the roots of the religion and sorts out from those roots just which parts of those roots are based on the eternity of the wisdom of God in the first place. It's not progressing as in making fundamental changes of self and status. It is change, like a tree, in terms of growth, adding in NEW information. But that information is ADDITION, not SUBTRACTION from other parts of our faith community. A tree adds on a new layer each year, but remember, the central circles of those rings of the trunk remain the same. The core or the heart of the tree doesn't change. And, for the Noahide Community, so much of our duty is to find that core aspect of our religion which has always been true from Jehovah, and remains eternally true from Jehovah, and expressing those truths, sometimes indeed in progressive ways, adapting to each new age, but always expressing the same truths in the end, even if in mercy and political correctness, and never venturing into the hallways or darkness and hedonism, were so much apparent 'progress' in the modern thinkers world seems to be inevitably leading to anyway. AMEN.

Sermon Eight – The future of the Noahide world
In time, should Karaite Noahide faith grow, we feel it would not be wise if Karaite Noahide faith took over Noahidism completely. Too much power in one particular strand of a religion tends to too much domineering and authoritarianism. It would be in the best interests of the Noahide world if ultimately Noahidism was divided equally between Talmudic Noahidism and Karaite Noahidism. Talmudic Noahidism would include Conservative and Liberal/Progressive Noahides, who still follow Talmud ideas, whereas Karaite Noahidism would have its own stylings of conservative and liberal branches, as well as what we favour in Torah Only or Samaritan based Noahidism. A Samaritan Noahide movement would be completely welcome by us, and would ideally be on our side of the Noahide world. Dear Ehyeh Asher Eheyeh, if these ideas are acceptable to you, we humbly ask of your divine grace to allow these realities to be as such in the fulness of time. And the Noahide world should hopefully end up the worlds biggest religion, twice the size of the entirety of Christianity, which would logically remain because of the commitment men of God have made in establishing congregations in the name of Jehovah.

Sermon Nine – Advancing Noahide Faith

Noahide Faith of this modern world is largely represented by the Talmud based 7 Laws of Noah movement. Yet, in truth, Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 (which I call the 'Rainbow Torah') is all that applies in terms of the religion Noah followed anyway. This is the essence of Karaite Noahide belief. Yet, its pretty basic in the end. Just holding to 11 chapters of scripture for a religion which in some ways is supposed to be relevant to all mankind. My idea, then, is the 'Advancing Noah Movement' which takes the idea of the religion of Noah and the Noahide Community and looks at how mankind has developed in the thousands of years since then, and the advances in society, culture and legal rule we have made. A Noahide doesn't have to build an ark, sit in it with his family, and think that is the end of his spirituality or way of life. To my way of thinking there is no reason we can not develop a more lawful world with our own rules and procedures to further embellish the social structures of cvilizations, which in the end is what mankind has done anyway. That is the core motivation of the Advancing Noah Movement. Taking the religion of our forefather patriarch Noah and 'Advancing' with it. As Karaite is our foundation, we reject the core idea that the Pharisees inherited an oral law from Moses -rather they INVENTED the teachings of the oral law. So we maintain that Karaism is our foundation but, to be real and true to our citizenships of these human societies we are all a part of, we feel we should acknowledge the laws of the land, adhere to them in general good faith when and were they do not contradict the laws of the Rainbow Torah and, taking from them, enshrined in the 4 sectioned part of the Kingdom of Noah Torah of 1000 rules, a semblance of the laws of Nations as they have developed over the thousands of years of history since the time of Noah, also including a strong element of acceptable for Noahide aspects from the Tanakh itself. A Karaite Noahide need not sit in the world of Genesis 1:1 – 11:9 and think this is the Word of God, and it is ALL he has ever said on the issue, and I don't really care for anything more anyway. Sure, in the end, humanity may provide such individuals and even movements who won't budge from absolutist karaite noahidism, which ONLY accepts Tanakh as any kind of authority. I see in Deuteronomy were Judgements of Danim can be made, but perhaps there will be those who believe the Tanakh is the be all and end all of interpretation of application of judgement anyway. Perhaps the Advancing Noah Movement is not absoultely purist Karaite faith in this sense, in the end, anyway. But I would probably argue that, compared to such groups, we would be the ones who would be following a fuller spirituality and way of life and with the kind of morals and teachings and principles of faith in our religion, drawn from the wisdom of mankind, we are not living simplistic legalism of a fundamentalist soul who just 'Will not be told what to do unless its scriptural' anyway. I think the Advancing Noah movement has grown up in adapting to a more mature way of life, with better principles, and taking in knowledge from mankind's history and ways of life and the lessons we have learned as a human people.

Sermon Ten – Indigenous issues and Noahide Origins

It's interesting.  Many of the people who identify as Indigenous of Australia of the various tribes also have a large degree of ancestry from other lands, especially the European lands of the United Kingdom and Ireland.  Our UK Families (of which I am an Irish/English person, a member of the Australian diaspora) have many family connections with the Indigenous people of Australia now in the 21st Century of the common era.  We are, in fact, quite well inbred with each other.  We are really a connected and extended family in many ways.  Of course, these indigenous of Australia have deep faiths and beliefs in the ways of Australian Indigenous culture yet, through bloodlines, also have connections to the European peoples as well, especially those of the United Kingdom, and really are part of OUR culture in terms of family as well.  There are probably indigenous of Australia who have the surname 'Daly' who have an Irish Celtic ethnicity associated with them as well.  We are an intermixed bunch, and I am very happy for such peoples to be part of my clan and Daly family.  On the NITV network of Australian TV not only do they show indignenous TV shows of Australia culture, but also those of other nations.  Ireland has a deep celtic root and the indigenous of Ireland are still substantially just that in our modern era.  In England the Saxon and Norman settlers have intermixed over many generations with the original celtic peoples of the lands that probably just about every citizen of England has indigenous celtic roots in some aspect of their family bloodlines.  An 80s tv show like the Robin Hood series from England is, in many ways, an indigenous cultural show of the English people.  But, from their celtic roots, even in this modern era a show like the 'Bill' on English TV is strongly an Indigenous English cultural show as well.  Could such shows or others from the United Kingdom ever have a chance of showing up on NITV?  Perhaps they should.  Noahide faith teaches that all modern cultures and peoples of mankind ultimately derive back in origin to Noah and his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, who, when the Ark rested, repopulated the world from Mt Arrarat in Armenia in modern day Turkey.    The Celtic peoples, as far as my investigations are concerned, likely populated from the Galatians of Turkey, likely through Noah's son Japheth.  The various other cultures of the world, we teach, also originated ultimately in this area.  Later mankind was gathered for the most part to Babylon, and the tower of Babel was attempted to be built, under the authority of Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah.  From there mankind was divided and the languages were also divided.  The Hebrew language, amongst others, developed at this point, likely from the Shemite 'Eber'.  The cultures of the world, in our religious teachings, originated ultimately from a Noahide family and, prior to them, ultimately back to the first man and woman Adam and Eve.

Sermon Eleven - The Price of Faith in following the Living God

Sin is a luxurious decadent delight of self will and self gratification. But it leaves you, at the end of your seasons of pleasure, empty, devoid of spiritual nourishment, and a carnal fascination to humanity, bereft of moral fibre and decent attitude and behaviour. Because if you make one concession on your religion, and stick to it, doesn't another usually come along? It likes to. It likes to tempt you and have its wicked delight with you and eat you up and spit you out, thrice the son of hell by the time it is finished with you. The Price of Faith following the Living God is living a life based on God's Rainbow Torah for us Noahide members of Assembly of the Living God. And that life, for the kind of person who wants to avoid the judgement of those destroyed in the deluge, is to not give into Cain's temptation, but to live a life based on lawfulness and morality. Sin feels good, people often say, but the spirit suggests to me it is meant to. It is meant to be a perverse form of pleasure, ironically so, to test you and to see if you have the courage of faith to live up to those convictions you had when you worked out your faith and morals. The serpent goes on tempting even to this day and unless you are prepared to commit to the principles of life of the Rainbow Torah, you will one day succumb and follow that serpent into his own hidden garden of wicked delights, and delight in that forbidden knowledge of evil, and not give a damn, until you find yourself in that ditch, having told the world to go to hell one too many times, a victim of the power of the temptations of the flesh, to which you have given yourself over to and let rule. Perverse pleasure – there is something in it which we know in our hearts isn't right – but we do it anyway. And we say 'Don't judge me', because we want to justify ourselves. So God lets you. He lets you sin. He tells you not to do it, but still gives you the choice. And if you want that sin, then a deluge of the soul awaits, for if you fail to pay the price of faith in following the living God, the price of sin, which is a cheap harlot for a buck, will eat you up, spit you out and delight in mocking you till you are no more the person you had once believed you might have been.

Sermon Twelve - Handling Dangerous Things

You know, life eternal is life eternal. And, if you want to chart your way through life eternal, there are some basic things you need to know. Handling dangerous things. They are called dangerous because they are just that - dangerous. But dangerous things abound in the life of the world to come - from razor blades, to scissors, to cutting instruments, to tools and even weapons, which you should avoid at all cost. Drilling machines, vehicles, boats, fishing rods, anything with a pointy or sharp edge, or anything which has a tendency to get too hot or too cold for the skin to handle - all these things are dangerous things and need to be handled with care and the utmost of caution. Essentially you need to train yourself, to train your life, to put into practice both a mindset and way of life which handles these things CONSISTENTLY in a SAFE MANNER. It needs to be prayed over. Every time you handle a dangerous thing you need in your life a back catalogue of built up prayer to guide you and instruct you in what you are doing at every moment with the dangerous thing, how to handle the dangerous thing properly and according to protocols and instructions, and how to safely put the dangerous thing back into its keeping place when you are finished with it. Your body is a temple and in the world to come that temple can only take so much damage. It is hard to do it on your own strength, but God expects that, because in salvation he expects you to put a fair enough effort into learning the principles of salvation your own self before you rely on his eternal strength. So to take care of your temple, your body, please ensure to the very best of your own efforts and abilities that you handle dangerous things with prudence, caution, care and respect, and please make sure they are put away properly when you are finished with them. Further - your loved ones. Want them to remain your loved ones? Then teach them, and make sure they too also know how to handle dangerous things safely and with the correct respect and understanding for them. It is your own responsibility - it is your own eternal life - so do the right thing by God Almighty and learn properly how to handle things of danger in your life before you rely upon his eternal strength to pull you through. AMEN.


The Doctrine of Contemplation

Is it just the truth we represent? Or is it more than that? The truth, if we hold to it, must have something useful about it. The point I had in my religious zeal was to teach the truth, because I believed the world was in corruption otherwise. The truth was (and is) the basis for all unity. Our Universalist faith is based on the Covenant of Noah at its heart. The Rainbow is the sign of this covenant. We are supposed to live natural lives, doing natural things that humans do. The rules are supposed to prevent us from going astray from the wisdom of God into behaviours which ultimately end in eternal death. People can be stubborn. They will choose their own will over the will and wisdom of God. But it is only death in the end, and NEVER the right way of thinking. We obey the rules of our Assembly, based on the Covenant of Noah, to be regular human beings who live in a society with each other, and try to get along with each other. I live in the 21st Century of the Common era calendar. I am a new believer in an ancient covenant, which has really been lost for the most part for millennia. But it is reborn, now. I have some new ideas. God asked me to build on his rock Israel, so I have the idea to have rules, like the Torah, from the maturing of the legal systems of the world, for our Assembly. May God guide this process. Here are 12 additional rules, which are only suggestions, for the members of the Assembly of the Living God.

  1. Keep calm in arguments

  2. Don't waste your money on stupid things, but budget to ensure you have enough food and drink and can support your family if needs be

  3. Avoid excessive alcohol, cigarette and drug use

  4. Wash regularly with water, clean your teeth regularly with water, and try to mainly eat fresh foods, as foods can go off and are not healthy to eat after a bit. Germs get on them, you see.

  5. Celebrate the solstice each year with a day of celebration, good eating, and good family, friend and community spirit. The 25th of December will do.

  6. Practice kindness and thoughtfulness towards people in the assembly and in the world.

  7. Talk to God about your life and occasionally ask him for any suggestions he may have

  8. If you would like, think about connecting somewhat with the Assembly of the Living God of the 7 Divine Fellowships that I have established. Gaining of their rights from myself is appropriate.

  9. Exercise and listen to advice from sensible people.

  10. Be the first to start a conversation – someone has to

  11. Don't expect people to treat you like someone special all the time, as they are often concerned with their own problems

  12. When it all comes down to it, try to be a good and decent person.

The Doctrine of Intense Reality

It's like, your young, and your speeding, because you don't give a stuff, and you hit that car from behind, and ruin the front of your car, and it's a write off. And your a little phased. Wise? It's like, you have been married for 3 years to your wife, who was a virgin when you married her, and you've never had a VD. But then that chick at work who you like flirts with you, and out in the filing room you dilly dally with her a little, and find that VD growing down below a few weeks later, and your wife has questions. Wise? It's like your at the shops with the kids, and they are screaming, and you need a few chocolate bars to shut them up, but you suddenly remember you left your purse at home, and you decide pinching a few chokkie bars is not that bad, is it? And then you are busted, and they call the cops, and your in deep trouble. Wise? It's like your jumping off that bridge into the river, and they warned you about rocks in some places, but you didn't listen to advice, and you hit one, and break your leg and arm. Wise? It's like you have strong political views, sometimes racist, and you are talking in a restaurant with your buddy, sledging the blacks, and a huge black man confronts you and asks you 'Do you have a problem?' Wise? It's like your at your place of worship, and you are talking shit in the foyer, and the pastor walks past and overhears you, and your rep is mud for a while. Wise? Reality. It can get pretty intense. Stuff up - make bad decisions - and it can get pretty intense. Wise up, friend, learn your lessons from your parents and teachers and the natural mistakes you make in life, and you should be ok in the end. Otherwise Reality can get pretty intense

The Doctrine of Slothfulness

I'll do it tomorrow. It can wait till morning. I'll get to it eventually. You noticed those dishes? They're piling up. Soon you won't have any new ones left. Noticed that carpet? The dirt on it is from the Jurassic period. Cavemen have tidier caves. Noticed those clothes your wearing. They are disgustingly filthy. And guess what? They were out of fashion when Adam was a lad. Putting things off. Waiting another day. Saying I'll get round to it. Gonna do this, gonna do that. But nothing, really, ever, changes. You see, slothfulness, the trap of laziness, one of the 7 deadly sins, is something even the most noble of hearts and intentions can fall into. Putting it off. Being unconcerned. Being lazy. It seems like some people enter, not called the 'Slow Zone' but the 'Stop Zone' were they consider the help they get (from mum usually) who cleans their room, washes their clothes and makes their dinner - when they are 42 - so they enjoy that, sit around the house playing video games, surfing the internet, and, in general, practicing the wisdom of the sloth. Such noble creatures they are. Slothfulness, ironically, doesn't get much done. If you want a life of achievement, don't rely on slothfulness to get you there. There's not much achieved on speed zero. But, alack alas, with a well developed sense of humour, even the slothful can be endured. If you can cope with the mind numbingly boring pace of life they set. Ha.

The Doctrine of Activity

Activity. Sometimes a hurly burly maelstrom of passion, life and adventure, and you reach epic glories of self accomplishment, the pride of your neighbourhood, city and even nation. You do everything right, are loved by everyone, and the envy of all. And life is full steam ahead, full of interesting and fun things to do, always exciting, never boring, and you wonder to yourself 'Can it really get any better than this?' But for most of us - the more mundane members of humanity - it is 9 to 5, same old job, same old routine, good morning Alice, good morning Bob, how was your day, yes boss I will get to that, are you sure there is a jam in the photocopier, sure I don't mind staying late tonight, good night Alice, good night Bob, stuck in traffic, home late, sit on the couch till midnight, and never get enough sleep. Wonderful. Isn't it. The world we all live in. Activity is life and life is activity, and there is a secret about it all. The secret is to learn to master the control of that activity and to master this life and to make it work, not so much according to expectations, because that is so predictable, but according to the innermost desires of your heart, were the seeds of true and eternal glory are born. It is about controlling that activity in the regular every day, finding secrets of doing things well and doing things with a good attitude and controlling all that activity and making it work for you - taking control of it all - that you can find the best meanings and reasons for living. We are not all destined to be superstars and neither are we all destined to be entrepreneurs, but we can all control what we say, which is important, and what we do, which is equally important, so it is about finding your natural and God given talents, and working with your strengths, and controlling that pace of activity at a level which maximises your happiness and joy in your everyday routines. If there is too much on your plate learn to restructure your activities to fit it in, or learn to let go and let others handle things. How you pace your life, how you control your time, how you manage the natural energy levels within you which produce a certain amount of activity, are the secrets to finding moderation and balance in life. And to control that natural life activity with happy things and good things and positive things and decent things. Life is flux - life is activity - even sitting still we are still breathing. So control that activity which is inevitable and moves you on in life inexorably, and make it work, with your own strengths, for a glory which is achievable and a life which is happy and has purpose. Control your energy, control your activity, measure it, master it. And you can be in far better control of your life and live a far better one because of it.

The Doctrine of 'Noahide Mankind'

One family. There it is, you know. We are one family. The sons and daughters of men. One family. One father, Adam. But since a boat was built and a flood happened, we are one family with another father over all of us in this post flood era - Noah. We Noahides use that term to mean of the tribe or family of Noah. It does, in truth, distinguish us from Catholics and Jews and Protestants and Muslims and others, who use various of their own titles to delineate their religious beliefs, but there actually is something more 'Universal' about our own particular moniker of religious identity - we are all - ALL OF US - sons and daughters of Noah. We are all 'Noahide Mankind'. The sign of the covenant, for everyone over 2 just about, has been witnessed universally - the rainbow. We've all seen it, not all of us know what it represents theologically, but it is a natural symbol which teaches us that God's judgement often falls once, and is severe, but his mercy thereafter is eternal. If, though, we are really one family, one Noahide mankind, really we should act like it. Do you spit in your mother's eye? Do you kick your brother when he is down? Do you insult your daughter without holding back? But the thing is, for so many of us towards those outside of our immediate family it is this big 'Who the heck are they?' attitude, rather than one which recognizes they are human beings, thinking and feeling, just like me. And, although it is distant for so many, we ARE related. We ARE family. We are ALL kin. In the USA in recent times there has been tension between the black communities and the police. Racism. It seems crystal clear from impressions we are getting, and while it does appear the police are not always guilty, sometimes they just might be. It's great isn't it. Racism. I'm being sarcastic. Wouldn't it be amazing, though, if the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan rocks up to heaven, meets Noah, and is shown his entire family tree. And then he looks at 'Mtoko Jones', that African American kid he beat up a few years back, and finds he's a fourteenth cousin, twice removed, and also has a penchant for French pornography, just like the Grand Dragon himself. Ironic, wouldn't it be. If we are family, all one Noahide Mankind, we really should treat our universal family members a lot better, shouldn't we? Yes, we should. We need respect, kindness, mercy and unity in our thoughts towards our fellow humans. All of them. We need understanding, togetherness, and old fashioned brotherly love. And we need to MEAN it, and dig deep roots into that connectivity. After all, nobody likes to be told 'Frag off Nigga' or 'Go to hell Honky', do they? We are one family, one Noahide family, and it is time we started to act like it, and for those of us who have already figured that much out, to continue in the faith, and to continue in the love, and to embrace our neighbour, knowing we are one people, under God, with brotherly and sisterly affection for all. AMEN.

The Doctrine of Consistent Kindness

Being kind. It's a great thing to do. But how many of us show a little respect, show a little care, show a little love, but a few days later we are cranky, insulting people, neglecting our friendships and not really giving much of a damn. Consistent kindness. Not an easy thing to do. Becoming disciplined in life to be able to work at a job each day without shirking is the hallmark of success, and it is never easy, some mornings, when you sigh before another day of work. But soon you are at work, and the activity begins, and you are getting on with it, and before you know it the day is over, and you have earned your keep again. Consistency at work. A lot of us can master that. But you would, wouldn't you. You want to be paid after all, and their are bills and mortgages to consider. But while we can be paragons of virtue at our economic pursuits of wealth earning, why can't we be the same when it comes to old fashioned courtesy and respect? Consistently showing empathy and sympathy and love. The hallmark of a proper Noahide is one that shows consistent kindness time and time again. Not giving into the temptations to not give a damn, but reproving your heart to remember that, hey, I care about these people in the end anyway. It is about finding that discipline in the inner man, the one you respect deep down, which knows the right thing to do and finally has found the courage to consistently do that right thing. Sure, you may call it a far fetched reality, for everyday truths interfere to remind you how much it all sucks right? But no. It CAN be done. It is about a change of heart, a change of mind, a change of focus, away from the casual beliefs and attitudes of your immature younger years, towards a more responsible and decent ethic, where you agree with the general idea that you should be a kinder person far more often than you have been in the past, or that you have been prepared to be in the past. Feeling good in your heart is a great thing, isn't it, but you don't like it when you get down because of what other people say to you and say about you. So why do that to others? Why must you be the one who causes those sinking feelings in the hope and confidences of ones you might have claimed to care for. Be better than that. Be kind. Be CONSISTENTLY kind. And stick with it. Learn it. Let it rule your heart. And, if karma has any truth in it, for the Lord rewards us according to our deeds, those good deeds and words of kindness you sow, which is doing the right thing anyway, will come back to you with manifold blessings. And, after all, we all want to be loved, don't we? Yeh, we do. AMEN.

The Doctrine of Eternity

Living forever. It comes down to a choice. You want to. You want to live forever. Not for a few years or centuries or even millennia. But for all eternity. Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Life without end. But as I said, it is your choice. God does not thrust it upon you. And, in fact, while God is prepared to commit his heart to amazing love towards people who make the choice of eternal life, he is actually reluctant to commit to those, in the end, who are not willing to compromise on their lifestyle choices and bite the bullet and conform to a holy way of life necessary for that eternal endurance. Sure, you have heard your pastor or preacher go on about heaven and eternal life, and perhaps you have taken that for granted. But your a fool if you have, cause no bloody grace will give it to you, it is based on hard works of commitment to a decent, godly and holy way of life. It is based on prayer and study of scripture, and digging deep wells of salvation on successful day to day living practices. It is about learning to live, not making foolish decisions, not hanging around ungodly people, avoiding practices of uncleanness which lead to disease, and about mastering a lifestyle which keeps death away and eternal health and happiness in your soul. Want to do drugs forever? You won't go the distance. Want to get drunk every night? You'll barely survive a millennia. Want to chain smoke without ceasing? Enjoy Sheol. All sorts of unwise things, things which might tickle the heart of your fantasies, might be well and good to luxuriate in, but they aren't the stuff of a serious and sober eternal sojourn. Sin. It can be seductive, temptatious and delicious. But sin will kill your eternal life quicker than a dog to its tucker. Eternity, in the end, can't be done on your own strength, though, anyway. But it has to be earned by your own efforts and commitments and endurances to make yourself godly. You pretty much have to do all the work in mastering life to be able to live the eternity before you. But once you put in your effort, the spirit will guide you over your eternal existence, and the pressure will depart, and eternity will be yours. It ain't just coming to you. It has to be earned. But the joy of life, love and other mysteries will all be yours if you can commit to forever, and it is something, in the end, you will never regret or look back upon.


Section Five – The Universal Truth Assembly 


The Book of Universal Truth

(Dedicated to Spunky Spice Girl Melanie Brown)

 Composed by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

The Spiritual Foundational Text

of the

Universal Truth Assembly


The 5 Principles of Universal Truth

 Principle One

Truth Stands Regardless of Your Opinion

Truth respects nobody, fears nobody, befriends not just one group of people, or one church, or one synagogue, or one mosque or one temple, and keeps its own opinion intact eternally and irrevocably regardless of all objections. Truth will not compromise, it sees things exactly the way it sees things, and it is always correct, wether you like it or not. Truth can be found by everyone, yet not all always acknowledge the wisdom of honesty or the simplicity of truthfulness. Wether you like it or not the truth is what it simply is, and will stand unchanged and irrevocable for all eternity.

 Principle Two

History past is irrevocable Truth – History future is Truth yet to be

You can not and never will be able to change the historical facts of the past. You can misrepresent history through lies and subterfuge, but what actually happened historically is unchangeable. God himself can not alter past history, as some might unwisely suggest he can. History future may well and truly be planned, but once it has occurred it becomes historical truth as well.

 Principle Three

Mathematical laws are unchangeable Truth

1 + 1 always = 2.

This law of mathematics can never be violated or made untrue.

5 x 5 = 25

This law of mathematics, also, can never be violated or made untrue.

In fact, all proven laws of mathematics can never be violated or made untrue.

Definitions may change, but the principles they represent never change.

 Principle Four


Factual knowledge – knowledge which is based on truth – can’t change. Principles of science established always have historical fact to back them up even if God changed the laws of the universe. Thus knowledge remaining true according to the principles of the universe remain true, unless God decides to change them at a future point, leading to the last principle of God himself.

 Principle Five


Knowing the God of truth is not a revelation all humans automatically have. We have atheists, agnostics, many different types of religion and belief systems, so true knowledge of God does not appear to be automatically available. Through my own revelation, which I pass on to you to be received only as an act of faith that I am not lying, is that God exists, he is the God of Israel, and that he has flawless truth as part of his nature. This revelation has come to me through his own spoken word into my mind. For the Universal Truth Assembly, God is the ultimate source of all physical and spiritual truth. From him flows eternal truth and, whatever else, all questions we may have on every subject possible can be found in God. Yet, when and how he shares those answers, well, that is up to him.



 Mathematical Knowledge

Here are the numbers from 1 to 10.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The sequence continues

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Logically, then

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

And so on until

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

And then


From there

101 102 etc





And so on the numbers grow, ONE at a time, all the way on forever.

1 = One

2 = Two

3 = Three

4 = Four

5 = Five

6 = Six

7 = Seven

8 = Eight

9 = Nine

10 = Ten

11 = Eleven

12 = Twelve


Halfway between 1 and 2 is


There is also











    1. = One Point One

The dot . Is called a point.

There is also






and the decimilazation of a number can go on forever also, infinitely dividing theoretically

1 + 1 = 2

One Plus One = Two

2 + 2 = 4

Two Plus Two = Four

= means 'Equal' or 'Equals'


34 + 16 = 50

888 + 29 = 917

etc and infinite types of addition or plussing can be done

4 – 3 = 1

46 – 17 = 29

3 x 3 = 9

4 x 5 = 20

x = 'Times' or 'Multiply' or lots of

There is also the divide symbol which is ÷

9 Divided by 3 = 3

10 Divided by 5 = 2

24 Divided by 6 = 4

In this equation:

3 + 7 x 6 – 4 =

You follow order of operations

In order of operations you do the Multiplications and divisions of the equation FIRST and get those answer and then you do Additions and then subtractions. That is how maths works

So the answer to the equation above is

7 x 6 = 42

3 + 42 = 45

45 – 4 = 41

The answer to the equation is 41.

Order of operations are multiplications and divisions equally first and then additions and subtractions, operating in sequential order of the way the digits are arranged in the equation from left to right.



Psalms of the Universal Truth Assembly


Psalm One

Lord God

Bless Mankind

Bless the Universal Truth Assembly

Teach us your Law

Teach us your Truth




Psalm Two

Lord God

Bless us all with your love

Bless us all with your peace

Bless us all with your truth

Now and Forever




Psalm Three

Lord God

Teach us knowledge

Teach us Torah

Teach us Wisdom

Teach us Fact

Teach us Eternity

Teach us Infinity

Entertain our Hearts

Entertain our Spirits

Entertain our Minds

We pray

And we sing Alleluia to you

And thank you

For your many kindnesses

And your many graces




Psalm Four

Praise God

Praise the Lord of Lords

Praise the King of Kings

Praise the God of God’s

Praise the Majestic Sovereign upon High

Praise God



We seek blessing

We seek prosperity

We seek love

We seek truth

It is your hand which grants success

For in your hand is the world

In your hand is the cosmos

Help us to serve the moral truth

Help us to serve the Godly truth

Be with us

Teach us

Grant us your holy spirit

Now and Forever


Praise God

Praise the Lord of Lords

Praise the King of Kings

Praise the God of God’s

Praise the Majestic Sovereign upon High

Praise God



Psalm Five

We walk this life

And time and again we deny the faith

For we see reason in our own mind

And our own wisdom

Rather than acknowledge the truth

Self evident in the beauty of nature

Self evident in the beauty of creation

For the stars testify to the power of eternity

The Sun and Moon beckon the wise to consider who crafted them

The Mountains and Valleys boldly tell who fashioned them out

The Sea and Rivers speak of the creator of their refreshing touch

The Plants and Animals boast of Him who made them living

Yet Man

Pride-Filled man

Who should know best of all

Says there is no God

For we are evolution

And we are our own Lords

And we are our own Sovereign

Vain mankind


And acknowledge the truth

Self evident in the beauty of nature

Self evident in the beauty of creation

Praise the Creator of Glory

Praise the Lord of Majesty

Praise God forever and ever

Praise God




Psalm Six

The end of sin is death

The start of life is repentance of all sin

The end of sin is death

The start of life is commitment to God

The end of sin is death

The start of life is to follow the laws of truth

The end of sin is death

And a fool follows his folly till the end

The way of Torah is the way of life

The way of obedience to God’s law is the way of health

Living in our freedoms to sin is our own choice

Living in our freedoms to sin is our own choice of death

The end of sin is death

The start of life is repentance of all sin



The Kingdom of Noah Torah - Section 4 - The 228 Rules

  1. It is the policy of Noahide Books not to employ Jewish or Israelite people. Within the Universal Truth Assembly as a congregation, Jewish and Israelite members are permitted to assemble and fellowship. This is the only congregation of 7DF which permits those of the circumcision covenant to congregate in. Within the top hierarchy of the publishing of the 'Chronicles of the Infinite Realm of Majesty' stories, published By Noahide Books from Universal Truth Assembly Publishing, Jewish and Israelide members are not permitted in most circumstances, but an Israelide Liason officer may be employed by UTA Publishing in relation to fanfiction from Israelites and Israelite members of UTA who desire publishing with us. In respects to other fanfictions in the other 'Angels Saga' universes, an Israelite Liason officer may also be employed for interactions with Israelides in other divisions of Noahide Books.

  2. UTA Books also publish the fifth Rainbow Bible as well as the 'Chronicles of the Infinite Realm of Majesty' series.

  3. Understanding Moral Truth is based on Truth. Truth is Factual.

  4. God should always act in Noahides best interests.

  5. Doctrinal Truth and Purity ARE Important. Being too legalistic and condemning is not friendly. Being excessively permissive tolerates too much sin. A balancing act between Judgement and Mercy needs to be in the Hearts of Men. For a good balance, seek doctrinal truth and purity. They ARE Important.

  6. Facts remain true, and are an excellent rock in life to build upon. Tell the truth and seek the truth. Keep it in your heart, and you will find eternal principles which guide you to success, happiness, wealth and love - and comfort, peace, serenity, pleasure and goodness with God, and satisfaction and completion and consolation.

  7. Completion of a personally handwritten copy of the Psalms of each relevant Fellowship, as well as the relevant 'Books' for 2DF to 6DF', is a requirement for all members of the 7DF.

  8. The founder of the fellowship has sovereign rights in deciding what he must apply from the 7RBs to his life. He is only ultimately bound by thr Rainbow Torah Scriptures themselves. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly (Myself) is the founder of each 7DF. This is, essentially, Daniel's personal exemption clause.

  9. The Kingdom of Noah is the Kingdom of God.

  10. It is intended that the 7RBs have eternal relevance in heaven also.

  11. Put your guts into it. Put your heart into it. Put your soul into it. Put your TRUTH into it. Make it real, baby. It will last forever.

  12. The Kingdom of Noah Torah's are compiled through the thoughts and ideas of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

  13. The 7DF are never restricted from creating inventions and writings and knowledge to design and produce products which suit their purposes over eternity. 7DF members within their own assemblies keep our product private and personal to our own community. We are not bound by copyrights or patent laws of mainstream society as we have every innate ability to create such products within our own knowledge. All inventions are tested and approved of for quality by the 7DF hierarchy.

  14. The wisdom of God: 1 Kings 3:10-12 & 1 Kings 11:6-11

  15. Written Saturday ninth of March 6177sc. Relational rights of 3 prior generations of patrilineal parents and three generations of patrilineal descendants entitles you 'Purchase rights in heaven' of their catalogue of entire earthly acquisitions. This is an encompassment of 7 generations - the divine number. No children does not void rights. In this case acquisition rights of products acquired by nephews and nieces and grand nephews and grand nieces can be authorized. the limit is to first cousins based on proximity of familial relationships. Second cousins are too distant. Only 3 of such individuals may be chosen at will. Siblings can also qualify. Otherwise no rights granted due to lack of family propogation would be the case normally, yet mercy cries that matrilinneal grandfather and the two matrillinneal great grandfathers (mothers fathers father and mothers mothers father) be the reward. In regular circumstances, males are granted patrilinneal father, grandfather and greatgrandfather rights and all patrilinneal sons, all patrilinneal grandsons and all patrillinneal great grand sons acquisition rights as well. For women, mothers, mothers mother and mothers mothers mother, and daughters, daughters daughters and daughters daughters daughters (matrilinneal principles are all that really work due to relational principles). One of the primary principles involved in this judgement is relational principles. The products are the secondarily created products, naturally, with the primary copy of the original products going to the final owner of the product on earth.

  16. As the Rainbow Torah of the Kingdom of Noah teaches righteously, Israel is not much of a concern to us. Yet, when they are acting decently, when they are acting kindly, when they have consideration for the people of the world they are supposed to be a light to as a priestly nation, they are a concern to us. As Isaiah teaches, Gentiles should take in light from Israel. The light of the Torah has passages such as Leviticus 18 & 20 and Deuteronomy 18:9-14, as well as Job chapter 1 (Job was likely Noahide) & Nahum 2 & 3, which have teachings connected to the Noahide world. Noahides are judged for the practices of Leviticus 18 & 20 when living in the land covenanted to Israel. The Canaanites were judged for these practices in the holy land when their behaviours became too extreme. Egypt is referred to as also practicing these things, but not specifically judged for them. Egypt was judged on its idols for Israel's oppression of Israel. Similar ideas on magical practices are expressed in the Deuteronomy passage. Job 1 shows the judgement from blasphemy in the heart - not necessarily in the mouth. So keep on loving God. Nahum 2 & 3 talks about Ninevehs practices which God frowned upon. So part of Noahide faith is taking in these forms of light firstly, I would suggest, as the priority. In Isaiah and Jeremiah there are also prophetical polemics against some of Israel's neighbouring nations. These obviously are quite relevant.

  17. Written 13th of March 2013. All songs and movies and books made on earth are available in heaven for everyone in "Electronic Format" only. To have obtained the actual physical earth album you need to have bought it in life. The same goes for movies and books. The physical product has a spirit associated which builds up eternally.

  18. Written 17th of April 2013CE. Because of separation of covenants principles, Abrahamic copyrights are not recognized as usurping Noahides rights to create such works. Essentially Abrahamic copyrights are ignored and all of the areas of knowledge covered by these works are freely available for Noahides and Adamides to claim knowledge and copyrights in. The same principle applies to patents and trademarks and business names etc. Abrahamic-Israelite things are separate from us, and we have no jurisdiction to authorize any such of their rights amongst our own community.

  19. In relation to the prior ruling, joint products – novels produced into movies etc with a range of covenanted individuals – should be recognized by both covenantal groups in terms of copyright. A minimum of 10% input is required from either group to be recognized as a joint product. For example, Star Wars has become a joint product. Noahide Books favours joint products were appropriate and proper covenantal ideals are recognized. Unity on joint products is, generally, a good idea were appropriate respect is given. The cessation of opposing covenantal copyrights of popular and significant works to either parties could be turned into – ideally – joint products. For example, a significant Jewish work to the Noahide world is a good opportunity for a Noahide to take this information, claim his or her copyrights, and produce a joint product. Andd the same principle applies the other way round.

  20. Written 18 April 2013CE. New Zealand legalized gay marriage overnight. This is what obviously tickles their fancy. The UK also did it recently. It is viewed in the politically correct mindset as progress. It is actually regress. It is not wise, and the torment people suffer from embracing too liberal sexuality is grave convictions and lack of feeling entirely comfortable with their behaviour. There is a point when sexual liberalisation becomes too much. Gay marriage is an example of this. The repealment of these laws by a wiser future generation is recommended.

  21. The Civil Law is the law – in its corresponding heavenly cycles – for every future heavenly cyclical generation. The cycle is the common era century, repeated eternally. Karaite Israelite and Karaite Noahide and Karaite Adamide Torah take precedent in spiritual authority over the manmade legal codes. It is the purpose of heavenly national councils and governments to review their laws in future cyclical time-frames, to ensure all correct moral refinements are taken care of in light of Torah. The politicians are going to have to review their work in future cyclical generations to ensure moral and workable law is the result.

  22. You live your life again in the time frame of the century or centuries you lived in the next life. If you lived from 1910 to 1989, you will live again the following century in that level of heaven, those years again. The centuries repeat eternally. If you crossed centuries in your lifespan, the same thing applies. In the other time in heaven, you live in a semi-real dream state. It is living life, yes, but it is sort of a dream state, and not quite as real as life on earth. When you awake to your living years, it is far more real.

  23. Keep the Faith

  24. Keep the Truth

  25.  Bite the Bullet – Accept the Rebuk

  26. heoretically, should God create the other angels invented in the Angels Saga, the 140 Seraphim could have religious works and ideas and fellowships based on the 1DF – 21DF ideas. Usage of wikipedia articles should be limited to the First Five books of any produced bibles (the same for 14DF and 21DF, who must exactly follow the established patterns for 7DF in biblical construction), while the remaining 45 books of the 50 Book Bible (39 following the biblical book titles, 11 original – see elswhere in the 7RBs for more information) should not use ANY further public domain information, but ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE THE WORK AND THE COMMITTED RESEARCH OF 1DF-21DF (and any hypothetical other movements) themselves. Beyond the first 5 books (Genesis – Deuteronomy) it must focus on the first 5 books material and elaborate on these ideas alone. No new areas and disciplines of knowledge are permitted beyond this Pentateuch of each Rainbow Bible, yet new principles and ideas based on these disciplines will naturally occur. History will naturally form an integral part of these documents. From what the spirit tells me, this work of extending the Rainbow Bibles will only be done in Heaven. Earth only has the Genesis documents of each Rainbow Bible as the completed work for earth. The rest of the work is for the heavenly community. Elaboration, discussion and going into detail of pentateuchal disciplines and branches of knowledge is thus the core work for the remainder of the Rainbow Bibles beyond the Pentateuch, to fully expand upon and justify the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE which is what the 7 Rainbow Bibles are. So, yes, Exodus to Deuteronomy can and should introduce new areas and branches of knowledge, and also develop appropriately those areas established in Genesis of each Rainbow Bible. For example, a further array of pop singers could be focused on, like actors, as well as developing a list of wikipedia articles on famous and established authors. May God's grace and work oversee and guide this project. A

  27. The Book of Revelation in the Christian New Testament is a false prophecy

  28. All the 7 Rainbow Bibles are now complete with the 50 parts of Genesis in each one complete. The only thing now remaining is this finalized version of the 4th Torah of Noah. Today's date is the 19th of December 6177 SC, and this is the most current entry and as said all other parts of the 7 Rainbow Bibles are complete, and will likely not be amended (unless I specify as such with a date beyond today's date, which could thus be verified. The original version of the 4th kingdom of noah torah is found in the 6th Rainbow Bible. There was a joke with the repeated rule for most of it, but now I am taking it more seriously and completing the work properly. There have been no alterations made to the Rainbow Bibles unless they have been specified (but there have possibly been an article or two removed, though I can't remember for sure). The sarcasm towards Israel is justified by the passage in the Torah which reads that Israel can become a 'Byword to the nations' if they sin too much. Those passages criticizing Israel are thus a necessary part of the 7 Rainbow Bibles, to be used if necessary and appropriate, and are in fact consistent enough with the Tanakh and God's rebukes of Israel in the Tanakh. Yet when on good behaviour Israel is to be commended and called a godfearing and wise nation. Contradictory parts of the Rainbow Bibles are answered by this formula – study all 7 Rainbow Bibles as a whole and consider the entirety of the doctrine. The weight and the balance of the message is what I propose to understand the truth of the situation more clearly and more accurately, because competing spirits, passions, desires, motivation and understandings and yearnings were at work in the formulation of these Bibles. There may be error – these errors might end up being purified by God Almighty who does purify his word, as Psalm 12 testifies. Did God give this psalm, though? Isn't that just the psalters ideas? An interesting question. The extensive usage of wikipedia is based on a compilation of relevant core material to human life and mankind's history. Wikipedia articles are created based on them being public domain from creation, and are both legally AND morally available to the children of men for use in appropriate ways. Each article is usually compiled in various additions and alterations by numerous sources, as the public are free to edit these articles. They are checked themselves by the general public for accuracy. The usage of wikipedia in each of the 50 books of the 7 Rainbow Bibles MUST be limited to the first 5 pentateuchal parts, as it is not intended to be simply a wikipedia bible, and the remainder must contain original and conceived of teaching from the members of 7DF based on the foundational branches and disciplines and areas of knowledge taught in each pentateuchal section. I'm not intending to rip of wikipedia yet, besides, a great deal of the spiritual articles which found the 7 Rainbow Bibles are my own work anyway. My intention with these 7 Rainbow Bibles is for them to be mankind's official TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, and as the wikipedia information comes from a large array of sources and contains information gathered throughout history from a cavalcade of personages, it becomes obvious that this work is indeed a Noahide Bible representing a large degree of the family of Adamide-Noahide mankind. It is a truly universal work in many ways, though set in English. Yet defensible through the likely indeed multicultural community which has formulated the writings in wikipedia. So I, Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, am the writer of many of the parts of Genesis in each Rainbow Bible, primarily every article apart from the wikipedia ones, and I am the official and only producer of each Genesis document as a whole.

  29. God is a truthful God

  30. Be moral and tell the truth to people

  31. Do not hide behind lies and false images of yourself. Be brave enough to tell people the facts about yourself and your life.

  32. In your business and any political dealings, make sure you are completely transparent and honest, so that people can appraise your true merit and worth.

  33. If a judge or official or elder is corrupt and known to be, it is ok to lie or deceive them if they will abuse their position of trust and authority over you

  34. Don't tell tales and run to the maddening crowd as a talebearer. Don't spread gossip – leave that alone in the ladies magazines.

  35. Judge fairly and honestly and make sure you have the facts of the situation clear, lucid and understood in your mind

  36. Trust and rely on God and inform him about your life and seek his advice. He doesn't always pry into your personal life, you know.

  37. Don't give out trust automatically – let people earn that trust by watching the words they say and the ways they behave. If they are honest people and not corrupt, they are good for friends, but a foolish man lets a wicked man into his house. Only trouble can follow.

  38. When called to give a speech speak truly and honestly. Don't tell them just what they want to hear – be brave enough to speak your own mind.

  39. The Truth cuts through Lies like a Knife cuts through Butter.

  40. Don't flatter women with lies and deceits about your love for them. Be honest with women for a good relationship which lasts.

  41. Facts are truth, so make sure your knowledge is replete with factual information, and remember to check crucial details for accuracy.

  42. The idea of the 7 Rainbow Bibles is for each denomination to primarily read their own Rainbow Bible for the most part and build their lives around the structures of morality and areas of knowledge each represents. But learning and gaining knowledge and wisdom for all 7 of the Rainbow Bibles is what makes 7DF unique, and is a perfectly acceptable and normal part of the way of life for each congregation and its members.

  43. UTA members should pride themselves on telling the truth in accurate representations.

  44. Do not be afraid to speak the truth.

  45. Telling the truth will get you a better reputation then telling lies. Nobody trusts a liar very much.

  46. Speak honestly with your friends, but sometimes it is wise to conceal words which might cut deep.

  47. Speak honestly with your friends and sometimes it is wise to speak those words which might cut deep.

  48. Truth and honesty are the best business policies.

  49. Know the truth and live by it.

  50. Help people when they are in trouble but be cautious in neighbourhoods were there is a bad reputation as thieves can pretend to need help.

  51. Stay away from troublesome neighbourhoods

  52. Stay away from troublesome individuals

  53. Stay away from gangs and criminals

  54. Avoid wicked people like the plague

  55. Report crimes, but remember to often do this anonymously so no criminal can take his revenge

  56. Don't get involved with wicked people – it only leads to trouble – and hell awaits at the end of your pride and foolishness

  57. Repent of wicked days of youth and seek atonement with God most High for your foolish years

  58. Repent to show you care and are sorry

  59. Turn away from evil and practice righteousness

  60. Jesus is not God

  61. Jesus is not Christ

  62. Zerubbabel was the Messiah of Isaiah 11

  63. Jesus was a Jew on a personal mission of vainglory

  64. Muhammed was the same

  65. And so was Bahaullah

  66. Just to name a few

  67. Don't be an iconoclast challenging God's authority. Your end will not be pleasant.

  68. Avoid braggotry

  69. Be Humble

  70. Keep on praying for you needs for it builds up the strength of each request the more that your pray for it, and the more success you can gain through continual and consistent prayer, and repeating your prayer requests often.

  71. Use the Rainbow Torah passages and quote them within your prayer to sanctify the prayer request.

  72. The more prayer you pray the more you will be guided by God.

  73. Pray constantly and find a time in your life when you can make a mammoth effort on prayer for a time period, however long that may be

  74. Pray, pray, pray, and pray for good things constantly

  75. Keep on praying

  76. Just reminding you, pray, for it builds up the strength of your life with holiness and good things, and the more you pray for you needs on a particular situation, the more it will be answered

  77. Pray

  78. Repent

  79. And pray

  80. Walk with God

  81. Talk with God

  82. And if you have to, Squawk with God (heh heh heh)

  83. Tell God about your day

  84. Tell God about your life

  85. Tell God your desires

  86. Tell God your heart

  87. Tell God the Truth

  88. Tell God your needs

  89. Tell God your prayers

  90. Follow the law

  91. Keep the law

  92. Obey the law

  93. Obey The law of your nation

  94. Obey The law of your bible

  95. Obey The law of God

  96. Obey The law of truth

  97. Obey The law of love and respect

  98. Obey The law of life

  99. Repent of sin often

  100. True wisdom is not found in a book. It is found in your heart and following the rule of love.

  101. True wisdom is not found in a book. It is found in your soul and following the rule of peace.

  102. True wisdom is not found in a book. It is found in your mind and following the rule of self control.

  103. Practice discipline in your study routine and you will continue to grow in knowledge, and bless yourself thereby.

  104. Be patient. Life works out when you give it some natural time.

  105. The natural order flows at its own pace, not the pace of Babylon.

  106. Go with the flow of the Holy Spirit.

  107. Ask God to guide you.

  108. Don't hold grudges against man or God. Let them go.

  109. Be at peace.

  110. Practice no violence

  111. Be at peace

  112. Show concern for your neighbour

  113. Don't try to commit fraud over people or get involved with scams

  114. Find a balance in life which keeps it happy and at peace

  115. Moderation is a good idea

  116. All things in moderation

  117. There is a time for this and a time for that

  118. There is a time for all things under God's good sunday

  119. Fill you life with dashes of peace, drops of humility, oodles of love, tonnes of kindness and big helpings of ice cream. Yeh, gotta have that ice cream.

  120. Make Love not war

  121. Don't be a stereotype

  122. Be original

  123. But conform if you want to

  124. Listen to the advice of godly people

  125. Stay away from sinners

  126. Show respect for God

  127. Don't worship idols

  128. Don't covet or desire property which doesn't belong to you. Often this leads to theft and other problems

  129. Don't worship Jesus – that is a sin

  130. Only worship God if you are going to worship anybody

  131. God is one

  132. God is truth

  133. God has great loving concern

  134. Don't hurt people

  135. Don't commit violence

  136. Wash yourself and keep yourself clean on a regular basis

  137. Visit the medical professionals when you need to

  138. Eat good and healthy foods

  139. Visit the dentist when you have teeth problems

  140. Take care of your body

  141. Wash your clothes regularly

  142. keep you house tidy and clean

  143. remember to maintain any machines you own in proper working condition and not let them fall to rack and ruin unless no longer needed

  144. If you have a car, obey the speed rules, seatbelt rules, no drink driving rules, and car maintenance programs

  145. Stay away from illegal drugs. Don't use them. They only mess you up in the end.

  146. Learn the core rules of your society and learn to obey them

  147. Try to get along with people and show respect for them

  148. Have a good heart and attitude towards people

  149. Show love

  150. Practice Kindness

  151. Practice Mercy

  152. Practice obedience to God

  153. Don't eat animal blood

  154. Don't steal

  155. Don't rob

  156. Don't vandalize

  157. Don't cheat on your partner in adultery. You took an oath to stay loyal – at least mean it and honour the marriage bed.

  158. Idolatry will mess you up in the end

  159. Repent of sin

  160. Respect the privacy of others

  161. Don't flaunt your ego

  162. Don't put someone else down, just to promote yourself. You only end up looking like a bigot.

  163. Respect the fact that other people are not always going to see eye to eye with you, and exercise patience with them because of it. It doesn't mean you should compromise your beliefs though – unless you are wrong.

  164. Search the truth out – ask God all about it.

  165. Life is full of growing pains. But it makes you stronger and wiser to endure and not quit.

  166. To thrive in life, persevere and work hard.

  167. Study a lot of knowledge, and remember to apply it to your life.

  168. A hypocrite wants to learn new religious things, but not acknowledge the truths which contradict their religion.

  169. Sinners think they have it all worked out – tell it to the judge on judgement day.

  170. There is a man who is always right, even when he is wrong.

  171. Pride comes before the fall.

  172. Don't kidnap people.

  173. Don't rape women.

  174. Don't abuse others.

  175. Don't hurt others.

  176. Bullying is a sign of a sick and twisted heart.

  177. Cultists like to congregate – there is a world full of them.

  178. Remember, God is being sarcastic UTA.

  179. Repent of sin.

  180. Try to do good things with your life.

  181. When you are bored, read the Rainbow Bible.

  182. Commit to eternal study of the Rainbow Bible – it is definitely the way to go.

  183. Speak the truth, and do not be afraid to do so. Have courage and stand your ground against any hypocrite hiding behind a shield of lies.

  184. Cults are full of people who just want to sin in the end.

  185. Don't have a cult mentality and don't try and indoctrinate people into your beliefs. Show them by example, and demonstrate your words are honesty and truth.

  186. You know its indoctrination when the pastor is trying to control and manipulate you especially for his own purposes.

  187. You know its indoctrination if they go heavy on the tithe preaching. Rarely preach on the tithe, ok.

  188. It is not mandatory to tithe in the UTA, but members can do so voluntarily if they wish to. A bit of support financially to the pastors though is just common respect for your assembly. But never go crazy on your offerings, get a grip – take care of your life FIRST please.

  189. Share things with your friends, but never take for granted a friend, and always return things they have lent you within a good time period. They could miss them and want them. Never take for granted something somebody has loaned you for a while, and return it within reasonable time. Don't embarrass them by making them ask for it, and even ask them if they want it back from time to time if they possibly might be anxious about it. In developed friendships understanding can grow on these issues, but remember to respect other peoples things when they lend them to you.

  190. Common sense is understanding those kinds of ideas which seem normal, regular and natural to people. Extreme perspectives are not really common sense.

  191. The truth takes no prisoners. It puts to death the lies.

  192. Be kind to your parents and show them love, respect and fidelity.

  193. Be faithful to your occupation and train yourself to make sure you show up on time, do the prescribed hours and put in a solid, decent and excellent working effort.

  194. Don't abuse people's trust in you.

  195. Show yourself diligent and faithful.

  196. Try to stay calm in an argument.

  197. Let the other person arguing with you vent themselves and keep quiet. It only makes them look like an idiot.

  198. Don't brag about your accomplishments.

  199. Unifying Statement of General 7DF Principles of Faith

  200. These principles are fundamental to all 7 Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide Faith

  1. Don't brag about your accomplishments.

  2. Fornicating is not wise. If you must, practice safe sex.

  3. If you are going to go with a prostitute, make sure you practice safe sex.

  4. Incest is weird in the end.

  5. We recommend the heterosexual lifestyle – it is definitely the way to go.

  6. The gay lifestyle is just a bit faggy.

  7. Gay mardi gras are pretty fucked up as far as we are concerned.

  8. And most members of the gay mardi gras have been fucked up.

  9. Literally.

  10. And I'm not just talking about the back passage.

  11. Bweerrhh – change subject please.

  12. Repent of sin

  13. Repent of sin

  14. Really repent of sin

  15. And bloody well mean it

  16. Don't hassle people

  17. Don't annoy people

  18. Don't argue with people – calmly make your issues known

  19. Communicate with your family

  20. Keep commuincation channels open

  21. Don't bear grudges

  22. Stay kind to people

  23. Be merciful

  24. Be lawful

  25. Respect God

  26. Obey the truth

  27. Tell the Truth

  28. And the final rule of the Kingdom of Noah Torah is this, and the very final entry in all of the 7 Rainbow Bibles is this: Whatever will be, will be. So live life to the fullest, and never waste an opportunity. AMEN

The Spiritual Devotional Sermon Series of the ‘Universal Truth Assembly’


Sermon One - Sarcasm and Holiness

 The Kingdom of Noah is beyond the scope of 29 Merriman Crescent.  The Kingdom of Noah is the remaining world outside of the Covenanted land of Abraham.  Israel is within the Covenanted land of Abraham, yet quite a portion further is for Abraham’s other children according to Scripture.  The Circumcision applies to the Covenanted land of Abraham.  Three Kingdoms – Noah’s, Abraham’s and Israel’s.  Three Covenants – Noah’s, Abraham’s and Israel’s.  Israel’s chosen Kingly dynasty is the House of David.  The Kingdom of Abraham has no chosen kingly dynasty.  The Kingdom of Noah has no chosen kingly dynasty.  In the emerging Noahide world, the firstborns of the Karaite Noahide faith are the truest witness of Noahide faith.  Talmudic Noahidism is doctrinally erroneous in many ways, these Noahides stating untruths in saying the 7 law legal code goes back to Noah.  Because this teaching is historical error, they are not building on the truth.  Karaite Noahidism – with sufficient scholarly information on the formation of the Tanakh, utilising such information as the documentary hypothesis, and further relying upon archaeological information and other historical works to elucidate biblical history – is the correct and true branch of religious knowledge for mankind to build its faith upon.  Ultimately, the Covenant of Israel must apply in Israel, and so on for Abraham and Noah in their respective lands.

 The Rainbow Bibles come from inspiration in God Most High – the God of Noah.  They delve into areas of sarcasm and humour, which often seem the antithesis of holiness.  Geri Halliwell said ‘It is important to learn to laugh at ourselves.  Not take life too seriously.’  I concur with that statement.

 For us, Israel has a stronger calling on a particular type of holiness – a very serious and grave one.  The holiness of the Kingdom of Noah is indeed earnest and sincere, but we are a degree more flexible in our permissions and, subsequently, a degree more tolerant in our dark humour and passions we allow.  There are standards.  There are requirements.  It is not a free reign to do as one pleases.

 Yet in all the Noahide sarcasm, holiness is still apparent, and the fine art of the Karaite Noahide life is finding the sensible and wise balancing point between these two extreme passions of human existence.


Sermon Two - Understanding Life

 An aspect of the Rainbow Bibles is that we present Universal Knowledge of what life is like on planet Earth.  Earth is a planet, a big chunk of dirt and rock, water and greenery, revolving around a star we call the sun, sitting in a solar system with other planets, one of many in a galaxy, a galaxy one of many in the cosmos.  The cosmos possibly has a limit to its number of galaxies, which might be the central pillar of creation that God has made in the Universe – the Cosmos – the Heart of the Universe.

 Earth is filled with animals of various kinds, and the Rainbow Torah scriptures teach us about some of the categories God uses to define them.  The bible uses an older taxonomic system of classification for animals, not a newer one.  For example, when it calls a bat a bird, that was the older way of defining what a bat was.  It wasn’t using modern classifications.  Noahides can eat every type of animal, but they must drain the blood from the animal.  Yet Jewish people have a covenant which has unclean and clean animals.  The unclean animals quite possibly have a greater degree of bacteria associated with them, and may lead to a higher risk of occasional disease.

 Earth has oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.  Water is vital to life on planet earth, and Noahides need to be involved with work to ensure mankind always has a supply of fresh water, and that poor ones amongst us receive just as much access to fresh drinking water as rich ones.  Yet you can’t have water without safe and healthy food access, and this needs to be made available by our societies when and where we can provide it to the less fortunate.  Charity has limits, but it is important none the less.  Your own life and family still should come first for where you provide.  If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else. 

 Since Adam we have grown from one man to seven billion and counting.  The world has huge resources available to us, but to continue to feed the upcoming population growth, ideas like megastructures in smaller towning areas should be built, capable of housing aquaculture and horticulture tanks with recycled water, were we can breed fishes and make plants.  Sustainable energy and sustainable resource use – renewable products – is the only way to go in the up and coming world.  We probably can not rely on petrol and coal forever, and should be shifting as soon as possible to forms of energy which are sustainable eternally.  The sun is such a thing, and solar power should be the ongoing cry of future generations.

 Mankind builds villages, towns and cities, were we work in jobs like lawyers, doctors, judges, nurses, public servants, plumbers, electricians, bakers, butchers, IT workers, hairdressers, reiki healers, psychologists, psychiatrist, police, ambulance, garbage men, grocers and so on.  All of this activity allows us to function in a world where the infrastructure of it all provides us with all the fun and entertaining things we now like to do, and gives us something to occupy ourselves with in life.  This has probably been God’s purpose all along – to develop our wonderful, complex, entertaining, amazing and enthralling world.

 The heart of it all is to honour God, the fashioner of Nature, and to find peace in his love and service to his eternal kingdom.


Sermon Three - The Differentiation and Unity amongst the 7DF

All 7DF people, and all Karaite Noahides, are meant to have access to all the 7 Rainbow Bibles and the full ‘Angels Saga’ from Noahide Books.  This is the unity.  Yet a concentration of study and devotion to each fellowship’s particular tomes is what distinguishes them and leads, hopefully, to a unique personality, spirit and character trait to the life of the individual assemblies.  Over the long haul it is intended that each Assembly prays its own particular psalms and that when it has fed sufficiently from the other Rainbow Bibles, they mainly draw upon their own Rainbow Bible as the supplement to eternal spiritual thinking and focus for devotees and members of each fellowship.

 In this sense there is Unity and Differentiation amongst the 7DF.


Sermon Four - Honesty in Sexual Politics

 Ultimately men and women, after the foundational millennia of choosing to be loyal to partners for the sake of marriages and children, will have acquired so many other friends in life, and have been introduced to so many other people of the opposite sex, that the necessity of forcing love by a marriage contract will simply lose its appeal.  This happens naturally.  At the end of the heavenly cyclical system, you have a completed population and your sexual friendships happen naturally within this grouping.  Anciently founded family marriages still function based on natural affection and genuine interest in each other and a sense of traditional fondness for each other.  But when they are forced they do not work, and when people try to hang onto a relationship because of guilt, it won’t work either.  Sexual liberty is personal liberty – to go with the flow and find those friends and partners which work naturally for you in the real world, and who you don’t have to try or pretend to like.  It is based on truth and honesty as eternity progresses.


Sermon Five - Reckless and Excitable Behaviour

In Sexual Liberties, the freedoms to choose homosexual and bisexual lifestyles, or too gravely incestuous or bestial lifestyles, are lifestyles which, over the long haul of an eternal life, decay away into casualness and, ultimately, a sinner’s mindset of not caring and being a supposed ‘Free Spirit’.  Fornication has this problem as well if practiced too liberally and freely.  Jealousies are the bane of life in promiscuous fornication.  Conservativeness in our sexual practice – a complete dedication to practicing sexual behavior calmly, peacefully and non-offensively is 100% required to maintain your eternal life and not be condemned by the heavenly eternal community.  Our modern generation of heavenly citizens in our own cycles are a degree more tolerant on homosexual and bisexual behavior, but you would need to be very saintly and conservative about such things to imagine yourself being able to practice this lifestyle on an ongoing basis in your eternity.  People ARE willing to accept you as a homosexual if you conform to peace, quietness and gentleness.  Do not be profane about your sexual practices, and such behavior will be allowed.  Have you noticed old people on earth?  They tend to get conservative with age.  This is what heaven is like.  Heaven desires a gentle and conservative and peaceful way of life, and we do not want extroverted dykes and fags upsetting our sensitivities.  A conservative and respectful old poof will probably find a degree of acceptance in certain communities.  Yet the raging Sodomite rapist will be disdained, hated and forfeits all eternity in heaven.  Keep all your sexual reckless and excitable behavior well and truly under control in heaven, and grow more so over time, and some of your desires will be gradually accepted in allowance for you if you remain eternally discreet and polite, and keep it to yourself and your own community of likeminded individuals.

Sermon Six - Honesty

Honesty is naturally a virtue. It is a prized thing, a holy thing, for when we are honest with people on an ongoing and permanent basis they learn that they can trust the things we say and that our speech is pure and true. And that gives us a good reputation and, when we are genuine and honest with the world, our good reputation means we not only have genuinely earned the blessings we receive from our societal interactions but, quite a lot of the time, we are only gaining many blessings because we have been honest, true and forthright. The Universal Truth Assembly places honesty and truthfulness as the greatest of virtues upon which we focus. Assembly of the Divine Creator is perhaps a focus on creation, Universal Faith Assembly a focus on faith, Assembly of the Living God a focus on the Living experience and Assembly of the Most High a focus on God in his most exalted state. Yet, for us, it is more about a paradigm which focuses on that idea of truthfulness and being honest in our dealings in life. Certainly it is not the only thing we are focused upon in UTA, nor the other fellowships I have described having just one agenda either, for our purpose as a fellowship in Noahide faith is to embellish our meembers with a full and rich life in which all sorts of spiritual and physical blessings flow for the nourishment of our Assemblies life. It is a full array of spiritual paradigms and teachings which fill our lives but, yes, when all is said and done, the truth itself, the concept of truth, is perhaps the greatest of our focuses and something which helps define us. Be honest, I encourage you. Be transparently honest. Have what you have said be able to be checked and checked again, and be known for its accuracy and factuality. Attention to detail, small details often, are sometimes what distinguish one soul from another and one organisation from another, and like each 7DF, UTA should also have a focus on building organisations and communities and associations through its members, and the ultimate long term prosperity and success of our organisations can often depend on how honest and truthful we are. If we present the clear picture, the accurate picture, the truthful picture of who we are straight off the bat, we will never leave people guessing as to what we represent and, I am sure, our long term trustworthiness and usefulness to both society and God himself will become plain and obvious, whatever the facts of the situation at hand may be.

Be honest. Let it be the balm of your life as an antidote to the deceptions of the dark ones. Let your honesty judge every motive of the crypticities of your heart, and bring to life that which really is the choices you want to make in your life as opposed to vain wishes or untrue wishes which don't completely represent what you represent as a person. Be honest. Let that virtue be a moniker for which you are famed throughout the land, the people at least knowing, when dealing with you or your fellowship, that you will tell them the truth. Be honest, and when you are in inter-fellowship with other 7DF associations at conferences and things, share the fruits of your spiritual labours and bless them also, and be that example they are relying on you to set also for the name of 7DF, a name which we can be proud of, in time, when we have earned our spiritual medals and stripes. Be honest, and walk in the spirit of God, whose truth searches the inmost parts of your being and, through clinging close to Jehovah each and every day of your life, truthfulness can happen more naturally and effectively for he is a God of truth and rewards those who hide no deceit or corruption within their souls.

So, I encourage you, walk with Jehovah, talk with Jehovah, and set that example of honesty each and every day that you know you should, which will bring peace of mind and honesty of heart to your life and soul in all your hard and easy and simply every day, regular decisions and choices. Alleluia. Amen.


Sermon Seven - Work Ethics

 A nation will start faltering when it forgets to follow its work procedures correctly, properly, accurately and honestly -  so in your work you should engage in your occupation with ALL necessary effort put in to ensure your job is done completely, and a proper and diligent and concerned eye on your fellow workmates responsibilities, learning to keep them in line when necessary, and ensuring their job is done also. Initiative is doing the job of a supervisor straight away, and improving the reputation of your own work effort, and the team you are part of. All necessary and vital components of each working task MUST be completed in correct time, according to procedure, and to the best of your abilities. Do not shirk. Be responsible. Get the job done. Earn your pay fairly and squarely. 

Sermon Eight – Things of Stone and Wood

When things of stone and wood, which have no spiritual soul are worshipped, it is idolatry. A statue of Jesus or Mary DOES have a spiritual soul, because these people are real. To worship Jesus as God is an idolatrous stupidity, but crosses and crucifixes and statues of Jesus and Mary and saints are quite fine in terms of objects of religious veneration and devotion if you have a spiritual affection for these people. Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith does not rebuke the paraphernalia of Catholicism, but rather the idea that Jesus is divine is an object of concern. Yet love and devotion to Jesus we do not condemn at all if your heart is drawn to this persona.

Sermon Nine - 7DF - Same Sex Civil Union Policy

This is the policy of UTA-5DF, but generally the same sort of ideas apply for 7DF in general and AOF (Assemblies of Faith)
* We allow civil unions between Same Sex couples
* We recognize in these unions
- a relationship of love, care, fidelity & respect can and does occur
- that the sexual behaviours in these unions can give pleasure and excitement
* We do not recognize any valid 'Sexual Union' between these couples
* We recognize that sexual activity does occur and we allow and tolerate this behaviour
- but we do not recgonize this behaviour as valid in any way as justifying a 'Sexual Union' or 'Mateship' of such a union
- having said that we recognize, allow and tolerate this sexual behavioiur (without discrimination) but do not recognize any valid unionship in terms of 'Mateship' in relation to this behaviour
* We recognize this union in terms of friendship, respect, committment, love, affection and kindness between the couple, but we do not sanction sexual union, yet we do recognize that sexual activity does occur. We do not sanction this sexual behaviour, but conversely we do not discriminate against it.

Sermon Ten – Classification of Gay Behaviours

Classification and range of Gay Behaviours and 7DF Judgement on this:
Homosexuality: Mild gay behaviour. Law abiding citizens. Tolerable to 7DF
Faggotry: Reckless behaviour. Carnal and disruptive. Non-tolerable to 7DF
Sodomites: Lawless behaviour. Wild and uncontrollable. Rapists. Sick. Exreme sinners to 7DF

Sermon Eleven – Classification of Alcohol related Behaviours

Classification and range of alcohol inducing beahviours and 7DF Judgement on this:
Casual Drinker: Tolerable to 7DF
Social Drinker: Tolerable to 7DF
Heavy drinker within own domicile: Tolerable to 7DF
Public Drunkard: Not really that tolerable to 7DF. (Borderline)
Social Drinker with reckless behaviour: Not tolerable to 7DF
Public Drunkard with reckless behaviour: Not Tolerable to 7DF
Wasted and wild and reckless Partier: Not Tolerable to 7DF

Sermon Twelve – Classification of Illegal Drug Related Behaviours

Classification and range of intoxicating drug-use behaviours and 7DF Judgement on this:
Tobacco: Tolerable to 7DF. A naturally occurring substance within God's design. Health professionals advice should be listened to, but tolerable behaviour.
Marijuana: Tolerable to 7DF. A naturally occurring substance within God's design. Health professionals advice should be listened to, but tolerable behaviour. Appears to be a little more of an issue than tobacco.
Ecstasy/MDMA: This is not wise. Madonna (the pop singer) seems to tolerate this drug, but our understanding is that even one hit of Ecstasy is enough to kill a person. It does NOT occur naturally within God's design and is an artificially created drug by mankind. We generally uphold the principle of law on this issue, and it is difficult to find this drug tolerable. Generally we strongly advise against the taking of this drug, and always advocate obedience to the general thrust of society law (in most cases) anyway.
Other drugs: Judged on the same principles established above. Results of taking the drug are of primary concern, and any resulting erratic behaviors, especially those which cause great bodily harm and/or lead to reckless or wild civilian behaviour are clearly a matter of great concern.

Sermon Thirteen – The Advancing Noah Movement

The Advancing Noah Movement (my religion):
* Is NON-Abrahamic - We are in NO way based on the covenants of Abraham or Israel, and have NO connection to Christianity, Islam or Bahai
* COMPLETELY rejects the Talmud of Judaism 
* Accepts the Jewish Bible as the Covenant between God and Israel and acknowledges the faith of this covenant as true, BUT we only accept for ourselves Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 (What we call the Rainbow Torah) as in any way whatsoever as binding upon our movement. The remainder of the Jewish Bible is completely and utterly rejected as non-binding and non-relevant (Yet, in its non-relevance, it MAY be studied voluntarily, and aspects of this faith may be applied individually on a voluntary basis). We do NOT accept Jewish practices as part of our faith
* Does NOT acknowledge the Talmudic 7 law of Noah movement as genuine Noahides because they base it on the relevance of the Jewish Covenant and Talmud, and do not ascribe to the faith of the Scriptural Noahide Covenant rulings of Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 alone. We DON'T accept Talmudic Noahides.
* Is completely independent and non-associative with the Abrahamic covenanted monotheisms because of this.

Sermon Fourteen – An Encouragement

To 7DF
To walk in eternal life won't work unless your heart finds eternal peace. In kindness, affection and love, but also in caution, prudence and wisdom, will you find the touchstones of eternity. Befriend all who will love in truth and peace, be at guard at those who hide their true motivations behind a shield of deceit. Walk with God and trust in the power of his Holy Spirit to guide you. Stay in peace and love, stay in affection from a pure heart towards all those who call on the name of the Most High God for their eternal salvation. Study the Rainbow Torah, and rest in its simple wisdom that a heart which listens to itself will always have the answers to know what to do and not what to do. Put away tension and strife by relinquishing plans of pride and grudges of revenge. Repent of your wicked thinkings and vain imaginations. Seek the truth at all times, the true antidote to delusions and paranoia, and praise God when you know he has been good and kind to you. Pray - pray for those you love and utter the scriptures of salvation on their behalf, to sanctify and bless them and lead them in the road of eternity. Have faith members of the Seven Divine Fellowships, and trust in Almighty God our eternal saviour, now and forever, AMEN. From D.T.A. Daly June 6178 SC

Sermon Fifteen – Sarcastic Rebuke

Irresponsible children, by way of conceit, pride and a sense of self which the world hath not afforded them verily, think its a great thing to boast about being saviours of the world and lighting firecrackers in the hearts and minds of men - in their own vain imaginations. Jesus had a hell of a go at doing that too. Stepping on the sparks of vain firebugs who have no real sense of responsibility, other than ultimately making a buck with their 'Scrolls of Wisdom', is the responsible and decent thing to do, to get people away from the cultbuilders who still haven't even accepted Karaite principle to start with. The Rainbow Torah is the actual faith of mankind, and while tying up shoelaces may seem trivial, it prevents the soul from tripping over them in a rush to see the vain glory of firecracker night some lukewarm singer from the 90s is parading to the world. Kapiche.

Sermon Seventeen – Success in Music

The successful music acts of the future have songwriting teams of about 500 to 1000 for the big albums from the big artists. So much music being put out there is way under produced compared to the level of competition which is gradually arising in the music industry. To be successful on a major scale, more production and a bigger team need to work on the promotion of new albums. There are millions of competitors now, that the only real way to succeed is to have an enormous team working on your project. This holds true for the successful video games of the future. So many come and go and are forgotten because they have only so much level of complexity and graphic appeal and general gameplay. The bigger the production team and the greater their competence, the better the results. Big blockbuster movies are only increasing their numbers in respect to this.

Sermon Nineteen - The Advancing Noah Movement of the Seven Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide Faith.
The central idea of the Advancing Noah Movement is that we build upon the ancient covenant of Noah and the religion of Noah (Genesis 1 - 11:9), by introducing new and further doctrinal and theological ideas and viewpoints. We do not limit ourselves to the religious practices of Noah and his generations, but 'Advance' with the world, introducing further concepts of morality and holiness. Like Noah walked with God in his generation, we can also walk with God in ours, and it is possible for religious idea and spirituality to continue to develop as mankind also continues to walk on and mature in its ongoing relationship with God Most High. Our core belief in this, though, is that our central religious iconography - the actual moral and religious requirements Noah had to to observe - never change and do not change, but grow instead and are enlarged. We do not try to do away with holiness in some sort of 'Progressive' agenda. We keep the basic principles of holiness but, as the world advances and becomes more complex, greater constructs of law and morality are obviously required to rule and run a more sophisticated society. We are built solidly on the Rainbow Covenant of Noah, stay within the moral bounds of this Covenant, yet Advance as society does so, developing and strengthening our moral rules and relationship with Almighty God.

Sermon Twenty-Two - Wives

If a man can afford to support more than one wife, its perfectly fine. For most, one wife is the usual thing economically, but a wealthy man can afford more than one

Section Six – Assembly of the Most High

The Book of the Most High

The Seven Divine Principles



Principle One

For God Most High is the first impulse of life eternal. Connecting with God in his eternal nature, understanding his eternal existence, and finding the grace and love flowing from the throne of the eternal on high which grants you the grace to live eternally yourself. This is the first and foremost principle of the ‘Assembly of the Most High’. For in life eternal all other questions and mysteries, in the fullness of God’s good time, become realized, and the purposes you seek in life materialize in the happiness from your eternal relationship, and the fruit of love and peace and joy which such an eternal relationship brings.


Principle Two

Thus, with life eternal fulfilled in your very being, life seeks to order itself according to the divinely eternal ways, chosen by the Most High, for your eternal life. And, in very truth, these ways can seem circular, reappearing time and time again, in the grand circle of life, in which all that you need for the embellishment and fulfilment for your existence will come in the fullness of time, and your eternal happiness the reward for your diligent labours of faith.


Principle Three

And then, having learned the secret of life eternal, and enjoying the regular and recurrent ways of this eternal life, you grow in knowledge and stature and follow your destiny. For God’s destiny in your life is inevitably for your own good, and following this destiny is your life calling and the meaning in which you will find greater and deeper levels of happiness and thanksgiving.


Principle Four

And then, the moral man becoming perfect, the physical man speaks of his hearts desire. And seek ye, I say unto you, glory and accomplishment for the satisfaction of having given your all.


Principle Five

And in great wealth and the glory of rulership as God’s sovereign chosen ones, you realize that destiny and glory are leading you on to sovereignty and eternal responsibility.


Principle Six

And the quiet heart understands things in the fullness of God’s time, and the reflective heart understands God’s purposes and wisdom, and great satisfaction is the reward for those who have patiently kept faith in the one above.


Principle Seven

And at the grand culmination of things God speaks to you and asks you ‘What great plan of life lies in your heart, oh divine and beloved child of God???’


 Some of the Beliefs of the Assembly of the Most High & the Advancing Noah Movement
* We don't believe in Suicide, and advise counselling on depression issues
* We don't believe in abortion, and recommend that the child should always be nursed by its natural mother in all circumstances
* We don't believe in euthanasia and reject it in all circumstances, including those of severe pain
* We are against war in all forms, and believe in peace and diplomacy
* We reject all forms of murder and violence
* We believe in slavery, mainly enforcing slavery over the more thuggish members of society if they sell themselves into slavery to survive
* We believe in Marijuana and Tobacco as natural plants which God created, which may be used freely
* We believe alcohol can be consumed by anyone of any age, but advise against drunkenness
* We believe the age of puberty is the age which people can engage in sexual activity
* We believe in marriage between a man and a woman and, while we reject marriage for same sex couples, we allow civil unions for same sex couples
* We believe in not partaking of blood which is the life of the creature
* We believe in military national defence only, if necessary to defend the lives of the citizens of a nation. We completely reject all forms of offensive warfare
* We believe in the traffic rules of society
* We believe in following medical advice and procedures
* We believe MacDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut and other fast food restaurants are normal food outlets, and should not be preached or discriminated against
* We believe fat, skinny and regular people sizes are all normal
* We don't believe in racism
* We are against Sexual Harassment, Sexism, Ageism & most forms of discrimination, except discrimination based on sexual orientation, which shows a deviation away from the natural order unless it is heterosexual
* We believe in nature and the natural order of things. We believe in the physical laws of the universe as teaching us the wisdom and nature of its creator, God.
* The only clothing standards we have are modesty and cleanliness to reasonable standards. We have no belief in formality of attire or fashion being in any way important.


Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life

(For younger members of Assembly of the Most High)

 Life can seem like a big blur at times, especially in our younger years.  So often we are caught up with this or that activity, for fun or entertainment, or to simply pass the time.  And then, adulthood, and all our learning and studying from younger years is supposed to lead to employment in a job, all presumably to earn a dollar, or a rupee, or a euro, and find our own way in the world.  And that seems to be the general meaning of it all - we seek good schooling, a good job, and hopefully, in the end, to make something productive and useful out of our lives – to be a valued and important member of society.  That seems to be what everyone is on about, aren’t they? Yet, so often in this blur, the actual question of who we are as individuals in the grand scheme of things, where we are from and where we are going after all of this blur is finished can, for so many of us, be forgotten.  In truth finding meaning and purpose in life, especially in the light of eternity is, perhaps, the very reason we are born here on planet earth.  It is the challenge set before each and every human being – to come to an understanding of what life is all about, its purpose, and our own very special role in the grand mysteries of the universe – and it is a quest which will never end. Look into the mirror. There you are. At least a reflection of you, anyway. But look at that person. Who is he? Who is she? What do they believe? What makes them tick? Who is that person staring back at you?

 Who am I?

 When we were little kids our major preoccupations were playtime, foodtime and sleeptime, and usually in that order. But then we hit puberty and our bodies changed, and the opposite sex started becoming interesting. And our taste in things changed. We replaced toys for cricket or baseball bats and dolls for makeup and mobile phones. Our friends may have stayed exactly the same, or we may have moved on to new faces, faces which represented ideals we were starting to grow into. You see, as we start growing up and changing from youths to adults, formative ideals we held to as kids are starting to develop more strongly in our lives into an ethos or sense of personal moraliy - our own set of judgements - which we start to live by and judge others and the world by. And we don't really even notice immediately that we are doing this. And these sets of judgements - these 'values' - start to become how we identify ourselves to the world and define who we are. When we were young we identified ourselves by our family and our position in our family, or orphanage, or wherever we were raised. We had an identity defined by how we fitted into the grand scheme of things. We were male or female (usually), black or white or yellow or some other shade of melanin, short or tall, smart or dumb, popular or nerdy, or all sorts of variations of these general ideas. Yet we knew who we were when we looked in the mirror, even if back then we didn't really have any strong idea of what we believed about it all, apart from a general sense of parent's wisdom taught to us, which seemed to shape our life, even if we didn't really know that explicitly. Yet who where we? Where we even part of where we were raised for the long term? Did we have another destiny in work in our life leading us on to things we hadn't even guessed at? Were we just simple kids, or was some other grander purpose at work? Whoever we were when we were young, we have moved on, and started to learn about who we have always been. Mankind. We are humans, the bible saying we are made in the image of God, so that must mean we have divine qualities. That there is something special about being a human being. Something Godlike. We have arms, legs, bodies, faces. We think and feel. We grow and learn. We love and hate. We work and play. All the things we did as a kid, we continue to do as we grow, yet the things in life grow up with them, and they become 'Bigger' and 'More Intense'. When we start growing up we learn more and more that we are humans - that we have a place in this world defined by all the attributes we knew so well as a kid, and how we applied our talents and our knowledge and our place in the world to the challenge of life, which leads us each day to the level of success in life we do or do not have. Who we are is the person you see in the mirror, with all their attributes - all their humanity - and in their values which they have started to learn, they make judgements which helps them to understand society and judge society leading to how we make sense of all this world we are thrown into. You see, our judgements, our values - our morals - are perhaps the most crucial part of us of all, even if we don't really think that. Because it is God - the creator of men - who looks at our hearts, in how we treat others, in the love and care we show, in the holiness in our morals we show - that judges us and defines the reward or blessings our future is granted each and every day, for the human person that we are as we have grown, who I am, is rewarded just exactly for who or what he or she is, for life rewards itself, and the way you have shaped your values over life and the way your values have been shaped for you, by both nature and nurture, have defined the rewards of your eternity, for who you are is who you are, and it is how you will be judged in the eternity before you.

An Epistle

From St Daniel of 7DF

To Jesus of Nazareth and his followers

To Jesus, in the name of our God and Father, holy Yahweh, Lord of all the Servants of his Holy Covenant.

Peace be with you.

I am reminded, again, that the man of pride and arrogance has little goodness in his future. This son of Belial, who we may well wish would repent, to whom we may be tempted to throw an odd pearl of wisdom, is best left to his own devices, marked down as one to whom trouble will likely come, and when it inevitably does, remember the lesson you have learned in watching his downfall. When said tempests are in our own family, our very flesh and blood even, the heart grieves. Would you have him repent? A silent witness is often effective, but sometimes a fist in the prick's face might just get the message across, with a few choice words on the temperature of hell thrown in as well. In all such circumstances it is best remembered that the brothers from the flock accompanying thee is always a good idea, as there is certainly strength in numbers, and the oft wounded weak oft become the strong, and can lay forth many tongue lashings from years of built up frustrations with the strength of the flock's support. Rebuke away by all means. Only his pride can suffer.

My brother, Jesus, I share this prayer with you and your followers.

'To you dear Lord my God I pray,

direct my paths throughout this day,

and keep my life away from strife,

as You guide me along the way.'

Peace be with you.





Psalms of the Assembly of the Most High


Psalm 1


Praise God

God is a benevolent lord of Mercy.

God is a benevolent bestower of grace and wisdom.

God is a benevolent teacher of righteousness and truth.

God is a benevolent father and God.

God, help me to find my place in your kingdom, the Kingdom of the Most High.

Help me to find purpose and meaning.

Help me to find success and happiness, joy, peace and love.

Bless me, bless my family and people, and help me to follow you eternally.

Praise God



Psalm 2


Lord God Most High

Bless Europe, I pray

Bless Africa, I pray

Bless Asia, I pray

Bless North America, I pray

Bless South America, I pray

Bless Australia, I pray

Bless Antarctica, I pray

Bless Planet Earth, I pray

Bless Heaven, I pray

Bless your children in the world, your servants, your followers

Teach us to repent

Teach us to serve lawfulness

And teach us success

Now and Forever, We Pray




Psalm 3


The Mysteries of the Heart

The Mysteries of the Soul

Lie in a pattern of the eternal

A pattern crafted in eternity

Woven into the destiny of mankind

Through the wisdom of the Eternal Mind

The Eternal Love


The Mysteries of the Heart

The Mysteries of the Soul

Lie in a pattern of life

A pattern crafted in eternity

Woven into the destiny of mankind

Through the wisdom of the Eternal Mind

The Eternal Love


The Mysteries of the Heart

The Mysteries of the soul

Lie in a pattern of love

A pattern crafted in eternity

Woven into the destiny of mankind

Through the wisdom of the Eternal Mind

The Eternal Love


The Mysteries of the Heart

The Mysteries of the soul

Lie in a pattern of eternal clouds

High above us were God dwells

Showing forth the glory of creation

With the Sun and Moon and Stars

Which bring glory to humble man

When he considers the handiwork

Of the Eternal Mind

The Eternal Love



Psalm 4


Peace flows like a river

From the throne of the Almighty

It flows into the world

And sets the people free

It flows into heart and minds, souls and spirits

Dried and withered like a desert

And sets them free from their anguish and anxieties

And sets them free from the anger of their own hearts

Peace flows from God

Greater than our own ability to resist

And gives us the strength we do not have ourselves

From the grace of God Most High

Yet harden not your hearts

Harden not your souls

For many have known the peace of mother’s love and fathers care

To only go astray

And fall from grace

To the reign of darkness

This day

Open your heart

Open your soul

So peace may flow into your life

An unending river of tranquillity

Redeeming your hope

Redeeming your faith

Redeeming your love



Psalm 5


Dark Love

Dark Hearts

Dark Fire

Dark passions unending

The Twilight of the Soul

The Eternal Kiss of Night

Shaded from the Power of Brother Sun

By the Cool Embrace of Sister Moon

God’s time of rest

God’s perfect creation

First Half of Day

The Eternal Kiss of Night


Sermon One – The Glory Upon High

The Most High God. That is who we come to celebrate and worship. El Elyon – God Most High. I guess, the idea is simple enough. When it all comes down to it, the most exalted and venerated of beings in existence is God. The Lord of Glory upon High. That is who we recognize. That is who we pay homage to. But, when it comes right down to it, what's in it for us? What is the pay off for all our personal soul-searching service to the one exalted far above all others? What is our reward? It doesn't necessarily manifest straight away, because God is patient and enjoys committed and genuine loyalty before he invests. And you may have felt you have made all the pledges under the sun, and still life continues on in its mundane unblessed pathways. But you can't fool God, who searches out the secrets of our heart and soul, and until you truly commit to him and his service, which involves following the rules of the Rainbow Torah and walking in ongoing holiness before God, why would you imagine that he will bless you and call you his beloved otherwise. God need the real mccoy – not a fly by night. So much of the reward, anyway, is found in his kingdom, being part of it, and having access to godly people who will only help you in your life, pray for you and guide you on the road they are also treading to have happy, prosperous, and blessed lives. So much of the rewards is already found in the repentant hearts of the Assembly of the Most High, those souls filled will love, joy and good cheer, who just make you happy being around and who just make you happy when you are in their presence. For that is a fruit of the faith we strive for – happy and content souls, who shine the glory and love of the One seated on the Glory upon high.

Your reward comes in time through service and fidelity, and often before times anyway. But your fidelity and commitment are key factors in the realities God is looking for in your soul which measure how prepared he is to get to know you and how prepared he is to invest his spirit and prosperity into your life. So, in all the glory you desire, in all the wealth and happiness you want, in all the Glory Upon High that you would also have for yourself, remember it doesn't come easy and is found through genuine commitment to God and his rule of law and service. Any other way than total commitment simply falls short and any such commitments less than genuine will only give shallow and temporary rewards, befitting the effort or lack of for which they were gained.

Serve properly, serve truly, serve genuinely, and God will richly lavish his favours upon you in the fullness of time, your testing being complete. AMEN.

Sermon Two – Practical Faith

A religion is a religion is a religion is a religion. When all is said and done, the kosher ones (for want of a better word) all serve mostly the same purpose. The sanctifying of the soul to make them, I guess, more amenable to God and man. 7DF is meant to be more than a religion of paradigms – a religion of viewpoints – a religion of axioms. It is more than a guiding philosophy which influences your thoughts and choices of behviour – it is meant to be a religion with practical results associated with it. Or so I have envisaged as its founder. A religion doesn't have to do that, not necessarily. It can just be about keeping basic rules of right versus wrong behaviour, but the Kingdom of Noah, the Kingdom of God, needs as well those aspects associated with it which stand out in the real world and accomplish things in the real world. Not all of us are go-getters, world beaters, Olympians of Glory, Medallions of Valour. Some of us are far more ordinary in comparison, myself included. But all of us, in time, can rise somewhat in life with experience and knowledge. All of us can improve ourselves and, in that improvement, desire a bit better for our personal situation. And my hope is that Assembly of the Most High, amongst each of the Seven Divine Fellowships, can help its members achieve just that – its hopes, dreams and aspirations. The spiritual food we feed our congregations are foodstuffs of ancient value and understanding. The oldest religion of mankind, the divine religion, the religion of the Rainbow Covenant. On this we are founded and build our eternal fortunes, for it is an everlasting covenant which does not fluctuate with the seasons. What I want to, as head pastor, is bring to this fellowship, and in particular Assembly of the Most High through this sermon, is a sense that there are practical things we can do in life which can also further our situation, practical things which we often know ourselves, but which religions sometimes does not always make completely apparent. At least in my experience anyway. Growing up Catholic I knew you had to, in the end, get a job and seek a family and make something of your life. But the tools for achieving this, the success principles, were not always focused upon in a great way by my own family. But fair is fair, the Catholic school I was brought up in did give me the very necessary education vital for success in life. Potters House, though, in its own way, did more. They are a hands on church, which focuses you on your career in a big way, and following divine principles to access the prosperity available from God for proper service. And its perhaps those practical things I want to focus on. Good reputations, good skills, good qualifications, good experiences. A good name. That is the hallmark and the foundation for all success in life, and those things, while we sort of intuitively know that that is what it is all about, we don't always focus on for the betterment of our life situation. A lot of the time, we may have great qualifications, but with a bad reputation of slovenliness or a poor attitude, nobody will employ us. Conversely, we may be the most spiffing person under God's Creation, but with no hard work in studies, how can we do our job properly? And even with both, if we don't have some hand's on experience in relevant work situations, what can we offer a firm who needs us to get up and go with a project straight off the bat. Success in life spiritually has a point and purpose, and that is mainly one of providing one of those key details for our employer – a good name. But Assembly of the Most High values its members, and we want you to know that there is a focus in life which can also gain you other practical aspects necessary for achieving the dreams and aspirations of your heart. It is about knowledge, relevant knowledge and valuable knowledge, knowledge which has been studied, pondered and evaluated and taken into the thoughts and understandings of our mind. It is knowledge, often expressed through a scholastic education certificate, which shows to the world that we are not only an upright and outstanding hell of a guy or gal, but that we have something within our wisdom to offer the world and help contribute to the successful running of our society. In Assembly of the Most High in our heavenly libraries of books, with the rights I as the founder of this faith have been granted by God, lie our own choices of knowledge, our own scrolls and books of information, which are the data piles of academia our memberships can study to further their own careers and aspirations. We must have, and I am hoping by now is a reality, that AOTMH has schools and universities were our information obtained is studied, considered and taught as well, and that we can, through this, develop our own institutions of success in the real world and, with decent qualifications of practical knowledge, add our own institutions of achievement and work to a world which relies on peoples and associations which can get the job done. Assembly of the Most High lives in the real world also. The pastoral system of AOTMH is there for you – to pray for you, encourage you and guide you and teach you. And they are also there to help you focus on a career, ultimately, and a way of life which will lead you to the ultimate destination of personal fulfilment and satisfactin in a full and active life, one worth living, which also contributes to the real world in an authentic and practical way. We are not just a fantasy – we are not just a religious humdrum. We live in the real world and face its real problems and we assist our members and all parts of our body and those others of 7DF to achieve success, and happiness and achievement in life, which is for the betterment of our selves and to bring joy, happiness and consolation to an eternity before us which needs succour and nourishment from the choices of wisdom which have built its firm foundations. AMEN.

Sermon Three – Motivations in forming 7DF

I know, its all been done before. But when it becomes kind of obvious in your faith that Jesus is not A) God or B) Christ, and if you don't really want to be Jewish, then following Noahide Faith is about your only real option if you want the truth. And because it becomes further apparent that the Pharisees invented the 7 laws of Noah religion, which is ok, but its not ok pretending it goes back to Noah which is a fundamental lie, I don't have much choice other than developing the Karaite Noahide faith concept and, in writing out the psalms and sermons and other teachings of the 7 Rainbow Bibles, doing that simple thing of just trying to follow the right religion with God, which was the whole point in the first place. Just trying to get it right, really. I didn't have much choice in the way God fashioned my life, heart and choices, and understanding of the truth. Just gotta do it. Oh, and I make it pretty clear who is developing this faith and the origin of this faith throughout the Rainbow Bibles. There is no trite teaching that it originates at the time of Noah, apart from the scripture history itself of Genesis 1:1-11:9, that is. Within the Karaite Abrahamism Associative-Denomination of 5DF (The Universal Truth Assembly), there is a far clearer delineation now in its potential membership, which can include Jewish Members and Unitarian Christians and Muslims and Bahai. A Karaite Noahide faith which far more greatly utilizes the rest of the Tanakh beyond Genesis 1:1 - 11:9 (which we call the Rainbow Torah) is definitely available and promoted within this denomination of 5DF-UTA. 7DF has 7 Fellowships, each with a unique Rainbow Bible for them. I have spent the last half a dozen years or so developing core Noahide ideas into writings, which I now call bibles, the purpose being to simply teach God's religion to Mankind for those who believe in God but don't believe in Jesus, don't want to be Jewish, and want to follow the Oldest of God's religions for man, which is the Noahide Covenantal faith of the Hebrew Bible. It's not complex what I am doing, resonates with the simple religious desires in the heart of man, and my hope is that it builds an eternal legacy and an eternal congregation which satisfies the demands of God for a faithful and god-fearing people who call upon his name and who walk in the pathways of holiness.

Sermon Four – Entertaining Interactivity

I live, currently, in Australia, on planet Earth (not heaven) in the 21st century of the either the Christian Era calendar or the Common Era calendar. I live in a world were TV entertainment proliferates. On TV currently in Australia (2014 CE) there are a host of FREEVIEW channels, all offering entertaining viewing to keep people in Australia happy and occupied in their abundant free time. We have a standard working day for many of our citizens, here in Australia, approximating 9 to 5, as the song goes, although there are a heck of a lot of part-time, casual and other types of employment as well as unemployed, pensioners and disabled, all meaning TV is a 24 hour reality, and the entertainment and media industries of Television (as well as other spheres of media entertainment) on non stop duty. There is a hell of a lot of work being done in such industries now, not only in Australia, but worldwide. And with the Internet, were on places like Youtube, every Tom, Dick and Harriet can become a superstar through individual effort of promoting something which people might like to watch, the best of these becoming a 'Viral' video, everything is go go go at Channel Entertainment. And that is part of life, which the ancients had also, in their own simpler ways, in all honesty, gathered in the parlour chamber to play cards or knit or chat or the other things they did for entertainment. And that is part of life, when we have done the necessary things to gain our payday cheque, relaxing, having a nice meal, and sitting down in front of the box to enjoy Prime Time TV. And, for a lot of us, that is what we do a heck of a lot of the time anyway. And its a good thing as well. Entertaining Interactivity should really definitely be a focus for members of the Seven Divine Fellowships. Getting involved with something which provides happiness and helps pass the time is definitely something to put in place in your life because if it is all serious all the time, dull work means dull boy. We need to often lighten up. We need to often have a good time and go with the flow. Not to the state of acting in decadence, but when we can have a good time, and enjoy the happy and entertaining things of life, that is definitely a good thing. Shows like X Factor, or My Kitchen Rules, or Master Kitchen, or The Voice, or Australia's Got Talent or Dancing with the Stars or any of the endless variety of interactive shows, as well as Quiz shows, or simply getting involved with acting to star in a Sit-Com or serious drama, or a news reporter, or whatever – whatever it is in the Media, both on TV or Radio or Internet or wherever, these things really are, now, an essential part of a comprehensive and happening lifestyle. They are good things. They are not things of the devil, to be shunned and put aside as Babylonian Prides, but things of life and happiness which have a perfect and good place in society and any godfearing Noahide home. As said, don't get carried away with this stuff, and if the behaviours start transgressing biblical teachings in a major way, you should be the first to pull the plug – literally. But for most of these type of shows, especially at the moment in somewhere like Australia, quality viewing is a delightful reward for our daily struggles. It is fun, uplifting and a proper part of our social understanding. Members of 7DF can and should get involved with these sorts of activities when and were we can, and, further, we should create our own such similar projects also when and were we can. We don't dwell on evil, we don't dwell on darkness, but we can and should do positive things in the field of entertainment because they add happiness and joy and embellish even further this living experience that our Great God Upon High created us to enjoy in the first place. AMEN.

Sermon Five – Charisma Versus Cheek

Perhaps it can indeed be a fine line at times, when your new boyfriend or girlfriend starts exhibiting behaviour which turn the lovely smile and laugh you noticed into a little bit more of a mocking grin and sadistic laugh, or when your new bestie starts retelling an event at work or lunch or something, and they chuckle a little bit too much about a misfortune on someone or a practical joke gone a little astray, or perhaps it is the new member of your social group, who seemed bright and full of vitality but, recently, so you have noticed, they tend to be the ones responsible for all the complaints in the group and endlessly annoying and bugging accusations are labeled against them. It is that point, that you have noticed, when the charisma you had beheld, which seemed so joyous and welcome and truly manly or feminine turns out to be just another in the long line of jerks or bitches you have grown all to accustomed to. Charisma is great, but so many play all their wild joker cards at once, expecting to win every game, and the joke becomes nothing but unbearably predictable cheek after a while and, in the end, really quite boring and offensive. Really, all of us need to know when to call it a day. In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, Callodyn and Daniel are often the bane of the long-suffering Ambriel, who is endlessly patient and of good heart. But even Ambriel has his limits. Hopefully, though, Callodyn and Daniel, when it all comes down to it, are not too cheeky, but retain a sense of that charisma in the human person which we can actually appreciate and not grow sick of in its banal repetitious lewdities. Everyone needs to know when enough is enough, and when to draw right back away from the line they may have crossed years ago, especially when the rebukes are becoming more and more apparent, and learn to have a little softer a laugh, a little kinder a mock and a little more humane a jest at someone elses expense. Try genuine charm. Thoughtful charm. One which you really do care for the other person, and are not simply out cruising to take them out and remain leader of the pack. You need to know when to leave a joke as a joke, and walk on the softer side of life, not so caught up with who is the victim of the prank of the day. Genuine charisma is lovely in a person, and we don't always need to be dry and coarse vessels of strictness and purity to impress. Sometimes, as much as we like the serious side, that can be just as offputting as well. Its about a balance, a lot of the time, for a lot of souls, and often, if you can, having the right souls to act as your foil of sorts, and be that counter-balance which puts it aright, can be exactly what you need to ensure the gentle gaiety of life remains just that – gentle. The class comedian is a lot of fun, but we don't want them around all the time. We want the gentle soul, the thoughtful soul, the one who can crack a joke which is timely and polite, but which can and does draw our attention to the sillier and lighter side of life. Sure, the company of Azrael and Cosadriel is endless fun, but even they need their days off to relax and just be themselves. Charisma, yes, and charm, ok, but keep the cheek under control, and even some cheek, on rare occasions, does bring a smile. But balance the humour out in life, not to any great extreme of the scales either way, and you will find a happier and more content aspect of your living experiences also under control.

Sermon Six – The Wealth of the Members of the Seven Divine Fellowships

The Spirit of God likes to test and to try you, and will sometimes speak things to you to see what is in your heart, even if those things are not completely true. It is the way the sifting of God Almighty works. Yet the spirit has said to me, which is apparently true, that in a monotheism which is legal before the throne of God, the iconoclastic head of the movement grants unto its membership and followers certain intrinsic rights the iconoclastic leader himself owns. And from what the Spirit has made clear to me, the rewards of earthly servants to God in their heavenly afterworld includes the things they have owned and other things they have utilized in their living years on earth. What does that mean? According to the Spirit of God, as 7DF crosses datelines and cultures, all the way back to Adam and Eve were, apparently, in Eden we have memberships in the heavenlies, the rights of 7DF members who are committed and full members of 7DF throughout the generations of mankind's worlds in heaven, also include the rights to access their own copies and usages of the rights I myself have attained, since coming to faith as a Karaite Noahide in 1999, which has been backdated for the decade of the 90s, thus 1990 being the starting point of such a reckoning. 7DF members can purchase, depending on their own degrees of righteousness as judged by God, the corresponding things of goods and services I myself have purchased since the early part of my 17th year. It seems to fluctuate, the percentage of my goods and things they can own, through purchasing their own copies of these items from the relevant stores of my own purchase, modified by God were appropriate, but, in general, a righteous and godfearing member of 7DF has a whole host of modern, 20th and 21st century items available to them for the embellishment of their living experiences. Abraham affords this right for Israel. Jesus affords this right for the church. Mohammed affords this right for Islam. I afford this right for members of the entire Karaite Noahide community, so God tells me. Earth has offered up no established equivalent apart from myself.

It will take time and, quite seriously, literally millions of years for certain items. But its eternal life we are talking about, so learn a little patience. It will all be worth the wait in the end. AMEN.

Sermon Seven – Calm and Sedate Waters

Rapids. Rivers are full of them. Rocks jut out, boats go awry on them, water rises up and splashes everywhere, a chaotic scene, especially the big ones. Life, it can seem, often has rapids in it. When you have been steadily going along, especially in the calm waters of youth, and suddenly reality hits, the teenage years often, and you are caught up in an ongoing series of rapids, life turbulent events, which make it a challenge each and every day just to get through it all and make sense of it all. And, voila, after a lovely night's rest and recupperation, ready to face another day, the challenges come along again, hit you between the eyes, and remind you that you are really not cut out for this thing called life by any means. Best quit, buster, cause we are taking you out at the next crossroads one way or another, your personal demon's often remind you. Come on, how on earth are we to make sense of it all and why is it all happening to me? Life is not always rapids and, as ironic as it might one day sound, one day you will miss those rapids and even crave them from time to time. Oh, to have a challenge, you might say later on in life. But, usually, the whole point of life's rapids, the challenges it sends upon you for you to work it all out and find a prosperity life plan is just that – to work it all out and find a prosperity life plan. Some sort of solution to the woes of life's difficulties which will get you through the whole mess. Some sort of wonderful solution to life's enigmatic and eternal mysteries of suffering and hardship. Life always has its solutions to your present predicament, and often we are just too damn lazy and comfortable with our situation to bother seriously doing anything to change it. Who can we blame but ourselves in the end for our own lack of fortunes? Yes, we usually have a good idea of what to do and, if you don't, hit the prayer room, hit the Rainbow Bible of your fellowship, chat it up with the pastor or reverend of your congregation, or seek advice from a life counsellor and mentor and you will usually get pointed in, if not the right direction, a direction which will at least get you going in a promising direction. But, when you do face up to these challenges, and all your misfortunes; when you do face up to life's difficulties and all your woes; when you really get on with the job and start to work it all out, and much better sooner than painful later, you will inevitably come across those points in life were, funnily enough, when you have finally learned to deal with the problems and challenges of life well enough, are well enough informed and advised on the peculiar challenges relevant to your own lifestyle, and are getting through the day happily enough, calmer and sedate waters often can and do arise. Things have worked themselves out, and a lifeplan in which those dreams of prosperity and fortune you once adulated in your heart have actually, now, finally arised, you come into that part of the plan of God for his followers who remain faithful were it is all smooth sailing, gentle and merry meandering down the humdrum of life's pleasant concourses, and peaceful harbours and resting points, were you are anchored soundly and securely to a harbour of peace, grace, fortune and love.

And when you finally find those calm and sedate waters, never forget just how much suffering you went through to finally reach your beautiful destination. AMEN.

Sermon Eight – Honesty

You want to lie, and you let yourself fall into temptation and, before you know it, you are spinning a fine yarn of brilliant accomplishments you have done, and people are amazed, but it is all untrue. You are not telling the truth. Later, people start asking questions and they learn facts and, after a while, they see through you. You are just a charlatan. A vain and proud boaster of deeds undone. You are not what you claim to be. You are fake. And you have lost a goodly portion of your good name. Ok, lies never really profit people in the end, because they are often found out and, besides, its hell on your conscience. Lies teach people a simple truth – you can't be trusted very much. If they need to rely on you to get something done, and you are a known liar, how can they really trust you? And they might have need of you. Lies ruin a soul and, often, so entrenched in fabulous yarns, the sinner forgets themselves and just goes on blithely making things up, thinking themselves clever – but it is sin, and will be found out. What, you don't consider that everyone thinks badly of you behind your back and, as time has passed, more and more people want to have less and less to do with you. I mean, come on. You'll be lying about them after a while, and they don't want their own reputation ruined by your clever imagination. Lying is not cool. Lying, in fact, is very uncool. It is not the sign of someone who can be relied upon, but the sign of corruption. And, especially in business, and more formal things like elderships and politics, a liar can never really be trusted to rule for the people with the best of intentions. Don't lie. Be honest. Tell the truth. Even if it hurts, and you worry about what people will say if the truth becomes known, bite the bullet and remain true. Don't lie. And white lies? In time, if you justify them, they can often lead to black lies. So better not to say anything at all, make a no comment, and don't even tell little white lies, because it really can set a bad precedent in your life. All areas of life really need honesty. Books need to tell honest facts to people who are studying that information who need to rely on that information for the truth about what they need to get done. If its full of lies and errors, who can people accomplish what they are trying to accomplish? They can't. We need honest. Society needs accurate information. And lies need to be repented of and dug out of your character if they have taken hold, because it is only a sinner you will be called in the end if your mouth only ever utters fancy tale after endless fancy tell. Tell the truth, ok. Kapiche.

Sermon Nine - Associations

Associations. People in our lives. Family. Work colleagues. Friends. Acquaintances in general. Our life is bereft with associations and, in those associations, we often find our comfort and regularity of life, for they define us in many ways, for they are the touchstones of our existence, through which we interact and find our social expressionism. But not all associations are wise, even if we wish the best for people. Some people, some folks, have made choices, especially in youth, which affect their ultimate destiny. Because such choices, when the fairy floss faith finally dies, emerge in the habits of their lives in actions and words which are not, ultimately, beneficial. They are sin. Choices of sin shaped by the ultimate decision of the person to do what they want to do and not listen to the sound advice of moral law. And when that sin emerges, which might seem perfectly innocent or just a little fun from your bestie to start with, be warned again. Not all associations are wise, even if we wish the best for people. Associations are how we live in this world and find our friendships and happiness. They play a fundamental and crucial role in how we get along and conduct our affairs. So, because of this, and if and when eternal life is your intent, you really need to take time to sit down, have a good long and hard look at it all, and start questioning whether 'Free Lovin' Dick' down the road, or 'Slutty Sally' across the street, are really the best 'Swingers in town' to have that risque friendship with that you have enjoyed and maintained for a while. Wise up. Start looking at what people do in reality and make that awful moment happen, which you hate, but which is necessary, that fundamental point were you make a character judgement on another living soul and ask yourself this – 'Do they really have the focus on the requirements of eternal life in their conduct?' Really, think very long and hard about that and nut it right down the absolute truth of the question. If they don't and it looks like they are just gonna fall short one of these days of 'Makin it', then perhaps, as much as many might want to call you a bigoted hypocrite, perhaps it is just time to pack your bags, write out that last 'Dear Joe' letter, and move on with your social group, update your friends list, and let the baggage go which will just, ultimately, drag you down to the very dregs of the pit of Sheol when all is said and done. Get over it. Drop the sinner. Live again. Associations are important, and they are the biggest influence on our everyday thinking apart from, usually, core beliefs of how it all works. Yet for the eternity ahead there are testings of faith, and one of the crucial and most important testings of faith is when you have listened long enough to the advice of the spirit of God and, when he has said to you that 'I really don't think this thing you have got going with Ms SummerLovin is quite gonna work out', you finally agree, get the point, and make the change to a better focus of a more spiritual community. Choose associations wisely and, when you have eternity in your focus, move on to the communities who are dedicated to that eternity – search for them – and then you will start find the beginnings of a life which, until now, you might not quite of realized was on a hiatus due to the anxieties felt of suddenly losing 'this soul' or 'that soul' from the list of your best and fairest. Wise up.

Sermon Ten – Sanctification

Being sanctified is the process in which the Spirit of Yahweh, the Most High, works in your soul to make you saintly. To make you a better person. Sanctification inevitably involves suffering and sacrifice. Sacrifice is the part where you give up pleasures and more so – sinful hedonistic pleasures also. Sanctification begins when a faith encounter has usually occurred and a soul has sought out God or wants to know the meaning of it all. But it can begin earlier in souls who are simply trying to be good and decent persons, this being the time when God gets involves and gently leads you to knowledge of himself. See, God is always there, watching, waiting to see if a soul really wants to know him, to know if he really does exist and when that soul is humble on this issue and teachable, God puts a yoke of gentle love on his or her heart, and leads them softly through life, teaching them lessons, indeed even then making them holy and sanctifying them until they are ready to admit their need for him and ready to acknowledge God really does exist. True sanctification involves studying holy teaching and lessons of moral truth, and doing your best to apply these truths to your life. It is in seeing godly and decent examples and, inspired by them, attempting to emulate their examples in your own life and conduct. It is taking inspiration from a poem, or an analogy or an encounter in life, or just a gentle word from a friend, and finding something in that message which wants to make you a better person and which you want to respond to by being a better person. It is becoming holy. All the purpose of sanctification is to make you like the God whose image you are made in and the primary quality of God is that he is holy. Sanctification is the job of getting that done. It is never really easy, and so many of us are stubborn and unyielding, never really wanting to abandon comfortable lifestyle choices and attitudes we have grown accustomed to. But those choices, inevitably, have to be made, because we can't walk with God and just lie their on the couch uncaring forever. When you are being sanctified you will be led into the process of making decisions and choices, these things shaping your character, and the wiser you are, and the more knowledge of moral truths lie within you, the better those choices will be, and the more saintly you will inevitably become. We can't, in the end, really hide our true selves, our heart and our nature, from those around us. It is often as plain as day who we truly are. The best advice, though, is that if you suffer from a reputation and image in life which you are not happy, engage with God in prayer, submission and repentance, and begin that path of sanctification which, in the end, will make you a better, happier and more complete person and child of God. Amen.

Sermon Eleven - Acquisition

One of the purposes of life is acquisition. Acquisition of goods and services and, in general, access rights to things. In the Noahide tradition, from what has been taught me by the Spirit, it seems to be a general truth that life on earth is the foundation and template for eternity in heaven. And that, for the eternity in heaven, you must acquire your goods, services, and access rights to visit places, talk to people, and join communities, in this physical earthly worldly life on earth. This is it. What you acquire in life on earth is what you acquire for eternity. One thing you must know is this – you can't con or cheat God, and just owning the item doesn't mean its been earned. For everything you gain in life there will have to be works to make you responsible enough to own that item or right for eternity. It is not simply a given. And, to learn responsibility, good works are usually a very good method, but the best of all is to study, for Noahides, the Rainbow Torah and, for our own community of the Advancing Noah Movement, the Rainbow Bible teachings on morality and laws. The more familiar you are with the Kingdom of Noah Torah, for example, and the more you practice the laws of righteousness contained therein, the more you study it and apply it to your life, the greater your blessing will be in this life. As Noahides, we do know that the people of Israel have a Torah also, and while in 7DF we do not teach that you should necessarily obey the laws of Israel's Torah, it can also be read and through study of the Torah of Israel, God also can bless your life. We are not under the covenant of Israel, but we do have permission to also study the Hebrew Bible. It is not our main focus as Noahides, but it can be one of our focuses. In your years throughout life of acquiring things, there may possible come a time when you are largely sufficient and happy for your life. This is a natural thing. At this stage, you should not necessarily inhibit your desire to go on collecting and should gain more things if you wish to, but if you are content feel free and at peace to leave it at that, as it were. No, in the end, the whole point is not to acquire everything under the sun. Rather, acquire those things which make you happy and DO those things which make you happy and give you peace. Certainly, possessions can and normally are a big part of that, but it is usually best not to be too obsessive over collecting the stuff of life. Exercise your wisdom on whether you really need something or not. Sometimes it may even be better to have a slightly trimmer collection of life items, for they can be easier to manage and look after. But it is all up to you. In eternity it is understood by our movement that you receive what you acquire from this life, and the nature of the item, in heaven, is called 'Everlasting' but in our Noahide tradition we name it 'Eternya'. All that it means is that the product lasts eternally, in our faith and understanding. Acquisition is a natural part of life, and shouldn't really be avoided, and in the end it is good to own nice things. Unhealthy desire to gain things you probably shouldn't should probably be avoided, and you don't want to spend endless days going everywhere for everything. You probably know in your heart you only need so many things for eternity anyway. Be wise. Be sensible. And acquire things in life in a positive and normal way.

Sermon Twelve - Consistency

You could put it off. People often do. They find that they are caught up in something, but it becomes a bit difficult, and they don't have the inclination or the passion to bother at that time getting the job done. And some times the job really does need to be done. Patience is what you lack, and while at times you may exhibit some patience, success in life in the fields of endeavour doesn't come to someone who suddenly has a burst of patience to get on with the job, but slacks off again later on on another project, and loses a bit of their reputation, and things just don't get done when they need to be done. Consistency. Consistency in doing challenging things and maintaining the effort each time, every time, all the time, is very hard to do. Yet consistency in difficult and challenging things is one of the greatest hallmarks of true character. Easy things are easy, and it is not that hard to get out of bed each morning and get your breakfast. But getting to work every workday during the week, and getting there on time, and doing that, often, for an entire working career, is one of the real challenges in life. And to do so requires you to be consistent. Consistency is earned through practice and effort. In the end there is no real way of cheating on the challenges of life – you have to do the real required work to get the real required results. And for a life of work, or family raising, or club membership, or sporting team participation, or whatever it is that you want to commit to, you need consistency. The ability to stick at it, even when it is hard – especially when it is hard – and work through the challenges and work through the difficulties and consistently get the job done. A sense of personal honour works a lot in many people. They feel they have a good name and sense of status or identity which motivates them to reach a good level of performance each and every time. But some people are not caught up in that virtue, and instead they need to search in their hearts the questions like 'Do I think I can commit to this?' and 'Is this what I really want to do in life?'. If they are, you need to find a passion, a determination, an absolute commitment from within to stick to it, even when it is tough. Life is full of things which challenge the best of us. The real test of merit is how we handle those things. Some walk away, and run away, and hide behind mother's apron strings, and don't face down their demons, and just can't do what they might have claimed they could. They give in to weakness. But that is a purely natural part of everyone, really, and in the end you shouldn't be ashamed of being human. But, when its a family you have to support, or a charity which really needs your ongoing help, or a job for just your own sustenance, it is consistency in doing things properly each time which are a signal to employers and others in your area of competition that you have the right attitude and patience to endure in your chosen field of endeavour. Consistency. It means a lot in the end. The more you practice it and establish it in your character through facing difficulties, the better and stronger you become in so many ways. Adamides – Noahides – we really all should learn to try and be a bit more consistent with things.

Sermon Thirteen – The Importance of Genealogies

Genealogies transmit family history.  They are a link to our past, a past which helps us to understand where we came from.  The more information we have on our ancestry, the better we can understand the special family cultural identity we received at birth, and more perfectly understand our own special idiosyncracies, sayings, and traditions which seem to come naturally, but are the product of genealogical breedings by our ancestry over countless generations, and by understanding this appreciate our place in the family tree, and gain further excitement at the prospect of creating a new link with our own children. Genealogies should be kept current for a relevant number of generations, and the early genealogies of mankind in its first few millions of years should always be kept by society.


 The Doctrine of Kindness

Do you know what it is like to suffer? It is not very pleasant, is it? Some other people suffer, you know. Trying to get through this life. Do you care about them? Their suffering? The crap they have to deal with in life?  You can't sacrifice forever. If you do, wisdom will step in and remind you of law, and look before you leap, and contract and truth. And rights. But your kindness and your sharing don't really ever have to end. They don't really cost you anything. A smile, a kind word, a hug for someone who has gotten to trust you and accept you. Don't embarass them, though. But show you care. Be there - as a friend. As a confidante. Always tell them the truth, even when you may have betrayed them. Let them back into your heart if they have hurt you and are starting to get better. Be careful about wicked ones, but remember mercy when necessary. Its a tough job – judging all of that sort of stuff right. But you can always be kind regardless. Even if you don't really like them or what they represent, you can still be kind. Kindness - love - compassion - care - thoughtfulness – consideration. It is all pretty much the same stuff in the end. From a heart which has concern and good intentions towards people. Which wants good things for people. Kindness. Let it be a virtue you aim for. Let it be something you show others, and yourself. As they say - let love rule.

The Doctrine of Forethought

Look before you leap. Look ahead. Work out, before hand, when troubles could possibly come upon you. Why? It is better to be safe than a sorry old soul. A heart of wisdom is to be prepared for situations, when you have potentially hazardous encounters coming to you, it is important to use forethought and have an idea in mind how you will handle such situations, and the parameters of things which might possibly occur. It has been said that failure to prepare is preparation for failure, so unless you want to fall on your face in potential dangerous event, have some ideas in mind about what and what you will do if such and such occur. Forethought, prudent and diligent planning in your mind, or on paper, on how to act in the event of various things happening, is a well laid plan to be able to respond to potential hazards. Knowing how you should act, what you should say and the kind of behaviours you should exhibit. With experience forethought becomes easier, but you still always need to give consideration to things you are going to do, especially if you have warning signs in your head, or remember similar encounters when things didn't always go as planned. When going to a potentially dangerous place, or associating with people of questionable reputation, it helps to have a back up plan or idea of what you should do and can do should the worse occur. Especially things involving going on holidays far from home, away from your comfort zone, or to city and town places not frequented so often in your travels. Further, when using things which have a degree of hazard associated with them, not only must you follow proper guidelines, but be ready and know what to do in case of emergencies. Be prepared. It is the boyscouts motto. So have in your heart forethought and wise counsel to ensure you know what to do and how to react should the worse occur.

The Doctrine of Cleanliness

Being clean. Washing your body. Washing your clothes. Cleaning your teeth. Having good hygiene. Not smelling bad. Taking care of your toileting requirements. Seeking medical helps for diseases of the body and mind. Having pure thoughts and a moral heart, not corrupted by immorality, lasciviousness, hypocrisy and evil. Cleanliness, as they say, is next to godliness. But why be clean? It feels better after a shower or bath, doesn't it? Feeling clean, without muck or dirt on you. Feeling wholesome and good and new. It feels better. And it gives you a better reputation. For whatever reason it is, people usually like to be around people who are clean, and not covered in filth. Just the general way of things for most of us. Having a tidy room. Keeping it clean. Sure, parents can be fussy on that, but deep down we know it is in our better interests. And we usually like it that way anyway. And it helps finding things if they are stored neatly and not in a dirty room. Cleanliness is work. Staying clean and keeping clean is work and effort and, especially in children, laziness is a bane of our lives which we should do well to conquer and master. It looks good, gives us a good reputation, and makes us feel good. And when we have a clean moral heart, our consciences feel better and we feel good that we are behaving ourselves properly, not stained by sin. Torah prescribes washings to deal with sexual emissions and other bodily emissions, and while they are not prescribed as law to the children of Noah, some basic Torah washing practices are not that bad an idea. If you are feeling unclean after encountering diseased things, or dead carcasses, or even dead relatives, it does help to give a washing, which really is more than just a ceremonial accoutrement in the end. It makes you feel clean. Cleanliness should not really be too legalistically applied, as we are only human, but, in general, it is good practice, recommended, and a sound and healthy way of life to uphold. Be ye clean, and you will feel all the better for it.

The Doctrine of Moderation

Going to extremes. I like the thrill. I like the rush. I like the chase. I like her tush. I like it wild. I like it tame. I like it boring. I like it insane. Way to fast. Way to slow. The highest of heavens. Or hell below. Ultimate, extremes can be a bit much for the human body and the human psychology, whatever they are. Get caught up in a marathon drinking session, enjoy the hangover in the morning, and your brain cells saying 'That's it mate. I'm done. Retirement and a grave in Sheol waiting for me. Thanks body. You've been great.' Fitness fanatic, but your body is exhausted, and your muscles are aching, because you have pushed yourself way too far. Or the opposite, and you are feeling lethargic and lazy, and can barely get out of bed, and you have difficulty getting up from your seat because your knees ache every time you do. So much love, that saint has, says one fellow. Yeh, he's slept with seven wives in the congregation. Plenty of love, mate, says another saint. It seems to me that extremes in life, even things which are supposed to be good for you, if you push them too hard, or do not push them at all, leave you exhausted one way or another. Pushing yourself too hard - ending up in burnout. Never doing a damn thing, and your muscles are starting to dwindle, and you just want to lay in bed all day long. One of the fundamental truths of life is that life needs balance, or moderation. You need to be active, but not too active. You need to be passionate, but not too passionate. You need to be loving, but sleeping with the 16 year old pastors daughter is just a bit too much love unless you marry her. Moderation is not necessarily about finding that perfect centrepoint of balance and harmony in life, but it needs to be a kind of life where you are living within the safe parameters, both the high ones and the low ones. There is usually plenty of leeway for a human, and we can all be extreme or inactive at times. But moderation is a key to healthy and successful living, and learning its fine art will be health for your bones, and joy for your body, soul, mind and heart.

The Doctrine of Play

All work and no play makes Johnny very bored. You see, life is not just serious work, study and discipline every single day of your life. It is not always about doing as you are told every instant, being on your best behaviour and never flinching from duty. In the end this makes you a bit too serious, a bit too starchy, a bit too much of a rock of God. You need some free time. You need some relaxation time. You need some ME time. Time were it is for goofing off a bit, fooling around a little, and just having some good old fashioned fun. Don't let it go to your head, though. Wild times bring a wild reputation which you may have a hard time losing. But sometimes we need to lighten up, just be ourselves, go with the flow and have a good time. Tell a few jokes, laugh at stupid things, and do some things just for the hell of it and for the entertainment. Go to a show, ride a bike, watch a movie, play a board game, chat with friends, mess around with a musical instrument, and just whatever makes you happy, even playing around with kids toys if you really damn well want to. Play, even in adults, really still needs to be there in the end. We need a time when we can be our innocent young selves, and enjoy the things of youth, and enjoy the frill and excitement of the big old grand adventure of life, and leave the troubles we have in some other elder's hands for a while. It can't be play all the time, because real life and real world concerns always intervene and end things, but sometimes we need to get away, on a holiday, and just chill out and enjoy things. Life is for fun, in many ways, and having a lively and happy and joyful spirit is often found in knowing how to have that fun - even at 98.

The 25 Commandments of Love

  1. Love God – The Source of Life

  2. Love Your Family – The Source of Support

  3. Love Your Friends – The Source of Comfort

  4. Love Your Home – The Source of Shelter

  5. Love Your School – The Source of Education

  6. Love Your Work – The Source of Employment

  7. Love Your Society – The Source of Interaction

  8. Love Your Law – The Source of Rules

  9. Love Your Religion – The Source of Spirituality

  10. Love Your Neighbour – The Source of Peace

  11. Love Your Library – The Source of Knowledge

  12. Love Your Possessions – The Source of Contentment

  13. Love Your Culture – The Source of Identity

  14. Love Your Traditions – The Source of Continuity

  15. Love Your Name – The Source of Your Reputation

  16. Love Your Language – The Source of Communication

  17. Love Your Elders – The Source of Wisdom

  18. Love Your Youth – The Source of Strength

  19. Love Your Women – The Source of Courage

  20. Love Your Men – The Source of Honour

  21. Love Your Pets – The Source of Joy

  22. Love Your Wife – The Source of Communion

  23. Love Your Husband – The Source of Unity

  24. Love Your Self – The Source of Who You Are

  25. Love Your Life – The Source of Purpose

Section Seven – Haven Adamide Fellowship  


The Book of Karaite Adamidism

 Created by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

6177 SC


Lesson One

The Scripture - the Tanakh. The Foundation - Genesis 1 - 5.

The Purpose - Sanctification. The Result - Life Eternal.



Lesson Two

The Religion - Descendants of Adam. The Sign - Creation.

The Purpose - Protection from Destruction. The Result - Everlasting.



Lesson Three

The Doctrine - A Moral Life. The Reason - Civilization.

The Purpose - Law and Order. The Result - Eternal Peace.



Lesson Four

The Community - A Family of Faith. The Structure - Faithful Genealogies.

The Purpose - A Sense of Belonging. The Result - Meaning in Life




To Proclaim the Religion to Mankind. To Uphold the Teaching of Scripture.

To Build an Everlasting Fellowship. To Live Long, Prosper and be at Peace with God and the World.





Adamide Rules



In the year 2012 CE (7DF 6176 SC), mankind has travelled along its pathway of living, going through many spiritual occurrences, yet the truth remains the same.  God Almighty is God, he is the Creator of the physical universe, and he has expectations on a way of life called 'Holiness'.





Rule 1

Sermon 1 of HNF IS BINDING.


Rule 2

Worshipping idols or false deities is not permitted


Rule 3

Stealing and robbing people is not permitted


Rule 4

Moving boundary markers of property is not permitted


Rule 6

Kidnapping people is not permitted


Rule 7

Poisoning food is not permitted


Rule 8

Raping women is not permitted


Rule 9

Bestiality is not permitted


Rule 10

Hurting people is not permitted


Rule 11

Practicing Witchcraft is not permitted


Rule 12

Practicing Astrology is not permitted


Rule 13

Practicing Tarot is not permitted


Rule 14

Adultery is not permitted


Rule 15

Sexual relations with parents and siblings are not permitted


Rule 16

Speeding to fast in public in vehicles is not permitted


Rule 17

Blackmailing people is not permitted


Rule 18

Bribing people is not permitted


Rule 19

Honouring parents is encouraged


Rule 20

Lies are not permitted.  White lies for a good purpose are permitted


Rule 21

Vandalism is not permitted


Rule 22

Bullying is not permitted


Rule 21

Deriding and slandering people is not permitted


Rule 22

Charity is required in the form of paying tax to a government with welfare, or personal giving to poorer people in your own society or nation


Rule 23

Violence is never permitted


Rule 24

Sexual harassment is never permitted


Rule 25

Torture is never permitted


Rule 26

Coveting your neighbours belongings is not acceptable


Rule 27

Harming animals is not permitted.  They may be slaughtered humanely for food.


Rule 28

You must take care of the environment


Rule 29

You must show proper respect for God


Rule 30

You must abide by the rules of your nations when they are Torah faithful and not corrupt.  This does not include any 'Positives' within the Torah, but only a refrainment of negatives, if that is what your nation has judged

Psalms of Haven Adamide Fellowship

Psalm 1

Praise be to the God of Adam and Eve

Praise be to the Everlasting Father

Praise be to the Glorious One upon High

Praise be to God

Holiness is in the heart of man

When he chooses the right way

Praise be to God

Righteousness is in the heart of man

When he follows what is true

Praise be to God

Sense is in the heart of man

When he humbles his pride

Praise be to God

Love is in the heart of man

When he succumbs to the choice of grace

Praise be to God

Praise be to the God of Adam and Eve

Praise be to the Everlasting Father

Praise be to the Glorious One upon High

Praise be to God

Psalm 2

May the Tree of Life

Fill my soul

Making me strong

Making me whole

May the Tree of Life

Enrich me every day

Charting my course

Charting my way

Thank you God

For your spirit of Truth

Thank you God

For Everlasting Youth

Psalm 3

In the pathway of Eternal Life

Are the temptations to Sin

Yet the power to overcome

Is the repentance within

Make Law your Guide

And Love your Choice

And in the Ways of God


Psalm 4

Grace be with us all

Grace be through us all

Grace be upon us all

Grace be the heart of us all

I thank you father

For your eternal Grace

May your shine upon us always

And Show your Face

Psalm 5

Walk with God

Each Day till the End

Walk with God

On whom we depend

Walk with God

Follow his Rule

Walk with the Eternal

Let his law be your School

Psalm 6

The Origin of Creation

Begins with the Heaven and the Earth

Whereupon Man was Formed

The Origin of Creation

Begins with Night and Day

Wherewithin Man Dwells

The Origin of Creation

Captures the Heart of the Four Elements

Wherewithin Mankind Lives and Dwells and Has his Being

Without God

The Creator of Life

What is Man?

And why would God be mindful of him?

Who is but a pile of dust

Who returns to Ashes

From which he was formed

And had his being

Praise be to God

The Giver of Life

Praise be to God


Psalm 7

I thank you God

For the heart of Man

The wonder that is Woman

Who embellishes my life

As a helpmeet

A loyal partner

A trusted friend

A sacred lover

Who is the mother of my family

And my right hand on whom I rely

Thank you God

For the wonder of woman


Psalm 8

Children are a Heritage from the LORD

Thank God for gracing me with Offspring

Yet should I lack this blessing

I thank God for my parents

And whatever family I have

For the love of God

Is in the friendship of your kin

Were we have love and fellowship and good times

Sharing a meal, a conversation, a time of recreation

And life and love

And sweet and blessed harmony


Psalm 9

Dear God

Please Help me to become Moral

Please Help me to become Good

Please Help me to become Kind

Please Help me to become as you Would

Guide me in your ways Forever

Guide me in your Truth right Now

Guide me in your peace and calmness

Show me what to do and How

Teach me all Creations Wonders

Teach me all Creations Lore

Teach me all Creations Wisdom

Teach me from your holy Law

Thank you God for showing me mercy

Thank you God time and again

Thank you God the Lord of Salvation

Thank you God my Father, AMEN

Psalm 10

In the Beginning it was God

And at the end so shall it be

From eternity to forever

God exists eternally

He is sovereign in Creation

He is sovereign over us

By his power he rules forever

Both on earth and up above

Praise to God my blessed Saviour

Praise to God who cares for me

Praise to God the Lord of Glory

Praise to God eternally


Psalm 11

Almighty God of the Covenants of Mankind

To you we pray and beseech, entrust unto us your divine will

Favour us with knowledge of your eternal covenant with Mankind

And teach us forever, save us forever, and fill our hearts with the stability, peace and endurance

The Eternal Covenant of God warrants us

As faithful adherents to the core promises of God.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. AMEN.

Psalm 12

Be now, in this moment, dedicated, like no other, to at least commit the eternity of your life to God

No small thing, you say, the eternity of it all. But if you want eternal life, how will you do it without him?

Do you have the strength of forever in your heart on your own strength?

Can you guide and protect your eternal walk by your own power and wisdom from all harm?

Can you steer the way of eternal life every and each day, forever and ever and ever, and not once ever go astray from it?

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

Mastrering the walk is about Repenting of sin. The power of Eternal life is in God's voice and hearing it and committing to him.



Psalm 13

Sure, God is glorious. Sure, he is great. Sure, he's the Lord Divine, cept to you he aint

Sure, God is wonderful. Sure God is brill. Sure, he's the Lord Majestic, but you don't get no thrill.

A sensible young gifted heart, sits in this congregation.

A sensible young gifted heart, thinks talking to God aint conversation.

Your far to wise to Praise the Lord.

Your far to wise to tithe.

And as for all this scripture stuff,

Well it's just a pack of lies

Ho hum Jehovah

This God he aint for me

He hum Jehovah

Please just let me be

One day a thought crossed through your mind, and nature did its part

The trees, the flowers, the birds and bees, why their a work of art

Sitting near a flowing stream, my heart it is refreshed

You hear a quiet voice which says 'Maybe I know what is best'.

Through reason, logic, thought and fact, you've known that God's not true

But something now, inside your heart, says 'Well maybe you aint too'.

A voice majestic, a voice that's brill, now entertains your days

He's clever too and points out all the silly things we say

And then one day, You know its God, who's known you all along

And spite your pride, and foolish heart, like them you sing this song

Praise to you Jehovah, You've found old silly me

Praise to you Jehovah, I was blind but now I see


Psalm 14

A Sadducee must praise God

A Sadducee must do his will

Today you say you'll serve him forever

But Tomorrow will you be serving still

To keep the faith

A soul must strive

For the spirit within

Needs God to stay alive

A Sadducee must praise God

A Sadducee must do his will

And should you refrain and say enough

Your walk with God's just standing still

Trust in God

With all thine heart

Always do Jehovah's Will

Follow the Sadducee way forever

Till 'Always Have' and 'Always Will'


Psalm 15

Peaceful Beauty

On a beach of Paradise

Resting from hard work

Good for the soul

Recovering from the stress

Of a hard life

Which has paid a toll

So rest and relax

And consider the beauty of God's creation

With the waves crashing royal thunder

Of the Holy God who made it as such

And the winds blowing and the sun shining and all Screaming Alleluia

Delighting in their beauty, made from the mind of Infinity

Who has brought forth this beauty

And has brought forth this wonder

And has brought forth this paradise

So you can rest

From your hard work

Which was good for the soul

And so you can recover from the stress

Of a hard life

Which has paid a toll

So rest and relax

And enjoy the beauty of God's creation


Psalm 16

Praise the God of Zion

Praise the God of Shiloh

Praise the God of Bethlehem

Praise the God of Shechem

Praise be to him

Whose Word is Eternal

Which guides us in love

And Guides us in truth

May you bless us Lord God Almighty

As our deeds and your justice deserve

As your mercy and grace allow

As your patience and kindness intend

And enrich the streets of Zion

And embellish the walkways of Shiloh

And enshroud the gardens of Bethlehem

And encourage the hearts of Shechem

With your eternal love

And your eternal truth

And the richness of the harvest

And the richness of our works

In your holy name


Psalm 17

The Garden of Eden

Is paradise on Earth

Yet we fell from grace

And tasted the turf

Forgive us now

Almighty God

And grant us grace

To Rise Above

And seek your name

And seek your truth

And Walk with God

Like Boaz and Ruth

And in Bethlehem

Let us find our consolation

In the harvests of the field

In the harvests of salvation

As we walk in Law

And we walk in Truth

Like Faithful Boaz

And Gentle Ruth



From Beginning

To the End


Psalm 18

The world is flux of day and night

Travelling in constant flight

From day to night and night to day

And each keeps the other always at bay

The ocean rises and tide comes in

Guided by the moon's stellar grin

The ocean falls and tide goes out

And the moon again it gives its shout

The flowers bloom in blessed light

Yet fall asleep every night

To wake again the following dawn

To sing their glory to the morn

There is a way in natures law

Which every day doth have in store

Patterns true and constant fixed

Of God's design which has no tricks

The mind of God created all

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall

The decrees of God stand since their birth

To guide each step of mother earth 




Adam and Eve

(From the Chronicle of the Illuminati – An anecdote from the lighter side of life)


Adam and Eve are the parents of mankind. All our DNA has its origins in these primal parents of mankind. In fact it says in Genesis that Eve is the mother of all the living. Adam and Eve had available to them the tree of life, yet never gained access to this tree because they chose to rebel against God's command to not eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God tested Adam and Eve, which is not a very loving act in their innocence, but this was not how God felt. God requires obedience, and places it as a higher category than any personal committments of love to a human being. God insists on obedience, but is not loyal to us in our sufferings. He is only a fair-weather friend of a God. This shows a shallow heart, a hypocrite, which claims loving concern, but falls far short. God has never been as holy as he thinks in his quite vain imagination. It is certainly true the more you kiss God's arse, the more he will bless you. Sabbath keeping and kosher rules are the heart of God's delight, and he enjoys the suffering of souls who do not conform to whatever torah paradigm, in his dictatorial whims, he chooses to require at any given time. He is not exactly a 'divine' deity. Yet Adam and Eve are fundamentally good in every way, and a good example to God of decent behaviour.


The First Sermon


And as you chart your eternal destiny, keep in mind those things you learned from the start. Trust in God and follow his Rule. Let your heart never succumb to temptation to sin, and follow diligently what you know to be true. Seek good standing with your fellow man, and likewise show him and her the grace warranted them. Be at peace in your heart, in your household and in your family. Keep the faith always, and walk forever in partnership with God and his people. The life ahead is eternal if you judge it righteously by the established pathways of true and accurate knowledge and true and accurate spirituality. The point is to find eternity in your heart, and if there are things which whisper against this, seek them out, challenge them, for in the end they are shallow temptations, yielding no enduring peace. Walk with God, be at peace, and may the Grace of Eternal El Shaddai watch over your comings and goings this time forth and forever. AMEN.

The Second Sermon

What is 'Torah' and what is 'Scripture'?

Torah means, in general, 'Teaching'. In Jewish tradition, the primary teaching is the written Torah, the Chumash, the Pentateuch, the 5 books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy, the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. Yet, in the 'Advancing Noah Movement' we firmly believe as one of our paradigms in the continuity of history and the unfolding of more of the 'Tree of Knowledge'. The Tree of Knowledge is seen as the body of knowledge that mankind learns from era to era, and as the era's progress, that body of knowledge naturally grows. The 'Tree of Knowledge' of mankind is 'TORAH'. The various study books on science and history and literature and language and music and all the various branches of knowledge form the overall vast 'Tree of Knowledge' that mankind has accumulated since the beginning. On this Tree are 'Billions' of pieces of fruit now, and you have to be wise and discerning in life to see what fruit you acquire, because the earthly life is the only time you will be able to gain this fruit which establishes your rights on this delectable commodity. The library down the road from me, with all its various books, is a current 'Tree of Knowledge' and a current 'Torah' for my district. The online available websites of the Internet are an 'International Torah'. Now, when does Torah become Scripture? In our view, when it is largely factual, or if it is fictive, when it displays morality and decency, when it has some use of purpose to accomplish things which are beneficial in nature, and when it does not promote evil. In general, for example, a science textbook of reasonable merit would be deemed as 'Mankind's Torah of Knowledge' by ourselves, part of the vast Tree of Knowledge. The quality of the work is of natural importance, which is something which defines its scriptural and Torah like worthiness. For 7DF, Knowledge of Society in the Branches of Human Knowledge and Understanding our Academic Libraries express are our 'Torah's of Society and Civilization' and they are much valued and respected in the eyes of our movement.
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 
Canbera, Australia, 27 August 6177 SC (updated calendar date)
/ 27 August 2014 CE

The Third Sermon


There are many teachings on spirituality. There are websites and books which abound on the subject. For many a higher power is called upon, but many want to be spiritual without necessarily believing in God.

Spirituality is finding a soul, a spirit within us, which is what our true self is in many ways, more than just the exterior which hides how much goodness we want to show the world. We are not perfect beings, and our bodies are not perfect bodies. But love and friendliness are perfect attitudes, and how can we not show respect and grace to those who show us love? Spirituality comes with age, also. The more we mature and find the purpose of life in our own living journey, the more spiritual we often become. Dry and hard souls can often be surprised as they age at the gentle touch of the divine as it sanctifies our life and shows that inwardly is a beautiful person being born anew each day, a person we have always longed to become, who life is forming within us, giving us what we need, as we turn away from the childish sins of youth, and turn to the growth of spiritual and loving care. When we mature, we inevitably grow spiritually. And all of us must become spiritual in time. Surely that is the destiny of the eternal which longs to share itself with our hearts. But beware dark spirituality. For often many are led astray from the light of love and truth.

The Fourth Sermon


It is not always within us, a certain desire, to sit down, shut up and just wait things out. We long to get on with it, to get the result we want and need, and we often don't care if we cause harm or anxiety to others along the way, because we need to get the damn thing done. Sometimes, we blithely just go about chores and other things, happy in our own little world of self improving realities, were we congratulate ourselves for doing our tasks and accomplishing things when, if we just exhibited a little patience, and let the natural rate of the task accomplish itself, indeed, at its most natural rate, we could smell the roses that much more beautifully, have the time to talk to a family member as we go about things, even perhaps sit down, and chat for a while, or have the time to think through that problem issue that has been bugging you and get a proper solution, instead of rumbling about like a bull in a china shop, bugging family members to lift their feet so you can 'get the vacuuming bloody done' and all sorts of tasks which 'must be done immediately'. You need a little patience, as it takes a little time sometimes to get the best results in life. You could rush that pizza along out of the oven and think, yeh its cooked enough, but you might end up with lukewarm cheese, and a taste which is not exactly mouth-watering. You could go ahead with that renovation project early, before the wife gets home to chat, and she ends up hissing at you, complaining that everything is wrong, and insists you change it all, at your own expense as well. You could rush off to the store to collect the groceries which your online order said were ready to collect, but you were in such a rush you failed to notice it said after 9:00 AM TOMORROW, and not that afternoon. Whatever it is, you can't rush life. You need some patience. Good things come to those who wait and often it is just that those good things have been timed correctly, have been served upon with patience properly, and have matured to the exact level of maturity required for the outcome at the right time and right place. It all happens in a natural way, and an Adamide should follow the natural order and flow in natural patience with things. Don't rush it. Let it happen at its own pace. Best results come to those who are not impatient and anxious, but trust in the regularity of life and things happening in their own time. Learn patience, my friend. Learn patience.

The Fifth Sermon


Radiating that kind of spirit you may have seen, in earlier years, which captured your heart for a moment, a spirit which you felt at peace with and which just seemed to say to your heart 'Why do you fret so much?'. Calmness. Serenity. Peace. A spirit which, when you have gotten yourself into trouble of sorts, or which pervades your life, so it seems, incessantly, you react to at once and find, even jealously, that it is wonderful and just what the doctor ordered. A perfectly lovely spirit of calmness. It's like, you are in a conflict situation, arguing with someone, and there is suddenly that level head, that smooth voice, which you instantly connect to, which brings the tension out of the situation with soft words and a calm demeanour and an authority which you just seem to naturally respect. And, suddenly, the conflict is resolved, and you feel less afraid and less worried. You see, we all need calmness in our lives, and often there are times when we really know this. That it is turmoil and anxiety within and we can't find that peace of mind we seek. Calmness is the antidote, in many ways, to the chaotic lifestyles we often find ourselves caught up in. If we can take the time to 'smell the roses' as it were, and just be at peace with society and creation, if we can take the time to put on that relaxation music instead of that thunder bopping rock and roll album, if we can take the time to call 'Time out' from the kids fights and put them in separate spaces for a moment, and go off to our 'quiet zone' and chill, if we can, whenever we are faced with a turmoil which agitates, try and find a bit of peace and calmness, and reflect on gentle things, those things of peace which make us happy, and maybe even sit down with a spiritual book on reflections and find our hearts peace, life will work so much better for us. Calmness can be prayed for, and the more you study Torah the more you will naturally grow in the ways of peace over time. Repentance – turning from aggravating ways and your own inclinations to argue with everyone – can lead to inner peace and, in time, you yourself could be radiating the kind of spirit that you are so jealous of in others. Calmness is a reward for a soul which has agreed that it doesn't always want to live at 'Action Central Station' and is happy to find time in life for peaceful, calm and content ways, were the 'Heat of the Day' is left to bubble alone on its own strength, for you have found some time out and are chilling with the spirit and enjoy some peace and quiet of your own.

The Sixth Sermon

Gaining Employment in a Modern World

They often say what you really need is experience. But, to me, what you really need is a good education first and foremost, because unless you know the deeper roots and ideas of an occupation or pastime, advancing at it, going up the ladder in your chosen industry, achieving good, real and lasting success, will not very easily be accomplished. Learn a lot. When you are young study hard at school and TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Parents, encourage this in your children. Explain to them that in the real world, which they will join soon enough, it is a tough, demanding and competitive place, and relying on mum and dad's purse-strings to always get you out of trouble might not always be that easy. Yes, we definitely need to be able to always have a support available for our offspring when push comes to shove, and a good society needs a good welfare system, just in case of troublesome times. But you shouldn't think this is what you need to rely on. You need a spirit of endeavour within you, which pursues a life with a passion, and educates itself on the principles of that life, especially in relation to your occupation, which is one of the fundamental ways a decent income is obtained. Study a lot. Watch educational TV programs a lot and read a lot of books on various things as your life develops. In fact, you really should commit to lifelong learning. And when schooling years are finished, and tertiary education looms, you really need to have worked out what you want to study and, when you have, don't be half hearted in pursuing that education. In fact, study like your life depends on it, for, in a competitive world we often sink or swim with how much academic success we have gained in the end anyway. Your finding it difficult to choose exactly the right thing? You know a secret I have learned. There really isn't one in the end. Not just one right thing for you. There are options. Always options. And the secret is this – just MAKE A CHOICE in the end, and when you do, STICK TO IT LIKE ABSOLUTE CRAZY AND PUSH YOURSELF TO THE ABSOLUTE LIMITS OF YOUR ENDURANCE in learning this field or fields of endeavour and leave no stone unturned to be the best you can be, and to learn all you can learn in your chosen field. Why be an amateur? Be an expert. Be the best in the business. Don't settle for second best – BE NUMBER ONE. Gaining employment in a modern world needs careful grooming and good clothing choices appropriate for your work environment. Good manners always help, but in blokey and relaxed sort of work forces don't be afraid to get along and talk the talk and chow down with your work mates if you have to. GET ALONG. Be one of the guys and one of the girls and, if you can, set an example of mateship and friendliness with them. And, if you wish to choose a career as your own entrepreneur GET ALONG WITH ANY EMPLOYEES and TREAT THEM WELL. Care for them as your own. Think about their fortunes and lives and what they want for success in life. HAVE A POSITIVE AND GOOD ATTITUDE IN ALL THINGS AND PAY A LOT OF ATTENTION TO PROCEDURES AND PROTOCOLS AND MINOR DETAILS. The real principle in the end is hard work, reliable work, faithful and committed work and sticking with it through the long haul. Gaining employment in the modern world is about putting in a genuine effort, and not selling yourself short on things you neglected which really were and are necessary for your chosen occupations. In essence – APPLY YOURSELF TO THE TASK AT HAND.

The Seventh Sermon

The Life of the World to Come and the Resurrection of the Dead by 2020

I prayed for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come to advent on January 4th this year (2015ce/6178sc). The time wasn't quite yet right, and people still need to finish some of their works off. I am now 'rolling my prayers over' and asking God (Dear God, by your grace) that the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come will now advent on January 4th next year instead, January 4, 2016ce/January 4, 6179sc. If it doesn't happen next year, I will keep the prayers prayed and roll it over again till the January 4 date the following year also. And so on if necessary. But I have a hunch its soon. I once suggested 2020 as the date of the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. So I will definitely keep on asking God for it to occur, and will pray fervently till 2020 if necessary. Hopefully it will occur before that date, but for now, believing it may potentially or possibly be true, and that my biblical faith may indeed be correct, and the book of Daniel's prophecies ultimately true, I will continue to ask in faith for this to occur. This Rainbow Bible is full of doubts and questions over whether such a thing will occur, or won't occur, and both way of looking at it are considered. But, for now, I shall pray the 4th of January date for each year, and especially for 2020 if it hasn't happened in the meantime. We shall see soon enough either way. AMEN

The Eighth Sermon

Following Jehovah

A purpose in life, if you don't know, if you have lived a life so far, not really questioning, but going with the flow somewhat, a purpose in life, well, really, perhaps the main purpose in life, when it

comes right down it, is to find the one, the ineffable, the mysterious, the grand impossible, the Almighty God, who created and designed and gave life to it all. Just a purpose? No, not really. In fact, it is perhaps THE purpose, really, until you know better and how to live your life according to sound prinicples of holiness. God doesn't exactly have to be the centre of it all when you are experienced enough in eternity principles, able to chart your way successfully through an eternal life. No, he doesn't have to be the absolute centre, which can be used on whatever your ultimate passions in life really are. But he damn well needs to be your top advisor and instructor at the very least if he is not going to be Almighty Consuming Passion. Jehovah is their to guide you and lead you if you will follow him. If you want an arm wrestle of pride in 'I live my life by my own choices and decisions' go right ahead, because he probably won't care to argue very much, unless a faithful mother has spent years in prayer on your behalf. Yes, if you insist on the doctrines of self, indeed, go ahead. A lot of the time those doctrines are quite good ones anyway. But what surprises do you have for a God who has been around since the beginning of humanity? Are you going to teach him something he doesn't already know? God is a vast reservoir of experience and wisdom and, as he has already existed eternally, who better than Jehovah to place your trust in to deliver you to the shores of eternal life? Following Jehovah is your choice, but doing it, and committing to him, is not an unwise choice, even if your pride sometimes gets in the way. In fact its a wise choice because, often as he grinds you over the guilt trips of repentance, you might really not like the way you are being treated very much but, when you come through the trial on the other side, you start to understand the wisdom of eternity through the strengths, truths and virtues he has fostered into your heart, and begin understanding that following Jehovah is not really anywhere as lame as the politically correct or the 'cool' kids make out it to be anyway.

The Ninth Sermon

Stability and maturity comes with time and patience

The Jehovah's Witnesses are often called a cult. The reality, though, is that as time passes and more and more people are baptised as members of the Philadelphia and Watchtower and Tract Society, the 'Spirit' of the organisation learns greater and greater stability and, through older members (especially in the heavenlies) greater maturity. Yet this is true for not only the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Christadelphians and Mormons as well, and those others who may have been labelled cults. These organisations continue to grow historically, and more and more committed members come along and, as the years come and go and as the decades come and go and even as the centuries now come and go, organisations such as these stabilize, mature and earn their place amongst the legitimate religious assemblies of mankind. Catholicism, now, has quite an old spirit. If you ever really do attend a Catholic Mass and you get involved with things catholic for a while, and visit various churches and cathedrals, you will sense a deep and thoughtful and conservative spirit in this church. It is old and makes its decisions with great forethought and patience. This is what each denomination of christianity is in the process of gradually earning, as they mature and go the distance and build their memberships. Judaism, also, has done this for a very long time now, and Islam, a new member of the pack compared with the older monotheisms, is based on similar principles. In time, I feel, you will find the extremist element of Islam gradually dissipate as they mature and let go of the need for so much passion in the defense of their faith. They will grow and mature with members and numbers, which gradually weighs them down to a spirit of stability and regularity. Noahidism is ancient, but in many respects we are just emerging as a faith now. But with wisdom and patience in what our movement learn and teach, and attempting to follow God properly, with a commitment as eternal as the rainbow, may we too last and be a boon to mankind, and find that spiritual home and salvation which the other monotheisms have also provided for for so long now as well. AMEN.

The Tenth Sermon

Keeping the Faith

Keeping the faith is easy for an afternoon after you have committed your life to God and agreed to amend your lifestyles. By evening you have positively convinced yourself you will be the greatest of all the saints for all time to come, such is the definite truth of your conversion. You wake cursing your parents, arguing all day, and swearing at your brothers and sisters all morning and afternoon. Great commitment, huh? Keeping the faith is not a walk in the park. It is neither a temporary training regime to get fit for a while for a competition, but letting it all go afterwards. Keeping the Faith with Jehovah God is about a commitment. A commitment to endure not just for a day or a week, or even a pretty committed year of worship. It's your life, and after that IT'S FOREVER. Keeping the Faith is about keeping the faith. Not letting go of the faith. And it is about keeping something precious and something worthwhile and, if necessary, protecting that and keeping it from being stolen by hostile competitors in false religions who are preying on your soul to boost their numbers and finances. The faith of the truth of Almighty God is something precious and something worth keeping, and worth keeping for ALL eternity. It is not a temporary rush, a bout with a cool idea, something to ponder and consider and move on from. No, its forever. That is what God is – that is what he wants from you. Adamide faith is about the principles of the Torah being kept by all interested peoples, and being kept forever. It is about those Torah rules and lifestyle commitments which are meant to be kept in our hearts, cherished, kept with a vital faith of commitment for the long haul. Not just the holiday weekend spiritual retreat love you God, then back to the real world kind of thing. Keeping the faith means just that – keeping the faith. NOT letting it go. So, if you are really going to keep the faith as a member of the Adamide community, at least Keep it and MEAN it. Don't let it go as something trivial if you really have made a commitment, which is what we are all about in the end anyway. AMEN.

The Eleventh Sermon

You're not Jewish, but Judaism sort of represents God's ideas of a Holy Life

Ok. You know, in the end, you're never really going to be up for circumcision, as you like your pecker left alone thank you very much, but you kinda get the point from God that he has sort of expectations on the kind of life you really should be living for him when it all comes down the line. No, he probably does not expect legalistic observance of every aspect of the Torah lifestyle from you as an Adamide, but get serious. You can't be a schmuck about it in the end, can you? It's like stealing. It's sort of kinda hard to be really sure if it is even addressed in the early parts of scriptures, because there just doesn't really seem to be any explicit command forbidding it, but you know, he judges our hearts, so can we really expect to get away with those shitty lifestyle choices? Guilt. On the heart. You know. It answers the questions on sin you might have for God when a law directed at you is absent. You should know. He's pricking your conscience. But if he isn't, then perhaps he wants you to check out the Tanakh and, more than that, ask the fundamental questions. Are these rules any Good? Do they work? Do they make you holy? Is it worthwhile living a holy life? Our faith does not try and forcefeed you the Tanakh and Torah way of life. But, in our movement, you know, if you are serious, the pastor should be sort of pointing out to you that this is what we are sort of on about, in a round about kind of way my dear friend. We are never absolutely commanded to put into practice the laws of the Torah, but that's not why you joined this group. You joined it because you want to be in a pro-Torah environment, which is not necessarily absolutely legalistic about every damn point of the Law, but does sort of get the point that you can't go around being 'Sodomite Central' and expect everything to be fine and dandy and smelling roses with the Big Kahuna all the time. Unlimited codes of what you could call an acceptable 'Way of Life' based on this or that list of laws chosen from the Torah can indeed be made. The Rabbis, it seems to me, have already had a few go's at defining what applies to Adamides. And, in the end, there is nothing really wrong with doing that. Teaching the code as the absolute fundamental will of God and that it is the ultimate revelation of all Adamide truths, well, there might be a few who query you on that supposed epiphany. But a sensible, even personally derived code of law, from the Torah-Tanakh, can always be a good way to go, and is indeed a sensible suggestion for our adherents to consider. It's not rocket science in the end. It's simply about laws which make sense, and putting sensible ones into practice. You're not really Jewish, you don't really want to sell out on your own culture either, but you do love God or admire him, and you realize you need some of his rules. And that is what Torah Faith is all about. AMEN.

The Twelfth Sermon


What do you need passion for? What does passion accomplish? Is being zealous about something really going to accomplish much? In fact, if you have a bit of passion in life for something, often you will work a lot harder for that passion, commit more time to it and commit more of your life's resources to it. It can even become a major focus or preoccupation in your life. Passions can be healthy, especially a focus on spiritual things. But, even especially on spiritual things, don't misfocus your passion. Going off, joining a religion, putting your heart and soul into it, and being passionate about it is not really a great thing if, later on, you have found out you don't really believe that anymore, and in fact find what you were into was really not good news, but a whole bunch of bad. Misplaced passion – misplaced effort – and you might have used up some of the really enthusastic spirit and motivation in your life on a vain cause. It can sometimes be hard then, to ever really have the passion to focus again on a more enlightened revelation, especially if you found your life devoted for years to a truth that you simply no longer believe as just that – a truth. Passion, in such an example, needs to be tempered. And tempered by prudence and tempered by caution. Prudent enough to think you might not yet have all the answers or correct knowledge on a situation, and cautious enough not to get too carried away, even if you believe yourself infallibly enlightened. In the real world, or in reality, the mainstream society we are often part of, people often really like passion in others. And sometimes others just mock it or disdain it. Some of us, truly, are conservative souls, preferring a far more sedate and moderate approach to things, rather than running hurly burly headfirst into the latest doctrine, the latest trend, the latest scene or the latest get rich scheme. Passion is great, in areas of knowledge you are already secure upon and well established within. And, on spiritual things, really make sure you are in the truth, because I fear so many lives will be apprehensive at meeting the throne of judgement, full of passion for what they had fought to be true, but finding themselves well short of that mark and, potentially, with some great explaining to do for things they claimed were true and, in fact, were not. In this sense, choose your passions carefully. And, perhaps, the greatest of all of passions targets – romance. If you are a passionate person, and really want to impress that special someone, it can be great to come on strong, and sometimes that is really appreciated. But sometimes it is exactly the opposite, and you can lose a bit of your reputation as a 'loverboy' or a 'chauvanist', and for women labels such as 'Harlot' and 'Slut' really probably should be avoided if possible. Sure, it is great, in the end, to be people of passion. But sometimes, for the sake of caution and wisdom, you really need to temper that passion, and think a lot more carefully about what you say, do and preach to others in general.

The Thirteenth Sermon

The Five Books of Moses

It becomes apparent from reading 'Who Wrote the Bible?' by Richard Elliott Friedman that the absolutist idea of Mosaic authorship of the whole Chumash is unreasonable. But what do we conclude? Do we throw the baby out with the bathwater? No. We don't. The Torah – the Written Torah – stands, and has stood, the test of time. And the written Torah was the heart of the ancient Sadducee sect. And for this Modern Day Sadducee movement of Noahide impulse, yet open to figures of Israelite standing should they choose to join, the written Torah stands, ultimately, and perhaps ironically, regardless. It's a matter of continuity of faith, more prominent in what defines us, rather than primacy of historical factual detail of original Mosaic authorship of the strands within. We accept the Torah as our guide. We learn from it, uphold its central moral teachings and authority, and look to it as the Word of God to guide us from generation to generation. Its not so much whether its absolutely the direct communication of Yahweh in every detail that motivates this movement – it is rather we have an undoubtable faith that Yahweh kicked the whole thing off in the first place and that, be it Ezra or someone else who concluded the matter of Moshe's ponderings, we uphold the tradition of observance, relevant to covenantal status, and the light of the Kingdom of Priests shines to us from generation to generation regardless of exact original status of this section of JEPD or that section of JEPD. And why? Because, in the end, its the word of Israel regardless, and they were trained well enough in the pathways of divine call and moral, that we have judged the word, which has lasted over two millennia since canonisation so far, as worthy of unchanging devotion by our movement, unchanging acceptance as the primary text of spiritual study and authority and the motivator for our spiritual halakah of life each and every day we call upon the living God. In a sense, we don't need to really know how exactly it reflects God's mind and will – we know well enough that it carries his fingerprints, and that it suffices us for study and application, as it has done so for many others in many generations previously. It is the Sadducee book. It is the Sadducee scriptures. And while we in this world not yet of the world to come, should it eventuate, do not know for sure just what else of the Tanakh they did or did not uphold, we affirm the Torah as a primacy of our spiritual teaching, and while we may approach it from liberal to orthodox ways of practice and reception, we uphold it as the vital Word of what is to guide this movement this time forth and, by the will of God, evermore. AMEN.

The Fourteenth Sermon

Do Not Murder

A mitzvot of wisdom that we know so well, and all of us obey, we tell ourself. We never like to think, as we walk with God, that we would ever kill anyone. Surely such a thing is beyond this gentle soul that God knows so well. Yet even the gentlest and most godfearing of men can find a place, in a temptation of a trial, were they find a jealous spirit, sparked by the power of sin, which can lead astray, and make the very impossible possible. Killing someone really kind of hurts that soul. You know. Wouldn't like it to happen to you? Would you? Walking along, minding your own business, and out comes jealous jack and knocks you off for that insult the other day. Wouldn't be nice, would it? So remember, as you gaze into your inner soul in those times of reflection, has the servant of God's heart really put to death that arrogant and proud spirit within that can still rise to the challenge and the heckle, and do things it never thought it could. It's a work, and while you may congratulate yourself often at you well earned and hard earned repentance, remember dangerous dave lies within, ready to get out the axe and cut off that bastards head, cause he really pissed me off. Thank God there's no death penalty for murder, right? And if the laws suddenly changed, or you ended up in Texas? Murder is perhaps the greatest of impolite actions. Sorry about that chief – didn't mean to knock off your brother. He was just in the way, and I was kind of in a rush. Don't worry. I'm sure you've got another one. Get the point, buddy. Murder is a big sin, and while Cain resented his own brother, in this modern day and age of a modern day sadducee, we really should know well by now just how wicked and evil killing an innocent soul really is. And they don't even have to be that innocent for it still to be murder, you know. Even if there a bad ass mutha, unless they have a contract on their head, murder is murder. And God says don't do it. It's hate, its hurting someone in the most fundamental and absolute of ways, and its horrendous to deal with in society and the biggest of all wreckers of societal harmony and bliss. Root out that man who says to you in your heart 'I could never do it' and replace it with the man who says 'Ok, I'm now humbler than the deepest trench of the pacific ocean, so I kinda get the point buddy – I'm a man of peace. And it's just not in me anymore.' Find peace – cement it like rock forever in your heart, and love those people out there with quite a bit more than 'Howdy Mate' and you will find the temptation to kill someone, a real evil, dissipate each and every day you take God's Torah seriously and realize just how horrible it is to take a life. AMEN

The Fifteenth Sermon

Avoid that Blood

Blood is nasty business. Gushing out everywhere. Kill that animal, yep, you gotta – your hungry right. Now there is all that delicious blood, and the Vampire in you just wants to hook in and howl all night long. But the sane human residing in the majority of your soul just says 'Yuck'. It's life. In that red stuff. The life of the creatures. Plasma, blood cells, oxygen, all that stuff. But it's life, which carries that oxygen around the body, and enlivens the being. And God says you can't eat it, because its the life of the beast, and in the grand book of divine truths housed in the heavenlies we have all the answers on what exactly and why all that means in rationale terms, but putting it bluntly, as its a decree of sorts we might not fully comprehend, we don't eat the stuff. It's a rule. An ancient rule. And it has its roots in the covenant of Noah, so its really universal. We might, in some ways, be taking the life of a creature into us, and that might be a perverted form of some bestiality principle but, regardless, we don't do it. We just don't. Do not eat the blood of a creature, drain it properly, and in Orthodoxy make sure of that absolutely, but biblically just make sure you've got that sucker all well and truly bled before you fry up and tuck in. Blood of a creature, of an animal, is not kosher, for Noahides or Abrahamides or Israelides. So for a modern day sadducee movement it ends up being one of the foundational principles, as the Noahide biblical code really is, of observance by all this particular community of Torah faith. Blood sausage – an interesting question, cause perhaps its quite dead by the time we go to devour it, but for the doctrine of this assembly, should I choose to be its spiritual dictator in a way, is the general principle best not to touch such stuff either. In general, then, avoid that blood. It's a spiritual cleanliness thing, and by avoiding the eating of the blood of an animal we stay a degree spiritually purer and cleaner, also affected by other biblical ideas on cleanliness as well, but avoiding blood is most likely a big one when it all comes down. It's sort of confronting stuff to many a conniseur who, despite being well aware that the great chefs of Master Chef and My Kitchen rules often like the steak a bit red and rare, much of the rest of us, when going out for the night on the down and the big restaurant really need it quite well done, and 'No Red' is one of the main requirement in our meat. Me to – I really need a well done steak before I am prepared to tuck in. Always been like that anyway – just don't like the thought of undercooked meat in many ways. No, we perhaps might not fully grasp the divine wisdom of the exactitude of why this law is such a big deal to be fundamental to the rainbow covenant, but it is, and that is just the way it is I guess. We don't eat blood, we drain the animal completely of it and, for Noahides, its pretty much the main kosher rule which does apply to our meat eating, and for the observant Jew its a fundamental also.




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The Advancing Noah Movement believes and upholds the teaching of separation of religion and state. In our core religious motivations we do not attempt to enter into mainstream political and civil society our teachings in the 'Torah of Noah' - the list of rules and commands for our movement - nor the general sermons, doctrines and other rulings of the movement. These are placed within the domain of private spiritual assemblies and adhered to by choice by members of our movement, and governed internally within our movement. We do not attempt to usurp civic society, nor ever intend to, in the way of promoting our teachings in a political election of any kind. We uphold and teach the doctrine of separation of Religion and State (aka Church and State), and believe that individuals within our own party should form their own political voting upon their own consciences. We do not believe it can be successful to attempt to meld our core religious ideals with society as a whole because of the diverse array of beliefs and values and attitudes held be society as a whole and, even when and if such views become common, the lack of complete unanimous agreement with our own position, which would remain an eternal reality, disavows us in good conscience from attempting to foster our beliefs and views upon the general public of any nation in which we have our adherents.

International and National, Provincial, State, Territory, and Local laws of the world are accepted by the Advancing Noah Movement. In each year of the calendar the laws of the land for that year are the binding laws for equivalent generations, in our own judgement (which appears to be the judgement of heaven) for heaven also. We feel that God is required to actively involve himself with future developments of the legislation of mankind to improve the moral code and the civic code of law at each level of law. The law should continue to be developed and improved, yet it is also meant to have something of a finality about it, meaning that it should eventually be finalized at each level in all International cultures. There should ultimately be an end to law, and it is God's responsibility, in our opinion, to ensure this outcome is achieved. Theocracy can not necessarily be enforced in every culture - democracy or communism or alternative systems of lawmaking, should they prove sufficiently moral enough, can and must be worked with - by God - and the law should rest ultimately within the domain of these systems. There is a large area of religious law which CAN NOT be enforced in Civic law or the Law of the Land. In the way the Law of the Land has developed and come to be certain areas of morality are not judged as acceptable for Civic Law to Judge anymore, as has been done in prior generations. The judgements of the courts must still, of necessity, be enforced, thus matters pertaining to issues of morality on 'Gray' area issues must, of necessity, remain within the domain of religious communities to uphold and follow. Separation of Religion and State is a legal principle, and now must, regardless of our like or dislike of such realities, be adhered to. Thus, issues such as abortion, same sex marriages, sexual activities, behaviours involving alcohol consumption and various other issues, have been protested to such a degree by mainstream society that the rights of the religious communities to insist upon their adherence by society at large has lapsed. It is the responsibility of religious communities to regulate these issues for themselves. There still remains quite a large core of moral and ethical and pragmatic law, or civic law, which remains within the domain of the Law of the Land, and this law must also be upheld by all citizens, including religious. It remains the eternal right of all members of God's Kingdom to protest at any law which requires disobedience be actually practiced against God's law, and to neglect observation of any such law requiring them to disobey God's law, but in areas of responsibility such as administration and and general support positions in companies and workplaces and other social settings with gray areas, unless asked to deliberately break a law of God or moral principles of objection, they are required to support their organisation if they wish or intend to remain employed by them. A nurse or a doctor can not be forced to perform an abortion against their will. But if they work in a hospital with such practice, or some other health clinic, they must perform related duties as appropriate. A judge must approve gay marriage certificates if the law dictates that. He or she can not object, as they have sworn to uphold the law, and if they do not, they must needs resign. You are not required to disobey your conscience, but you are required to get along with society and accommodate society if required. Some times you might have to do some things you just don't like because of the rights of other members of society on these issues.

When people say, what good is prayer to me, know this. God is in control, and he likes us to pray to show our concerns for things. When we are concerned, and we intervene, God uses his infinite resources and answers our prayers. Prayer really accomplishes a lot more than people often really think. Especially effective is praying a full chapter of the Tanakh over needs (the Hebrew Bible, aka Old Testament). The more you pray a chapter of scriptures over your various needs, the far more God is interested, because he delights in his sober and holy word to accomplish great things. Pray scriptures for great results in life.

Dear Friends 
If you are 40 or younger, your life isn't over yet. You still have enough years left ahead of you to do amazing things in life. The question is, do you want to? Could you be bothered? Or are you happy with the same old same old. There are no secrets in success - not really. It is about going off to a tertiary institute, working your 'ass' off, studying your brains out, going for broke to the best of your ability, gaining great qualifications, and seeing what life can offer you. The only secret is it is BLOODY HARD WORK, AND YOU HAVE TO STAY CONSTANTLY FOCUSED. Do you want to know a way to achieve MASTERY in a particular field of study? Find a quality reference book on the subject of at least a few hundred pages, and study it day and night, constantly, for 5 solid years. Read that baby at least 20 odd times, and probably more, master it absolutely completely, and you will have the core knowledge to have great success in your chosen field of endeavour. Find your reference text book - stick to it - never change your focus, and work your ass off in studying it. MASTER THE RUDDY THING. Then the world will open up for you.

Civil Guardians, a new idea and initiative of the Advancing Noah Movement, are citizens of their nations, who join others (in a minimum group of 10) with a lantern, and mobile phones, who patrol their suburbs of their cities they live in each night They work in 3 teams of 4 hour shifts, starting at 6 pm and going through to 6 am. They are not imbued with any legal status such as a police force, but are meant to be thoroughly trained in 'Citizen's arrest' which may be used as a last resort, and must perfectly comply with the law in all uses. Our object is to be a 'Night Watchman' for the suburb, and be a beacon of safety people can turn to for protection. We are vigilantes who carefully watch the suburb for any criminal activity, and all such activity is reported to the police, for we don't intervene in anything that we have no legal rights to do. We are very concerned with the law on such issues. The Advancing Noah Movement hopes to establish the 'Civil Guardian's' as a society worldwide for men, and brave women, who are committed to spending a shift of 4 hours in a group of 10, who can patrol their suburb or town for the time, to ensure safety and happiness for our citizens. If you have an interest in being such a civil guardian in your own suburb or town, please contact myself and we can discuss ideas of how we might go about establishing such a worldwide society. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly: Email:

The Advancing Noah Movement does NOT believe in Jesus' claim to be Christ (who we teach was the Jewish Governor Zerubbabel), in Mohammed or Islam's claim that Mohammed was a prophet, or that Bahaullah was a revealed Messenger of God.
HOWEVER, we do teach that these iconoclasts of religious faith WERE inspired and motivated - quite strongly - be belief in God and principles of religion and holiness, and that the crafting out of religion in their name is positive, acceptable, kosher and a good idea. I, personally, would call Christians 'Gospel Followers' instead of Christians (because he wasn't Christ), but there is no need to change the name of Islam or Bahai faith. In Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith we recognize these teachers and their teaching as acceptable also in our faith for teaching and application to life. They are welcome in our assemblies and their followers can find a communion of life with us, for we accept them and welcome them into fellowship with us. Fundamentally, our core belief of revelation is the Torah. In relation to our own religious teaching in the 'Rainbow Bible' and the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' we claim the same idea that they are religious teachings. We do make the claim that they are closer to the faith of God, because they are indeed based upon God's Noahide Covenant. But essentially we are religious teaching as well.


In the Gospel of John Jesus teaches his followers to 'Abide in Me'. Jesus is the vine, and by abiding in the vine you abide in Jesus life. The member of the Advancing Noah Movement have life. They have 'Original' life. That original life is the processing and application of the original knowledge - often original spiritual knowledge - that the founder and members of the Advancing Noah Movement have unearthed, claimed and owned. The legal civic process of copyright law - which in God's eyes is the law of ownership through having formulated and created such knowledge - has enabled the creation, foundation and inception of the Advancing Noah Movement of the Seven Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith, and because it is based on the Rainbow Torah as the root scripture, it is based on the core of mankind's covenant in relation to Almighty God, and is thus 'Kingdom of God' life and 'Kingdom of God' faith and 'Kingdom of God' truth. Like Jesus and his Gospel, the spiritual teachings in the Rainbow Bible and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, which is the Pseudepigrapha of the Advancing Noah Movement, are the spiritual 'Life' and the spiritual 'Vine' of the movement. So abiding in the vine, you abide in its life and spiritual vibrancy, community, knowledge and morality. Life outside an established vineyard of the Kingdom of God can be very difficult. Jesus is the life of his church, and when they finally work through their idolatrous issues relating to him, they will be even more firmly established in 'Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth' and 'Gospel Vineyard of the Kingdom of God'. But leaving the church - world whore babylon comes in, and unless you find another spiritual foundation very soon, your life can end in oblivion, destroyed by the temptations of sin. The Advancing Noah movement is also a vineyard of the Kingdom of God. And by abiding in the Vine, and abiding in the teaching and knowledge of the spirituality and life of our 'Noahide' vine in the Kingdom of God, you gain life eternal, prosperity eternal, and health and happiness eternal. But like what happens to Christians when they leave their vine and spiritual home, leaving ours, after you have settled and become established, opens you up to whore babylon, and the temptations of those sins, which most likely will inevitably lead to the oblivion of your soul.


About Australia

Head of State: Monarch of the British Commonwealth

Australian Designate: The Governor General, Australian representative of the British Monarch

Government; Constitutional Monarchy of the Commonwealth of Great Britain

Head of Parliament: Prime Minister

Type of Political Structure: Democracy

Major Political Parties: Labour (lef wing), Liberal (right wing), Greens, Palmer United Party, Family First, Australian Democrats, National Party

Official Language; English

Currency: Dollar & Cents – 100 cents makes 1 dollar.

Capital City: Canberra

Territorial Breakdown: States and Territories.

Population: About 23 million as of 6177 SC (2014 CE)

National Sports: Cricket, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer, Australian Rules Football, Basketball, Golf, Netball

Major Cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin, Newcastle, Wollongong, Gold Coast, Townsville, Cairns, Wagga Wagga, Launceston, Geelong

Major Religions: Catholicism, Anglicanism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestant Christianity, Evangelical Christian denominations, Pentecostal Christian denominations, Independent Christian denominations, Islam, Buddhism, Scientology, Judaism, Bahai, Hinduism & Wicca

Major Companies operating in Australia: Woolworths, Coles, McDonalds, Big W, Bluescope Steel, Public Service, KFC, Harvey Norman, Domayne, Bunnings Hardware, Aldi, Meyer, Westfield, Mitre 10, Magnet Mart, Hungry Jacks, Pizza Hut, Dominos Pizza, Bing Lee, Sanity Records, Impact Comics

Australian Animals

From 'Noahide World Information Database'

by Daniel Daly

Copyright 6177 sc

There are many types of animals which God created in the beginning. Animals which live on the land and animals which live in the waters and animals which fly in the sky, and animals which can do more than one of these. In Australia we have animals like the Kangaroo and the Wallaby. The Kangaroo comes in many varieties, and the national Rugby League side of Australia are called the Kangaroos while the national Rugby Union side of Australia is called the Wallabies. The Kangaroo has a long tail and gets around by jumping on its substantial legs. The Kangaroo is usually slightly larger than a wallaby. Australia also has an animal called the Platypus, a very unusual animal with a bill, but is not a bird. It is a monotreme. Australia has all sorts of animals such as the Emu, which is very similar to an ostrich, a flightless bird which runs around very fast. The Kangaroo and the Emu both feature on the Australian coat of arms, and the platypus features on the Australian 20 cent piece. There is also the echidna, or spiny ant eater, which is similar to a hedgehog in some ways. It's body is covered with spiny needle like points, which protect it. It is featured on the Australian 5 cent coin. The Kookaburra is an Australian bird which is very well known for its laughing sound that it makes. Australian aboriginal culture is full of all sorts of stories about Kookaburra's and Kangaroos and other animals. There are many deadly spiders in Australia, such as the funnel web spider, which you find in Sydney a lot, and the redback spider, which is also very poisonous. It also has very many dangerous snakes, such as the Queensland taipan, which is extremely poisonous. Magpies are common in Australia, we have an eagle called the wedge-tailed eagle, and there are crows, cockatoos and rainbow lorakeets which are extremely colourful. Australia, indeed, has a diverse arrange of wildlife, which fill a beautiful sunburnt country.

Australian Television

Australian Television includes the major TV networks of Australia, and the shows produced in Australia which feature on Television. Currently, Australia FREE to AIR TV has 5 major channels, Channel 10, Channel 9, Channel 7, SBS & ABC, and through the FREEVIEW network each of the channels has other subsidiary channels from the same TV Network which they run from their own company. For example, Gem and Go are owned by channel 9 and One and Eleven are owned by Channel 10. There are currently numerous free to air channels on Australian TV as of 6177 SC (2014 CE). Television is a system of Television sets purchased from stores throughout the land, which, when an aerial is connected to them, receive frequency waves which are attuned to being received by the Television Set. Australia currently has a digital network, replacing recently the traditional analog network, which is no longer running. Australian television shows programs from Australia, US & the UK predmoninantly, but SBS concentrates on many nations of the world, and each channel occasionally features programs from other nations and cultures apart from the big 3, including Canada, New Zealand and Ireland which don't have as strong a content showing on Australian TV as the UK, Australia and the US do. The major networks produce a lot of the television programs they show themselves, but equally many are produced by independent companies and contracted to be shown on the various channels. There are numerous international agreements between the Australia Television companies and other television companies from around the world to screen shows from their networks. The programs are meant to be for entertainment of the populace and cover a large array of subject fields, including News and Current Affairs, Dramas, Comedy, Sports & documentaries as well as Movies and Music, amongst others. It is free to air TV which costs nothing to watch, apart from the initial cost of the TV set and paying the electricity to power the TV set, which is a minimal cost. The programming is paid for via advertising from businesses and other organisations on the channels, with TV ads shown in 'Breaks' between programs and at the end of programs. Advertising is the fundamental way TV networks cover their costs, but ABC is funded by the Australian Government, and is a non-commercial entitty. Apart from free to air TV, there is also the pay tv networks, which required subscription costs to pay for the use of the networks. Pay tv networks traditionally have a much larger array of programming, especially on things like movies and music and sports. Television is a staple of most Australian households, but some households choose not to own a TV for various reasons, sometimes including religious reasons because of the suggested corrupting nature of many of the programs on youth and teens. Australian TV has TV guides, some published in newspaper and magazine formats, which tell you what is showing at what time throughout the week, as well as many of the newer tv sets having TV guides built in which are operated through the remote control. Australian TV reflects the Australian culture, and has been programming since about the 50s, ever increasing in shows and dynamics. It is a staple part of Australian society now, and one of the major avenues, along with the Internet and newspaper-magazine media and radio, of the communication of knowledge, information and news.

Board Games

Board Games are traditional games which children, adolescents and even adults play, often in groups amongst themselves, as families and even competitively in competitions. As the central idea implies, they usually use a 'Board' which is a sheet of cardboard (usually), which has a crease and can usually be folded in two, with elaborate designs on one side of the board, where the game takes place. Often one or more die are used in the game (dice are a fundamental part of many board games), the number of which determines how far along the board your marker moves. But it is not just marker based board games, which are things like Monopoly and Squatter and Snakes and Ladders and Trivial pursuit, but things like Scrabble, which is a game based on forming words, which the individual letters of have points associated with, putting them down on a grid and forming them in a crossword like pattern. Chess is not so much a scoring game, but a strategy game involving a set of two player with various pieces of different moving styles, which are also set up on a grid, an 8 by 8 one, of alternating two tone colours. Chess is probably the biggest of world board games, and one of the most complex and challenging. Risk is a board game now gradually becoming popular, which is a dice game were players try and conquer the world or various missions on a board which has the map of the world divided up into various provinces, and pieces with different values which determine the strength of the armies. Draughts or checkers is a much simpler idea than chess, with just the standard set of pieces arrayed against the other, moving a step at a time in a diagonal fashion. Modern culture of the 20th and 21st centuries has seen a plethora of new board games released, very often using similar themes of other board games, especially use of the dice, and often a board game is released to coincide with a particular cultural product which has become popular at any particular time of an era. In many ways video games replaced a large chunk of children's playing time on board games, as has internet tablets, which so many children now have for themselves, and traditional board games are far less in vogue than they were just 50 years ago. But they still endure in the 21st century, and many people still enjoy playing them a great deal.

A CHESS BOARD (Also used for checkers/draughts).

The startup position of the pieces. Usually called white pieces versus black pieces. In the normal grid, the bottom right hand square must always be a white square. Queen is always placed on her own colour for both sides.

Rules of Chess (Basic)

K = King

Q = Queen

B = Bishop

Kn = Knight

R = Rook

P = Pawn


King. One square at a time in any direction.

Queen. As many squares at a time as she wants, but only horizontally or diagonally, in any direction, forwards or backwards.

Bishop. As many squares diagonally as he likes, forwards or backwards.

Knight. May only move in an L shape. 2 moves forward or sideways or backwards in one direction, and then one move either side of that square, either forwards or backwards.

Rook. An many squared horizontally or vertically as he likes, either forwards or backwards.

Pawn. One square at a time forwards only – can't move back. May moved 2 squares on the first move only of each pawn if he chooses to. If the pawn reaches the end of its column to the other side, it may be promoted to any piece, apart from a King or Pawn, that it chooses.


Capture the other sides King. When their king cannot move without moving into check, and is in a position where you can take him (is currently in check) then it is checkmate, and the game ends. If a King cannot move, and is not in check, and no other piece on his side is available to move, it is a stalemate. The state of check is when the opposing team can capture your king on its next move.

Capturing a piece.

Any piece can take any other piece by moving to its square if it is a legal move. You can not jump over pieces. The Pawns usually only take diagonally, but 'En Passant' means a pawn can take another pawn which has used the two move rule for its first move, and normally avoided being taken by a close pawn, and the double square move is treated if it is still just one square that it has moved. A player doesn't have to use the En Passant move if it doesn't want to, but once he declines the option, it can not be done on a subsequent move.

Bon Jovi

Articles prepared by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. Copyright Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 6177/6178sc and Copyright Noahide World Information Database

John Francis Bongiovi was born in New Jersey back in the day. Mid 20th century some time. In the 70s he was starting to learn music. In 1980, his first official recording was for a Star Wars Christmas record with the song 'R2 D2 We wish you a Merry Christmas' about the droid R2 D2. It's an ok sort of song, I guess, but not exactly the riveting rock and roll magic which was to soon follow. He worked at the 'Power Station' music recording studio for a while, and recorded some early music, which was later on, after Bon Jovi had become huge, released as the 'Power Station Recordings' by John Bongiovi (Not Jon Bon Jovi). The first single release of Bon Jovi was 'Runaway' which was recorded with the Bon Jovi All Stars, which included Hugh McDonald on it, the bass player for the band later on after Alec John Such left. But the video for the single was with all the first 5 members of Bon Jovi, lead singer 'Jon Bon Jovi', Guitarist 'Richie Sambora', Bass Player 'Alec John Such', Keyboardist 'David Rashbaum – who changed his name to David Bryan' and Drummer 'Tico Torres.' It was a moderate hit in the US, and the first album self titled 'Bon Jovi' contained also the second single 'She Don't Know Me' which was also of moderate success. The album itself established the band as an up and coming rock and roll band from New Jersey (in the United States of America on the East Coast), and the second album '7800° Fahrenheit' established them as an up and coming band of decent reputation. The second album had 4 singles, but an extra one 'The Price of Love' was released in Japan only. Fahrenheit had been released in 1985, just a year after the first album had been release, yet it was the third blockbuster from the band, released in 1986, which spawned 2 number one singles on the US Charts, 'You give love a bad name' which was number one for a week and 'Living on a Prayer' (still just about their biggest hit, apart from perhaps 'It's my life'), which charted at the top slot for 4 weeks. Living on a prayer was a huge fan request on MTV (the music tv pay tv channel), and the album 'Slippery When Wet' went on to be a multi-million seller, achieving in time 'Diamond status' in the US which denoted 10 million album sales. The album had 4 singles, plus a video promo for the song 'Wild in the Streets'. The fourth album of the 1980s, released in 1988 was 'New Jersey', named after the band's home town, and it also contained 2 number ones, 'Bad Medicine' and 'I'll be there for you', alongside the other 3 singles from the album, and one promo video for 'Blood on Blood'. Video compilations for the band had been released on video cassette in the 1980s, which included 'Breakout', just the vides from the first 2 albums, 'Slippery When Wet' which contained the videos and footage of the band from various times in their lives, the same structure for the 'New Jersey' video cassette. New Jersey was a multi-million seller in the world, but hasn't quite lived up to the success of sales of Slippery When Wet. Bon Jovi's music was hard rock type of music, yet the sound in the band on later albums tended more towards a traditional 'Rock' sound. Early on they were linked in with the heavy metal scene quite a bit, but this diminished as their career progressed. As of today they have released 12 studio albums and a number of other types of compilations, some of original music also as well as greatest hits and live albums. They have, since the 1980s, remained consistently popular in the music scene, still gaining number one albums with new releases, and on the live tour scene are one of the highest grossing bands of the current era. In the 1980s Bon Jovi also released non-album tracks including 'Borderline' which was released in 1986 in Japan only, being track 2 on the A Side of the Borderline EP (which had Living on a prayer as track 1 on the A side). Edge of a Broken Heart was released on the 'Disorderlies' movie soundtrack, and 'Love is War' was released on the B side of the 'Living in Sin' single. Rare releases also include the 'Red Hot and 2 Parts Live' EP, which has a long version of 'In and Out of Love' live on on it, with an excellent intro guitar work done by Richie Sambora. The Burning for Love EP is also a hard to get release. Even 'Let it Rock' was released on a UK promo record, and these rarities can be found online through a websearch, usually available from various online record stores. Consulting the wikipedia article on the Bon Jovi discography is a good way to get a picture of most of the Bon Jovi releases, including rarities. There are also a plethora of live bootleg albums which can be found online, and the 'Hidden Treasures' and 'Hidden Treasures 2' albums are really worth tracking down if you are a diehard Bon Jovi fan. I'm pretty sure it is Hidden Treasures 2 (which I think was an Italian release) which contains the then unreleased songs from the original Bon Jovi sessions for the album 'New Jersey' when it was originally planned for the album to be a double album. If you really want those songs, though, they are available on the recently released 'Bon Jovi – New Jersey' Deluxe edition CD, which also features Love is War on disc 1. There are numerous b sides (the songs released on singles releases) from Bon Jovi which do not feature on the regular album, and a huge number of these can be found on the 4 disc compilation album '100 Million Bon Jovi fans can't be wrong', which also has 'Edge of a Broken Heart' on one of the discs. '100 Million Bon Jovi Fan's Can't Be Wrong' is easily enough available currently online. Edge of a broken heart is also found on the 'Always' CD single, which was a prom song from the first greatest hits compilation album 'Crossroads'. (Technically, though, the Australian Only Release 'Hard & Hot' precedes Crossroads as a compilation album, containing songs from the first 3 Bon Jovi albums.

Bon Jovi Studio Albums Discography as of 6178 sc / 2015 ce/ad:

Bon Jovi

7800 Fahrenheit

Slippery When Wet

New Jersey

Keep the Faith

These Days



Have a Nice Day

Lost Highway

The Circle

What About Now

Bon Jovi: 7800 Degrees Fahrenheit – Album & Song Reviews

I have been listening to this album on and off since about 1987/1988 and these days I like it more than ever.  It certainly doesn't have the commercial polish of Slippery When Wet or New Jersey, but it's minor key sounds and the intensity of it lyrically and emotionally - his heart burns through here with intense passion - have made this album a growing favourite of mine and will possibly end up my favourite Bon Jovi album.  It is one of those albums which genuinely improves with age, especially over a long listening life when your musical knowledge and appreciation has increased, and this is one hell of a album from the Jovi as far as I am concerned.

REVIEW OF BON JOVI'S SONG "SECRET DREAMS" FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: I thought I'd write a review for the Bon Jovi song 'Secret Dreams' from their 2nd album 7800' Fahrenheit. The songwriters were Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Tico Torres and B Grabowski. This is still the only Bon Jovi song which features Tico (the drummer for the band) as a songwriter with a credit. Tico does sing on a track on 100,000,000 Bon Jovi fans can't be wrong, but is not given to songwriting by the looks of it. The song is about unbridled passion and desire of a lover for his woman. Yet the only place he finds this lover, is in his dreams. It is a longing of the heart, and soul, very desperate 'I've got to get to you' for example from the song, in which he is anxious in his heart to win the woman he loves - or perhaps, desires. He falls, every night, when he wakes from his dreams, and loses the intimate love he has with his obsession. The real world pervades which he falls back into, but he fantasises that he will meet his woman face to face one day and 'We won't lose' when he does meet her. Potentially, because the lady is just a lady of his dreams, she could be a pop star or actress or some other out of reach celebrity, which is in the heart of his dreams, and he fantasizes about meeting her eg 'We won't lose when we meet face to face', but the only time he ever really does do so is in his 'Secret Dreams'. And, perhaps, he is also just a secret admirer of hers, because it is secret dreams, which nobody can know about. The lyrical passion is intense in this song, and it is a great way to finish off 7800 - the melting point of rock. The song itself is catchy and genuine hard rock and roll, but it is not quite up to single status for the time period. Other tracks on the album had a greater warrant for their inclusion as the singles. But its a great Bon Jovi song, apparently one which has never really been played live since the 1980s, as the band have a rather lesser view of the songs on 7800 than the rest of their catalogue. I love the track, and Secret Dreams will be one of my faves for a long time to come. 10 out of 10. Daniel Daly.

REVIEW OF BON JOVI'S SONG "KING OF THE MOUNTAIN" FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: I have decided to review individually the songs from Bon Jovi's second album 7800' Fahrenheit - one at a time. I have no particular order of review, the first song reviewed being Secret Dreams, and now 'King of the Mountain' being the second. 'King of the Mountain' was written by the most popular Bon Jovi songwriting collaborators of Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora. So many of their big hits are co-written by this team, often with Desmond Child who brings that 'Touch' to some of their smash hits. The message of the song is to challenge authority in a sense, rise up against the working 'Boss Man' who oppresses you in your hard working conditions, find a time to rise up and 'Rock and Roll' and be King of the Mountain on a night were the 'Magic in the air makes you come alive.' And the victory of the night is when you become 'King of the Mountain', undefeated. It is obviously a message of hope and perseverance, and shows so much of the spirit of 'Rock and Roll' liberation songs, which defend a persons right to have a good time, party and forget about all the troubles of life. Personally, I feel the song is a little bit of a departure by Bon Jovi from the sound of the first album and the sound of the second album in general. It has a strong bass riff, not overly used in Bon Jovi songs, and stands out with a different sound and feel to it from the rest of the album. It's like the odd one out in a way. At first, when I got this album on cassette back in about 1987/1988/1989, I had always felt King of the Mountain was a little bit of a poorer track from Bon Jovi, yet at this time of life I was more moved by Hard Rock's commercial edge in its melodious glories like 'Panama' from Van Halen, and 'Nothing But a Good time' from Poison, and felt that a more, I guess, alternative sounding rock song was just not what I was looking for. Back then, it had to have a commercial slickness to it, or I wasn't terribly interested. That mindset stayed with me a very long time, and really still influences my CD purchasing habits (I usually look for catchy songs), but recently I spent a lot of time listening to 'King of the Mountain' on youtube, just to get used to the song, and it has started winning me. It's sort of like that with a lot of music, actually. When you start to become very familiar with it, you can start enjoying it more. Some people probably really enjoy King of the Mountain a lot. For me it took a while. But watching a live performance of the song the other day on Youtube I was starting to 'Get it', and could identify somewhat to Jon's happiness as he bopped around on stage singing one of his gems. After a while (from my perspective) King of the Mountain DOES grow on you if you persevere with it. Some might get the connection straight away. Some may pass it off as mundane. But for some of us, its not an instant classic, but one which sneaks up on you over time and says 'I'm a great song. Give me a chance.' Like the rest of Fahrenheit, I love the music now, and am a big fan of this era of Hard Rock Glory. The song gets about 8 out of 10 at this stage, but that might change one day. Who knows. Daniel

REVIEW OF THE BON JOVI SONG 'ALWAYS RUN TO YOU' FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: This is my third review of songs from 7800' Fahrenheit by Bon Jovi. (The prior 2 were: 1) Secret Dreams & 2) King of the Mountain). I am reviewing the entire album song by song in an order I have now chosen myself. This song, 'Always Run to You' is from the songwriting team of Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora, perhaps the most common songwriting credit throughout Bon Jovi albums, perhaps apart from Jon solo. This figure of lust that Jon (I guess) is after, is perhaps again the Secret Dream desire of his from 'Secret Dreams'. The line 'And when Morning Comes and I go to sleep When I close my eyes she's waiting for me', echoes similar ideas to the figure of Secret Dreams obsessed over, so that perhaps this is a lady who Jon can always Run To in his dreams, a lady of strength who can be a sanctuary for Jon who has a 'Heart of Chrome and a Soul of Steel'. But therein is some of the interesting aspects of who this song represents in a way. 'A Heart of Chrome and a Soul of Steel.' It becomes even more obvious with lyrics like 'We've done more white lines' and 'Any road that you choose'. It is Jon's fascination with a 'Destination Anywhere', the title of his second solo album, as well as his 'Lost Highway', the Bon Jovi album from the 00s, which shows, essentially, Jon's desire to hit the road in an automobile '(ie heart of chrome soul of steel)' when he is 'Out on the streets again'. It is more than his love of his secret dreams, it is the Road of Adventure, the 'Destination Anywhere' the 'Lost Highway' of his heart, which Jon and Richie are teaching here, the spirit of getting away from it all and 'Running to the one which will give him freedom always. ie I can ALWAYS run to you. It is escapism from the harsher realities of the city life, and it is one of the loves of the heart of Bon Jovi. And, perhaps that love of the open road, is why he wants to be a cowboy so badly, and find the freedom of the frontier and the 'Getaway' for his soul from the tough world of desperate New Jersey nights. Musically, the song is another of 7800's fine rock songs, but while it could have been a single perhaps, there were more favourable choices on the album to promote. It is a song of escapism and hope in a trusted sanctuary, and its pure and great rock and roll, and another of the true classics this album has to offer the discerning rock and roll audience. 8 out of 10. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

REVIEW OF THE BON JOVI SONG '(I DON'T WANNA FALL) TO THE FIRE' FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: This is now my fourth review of tracks from 7800' Fahrenheit by Bon Jovi. (The previous 3 were 1) Secret Dreams, 2) King of the Mountain & 3) Always Run to You. You can find those reviews easily here on youtube by going to the various songs from 7800 individually on youtube. They are also at . ) 7800' Fahrenheit came out in 1985, a year in which Hard Rock was really starting to come into its own. The second half of the 1980s saw some of the best Hard Rock/Hair metal albums of all time released, and this album from Bon Jovi was one of those early front runners which offered a taste of the glory to come from the 1986 epic 'Slippery When Wet'. But 7800 stands on its own terms and, in the end, its own fanbase. True, way back then in 1985 I owned one cassette tape - an Australiana collection of Songs which I had gotten for a birthday or perhaps christmas present some time, and a very simple tape player. That was about the total limit of my music collection, as at 12/13 I hadn't really gotten into collecting any music yet. I did watch video hits a bit, and was familiar with the big acts like Dire Straits and Madonna and Genesis and Billy Idol and Cyndi Lauper and especially Michael Jackson, and while I listened on mum's radio a fair bit, buying albums was not yet 1) affordable or 2) something I could really be concerned at all about anyway. The first album I ever owned through my own purchase was 'Serious Fun' by 'The Firm' a novelty album. But, to be fair, around that time a bestie had given me a dubbed copy of 'Slippery When Wet', which was my first rock album ever owned, and I listened to it constantly. I bought the cassette some time later brand new, and the earlier albums of Bon Jovi and 7800' Fahrenheit were purchased quite quickly as well. For me, rock and roll, for the most part, started with Bon Jovi. Thus, in 1985, I was not yet familiar with Bon Jovi, even though they had charted on various charts around the world, even in Australia, and the album and the band WERE a known thing. It's strange - many people's first memories of Bon Jovi will be 'Livin on a Prayer' which started the ginormous run of success the band had and continues to have but, in all fairness, they have an older and perhaps more loyal fanbase, than the ones who came with Slippery, for they sold albums before they hit the real big time, and there are dedicated Fahrenheiters out there, I would say, who still remember the original Bon Jovi before the big rush. I don't wanna fall to the fire is solid rock and roll on an album full of solid rock and roll tracks. The message, to me, seems one which sits in the heart of Bon Jovi's Faith - his catholic upbringing. The lines 'We would take no prisoners cause there was nobody giving in' speaks of his belief in a church which is embracing the authority of the world - (ie Society) - a society which Jon says, if you join, the heart of your innocence dies. This is a confronting reality for many of the christians of the modern era. Balancing the desire to remain faithful to Jesus who saves them - ie in the song itself Jon cries out to his lord 'Can you help me hear me call can you save me from it all' - and the reality that with his birth into the realm of Led Zepplins' 'Rock and Roll', he has emerged into a new world, the United States of Rock in many ways, but more than that, mainstream USA, with its liberal views and permissive lifestyle choices at his beck and call, from which he is crying out for deliverance, for he doesn't want to fall down to that 'FIRE' (of hell). To me, the church became society a long time ago. Caesar took care of that. Yet Jon wants to remain pure to the Kingdom of God and not give into the temptations of Babylon he sees in his treasured US of A. The question remains to his Lord - Can you Save Me From It All???? I guess with 'AMEN' we got our answer - Jon has risen above and kept his faith, and Bon Jovi did n't end up just a Hair Metal S,D&R&R band in the end. They became more than that. It's a great track, and it has a feel of other parts of the album on it, and is part of the 7800' Fahreneheit sound. Potentially a single if they had chosen it, but I think they got the choices for that mostly right in the end anyway. 8 out of 10. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

REVIEW OF THE BON JOVI SONG 'THE PRICE OF LOVE' FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: In the end, there were 5 singles released from 7800' Fahrenheit. This might make some people question who have seen the videos for the album, but 'The Price of Love' was indeed released as a single without a video - IN JAPAN ONLY. I have a copy of the 7 inch glory, and you can still track down a decent copy online if you are willing to go search for it and pay the bucks. The Price of Love was written by Jon Bon Jovi solo, as quite a lot of the Bon Jovi songs were and are. Often Jon is all that is required for a genuine hit, as he has had plenty of great songs written by his pen alone, and this is another genuine release from the second Bon Jovi album. 'Practicing his love lies he runs to his wife'. The Price of love, obviously, is one of betrayal of the fidelity of marriage. This is a song of the risks the adulterer takes in finding that love and romance, indeed the one who takes that chance as the master of romance. It is about the 'Game' were there is no real time to consider what you are doing 'No time to wonder why' and the wife, holding the knife has 'Nobody to hear her cry'. It's a very striking image of the lusts in life, particularly prevalent then in the mid 1980s, when the adulterous affair was something everyone seemed to know about a couple, indulging in those forbidden sins. Flash forward 30 years and 'Cheaters' is common as muck - a song which was a sign of its time, but which has become oh so the trend in so many marriages which have thrown the idea of life long fidelity to a partner out the window. In a way, it shows the innocence of the age, and how 30 years later the moralists and free livving sinners have drifted that much further apart, that much more of a contrast in the lives of people who have a free spirit, compared to those they think are indoctrinated by parents, priests and pastors - the religious elite. The Price of Love remains an eternally relevant song for those who have convictions of fidelity to a marriage partner, and shows the 'Rush' involved when you take those steps, but also the pain it can cause as well. Musically its a great rock song, and good enough for Japanese release as a single. A video in the theme of the others from this album would have been great, but financial and time constraints at that time made it a no goer. But its a great rock song, full of passion and life, one of the hits from 7800' Fahrenheit, and I give it 9 out of 10. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

REVIEW OF THE BON JOVI SONG 'THE HARDEST PART IS THE NIGHT' FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: (This is my sixth review of songs from 7800' Fahreneheit, and the prior five reviewed in order were 1) Secret Dreams, 2) King of the Mountain, 3) Always Run to You, 4) (I Don't Wanna Fall) To the Fire, & 5) The Price of Love. These reviews can be read on youtube by searching for each of these songs by Bon Jovi individually and reading the comments section, or you can find them all at ). The Hardest Part is the Night has a live video which is featured in the video cassette compilation tape 'Breakout' which has the 6 videos from the first two albums. I first saw these songs on 'Breakout' back in the 1980s when a schoolfriend lent me his copy of the tape. I got my own copy some time later. The song was written by Jon Bon Jovi and David Bryan, which is, in a way, the other songwriting team for quite a number of Bon Jovi classics. Everyone knows about the big hits from Jon and Richie, but a smash like 'In these Arms' from Keep the Faith was the heart of David Bryan's brilliance. And that songwriting talent worked with Jon to produce this particular hit also. The message of the song is straight forward enough in a simple way - the hardest part is getting through the night. But this message, on closer scrutiny, shows why this album from Bon Jovi does represent the spirit of latter albums like Keep the Faith and These Days as well. It is very simply a song of those living on the streets of Jersey, or whatever city you choose, the homeless, the disaffected, the mentally unwell, the runaways, who find, in the cold world they live in, that really, the hardest part is the night. For example, the line 'All alone in a place where the lonely, they all have to walk through the rain,' speaks of the harsh realities of the natural elements which homeless people endure, and the following lines of 'And they dance on the edge where you only only pray that is has to end' is were they live on the edges of your city, where, when someone from the sheltered and protected world Jon is singing to, the rest of the, the lucky ones, would pray that if we were in that situation it would just end already. It is a prayer for the disaffected, the outcast from society. Perhaps the toughest message is the stark truth of 'You lose at life it ain't no game.' A number of the songs from 7800 tackle moral issues, and have a moral heart, and this one is one which addresses those who are the less fortunate in life, those on the edge of the city who, when they cry out, they cry out in the hardest part of it all - the night. It's a great rock and roll song musically, and has all the skill and musical expertise the young band had developed in their years of training, and has stood the test of time as a continued hit for the band, if not as mega and imposing as some of the other major's from the big albums. Like some of the other tracks on the album, it has a 7800' feel to it - it fits with the sound of the album, and deserves its place, deserves its single status, and is simply just a great rock and roll song which people should indeed check out. 9 out of 10. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

REVIEW OF THE BON JOVI SONG 'ONLY LONELY' FROM THE ALBUM 7800' FAHRENHEIT. REVIEW BY DANIEL THOMAS ANDREW DALY: (This is my seventh review of songs from 7800' Fahreneheit, and the prior six reviewed in order were 1) Secret Dreams, 2) King of the Mountain, 3) Always Run to You, 4) (I Don't Wanna Fall) To the Fire, 5) The Price of Love & 6) The Hardest Part is the Night. It's obviously Rocky himself. Obviously. As he is out there, running along the streets of Philadelphia, that famous anthem playing, you hear it in every part of it. Only lonely was, as the whole 7800 album was, recorded at the Warehouse in Philadelphia, the same hometown for the Rocky movies. And the spirit of Philadelphia and Rocky runs all throughout this song, as it does throughout the album to a degree. But more than that – it is a hero's song and, again, more than that – heroes song. The video has all 5 members battling crime elements, for the heart of a lady, and the passion and intensity of that video, in my own opinion, could be reconstructed into its own movie as well, such being the strength of the storyline of the video. Only Lonely was one of the singles of Fahrenheit, and while, like the other singles, failed to reach any dizzying heights of chart success, it mattered not. It was a competitor from an emerging bunch of rockers, full of passion, full of life, and with an edge which suits the panache and style we know so well in the bois from joisey. It is hard rock in many ways as, at that time, rock and roll was usually a bit softer a sound than its current 2015 proteges. Even pop today has an edge which might have practically been called hard rock back in the day. Things have progressed in music – not so much heavier, really – but more passionate – more intense – more competitive. So, in that sense, this song, in its day, with its obvious rock and roll upbeat style which we would call it in this day and age, was hard rock back then and Bon Jovi were linked into the heavy metal scene somewhat, with shows at big metal fests. Today, is it dated? Has only lonely softened and gone off to the wellpool of long forgotten hits which no longer give out that buzz the modern music listener so much craves. Not entirely. In fact, listening to an Iron Maiden track from the 80s the other day, I sort of feel that this area of 80s music – passionate hard rock/metal – has the kind of musicality in it that has the potential of genuine chart success in terms of top 40 popularity today. Music has grown in passion, so the heavy stuff from years ago, which only the devil's own were often associated as to the listening of, is practically mainstream today. Or maybe that is one soul's personal observation. Only lonely holds up. It's not dated yet, nor is the album in any great respect and, if in time, it manages to exude that magical quality of musical excellence which has kept the likes of Mozart and Beethoven in vogue for centuries, then the glories of Bon Jovi's second platter will be played and loved for years to come yet. I love the passion of the track most of all and, apart from that, it is a genuine enough early hit from the band. It's strong, musical and likeable. The video compliments the song greatly and, something I have noticed about the album in recent plays even more, the more you listen to 7800 over a long time, the more and more you actually start liking the album. It is really one of those classics, which has genuine quality, which can continue to grow on you with repeated listens. There are bigger Bon Jovi anthems and, true, the heyday of the album I suppose has come and gone, but Only Lonely has that simple class of a classic rock track and, for lovers of fine music and cool rock and roll, it's sill one worth putting on the turntable, or into the tape or CD drive, and enjoy for a while yet. 9 out of 10.


Books are pressings of paper with information on them, collected together into a single volume, with a cover binding holding it together in place permanently, so that each page of the book is permanently in place and can be turned over, one page and then then next, so that the entire book can be read, the pages remaining fastened to the inner binding or spine of the book. The information conveyed in books is a wide variety of information, on practically every subject under the sun. You name it, it has probably been written down in a book. Books can be of fiction or non-fiction. Fiction books are 'Invented' books were the author or authors are making up a story conceived from their own imagination, and this 'story' has been published in a book. The author has usually gone through an agent which refers the book to a book publisher which is called a submission. If the book publisher likes the book, they may agree to a publishing deal. If they do, a certain number of books, usually judged on market estimations of how well the book will sell, are prescribed for printing. The printers, who are not necessarily even part of the publishing company, will print the book to the number of copies asked for. These are then marketed through distributors, which are usually booksellers. Popular best selling books of the 20th century include 'The Lord of the Rings', 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and 'Patriot Games', amongst a plethora of books published in the century. Apart from fiction books there are non-fiction books, which are books written on factual things in society. Libraries house books on both fiction and non-fiction, and the library catalogue is a good place to understand the broad subjects of non-fiction books published. Books can be quite expensive, and very affordable on new purchase, and after time some can be very collectable in the collectors second hand market, depending on demand for early printings of the book. Books have words usually, bot often pictures as well, both diagrams, black and white photos and colour pictures also (which was not a feature in the earliest books, apart from artists works). Books tended to flow on from earlier types of record keepings, which were usually scrolls or papyrus, which were similar to the paper used in books, but kept rolled up instead. The Torah Scroll is still a feature of modern synagogue usage.

Checklists for Comics

Regular comics usually have issue numbers. The issue number starts at number one (sometimes number zero), and ascends numerically one issue number at at time corresponding to each chronologically released issue. Standard comics from DC Comics and Marvel comics usually come out one issue every 4 weeks, sometimes one issue every month. Recording your collected issue numbers on a piece of paper forms a checklist. If you are collecting an older series of comics from a completed or finished series, and are buying back issues (back issues are older comics which have been released in the past), having a checklist with the issue numbers you already own is an easy way to see the issue numbers you still need to complete your collection. By persisting and persevering with back issue collecting from older series and ticking off the issue numbers as you go, in time you can complete the series. This allows you to enjoy reading the full collection without any interruptions in the issue you might not have, thus maximising comic reading enjoyment. Of course, you can keep your records of older issues in a notebook, or even on a computer database or word processing file. But not only comics, but bulletins, newspapers, magazines and so on - anything which has a numbered or monthly indicated issue, can be solidly and reliably collected by recording the details of the issue numbers.

Clocks, Time and the Measuring of the Days

Clocks are time devices. Time devices are things which measure time. Time is the passing of the moments, the passing of life, the passing of the passages of activity of the universe. The space in which everything happens from day to day. Each day, in the biblical sense, is composed of evening and then morning, the day. Modern 21st century society divides the day up into 24 equal periods called 'Hours'. Further, these individual hours are broken up into individual equal bits called minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour. Further still, each minute is broken up, again, into 60 individual bits called seconds. So there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day. Of course, there are 7 days in a week, and approximately 52 weeks per year. 365 days per year, or 366 days every 4 years, which we call a 'Leap Year'. We also use 'Months'. The 12 months we use are, from the beginning of the year to the end in chronological order, January with 31 days, February with 28 days, but with 29 days in the leap year, the one exception, March with 31 days, April with 30 days, May with 31 days, June with 30 days, July with 31 days, August with 31 days, September with 30 days, October with 31 Days, November with 30 days and December with 31 days, totally 365 days, or 366 days in a leap year. A year is how long it takes for the Earth to go around the sun. The year has Summer (in Australia the months of December, January and February – the hottest season), Autumn (in Australia the months of March, April and May, a moderate season when the leaves start to fall), Winter (in Australia the months of June, July and August, the coldest season of the year) and Spring (In Australia the months of September, October and November, when everything is new again). A clock is a mechanical device which is made using springs and cogs, which click over with 'tics', often measuring seconds also in some clocks, but usually just the minutes and hours. Clocks are usually based on the 12 hours of each half of the day. They are numbered from 12 at the top of the clock face – a circle usually – and go around the clock face, going rightwards to start with, with evenly spaced numbers going first to 1 O'Clock and then 2 O'Clock, all the way around back to 12 O'Clock. 1 PM to 12 PM is from 1 O Clock just after Midday (which is 12 AM), to 12 O'Clock at Midnight. And then from 1 AM to 12 AM at Midday, the middle of the waking day. Every hour is of course even in time. You also have electronic digital clocks, which can use a clock face, but are usually represented with this sort of time '12:45' which is 45 minutes past 12 O'Clock. Wether it is AM or PM is often also indicated on a digital clock, but is not on the standard 12 hour regular mechanical clock. Of course, clocks have been made of differing number of hours, often for use in science and for collectors and so on. Apart from clocks, an hourglass is a way of measuring the hours of the day, and a sundial is also another way of telling the time, both of those being ancient time devices. You can also, especially with experience, tell the approximate time of the day by just looking at the positioning of the sun and moon throughout the day, and noting the day of the year in the seasons. Very experienced souls can likely tell the time reasonably well from that. Time is absolutely essential to the running of the worlds Commerce and Schooling and other industries in our current society, and jobs are very often based for the pay on how much time is worked each day. Schedules, meeting times, bus schedules and train schedules and so on are all based upon the time of the day for when their services operate. In fact the 24 hour day is absolutely fundamental to the current smooth running of the world. What on earth would we do without our clocks? God only knows.

Commodore 64

The Commodore 64 was a computer produced by Commodore International in the early 1980s. It was an early example of a PC or Personal Computer. It was one of the mainstays of personal computing of the 1980s internationally, a very popular computer with a large array of programs, primarily games, associated with it. It also allowed printers to be used with it. Games were run via a tapedrive which was connected to the computer by a plug-in cord, as well as disk drives and cartridges which were plugged straight into the PC. Joysticks were the most common way of playing games, and 2 joystick ports were part of the computer. You could also connect specialised monitors to the PC, but many simply ran them through their television sets. The capabilities of the C64 were pushed to a fair degree, and by the end of its era it had spawned thousands of video games, and magazines and had become a bit of a cult classic. Even connecting to the internet of its day was a capability of the C64 through a modem, and there are even rare hard drives for the C64 which plug into it, which can store a great deal of permanent memory for the C64. Technically, its capabilities could indeed still be exploited in time, and with the strength of a latter game like 'Mayhem in Monsterland' which was one of the only games to ever receive a 100% rating, whose graphics were quite outstanding for the machine, further games for the C64 of practically endless designs could still be created. There is no real reason the system itself has to go out of vogue, despite there being far more complex computers and gaming systems. But the tradition it offers as well as the variety of programs and games already associated with the PC make it a classic of the ages.

Exploiting the C64's capabilities

Firstly, I would invent a single joypad similar to a Nintendo 64 or Playstation designed joypad, and have a cord which, at the end, plugs into both of the joystick ports. One of the weaknesses of the original joysticks was only one button. But a single joypad, with two buttons and two direction capabilities, via using the two ports to control a single 'avatar' on screen greatly enhances the capabilities of the C64. Further, a more advanced use of cartridges and hard drives would be ideal, and exploiting the graphics capabilities more akin with advanced games, indeed such as Mayhem in Monsterland. The whole point, though, with the C64 is to use the machine with its capabilities. If you want to progress you simply go off to another more advanced PC or video gaming system, but for 'Purist 64ers' the whole point and ethic is to work within the ethos and capabilities of the machine itself and 'make it cool with what it already has'. Further, the traditional 'Paddle' associated with the game could likewise be utilized with a joypad and also using the direction of the joystick, further exploit the capabilities of the C64. But, as said, if you want more complex, go to another machine – the whole point of C64 purism is to remain true to the core PC itself and work with the capabilities it already has. Naturally, online options could be very good for potential multi-game competitions.

Some Classic Game titles of the C64

Great Giana Sisters

Buggy Boy

Ikari Warriors



International Karate +

Rainbow Islands

Head over Heels

Super Sprint


Ultima IV

Defending the Crown



Ruff n Reddy


The Last Ninja



Mayhem in Monsterland

Solomon's Keys

Boulder Dash

The Great Escape



Cooma & Berridale

From 'Noahide World Information Database'

by Daniel Daly

Copyright 6177 sc

Cooma is a township in New South Wales, the oldest state of Australia. It is situated in the south east of New South Wales, about 100 odd kilometres from the coast. Cooma is known as the gateway to the Snowy Mountains. It is ideal in many ways as it is close to the city (Canberra) the coast, and the Snow, so that summer and winter vacations and city getaways are a very real thing for residents of Cooma. The oldest part of Cooma is the Lambie street district in the west of the town. It has many pubs, as well as the Cooma Ex-Serviceman's club, a popular venue for eating out. Centennial park is in the centre of town, which has a famous statue of the Man from Snowy River, as well as the flags of the nations and a run of mosasics alongside the flags. There are markets which are held at Centennial park from time to time, and it also has a amphitheatre were drama and music can be performed. There are a healthy number of shops in Cooma, and it has most of what you need for a regular life. The mainstream churches are represented well, and there are several sporting grounds for football and cricket. There is a squash court, tennis courts and it also has its own cinema complex. There are numerous places to stay in town, and staying at pubs is quite common as well. The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) is a large part of Cooma's work, and there is a Defence Call Centre in Cooma. Nanny Goat hill is in the centre of town, famous for its excellent views and statue of a nanny goat. Cooma has its own public pool, which is now sheltered, but open on its sides. There are a number of places to hire skis in town, which gets a lot of activity from Canberra and Sydney and the region in the snow season. Cafes serve traditional Australian food, and hamburgers, chips and pizza are very popular in the town. There are also oriental eating establishments. Cooma has the Catholic and Public schooling systems available to it, as well as a Christian schooling system. The annual Cooma show plays a big part in the entertainment life of the town, and it usually closes with a spectacular fireworks display.

Berridale is 20 miles to the west of Cooma, nearer the snow, and is a much smaller village. It is a quiet and sleepy town, with more basic features. Very pretty, and a good place to live for a far more sedate lifestyle. There is a pub in Berridale, shops with cafe, and a post office. Berridale is a unique Aussie village in very many traditional ways, and is a safe and happy place to live.

Dan's Stand up

You know, I'm an ole pommy from way back. All of 3 bloody months, or thereabouts, living in England, as a wee little one, then back to Australia with mum and Dad, returning from grandmas, to live in Berridale. But fuckit, the patriotism rose up in me, and I supported the English all my life in sports, and didn't give a damn about the aussies. And then I became a citizen - to join the public service. Legal requirement for a permanent citizen. Good huh. Become an aussie to fill the selection criteria. Still, supporting old england in a place like Australia does not necessarily make you many friends. A degree of mockery you can expect, but, in truth, the Australian male today has – evolved. Have you seen that show 'House Father's' or 'home fathers' or something like that? Do you get that here? Well garry sweet and some other charming aussie blokes are now the politically correct housed dads, sending their kids off to school, dealing with parental problems, doing all things for their kids, while the women, I guess, does all the work. How far has the Australian male fallen. Remember the 80s. Crocodile Dundee. Out comes that fucking knife. Big as your fucking arm. That's a fucking knife,' he says. Rambo kiss my arse. Bob Hawke - prime minister. the quintessential Aussie male in the 80s. Australia - tops at cricket. Winning the Americas cup. Sporting champions in so many endeavours. Valiant men of the southern cross. And now their house dads. And you know what that is? a grown up snag. A grown up Sensitive New Age Guy.. But it was bound to happen. With the rise of the femminazis's as I like to call them, the great Australian bloke's day was limited. Once it was 'Get me a fucking beer, bitch.' Now its 'Could you pour me a glass of chardonnay, hubbie. It is been a difficult day in the office.' Femminazis. Fallen. the Aussie bloke has fallen from grace. And how far have they fallen? Julia Gillard. a female prime minister. Quentin Bryce - a female governer general. And the most sacred of male glories now gone - the female footie commentator. The Aussie blokes days of glory are well gone. And of course - the cricket. 18 nyears thrashing the poms, and 2005, the glory departs. don't worry mate, they won 5 nill the following time, but lost both following series. Rugby union. hardly a win for the wallabies in a decade. france looking more threatening. i mean, france. olympics. 7 gold or something like that. and the poms? 29 remeber the bragging of old? Fallen, I tell you. I mean, come on, you know what Ricky Ponting says when he loses the last ashes series in australia? i was enjoying it so much, i didn't even mind losing. great captain australia. way to go Ricky. The great australian male. what can he do? The fundamental problem, now, of course. is ipod. ipod and mobile phone and xbox. the kids are so fucking soft now they would rather watch sonic collect love potions and chase mario around a racing track then get off there arses and kick a footie around. depressing, aint it. But, life goes on. for the battler, the great aussie bloke, the true blue dinky di bronzed aussie male still lives. and when the sons of the southern cross will need it most, a bradman will emerge, or a wally lewis, or a lionel rose, and remind the world once more of that tried and true rebel yell. aussie, aussie, aussie

Scots humour

You know how tight Scots are? Give em a piggy bank and they''ll put in a penny and six months later they will still expect a return. (He takes the pigggy bank and shakes it,' getting out the one coin and says 'and the rest ya bastard.')

DC Comics

DC Comics is a comic company, also formerly known as 'National Comics'. Comics are illustrated stories in a short magazine format, usually of uniform size for standard American comics, the major publisher of comics internationally. The most typical comics are 'Super Hero' comics which are stories of, usually, humans who often have extraordinary powers and are 'Heroes' who fight for justice. Superman is the first of the Superheroes of the Comics industry, created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and is a DC Comics character also. Superman's debut was in Action Comics number 1 published in 1938. Batman followed a year later in Detective Comics number 27. DC traditionally publishes comics of ongoing issues on a monthly basis. Currently running from DC are the '52' line of comics, which are 52 separate titles published monthly in the DC multiverse of 52 separate universes. Popular characters from DC include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Aquaman, Lobo, Harley Quinn, Robin, Batwoman, Green Arrow, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Firestorm and many others, with other popular superhero team books such as 'Justice League' and 'Teen Titans' and 'Suicide Squad' amongst many others. Superheroes have adventures, usually against villains, and traditional villains show up regularly. For example, Lex Luthor is a millionaire who opposes Superman very often. The Joker, the Riddler, The Penguin and Catwoman often opposed Batman. Comics are a very collectible commodity and many collectors spend their life times collecting new issues and past issues, which are called 'Back Issues', often from comic stores and occasionally second hand bookstores and, in this modern era, from online Internet sources. Certain back issues can be extremely expensive, depending on such things as first appearances of major characters, the condition of the comic, the age of the comic, and often wether it is the first issue of a run of comics. As an example, a very high graded conditioned copy of Action Comics number one from 1938 could easily cost upwards of two million US dollars these days, a very great expense indeed, far beyond the affordability of the average comic collector. DC have published consistently since the early 1930s and, alongside Marvel Comics, form the foundation for the crux of the comics industry in America today, although there are other companies which don't quite have the success of DC or Marvel. Traditionally, comics were for younger boys, but as time passed, and in today's world, comic collectors can range in all ages. Very often it is 30 and 40 year olds who are the main people collecting comics. Many genres are published by DC, not just superhero, an example being the Vertigo imprint from DC which specializes in mature age comics for older readers, often from darker themes of supernatural like characters.

English Sporting Accomplishments

Daley Thompson was a famous English decathlon athlete of the 1980s. He was highly competitive and won olympic Gold for Great Britain. Ian Botham was another famous 1980s English sportsmen, a cricketer and allrounder for England. Nigell Mansell won the F1 world crown, and was a famous British F1 driver. Indeed, England has had a fair share of competitive athletes in many sports. The games of Rugby and Football (Soccer) developed in England, as well as Cricket, and they are a staple of English culture. England and the UK or Great Britain compete on the world stage in many sports areas, and are a successful and competitive nation. We have an enviable records in the Olympic Games, being currently the overall 3rd biggest haul of Gold medals winner, behind the Soviet Union in second, and the United States of America in First place. Yet we are very lucky to be the only nation to have won both at least one Gold and one Silver medal at each and every of the modern olympic games, and only missing out at one games on a bronze. At the recent 2012 London Olympics Games we won 29 Gold Medals, which was an excellent effort, especially in comparison to our old rival of Australia, who bagged a decent yet modest claim of 7 Gold medals (especially more so as Aussies have great aspirations at Olympic success). England is proud and true in its sporting accomplishments, but it is through dedication and perseverance and a determined spirit which lies behind our success. That said, every nation strives for its own glory, and each should be proud of the successes they have all gained. Sporting accomplishments are in many way a focal part of modern society, for we test ourselves and our abilities and passions through this competitive world. Hopefully, in the end, the English legacy will not be a brave boast on our various wins and medals and so on, but a contribution of the idea that 'Fair Play' and 'Friendliness' be at the heart of sports, and be a way we can come together and celebrate that virtue of hard and honestly earned won accomplishment and glory.


Games created by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


Rules for 'Foundation' Card Game
From 2 to 5 players may play. More players make it easier to finish, but 2 players can be a lot more fun.
Standard 52 card deck with Joker's removed.
Setup: The 4 Aces are removed and placed upwards as the 4 'Foundation' piles. Players may only play Black cards on Black Foundations and Red Cards on Red Foundations, either of the suit of colour is fine.
Object: This is just a team solitaire sort of game. You don't play against anyone, and it is just for fun and passing the time and the challenge. The object is to build from the 'Ace' to the 'King' in the 4 piles of cards. All the cards are dealt out, and there is always a dummy hand given. With 2 players, you have 2/3 of the deck between you, and the odds of finishing a foundation are less than if there were 4 or 5 players. You can play more than 5, but it takes the challenge out of the game. You simply alternate turns, and you choose a card from your hand to place on a foundation, and the object is to complete the runs between you as a team from the Ace to the King. It's not really a game of any skill, but it is a game of fun to see if you complete the challenge. The cards must go in ascending order from Ace to King, and must be the same colour, but suit doesn't matter. You always have to place a dummy hand so that it becomes a challenge to see of you gut lucky with the cards. It is an excellent game for making bets on. You can bet whether (in 3 players for example) there will be 1, 2 or even 3 complete runs. You can bet what run each suit will finish at. ie Spades may reach number 7 etc

Rules for 'High Card'.
Use standard 52 card pack. No jokers. 2 to 6 players recommended.
The order of value of suits is Hearts first then diamonds then clubs then spades. All cards are dealt out and players keep cards to themselves. The object is to play a card from your pack of your choice, and each player in turn places a card on top of the first card. The card which is highest wins the trick. The ranking is Ace of Hearts highest, then Ace of Diamonds then Ace of Clubs then Ace of Spades then King of Hearts then King of Diamonds and so on all the way down to the two of Spades which is the lowest. The player with the most tricks once all cards are played wins the game. A very simple 'Tricks' game.

Rules for Quigmire.

Quigmire is a card game they play in 'Sunlands' state in the 7DF nation of Macarthur. The 4 kings are the quicksand, and the more of the 4 kings you have in your deal of 12 cards, the deeper in trouble you possibly are. The object is to gain points. All picture cards are worth 10 points, but the Kings are worth negative 50. 2 to a maximum of 4 players can play. All cards are dealt out and it is a simple tricks card game. The number cards are worth their numbers, and order of suits for equal numbers to trump are hearts first, then diamonds, then clubs then spades. If someone plays an Ace, which are high, you can offload a king on to that and get rid of the negative points, but if you are left lumbered with a king and win the trick with it, you bear the negative points. The first player to 700 points wins the game. If you gain all 4 kings in a single round of play, you lose negative 700 points, which is the Quigmire, and if you are less then negative 700 points all up, you are out of the game.


Vale of Erech
First, separate all the ‘Gondor’ Cards and place them face down in a pile, with the ‘Vale of Erech’ card face up at the bottom of the pile. Players then take turns in drawing all the remaining nation cards 1 at a time.
Battle for Nations
The first battles are simply to conquer the nations where you have troops. In this game you may not transfer troops over national boundaries. When you have conquered a nation completely you gain a ‘Gondor’ card from the pile by drawing one. The last nation to fall gains the extra Gondor card.
Battle for Vale of Erech
When all nations have fallen you transfer all your national troops to the corresponding Gondor card for that nation which was drawn from the Gondor pile when you conquered the nation. Each turn your total number of armies allocated is based on total number of armies and your standard nation allocation number. This can never be lost during the Battle for the Vale of Erech.
The object of the Game is to move into the Vale of Erech and hold it for 5 turns. You can’t lose your Gondor national cards, so the battle is always on, and each player always gains the minimum of the ‘nation’ allocations, if nothing else in each turn.
Once you hold the Vale of Erech for 5 turns, you can claim the card and victory.
In other respects, apart from the rules set above, standard risk rules apply.

Hold all the Mountain Territories of Mt Doom, Rhun Hills, Weather Hills, Tower Hills and Evendim Hills OR Hold all the Forest territories of Old Forest, Lorien, Fangorn & South, Eastern and North Mirkwood for 3 turns to claim victory. Regular gameplay unfolds as normal, but if a player can meet the challenge they win. If not standard game is played out.

The Eriador Gambit
Standard game rules apply, but if a player holds ALL of Eriador when the ring arrives at Lothlorien they claim victory. (Obvious Variants are the ‘Arnor Gambit’, ‘Rhovanion Gambit’, ‘Rohan Gambit’, ‘Mirkwood Gambit’, ‘Rhun Gambit’, ‘Gondor Gambit’, ‘Mordor Gambit’ & the ‘Haradwaith Gambit’ based on exactly the same rule).

The Isengard Imperative
This is a team game of good versus evil. Before the ring gets to Lorien, if one of the evil players has captured and held Isengard he is declared ‘Lord of the 4 Corners’. Instantly the ‘Lord’ must surrender his territory cards to the draw pile, and all troops he has in play are distributed evenly to each of the 4 corners of the Earth, which he has claimed, those being ‘Andrast’, ‘Khand’, ‘North Rhun’, and ‘Forlinden’. Full ‘Nation’ reinforcements are not affected by this, so if a player holds the remainder of ‘Haradwaith’ etc, he still gets his reinforcements as normal. Empty territories can be claimed on a player’s go simply by moving his army into that territory. The other evil player now has the responsibility for hassling the good teams as much as possible. The only way the evil team can win is by eliminating the good players from the game.
The ring, now stationed in Lorien, must now travel to each of the 4 corners of the world, and finally to Mt Doom, where it is destroyed automatically and good then claims victory if they are successful in getting it that far. However, for the ring to be able to move from Lorien, each and every territory the ring moves MUST be moved by a good player holding that territory and moving into or defeating a territory where he wants his ring to move to. A ring can be transferred to the other good player’s territory for keeping if necessary for the movement of the ring. There is no obligation to move the ring each turn.
Evil’s advantage is that ONLY a ringbearing army can attack each of the 4 corners, which usually will make them quite strong by the time the ring finally arrives at each of them. A Lord of the 4 Corners can also claim victory by attacking any adjacent territory in his turn which holds the ring and, if he or she is successful, they win the game also by becoming the ringbearer. This is only possible though for the Lord of the 4 Corners. To enhance this game 2 extra full sets of tokens for each colour are employed which leads to a maximum army size. Lords of the 4 corners can not own any of the other territories. If Isengard is not held by evil when the ring reaches Lorien, normal gameplay continues.


A Library is a place were books and magazines and other information articles are stored. It is usually in the form of a building, often with more than one level, full of bookcases on which the articles are stored. Bookcases can be made of wood or metal, and often other materials as well. A library, also, can be in the form of an online library, were a collection of articles are found and can be accessed by some sort of index page or contents page. In physical libraries, there is often an indexing card system which you can use to look up books, usually by author first of all, using the author's surname to start with. The articles are organised in the modern world under the dewey decimal system. This system organises non-fiction books into categories or subjects, so that books on the same subjects are organised in the same basic place on the shelves. All the various branches of main knowledge mankind has are organised within the structure of the dewey decimal system to organise articles. Fiction is also stored, and is usually just ranked in alphabetical order based on the author's surname first and then, when the same surname appears for more than one author, first names and then middle names if necessary. Libraries can be quite small, or they can also be enormous. School's usually have their own libraries for student's to borrow books from, as do universities and colleges. There are state libraries, the main library for your state, and nations usually have a 'National Library' as well. In Canberra in Australia we have our national library, and it is a requirement for all non-fiction works published in Australia to have a copy kept at the National Library. Articles come in various sizes, and it is the job of the 'Librarian' who looks after and organises the library, to store the books properly, to catalogue them properly, and to file them after they have been borrowed and returned. A library is an essential part, and often the nub of study of any successful community.


 A series of, perhaps random thoughts, or if you take the time to try and make some coherent sense of the whole, perhaps something deeper. But probably not.


I was inspired to start this task by the book ‘By the Waters of Galilee’ by Fr Luke Fay of Catholic faith. I had read the first two chapters, was enjoying it, and started thinking. And I thought of a work called ‘Life’ with a similar cover to the cover of Fr Fay’s work. And the idea was simply a writing of life. Perhaps the closest thing that was to come to it was a self-help book, but in its purest form I intended it to not even be that. Perhaps philosophy, but I am not trying to be philosophical, yet it probably is philosophy, even though that is not my intent. I simply wanted to write thoughts on life, thoughts about a positive moral life, which might make it almost a religious or spiritual text, but that was not the intent. It is simply to be about life, not a novel, not a work of science, but just thoughts on life.



How about the oil spill off the American coast. Thank God its over there is probably the bottom line for this shallow environmentalist.


Anyway, enough with current affairs. Actually, no, I will write on some current affairs. I prayed, a while back, for Kevin Rudd to be Prime Minister for 21 years. I am keeping the faith on that prayer, as I am a left wing idealist. My friend Adrian Chan is not the biggest fan of politicians, but I assume they generally have good intentions, and that the demands of satisfying everyone means they aggravate a lot of people. But that is only life after all.

I like listening to music. I have schizophrenia so often go on mad rampages and destroy half of my cd collection in a fit of psychosis. But psychosis affects a lot of people, so I am not alone.


I was at the pool recently and I thought up some ideas for a whacky book called ‘Zen I’. The dialogue goes something like this.


Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen I Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen Zen Zen I I I I Zen I Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen I Zen Zen Zen I Zen Zen I

Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen

Zen I Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen

Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen I Zen I

Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen Zen

Zen I I I I I

Zen Zen I Zen Zen Zen I

Zen I Zen I Zen I


& so on and so forth in about 40 pages of a little hardback anthology. On the final page the last line goes:

Zen Zen I Zen I Zen I Zen Zen (4XQR#) Zen I Zen I Zen I


It is not stop Zen I until that line. I don’t know why, it just is. Heh.



I reckon Madonna should go into the studio with a compilation of new songs written by songwriters she has hired. She should do an album a day for 3 years straight – over 1000 albums – just doing one or two takes of each song, and being filmed all the time, and with video workers simply making videos for all the songs for her from the ongoing video of her singing. Just one to two takes of the song, get the album finished, and released. And do this every day for 3 years. She can hire countless mixers and producers for the stuff and just realease a shitload of albums and videos. Overkill in the most extreme, and it really doesn’t matter if they sell that much, because there will be enough diehards who will buy all of them and she will sell tonnes. She is a hard worker, could get the job done, and it would get her the highest album sales of all time after a while. Someone with her fame and wealth could do that, and I would if I could sing, had her fame and her money.


4 + 4 = 8


8 + 8 = 16


16 + 16 = 32


Mathematics is a very entertaining subject for intellectuals. You see, intellectuals are what they call in classic American schoolyard jargon, the nerds. And the nerds like Maths, English, Science, and putting computer systems together.


I hope to be a fully qualified nerd upon retirement. Think of all the dollar bills they end up getting, hey. I mean look at Billy Gates. Come up with Microsoft and what the Trillions role in. But apparently the kids don’t get a cent, and have to work for themselves. Now that’s a responsible parent.


Intellectuals also like philosophy, sneering at religious people who believe in creationism (which I do), and listening to classical or alternative music and disdaining all things commercial. Heavy Metal has a similar attitude, especially back in the day. I mean, if you were a metalhead and listened to the Spice Girls it was a death penalty offense or excommunication from the headbangers ball. And if you touched Boyzone they would torture you first.


Heavy Metal gurus are another bunch of pseudo-intellectual snobs. Parading their Black Sabbath albums, saying that Led Zeppelin are gods, and that such and such a band – their current fave – has reinvented heavy metal forever.


They love to give ratings in heavy metal mags, but rolling stone does that too. And people honestly take an interest in these ratings. But if there is one thing I have discovered is that tastes are often very subjective – they vary widely from person to person – and an album that somebody may rate very poorly, another set of persons might enjoy tremendously. Especially poppy commercial stuff which is, again, sneered at, but which usually sells the most because the kids have enough sense to buy albums which are actually fun and not laden down with depressing angst and bullshit feelings of a so-called contemplated soul. Intelligent albums SUCK unless there is a quality of music which is attractive, melodic and memorable. Michael Jackson, for example, may be on many supposedly serious music critics hate list for his pop classic ‘Thriller’, but he is at number one because he knows what the kids like. And, funnily enough, these commercial artists who sell the most end up being the ‘Beatles’ of their era, and end up very respected. It happens to them with time and age. Mozart was an upstart to some to start with, despite his brilliance (apparently). Justin Beiber, for example, would be laughed at by a supposedly serious music critic, but the kids are not dumb. He sings a song which perfectly captures their vibe as teenagers, and is entirely appropriate and critically excellent for his target audience. He doesn’t have to produce Amy Lee or Bob Dylan. That is not his audience, and would be stupid to suggest it is. But that is what people often fall into with age – they forget the younger generation are learning, and that they too once liked such stuff.


Oh, and as a confirmed Noahide, I don’t really mind if the Beatles thought they were bigger than Jesus for a while. They possibly were.


When I was younger I felt it important to develop religious morality to be a perfect person. I still think that somewhat, but don’t worry as much anymore. Jesus says in the gospels ‘Be Ye Perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect.’ A challenge to Christians I suppose.


You know, there are a hell of a lot of those 2 billion Christians (I have seen the statistics – approx 1 bill Catholics and 1 bill non-catholic Christians) who work there assess of spiritually to give Jesus a hell of a witness for the continued growth and establishment of his church of Glory.


As a Noahide I view Jesus as an ambitious Jewish man, dedicated to his own glory, by and large.


Now, as a Christian most of you view Jesus as God. But he isn’t. He wasn’t. And he never will be. He was just a bloke. If you don’t believe me ask God the father (ie Yahweh). These days he might possibly inform you upon the answer to that question, as he is severely pro-Israel from all my personal observations.



Anyway, in current rankings of the all time most popular human beings, the rankings approximately come up like this.


Number One – Jesus of Nazareth

Number Two – Muhammed

Number Three – Jesus mother, Mary

Number Four – Buddha

Number Five – Moses, I think

Number Six – Apostle Paul

Number Seven – The current number seven is either Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus on current myspace page hits. This might surprise you, but this is their era and the current ‘Cult of Personality’ has HUGE fanbases. Really fucking HUGE fanbases.


Anyway Miley and Taylor edge out Apostle Peter, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Adolph Hitler, and Justin Beiber for the present, but he is in the top 20 all time just about. I know that is recent, but you don’t know the power of the current fame monster, as Gaga puts it, with the ever expanding human population.


Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Shakespeare, Robert Pattinson, Daniel Radcliffe, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Victoria Beckham, George Washington, J K Rowling, J R R Tolkien, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill & Emma Watson are some of the very big names, likely in the top thirty to forty all time. Add on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig Van Beethoven who are currently the two number ones in the classical scene – they share the honour.


But number one is the carpenter from Nazareth. Still caining after 2000 years. Believe me, that takes some effort, but with the beloved ‘Cross’ at his disposal, which the faithful were around their necks with pride, the ‘Christ Child’ isn’t letting go of the number one slot any time soon. Hey, people think he is actually God himself, and that takes a lot to compete with. But somebody’s got to do it.


Probably 666 will show up, some dude or dudette thinking that might work for a while, and take on the JC fellow. Bad news at the moment, though, because most humans are patently aware that the mark of the beast is bad news on judgement day. But, fucking hell, Iron Maiden released ‘Number of the Beast’ and sold a shitload. I guess the Antichrist is a keen competitor to the big fellow. You never know, he might grab the top slot for a while. What was that? Seven years says my pentecostal friend? Tribulation glory, but it won’t last? Aye Carumba.


So how did Jesus get to the top slot? I have written on that before, but lets just say this much. If you can win somebody’s respect, and then start a religious cult, and then have that cult evangelize their socks off for 2000 years, it sure as hell helps.


So how do you potential wannabes start a religious cult then? In Christianity every tom dick and harry started a church for a while. They were called protestants. So, to be a protestant, it is simple. Tell your current pastoral overlord to take a running jump, and start preaching those doctrines you have always wanted to preach, and evangelize. Evangelization is easy. First, do up a free website on angelfire, and post your church doctrines and teachings. Go to the library and print off 100 pages of A4 flyers, 4 flyers to a page, and cut them into 4s and make sure you put the name of the church and the website link and email address. And then, if you really want to build wonderchurch, make it your hobby to go to carparks, put flyers on car windows, and do this for 20 years. Its slow, but it works.


Now, for you lateral thinkers, Christianity is basically covered. Try something new. L Ron Hubbard did. He called it scientology, and the freaks practically worship him.


So go for something pseudo spiritual, a catchy name, special key teachings on enlightenment, and stick to your guns. Oh, and be dramatic. It helps.


Those thoughts will do for now. I might continue this some time.




Media Storage Devices

Compact Disc

A compact disc, or a CD, is a little plastic disc with data encased within it, which can be read by a laser disc reading device and decoded for PC and Music use and other devices. Music is mostly recorded on CD, and the usual maximum running length of a music or audio CD is about 80 minutes. Band albums these days range from the usual 35 to even up to 70ish minutes, as in the last 15 or so years many artists are releasing slightly longer albums on average than they did in earlier decades of the modern era. A music album on CD comes in, usually, a little plastic holder (but these days other textiles are often used instead of plastic), which the CD fits into and usually a booklet which has the album cover on it and often the lyrics of the album songs and other recording information, often with 'Thank You' and 'Dedication' details from the artists as well. From personal observations a high quality album cover usually means a better quality of CD – from personal observations – which flies in the face of the traditional 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. CD singles are often released of singles released by the band to promote the album, but most CDs are for music albums themselves, which often contain from 8 or 9 to as many as 15 or 16 tracks on average, and sometimes more. For examples 'The Beatles' 1 album has 27 songs on it, mostly short 3 and 4 minute songs. Compilation CDs of various artists single released often have a greater number of songs on them than standard album releases from an artist. A CD is played on a CD player. In the early years of CD back in the 1980s, a CD player usually needed to be run through and connected to a Stereo player via cords, for it to play the music, but nowadays most CD players come ready to play themselves, and, in fact, record and tape cassette stereo systems are not as common any more as they once were in shopping centres to purchase. Portable CD players which you can carry around with you which have earphones plugged into them by a thin cord, the earphones plugging into your ears so you can listen to them without bothering other people, were in vogue quite strongly in the 1990s, but mp3 players, which are simple data storage devices with music on them, uploads of songs done via a computer, have become the dominant form of personal music listening on earphones now, and often now through mobile phones with built in mp3 players. The Phillips compnay developed the CD system, who also release a lot of stereo equipment and related material. Currently CD purchases are still in vogue to a large degree, but have diminished in recent years due to the upsurge in downloading songs from the internet and your computer straight onto personal mp3 players. The much younger audience are more strongly affiliated with mp3 technology, Generation X and the baby boomers more affiilated with CD technology. There are millions of CDs released each year around the globe on music, and also quite a number of released on video game consoles and pc programs for computer usage. CDs, largely, replaced the tape cassette and vinyl records of earlier music recordings, and although those platforms are still in place, CD has vastly outnumbered them in current usage.


A DVD or Digital Versatile Disc is the same size and structure of a CD, but runs on slightly different technology, and is used for transmitting 'Visual' or 'Optical' data. Movies, in other words, or any other type of filmed programming can be stored on the data streams of a DVD, whatever visual thing you could imagine. DVDs run on a DVD player and, also, on most blu ray players, which is a slightly improved version of DVD technology. DVDs replaced the Video cassette system of VHS and BETA video cassettes throughout the 90s and by the 2000s they had indeed become the dominant form of movie storage device for personal use in homes. DVDs connect to Television Sets via cords, and utilize electricity from power outlets to run them. DVDs are akin to CDs in prices for the most part, and now are the more common format of personal programs storage, although blu ray is becoming increasingly popular. Judging, though, the way the market is progressing, it seems actually doubtful that blu ray will actually replace DVD and that both systems will remain popular for the time being, especially as DVDs play on a blu ray player usually. DVDs are purchased from a variety of stores, supermarkets very often, as well as DVD specialty stores and often varioius other places, even including service stations, which often sell CDs and DVDs on a rack. Unlike CDs, DVD techonology can run the programs on much greater lengths. In fact, they can be quite long but, often, the quality of the image and sound is slightly diminished for much longer running DVDs. Nearly every Hollywood movie produced these days will end up on DVD and often there are straight-to-DVD releases, which don't even go into the cinemas.

Video Cassette

Developed in the 1970s, the Video Tape Cassette systems of VHS and Betamax or BETA were tape systems, which could be recorded with on VHS recorders as well from programs on TV, were storage systems for film programs. Usually movies, but a whole host of programs, were recorded on to video cassettes which could be played and viewed via a video cassette player connected to a television set. Video cassette was the primary storage device used for broadcasting film on private TVs, usually in domiciles, but also used extensively in schools, as technologies which have since replaced them are doing as well currently. All sorts of programs have been put on Video Cassettes, and they were a major part of especially the 1980s culture, when going to a video rental store was something everybody did to hire the latest new releases, or older films as well. Millions of video cassettes were produced when they were in vogue and while DVD and blu ray systems have almost completely replaced them, there are still places you can order new ones, primarily online, even of new release movies. The VHS video tape became the dominant platform, yet the Beta system used smaller video cassettes which, you perhaps might have imagined, would have been more convenient to manage. Recording programs from TV was a major part of many households and individuals occupations yet, from memory, this seemed to be a grey area legally on copyright concerns, yet everyone seemed to be doing it. When a program was recorded directly from TV on to a tape for personal family use it seemed to be culturally acceptable for this to happen, which seemed to be the whole point of the recorder itself. Yet many individuals would also directly copy a video cassette themselves by connecting easily available cords to another Video Cassette Records (VCR). Doing that was usually called piracy, though, yet not really prosecuted much it would seem. It was, though, known in society that doing this was a little bit more of shady activity, especially when pirated tapes were sold on black markets. Personal recording off TV seemed to be culturally acceptable, and was not really prosecuted much.


The idea of Mega-Cities is to put aside a suburb of about a square kilometre. You build huge skyscrapers in the suburb – 2 dozen or so – going up 3 or 4 miles or even more. One of the scrapers is a food production scraper. You have a sewerage system in the basement, you use a series of mirrors to reflect the natural light from outside on each level, you have solar powered sheets on the walls of the scraper for energy, and wind turbine energy generator on the roof. On the hundreds of levels you have aquaculture, horticulture and farming industry. Use soil – the world has plenty of it – and place earth and grow grass on the soil within each level. The natural lighting from the mirrors helps it grow and with the energy from the solar and wind generators you can use additional lighting if necessary. There needs to be appropriate air conditioning and appropriate water recycling systems used for the food tower. In the remaining scrapers you simply house people. With the huge height of the mega city scrapers we can now build, potentially millions of people or more could fit in a standard suburban mega city.

Politics is dead. The old political system is built on the Monarchical system. Its laws are now established. It's work complete. The next system is NOW.
Micro-Nationalistic Geo-Science - RISE OF THE MICRO NATIONS.
Geo-Science is the managament and utilization of key Factors of Wealth and Commodity accross the Global Geo-Scientifically based community, as knowledge of improving Science is the key indicator of Micro-Nation status and success. Micro-Politics is too crude a term for the NEW AGENDA. It is Micro-Nationalistic Geo-Science. UN Principle - Every one has the right to self determination, including groups of individuals in seceeding against old political structure in a micro-nationalistic geo-scientific endeavour. Successful Geo-Science Micro-natons of the future build on the New Agenda of Advancing Societal Knowledge. Political systems built on the Monarchies. Geo-Science, in turn, builds on the Political systems. We respect the laws, legal codes and institutions of the UN Nations, yet we craft our own agenda within this framework of stability for advancement of our own Micro-Kingdoms and Micro-Nations. The Monarchies of old birthed the Political system. English Parliament arose from the death throes of Monarchy. Kingston upon Hull in the England is part of Yorkshire in the 'Royal' designations, but a Unitary Authority in the 'Political' designations. The Political system is built upon the Monarchical system. Micro-Nationalistic Geo-Science is, in turn, built upon the Political system of, essentially, Christendom. Karaite Noahidism recognizes the political system, its religious adherents and citizens, as those who vote and accept the countries of the United Nations and the political structures they represent. The business economies, institutions and cultural realities of this political system are the foundation upon which the new Micro-Nationalistic Geo-Science Karaite Noahide community is built. They are our FOUNDATION. Yet, we are separate to a large degree, involved mainly and usually only with partaking of foundational funds from the older political system, if necessary, in work involvements and welfare/social security payments to establish ourselves, and we honour them and thank them because of it, but, in time, we as a Karaite Noahide community establish our own Micro-Nations built upon this UN world political structure foundation, and spiritually align with our own Geo-Scientific community built upon the old structures. Our ideas are new. We can form a micro-nation in our parents home in our own room, or our own house or flat or farm, which doesn't need to be recognized by the old political structures, simply because of our UN right of self determination to do what we want with our own lives. The Karaite Adamide-Noahide Geo-Science micro nations of the future recognize EACH OTHER and form our own economies, culture and traditions of a more advanced and developed technologically, morally, spiritually and intellectually advanced culture. The Kingdom of Noah, as described in the first Rainbow Bible, is the foundational and first micro-nation of this new system. More will follow.


Music is a melody of the soul, of the spirit. It is a melody of love of the heart and mind and inner being. And it perpetuates its glory through our ears, and goes in vibrating through our ear drums, into our very brain, our very mind, the centre of our innermost being, and talks to us of pleasant variances and pleasant trills and pleasant steps and inclines and flourishes and glories. Music is noise, weird noise, not like talking, for it is a combination of individual solitary sounds, with voice music, yet indeed intermixed with words of singing on occasion, but the sounds which grade themselves often upon a scale, for one note resonates with it corresponding note at higher pitch in measures of octaves, the same type of sound, higher or lower, but in betwixt is the variation of those sounds, which each compete with each other, likewise with their own brothers and sisters at higher pitches of upper and lower octaves. In notation type music common in the world, the scale is notes A Asharp B C Csharp D Dsharp E F Fsharp G Gsharp and then, at the higher octave, an A again. Thus there are 12 original notes in each octave, from A to G sharp. A key is the scale of the octave a musical piece is set upon. A is a key, and music is played from the base sound of the A scale. Each of the notes forms the basis for a key of music. A musical piece played in one scale can be modulated to a different key also. Music can be notated on sheet paper uopn a scale, often using the treble scale and the bass scale. Notes which define length of the note by their various shapes sit in arrangements together on the parallel lined scales, either on a line, or between a line, those positions defining the place on scale the note is. On the treble clef for example the bottom line of the 5 parallel lines is defined as the note 'E'. The next space is an 'F' and the second line is a 'G' and so on. A sign called the sharp sign or the flat sign can also be placed next to the note if it is a sharp note or a flat note, which raises the note one pitch length or, for a flat, lowers the pitch note one length. There are also signs for double sharps and double flats. This notation format can accurately record most types of musical pieces rather accurately with the other types of information you can place around the scale lines. Famous composers of the classical era include Mozart and Bach, and Beethoven is a master of the romantic period, in traditional orchestral music. In the more modern era of the 20th century and beyond, we have rock music and pop music and all it various and many sub-genres, and these usually use core instruments like the keyboard, piano, guitar and bass and electric guitars and bass, as well as the drum kit. A standard rock and roll band can often have around 3, 4 or 5 members, and sometimes more or even less, though those are about the most common numbers, and they often have a witty name which they call the band, such as 'The Beatles' or 'Black Sabbath'. Music is ancient – at the beginning of Genesis we have different types of instruments already being formed, so music is nearly as very old as man himself. It is an ancient pleasure, a true and good pleasure, and we must thank God for the great gift such sounds can be for our souls.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles


Planes are flying machines, which people are seated within, which fly through the air from one destination to another. They are powered by a fuel of some sorts, some sort of diesel or liquid gasoline or petrol or some other fuel, which runs through the engine or engines of the plane, which propel the propellers or various other engines which thrust the plane forwards. They have 'wings' which are designed to, when the plane is thrust forward at a fast velocity, to cause the plane to life from the ground and also to lower itself down to the ground. They land on the ground usually on wheels, but some planes can land on water as well. The first successful flying plane was invented by the Wright Brothers in the early part of the 20th century. When world war 1 or the great war advented about a decade later, planes were part of the conflict, and developed in technological capabilities and design ever since. Today we have an enormous array of planes which fill the skies, and they are one of the major forms of transport for larger distances both nationally and internationally. They are quite quick, and you can get half way around the world in as little as 24 hours, or a day. Often long flights have interconnecting flights, were you transfer from one plane to another. Plane networks are common, such as British Airways, Qantas (an Australian company) Virgin, and many other global competitors. Often someone books a flight or a tour through a travel agency, but you can also go direct to the plane network itself. Plane crashes are not unknown, but statistically they are safer for travel than cars or motorbikes. Planes come in a variety of sizes, and very big passenger airplanes can carry quite a lot of people. They are a standard part of the transport industry, and will likely remain relevant to modern society for quite some time to come. Planes are built often of metal and other textiles, and early on other materials were used. A 'Pilot' is responsible for flying the plane, and a pilots license, which requires strict training, is required before somebody can fly a plane.


Trains are machines which run on train tracks. Train tracks are parallel lines of metal bars, which are nailed to wooden lugs, which are placed securely in the ground. Train track lines now feature around every country of the world for the most part, and train lines travel all throughout the countries. The train itself has metal wheels which securely run on the train tracks. The train tracks are uniform in width, and the way the train wheels are designed they do not come of the tracks. Steam trains were an early part of the train designs, which often ran from wood or coal powered engines, which caused the wheels to turn which propelled the train forwards. Electricity is now often used to power trains. Traditional trains usually have the main train itself, were the engineer controls the train, and the engine is, and linked to the main train are 'carriages' which carry people. Trains also are a popular form of transporting 'goods' and the number of carriages can be extremely many on some trains. Railway crossings are were road intersect with railway lines. There are usually train lights there which flash when a train is coming, and often automated bars prevent a car from crossing, which raise themselves when the train passes. Travelling by train remains a popular way of transport over long distances and in cities comprehensive train networks abound to get around the city. Trams are a close similarity to trains, which also run around cities. Mono-rails are trains which run on a single track and are increasingly becoming popular. 'Murder on the Orient Express' is a classical Agatha Christie mystery novel set upon a train.


Automobiles are usually cars, trucks, utes, vans, buses and motorbikes and mopeds of various kinds. They use the 'Roads' of our world for getting around on and are used for transporting people as well as goods. Private ownership of an automobile is very common, whereas private ownership of planes and trains are far less common. Cars run on 4 wheels, one at each corner of the vehicle, usually made of metal. An engine powers the automobile which causes the wheel to turn. Trains are able to slow down and stop and travel backwards, whereas planes can't go backwards. Yet most automobiles can also reverse or travel backwards, which is often used for parking and reversing into driveways. Trucks are much larger than cars, and while cars are usually for transporting people, and carry up to usually about 5 people as a maximum, and can contain a boot in the back for storage of things you wish to transport, trucks are much larger and are mainly used for transporting goods as well as other materials used in manufacturing and gardening and so on. Utes are like a car/truck combination. Motorbikes are like bicycles, but larger, and powered by an engine. They have two wheels, one at the front, and one at the back, and it takes a little skill to balance them properly. Licences are required to drive automoblies, and in Australia the Road Transport Authority is responsible for issuing licences, which are gained after an applicant passes both a theory test to know the road rules, and the driving test itself to show they can drive properly. Automobiles are universal, and have been around about as long as planes, and have increasingly become better and safer technologically. Car racing and motorbike racing is an extremely popular sport, and television stations often show car races, especially on weekends. Formula One is usually the top line of car racing. Cars can travel at high speeds, not usually as high as planes, and via the comprehensive road network, which links up the buildings of each city and town and connects towns and cities together, cars have their way of getting around. 4WD are special types of cars, larger, and are very commonly used for going 'Cross Country' or out on the natural landscapes were there are no officeal roads. Roads themselves are often laid down with bitumen, but there are a lot of dirt roads around the countryside as well. Big car makers include 'Holden' and 'Ford' and 'Mitsubishi' and 'Toyota' and so on. Cars are also called 'Motorcars'. They are fuelled at 'Service stations' and repaired at car 'Mechanics'. BP is an example of a very popular service station. Service stations also very often repair cars and automobiles as well, with a mechanic on hand.


Progress. It's a popular concept, especially in the western world mindset. Progress is about advancing society, advancing civilzation. It is about learning from the past, learning were society currently stands, and looking to the future to see how things could be improved and a better society created by this. There are core things which are addressed in progress, perhaps the most important being the sociological and political idea of 'Quality of Life' or 'Living Standards.' Ultimately, the whole point of progress is to improve our lives, both individually and on a societal level. To do this we address things like wages and salaries, seeing ways we can improve them for the working population to give them more earning potentiality. Also things like improvements in general services for society, such as garbage collection, water and sewerage works, and the management of the urban cities roads and public places, alongside those of the rural districts. Essential services are always a key factor in the progress of a nation, but also cultural factors like improvements in schooling and education, improvement in public institutions like libraries and museums and archives, and other things which are part of the public domain of society which we all have access to. But not only those things, yet especially these days improvements in technologies for better quality products in a vast array of areas, such as household appliances and equipment, improvement in food quality, medicine and drug research, and of course, improvement in our laws and governances and policing institutions. In fact, all the things which make a society tick over are constantly examined by this or that management or brainstorming team, or this and that review board or research and development department, or whatever political branch of politics is in office at any given time. Progress is the whole kit and caboodle of how society works and how we take what we already have, and look for ways of improving it even more so. The world continues to grow and develop and, especially as population increases, we need to look at ways to ensure we maintain a decent quality of life, yet, if we are serious, ways we can continue to grow and develop our world and make it a better place for everyone. Every culture, ultimately, progresses in some way or another. There are constants in society, naturally, and we really need those constants, especially unchanging moral truths which are the safeguards against anarchy and chaos. And while so many things are great the way they are, and so many things are constants and should remain as such, it always helps to have someone think outside the square they live in and ask the question 'How can we do this better?'

Public Service

The Public Service has its roots in the Plebs of ancient Roma. They were workers of the general public who did special administrative and other work for society in general, rather than being specified markets of trade. In the modern world of the 21st century, taking as an example the Australian Public Service, it is generalized sort of societal work which they undertake. Work which relates to administrative and societally oriented sort of works. Examples include: Road and Traffic Authorities. Garbage and recyling maintenance. Public facilities maintenance. Quarantine and customs workers. Taxation workers. Commonwealth Superannuation workers. Centrelink Social Welfare workers. Medicare health workers. Public hospital and medical health workers. Police, Judges and legal aid. National Parks and Gardens workers. Public Education workers. Public Library workers and, indeed, a whole host of other related interests in the types of services for society which are often and usually best run by a public service organisation, paid for directly by taxation, and indirectly by fees and other related costs from the public itself who use the services. The public service is meant to be impartial in relation to which political branch is in office at any particular time, and each department is meant to work faithfully for which ever government minister is in office at any particular time. In Australia Public Service Department name changes happen regularly, and structural changes and this particular group or service can often be moved about through various departments on a regular basis. Restructuring is a common way of life in the Public Service. Within the service itself there are a great deal many office jobs which find regular workers like clerical assistants and managers and accountants across all departments of the public service. In Australia Canberra is the main gathering place for national public service workers. Society often complains that too much is spent on the public service and the right wing likes to often slash services and decentralize and privatize public services, whereas the left wing often is responsible for great increases in the number of public service, through public service spending, when they are in office. In Australia, currently, the Liberal/National coalition usually represents the right wing of politics and the labour party usually represents the left wing of politics. Pay rates in the public service are usually quite good when compared to the same kind of work in the private sector, and while there is a tradition that if you get into the public service you keep your job for life, which is not 100% the case, there is indeed usually still a great deal of job security in public service positions, and it remains an attractive career choice for many individuals. Each public service is usually divided up in managers and subworkers at various levels and the public service is still a very traditional hierarchical organisation, which it will likely remain for the foreseeable future. In fact, there are often quite a number of levels you can rise in the various public service department, and there are often incremental wage increases with time served for your level to a certain point. Generally a public service job in Australia is a position worth obtaining for a stable, if usually non-thrill-seeking, career.


Recycled water is actually very clean water and fine for drinking. If you watch docos on it, you will find it is very clean water. But it just has a stigma associated with it. However, if they recycled the water in plants on the edges of cities, and then pumped the water upstream quite a bit to pour it out into the rivers of our catchments, and let the water 'Naturalize', it would lose its entire stigma. The result would be enough clean, safe and 'Natural' water for us too drink, which has lost its stigmatization. A very fussy procedure, in reality, but its what people want anyway.


A school is a place were knowledge is taught by teachers. In Australia, when a child is about 5 or 6 years of age, they are required to start their schooling, usually in kindergarten, which is followed by years 1 through to year 10 as mandatory, and in some places you must study till age 17 now, which would include year 11. There is also year 12. After that comes tertiary education which includes colleges, institutions of technology and universities, as well as various other trade schools and learning institutes. Prior to kindergarten, there is often pre-school and early childhood centres were children can get an early start on their education. The teaching is done from simpler form of society's basic knowledge in earlier years, to more complex forms in latter years. By high school, which is usually years 7 to 12, you are starting to study information which is directly useful to working jobs and is more complex information. Subjects which are taught are 'English' (or your nations language/languages), Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Religion (In religion schools and often as scripture studies in public schools as well), Computing Studies, Physical Education/Sports, Economics or Commerce, Art, Music, Tech, Home Economics & various other subjects. Those are broadly high school subjects, but are similar to subjects in younger years of education, which might also include things like 'Spelling'. In earlier years, students sit in the same class for the year, in Australia with around 25 students per class, with one teacher who teaches the whole curriculum (areas of knowledge taught) for the year. In high school it is more usual for specialist teaches to teach individual subjects and for students to work on individual timetables a lot of the time which place their subjects at differing times in the school day. Often you have an occasional free period, in which it is recommended to do personal study. Throughout your schooling years you take lessons and overall performance is analysed by regular 'Tests'. The tests form the annual grades of a student. Later on, in high school and tertiary education, grades are a very important part of the way students are evaluated. Schools usually have a head teacher called the 'Principal'. He or she is in charge of organising the general running of the school as a whole. A school will often have a janitor or handy-man responsible for the maintenance of school property and mowing grass and things like that. The curriculum for the school for each year is usually set, in Australia, by the State Government. There is also home-schooling, for students whose parents prefer to teach them at home, which also have basic requirements on the curriculum, but with a fair degree more flexibility, as the student is usually taught at home by a parent. Schools are a traditional and ancient part of society, and one of the best ways we have for teaching knowledge to our citizens for the ongoing maintenance of filling the jobs of various complex natures to run society properly.


Science is the art of knowledge. Science is the art of knowledge researched, understood, and conforming with the factual laws of the physical universe. And when an hypothesis progresses to theory, one would hope that science is advancing, yet one must always question just how wise a theory of evolution really is. And whether this science of ancient Terra firma, with its conforming, yet shape-shifting truths of historical certainties of geological conundrum and biological certainties really, in the end, are the fruit of sound theorisation, or hypothesis gone mad. It is debated, creation versus evolution, and each side is certain of its facts, yet will one ultimately prevail? By God's grace the truth and the proper scientific method will be exalted on fact by hard won fact. To speculate and build an entire doctrine of existence on believed things is perhaps not that wise. And evolution is guilty of this, because it lacks historical witness upon its validation. Yet, in truth, so does religion. It lumbers ahead with a conclave of 'theorists' who have properly expounded the facts of God's creation, and just exactly were Noah's Ark really finally came to rest, and why dinosaurs were indeed on the ark, despite the obvious observation of young John sceptic that 'that's a pile of baloney.' Science, in the end, will or will not reconcile with religious truth. The evolution, if a theistic evolutionist may admit this, and the creationist expounds it most certainly. Yet, as we progress, what I fear in the tomes of so many 'reliable' future textbooks on the certainties of abiogenesis is that they will quote such and such as certainly correct and so and so as definite in his scholasticism, yet all the time ignore the plethora of voices in their own field who contradict and deny and see it this way and that way and indeed the other also. Science is the true understanding of the universe, and while so much of physical and chemical and biological truths have indeed been rightly taught, and indeed by both warring parties, the key issue of origins remains a murky field which neither party is willing to give much or any ground on either. A rationale approach questions, with all the obviousness of it all, that there certainly couldn't have been so many animals on the ark, and because of this obvious fact, how can it really be true? And the creationist continues to insist on dogmatic literalism’s, and will not brook any queries from the inquiring mind which does not yet know the full story as to why their bible seems to have a lot of problems with it. Nay, the theologian of fundamentalism would rather mock willy nilly, than say to the fellow 'you know, in God's truth, we haven't really got all the answers quite yet either.' It's way too much faith in their views, which bugs me. It's way to much of simply accepting the bible without rational and critical reasoning which just puts me off to the general vibe and attitude of the whole creationist world for the most part. They indeed might have the very truth of how we all got here – which I do personally in fact assent – but they don't really always come across as having that. In fact, its conceit a lot of the time, and half baked theories to explain biblical problems, rather than acknowledge there is still a lot of greater clarification of the core scientific principles and facts which need to be unearthed to gain the proper picture. And while Ty Tabor might say the scientists dogma seems awfully religious, so does the fundamentalists at times as well. What is the genuine truth seeking inquirer who just puts the debate on hold, pissed off at the conflict of it all, really supposed to do or believe? The spirit of true science, which is investigation into how things works and fit together in this universe and how we can apply this knowledge for the betterment of society really needs a great respect for its core discipline of the scientific method, and a lot of people need to be a lot more respectful and cautious before they go around either damning to 'cultic fundamentalism' or 'atheistic hell-fire' their opponents, and show each other more respect, more consideration and a far more courteous and civilised scientific investigation into the evidence, the facts and the truth of what still is a heated and debated centre of current scientific understanding. Science, in many ways, has those three main branches: Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and there are professors throughout the world experted and trained on their disciplines knowledge to amazing levels of scholastic expertise. But what is so disappointing is a rivalry of thought which, in the end, refuses to cooperate in a friendly and peaceable investigation into scientific foundations and truths, which make this field still such a quagmire of heat and divide when mankind should really have started working out better paradigms, in the scientific analysis, for understanding the bigger picture.


Society is what we are all part of. It is the broader community of our family, street, suburb or town, city, state, nation and world. It can mean all of us, it can mean one of those aspects mentioned, but whatever it is, it is a social setting into which we are placed which we must aspire to be part of in some way, shape or form. Society is formed of people. And in those groupings, it can be people of all sorts of lifestyles and backgrounds. Often, traditionally, when talking of society, it was the upper class elite to which you had to aspire and join. There were rituals in society for 'Coming Out' and making yourself officially known at a certain age as a member of society, and those rituals are still somewhat practised today. But society is more than a class thing. Society, as it ideally should be, is the community around us which helps us out and watches over our life somewhat, helping us to know that we are not alone in the world. So many families can be very independent, but even then you can find a sense of the community of it all, which is what the society is – our community. A society has values, morals, laws and customs and traditions. These values are usually quite entrenched after a while, but as history progresses, many values get updated somewhat, and some older ones can pass away in time. But usually a sense of morality in common remains. For example, in Australia, one of the customs is to call a friend 'Mate' and even a stranger you might meet at the pub or the shops. 'Thanks mate' is one of the most common sayings you might here in a typical Australian town. Such an example of a saying is one of the things which typifies the values of a society. Things held in common. Societies are different all over the world, yet there is still ultimately a common human society which defines us and, even in deepest darkest Africa, they know when you are hungry and thirsty, when you need to wash and when you are in the mood. Our very humanity is a core society of which all of us are born into, in this sense. People can often wish to rebel against society, and many like to form society's or societal institutions of their own, to help better their lot in life. Not everyone is happy with the standards of society, people often thinking both, that they are either too strict or too lenient. In this sense, a society needs to be somewhat flexible to accommodate its diversity of citizenship, but it needs to remain true to itself also. Society is alive with institutions, roles which people play in society, and culture of all sorts of things which defines various societies. As you grow from youth, the best advice, in the end, is to try and work out how your society you are part of works, and do your best to get along with it, appreciate it, and let it help you to the best of your advantages.

Swimming Pools

Swimming pools are hollowed out areas, filled with water, which people bathe and swim in. Modern swimming pools are usually paved, often with cement, and painted. The water often has chemicals added to it to keep it sanitized, as people often have diseases (as well as urinating) which affect the water, so the chemicals address these issues and keep the water safe enough to swim and bathe in. There are very little problems from bathing in pools these days, as they are carefully regulated. Competitive swimming competitions often take place in swimming pools with 'Lanes' which are parallel and even in nature encompassing the length of the pool. Pool lengths and sizes vary in size, often 25 metre and 50 metre long pools very common, 50 metre long pools the usual length for competition at higher levels. Personal pools in domiciles back yards are increasingly common these days. Chlorine is a common chemical used for sanitizing a pool, but saltwater pools are also used. Safety signs with rules about not running and watching over younger swimmers are often found at swimming pools. Children are often taught to swim at very young ages, and even babies, held by parents or swimming instructors, are introduced to the water. Swimming lanes are often separated by a rope covered in little floaters made of plastic, which run the length of the pool separating the lanes, floating on top of the water. The best swimming time (the fastest) is how competitions declare the winner, being the first to finish the race. In olympic competition, which is the current highest level of competition globally, the rules are very intricate involving the starting, timing and finishing of the races. Usually there are 8 lanes for a competitive swimming pool. Swimming centres, also called aquatic centres, often have a large pool and a smaller pool as well, and sometimes pools are heated also, to have a degree of warmness in them. Heated pools are also very popular. In lake Tuggeranong swimming centre there is one large pool, which is able to be used for competitive practice, a smaller heated pool for younger users usually, but also for adults who prefer the warmth and the gentler wading, as well as a bubble spa and a babies shallow swimming pool. There is also a heated sauna, which is a steam room, with benches, were steam is generated for people to enjoy. Pools are very common universally, and are an increasingly popular way of enjoying water activities.


Australia has a constitution. It has a legal framework to settle disputes amongst its citizens. Yet, till now, it has been the part of Australian Citizens and groups and organisations within the Australian Community to form their own plans and objectives for life, if any at all. Political parties also represent a general plan of sorts in their political philosophies. Yet a nation of the 21st and 22nd centuries and so on need a specified Document, similar to a 'Constitution' or a 'Bill of Rights' which establishes the core mission statement of the nation and its key and agreed upon National Objectives. It cannot be a partisan plan - controlled and voted in on by one party only. It needs to be a united position representing the voice and will of the Australian people. Within this plan such structures as Governmental support and planning for businesses and other organisations with a 'Government Service Worker' (GSW) assigned to a Government Sponsored Organisations (GSO), a legal Australian Organisation or Institution whose membership or workforce exceeds 500 individuals (as a suggested number) whose objective is to assist and help prosper the organisation to meet its own objectives and stay afloat while, at the same time, retaining its contribution to society and the objectives of the Nation as a whole. A GSW should naturally be assigned to all business, as an example, whose workforce numbers is 500 or more, to aid the business in its ongoing profitmaking initiatives or its voluntary mandates. The Australia Plan needs to focus Australia and Australian citizens on a purpose for the nation, and give a sense of meaning and life objective for the individuals within the nation, especially when many individuals often lack a clear purpose and sense of direction in life. 
Yet not only Australia, but the UK, USA, Ireland and all nations of the world really should have a core working 'Agenda' or 'Plan' which spells out its own purposes as a nation and results it is attempting to achieve on the various facets of national life, commerce, culture and even philosophy.

The Market System

Australia works on a free market economy. In a free market economy we have a medium of exchange called money. The current Australian monetary units are the Dolars and Cents. There are 100 cents for ever dollar. Money is distributed by the Reserve Bank into the economy at various points, which brings in more buying and spending power into the economy. Money is spent – used as the medium of exchange – to buy goods and services. For example, if you wanted a haircut, you could give around $30 to a barber, and he would cut your hair for you. This is an example of a service. Generally, Australia does not have a fixed pricing system, but certain controls are in place to prevent corruptive pricing schedules. Another example. Say, you wanted to buy a hamburger and chips and coca cola from a local cafe. You might hand over $12.50 for the total price in money, and you will receive the food you are buying. The money goes back and forth through buyers and sellers in the economy of the nation at a constant rate. People usually work in occupations or jobs to acquire money. They work for a certain amount of hours each week, doing certain prescribed tasks, and their employer pays them for their work. This money can then be used to afford the goods and services the worker wishes to buy in life. Australia also has a welfare system, managed through the government department currently known as Centrelink, which provides money for those out of work, but seeking work, who are required to fill in a job seekers diary, as well as providing for people who have some sort of disability and can not work, or only work at limited potential. Centrelink provides an assortment of pensions for peoples in various circumstances. Shopping centres and Malls are the most common place to spend your money and buy the things you want in life. All sorts of things, from foodstuffs, clothing and shoeware, to all the various entertainment items of various kinds. Even prostitution can currently be legally paid for with money in Canberra in Australia. Money can also be acquired from succesful legal gambling, money earned on interest from bank accounts with a large bank balance (a great deal of money). Shares in company pay dividends of money to shareholders on a regular basis, and shares can be bought and sold on the stock exchange. Also, royalty cheques and various other forms of income can all lead to the gaining of money, as well as inheritances from deceased relatives and also life insurance and other forms of insurance. Wherever you get the money, it is usually spent on things you might wish to own in life. Australia doesn't have a great deal of restrictions in its market system, but not every good and service necessarily passes health and safety standards to allow them to be sold in Australia. Often, there are product recalls of faulty goods which are returned to the originating company. Collusion between competing companies on certain products in price fixing is generally illegal in Australia. There is a whole host of law which governs the economy and the market system, and a big part of the political party you might vote for is related to their policies on the market system, and especially their tax policies.

The Pursuit of Excellence

Who of us can really say we pursue excellence? Who of us can ever really say we even go halfway towards achieving it. Of course, the pursuit of excellence can be a motivator in the greatest achievers in society. A wonderful thing which propels them forwards to great and greater heights of accomplishments. So many projects and dreams have been realized in this world by those who pursue excellence, that we can rightly bow to their magnificent efforts. Can't we? Shouldn't we? Mustn't we? Personally, I don't really give that much of a shit about pursuing excellence, because I'm not that much of an excellency anyway. More of a mundane soul, specializing in actually having a decently well developed personal education and getting things right kind of mindset, but as for going after the glory of even my own power principles of success, fuckit. There was a time when I sought to be 'Perfect as my father inn heaven was perfect', but no longer, no way, just fuck that bullshit. My thinking and reasoning is that the human condition contains a fair number of fuckwits, dimwits, idiots, morons and fools that, when we get to the list of cool kids, we find it drastically shallow of any real depth. Humans are stupid, and don't apply themselves to the level of excellence at all, or even anywhere near it, because its just too much hard work, and we are lazy, and the point is that laziness is how a normal person who is flowing in the natural order actually gets decent rest and, in the end, functions a hell of a whole lot better in life anyway. You see, really being excellent is telling excellence to fuck itself and just be your fucking self and tell the critics to go fuck themselves, coz its your life, and don't give a shit about the superstar go getters coz they are only exercizing their natural God given talents and motivations anyway. Excellence? Why are you so far up your fucking arse that you want to be excellent. Flow in the spirit and act like you really are. Avril Lavigne said 'Why do you have to make things so complicated?' She was driving at that your not really acting like yourself. Tina Arena sang to Soulmate number 9 that she would have loved him if he had just been who he was. Hey, me, I like having a cluttered and messy room, and mum can get stuffed when she complains. That's the way I like it. It takes care of me and my preferred easy lifestyle, which I find natural and real and true, and trying to exceed myself unnaturally by behaving as 'Mr Cool' and 'Mr Charming' is not what Danny Danny Daly is all about. Excellence is the natural soul, which is devoid of excellence anyway. It is just your real self. It is not about 'Getting somewhere'. It is more about finding yourself and that, wherever you go where you are really means, find the ass you are sitting on and realize it doesn't have to fuck off to Hollywood to be all that it can be in the end. If you have talents, and want success in life, just do what YOU like to do and tell the world to go to hell. For writing I ONLY write what I enjoy writing and what tickles me dick at any given moment. I don't have drafts – I write it out once, its finished. Technically I don't mind spell checks and grammar formatting, but I don't like to change my dialogue much, unless its grammar or wordplay is a little awkward or could be expressed a little better. But there is only ever the tiniest alterations in my writings from when they are typed. That's what I mean. Be yourself. Tell the world to fuck itself. And find the excellence within in a happy soul which is content in making its own decisions and being its own master.


From 'Noahide World Information Database'

by Daniel Daly

Copyright 6177 sc

Tuggeranong is a district in the city of Canberra. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Tuggeranong is in the southernmost section of Canberra. Canberra is located in the Australian Capital Territory, one of the territories of Australia. Most of the land of Australia is taken up by the 6 states, but the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory take up a reasonable amount of the land of the continent. There are other territories of Australia, the majority being small offshore islands. The ACT is completely surrounded by the state of New South Wales. About 100 odd kilometres south of Tuggeranong is the township of Cooma, known as the gateway to the Snowy Mountains. Tuggeranong has suburbs. The suburbs of Tuggeranong are Macathur, Gilmore, Chisholm, Richardson, Calwell, Theodore, Isabella Plains, Monash, Fadden, Gowrie, Waniassa, Kambah, Bonython, Oxley, Greenway, Banks, Conder & Gordon. Greenway is the main town centre of Tuggeranong district, and the hyperdoms is located in Greenway, a major shopping mall. In Waniassa there is the Erindale shopping centre, in Chisholm you find the Chisholm shops, in Calwell there are the Calwell shops, and there are also the Gowrie and Isabella plains shops, slightly smaller, and the Lanyon Shops, down in the Lanyon valley which comprises the suburbs of Gordon, Banks and Conder. The Tuggeranong Vikings are the Rugby Union side for Tuggeranong, and there are also the Tuggeranong Bushrangers, the Rugby League side for Tuggeranong. Greenway has a large Southern Cross Club, a large club for Catholics and friends, and the sports clubs have a number of locations. These are major centres for eating and a lot of slot machines for gambling. In Erindale there is a public pool and there is the major Tuggeranong pool down in Greenway. The Tuggeranong pool is very nice. The Murrumbidgee river runs along the western edge of Tuggeranong, and Pine Island near Greenway, and Kambah Pool (which is the river) are major swimming holes for residents of Tuggeranong and the area. Tuggeranong is a rather newer district of Canberra, formed around the 1970s for the most part. There are a number of schools in the district, and Lake Tuggeranong college in Greenway caters for year 11 & 12 students, and began its schooling in 1990. There are actually 2 public libraries in Tuggeranong, a rarity for Canberra districts, being Tuggeranong library adjoining Tuggeranong college and the Erindale library, adjoining the Erindale college. The suburb of Fadden is notable for the street signs which carry famous military people associated with them. Fadden pines is a lovely playing field and picnic field for Tuggeranong, as are the Kambah playing fields. Tuggeranong people play standard Australian sports, and many are catered for in our district. Most of the major churches have congregations in Tuggeranong, and there is also an Islamic presence. Tuggeranong, geographically, is bordered by the Brindabella ranges to the west, above the Murrumbidgee, and it is mostly surrounded by mountains on most sides, and is somewhat separate and detached from the rest of Canberra. The Action bus network runs through Tuggeranong, and there is a bus depot which is in Greenway. The Action bus network services all of Canberra. There is a cinema complex at the hyperdome, and the food court of the hyperdome has a fine range of places to eat at affordable prices. Tuggeranong is really quite modern and up to date, and is growing in affluence at this time. In Greenway, many of the major commercial buildings have the same red tiled rooves, which is very noticeable from a distance. In Greenway there is also Lake Tuggeranong, an artificially created, but quite lovely lake.

Ocean, River and Lake Transport

Boats. Boats are an ancient thing. The Ark of Noah was a boat, it floated on the waters. But over the history of the world boats have continued to evolve and develop into sophisticated designs of quite splendid types in the 21st century of the Common Era. Huge passenger ships which can house hundreds of individuals transverse our oceans, offering both holiday tours on the ship itself, the tv drama 'The Love Boat' being a classic example of this, but there are also transport ships for goods and commodities of all kinds. Boats come in an enormous variety. The speed boat travels very quickly over the water, and people can travel on water skis connected to the boat by a rope or a cord and have exhilerating fun. The first fleet which came from England to Australia in the late 1700s were wooden ships of older designs, were the first Australian citizens came from to settle Australia, which already was inhabited by the indigenous population, but the new arrivals helped build the nation of Australia, emigrating from the old world on boats. Fishing boats are universally popular, and a boat or ship, like a plane, has a captain or a pilot at the helm very often. Apart from boats, there are hovercrafts, which have huge turbines which turn propellers causing the air to spin and lifting the hovercraft slightly above the waters. Of course, hovercraft can also go over land, and are used very often in swampy regions. Boats are an integral part of the modern transport industry and there are also licenses often required for bigger boats, though little dinghies can often just be used without any license. Through their design boats float on water, and modern boats often use engines with propellers at the back which force the boat forward through the waters. Sailing boats use the wind and sails – large cloth sheets of various materials – to catch the wind and pull the boat across the waters. Boats have various steering mechanism from rudders to steering wheels. Often they are secured in place in the ocean or lake or river by the use of an anchor, a large heavy object, connected to a rope, which is let down onto the bottom of the sea bed to keep the boat secure. Boats are a fundamental part of society, and will likely be around for generations to come.


The Book of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Noahide World Information Database

Chapter One


I am not really sure what my oldest memories are, but I do remember being in the kitchen at Berridale (7 Bent Street) playing on the chairs we had, which had black vinyl, being chairs I had played on often, doing a rocking horse motion on them around the kitchen, and thinking right at that point, in thoughts which had slowly developed for a while, I will remember this time for the rest of my life. And I have never forgotten it. I was born on the 20th of November 1972 Kingston upon Hull in England in the United Kingdom. I was born at the Hull Maternity Hospital, which Mum tells me is no longer there. What had happened was my older brother Matthew was born in Cooma Hospital on the 21st of October 1969 and my older sister Brigid was born in the same hospital on the 26th of October 1971. But when it came to the third child, myself, mum decided to have me in England in Hull, were she likewise had been born. She was born on the 7th of July, 1937 (meaning she turned 70 on the 7/7/2007 – which is probably why 7 is her favourite number). My mother’s name is Mary Philomena Daly nee Baker. Dad was born Cyril Aloysius Daly on the 11th of August 1922 in Sydney. I remember, in those early days, the world book dictionaries we had, and the set of world book children’s encyclopaedias. We still have the dictionaries, but the children’s encyclopaedias are long gone. They had a games section of a jungle map which you followed from page to page, as well as a volume of kids activities which I liked to look at. I remember a big box which dad brought home from work one day, which we played in in the back yard for a while. And I remember the first day thinking that when the ‘Goodies’ came on (on ABC at 6) that I would still keep on playing in the box. But I think that the others went inside when the Goodies came on, and I went in shortly afterwards. The Goodies were big to me as a kid, and so was Dr Who which ABC put on right after the Goodies. They are my earliest childhood TV shows I remember, alongside The ABC News at 7 (which is still the time they show it) and the Saturday morning Cartoons. I remember ‘Point of View’ which they showed before the cartoons at 12 which was a political commentary show. When ‘Point of View’ came on I was usually watching TV, waiting for the Cartoons. The ‘Whacky Racers’ was a show I remember, were the hero turned into a bad guy as well. Star Wars was a big thing because every one was talking about it, and when what I thought was Star Wars was supposed to come on TV I was broken when the blackout occurred and we missed nearly all of it. In fact it was just the Star Wars holiday special (but I didn’t know at the time) and perhaps it is a good thing I missed it because Mr Lucas maintains he would prefer if it was totally forgotten. I read online that some people consider it Star Wars canon, because it contains plots which supposedly tie into the saga (ie Chewbacca visiting his family). Later on, when I learned about confirmation names, mine was going to be ‘Luke’. It was going to be ‘Luke’ for a long time, mainly because of Star Wars ‘Luke Skywalker’. But I ended up choosing ‘Tarcisius’ just a few months before my confirmation because I read a book in Year 6 at St Pats in Cooma in the back on St Tarcisius. I also read one on St Pancratius, but was scared of the way St Pancratius died (I think he was beheaded) and preferred the death of St Tarcisius. I guess I ended up choosing Tarcisius because I thought that was the spiritual thing to do. I pinched my dad’s 2 cent and 5 cent coins almost straight away from his jar, because I knew they bought lollies. I kept on pinching from mum’s purse into my teens. It was where my arcade money came from. I was convicted a lot and felt guilt, but always brushed it aside. I remember, later on in Cooma, getting busted for pinching lollies from Woolworths, and they took us to the police station. We were under age and just got a warning. It is the only time I have been to the police station for illegal activity. I have never been arrested, and have worked hard to make sure I won’t be. Anyway, God dealt with the pinching gradually through my life, and I learned my lesson eventually. I do remember, though, that whenever I pinched some money and mum asked who was pinching from her purse, it was normally always me, but I would deny it to her face. I am not really sure if my siblings ever pinched money. There was this time, though, in Cooma, when Aunt Molly accused me of pinching a dollar, but it actually wasn’t me that time. I think she had just mislaid it. Like ‘Swiper’ from Dora the Explorer, pinching was my main problem, but apart from that, looking back, I usually feel I was a good kid with a good heart. I was usually gentle throughout my school years, and did not like fighting, and was picked on because of it. I was extremely unpopular all the way through to the end of year 10 at St Patrick’s. Fortunately, they were never too violent towards me, usually just occasionally calling me names and letting me know my place at the bottom of the hierarchy. Throughout those 11 years at St Pats there were a lot of hard times, but there was an occasional moment here and there when things were just a bit okay. My teachers were Mrs Macminnamin in Kindie, Sister Susan in year 1 and 2, Mrs Jones in year 3, Mr McHugh in year 4 & 5, Sr Ann in year 6, and then various teachers in high school. I first went to the pre-school in Cooma north before kindie, but only occasionally. I remember a few times staying at the big house up the top of crisp street at the top of the hill in Cooma – the very big mansion like one – after pre-school for some babysitting. I can’t remember the people, but they had a shack were I remember thinking there was a fox there. It is a big part of my memory. Mum tells me they asked me questions but I was playing them for fools as a little devil. The first day I got home from kindie, mum tells me I undid my shoes, took them off and said ‘Thank God for that.’ I remember I was trying to be dramatic.


I learned to read very quickly, and that was my main strength in school. I was good at maths, but excellent at reading. I remember in year 1 or 2 one time when the class had to read a book, I was finished very quickly before the rest of the class, and I think it was Sr Frances taking the class a the time who told me to read it again, and I did so very quickly, a lot of the class still reading. I had free time for a little while and thought about stuff. I remember getting in trouble once and being told to go down to stay with the kindies. But I was too embarrassed, so hid behind the kindies class, and looked under the school at the stuff they kept there. Later on I went to the section were the toilets were. I got caught out the next school day and told Sr Susan I was were the toilets were, not telling her I was at the other part of the school. Another lie. But I didn’t get into too much trouble. I remember sporting carnivals. I never got any places, ever, at any sporting carnival. I don’t think I ever came last, but I was always down near the bottom. Once I got a fifth place, just missing out on a forth and a white ribbon. I was no good at sports to start off with. But, later on, when I was with my friends from the public school (the gang I got into) we played a season of Indoor Cricket in the B Grade competition, and we actually won it. There were only 4 or 5 teams, but we still came first, and I got invited to play that day in the A Grade final, which I did. We lost, but I always remember we could have won. The problem was we thought the ‘Hot’n’Tots’ were invincible, and we lacked confidence, but they played poorly in that final. We lost, but we might have won with the right motivations. But I still got a trophy for wining in the B Grade final with my team, and that was about the only sporting triumph I have achieved in serious competition. Although I was on the winning team for the UPC Oldies vs Youngies cricket competition for both the first 2 years, once on the oldies and once on the youngies. I think I was the only person who could claim I was on the winning side for both years. One of those years I made a ’50 Not Out’ and matched Jonathon Downs effort (the Pastor John Downs’ son). It was a mandatory retirement at 50. Of course, Jonathon was a much better batter than myself, and had all the shots. But my innings started slowly, and worked up gradually. And towards the end I started hitting ‘4s’. I guess I go slow to start with but gradually build up strength. Either way I was pretty happy to match Jonathon’s score. The gang I joined was a Cooma game arcade group of kids. I started going there to play games at about 14 or 15 and Damien Asanovsci and Peter Dradrach befriended me. I had never really had friends, but they seemed to care. And those few years were some of the best years of my life. Peter and Damien, alongside Michael Werle and Michael Gratwick and Keith Willis and Mark Post were the gang, and we listened to Heavy Metal and played Indoor cricket. The bands we listened to were ‘Metallica’ and ‘Iron Maiden’ and ‘Motley Crue’ and ‘Def Leppard’ & ‘Megadeth’ mainly, as well as ‘Helloween’. I liked Bon Jovi because Damien had given me a copied tape of ‘Slippery When Wet’. It was the first major album I had listened to, apart from a ‘Black Funk’ tape from probably Boney M or someone similar, and a few kids tapes. I thought the album was incredibly cool and became the biggest Bon Jovi fan in Cooma most likely. I ended up seeing them in Sydney in 1989 alongside my friend ‘Noodles’ who lived near the train station in Cooma. The only other live concert of a big act I have seen is ‘Rebecca St James’ in Sydney in the early 2000s. The Bon Jovi concert was far too loud, and I had borrowed my brothers binoculars without asking him to see the band. There were 2 rock chicks in front of us and they went wild. But we were way up the back, and the view was not fantastic. Still, I can claim to have seen Bon Jovi live in the 1980s, and that is a big deal to me. I bought a t-shirt at the concert which had a big heart and a dagger on it, and they still use that symbol. I was on Austudy at the time and was buying all the Bon Jovi cassettes and records, and had a number of posters and magazines. I even bought a metal ‘New Jersey’ badge, which I lost later on in life. They were the biggest band for me to start with, and my favourite for a long time. No band really ever replaced them as my favourite, but I have a lot of favourite bands and artists now. Iron Maiden, Def Leppard, Queen, Alice Cooper, Madonna, Spice Girls, Britney Spears, Billie Piper and so many others are big on my list, and I have owned probably over 1000 CDs by now. But with my schizophrenia I usually end up either destroying them, or trading them back for others, or selling them, or giving them to family members. But I am less attached to a CD as a possession now anyway, and FM104.7 plays all the new hits and radio is usually enough. Freddy Mercury from Queen went on about the ‘Disposable Pop’ idea. And these days what I know is that new hits always come along, and new artists always replace the old, and you don’t have to stay attached to the same old music forever. Some styles seem to stay in vogue now, and older styles come back from time to time. I think Billy Joel sums it up – ‘Everyone is talking about the new style funny but its still rock and roll to me.’ We were in Berridale for the 1970s, Cooma for the 1980s and Canberra for the 1990s and beyond. I did go back to live in Cooma in 2001 briefly and in 2007 briefly, and in 2009 until the present moment, were I am living both in Cooma and Canberra. I have a cheap flat I am renting whose lease expires shortly, and I am undecided wether I will keep the flat or not. Berridale was a blissful town to grow up in. We went to Catholic Church on Sundays, the whole family, and I did that every week until I was 16, when I went my own way on beliefs. I remember looking up at the crucifix and realizing that was the Jesus fellow. I remember praying the rosary in the rosary group which came to our house. I remember the statues of angels at the church which were put up in the attic of the church I think (because of something to do with protestant discussions at the time – I am not sure though). But, whatever else, church was extremely boring, a massive guilt trip, and I never really liked it that much. Later on as an altar boy it was alright because I was doing something, but I couldn’t abide sitting in the pews. I never liked church, and that was that. At 16 Mum went on a holiday to England with Greg, and I stopped going to church. When she got back I was so headstrong that she didn’t try to persuade me to go back and that was the end of the matter. From there I gradually drifted into Agnosticism, and while over the next few years I strongly considered atheism, I never quite made the commitment to that viewpoint. At that stage my faith was a work in progress. In 1990 we came to Canberra, first in Kambah and then in Gilmore and then in late 1990 to 29 Merriman Crescent Macarthur, were I am right at this moment in the front middle room typing this away (Tuesday 2nd of March, 2010). We will get up 20 years at this place later on in the year, and that is a pretty good achievement. But it is still taking a while to get used to even the suburb, and I haven’t totally done that yet. In a strange way Tuggeranong is still new territory to me, and the rest of Canberra as well, but I am gradually getting used to it as home. Actually, Cooma is home as well these days, and I suppose I am basically a ‘Monaro’ boy. I also have a younger sister, Jacinta, and a younger brother, Gregory. They are both married and Jacinta has 3 kids and Gregory has 1. In my early 20s I was studying at the Canberra Institute of Technology, undertaking an Associate Diploma of Business in Office Administration. I ended up completing all the requirements, with 3 distinctions, 5 credits, and many passes. It was during the latter half that I had my crises of faith and finally went back to church. But I had an accident in testing my faith, jumping off a bridge barefooted near parliament house. I turned schizophrenic that day. I blacked out immediately after stepping off the bridge, and woke up a while later on the ground. The ambulance came shortly, and I was in hospital for a couple of weeks. It was when I went nuts, and I am still essentially a Schizophrenic. From there it was off to Catholic Church in Gowrie for a while, but I was witnessed to by Pentecostal girls, and ended up going to Potters House Christian Church. In fact, I attended a service there just this Sunday – my first in a good few years as I don’t go anymore, no longer being a Christian. I was at Potters House for about a year, then off to United Pentecostal Church because I no longer believed the Trinity. But the ‘Oneness’ was wrong also, and I ended up ‘Unitarian’ in faith. After 6 months at Hughes Baptist church attending occasionally I became a ‘Noahide’. That was a leap of faith in January 1999 and now, in March 2010 I am still a Noahide. So I have 11 years up and hopefully am slowly gaining some credibility for my faith. Jesus talks about traditions of men being taught by the Pharisees as commands of God. I agree with him, and thus disregard the Mishnah and Gemara (the Jewish Talmud’s). There are different ways of looking at the Jewish Bible itself, and I would probably make a ‘Hexateuch’ argument if I had to, but I am no longer sure it really matters. In the end conversion to Judaism has simply not been an option, and the Noahide thing is working for me very well indeed. I am happy with it, content with my situation, pleased that Haven Noahide Fellowship today has 3 official members, with reasonable potentiality for growth, and happy that Yahweh is not asking me to do anything in particular out of the ordinary. I have had ‘Rainbow’ witnesses at key points over the last decade and it seems to me that the Rainbow as the Covenantal sign of my covenant is really, in truth, the one to stick with. Scripture declares it an ‘Everlasting Covenant’ so, to me, faith in an everlasting Covenant leads to everlasting life. Now, my books. Morning Stars was begun the writing of in the year 2000. I began it at work in AQIS one day in the Exdoc section. Saruviel popped in pretty quickly, and I think the name was bubbling away from ‘Suvrael’ the southern continent of Silverberg’s ‘Majipoor’. Lord Valentines Castle, The Majipoor Chronicles and Valentine Pontifex were awesome, and some of the many fantasy and sci fi epics I have consumed. ‘Morning Stars’ the title comes directly from Job 38:7 KJV. It was borrowed directly from that translation. It took 5 or 6 years to write the first version of Morning Stars (the currently paperback published version of 100 copies only), but writing took off very quickly after that point. I write heaps now. People occasionally ask me were did I come up with me ideas about angels. Well, Michael and Gabriel come from the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament, and Gabriel appears in the Gospels, and Michael appears in ‘Jude’ and in the ‘Revelation’ in the New Testament. I have also read some of the ‘Pseudepigrapha’ and Michael and Gabriel and a number of others appear in 1 Enoch in the Pseudepigrapha. Some churches actually hold to 1 Enoch as scripture, and for biblical students I strongly encourage you to go check it out because Jesus quotes the hell out of it. Metatron is in one of the Enoch’s as well (there are 3 Enoch books, I think) and he has a heap of names in there, well over 70. The Rabbinic literature goes on about various angels, and Muslim literature also does as well. Also, don’t forget the Doreen Virtue Books and many others out there. Currently Angel Books are doing well, and I am aiming to get the major fantasy niche in this market if I can. I cheekily call ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ the third volume of the Pseudepigrapha. I guess, because the Pseudepigrapha is public domain, and if I had the money, I might consider publishing it myself one day under the ‘Noahide Books’ imprint and adding the first ‘Arc’ of the Chronicles to it and calling this the third volume of ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship’s’ own Pseudepigrapha. Recognition from the big churches and the big Jewish and Muslim movements might not be easy, or it might end up being quite easy – you never know. But we are actually quite serious about being NON-cultic, quite serious about being lawful and in harmony with the general rules and customs of the land, and quite serious in our devotions to God. On salvation, we generally teach that this is mainly God’s business. Iron maiden sing a song which says ‘There’s not a God to save you if you won’t save yourself.’ Some Christian fundies will argue that works aint gonna do it, and that only faith in Jesus death is going to get you there. But Jesus teaches in revelation to one of the churches a doctrine which says ‘I have not found your works perfect.’ Of course, the New Testament can be argued on Calvinistic and Armenian standpoints, but taken as a whole – ie the 27 books being the New Testament, I would actually agree that you probably need to be a Christian to be saved, doctrinally. But it depends how you view it. For example, you can’t enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born again. Is this the New Jerusalem? Thus, if you are not born again, like John the Baptist in Jesus own words, is the new EARTH available instead? Jehovah’s witnesses think so. Is this were the Catholics go? As in there creed they say ‘The Life of the World to Come’, which is the standard Jewish doctrine on salvation. The World to come – the new earth. Of course Isaiah goes on about a new heaven BUT ALSO a new earth. Are there different destinations for different folks. Jewish salvation is works oriented. I think Catholics seem to be of that mould also these days. The fundies are faith oriented. Is it a different destination for different groups? So if you are not Born Again my fundamentalist friend, I know you can’t enter the Kingdom of God, but is that Kingdom the New Jerusalem? And if it is, is the New Earth available instead? Interesting question. You see, Jews actually do have faith. And they have faith in God, and not Jesus. Will this works doctrine of salvation get them the ‘New Earth?’ Perhaps, I think. Perhaps. Anyway, just so you will actually know, Haven’s own doctrine of salvation for us Noahides in particular in Haven Noahide Fellowship is that God is the saviour. Jews have to circumcise to maintain their own covenant. Christians have to baptize to maintain their own covenant. We believe Noah’s covenant is totally up to God’s own effort. You see, we can’t make a rainbow – only God can make a rainbow. So we don’t even bother to save ourselves. We do whatever the heck we want to, can be slack and second rate on spirituality if we want to, occasionally little devils on legal issues (as the Coloured Devil’s would testify), but, in general, happy enough and amused by all the entertainment. You see, God didn’t actually give us Noahides a doctrine of salvation, so we do bugger all, smile that the rainbow still pops up for us every now and again, and thank our lucky stars we don’t have to slave away at the Sabbath, or confess every sin under the sun in true Johannine fashion. Amen and amen and amen. But enough with religion. I am tired, thirsty and hungry, and fortunately the kitchen is still were I would imagine it to be. This chronicle is finished for the moment, but I will give you some more thoughts later one. Cheers. Daniel




Chapter Two

(Written Friday the Fifth of March, 2010 CE/AD, in the morning)


Funnily enough, I am actually published already. No royalties, or anything like that, but in reasonably significant publications. My first publishing is actually a fan letter to a comic. I was a big fan of DC Comics growing up and loved the Justice League International and others from the 1980s, but in the early to mid 1990s I loved quite a few others and ‘The Demon’ run by Garth Ennis and John McCrea was awesome. And, thus, I am published in the last issue of the 1990s run of the ‘Demon’ in poetry form. I have to go off and obtain the comic again, but here is the poem as far as I can recall from memory.


A Devious Plan by Etrigan to conquer all the Earth

Saw light in Demon 52 when Glenda did give birth

A Tragic fate it does await a child so innocent

For the Demon’s evil schemes are not heaven but hell sent


I laughed with glee in 53 at Hitman’s futile folly

Too kill an undead army, methinks it’s not that jolly

And Jason Blood he knew the score and gave a grin not frown

As he stepped into the circle and took the bastard down


It was a fight with fire and flight which came in 54

A merry battle yes indeed with blood and guts and gore

So to the victor go the spoils and Jason blood did smile

While Etrigan his dark revenge will have to wait a while.’



I wrote out the letter on paper with a pen, and my writing is not that neat, so they misspelled the last name and put ‘Daniel Dacy’ instead of ‘Daniel Daly’, confusing the ‘L’ for a ‘C’. I sent in another poem on the Demon as well, but the first poem was in the last issue, so they couldn’t have published the second one. I did though have my name mentioned in an issue of ‘Green Lantern’ I think around this time as well, (just a little later), in the letters section. My next publishing was in poetry anthologies from (I think they have changed their name now). My poem ‘Cat’s’ was published in ‘Treasures to Discover’ and my poem ‘The Next Day’ was published in ‘The Best Poems and Poets of 2001’. After that I was published in a magazine in America, but never received a copy of the magazine, and it was one of my poems. I think it was called ‘Anointed Magazine’ by Magpie publishing, or something or another. I’ll get it one day. And then, just last year, I was published in ‘Short and Twisted 2009’, an Australian Anthology book, with short stories with twists to them. My short story ‘The Diabolical Adventure of RXQ7’ was published in this anthology. Of course, ‘Morning Stars’ and ‘Ye Olde Devil’ were published at the same time under my own ‘Noahide Books’ imprint in 2007 with 100 copies of each of them. I have handed most of them out, but still have a few of each at home. My writing is central to my life, these days. I receive a Centrelink ‘Disability Support Pension’ for my Schizophrenia, and because I have a lot of free time available, I write books. I became schizophrenic in the mid 1990s the day I returned to faith in the God of the bible (interesting that, isn’t it). It was a hectic time. I had just spent the afternoon at YWAM in Watson with a girl called ‘Ariel Cheng’ who was studying with me at CIT at the time. All the previous night my depression had reached its worst, and I needed to See Ariel because she was saintly and a believer. All that day coming through Canberra from Macarthur to Watson I felt all this heaviness upon me, but when I got to the ground of the YWAM place, the spiritual heaviness abated. But when I left later on it returned. I stopped off in Woden at the Christian book store, bought a ‘Good News Bible’ and stopped off again at Holy Family Catholic Church in Gowrie and read the entire book of Job. And that is when I felt the goodness of God and returned to biblical faith. The following day I went off on a mad crusade after having confessed my sins to a Catholic priest in Red Hill, and, in an attempt to test my faith Indiana Jones and the last crusade style, I ended up jumping of a bridge near Parliament House. I was in hospital for a couple of week, and then in a wheelchair, but most of the anxiety and depression was now gone. And then about 6 months later when I prayed a sinners prayer in Potter’s House in Pearce, the rest of the depression left. BUT, in those 2 and a half years as a Christian, until January 1999 there was still a degree of anxiety. This, though, left in January 1999 when I became a Noahide. And since then things have been very good for me. I have had Schizophrenia all throughout this time, rejected the medication on naturalistic grounds a number of times, but now take it consistently. My symptoms are talking to myself a lot, and hearing voices a bit, but it is fine now. It doesn’t really bother me that much anymore. I have learned to live with it. But because I receive a Disability Support Pension since applying in 2005, I no longer really have to work so, to keep myself busy and (hopefully) earn a living one day, I write books. The main intention with my books is to keep them FREE to read online, but if people want to purchase paperback copies of my books, those ones I can sell. That I think is an ethical way of going about business, and completely fair. My main saga, of course, is ‘The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’. This is about Angels and Children of God, from their creation up into a potentially neverending future. There is quite a bit written about them now, and I don’t really plan on ever finishing the saga in this human life. I have prayed many, many times to God for long life, and hope he continues to bless me with this. The first book written in the ‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ was ‘Morning Stars’. This was begun the writing of in 2000 CE/AD. Prior to this my writing achievements were: A story about insects who flew in leaves in year 6 (which I was very proud of), a Frog and Toad story in primary school, a Fantasy Epic which I had maps drawn up for, about Kalan Lyant and Mallintor the Magician and the continents of ‘Kaluvia’ and ‘Ky-Keria’ and Karadarak’ and the main bigger one which I can’t remember the name of but had the capital city of ‘Rhyan’ and a minor village called ‘Lameth’ were a female bartender called ‘Marni Bonniker’ worked, who was to figure into the saga. ‘Ky-Keria’ was a continent on the north of ‘Kaluvia’ and they were just connected (like north and south America’. All of ‘Ky-Keria’ was barren land with the dread city ‘Yalth’ in the centre, were the main protagonist of the saga, and evil warlock, resided. On Kaluvia on the north-east side were the ‘Iridian Jid’ mountains, two cities called ‘Ejin’ and ‘Eijin’. On Kaluvia, over the other side of the Iridian Jid on the mountains on the northern side, near the ocean, was ‘Haven’. On Karadarak on the top north-eastern corner was ‘Auar’ and the ‘Auarii’ were the elf-like creatures from the hidden Shangri-La of ‘Auar’. Auar was totally surrounded by impassable mountains on the land side and impenetrable cliffs on the ocean side, and thus had never been found by the dwarves or humans. I had written in year 7 or 8 or 9 (I can’t remember which) quite a bit of this story on paper, but eventually lost the writings unfortunately. But later on in the mid 1990s it was going to be called (with new ideas) ‘The Doomsayer Chronicles’ with all sorts of ‘Armageddon’ overtones. I will definitely write this saga one day, and ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is currently underway mentions this saga, and should be viewed also as a prequel alongside David Eddings two sagas. I had read ALL of the Belgariad by this stage, and was about to be pleasantly surprised by Damien Asanovsci with his mothers copy of ‘Guardian’s of the West’ in hardback. The other major fantasy works I read in those years were: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, The Twilight Realm, the First Shannara Trilogy, The First 5 Riftwar saga books (Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon, Prince of the Blood & The King’s Buccaneer), The Dorian Hawkmoon books by Michael Moorcock, Conan the Adventurer, The Pliocene Exiles (and later the Galactic Milieu saga) by Julian May, The first nine Xanth books by Piers Anthony and later the first seven Incarnations of Immortality Books and Battle Circle by Piers Anthony (and I have ideas for a Battle Circle sequel, which I might do in fanfiction – hey, I will call it this: ‘Battle Circle II: Circle of Death’ – I just made up that title then. Anyway, my idea for the sequel is that the two guys left stranded near the end with the radiation poisoning (was that it? It is years since I have read it) but it was Sos and Sol wasn’t it? Anyway, whatever, they get rescued and cured by the Chinese Helicon, and they are in the sequel. It was just an idea I had back then because I liked the books so much.), Some of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, Most of the Foundation Saga (yet to read the two prequels to foundation), All 10 Chronicles of an Age of Darkness books by Hugh Cook and even a short story in the saga in his online website (check it out Hugh Cook fans, there are other short stories in the Chronicles there), This is the Way the World Begins featuring Ram Burrell by J T Macintosh, The Sword and the Satchel by Elizabeth H Boyer, The first two volumes of ‘Memory Sorrow and Thorn’ By Tad Williams (I am halfway through the final volume and will finish it off eventually), and more recently the first two volumes of the Faded Sun Trilogy by C J Cherryh (I will finish of the third volume eventually) and others still. I will probably start ‘The Doomsayer Chronicles’ soon. After that in the Mid 1990s I wrote the first two versions of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ both of which never got finished. The Current short story ‘The Harmony Bridge’ is a different version still, but contains some of the ideas. It really should be seen as a sequel to the original ideas for the Harmony Bridge, the plot I still have in my mind which I will write out some day. In fact the original version of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ birthed the name ‘Callodyn’. That is were he was born. Radric was born in the second version of ‘The Harmony Bridge’ and later I met Andre Wheeley from Crossroads Christian church and ‘Ambriel’, in a sense, was born from the ideas of both of these. Radric was a friend of Callodyn’s.



 Here is my current resume:


Resume of Daniel Daly


Address: 29 Merriman Crescent


 Phone: (02) 6291 4414


 Date of Birth: 20th of November, 1972

 Skills: Office Administration Skills

Word Processing Skills – MS Word (Intermediate to Advanced)

MS Excel (Basic to Intermediate)

Typing: 60 wpm

Creative Writing Skills

Pastoral Skills

 Education: Associate Diploma in Office Administration

(1995) Canberra Institute of Technology

 Certificate in Word Processing and Office Skills

(1993) Canberra Institute of Technology

 Year 10 Certificate

(1988) St Patrick’s School, Cooma

 Work History:

 2000 – Current Author. I have my own website

( dedicated to promoting my own fictional books about angels. I have spent the last decade writing these books.


 1996 – 2000. Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service

Position: Clerical Officer – Various Positions from ASO1 to acting ASO3

Duties: Various database work, Excel Spreadsheet work, Travel log, Stationery cupboard maintenance, Photocopier room maintenance


 1996 Department of Employment, Education and Training

Youth Affairs

Position: Clerical Assistant

Duties: Photocopying, Filing


It is not an exhaustive resume, just a basic one page one. Well that is the end of chapter two. I will write more soon. Cheers. Daniel

 End of chapter two




Chapter Three

(Written Friday the 12th of March and Saturday the 13th of March 2010 in the evening, late on Friday, and early the next morning, Saturday, just after 12 midnight)


There is a line in a song which goes ‘A Good Heart these days is hard to find.’ Thinking about it, what will really last forever, beyond your works even, is if you have a good heart which people are attracted to and find peace in. If people can get along with you and find acceptance with you, if you can overlook their flaws and fallible nature and love them simply for being them, for being human and alive and worthy of love because of it, if you can show empathy and relate your heart to theirs and give them consolation when they are low and be a faithful friend in both difficult times and good times, if you can be a little rock of eternal friendship and hope in their lives, then that will really last forever and be a blessing of untold wealth. Money comes and goes. Perhaps, in the world to come, we will be trillionairres a trillion times over, and perhaps right at the bottom a number of times too. Who can really say, hey? Perhaps we will own mansions, and cars, star in movies and sing great songs. But when everyone has had their turn at glory, what will last? Thinking about Jesus, who I don’t believe is the Christ or Messiah or God or anything like that type of nonsense, but thinking about how he often comes across in his simple human wisdom, he apparently forsaked all the glory of wealth in his life, didn’t bother really trying to earn thousands of drachmas (or whatever their currency was) and living out the high life, but instead sought to teach people spiritual values and share a message of love with them. And while I think God has various ways of looking at the person of Jesus of Nazareth, ways unlike how the church views him, I think there is still a heart of popularity attributed to this man simply because he comes across has having cared about people, and perhaps was even willing to die for them, which he apparently did. I couldn’t do that, personally. I have the guts to take a bullet for any wife I would marry and children, but I couldn’t die on a cross. But then again, that’s not me. If someone asked me ‘Would you die for me?’ I would have to tell them ‘NO.’ But then I would say ‘But I would LIVE for you instead.’ But, whatever, the message of Jesus simple love is, really, what is going to last forever. The message of finding a heart which accepts you and treats you kindly, which will sacrifice for you and dig you out of difficult situations, will give you blessings when you need them, and stay faithful to you – well who can say that they don’t really want that a lot? And, hopefully, that is what Haven Noahide Fellowship, if it really ever starts growing well and turning into something which I hope it could become, will be all about. Above all else I want Haven to be exactly that – ‘A Haven’. I think everyone can say at some time in their lives they needed a place to get away, a place to call their own, a place to be accepted, loved unconditionally, and helped out in difficult circumstances. In Australia were I live we are so lucky that we have a good welfare system which helps out the people with low incomes. I know that Indigenous Australians still have a degree of poverty, but it has gotten to the point in Australia that if you really want to succeed in life, the opportunities are there. Schooling will be free if you can’t afford it, you can gain HECS to study a university degree and pay it back later. There is the jobsearch allowance to support you while you are looking for work. And there is government housing for people who can’t afford to own or rent in the private sector. All of this comes from, to my way of thinking, a society which genuinely cares about its citizens. And that is what we all want, isn’t it? To live in a world which cares and has a heart in it. All my life I have heard it said occasionally that this is a cold hard uncaring world. But I have found the opposite often equally true. There ARE a lot of caring people in this world. There are synagogues and churches and mosques and temples full of religious and spiritual people who are motivated by pleasing God and helping their fellow humans. And there are non-religious people who hold to an ethical or moral stance of live and let live and trying to be a good person. And, I think, that may just be what it is all about, this thing called life. C S Lewis argued in ‘Mere Christianity’ that there is a ‘Moral Law’ which we all seem to ascribe to. For example, we often say of things ‘That’s not right’. Or ‘That shouldn’t be’ as if there is some benchmark or standard of righteousness which we all seemingly hint at, even unknowingly. A lot of that may be as a result of centuries of grooming on our morals, but is it more than that? Is there really a sense of justice innate to being human, made in the image of God. And, for me, Justice is not just about righting wrongs, but acting justly to ensure a society in which happiness is found. Haven Noahide Fellowship, as of today, has a tiny number of members. But it has a growing number of people who know about us. My hope is that Haven WILL grow, and end up being that Haven in peoples lives, a place of sanctuary, a place were they can escape to and find peace from God and solace for the heart and soul. I want Haven to be a place were EVERYONE is accepted, because we are all children of Noah and Noahides. It is to be a place were people can be put right with God, meeting him, encountering him in prayer and meditation, and finding others who also connect to him. It is to be a place, ultimately, in which Jew, Christian, Muslim, Bahai and any of the believers in the God of Adam, Noah and Abraham can connect and find Haven from the conflicts which have often beset them. You see, Haven accepts everyone of all the Adamic religions, wanting to be a place were they can find acceptance with each other and tolerance for their differences. And it is the sign, the simple sign of the ‘Rainbow’ with its bright colours, which all of us can see and witness to, and have hope in the promises of God that his Grace will remain, everlastingly so.


* * * * *


I have had a crush on a number of female pop singers for a number of years now. I have fancied the Christian pop singer ‘Rebecca St James’ for a long time, ever since the mid 1990s when I was given a Christian compilation CD from my sister with her song ‘Here I Am’ on it. I think she is a wonderful person, and hope she soon finds the right man for her, because she is still a virgin in her early 30s and has been faithfully waiting for the right one. I really like all 5 Spice Girls, and am currently reading Geri Halliwell’s biography ‘If Only’. She comes across as a very genuine person, in no way flakey, with a very real upbringing and with a heart which cares. I think she is FAB. I am also a big Madonna fan now, and hope the best for her. I also really like Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson, as well as Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff and Lily Allen. I remember in the 1980s when I first heard of Madonna. She was that new big super popstar, who at the time I thought was basically one of the real big popstar's like Michael Jackson. I never bought any of her albums though and was never really a fan until the early 1990s when I was at a video store and looking at CDs for rent and thought I may as well try the ‘Bedtime Stories’ album by Madonna. I loved it and became a fan then. I know Madonna has studied Kabbalah for many years, and I also know she still seems to be a Christian in faith as well. I find her a very interesting personality and the fact that she has faith in God is, to me, a great thing. To me that is someone who ‘has it all’ but still remembers where her bread is buttered. Success in life, finding the big dream of it all, and finding your piece of the pie seems to be what it is all about for many of us in the west. I wrote a poem a while ago called ‘Stuck’ which sort of summed up how I view things. It is in my ‘Life, Love and Other Mysteries’ anthology of poetry and song. So much of my own yearnings in life over these past 20 years have been for some sort of success. To make a name for myself, to achieve wealth and success, to gain my own, supposedly deserved, glory. But I suppose I have to learn the poem God gave me to write for myself. ‘In patience what I need comes to be.’ I guess, if we can learn to wait, to learn to let go of the demand for ‘Instant Wealth’ and ‘Instant Success’, then perhaps what we actually really NEED will be given to us by God and that in this ‘Prison of Life’ we will end up FREE from the frustrations of our own covetous lusts for wealth and success, instead transformed into a person which is content with God’s love and whatever he sees fit to provide for us. Because if we have God’s love – if we have the love of the one who is eternal and has always been there – then it is just patience we need to have, for he will give us all good things in the fullness of time. What we need to learn in the mean times is to love each other, to respect each other, and to value each other. For those gifts, which are FREE, are the ones we really need for eternity anyway.


* * * * *


When I stopped going to Catholic Church at 16 it wasn’t really because I didn’t believe in God. It was because church was boring and I had better things to do. But, gradually, looking back, I realize now that the simple faith I had in God as a child disappeared in those years from 16 to 18 or so. But not for long. I questioned, intently, wether God was there or not. I thought about it all the time, a great deal, and then, later on in year 11 or 12 at Lake Tuggeranong College I stole a book on philosophy for beginners from the library (which I might have eventually returned to the Civic library) and read some of the arguments for the existence of God. What nailed it for me was the ‘Argument from Design’. Essentially it argues that nature is so complex, wonderful, beautiful and has such a design to it that it indicates a ‘DESIGNER’ behind it. I gave this thought, then, and within a short while confessed my faith. Yes, God was there, had designed the universe, and was the creator. It was at that point I really did believe in God, and have never stopped since. But I was NOT a religious believer, instead, I guess, being deistic in my viewpoint. I did believe in an afterlife, though, and shared that view briefly once with Ariel Cheng, a friend from CIT. But she alluded that unless I was a Christian I wouldn’t receive that afterlife. That got me interested in Christianity and later I became a pentecostal. But for a long time now, since being a Noahide, I KNOW I was in the right position back then. I had faith in God, believed in a world to come, and I know that was and still is enough for God to accept you. It was all he needed to save me. Over the course of my walk with God, though, I have come to know that Jehovah is NOT a trinity, and that Israel is his ‘Rock’. But, the way the Noahide world is gradually emerging now, we Noahides are becoming God’s ‘Rock’ as well. After all, we are of the ‘Oldest’ of the biblical covenants, older still than Abraham’s covenants, and perhaps in that sense should be the MOST responsible of God’s holy people. Perhaps, because we are of the OLDEST covenant, we should be the most mature and reliable in our service to the Most High. It is what I believe personally anyway. Faith in God in action can mean a lot for many people. For many it is a belief system which guides their lives and moral choices. For others it becomes the central focus in a religious calling. And for others still, just that little part of faith in their lives, that little corner, which they occasionally go to that reminds them that, yes, they believe, and that there is a meaning to it. But then back off to the real world. For me, personally, it is perhaps a mixture of all those perspectives. As a Christian in Potters House and the United Pentecostal Church I evangelized on the streets of Civic in Canberra a great deal, handing out flyers, talking to people and even street preaching. I hardly ever saw anyone come to church that I had talked to, but wonder these days what, if any, impact I had. It has been slow going in Noahide faith as well, but what I seem to be understanding these days is that you REALLY need to get your time up in a religion and a religious assembly and show REAL commitment before God will bless you with souls. If you are a monotheistic evangelist, and you want to win souls to your assembly, they won’t come forth unless YOU stick to your assembly. If you quit later on, God has wasted his time in using you as an example, hasn’t he? You have GOT to stick to your guns and really commit, or you are just wasting your time. Real soul winners are ones who end up sticking to something, and showing people their faith is genuine. If it isn’t you won’t bear fruit in the end. In this day and age it is as simple as that, because with all the religions on offer people see through the shallow ones very quickly now and move on.


* * * * *


I lost my virginity to a prostitute in Fyshwick in Canberra at 26 years of age. It was the day (early in the morning) after I left Christian faith and was thinking about Jewish/Noahide faith. I was living in Hughes in Canberra, working at AQIS, and had come to the conclusion that I really didn’t believe in Jesus and that I just believed in God. And then, later on that night, thinking that because I was no longer a Christian, that all the Christian teaching on sexual purity until marriage really didn’t apply to me, with all my years of sexual frustration having built up, I went off to the keycard machine at the mall, withdrew a number of hundreds of dollars, and early the following morning took a taxi out to Fyshwick stopping at ‘Exotic Studios’. The girls working name was ‘Amber’, she was from Cooma originally (funnily enough) and was very pretty. I went a fair number of times after that, but it gradually diminished. Sexuality and what God requires of us is a big issue for me, and very challenging. Not being Jewish and, further, honestly believing that the Talmudic system of Noahide faith is simply rabbinic invention, I have only been able to rely on the Scriptures themselves. I would be lying to myself if I tried to follow the mainstream ‘7 Laws of Noah’ code. I don’t believe it is the historical truth, so there is no point in trying to meet its religious requirements. I essentially have a ‘moderate’ stance on the composition of the scriptures, and would recommend ‘Richard Elliott Friedman’s’ ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ to explain source theory on the Documentary Hypothesis. While I would question ‘Dating’ of the sources, I agree there ARE differing sources in the Torah. Some say it is Priestly invention, the sections in Leviticus and that, by and large, the rulings are developed rulings. This is probably true to a degree. IF there are any genuine Mosaic sections in the Torah WE don’t know with any certainty what they are. Further, we really DON’T know what are the rule from God, if any, on sexual morality. The bible says what it says, but is this reality? Is this the moral truth of human lives? I am not sure. In the Australian Capital Territory were I live Prostitution is legal. Because of that I occasionally visit a lady and have an intimate encounter. I have shared this with a number of friends in my mental health groups, and nobody really seems to object. In fact it is usually an article for light hearted conversation. From observations on this throughout life, smirks, laughter and grins are often the result in male to male conversations on their sexual escapades. Is that, then, the reality of sexual conduct? And, therefore, are the biblical prohibitions rabbinic nonsense? Is it really that big a deal? Today we have homosexuals well entrenched in our society, and nobody seems to mind. In fact many churches say that is ok now. With my knowledge on the composition of the bible and the lack of real proof of God’s own voice on the subject, what can we really say? In the end I only argue common sense should prevail, and your own convictions and inner voice. There are a lot of sexual freedoms now, and I think that will always be part of society from now on. We won’t ever be going back to the Victorian era, and the restrictive ways of the past. X rated porn is here to stay, and they are the facts of life. What I do know, though, is that VDs aka STDs or STIs are a permanent part of the landscape, and a fool practices unsafe sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry. So whatever your practices on this issue, be bloody careful.


* * * * *


I probably had my first cigarette in my teens. But I can’t really remember. In fact, it might have been my early 20s. So far I have smoked about 20 to 30 cigarettes in my life and drunk about 50 to 100 cans of beer in my life. I am not actually really trying to abstain from beer – it is just that I don’t really like the stuff very much. I do like cigarettes, but plan on never taking them up seriously, as I know all to well the dangers. But once or twice a year I will have a smoke, little enough to ensure I do no real damage. I got weighed just the other day and came in at 154 KGs. Quite a bit, but funnily enough down on the last weighing. I have been up over 160 KGs previously. My diet, and the fact I now drink quite a bit of water, is gradually and slowly wearing down my weight. The way I am going, 3 or 4 years from now I expect I might be under 140 KGs. I am hoping for that. Being health, of course, is a big part of life. It seems for so many that it is a major preoccupation and for the other half a non-issue. But we are probably all concerned in some way. God’s plan is for us mainly to eat fruits and vegetables and various plants, and he started us off on that. Later he gave Noah permission to eat meat, and we can do that as Noahides as long as we drain off the blood. Nobody is supposed to eat blood. All of this is meant to support our life and make us healthy. Of course, we don’t have access to the tree of life, as we can’t get back to the garden. I pray that God feeds me that fruit spiritually, and I pray that a lot, and hopefully he does. I really enjoy life these days and want as long a life as I can possibly get. Of course, we need to be healthy and because of this I make sure I don’t smoke or drink too much, and I try to gradually improve my eating habits as the years go by. I am even slowly thinking about vitamin tablets as an option to consider.


* * * * *


My brother Gregory was probably my best friend for most of my young life. I teased him a bit too much I think, and was a bit bossy an older brother, but I really did like him, and am grateful I had him as a brother growing up. We used to play cricket together in the back yard quite a lot, and across the road with the neighbours boy as well. Greg has a boy, James, now. James really is a ‘Daly’ and is like his grandfather with a quiet nature. I have never been married, but would like to one day. At 37 I realize I am not getting any younger, but still hope to meet a nice lady to have children with. Of course God told Noah to populate the earth, and I am willing to do my bit, but just haven’t found the girl I connect with yet. Hopefully one day. Gregory is married to a Philippino lady called ‘Christie-Mae’ who was born on Christmas Day. They seem to get along, and I enjoy having her in the family. They are in Perth now, were they will build a house, so I won’t see him a lot in the future. But he is my favourite sibling, and I wish the best for him.


* * * * *


I have listened to hundreds, possibly over a thousand, CDs in my life. With my schizophrenia I am in the habit of getting rid of them in some way, but I have a large knowledge of many musical artists. I have many favourite albums, but some of them would include: Bon Jovi – New Jersey, Def Leppard – Hysteria, Kings X – Faith, Hope, Love, Spice Girls – Greatest Hits, Britney Spears – The Singles Collection, AC DC – Back in Black, DC Talk – Jesus Freak, Cheri Keaggy – My Faith Will Stay, Rebecca St James – God & Susan Ashton – A Distant Call. I love music, can listen to it all day, and hopefully always will. I myself have composed a number of basic classical piano pieces, and hope to eventually have a small compilation CD put together. It will go on ‘Myspace’ if I ever get the project done.


* * * * *


Anyway, I will close this third chapter with a slice of wisdom. ‘Whatever you do, do well.’

 All the best. Daniel

 End of Chapter Three




Chapter Four

(Written Tuesday, 6th of April, 2010 CE, early in the morning)


It has been quiet enough the last few weeks since writing the last chapter. I finalized the cleaning of my flat down in Cooma (Unit 4 / 194 Sharp Street) were I had just finished a six month lease. I signed the bond release form and hopefully they will find it all up to scratch. I have lived away from home (my parent/s) a number of times over the years, but due to lack of marriage have usually ended up back with them. My first time away from home was in 1995 when I joined the Potters House Christian Church in November of that year. I had been witnessed to by Tammy Saunders and the church had some established group houses for its younger tween members. I stayed at a place on McFarland Crescent in Pearce in the Woden district, just up from the Pearce Shops and community hall were the Church met at that time. Since then they changed locations to Civic in the Griffin centre for a while, and now down at a primary school in West Kambah. They have had pastor’s come and go, and the original pastor that I was baptized under, Philip East, is now in Indonesia I think, still at his gospel work, with a different church. I lived in the men’s group house with Brenton White, Scott Boswell, Rama Vaa and Craig Holford. Craig Holford, along with his wife Raelene, are the only ones still attending the Canberra Potters House church from the days I attended the church (1995 to 1996, for about 1 year). Brenton has a twin, Chris White, who is still a friend I see every now and again. Scott was the main guy responsible for my induction in a sense into the group house and into Potters House, but I got along best with Rama Vaa, a Samoan fellow who was at university. In the women’s group house, which was just down the street a little, there was Deonie (who later married Scott) Tammy Saunders (who later married a fellow named Mal Makkinga who had come into the church and who developed a close friendship with myself), Camille and Sofya Sharaf, who I had a crush on, who later married Sung Taing who was in the church with her for a while. I was in the group house briefly, and then had another psychotic episode, wandering the bush, and then returning home to live with my mother for a while. But I returned to the group house and the church, before living with Brenton White in the ‘Wall’ in Mawson for a little while. After my year in Potters House I went to the United Pentecostal Church in the next suburb of Chifley, and moved to a flat in ‘Chifley House’ on Eggleston Crescent. I was in that flat for a year or so. After that I moved into a flat in Greenhaven Court in Hughes in Woden, just opposite the Hughes Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall. I attended the ‘Baptist Church’ in Hughes on and off for a little while, and a few visits to the Kingdom Hall. In January 1999 living in Hughes I became a Noahide, and the following year in 2000 I began writing ‘Morning Stars’. I was offered a ‘Package’ in 2000 due to lack of duties for my position, but I could tell the Schizophrenia problem was perhaps the main issue as to why my duties had dwindled. I had been hospitalized a number of times by then. I returned to 29 Merriman Crescent in Macarthur in 2000, not long before I took my package. In 2001 I lived in Cooma on Baron Street for a six month lease, but was only there a few months before I had another episode and took off for Melbourne. I stayed briefly with June Cantrell the Noahide who was a friend of mine (and of Frances Makarova ie Rachav), before being hospitalized in the Dandenong Hospital. Just before leaving Cooma I remember (as I had no television) going into the newsagents and seeing the paper of the 911 incident with the twin towers. I returned to Canberra after my hospitalization, and never really went back to Cooma to live to finish off the lease. It was cleaned and I stayed in Cooma since then. I was not hospitalized again until January/February 2008 (7 years reasonably well) and have not been since that time. In 2007 I returned to live in Cooma at, this first time, unit 3 / 194 Sharp Street, which is the front unit on the right. Returning back to Canberra I had published in paperback form, just after my father’s death, Morning Stars and Ye Olde Devil. I was hospitalized just a little later. I stayed then at Ainslie Village in the ‘Lodge’ for a few weeks, then my mother let me return home. And then, since October 2009 till just the other day I had a lease for, this time, unit 4 / 194 Sharp Street, which is the front unity on the left. Small world huh. But I didn’t stay there a huge amount, and returned to live in Canberra for much of the lease. I was just too lonely there in the end (although I was coping with it) and missed my newly acquired friends from the Mental Health Tuggeranong Drop in Centre. One of the friends I have met in the drop in centre is ‘Marcus Low’. He is from an Asian family, but he has a normal Australian English accent so I assume he was probably born in Australia. Recently, at Woden Bus Interchange, I ran into him and asked him to write a story about an Angel for me. We had discussed the idea of him writing stories for my website previously, and his story can be seen on the ‘Contributing Authors’ section of the main page.

 That is all for now. All the best to everyone reading this ongoing dialogue.


The End of Chapter Four




Chapter Five

(Written Friday 9th of April 2010 AD/CE)


I printed off my first 2 printer copies of ‘Jack Dagger – Skull and Crossbone’ yesterday at Tuggeranong library. I haven’t printed off hard copies of most of my stuff, and am now getting around to it. In this new electronic world, with computer memory and internet websites, it hasn’t really become necessary to print off actual paper copies. I have 2 USB drives were I save my writings, and I think that is an absolute essential necessity these days with the ways hard drives so often crash and you can lose data. I remember, when working in AQIS, hearing about the term ‘The Paperless Office’. There was a seminar given on this at work and one of the senior workers took it so seriously that he assumed they no longer wanted printed copies of things, and just worked electronically. An ironic statement I once heard it that in the new electronic environment, the paperless office uses more paper than ever before. But such is life. My first close female friend, who I guess in hindsight was a girlfriend, but I have never called any girl my girlfriend so far, was ‘Louise Roseman’ back in year 11 at Monaro High School in Cooma. She had a crush on me and scratched ‘XAD’ into her arm, that being my nickname which I used as the signature for the high scores on various video games played at the Cooma Video Game Arcade. We kissed at ‘Peter Dradrach’s’ and, while I learned she was ‘Easy’, we never had sexual relations. Just around that time I was at the Cooma Show with my group of friends and I went on the dodgems for quite a while with a blonde girl from year 10 named Jenny. I remember at school boasting to Mark Post that I only went with Jenny to make Louise jealous. But that was actually all bravado, and completely untrue, since I just made it up at the time. I was in no way trying to make Louise Jealous. Jenny had written me a porno letter, and I was still scared of such intimacies at that age – I think, looking back, I was trying to escape the friendship with Jenny in some way. Jenny was a nice girl, but not for me. There was, interestingly, another Jenny in year 11 called ‘Jenny Cheetham’ who told me she ‘Knew’ there was a God. It was one of my first ‘God’ conversations, and one of the things which propelled my teenage mind to search for God. I rung up Jenny’s mum just a few years ago and got back in touch with Jenny. Her father died just around that time, and while she was working in New Zealand, she came back to Canberra briefly and we caught up. I was way to strong in my comments about Jesus and Christianity not being true, and I put her off any future friendship, which I regret. I really like her, and I had a crush on her back in high school. She had changed a lot though. When I started attending CIT in 1993 to 1995 doing the ‘Associate Diploma of Business in Office Administration’, I ended up making a lot of close female friends, because the course was mainly filled with females. One of the girls was ‘Ariel Cheng’ who told me she was a Christian. She was a very quiet and gentle girl, from Taipei, and I ended up going to the place she was staying to talk with her the afternoon before I had my accident the following day. That afternoon I bought a Good News Bible and returned to faith. Other girls I studied with at CIT and remember were Nary Ly, Caroline Blanc (who I think works in Tuggeranong), Lindy Barham (who was a close friend) and Lee Chiu. Lee Chiu was my second close female friend, and when she returned to Hong Kong we wrote letters to each other for a while. But she was never quite my girlfriend either. When I went to UPC I proposed to ‘Ann Kim’, but I was having a psychotic episode at the time (which she might not have known) and she said ‘Later’. I ended up leaving the church, and haven’t seen Ann Kim in years, but in reflection she was definitely not the one for me. Too differing personality types and theological beliefs. But it was only a brief friendship with her, and while we kissed a few mornings (as we walked down from Chifley to Woden to go to work) I had never called her my girlfriend either. It was mainly a brief romantic fling. We never had sex though. Later on in that church I was interested in Becky Kent, and just before I left the church we were starting to sit together in service. But I ended up leaving UPC in 1998 because I didn’t believe Oneness theology. I think I was in UPC for about a year and a half. To Oneness believers I recommend 1 Corinthians 8:6 and John 17:3 which should teach you Jesus isn’t God. The logic of putting Matt 28 and Acts 2 is correct, but name simply means ‘Authority’. It doesn’t mean a literal name in the scriptural context. You see, in terms of the New Testament, Jesus receives the ‘Authority’ of the father, which means he received the ‘Name’ of the father, with the power (Name) to send the Holy Spirit. God revealed to me just after leaving Christian faith that worship of Jesus was extreme idolatry and carried a death penalty, but then told me later on, while I was considering that, to ‘Be in the Hearts of Men’. You see, while God has made his judgement on the issue, he tells me to have mercy, and look at the heart of the people in such churches, who are really just in error theologically, and simply don’t know any better. I have just started collecting old bibles, SVDP in Tuggeranong being a major place of purchase, were you can get them currently second-hand for $1. I particularly like finding ‘To Such and Such for your such and such’ in the front cover with a signed date and year. I am in the habit of putting my name and purchase date and signing these copies myself, just next to such markings. I like a record of who has owned such bibles – I think that is a good idea. In fact, with all the books I now buy, I sign and date them. For ‘The Da Vinci Code’ paperback I purchased from SVDP I wrote in a little plot idea for a Robert Langdon story in the front cover. The story is called ‘A Contract with the Devil’ and is set in Jerusalem.


* * *


I read the ‘Belgariad’ by David Eddings way back in Cooma in around 1987/1988. A friend of the family had given us some books and ‘Pawn of Prophecy’ was amongst them. I read it as the second fantasy work I had read, and thought it was amazing. I went off to the library to find if they had the rest of the saga and was overjoyed to find they had all 5 books in the series. I read them astutely and thought they were incredible. This started my collecting of fantasy and science fiction novels and I read quite a number of works in those years. Recently David Eddings died (early 2009), and then just a few months ago I began writing ‘The Belzandramanian’ which is a fanfiction sequel to David Eddings ‘Belgariad’ and ‘Malloreon’ series. When I posted the first part of the story to a message board for Eddings on Google I found out he had died. The Belzandramanian is going to be a major 5 part series, as long as both the Belgariad and Malloreon, which are both 5 book series. I am working hard on it, and hopefully the readers will enjoy it. Anyway, recently my neice Georgia Bridges (my sisters daughter) started slowly righting a short story on my computer. She is only 10 years old and I thought the story was a good effort for Georgia. I edited the finally copy, but all the words are hers. You can read it at the contributing authors section.

 Anyway, that’s all for now. All the best to everyone. Daniel

 The End of Chapter Five




Chapter Six

(Written Monday 19th of April & Friday 23rd of April 2010 AD/CE)


This morning I have been working on my family tree, getting all the information out of my mother Mary. I want to ensure I get all the details I can in case anything unfortunate happens to her before time.


Here is an interesting genealogy, with sources, from internet records I have put together. From 105 back to 87 is Very Highly reliable, being part of the records of ancient Ireland which were carefully kept. Going from 87 back to 37 & 36 is reasonable data in my opinion. That Niall of the Nine hostages goes back to Milesius is commonly held to. From 37 back to 13 is questionable, but is the only data we have. Nennius table of nations, from my mind, may have been written by himself simply because of the popularity of the biblical genealogies, and 37 back to 13 which is from this source is highly questionable because of it. The names may be genuine to some degree (Perhaps he drew on traditional names floating around the nations) it is questionable on authenticity, and is probably reactionary to the Christian faith and demand, but it is all we have so I place it (as others do) as our official genealogy back to Adam and Eve, but held with a degree of suspicion. Whatever else, the amount of names going back to Adam is about the right amount historically. I was watching Benny Hinn this morning and they talked about Schizophrenia. The doctor who was on the show had been involved with research into the condition and claimed it was a lack of ‘Niacin’ in the diet which caused the lack of Brain nutrition, leading to the voices and schizophrenic symptoms. Vitamin D was called necessary to help improve people with this condition. I ate a lot of breakfast cereal when I was growing up, often twice a day, but this disappeared in my early 20s, when the depression entered in and the schizophrenia followed the depression. If what this doctor says is true, then my lifestyle choices fit the pattern. I will be trying Niacin for a while from now on and will let you know if my schizophrenic symptoms improve.


* * *


I have been buying a lot of books and trading cards recently. When I am unwell I am unfortunately in the habit of destroying some of my possessions, and have lost many things because of it. But I have been praying recently that God would help me not to destroy my possessions and would cure me of schizophrenia. I think, with the new Vitamin D information, perhaps he has. Anyway, currently my bookcase is full of books, paperback and hardback, fiction and non-fiction, and I have a lifetime of reading ahead of me. I am also going to be collecting things like: CDs, Records, Trading Cards, Comics, China, Books, Stamps & Coins. I like collecting things, but presently finding room for them is starting to become a problem. I have resorted to purchasing large plastic boxes and storing things under the house. When I was in my teens living at 6 Bradley Street in Cooma I was given some fantasy books by a friend of the family, Gerard Bryant. David Eddings ‘Pawn of Prophecy’ was amongst them, and was the second fantasy book I read after ‘The Twilight Realm’. My favourite genre of fiction is usually fantasy, followed by Science Fiction. However, my own saga about Angels with the term ‘Angelic Spiritual Fiction’ would now be my favourite genre of fiction, and the stuff I enjoy writing the most and reading about. I am really hoping that my work ‘The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ becomes the ‘Lord of the Rings’ of Angelic Fiction. Fingers crossed. Strangely, when I was very young, living in Berridale in NSW in Australia where I was brought up, I seem to remember something about an angel called ‘Ramiel’ for some strange reason. It is quite possibly just my extensive imagination in rethinking about my past youth, but that angel name rings a bell for some strange reason. I do remember we had rosary group meetings back at our Berridale house when I was very young, and perhaps the Angel’s name was mentioned then. Or, perhaps, I had angels talking to me when I was very young, and my mother often said that ‘Do you remember playing with the Angels?’ referring to before I was born. I had a dream about that recently, a dream which gave me the impression it was referring to a time before my birth, when I was in heaven. I was living in Cooma, of all places, and attended St Pats school, and was learning things. The dream seemed to be a flashback of my time in heaven, and I remember in the dream certain memories in my mind ‘Clicking’ to what the dream was showing. They seemed to be part of my inner memories, part of the very fabric of my being. Interestingly in my dream one of the Nuns told me ‘Your mother is going somewere and won’t be coming back,’ which the dream communicated to me as my mother going off to be born into the physical earth. I was at school with my St Pats school-friends in the dream, and I believe now that there is a world of dreaming, a world of heaven, which precedes all of our lives before earth, and which seems to follow it as well. Talking of dreams, for a number of recent years, tapering off after I prayed to God about it, I was having the most intense of dreams, ones in which I often felt like I was really alive in them, and they were so very real. I often tried to make the dreams last as long as they could, refusing to wake up in my dreams. I remember many scenes from many of my dreams, and I have dreamed about many celebrities funnily enough, as well as family and friends and many other faces I don’t yet recognize. Daniel’s are really supposed to have vivid dreams, and they are supposed to be interpreted by us as well. That is the gift of the book of Daniel for those who bear this name. Further, Daniel’s are supposed to be judges because Daniel means ‘Judge of God’ which means ‘God’s appointed Judge’ (To Judge others, not meaning Judging God himself).

 That’s all for now. I will write more later.

 The End of Chapter Six



Chapter Seven

(Written Saturday the 24th of April 2010 CE/AD)


I have decided in the last few days to try and keep a more comprehensive journal/autobiography on a far more regular basis. I want to record all the various activities I get up to so that in latter years for myself and any interested parties they can get a very detailed account of my life. Yesterday I was down at Chess for the Leisure Activities run by Mental Health Tuggeranong. The people who attend the various activities usually suffer from Mental Illnesses such as Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Schizo-effective disorder and Schizophrenia. This seems to be the general type of disorders they deal with for MHT. Conversations centre around a range of subjects, but naturally medication and the conditions are often talked about. Currently Risperdal and Seraquel are talked about as commonly used drugs by various people in the centre, and I am currently on a Risperdal Consta (injection) of 50 mg over every 2 weeks. When I first started on the medication back in the 1990s, first using Olanzapine from memory, I was on tablets. However I was never faithful to the tablets, as I couldn’t find consistency in taking them, and was hospitalized for my psychotic attacks a number of times. Eventually they put me on injections, and they have worked much better and I find it easier to remember getting a fortnightly injection as it is less often. I am reasonably ok at Chess, and have played it for many years. In fact, way back in Berridale when I was very young I remember my father Cyril teaching me the game and playing it with me. I used to play with Matthew to start with (I think) but definitely with Gregory over the years as we grew up. Greg has also become quite good at the game. Greg had a book called ‘The Chess Player’s Bible’ which Matt borrowed, but when Greg moved to Perth with Christie after selling their Calwell house just recently, he left the book behind with Matt and Matt didn’t want it so I asked Greg if I could have it and he gave it to me. Fortunately it is a good book and I am gradually learning strategy from it. I also had a big chess book given to me for either a birthday or Christmas present when I was younger, and I never really studied it in youth, apart from what they called ‘Pitfall number one’ which gave me a basic strategy to get a quick checkmate. But it only works against new players as experienced players spot it pretty quickly. I had a really nice chess set when I was a kid with big carved out pieces, which I managed to get from SVDP in Cooma were Dad worked and mum occasionally did volunteer work. Unfortunately I left it behind one time at a Galong spiritual retreat which Mum and Dad took the family on to the Catholic Monastery in Galong NSW (Up Past Yass). I recall going at least twice to this place I think, and one of the times I saw the movie ‘Highlander’ which became my favourite movie as a kid. In fact it was Troy Bobbin who took some of the kids to rent a video and I chose Highlander. Troy later became a priest and I was at his ordination. And when I was very young at a SVDP Camp on a property near Jerangle Troy Bobbin was an older boy who befriended me and we did an ‘Act’ together in the ‘Talent Night’ with another guy. It was a great camp and we played ‘Spotlight’ on one of the nights, with a torch out on the grass at night, with the object to make it down the grass to the base without being seen. I can’t remember for sure if I made it all the way down or not. I also remember walking to a river from the property. I remember asking ‘How long it would take us’ and was told it was one mile to the river and would take us about an hour, which was accurate. There was also a room which had people writing over the wall there names and band names and things like that, and I am pretty sure I remember writing ‘The Village People’ because along with Abba and Kiss they were about the only bands I had heard about at the time. I think a lot of the kids wrote about ‘Kiss’ on the wall, as they were a big thing at the time. I remember we had hot Milo for supper after dinner, and we slept in dorms. We had a big ‘Envelope’ hunt and I found a lot of them, and when they gave out awards at the end of the time there I was called ‘The great Envelope Hunter’ or something like that. It was mostly kids from Canberra and Queanbeyan and other regions who were on the camp, but I went with some other kids from my family. We also used to play in a hayshed on the hay, but I spotted a spider on the wall, and they took us out. But I later went and looked at the spider and it was dead so we started playing there again. I remember we were walking on a road and someone tuned in a radio and said ‘We have 2XL’ which was and still is the Cooma radio station. And I remember when I got there looking in my bag and looking at my socks and my bathroom items, as mum always had a toothbrush and toothpaste and soap put aside for us when we went on camps. This camp was in the 1980s while we were living in Cooma, and probably the mid to early 1980s. Anyway, I remember visiting an elderly lady in Cooma East which my mother knew and we played on my elaborate chess set. I won the game, but she had confused the Queen for the Bishop in the set, which is why I probably won. But I was so young and ambitious back then that I wouldn’t have let her take the move back probably – I have softened, though, but still have a degree of that attitude in me. Yesterday I got to chess in the morning. Adrian Harry Chan (I found out his middle name was Harry recently, and at the pool on Thursday, the day before yesterday, I have been teasing him calling him ‘Harry Potter’ and making wizard jokes) is the guy who picks me up in the MHT Van to take me to Swimming on Thursday afternoons and Chess on Friday mornings. I go each week and he usually picks me up around 10 to 11 in the morning, as sometimes he is early and sometimes a bit later. I played one game of chess with a guy called ‘Roary’ and I just lost, but it was a close game. Later I played Scrabble with Rebecca Hill and Tony Beer and another guy called Shane. It was the first time I had played Scrabble in the group, and they have been playing it for years, but I am not usually interested in Scrabble. I was trying hard in the game to win, and fortunately got my letters out in the end before the others, so ended up winning, to which I was grateful. But I probably won’t play scrabble that much more any more – it doesn’t usually interest me a great deal. I knew Rebecca Hill before getting involved with the MHT leisure program activities, having remembered her face from visits to Vision Pentecostal Christian Fellowship, were she attends, in Fyshwick. I couldn’t actually remembered were I first place her, but when we started talking for the first time and she mentioned Vision I knew it had been there were I had seen her. Rebecca works in Parliament House in Canberra in the mail room I think. She is in her mid 20s. Tony is in his 50s I think and no longer works. I receive the Disability Support Pension from Centrelink and a lot of people who attend the activities are also on the DSP, but not everyone. Names I know well now from the programs are ‘Rebecca Hill’, ‘Tony Beer’, ‘Marcus CCC’, ‘Marcus Low’, ‘Alun Dorahy’, ‘Michael Laird’, ‘Matthew Sanderson’, ‘Steve Mansfield’, ‘Jenny Cutting’, ‘Tania’ , ‘Elizabeth’, ‘Scott’, ‘Des’, ‘Rodney’, ‘Isaac’, ‘Kevin’, ‘Richard Glinka’, ‘Andrew Wojick’, ‘Richard’, and the workers ‘Carmel’ and ‘John’ and ‘Laura’ and ‘Adrian Chan’. They are all nice people and I am slowly developing some good friendships amongst them. Yesterday, though, I surfed the internet as they have a PC for the centre with internet access which I use quite often. I don’t have the internet connected at home at the moment, so use it in the library, in the hyperdome and at the centre mostly, as well as at some places in Civic occasionally. Apart from that I chatted a bit. I also printed off ‘I Love You, Always and Forever’, which is a short story I wrote the day before (Thursday Night) for Marcus CCC, dedicating it to him. Marcus CCC is a very generous and kind person and has been shouting me meals for a few weeks at some Tuggeranong Restaurants simply because he is so generous and I usually spend my money of my allowance all on the Thursday I get it, rarely trying to make it last for the fortnight. I told him I need to shout him as well but he asked ‘Just dedicate a Noahide Books story to me’ so I wrote it out and printed off 3 copies yesterday. Carmel, Matthew Sanderson, Rebecca Hill and Marcus read the story yesterday and they all liked it, getting some smiles about the second Marcus. Of course, this is the story in the previous chapter of this autobiography. Carmel had been speaking over the last little while about some tickets to Canberra Raiders football matches she had been able to acquire. She rang up the raiders and told them she wanted some free tickets for the leisure program and they were happy enough to provide her with 4 tickets for each match to various matches. I wanted 3 copies of the up coming Bulldogs match (as I have gone for the Bulldogs, I am pretty sure, since the late 1970s when living in Berridale) but Paul McNally from the programs, who is also a big Bulldogs fan claimed two of them. But I decided to take the two anyway. Last year me, my brother Gregory and my brother in law Alan and his son Ronan, all of us being Bulldogs fans, went to the match between the Bulldogs and the Raiders, which the Bulldogs thankfully won. It was the third Rugby League ARL/NRL match I had ever been to, the previous two being the same lineup, Raiders versus Bulldogs at Bruce Stadium in Belconnen. Third time is the charm, because the Bulldogs lost the first two matches I saw live, but we won the third one I saw. Anyway, Greg is now in Perth so I don’t need the fourth ticket, but I really wanted a third for young Ronan. We have decided (as I rang Alan just this morning) to try and get a ticket for Ronan in the same section as ourselves on one of the next numbers, as soon as the tickets go on sale to the general public. If we can’t get one near us I will simply buy any child’s ticket, and he can sit on Alan’s knee (which Alan suggested). It should be a good enough solution. But the tickets were free so I can’t complain. I am looking at the tickets right now and they are ‘Section Bay 14, Row PP, Seats 25 & 26’. They have the dates of Friday 25 – Monday 28 Jun 2010 on them because I think the Raiders don’t set the date till closer to the time, but Alan says (after looking the match up online) that it is for the Monday Night, the 28th of June. When I was a kid back in the very early 1980s and late 1970s I went for the Bulldogs always as my first time, but because Newtown Jets were also in blue (navy blue I think) I went for them as my second team. They left the competition after 1981 I think, but I found out they were in the Metropolitan cup as it was called, and are now still a team in the NSWRL competition, and I support them as my second team. Just a few years ago I decided the Raiders would be my third team as I was naturalized an Australian Citizen in Canberra, so I now go for the Canberra Raiders as my third Rugby League team in Australia. Of course, I go for the two Hull teams in the Super League competition in England. And I am anxiously waiting on the final 4 games of the Premier League Soccer competition in England, because I support the Hull City Tigers and they are third last at the moment, facing relegation. They only made it to the Premier League for the first time ever 2 years ago, after having been a club for over 100 years in the lower grade competitions. But they rose a lot in the last few years, having come from the fourth division of the overall competition (Ie Premier, Champions, I think 1st division and then 2nd division this being the fourth division I am talking about) and rising all the way up to Premier league in about 6 or 7 years. But they are finding Premier League challenging, as it should be. They are an ok side though, and even if they return to Champions next year, I think they have an excellent chance of returning to Premier League the following season. I go for the ‘Hull Ionian’s’ Rugby Union side, but haven’t gotten around to viewing the website that much, but intend to. I follow the English Cricket side very passionately and might finally see some of my first Test Match this year in the up and coming Ashes series against the Aussies in Australia. England currently holds the Ashes winning the last series in England 2 – 1 in 2007, but I don’t expect it to be an easy fight in the up and coming series. England will have to fight like hell to beat the Aussies in Australia, but I am hoping and praying for the best of results for us. I chose some Aussie Rules sides from the competitions apart from the VFL when I was a kid, and I still support ‘Glenelg’ in the South Australian competition and ‘Subiaco’ in the Western Australian competition. They will likely always be the teams I support in those competitions. In Australian basketball I went for the Canberra Cannons in the NBL, but they haven’t been in it for a while. But I won’t choose another side, and will support any future Canberra team, hopefully still called the Canberra Cannons. In the Super 14 Rugby Union competition I support the ACT Brumbies as my first team, but support the 3 other Aussie sides (NSW, Queensland and the Western Force) in all their games against the Kiwi and the South African Rugby Union sides. I think this year an Australian team might just win the competition. In the local ACTAFL competition I go for Queanbeyan, because when I was younger they were called the ‘Queanbeyan Honey Bunny Tigers’ because ‘Honey Bunny’ were their sponsors I guess. But I won’t change my team of choice, even though I will now go for Tuggeranong as my second team in the ACTAFL. In the Canberra Rugby Union competition I go for the Tuggeranong Vikings, and I support Tuggeranong in the Canberra Rugby League competition (I think they are called the Buffaloes). In the big AFL competition I have gone for Hawthorn since the early 1980s and will always have them as my number one team. Speaking of the Canberra Cannons, Phil Smythe was my favourite Basketball player as a Kid and he played for the Cannons for years, but then went off to the Adelaide 36ers. Anyway, from the free-throw line he hardly ever missed and I thought he was great. He wasn’t a tall player, but was pretty good. I remember he came to St Pats High when I was a kid and was showing us basketball tips. I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but I was pretty chuffed in having seen him. I actually played basketball for St Pats in Primary school but only played a few games. I don’t think we ever won, and I was hopeless. I think I wore a red t shirt with number 15 on it. We were slaughtered once about 55 nil, but only had a few players on the team as the rest of the team hadn’t shown up. It was up at the Cooma basketball stadium, just up near the old St Pats infant school near the Snowy Hydro Electric Corporation, not far from were I lived. Right next to it is the Indoor Cricket centre were I played in the 1989 competition with my gang team and we won the B grade competition and I was selected to play in the A Grade comp that day. Mum has gone off shopping with Brigid my sister this morning. Currently it is school holidays and Madalene and Jayden and Georgia are down at the Chakola farm with their father David. Mum usually goes shopping on Sunday after 10 am church with Trish Kirby. Trish has been a friend of the family for many years now, and probably mum’s best friend. She is a mature lady and teaches Catholic lessons to the school of religion I think it is, or perhaps RCIA or something like that. Mum also taught the kids in schools for a little while. Trish has a degree in Theology from Australian Catholic University at the Signadou Campus in Watson in North Canberra. I studied Primary Teaching there in the early 2000s, but only completed 3 quarters of my first year subjects, giving up on it. I convinced myself that I wasn’t going to give the kids my best effort, but I think I’d had enough of study by then. Rebecca Bourke was a girl who stood out in my studies at ACU and we did a project together and I visited her place once in Belconnen. She had a cat with one eye. I remember talking to her about Noahide faith a few times. Right at this moment I am listening to Delta Goodrem’s album, ‘Innocent Eyes’ and the song ‘Running Away’ is playing, which is track number 11. Delta’s boyfriend (they might now be married, but I am not sure) Brian McFadden currently has the number one song in Australia. The song is ok, but I don’t think it is that great, and I only think it is number one because of his relationship with Delta, as she is very popular in Australia. She had 4 number ones from her Innocent Eyes album, which was a record. I think it was Kylie Minogue who had the previous record with 3 number ones from her first album back in the 1980s. Because of my Schizophrenia I destroy things I own a lot when I am psychotic, but have been concentrating a lot and praying a lot for this to end. In my current CD collection at home I own:

Delta Goodrem – Innocent Eyes

Dio – The Very Beast of Dio

Kelly Clarkson – One Minute CD Single

Dream – He Loves U Not CD Single

Cheryl Cole – 3 Words

Kate Miller-Heidke – Curiouser

Madonna – Something to Remember

AC DC – Let there be Rock

Billie Piper – Walk of Life

Tina Arena – In Deep

Cascada – Platinum

 I am hoping this CD collection now lasts, and the psychosis diminishes and I return to normal.

 Some of my very favourite Albums of all time (and I have listened to hundreds of them) are:

 Bon Jovi – New Jersey

Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet

Def Leppard – Hysteria

Madonna – Something to Remember

Cheri Keaggy – Child of the Father

Cheri Keaggy – My Faith will Stay

DC Talk – Jesus Freak

Rihanna – Good Girl Gone Bad

Lisa Loeb – Tails

Lisa Loeb – Firecracker

Lisa Loeb – The Way it Really Is

Kings X – Faith Hope Love

Spice Girls – Greatest Hits

Britney Spears – the Singles Collection

AC DC – Back in Black

Queensryche – Empire

Helloween – Chameleon

Helloween – Keeper of the 7 keys Part II

Iron Maiden – Fear of the Dark

Boom Crash Opera – These Here are Crazy Times

Queen – Absolute Queen

Seal – Seal

Jewel – Pieces of You

Alanis Morisette – Jagged Little Pill

Avril Lavigne – The Best Damn Thing

Taylor Swift – Fearless

Kelly Clarkson – Breakaway

 & many more

 I am catching up with my friends Chris White and Robert Preston tomorrow at Woden plaza food court at midday. I have known Chris and Rob since Potters house days in 1996 and while I see Rob every few weeks and have done ever since potters house days, I only catch up with Chris every year or so. But we speak a bit more often over the phone. Chris is married to an Asian lady named Ann who he met at a party. She was married at the time but had problems with her husband and I remember Chris saying she might divorce him, which she actually did and married Chris. Chris was dating another older Asian lady called Nim prior to this, but had problems with her. Chris likes to talk about issues relating to the book of Revelation in the New Testament, as does his twin brother Brenton who now lives in Townsville and works, I guess, still as a painter. Chris is a good guy, with a savage sense of humour, but is friendly and easy to get along with. We were going to live together briefly, but I had to pull out for personal reasons. Chris and Brenton are identical twins, but Brenton was in the habit of wearing a short beard so you could always tell them apart. Brenton also started using a diet shake or something like that and thinned down a lot, but Chris is still a little stocky like myself. I am currently 154 KGs, but hope to lose at least one kilo for my next weigh in with my mental health psychiatrist who weighs me when we meet up. I have been doing more exercise in the last few weeks and am being more faithful to it. I hope to get down to 153 or 152 and over the next few years intend to work carefully to eventually get under 100 KGs if I can. I am getting a bit more in control of my diet as a grow up and mature so things are looking good in the long term. Chris plays the keyboard somewhat and might be quite good by now. I started playing the keyboard seriously back in Lake Tuggeranong College were I studied music, and ended up composing a lot of my own basic classical pieces. We don’t have a keyboard at home anymore and when Greg moved to Perth he took his piano with him. But when I have access to a piano or keyboard I usually sit down and play an improvised piece – just messing around, which is all I really need to do anymore with it. Robert Preston is married to ‘Michelle’. They don’t have any kids together, but Robert has a daughter called ‘Rachael’ from a previous relationship, who now has a daughter of her own so Robert is now a Grandfather. Rob is about 40, just a few years older than me. He lives in Weston Creek. For years now we have been seeing each other every few weeks, and often go on outings. We used to go canoeing a lot when he had a canoe, but most of the time we head down to KFC in Tuggeranong or some other place for a meal and chat. He has helped me move my stuff a lot and is a good and faithful friend. Well, I have spoken about my dreams before, and I thought I would share some of the things I have dreamed about of famous people. Freddy Mercury from Queen singing a song ‘Life is Like a Jigsaw, It’s Unreal’, which he never sung on earth. Bon Jovi singing a song with the line ‘If the People say its alright, well its alright’ which they have never sung on earth. A Bon Jovi song which I now remember dreaming about before when I was a kid, from the New Jersey Era of songwriting, but which they never sang on earth. Queen singing a song ‘Queen says Fuck’ which they have never sung on earth. Def Leppard singing a song about me as Lucifer which they have never sung on earth. At least 2 other very cool Def Leppard videos I saw in my dreams, but the band on earth do not sing. In a dream snippets of a Kasey Chambers album, going quickly through many of the songs. They were very cool, but I don’t think she has released them on earth.

 Well, that is all for today. I hope to write again very soon.

 The End of Chapter Seven



Chapter Eight

(Written on Monday the Third of May & Tuesday the Fourth of May 2010 AD/CE)


Here are some of my suggestions.

Noahides (and everyone else for that matter) should strive to maintain permanent genealogical records. And with the advent of the online world and computer memory we have the ability to store practically endless amounts of information, meaning: People should take it as a lifelong obligation to keep a record of their life in autobiographical form and arrange for this to be kept permanently in the family record. A good idea is to arrange for a free or or website and put all your relevant information into these web-pages and arrange for your offspring to permanently have the password details for accessing these websites and maintaining these websites. These websites can in turn link to their offspring, and so on, for all future generations. It is also a good idea for all your life’s story to be placed on such websites for future generations to read about. Every child of Noah has an interesting life story and all peoples lives are worth reading about. I think it would be a good idea if the United Nations formed a worldwide family tree department and attempted to have as many willing nations contribute their genealogical records to form a permanent family tree for mankind. These should be kept in an online environment, accessible by the general public, with the opportunity for people to contribute their own autobiographical information as well as family photos and videos. I think this is an area of Government input which citizens would welcome and not object to paying tax dollars for the maintenance of. Wouldn’t it have been awesome growing up if you could have accessed an online database of your family tree and read about all the exploits of your great-great-great grandfather or your great-great-great-grandmother, and so on, all kept in an online autobiographical and biographical section. 4th of May It was raining this afternoon. Thunder was booming in long bursts at a distance, and lightning struck. I have always liked the rain – it brings forth feelings of security when locked inside my home, safe away from the harsher realities of the fury of nature. 

God created nature and, I suppose, in many ways it reflects God himself and not just his fertile imagination. He is a God of wonder and power, of fury and might. When he appeared to Israel at Mt Sinai he surrounded the top of the mountain with thunder and lightning. What this meant to the Israelites was a witness of a God of Power and Might – a God not soon to be forgotten. Perhaps one of the strongest testimonies to the truth of the God of Israel is in how so many of the other deities, which the Hebrew God calls ‘idol’s’ have come and gone and been all but forgotten by the world. Sure, we still bandy about the Roman and Greek god names in legendary story telling, but nobody seriously believes in their existence any more. And as for all the ancient Canaanite gods most people can’t even name one. Yahweh, the Lord, the God of Israel, seems to have stayed around in the imagination of humankind for some reason. For some reason this particular deity has imprinted himself on the hearts and minds of humans with the belief that he is the true God and creator of all that is. Either, for some strange reason, this particular religion has some sort of appeal which speaks to many, or it just may be what it claims – the truth. When Yahweh spoke to me in a dream in Goulburn about a decade ago he spoke with a voice which emanated pure, flawless truth. It is not just a voice which I sensed I could trust and would not lie to me in this sense, but you could sense the literal spiritual truth of the voice. That is what Yahweh himself is like – pure, unadulterated truth. I believe Yahweh is ONE – that is how he communicated himself to me. He is not some confusing triune deity of the majority of Christian belief. He is a being of singular nature in the same way human beings, made in his image, are likewise one singular human person. And, in fact, the New Testament teaches this truth as did the Christian church to begin with. I lived in Cooma from 1980 to 1990 – the decade. My family lived at 6 Bradley Street in Cooma. The family attended the Catholic Church every Sunday for the whole decade, whereas I myself left the church in about 1988, no longer believing in Christianity and not really believing in God very much. The Catholic Church in Cooma is St Patrick’s Church, and I attended St Patrick’s school from Kindergarten through to Year 10, first travelling in from Berridale and then walking to school every day from 6 Bradley street. In 1989 I attended Monaro High School in year 11 for one year, before the family moved to Canberra in late 1989 I think (or possibly very early 1990). I still have strong memories of year 11 in Cooma. For the previous couple of years I had finally found friendships, never having found any at St Pats of any reasonable length, making new friends with the kids from the public school system who I have talked about already. We used to hang at Peter Dradrach’s house mostly, but were very rarely at my house or occasionally at Damien Asanovsci or Michael Werle or Michael Gratwick’s house. Peter had a Commodore 64 computer and we played it constantly in the late 1980s, also going to the Arcade parlour all the time at this point. We played various arcade games at the arcade parlour which was on Bombala street a couple of hundred metres down the road from Peter’s house. And, of course, just down from his house was the Rotary Oval were we did our cricket training, playing in the nets a heck of a lot over a few summers. In 1989, the year before I left for Canberra, it was the time we played the Indoor cricket competition and won the B Grade competition. It was a time when my life was very full with my friendships, friendships which had not really been there in a major way in earlier years, perhaps apart from Peter Collins who lived opposite us on 6 Bradley Street, and I grew up a lot and found out about people and relationships. In year 11 Louise Roseman had a crush on me and carved ‘Xad’ onto her arm which was my nickname from computer arcade games and fantasy games (a shortened version of my made up ‘Xaddadaxx’). Berridale was my very early youth, from 1972 to 1980. Cooma was my childhood from 1980 to 1990. But I achieved proper adulthood and became a man living in Canberra from 1990 onwards, and that is were most of my fundamental spiritual growth and maturity came from. I had pinched a lot growing up, and in our gang we pinched things from shops a bit. We were not innocent lambs of God. But I always knew our particular group, which listened to a lot of heavy metal and hard rock from the 1980s, were still good kids and we were not an aggressive gang in any way and we never really made any trouble for people. A very few minor incidents but never any real problems. Looking back we were ok kids and in my relationship with God today he never brings up any problems from my youth. I was a little bit of a devil, but I was alright in the end. I liked Louise a bit, but I liked Jenny Cheetham more, who was a girl in my year (Louise was a bit younger) who was from the Public system, as I never knew her in St Pats, and while I never dated her or anything like that, my heart really yearned for her for a few weeks. I met her again in a Revival Fellowship meeting in Tuggeranong a few years back after she returned from New Zealand for her dad’s funeral. She had changed, and my feelings for her were not the same, but I still liked her quite a lot. She’d been married since, but had divorced. But she was keeping her married name so there was no future for us possibly. Besides, she didn’t agree in any way with my Noahide beliefs, and I was possibly too antagonistic in some of the things I said to her. But such is life – it is never always smooth sailing.

That is all for now. I will write again in a while.

Best wishes to those reading this ongoing work. Daniel.

The End of Chapter Eight



Chapter Nine

10th of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC


Today was the 10th of June 2010 AD/CE or 6174 SC as I like to call it. I have decided today that Haven Noahide Fellowship should keep historical records in an online format as well as in a published paper format as our own history of the world and Noahide relevant issues.

Here are my activities for this day.

Just after 2.30 this morning I went down to the service station at the Chisholm shops to use the St George ATM. My money sometimes comes in after 3.30 in the morning, but sometimes after 2.30. Today it was in after 2.30. I bought a cottage pie from the station (which I do a lot on Thursday mornings, early, when I go for my money) as well as a glass bottle of Coca Cola, which is currently sitting on my desk near my, now having been drunk). I purchased the CD’s from the Service station of ‘AC/DC – Back in Black’ as well as ‘Queen – Absolute Greatest.’ They both cost over $20. They had a copy of Metallica’s self titled album, and later on when I was at home I was thinking over how the ‘Back in Black’ album and ‘Metallica’s’ self titled album were basically flawless albums as I saw it, both with black covers, and both having symbols relating to Satan. I spent time when I got home, first listening to the Queen album, and listening to most tracks until about track 10 when I skipped them a little and changed to the AC/DC album. I remember looking at the songwriters for the various Queen songs and noting, as I have noted in the past when I had most Queen CDs at a time, that each of the four members of the band had written at least one decent hit, and that each member contributed to a real band as I saw it. I remember looking at the picture from the First Greatest hits album in the folio and thinking it was a classic photo.

Later on, just after 6, I headed off to the bus stop to catch the early bus to Tuggeranong. I caught the 67. The 65 comes at a very similar time each morning, and I usually prefer this one as it gets to Greenway just a little bit quicker. There was a girl at the bus stop who I recognized from yesterday, and she asked the 67 bus driver about the 65. I caught the 65 yesterday with her and she got off at Mackillop catholic school. I think she is a teacher or something. When I got to Tuggeranong Hyperdome I ordered a Caramel latte and noticed the girl who worked there again. I have been g0ing to the coffee shop on Anketell street on the Hyperdome which is open from about 6 and there has usually been a guy working at that time. But the last couple of times it has been a girl. She is of average looks and I thought about her as a potential girlfriend as I do about all the girls on the bus and who I see in the streets. I measure them up and assess wether I would be interested. She was medium in looks, and I didn’t really fancy her. I ordered a grande $5 latte and went into the hyperdome to use the Internet. There are Internet stalls which take coins and credit cards which you can use whenever the Hyperdome is open. I have a username, which I can’t tell here, and a password I use all the time now. When online I emailed Naomi Samadi from Haven Noahide Fellowship in India. I also paid my regular credit card bills for my go MasterCard. One bill was just over $70 and the other I paid just over $92. The bills come each month. After that I think I did some updating to my Noahide websites, as well as checking my email and my myspace accounts. Most days I check my webhits for my Noahide Books website, and I can’t remember how many I got today but they were a decent amount of hits. After that I went shopping. I bought 4 magazines and 2 scratchies from the Hyperdome Newsagent. The Magazines were ‘Goddess Number One’ (X 2 copies), Heart of the Earthmother Volume 3 (I also have number 1 and 2) and a copy of Antiques and Collectable. On one of the scratchies I won $4 which is the amount I had spent on them. I rarely win a decent amount. Then I went off to Revolution CD with the plan of buying some CDs, but instead I bought a milkshake and went to the library. Oh, earlier, after the magazines, I bought 3 cds and 2 cd holders from Kmart. The cds were a double pack of Avril Lavigne (Let Go & Under My Skin) and Evanescence ‘Fallen’. The CD holders cost $5 each and are durable plastic ones. When I got to the library I spent ages printing off, for the first time with the exception of Ye Olde Devil and Morning Stars, a printing each of Volumes 0 to 10 as well as volume 13. So most of the saga is now officially printed in A4. The printings are in my room here in Macarthur. I spent a lot of money on the printings, and went to my bank to get out extra funds to print as much as possible. I will finish off the final printings soon. I got home, wrote a few more stories, updated my website and then returned to Tuggeranong to upload the updates as well as printing off ‘The Rainbow Bible’ with the little money I had left. This was the actual first printing ever of my ‘Rainbow Bible’. On the way to Greenway for the second time I was having fun giving funny names to various trees and signs and other things, just for the sake of humour and the voice which speaks to me using my voice. I think it is God or a spirit or something, and not my subconscious. Remember, I am a schizophrenic. When I got home I had my dinner (which was stew, and quite nice) and did some more work, wrote volume 20 of the Noahide version of the Chronicles, and then started typing this chapter. While typing this chapter I have been listening to my CD Cascada ‘Platinum’. And that is were I am up to, so I will finish this chapter now.

 The End of Chapter Nine



Chapter Ten

11th of June 2010 CE/AD / 6174 SC


Today’s Activities


Very tired last night. Slept erratically as usual. Got up this morning when Adrian Chan arrived and went off for my weekly chess club at the Mental Health Leisure Program at the Southern Cross Stadium in Greenway near the Hyperdome. Didn’t actually play any chess today but mostly used the Internet and uploaded latest writings from late last night. Brought along 3 CDs to play at the centre – AC/DC ‘Back in Black’, Daughtry, Rogue Traders ‘Better in the Dark’. They were well received by most. Had pizza for lunch with the group and a can of Coke – Adrian paid for me, and I promised to pay him back later. We used to go to a café down next to Lake Tuggeranong College for lunch but that is currently being remodelled. Met Justin Angold, who is a Noahide, and I gave him the time and date for the first meeting of Haven Noahide Fellowship in Canberra, which is scheduled for the 3rd of July on Saturday from 11-11:30 till late in the afternoon. I am going to pray for a reasonable turnout, but it might end up just being me and Justin. But that is ok, because it has to start somewhere. This afternoon I listened to Queen ‘Absolute Greatest’ again and had a nap. I was quite tired. Then later I reorganized the Index page for Noahide Books and removed Volume 20 & 21 which were 2 Daniel stories and have instead put them into a new title called ‘Anthology’ which will be the Noahide Version of the Anthology tales for Chronicles of the Children of Destiny. I have now 2 versions for the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny. The Jewish Version which is now complete from Volume Zero to Volume Thirteen. The Noahide Version uses the same first 5 volumes (zero to four) and then includes ‘Ye Olde Devil’ but then goes into ‘Rachel’s Lament’ with Rachel Smith INSTEAD of Rachel Rothchild who was in ‘Rachel Daughter of Eve’. Thus, the Noahide Version of the Chronicles is a separate universal tale. ‘Lucy Smith’ is part of the ‘Jewish Version’ while ‘Lucy Potter’ is part of the ‘Noahide Version’. I also began ‘Valandriel’s Little Adventure’ which I will finish tomorrow. Currently I am listening to ‘The Offspring – Splinter’ and the song ‘Hit That’ is playing. I bought the CD Single when the album first came out, but just bought the album recently from Sanity records at the Hyperdome for $10. I was listening also to Avril Lavigne’s ‘Let Go’ album today and I noticed some quite interesting lyrics in the song ‘Things I’ll never say.’ Quite cool, Avril. Quite cool. That will do for today.

 The End of Chapter Ten




Chapter Eleven

12th & 13th of June 6174 SC (2010 AD/CE)


The 12th – Activities

Went to library in Erindale today to update websites. Met William Chol on the bus, an African guy who goes to Lake Tuggeranong College, who introduced himself to me at the bus stop the other week. He invited me to his house in the afternoon to watch some world cup soccer, but I was too busy. At the library I began ‘Haven Noahide Fellowship World News’ ( ) and intend to update this page as regularly as possible. It is just Haven’s record of world affairs. I get the data from the Newspaper. When I got home I put together some new Chronicles of the Children of Destiny websites. I started (NOW DELETED)which has some original material in the Chronicles intended for Catholics, as well as (NOW DELETED) which has some original material in the Chronicles intended for Christians. I also have some planned for other religious groups which I am currently working on. These differing versions are for the specific religious groups they are written for, with their beliefs and doctrines taken into consideration. I returned to the library later in the day and uploaded those two websites with their documents, if people want to check them out. There is some original info on them, but not a huge amount yet. When I got home I did a lot more writing, and then went to bed. I listened to various CDs from my collection throughout the day.

 The 13th – Activities

Didn’t do much today. Quite tired. I was going to go to the library, but decided to put it off until tomorrow, when I can also drop in to the leisure program in Greenway. I worked on ‘Archangel Michael’ which is one of the volumes for being the intended website for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, last night I wrote a short sequel to ‘The Gathering’ called ‘New Conflicts.’ Both of these stories will feature on the JW’s website.

 Currently I am listening to Kelly Clarkson’s album ‘All I ever Wanted.’ My nieces Madalene and Georgia have stayed over for the weekend and have been playing video games and watching movies. Nothing much else happened today.

 The End of Chapter Eleven



Chapter Twelve


This is the final chapter of my initial autobiography. This autobiography now goes into the foundational ‘Rainbow Bible’ of Haven Noahide Fellowship. If you are familiar with the Bible you will know it has historical information of early Israel. In the fledgling Noahide world Haven feels itself responsible to produce an ongoing series of Bibles on a decade by decade basis, filled with spiritual wisdom and historical information on all the children of Noah – mankind. It is the intention of myself and Haven that the first ‘Rainbow Bible’ be produced sometime in 2011 CE/AD (or 6175 SC). After this point the second Rainbow Bible in 2016 AD/CE (or 6180 SC) and the third in 2026 AD/CE (or 6190 SC)and the fourth in 2036 AD/CE (or 6200 SC) and so on and so forth forever. For the 2016 Rainbow Bible I will be revising this autobiography and rewriting it in a more comprehensive and historically chronological manner, including all the history of my life as well from 2011 up till 2016. For more information on ‘The Archives of Haven Noahide Fellowship’ please read Sermon 50 in the Spiritual Devotional Series of the ‘Rainbow Bible’. I will now leave off the writing of this autobiography, which will be published in the Rainbow Bible 2011 edition. NEW NOTE: This information has been added on Monday 19th of January 2015, but is dated from July 2011, and placed here as the most appropriate place for it. Karaite faith is the faith of the Hebrew Bible. It is the faith of adhering to the principles, laws and teachings of the Hebrew Bible and applying them to one's life. The Hebrew Bible is also known as the Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, and by Christians as the Old Testament. There are 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, which also includes 5 books combined as the Megiloth and a number of the Minor prophets combined into one book. Thus, while it comprises the same material as the standard protestant bible of 39 books, a number of books in the Hebrew canon are merged together into the Megiloth and the minor prophets.  The Hebrew bible chronicles a history of mankind in its own words, from the creation of the universe in the first chapter of the first book of the bible - genesis - up until the end of Israel's kings in 2 Chronicles.  The Hebrew Bible is divided into 3 main sections - the Torah the Neviim and the Kethuvim, which in English are the Torah Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings. In Karaite tradition it is taught that this historical set of books combined as a 'Bible' is inspired by the creator of the universe - Yahweh, who is God. Karaite Judaism has differing ways of interpreting the inspiration of the Bible, varying from individual to individual, as in Karaite Judaism it is stressed the importance of individual interpretation of the scriptures, which would logically lead to diverse opinion on the exact nature of the inspiration of the text. Haven Noahide fellowship is Karaite in the sense that we adhere to the very same Hebrew Bible as the basis of our faith. It is the scripture of the fellowship - the blueprint for finding faith as a descendant of Noah - and in the same way Karaite Jews utilize it to find their pathway in relation to the will of God, Haven Noahide Fellowship as a Karaite Noahide Fellowship uses it in the same manner - as particular, though, to the Noahide rulings and way of life as taught in the Hebrew Bible. This doctrine of Karaite Noahide faith can be found in my other online video presentations. Karaite Noahides are not the only Noahides. In fact, Karaite Noahide faith, being known as such, is largely my personal invention. In terms of historical Karaite Noahides there do not appear to be any who have existed from my own research into history from online sources. It is true that there have been converts from the gentile world to Karaism over the centuries, and in a pre-conversion state they would be Karaites in training to be Jewish, and could possibly be identified in hindsight as 'Karaite Gentiles' or the likes. Karaite Judaism, in general, frowns on the idea of Noahide faith, believing it to be the invention solely of Rabbinic Judaism. This is not true. Haven Noahide fellowship bases its Noahide concepts solely on the Hebrew Scriptures and do not follow the Talmudic approach to Noahide faith. Currently, the Karaite Jewish organisation 'Malkut Yehudah' teach a basic approach to Karaite Noahide faith. This information has appeared recently online. Thus, there now is precedent in the Karaite Jewish world for a Karaite Noahide position. However, I, personally, have identified essentially as a Karaite Noahide since the year 1999 in the common era or the Christian calendar. Thus, I have been calling myself primarily a Karaite Noahide for the last 12 years. In this 12 years there have been very brief periods were I have identified as 'Creationist Deist' and 'Ecumenical Karaite'. These periods have lasted for as much as a few days, perhaps a few weeks at time, but never lasted too long in the end. There have also been brief periods were I have strongly considered some arguments from Christianity. Ultimately, though, I would say for at least 95% of the last 12 years I have identified primarily as a Karaite Noahide. I have worked through nearly all of my faith questions about this issue and have generally concluded I fit in the Karaite Noahide faith position. Finally, I have also considered the 'Torah Noahide' or the 'Samaritan Noahide' position of solely the 5 books of Moses as the Scripture of authority, and also the Hexateuch or the first 6 books of the Bible, which includes the 5 books of Moses as well as the book of Joshua as my faith positions. But, as I have said, for the high majority of the last 12 years I have specifically identified as Karaite Noahide. This appears to be my final faith position. I have seen comments from people who since that time have identified themselves as Karaite Noahide to varying degrees. An individual calling himself 'Joshua Elijah Emmanuel' identified as being as such on 'Beliefnet'. I have been since unable to contact him. The Noahide from the UK who on Youtube carries the identity of 'Hesediah' who has Noahide videos appears to be Karaite and Noahide friendly and may possibly be a Karaite Noahide. I have had correspondence with him previously when I specifically asked him if he was a Karaite Noahide he said 'You could say that'. However, I was not sure if I sensed a firm commitment on that position by himself. He seems to also accept the '7 Laws of Noah' position also to some degree. I am unsure of his exact position. Another friend of mine online, Alesiah, vaguely identified as a Karaite Noahide, but I am not completely sure if she is fully of this faith. It is still a work in progress for herself. Here in Canberra, a friend of mine, Aaron Goodsell, seems to be gradually coming around to Karaite Noahide faith. He has yet to give me a firm assentment of this as his spiritual belief, as he is still working through questions about his former Christian faith. The followers in India in Gujarat of Noahide faith, who have proclaimed to me via email that they are members of Haven, do not seem to affiliate with myself any longer, and have had problems with other Noahide movements. They did not seem to be of great commitment to Karaite Noahide faith in particular - they were mainly identifying simply as Noahides. Some of the members may have had a firm commitment to the Karaite Noahide position - I have no firm information either way.  What I am saying is that I have not found, either in the history books, or in the online world, any people who I would say have 'DEFINITELY' 100% confirmed themselves as Karaite Noahide. I have. I anxiously await others who would also confirm this with me. 
Good bye for now.

 Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

22nd of June 2010 AD/CE / 6174 SC

29 Merriman Crescent, Macarthur ACT 2904, Australia


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 
Canberra, Australia 
July 6175 SC (July 2011 CE/AD) 

Chapter Thirteen


The Year 6175 SC


Written on Friday 29 July 6175


I have not been keeping any great records of what I have been doing so far this year, but will try and put down now some of my continuing life story.

 In terms of writing I have completed this year so far:

 Morning Stars II – most of chapter 12, chapter 13 & 14, finishing the volume.

Lazy Days – the remainder of chapter 1, and chapters 2 to 14, finishing the volume.

The Dark Side of Gloryel

Life on the Edge

Life Goes On

The Dark Saber

Melanie and Daniel 2

A small number of short stories

Currently working on Lucy Potter and the Sprite of Chakola, which I intend to finish before the end of the year.

 I have now set ambitious goals and have a great number of works planned for writing in my life. I intend to accomplish as much of a series I call the ‘Circle of Magic’ series, which is a series of 7-Novel sequences, of various Harry Potter related characters, including my own creations. Harry Potter fanfiction is exceedingly popular these days online, and there are heaps of stories out there.

 Today, funnily enough, after all the recent posting I have done to various Harry Potter forums, my Weblink is currently the number one webhit on Google for the search term ‘Lucy Potter’. The other day I returned a webhit for the previous day of 176 webhits – a record of mine for one of my websites. Hopefully the future promises even more.

 In the last few months most of my time has been spent writing, visiting the Mental Health activity programs in Greenway in Tuggeranong, and using the Internet a heck of a lot down at Greenway. While I can indeed afford to have the internet on at home without any trouble, the reasons I don’t are: Too many virus problems to make it worthwhile personally, 2) liking to actually get out and about a lot, out of the house, and doing things. While I definitely spend a lot more using the internet down at Greenway then I would at home, I would still rather go out to use it. Uploading to the web, though, is not problematic with the constant use of USBs I employ. I have lost a few of them, though. I make sure, now, I have at least a few on hand with all my stuff saved on them. I no longer use the hard drive on my PC to store data, and won’t do that anymore ever, as the hard drives inevitably crash over time, and USB storage will likely last a lot longer and is far more convenient, and you don’t really have to worry about crashes with them. CD Erasables are nowhere near as good as the USB type of storage, too fussy, the disc scratches, and USB and the other types of mini storage devices are the best option now. I visited a working girl in Fyshwick (a prostitute) for sex twice earlier in this year. I am still single, and have never been married, and have no children. I have worked out that for Karaite Noahides, in my own judgement, that the teachings of sexual morality we should adhere to are first and foremost the teaching of Genesis 1 – 11:9, which teaches that a man and a woman normally get together in a marriage situation, but little more than that. However, Leviticus 18 & Leviticus 20 are to be considered, in my judgement. Now, God judged the Canaanites for these practices, but it WAS the promised land to Abraham’s seed, and the Torah talks about the Land getting its rest. I have talked with Jews before, and they talk about the importance of the land of Israel – remember, society often calls it the ‘Holy Land’. Because of this, Canaan was judged IN the holy land for their sexual deviancies, BUT, as it appears to be, outside of the Holy Land for Noahides, the strictness of these judgements does not seem to apply. Israel (In Exodus 19) is called a holy nation – NOT the gentiles. Outside of Israel, as a Karaite Noahide, the strictness of Leviticus 18 & 20 does not appear to apply. We should perhaps be mindful of these passages, but they don’t appear to be obligatory. However, if you really want to please God to the utmost of your life, and serve him, the fullness of his salvation according to the teachings of the book of Isaiah is found in connecting to the people and land of Israel, converting to this full torah religion with circumcision, and offering your sacrifice on the altars in Jerusalem. Messiah is supposed to get the third temple built, so whatever on that issue. I would argue that God’s salvation is ALSO seen in the Rainbow Bible, as it calls Noah ‘Perfect’ in his generations, but if you want to really connect to the utmost in your life to God, he might well indeed call you to his people Israel. Remember, in that sense, Karaite Noahide takes you only so far with God. But for people like myself, with a strong sense of my own Noahide family and clan and pride, I don’t suspect I will ever be connecting with the people of Israel in a conversion sense. I don’t want to – don’t need to – and have dug down over a decades roots into Noah, so that is were I will stay – and probably forever, now. Earlier this year I went on a holiday with the Mental Health patrons in our Tuggeranong community, down to Tuross Head, on the east coast of Australia. It was called the ‘Coastal Creators’ holiday, and we did a lot of creative activities. I did some felting, wrote a tiny short story about ‘Ambriel’, a little bit of artwork, and played a lot of cards with some people. I had a wonderful time down there, enjoyed the trip there and back, and it looks like a strong possibility there will be another one held next year. This year the Australian Government put a lot more funding into Mental Health, so things are probably a bit better for me relatively speaking. There is a new drug called ‘Invega’ which will be available (most likely) in injection form soon enough. Apparently it has no side effects, so a substantial amount of the weight I have gained since taking my medication for my Schizophrenia could fall off. I have been told that the weight gain is very marginal for the drug. I have a bit of a stomach because of my medication, but being a lot slimmer would be wonderful. I am anxiously awaiting the new drug, and it might be available within a year for injections. It is already available in tablet form. I have a new case worker for my condition down at Mental Health in Tuggeranong called Ashley. My old case worker, Jan Haskell, has now retired. I got along well with Jan, and miss her somewhat, but Ashley is doing a good job. Adrian Chan, a mental health worker, still picks me up for swimming on Thursdays and chess on Fridays, and I have known him for a while now. We can’t have any friendship outside of his working role, though, and I once wanted him to come to a birthday party of mine, but his work restrictions don’t allow that. I see Robert Preston, my Pentecostal friend, still a fair bit from time to time. We recently went down to ‘Tharwa’ for a drive (near Canberra) which we do occasionally, and I love the country down there. I could retire there if I had the money. I have chatted to Chris White on the phone, who is sort of a Pentecostal Christian, and we have chatted about Christianity versus Noahide faith, and he likes to talk about concepts relating to the Christian book of Revelation – the final book of the New Testament.

 My mother is still of reasonably good health, and I continue to live with her and my older brother Matthew here at 29 Merriman Crescent in Macarthur. She continues to go to church each Sunday, and has a lifetime of devotions to God built up. She is a good example to me in this sense. My nieces and nephews are growing up, and have lost a lot of their bratty ways, and I can talk with them in a lot more mature ways and adult conversation almost. They are getting there.

 My brother Gregory has recently expressed his desires to return to live in Canberra (he currently lives and works in Perth in Western Australia) and says he might like Lanyon Valley in south-west Tuggeranong to live in. I look forward to this should it occur. I was strongly thinking about going to year 12 at CIT this year, and enrolled, but decided to cancel it in the end. At the current moment, there is more activity in my various websites, and I have committed myself to a lifetimes work of writing to leave as a legacy. So while I currently receive my Government Disability Support Pension, I see no real point in changing plans at this time. Maybe in a few more years, should my health continue to maintain a reasonable level of wellness mentally, I might consider applying for work again. But a few more years, in my own judgement, is still warranted.

 There is nothing really on the romance scene – per se – but things seem possible soon enough. Perhaps.

 All the best.

 Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

29 July 6175 SC

 The End of Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen


Daniel at 29 Merriman Crescent on Monday the 21st of November 6175 SC (2011 AD/CE).


Yesterday was my 39th birthday. One more year until my 40th. Now, I have reached my conclusion that the Rainbow Bible II will be now combined into the Rainbow Bible I, and that I will have it published by Copyqik printers here in Canberra very shortly. There will be NO further Rainbow Bibles published by Haven Noahide Fellowship. I feel I have addressed the issues sufficiently enough as is. If you are curious about an issue from a Karaite Noahide perspective, ultimately, in the end, go purchase a copy of the Jewish Bible – (the Tanakh – and I recommend the JPS Tanakh 1985 edition, but any decent version will do, Jewish, Christian or otherwise) – and then work out the issues for yourself. Part of the core principle of Karaite Judaism is the importance of the individual doing the work for themselves. On judgement day, your pastor is not going to be able to defend your life after all. I want, in this final chapter, make some final judgements for the Karaite Noahide community. Firstly, the key set of scriptures we utilize in Haven Noahide Fellowship, now, are:

The Tanakh – The 24 Books of the Hebrew Bible – for the Wise and the Unwise

The Pseudepigrapha – the 70 Books of Wisdom for the wise

 These comprise the 94 books composed by Ezra and the other workers inspired by God in the tradition of 2 Esdras.

 Haven views the 70 books of the Pseudepigrapha as Scripture, authoritative, and the Word of God. It is viewed that Ezra and his compatriots compiled all the writings of the Torah, the histories, the prophecies, and the psalms and wisdom and so on, put it all together, and produced the 24 books. They were the ultimate editors and compilers of the finished biblical product. We strongly recommend Richard Elliott Friedman’s book ‘Who Wrote the Bible’ to see many good ideas for how the Torah (first 5 books) may have been ultimately produced, yet we would view the final redactive stages of all 24 books as a work of the Ezran community described in 2 Esdras.

 2 Esdras describes how the ‘70’ books in the Pseudepigrapha were formed and inspired by God. It gives a description. We of Haven find this satisfactory.

 Now, our interpretation of the four beasts of Daniel 7, which is also a beast described in 2 Esdras, is that Beast 1 was Babylon, Beast 2 was Media-Persia, Beast 3 was Greece & Beast 4 was the Roman-European beast, with the ultimate 11th Antichrist Horn represented by the Nazis and Adolph Hitler. The beast persecuted the ‘Saint’s’ (Israel) who just after WWII concluded took possession of the ancient Kingdom of Israel, as the chapter describes they will. We of Haven see Noah himself as part of this community of Israel, as Abraham also is likewise. Those who are OBSERVANT amongst the children of Noah and the children of Abraham according to Noah’s covenant and Abraham’s covenant, also take there place in the community of Israel as members of the three covenants of God and God’s Holy Kingdom. We of Haven believe that God desires Parents honoured, as the commandments teach, and thus the observant Abrahamic community deserves greater honour than Israel in the Everlasting Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7, but the Noahide Community, which is older still than the Abrahamic community, deserves the greatest honour. Honour your father and mother, as the scriptures rightly teach.

 On other issues:

 We regard the Talmudic Noahides as important. We agree with the death penalty for murder, but NOT for any other others of the 7 laws. We think the 7 laws concept is a good idea, a good approach, and we approve of Talmudic Noahides if they want to follow this way of life. We argue it is NOT historical back to Noah, but we agree that Rabbinic Judaism likes the ideas of the 7 laws of Noah concept, and agree they have something of a commission (according to Deuteronomy) to make judgements for Israel, so Talmudic Noahides can listen to their judgements IF THEY VOLUNTARILY WANT TO. We recommend the 30 laws and the 66 laws of Talmudic Noahidism as the established viewpoints, and think they are a good idea for the Talmudic Noahides to follow and abide by. They are ok.

 Now, for Karaite Noahides.

 We think Fornication, Lesbianism & Prostitution are OK. The 30 & 66 laws do not forbid these for Noahides, and nor does scripture.

 Haven now teaches GRADES for Salvation.

 GRADE 1 – Mastering Genesis 1 – 11:9.

GRADE 2 – The Above, with the addition of Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20 and Deuteronomy 18: 9-12

GRADE 3 – The Above, with the Remainder of the 30 & 66 Laws of the ‘7 Laws of Noah’ system

GRADE 4 – The Above with various chosen Torah Laws of your own choice

GRADE 5 – Complete observance of Torah, with the exceptions of No Passover celebration (Only For Full Converts)

 Over and Out


21/11/6175 SC


Chapter Fifteen

(Written Saturday 12th of January 6177 SC - 12th of January 2013)


It has been a year and two months since I last wrote an autobiography entry. That is enough time for some new information. I am currently reformatting the Rainbow Bible (even as I write this today), and there are now 7 Rainbow Bibles, 1 for each of the 7 Divine Fellowships. The Kingdom of Noah Torah which runs through the Rainbown Bibles should not be taken too seriously by anyone, as there is a lot of tongue in cheek in it, but it is meant to be thought provoking and attempting to elucidate interesting ideas which may or may not be ultimately true. I wouldn't personally call it scripture, but there is hopefully a point to all of it, even if just for general reading. There are potentially many 'Curios' within it.

 I am now 40 years old, still single with no children. Life hasn't changed a great deal in the last year. Julia Gillard is still the current Prime Minister, and I prefer her to the opposition leader. I hope Labour win the next Australian Fedreal Election. Barack Obama was re-elected, which was the best decision as far as I was concerned. I have recently been praying a lot, and 'Parity' amongst some of the world's major currencies has been one of my petitions to God. I have also been praying for the success of my Rugby League team 'The Bulldogs' as well as for Great Britain's success at future Olympics, as I am patriotic towards Great Britain, where I was born.

 Recently there was discussion between Marcus Chuan Chi Chin and myself about possibly sharing his unit in Mawson, but that has been put off because of his financial concerns. So I am still here at 29 Merriman Crescent. I am still regularly involved with MHT group activities, and Amanda Caldwell and Brett Love are two of my newer friends in the group. I still am a 'big boy' of quite a few kilos, and am just over 6 foot tall. In 2012 I visited Fyshwick prostitutes about half a dozen times. By the looks of my personal morals I am committed to the Sex laws of Leviticus 18 & 20, which Canaan was judged for, but not Leviticus 19, for which Canaan wasn't judged, which includes the law forbidding making your daughter a prostitute. So by the looks of it in my walk with God he is allowing me to fornicate with prostitutes if I wish to. This is legal for Karaite Noahides. I DO use a condom every time, though, beacause that is the law in the ACT.

 I visited Wagga Wagga in 2012, staying in a pub overnight, but couldn't get any sleep that night. My mother visited England again in 2012 with my sister Brigid. My brother Matthew is now working at Big W in Woden. We had Christmas at Sue Gray's place in upper Macarthur in 2012. The food was good. I helped move her washing machine downstairs.

 I read the complete written Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy) in one day once in early 2012. Towards the end of 2012 I started praying a great deal every day and that hasn't let down yet. I have a host of written prayers I recite quite a lot. I am hoping God answers them all.

 My 40th Birthday party had a number of familiar faces from recent parties, including: Marcus CCC, Rebecca Hill, Tony Beer, Brett Love, Amanda Caldwell, Chris White and Robert Preston. We ate pizza and watched Adele live at Albert Hall on DVD. I began smoking in 2012 mid year, and I enjoy Port Royal tobacco with papers i roll, without filters. Other filtered cigarettes in packets I don't like much anymore. Mainly Port Royal. I prayed the numbered psalms equivalent to my year of age for future birthdays in 2012. So, as an example, I read out Psalm 41 for a blessing upon my 41st birthday party coming up. I also sent Greg half a dozen birthday cards for the last half a dozen of his birthdays. An idea of mine is to send new friends birthday cards for every year of their life backwards bact to their first birthday once you know them well. It is a 'Kindness' thing people could do for fun and love. Its never too late to send someone a birthday card for a birthday of theirs you had missed sometime later on in life. Better late than never.


That will do for now

The end of chapter fifteen



Chapter Sixteen


16th July 6177 SC / 2013 CE

Been a quiet day at home. Been a quiet last few months really. Sort of settled down to simply living with my schizophrenic condition and accepting that it is what I have to deal with for now in life. Would really like to work a regular job and contribute to society in that way, but my occasional impulsive thinking, which can get quite excitable at times, is still too much of a problem to be able to contribute a calming persona for any workforce I would want to join. So I will stick with my books for now, writing out the Angels saga, and hopefully something will come of that in time.
Played scrabble today with mum - we didn't score. Did a lot of internet surfing. Not much else. It took all night and all morning to upload an Introduction to Karaite Noahide Faith video to youtube. Came out well, though. I am 40, still single, never married, no kids. Life's ok. Could be better. Could be worse. I am looking forward to 60 when I can claim my superannuation payout. Might travel the world, especially to the UK, but who knows.
Life's good.

17th of July 6177 SC / 2013 CE

Bloody hell - I haven't had a ciggie in nearly 2 weeks. I go cold turkey in between packs these days to watch my health somewhat. I buy 30g or 50g packs of tobacco and roll them mysef. I don't like smoking the pre-made ones (tailies, as they call them), because they usually taste a bit fowl to me, and I hate filters. Centrelink payday in the morning, and I'll get a taxi down to BP Chisholm to buy some ciggies, probably a couple of pies, and some drink. Might buy some magazines also, and I will look at the DVDs and CDs to see if there is anything I want. Pay comes in around 2 to 4 in the morning, and I check to see its in with phone banking, but will now use the internet banking since the internet came on at home recently. Greg chose TPG (which I had used previously). They are a decent ISP.

Later same day

Another quiet day today. Slept a lot. Meatcake for dinner. Internet surfing as usual. Uploaded 'The Wyvvern and the Warlock' and 'The Belzandramanian' and 'The Hand of Eternity' vols 1 & 3, the concise versions of each of these fanfic works, to and the two Lord of the Rings ones to the Lord of the Rings fanfiction website in the last 24 hours. The webhits for these fanfics are already decent. At the moment I have no prescribed writing projects that I am working on particularly, but I am probably going to tinker around with Morning Stars 3 a bit more (which has a concise version called Morning Stars: Raphael, on the website, but I plan on finishing it off now as a novel akin to Morning Stars and Morning Stars II.) Apart from that I have to continue on in general with the current book, 'The Divine Mysteries: Kelly' until it reaches a minimum of about 50,000 words or so. Its at about 30,000 words at the moment. It will continue on, like all 3 Divine mystery works so far, as being an anthology of short stories collection. There are 7 divine mystery works planned. Lucy Potter novellas 6 & 7 still need to be finished, and they are on my mind also, as well as the unfinished fanfiction works.

30th of July 6177 SC

Went bowling today.  Did a lot of work overnight on my websites.  Put on some graphics.  Made a fundamental decision recently to include some Public Domain documents as part of the Canons for the Seven Divine Fellowships.  Believe I have God’s approval for this.  The texts are oldish, now, and were written in a time of greater innocence and purity of character.  I call them scripture.  I am putting them in the Bibles of the 7DF.  These are meant to be Karaite Noahide Bibles.  I treat them as Scripture.  I am choosy in what I am putting in, and they have to have merit, worth and decency and interest associated with them.  The Spirit tells me God spoke out rather quickly the earlier writings of the Rainbow Bibles in heaven to the Archangel Michael and others.  God has made them his word by speaking them.  It’s true as well.  The sarcastic bits raised an eyebrow, but were passed.  They are Scripture now.  These writings did not all originate in a divine sense.  God has affirmed them, though.  Having another birthday party again this year.  Applied for a grant which may allow me to advertise my books website on local TV here in Canberra.  Hope I get it.  Finished the First Chronicles of the Children of Destiny just the other day.  Have just started the Second Chronicles of the Children of Destiny.  It is planned on being the same length – about a million and a half words.  Later on, when it is finished, after a long rest, the ‘Last Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’ will arise.  Daniel is the key character in the First Chronicles.  In the Second Chronicles it will be ‘Job’.  In the Last Chronicles it will be ‘Noah’.  I have canonized the writings now as Scripture for the 7DF, progressing from Pseudepigrapha.  The definition does not imply historicity of the writings.  They are obviously fictive.


The End of Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

25th of February 6178 SC (25th of February 2014 CE). I didn't mention it in the previous chapter, but my older brother Matthew died in March last year. He was 43 years old. We got along well in our very youth, but as the years passed not so much. As much as I hate to say it, if old Matt inherits the world to come, I honestly feel the time apart between us will be the best medicine to what had become an awkward relationship. Today it is just me and my mum living here at 29 Merriman Crescent. Greg moved over to Canberra just after Matt died, not really to live here, but to try and find work and move his family over. He didn't have any luck, though, and returned to Perth last month. Greg's family has been back and forth between Perth and Canberra a bit now, because he doesn't really fit in the Perth scene, but his wife Christie is from there. Its a persisting problem. Hopefully he will resolve the issue in time. My older sister is Brigid, still married to a farmer, David, although they are separated. They have 3 kids, Madalene, Jayden and Georgia, which feature in the Lucy Smith/Lucy Potter novellas in my writings. My younger sister is Jacinta, married to Alan Bradley, and they live in Cooma East now, 100kms south of Canberra. They have 3 children, Ronan, Amelia & Rachel. Greg and Christie have one boy, James.

I haven't married yet, and am still single with no children at 41. The spirit whispers to me and suggests not until 60, when I can claim my superannuation payout and buy a small flat (probably in Cooma) will he settle me down for marriage. He wants me settled permanently in one place before he builds up my life, so he tells me. God is probably wise on this in the end.

Since the 'Kelly' story, I have gone on and written more of the 'Moonflower City' stories, as well as writing the 'Eternal World' saga, which is at the end of the Angels saga. At the moment I am on a hiatus from writing again, and don't know if I will write again for quite some time. I don't really get feedback for my work from fans at all, even though the webhits are pretty consistent each day, so I know the stories are being read quite a bit. I seem to be writing popular enough stories, but nobody seems bothered much with going any further with them apart from casual reading, and I am not sure if there is much real interest in Karaite Noahide faith yet, anyway. Perhaps one day.

I am still involved with group activities in the Mental Health community, and often go swimming thursdays with the group and do the friday lunch group. It keeps me busy and gives me a social life I guess. You see new faces from time to time, but the Friday lunch group is male dominated to a huge degree. Hardly any female presence at all, which can be a little frustrating. Still, what you gonna do, huh?

My 41st birthday party was again here at Macarthur, and the turnout included Tony Beer, Rachel Hill, Paul McMahon, Robert Preston, Sean Pedditt, Chris White, Isaac Lane and myself. Similar to the previous year, and it was a good and happy occasion. We followed it up somewhat with a 'Risk' night on Australia Day Holiday night, when Paul and Sean showed up and we played Halo Risk. There is another night planned for the Canberra Day Holiday evening, and we plan on doing it each public holiday, except from the Easter and Christmas celebrations. Just a blokes night a few times each year – I'll probably try and make it into a tradition.

I have been a karaite noahide since 1999 (or a Noahide since 1999, becoming a Karaite noahide sometime in 1999 or perhaps 2000 – can't remember for sure). This faith will never change now, I am settled in it, and will generally promote it to all who are willing to listen over the remaining years of my life. I believe it represent God's covenant and God's truth, and am happy to share this faith with others.

So, presently, not a great deal on the horizon, and I keep myself busy with the regular things of life, a lot of internetting, and working on developing my CD collection for the main part for the next while.

Life is good though – can't complain – and that's about it for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Tuesday 25th of February 6178 SC (25th of February 2014 CE)

Chapter Eighteen

Written Friday 14th of March 6178 SC (Friday 14th of March 2014 CE/AD).

I lived in Cooma in 2001 for a few months around the time of the 911 incident of the twin towers. I had rented a flat on Baron street, not far from Coffees pub, and the flat was a duplex with a fellow called Adrian Knight (from memory) who lived in the other flat. He was a bit of an ocker Aussie male, and we chatted a couple of times. I remember, once, reading my bible out the back and his kids were there with him. I was reading it and they asked what I was reading. I told them the bible. One of the boys asked what it was about, and I was lost for words for a few moments, not sure how to answer, but the other one said it was God's book of rules or something like that. In some ways, that was the innocence of Cooma. South of Canberra, 100kms or thereabouts, its a quiet town, called the Gateway to the Snowy Mountains, and has maintained a population of around 8000 for a number of years since I was young, but in recent times seems to be developing somewhat. St Pats school is in Cooma, and I have good memories of that school, even thought I didn't get along great with the kids. Andrew Pighins was a good friend in Primary School, and I went to his house a number of times after school and we did stuff. He punched up on me a bit in science class later on in high school, but I hope I still have good thoughts towards Andrew. He was a bit of a fighter, but a heck of a lot of the Cooma lads in those days – perhaps born from savage 70s bands like AC DC and Rose Tattoo and other mentalities of the ocker Aussie male – were fighters. They were tough kids. I have found, in my years in Canberra since 1990, a far more genteel environment, and the kids a lot softer. When I was doing my primary school degree (which I never finished) from Australian Catholic University in the early 2000s, I did some of my In school teachers aid experience at Curtin Primary school in the Woden district of Canberra. I had illusions from childhood about what Catholic kids were like – I was wrong. These kids didn't have half the mockery and attitude of the kids I grew up with. They were a lot kinder and easier to get along with and more caring. But, I have surmised, it is more perhaps a Canberra thing – the public service town – or a big city thing. Cooma was a country town with tough kids who lived the country lifestyle, and drank beer as they got older. It wasn't an environment totally amenable to the more passive and gentle of God's children. Heck, I handled it well enough in the end, and even ran with a group of my own friends from, mostly, the Public school system, as I have talked about previously. We were into a lot of metal, and it toughened me up a bit, but there were still exasperating encounters with the Cooma youth my age. It wasn't always easy. But St Pats, these days, when I look back, I remember the feelings and spirit of the school and its environs, and its really special to me now, those memories, and those corridors and classrooms and playgrounds are part of my life. The teachers were always ok at St Pats, and I have very good memories of them. Even strict sister Ann from Year 6 who, now, I would probably get along with very well, because I love spiritual things. I was an altar boy with Andrew Pighins for a while, and rang the bell and did those things. 16 years, every Sunday, since birth, I was at a Catholic Church Mass, first in Berridale and later on in Cooma, but I look back now and think of those solemn priestly ways and hymns and creeds, and they are still part of the fabric of my being. I didn't have a God fixation as a kid. Religion was never a big deal, but I was a believer in God and I did pray a little bit. I stole rampantly from mum's purse, and always felt guilt, and even later stealing from Woolies with kids from St Pats, and a bit with my gang, but even though I felt that guilt, the connection, which I probably should have known, that this was sin – it never really connected with me. I never really gave much thought at all to the idea, even when caught stealing from Woolies and having to confess my sins to Father Barry Cotter in the St Pats Confessional. It never connected. I never really understood I was doing wrong. That changed, though, from about 20, when I started trying to be 'Perfect' and started amending my ways in life, despite the huge depression which had settled in by then. In the book of Joshua, those children under 20 still got to come into the promised land, when those above them who had accompanied Moses never got to, apart from Joshua and Caleb – because they had a different spirit. Perhaps 20 is something of an age of accountability. Whatever else, when I get to 20 my morality started showing up at last. No, you would never have called me a sinner kid, though. I was passive at school, and never really fought much, and I had respect for my teachers and fellow students most of the time, although I was a little bit cheeky occasionally (pulling Zosia Pitrowskis hair in year 3 because I liked her, only to be reprimanded by Mrs Jones, for example). No, we were friendly kids, our little gang in my late teens. We were 'Bad Boys' because we were into metal, but we were kind and affectionate. We were ok. Hell a lot of the time for the parents raising us, but we had good hearts. Looking back, I have felt for years now we were doing wrong, but our hearts probably weren't trying to. We were just being cool and living for the rush of it all. I think a song by Iron Maiden – weekend warriors – sums a lot up of my Impulsive sins of youth. But I was bloody alive, I can tell you that much, and life had an intensity from about 1987 onwards for those few years. My first girlfriend, of sorts, was Louise Roseman, who I kissed once, but was really nervous about all of that. She was a cutie, but when we came to Canberra in 1990 I never saw her again. It had been Berridale for the 1970s, which really had been a classic 'Golden youth' which people often talk about. It really had been for me as well, as I had very responsible parents, and I look back in great happiness at that time. I remember the doll mum made for us kids – I love my mum so much these days, and even dreamed about that doll once. All things considered, My youth certainly had its challenges, but I wouldn't exchange it. I don't regret any of it, because it was all learning experiences, and it all worked out well enough in the end. For the most part.

Today, though, time has moved on. I'm 41, currently taking Green Coffee Bean extract to lose weight, because they rave on about it, and it seems to be working well enough so far. I am a lot more content, now, especially since last year, which was the biggest praying experience of my life, the whole year. God assures me I will reap from my prayers in years ahead. I have a positive attitude, still, and am happy with life. It's good enough, ok. Its good enough. Sure, things could be better, but after all the shit I have been through in it, things could be a heck of a lot worse. I'm still one of the lucky ones, I think, in the end. Still blessed.

I'm still collecting a lot of CDs, comics and other things. Working on completing lists of albums from various artists. I have a pretty big collection again, now, and the final bits of my destructive tendencies seem to have finally disappeared. I have made deliberate decisions to stop doing that, and have prayed a bit for stability in life, and it seems to be working. Things are going ok in many ways with my Schizophrenic condition now. Of course, now it is just me and mum here at home, but its good, cause we usually get along quite well and talk with each other quite freely. We get along. Its good now. She is off to the UK, yet again, soon, again with my sister Brigid, and this time my nephew Jayden is going off with them. They will be gone for 3 weeks very soon, and I have asked for a 'Baker' family shield, which is my mum's maiden name, and a mug from Hull, were I was born. Oh, Hull City Tigers, my soccer team, are in the semi finals of the FA Cup. And they have a realistic chance of making the final. Finger's crossed.

The writing goes on as usual, and I have a fairly extensive 'Angels Saga' written now. The Lucy Potter books are mostly finished, and my daily webhits for my books website are consistent and of good numbers. One of these days – hopefully someday soon – self publishing and selling the things on the website might become a realistic option. Let's hope so.

I went swimming at Lake Tuggeranong pool again yesterday, with the little group which Adrian Chan takes along, and I had quit it for a while, but am now back into it. Life seems, for the most part, to steadily go on. Just that, really. Life goes on. Had a risk night on Monday this week, were I played Halo Risk with 3 other guys from my Mental Health group, Paul, Jarrod and Richard, and it was a lot of fun. We have agreed to meet up each Public Holiday, barring the Christmas and Easter celebrations each year, to have these risk nights. We have had 2 so far, and they have been great. Another tradition, perhaps, like my recent spate of birthday gatherings, which hopefully will last as well.

Yeh, life's good. Could be better. Hopefully the girl of my dreams is just around the corner, but till then I'll survive.

Bye for now. Danny.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Friday 14th of March, 6178 SC  

Chapter Nineteen

It has been a quiet and regular enough month. The last month. The other day I finished up a year and a half's solid prayer, were I must have prayed over 10,000 prayers all up, utilizing scripture passages a lot of the time. I had a lot of requests I suppose, but I was very anxious to try and establish some things, including blessings on various sporting teams I support, blessings on the salvation of various townships and cities throughout the world, and a whole category of various miscellaneous prayers. Now, I suppose, I have some faith, and wait for God to answer them all. Fingers crossed. Mum, Brigid, Jacinta and Jayden went to England and Scotland for 3 weeks. They didn't have the best of times, apparently. Jayden was a pain in the neck, and Jacinta was supposedly a bit depressing. But she bought another load of her prized possessions which she gains on these trips – things like little jugs, figurines, tea towels and other things. She brought me back a Hull City Tigers scarf celebrating them getting into the Wembley Semi-Final for the FA Cup. They actually won that final, and now are in the FA Cup Final itself against Arsenal, just on this upcoming weekend. GO HULL!! She also brought me back a MacLean clan paperweight, which was all glass, round, with a picture of the shield ensconced within. I love it. Brilliant little thing. She stayed with her brother in England again at Cottingham, Uncle Gerald, who is now 80 or thereabouts, and getting on a bit. Cottingham is right near Hull, and they were in Hull a fair bit of the time (well, in Cottingham I suppose). Jayden doesn't really have any faith in God yet, despite having been confirmed a catholic, but I think he went through with that just to please the family, because he didn't have any belief in the thing. He looks a lot like Matt did in former years these days. I get along with him well, but mum finds him awkward. Anyway, the other day I completed the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny for the absolutely last time for this lifetime. God has always been hassling me to continue on with the saga, but it has a suitable enough ending, and that will do for now. He has promised me 50 million words all up in my name as an author, the majority of which are to be written in the afterworld. Essentially, my main plan at this stage is to work just on the writings I have already written, and flesh a lot of the shorter stories and novellas and things out into a far more substantial tale. Even the novels can be extended in this sense. I will also then continue on with the work on the unfinished fanfiction sagas I have started, and because God tells me all the time that the afterworld works in cycles of life based on the life you live on earth, I will attempt (at this stage) to write the same amount each time, until the 50 million words are used up. I doubt that I will need to do any new projects – mainly just work upon and complete the projects I started. Apparently the 50 million words are justified because of the demand in heaven for my writings. Good for me I suppose, but it will mean hard work each lifetime for a while. No romance in the last month since the last entry, and life has gone on pretty much as usual since mum got home. Oh, Greg, my brother, actually has gotten a part-time job here in Canberra, after having finally gone back home, so he will be coming back again soon enough by the looks of it anyway. I am thinking about now studying a Computer Gaming degree through CIT (Canberra Institute of Technology). One of the ideas I have is doing a Role Playing Game (like the Ultima Series of games) for Chronicles of the Children of Destiny. I sent an email to CIT the other day to get my student number again, so I will consider applying for semester two very carefully. It will be something to do with my time, I suppose, and could be very productive. But if it isn't games, it might end up being music. But music might come in my mid 50s. You never know. I continue to smoke Port Royal tobacco using the papers. I usually smoke a full pack of either 30grams or 50 grams tobacco, smoking it usually in the first few days of the fortnight, and then giving it away until the following payday when I buy another pack. This has been my usual habit for ages now. I feel, honestly, that I'm not addicted at all, because I could quit if I wanted to. I just don't want to. It's a choice more than anything. God tells me that as long as I don't abuse them and become arrogant about being a smoker I should be fine with them. Statistically that sounds correct. I have been continually buying things and recycling/sacrificing them, because in my faith God has made it clear to me the principle that 'What you acquire in life..................' or to be more accurate in legal terminology 'The rights you acquire in life are the rights you acquire in life', which means everything I have owned in life has become part of my rights for eternity, and those good were all owned until destruction by myself, so that I have all that put aside for me in heaven. It is one of the whole points of life, apparently, which is information we get from God once we have served him well enough. Usually what happens is that things build up in my room for quite a while, and then I sacrifice them, and start again. It happens quite frequently. I have a number of things which have survived many sacrifices, and they are becoming my personal things. I have a regular Disability Support Allowance, so can afford this practice at this stage of my life, but I feel I have enough for eternity now, and have been desiring to end the practice. I am mostly complete enough in this work that I have been doing on sacrifice as far as I am concerned, really. At the moment, Miranda the cat is sleeping behind me on my queen size bed here in my room at 29 Merriman crescent. It is about half past four on a Monday morning, and has been a quiet and steady day. Life goes on as usual, I guess, and there haven't really been any shocks for a while. Again, hopefully romance is just around the corner, but time will only tell.

Bye for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Tuesday 12th of May, 6178 SC (12th of May 2014 CE)

Chapter Twenty

This chapter is a bit of revision, with perhaps some new highlights. In 2000 I began writing Morning Stars. I was working for AQIS, in the EXDOC section on higher duties, and did my work too quickly in hindsight, meaning I had free time. I sat down at the PC, and using an idea from Pawn of Prophecy about the first thing Garion rememberd (being Faldor's farm) and the opening sentence of Magician, how it uses short sentences to start chapters, I came up with the first part of Morning Stars. 'Awareness'. I had just written the prologue first, and then came out the first parts of the first chapter. And I decided to persevere with the idea so, written on work PCs and my IBM Aptiva at home at 29 Merriman Crescent, using floppy disks to transfer the story, I got stuck in. It took me at least 4 or 5 years to get up to the end of part two, and although I have lost the writings now, there was something of a different part of part three written back then (part of chapter 15 I suppose) which was set on earth just after the creation and told of the families of Adam and Eve and how they interacted with the line of Cain. I think it might have been 'Tubal-Cain' (it was one of the names of Cain's line) who was trilling away on a pipe to entertain one of Adam through Noah's line. I can't remember all the exact details. But the writing is lost now, and I guess it awaits my decision upon it in the heavenlies. In November 2000 I left off working for AQIS, having taken a retrenchment package, and have not worked a full time job since then. I have done part time at McDonalds very briefly, Woolworths nightfill very briefly, and brief volunteer work at the conservation council near the ANU. I also did some brief work for the dole in 2007 at the Vale Street cafe, before throwing it in and walking home back to Canberra. I was probably somewhat unwell at the time (and in fact was hospitalized in Canberra Hospital a few months later in early 2008), but I think it was God taking me home just in time for dad's death. Cyril Aloysius Daly (dad) was really just old and frail when he passed, parkinson's diseaese having got the better of him. He was 84 when he passed, and well respected. I miss him a lot. Morning Stars was self published just a little later, and I also got them to publish Ye Olde Devil at the same time. Copyqik printers in Civic in Canberra City did the job. A few years later, daughter of Eve – the sequel to Ye Olde Devil – was published, but I haven't bothered with anything since then. No demand really. Online, though, the books currently get read a reasonable amount each day. I have had good webhits for the last year and a while. I have never really had any donations yet, but lets hope so eventually – or maybe a decent publishing deal. Finger's crossed. I became a Noahide in January 1999 and a Karaite Noahide very soon afterwards. It has been over 15 years now that I have been keeping this faith, so hopefully God has taken notice and will add to my movement on earth soon enough. Again, finger's crossed. That, then, has pretty much been my life since 2000. Writing books and theology and, since about the time Morning Stars was published, also being involved with the group activities for mental health in Tuggeranong. 2008 was the last time I was hospitalized, and I honestly feel I am starting to cope a lot better with my schizophrenic condition. Life is good enough at the moment. I feel like I have been at a crossroads of decision with what to do with the rest of my life for the past few years, but that is settled now. I will stay here at 29 Merriman Crescent with mum, and continue working on my theological writings, my fanfiction stories and, even though the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny stories are now supposed to be complete for this lifetime (though God has promised me a fulll quota of 50 million words to write, the remainder in the afterworld) I have been thinking about not developing any new story ideas, but working upon and expanding already established works. A heck of a lot of the short stories could (and perhaps should) be expanded, and I guess that is what I will probably do over my remaining years. Yesterday I went to Friday afternoon group down at Greenway. Our activity centre is found in the Southern Cross Club basketball stadium in Greenway (the Tuggeranong Town Centre were the Hyperdome, Lake Tuggeranong College and Library, Tuggeranong pool. Police station, and heaps of other shops and services are available). The Southern Cross Club is an association of the Canberra-Goulburn diocese of the Catholic Church. There are some basic clothing standards required to gain entrance to the club, but I have always found these reasonable and appropriate. It's a decent club which I recommend to others. Mental Health, though, only rents an office in the stadium from the club. We have been there a few years now, but when I first statred going in 2007/2008 we were in the front room of the Tuggeranong Community Centre, down near Lake Tuggeranong between Lake Tuggeranong /college and the library and McDonalds on the other side. I am an alumni of Lake Tuggeranong College, having attended in 1990 (its first year) and half of 1991. I know Tuggeranong pretty well now, and am very comfortable with her. I chatted with Brett Love at the group yesterday (who originates from Berridale like us – his uncle, Michael White, went to school with my older brother Matt, and was in the St Pats Musical, playing the lead role of Joseph, in Joseph and the Amazing technicolour dreamcoat which we did back in school in the 80s. Myself and my brother Matthew both played as Pharaohs guards. Brett is a great guy, and we looked up the Hull Mariners AFL website on facebook. Hull is in England (the city I was born in) and England has a growing Aussie Rules competition now. I found out Hull had a team, so decided to support them and roped Brett into supporting them as well. We bragged we might be the only supporters of the Hull Mariners in the Southern Hemisphere (which is probably just a pure boast). Brett is about my age, but younger. Not sure of his exact age though. I purchased a chunk more of books from Vinnies again yesterday, which have been catalogued again into my personal 7DF (Seven Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide Faith) library, the books going into a different fellowship library determined on its category/genre/area of knowledge. I have almost a random list of subjects for each different fellowship written down in a notebook, and I write down which fellowship library each book goes into depending on its classification. Anyway, that will do for now.

Bye for Now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Saturday 17th of May 6178 SC (17th of May 2014 CE)

Chapter Twenty-One

Well, Hull City Tigers lost the F.A. Cup Final against Arsenal, 3 – 2 in extra time. Well done Hull for reaching the final. It was played Saturday 17th of May at Wembley in London, and it was the first time ever Hull had made the final of the F.A. Cup. I was born in Hull, of course, so good work team. A brilliant year. Hopefully our fortunes next year will be even brighter still. Anyway, I want to talk about my years working in AQIS, and a lot of this I have already said piecemeal. I finished my studies at the Canberra Institute of Technology in 1995, end of year, after having had an accident and having to repeat the final semester. I started mid-year 1993, in the 2 year course. I gained my Associated Diploma of Business in Office Administration, and just before completing the year of 1995, I began attending Potters House Christian Church in Pearce in November. It was a pretty full on time in a pretty full on Pentecostal church, when my schizophrenia had just begun – all was chaotic in many ways. A big rush. I prayed a lot, and soon enough was employed at St Vincent de Paul doing voluntary work, but then on to DEETYA for 3 months temping. But then, at my years end in Potters house in November 1996 I left and joined UPC, and started work at AQIS about the same time. My supervisor was Kerry Scarlet, a bloke who also originated from Berridale like myself. Apparently his parents ran the corner store there, one of the grocery stores, so I actually probably knew them as a kid – it would have been the place I spent the 1 and 2 cent coins I pinched from dad's coin jar on 3 musketeer bars and chomp bars and the like. Kerry was a dinkum Aussie Bloke, working at the ASO6 level, and in his 50s, I guess, at the time. At the interview I remember him asking if I played a footie code at school. For some strange reason I said Rugby League, when I really meant to say Rugby Union, which was what I had actually played, but it impressed him because Rugby League was his game of choice. I told him this a few years later and we had a laugh about it. Kerry supported St George as a kid in Berridale, but turned to the Raiders when he moved to Canberra as an adult I guess. He was a big Raiders fan all my time in AQIS. Kerry was married and had kids, but separated during my time in AQIS from memory. He lived over in Monash, and I think he still does, which is also in Tuggeranong. Joel Judge and Helen Banks were also workers in my section when I started at AQIS, and the first place we worked was in Bligh House in Barton. About a year or so later we moved to the Edmund Barton Building around the corner and up the road just a little, but we were in Bligh House when I began at AQIS. Kirsty Gilchrist also worked in AQIS, and I had a huge crush on the spunky Crossroads Christian Girl. I was invited to her wedding a few years later to Garnett Swann, and we had become friends. Garnett was a lovely guy, and they had kids together. They ended up moving to Sydney, but I am not sure were they are today. Dean Ingham was one of the pastor's at Crossroads, and we had a discussion on the Trinity once, which I was denying by then. Kirsty was a kind hearted baptist girl, as Crossroads was an outreach of the Baptist Church – an independent one. I had a number of crushes on girls at my time at AQIS, including Odette Wells, who worked on the same branch in the EBB, Michelle Bullock, who also worked on the same branch, who was a Jehovah's Witness. I went to her congregation a couple of times in Hughes when I was living there and working at AQIS. She married another guy from AQIS – Stuart Grant. They had a girl called Shemaiah, named from the bible, from memory. The other girl I had a crush on was Klaudia Papp, who didn't work for AQIS, but for a company which did stationery for us from time to time. She was an extremely attractive girl, and we used to chat on the telephone. Nothing ever really came of it, though. During my time at AQIS I played in a softball competition, and our team made the final. There were about 6 or so teams, but we were ok. Not the best, obviously, but I had a lot of fun in the competition, and found my batting skills in softball are superior to my batting skills in cricket. It's a pity its not the other way round personally, but that is the ironic way life works some times. I worked in the Program Analysis and Support section for the Animal and Plants Program Branch of AQIS for most of the time at AQIS, and we were a support unit. I did a lot of work in the photocopier room, fixing paper jams and replacing paper and ink and stuff like that, and handled stationery orders. I really overspent one year, when I was made responsible, and later on the job was taken from me. Everyone on the branch had special orders, it seemed, and all wanted to use my code for ordering, charging to our section. It wasn't really fair, I suppose, getting the blame for that, but I have learned to be stricter about budgeting for my organisation or section, and not be so soft next time. I handled some minor databases in my job for a while, but later on in the work there was not much to do. This is not surprising, though, as I'd been hospitalized for my schizohrenia a number of times during my working years at AQIS, and it became too much to give me the extra work. So I surfed the internet a lot during the final time there, and did not much else. My last time of hospitalization for schizophrenia was in 2008 and before that in 2001, so, realistically, if I went back to AQIS now, I would probably do a far better and more competent job. I would probably cope quite well now, especially as I am on a good medication. Maybe that might be an idea Jehovah? Who knows. St Marks library was across the road from the EBB, and I would often sit in there at lunch, reading one of the library books, or just sitting quietly. It was very calm in there, and quiet and spiritual. There was also the Christian Science reading room on the Bligh House block, and I went in there occasionally as well. I left a copy of Morning Stars at the Christian Science reading room the day I gave away many copies around town, but nobody was there at the time. I just left a copy on the front reception desk. Don't know what they did with it, though. That was years later, though, in 2007. I enjoyed working in AQIS for the most part. The work was enjoyable and satisfying, and I liked doing it. It was challenging to start with, but I grew into it, and soon liked my responsibilities. I really wish I didn't have so much schizophrenia to deal with, as would have loved to have stayed employed. But sometimes we have stuff to deal with in life, so that is the way it goes, you know. Anyway, that will do for now.

Bye for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Sunday 18th of May 6178 SC (18th of May 2014 CE)

Chapter Twenty-Two

The last month has been steady enough. I had a very bad chest cold recently, and it took me a while to recover. I'm better now, but it was very frustrating. The Soccer world cup began, and England lost its first match against Italy. We'll see how they go throughout the tournament. I've been staying at home, now, for most of the past month. I have gone swimming on thursdays once or twice, but I don't have as much group activity at the moment as I once did. Losing a bit of interest in the group, really. There is very little female interaction, and nothing much to draw me into it. Marcuss CCC is always good company, as well as Rebecca Hill, but some of the males are a bit too rowdy for my liking. I can get along with them ok, but it's not the ideal situation now for someone who is starting to show genuine signs of improvement in his condition. I don't know how long it takes to heal of schizophrenia, but I feel acknowledgement of things which are true, and by this avenue combating the delusions of the mind and heart, we can overcome some of the deceiving voices in our condition. I'm certainly a lot better now than I have been, and the medication is working well with me these days. Even study looks like an option in a few years. My brother Gregory is yet again staying with us and has a job doing Centrelink work at a call centre. He doesn't really find the job that enjoyable yet, because he doesn't know what to do with a lot of calls. I feel, though, even though I haven't said it to him, this will improve if he just gives it some times and learns the intricacies of Centrelink's policies. He should persevere. Time will tell if he does. I moved out of my old room at the front of the house, and Greg moved in there. We've had it painted recently, and after all the refurbishments over the last few years (new kitchen, bathroom, toilet and the painting) the house is starting to look quite good. And house prices here in Macarthur are quite high at this present time. Lucky us. I moved into Matthew's old room at the back corner of the house, where I actually started when we first moved into the house back in 1990. It was my metal years back then, going to Lake Tuggeranong college, and I remember that I had heavy metal posters all over the room. I've been through a number of changes since that time, but the more things change, ironically, the more they stay the same. The move has been good for me, and a change is always as a good as a holiday, but I am now starting to settle in. I sleep a lot, because I don't have that much to do at the moment apart from my books and religious things, so I am often in the new queen size bed mum bought me for my birthday last year, sleeping away the hours of the day, lost in dream worlds of great sarcasm from God. Very weird dreams I have a lot, especially of alternative visions of places around Canberra were I live. The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is pretty much complete now for the most part for this life time. I did write an extra story in the eternal world part on cleopatra to tie up a loose end just a little, and explain the ideas a little better, and I was asked by my friend Rebecca Hill from group to write a story about her and Marcuss CCC and myself, in the way I have written other stories about people from the group. I sat down and wrote the short story 'Crazy Days' which I placed at the end of Destiny's Children. Marcus liked it, but Rebecca hasn't responded to my email with her opinion yet. Hopefully she liked it. I tried to keep it somewhat true to the real life characters. Apart from that, I am finishing the 'Lucy Potter and the Gem of Wonder' story in the Ascension Tales saga, and considering completing some of the few unfinished stories in the saga, just to have them properly completed. This is not that much work, really, and because they were already started is not really anything new. I haven't completely made up my mind whether or not I will spend a number of years working on completing my various ambitious fanfiction projects, such as the Tolkien inspired Hand of Eternity trilogy or the David Eddings inspired Belzandramanian, but if I continue to get a hunger to write things, I will probably turn my energies and attention to finishing these off in time. We'll see how it goes. I visited a prostitute again in Fyshwick not long back. She was an attractive Asian working girl. She massaged me and she got on top. It was the basic package, but I had a good enough time. Sometimes sexual behaviours are all they are cracked up to be, and sometimes they are just a bit of a fun occasion with nothing much more than that associated with them. They are often, in fact, not the enormous deal the youth often make about the experience as well. Varies a lot, really, in the end, and I can sort of understand our traditions of a woman saying she has a headache when a man is keen, because she just couldn't be bothered and is probably tired from the day. It can often take a bit of effort after all. God never pricks my conscience on my prostitution activities and never really has. Oh, when I was younger he pricked my conscience and gave me guilt on my stealing constantly, because I was a little penny pincher from my mum's handbag for years, spending money mostly on lollies in younger years and then on video games down at the Cooma arcade parlour as I got older. I have since repented a lot of those activities, and while I'm not quite ashamed of myself yet for what I did in younger years, I most certainly regret these stupid choices and would not do them again at all with my current attitudes. Young and foolish and addicted to too much pleasure seeking in liking the lollies and entertainment from the video games. But I've matured a lot since those days, and God I feel has forgiven me for the most part from my sins of youth. I'm still ordering a lot of stuff online, especially from ebay, and this is mostly were my new CD's come from now. Mostly online shopping. I do usually pay for a taxi to go down to the local BP service station each fortnight in the morning when my money from my pension comes in, and that is were I usually buy a pack of tobacco which I smoke at the beginning of each fortnight. I now only smoke one pack of either 25/30 gms or 50 gms of tobacco, usually, each fortnight. For half the fortnight I am usually not smoking. I don't really think I'm addicted to them, as half the fortnight I am not smoking and don't really crave them in any major way, and, further, I have no real desire to quit anyway, and only smoke because I choose to and enjoy them. I'm a happy smoker, really, for the most part, and feel fine in my health. There were a few minor issues when I first started and smoked a bit more heavily, but all that has lightened up since I lightened up my intake, and I don't perceive any real problems that are going to happen to me with them. I don't think I abuse tobacco in all honesty. I've been enjoying a lot of the English TV which mum watches for quite a while now, and feel I am steadily growing more conservative in life. Probably a good thing in the end. I have passion for life, but was never really a hugely outgoing person when it comes right down to it. In my youth with those I trusted I was playful, but really, for the most part, until I get to know someone well, I am a little cautious and shy. I guess evanglizing on the streets of Civic with potters house, and having to witness by talking to people about my faith gave me a lot more of an outgoing personality, but usually Daniel Daly is a conservative, reserved sort of guy. Life changes you, sometimes, though, doesn't it? Mostly the last month has been the same old regular type of stuff. Get up some time, use internet, eat over the day, chat to mum a little bit, lots of teas and coffees and bikkies and toast and things like that, and enjoying my dinners and especially ice cream when mum buys it. It's a simple life, and part of me is hoping for something more in this last few years of a crossroads I feel I have been going though, but I think it will mainly be steady as she goes, and this will do for now. Time will tell what happens next.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Monday 17th of June 6178 SC (17th of June 2014)

Chapter Twenty-Three

It's only been a few days since my last entry, but I thought I would write about a period in my life when it was the hardest, and the lessons learned. At 16 years of age, I left the Catholic Church. It wasn't a faith crisis. There wasn't any real faith to speak of. Sort of, over the next few months, I guess I lost whatever faith I had in God, and didn't really not so much believe any more, but just didn't care anymore. I had hardly cared anyway, quite frankly, for most of the days of my Catholicism, because it was a religion foisted upon me by my parents, and I never really wanted to go to church very much at all anyway. It was just a holy day of obligation mum and dad taught me, and we kids had to go. Mum went off to England when I was 15, and I stopped going then, so that when she got back it was kind of official. I didn't go to church anymore. I did, though, promise God that if the Bulldogs won the Grand Final (1988) I would go to church, and they won, and I did go to church. But that was the end of it, and I think I just left it after that. I sort of lost my way, really. Ultimately, that time I went to church because the Bulldogs won the Grand Final I probably did believe in God, but afterwards, over the next while, I sort of lost my way more than losing my faith. It wasn't me giving up on my faith – I stopped going to church and after a while the faith just wasn't really there. I wasn't trying to deny my religion, you know. I just sort of lost it through going astray in hindsight. Well, in year 11 at Monaro High (1989) I was spending most of the time with my gang of friends built up from the Cooma Arcade. Damien Asanovsci, Peter Dradrach and the rest. We won the B Grade indoor cricket comp that year, just up near the Infants school for St Pats, next to the Cooma Basketball stadium. I used to walk up via the bush near the water tower to get there. Damien lived just behind me, and we also played outdoor cricket for the cops team ironically enough. I wasn't really much cop at the outdoor version (forgive the pun) but was competent at the indoor style, and we developed a quick hit and run method for scoring runs indoor cricket style, which helped us win the comp. I think a lot of those ideas developed from myself in memory, in all honesty. Throughout that year at Monaro High (because we moved to Canberra the following year) I only attended half the lessons (well probably more, but I bludged quite a bit, and didn't do any schoolwork properly that much anyway), but there was a girl in my year, Jenny Cheetham, who I had a huge crush on. I have written her into the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny as Jenna (Jesus' twin) for a bit of fun. She said to me in discussion 'I know there's a God'. It affected me. Month's later in Canberra I was asking her hypothetically (not talking to her, just theoretically her) 'How can you know there is a God?'. I was agnostic. The case had been closed, because nobody could actually know for sure. Sure, there might have been, but there was no proof. And over the next few years, while I bordered on atheism from time to time, that was still the ultimate official position. Nobody could know.

I got depressed from then on. A heck of a lot. All the way through 1990 and 1991 at Lake Tuggeranong, all the way through the 6 months of bludge after year 12 (which was never completed properly), all the way through the 6 months of TAFE which became CIT for my office skills certificate, and then the 6 months waiting to start my associate diploma in CIT in office admin, again followed by nearly 2 full years of the course – all that time the depression hit me hard, and it was bloody horrible. I know, now, what it was. I didn't have depression in my church days. When I left the church, the depression came gradually in because I dismissed God but, then, had no spiritual organisation to be part of. BUT because I had not worked out how to live life on my own without this giant support network I had taken for granted, the troubles of this world were too much for my spirit. Depression was inevitable. It is for everyone without a strong support network. Then I got my philosophy book which I stole from the library, worked out the argument from design, and believed in a creator. But the depression was still there, even though I was starting to repent to the deistic sort of God I believed in. I was witnessed to by Ariel Cheng on her faith – the depression hit its peak – I went along to visit her, and felt the darkness all day. Then I bought a bible on the way home, had my first schizo episode the following day, but the depression dropped in half. 6 months later visiting Potters house and praying a sinners prayer, the depression disappeared totally. Schizoprhenia ran rampant since then, but the depression left.

In 1999 I left the church, and had to start spiritually again. No depression this time, but no real spiritual strength either. Now, today, I have a lot of prayers in my Karaite Noahide faith for the movement itself. This means everything God tells me. The prayers I have for my movement – absolutely fundamental to everything for the religion. So, I keep on praying these days (since late 2012 a tremendous amount of prayer has been done) and reading scripture. This will go on for the rest of my days. My movement of 7DF needs all the prayers it can get. But I'm getting there. Growth will happen slowly. I just need to persevere, and give it some time. The faith will be established gradually.

All that hell I went through, ultimately, made me stronger. It was a big part of my life, but it taught me the lessons I so much needed to learn, and has given me invaluable experience – eternally.

Dan again

18 June 6178sc

Chapter Twenty-Four

In the last 5 days not much has changed. Not much would, you would imagine. On Thursday morning my Centrelink Disability Support Pension came in (around $750 after my $90 advance repayment). I paid some credit card bills, put a little on my HECS repayment, a little into my superannuation account (I make regular personal contributions to my scheme), and bought a Def Leppard Record on ebay (an old bootleg ep called 'First Strike' – not the original one with the map of America, but a latter red vinyl limited edition reprint from a few years later with a picture of an aircraft on it). When my credit card payments had been processed, the following evening I purchased 20 odd CD's on to increase my collection again. A couple of them I had owned previously, but most were new ones. Fishpond appears to be owned by Catholics, because when I do book searches a lot of the books are Catholic books. It's a lot of mainstream stuff, but I have noticed a proliferation of Catholic artists in the mainstream who feature on the lists of CDs. There are other artists there, but it is obviously owned by a group of catholics most likely. It doesn't really put me of buying there, and I buy at St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) regularly anyway, and besides, with the free postage, and the low price you can get some very decent CDs at when you select the right search options, they actually offer very good value. When I shop on ebay I don't really discriminate on who I buy from, because they all are mostly anonymous when it comes right down to it. I think its the best policy not to really worry too much in the general marketplace of the 21st century, unless it is obviously some sort of corrupt organisation. I also purchased a comic (Dethlok number 1 from the early 1990s) on ebay. On Friday I had been given two tickets from Brett Love in the group who was given them from the group to go see the Canberra Raiders versus the Bulldogs (my team) at Bruce Stadium in Belconnen that night. Me and Greg were going to go, but I pulled out later on. I didn't really fancy going out in the cold that evening. The Bulldogs won anyway. Over the weekend I slept quite a bit, did a lot of prayer, and a heck of a lot of new writing, both in the Rainbow Bibles and in my literature. I began the 'Chronicles of the God's of Destiny' which looks like it will be a lot of fun, actually, and I intend to continue on writing that regularly. It picks up were the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny leaves off, and introduces the created 'God's' of the old pagan idolatries of mankind. I am hoping to have a lot of fun with this new saga, and expect a lot of humour and sarcasm along the way, as well as some serious stuff. I got 'Ghost Stories' by Coldplay with my money also (down at the BP garage early thursday morning when I went down to buy my tobacco) and really love the album. It is mellow and very enjoyable listening. My niece Madalene Bridges was in hospital the last couple of days with some sort of infection, but she is better now. My niece Georgia Bridges, though, always seems to be having some problems. But she works through them and is a happy enough young lady. The kids are all grown up now, it seems, and Madalene is now working in Child care. She's got a boyfriend, so she might end up married one of these days and get to having kids of her own. Perhaps I'll be a great-uncle before I know it. I went to my Lunch Group on Friday again with the Mental Health team and had pizza, which is what we usually eat. My friend Marcus CCC was there, and I chatted with him a little, but didn't say or do much else, apart from a little time on the computer. It's a steady enough thing, the lunch group, and the people which go there, but it is not very much inspiring to me anymore. Sure, I get along well enough with the people, but sometimes its just a little bit boring and drab with not much to do. I suppose the real highlight of the day is getting there and going home while chatting to Adrian Chan in the front seat, the worker who does some of the activities and picks up some people and takes them home. We have an ongoing discussion of wit and humour between us, and some of the jokes can be crude to a degree, and often filled with a lot of jibing and mockery. But that's the trips in the vans for the most part, and a lot of the blokes crack jokes. It very rarely gets out of hand, and it lightens up the shit a lot of us are going through with out mental problems. My schizophrenia is mostly under control these days, and I remain medicated for it. There are still issues, which I feel are now mostly handleable and under control, but I'm not out of the woods yet. Still there remains a number more years of learning to cope with and get used to the condition I am suffering. I'll get there one day. Naturally, I'm still single, and often think that is my lot in life. I'd like to lose weight, but that just doesn't seem to happen, and I don't fancy snagging the kind of girl I'd like to marry until the weight issue is a bit better resolved. Maybe later in life, perhaps mid to late 40s, something might happen then. From the spiritual voice which constantly talks to me, apparently, the closer I am to 60 when I can claim my superannuation, and the more I put in it these days, increasing the total payout figure, brings a wife closer and closer, as far as God's concerned. He's not a God who wants to take too many risks with my life, and sort of insists I have a degree more stability and security still to offer a wife and potential family before he will invest those things into the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. So I'll have to be patient for now. Still, life is good enough and I get by ok, even though I do complain constantly to God and have a good winge about my situation, blaming him all the time. He apparently takes it with a grain of salt, and grins at me afterwards. Woe is me.

That will do for now. Cheers.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia. Monday 23rd of June 6178 SC (23rd of June 2014 CE)

Chapter Twenty-Five

I thought I'd use this chapter to make some confessions on my sexual antics and some skeletons in the closet. Since about 20 years of age I have tried to be a better person, but I have fucked up along the way a fair bit, and am only human. But I am getting better at life, ok. I am getting better and gradually becoming a saint. But I'm not perfect yet.

I've been to prostitutes since 26 years of age when I lost my virginity about 50 times so far. A few times this year already. There was one occasion with 2 girls, but just that once. I have never been with a male and never intend to. In terms of bestiality, I have never engaged with an animal to have sex. There was one time, in Potters House days, when I was having a schizophrenic psychotic attack that I went wandering from the group house, down to pine island, and up to the hills above. I got naked at one point, and sat down near some sheep. And then I was thinking that a sheep needed to drink my milk (by sucking my dick and me orgasming). It was very delusional and fucked up thinking, and I certainly did not approach a sheep to engage in any sexual activity, but those thoughts of providing milk (ie semen) for the sheep were in my mind. It was very weird, but I put my clothes on then, and gradually started going home. I think I probably ended up in hospital – in fact, yes I did – and had been picked up by some Christians who took me to Woden/Canberra hospital. That has been the worst of it, but a few years back I checked my junk email, and while I knew it was probably a porn link, I didn't expect to see the farm animal porn website and the bestiality on the site. In fact, those sites seem to be legally available for people to watch now, which is really quite weird to me. I don't watch bestiality videos, or gay homosexual videos at all. I have looked at a few to try and understand it somewhat and to see if I was turned on, but I haven't been really. Bestiality and Homosexuality are really mostly just weird and not for me, but lesbianism (which doesn't actually controvene a torah law literally) turns me on a little bit. But I don't make a habit of watching those type of porn videos. I do watch porn on the net – sites like and, the standard free to view stuff online (and I do that regular activity men often do associated with such things), but I don't really indulge greatly in it, and always keep it private and to myself. I have found the prostitution, for the most part, is really just a matter of fact thing. Religion often tries to make a big deal out of it, but it's not really that big a deal. The girls I have been with are mostly regular, down to earth ladies, looking for an income to help them out in life, and are mostly occupied with regular life things like the rest of us. Uni students some of the time, occasionally drug users, and occasionally a gem of a lady with a really bright and thoughtful mind and attitude working in the jobs. I have always gone to the Fyshwick girls for this activity, and find it mostly just a normal life activity now. People like to 'Smut it up', and they can if they choose, but it's mostly about a bit of intimacy for me personally, a bit of a rush, and a nice massage. They always insist you shower before hand and usually expect you to afterwards. It's mostly just a regular business here in Canberra, and the idea of shame or something degrading to women being associated with it is really, quite frankly, silly to me. It's just a normal job were people get a bit intimate physically for a while. I do, though, agree with the idea of not practicing unsafe sex with a prostitute, which can really bring you to VD central, and I have 100% of the time practiced safe sex with the working girls I have been with – which is the law in the ACT – and God doesn't ever visit guilt on me (which he has done for various things) on this issue. Prostitution is really mostly normal to me as far as I am concerned. Apart from that, I do get stuck into God and have been known to insult him quite crudely over the last few years – always in private – and I don't think I want to share actual words, but I do have a crude imagination my friends. Mostly, and God tells me that he does actually understand were I am coming from, though he doesn't forgive me all the time, and makes that apparent, but he does understand that its related to my frustrations in my life about my lack of fortunes in many ways, mostly my lack of a decent income and family and place of my own. Patience, I know I need it, and he tells me just to keep on doing what I am doing, because it will all work out in time. He is right. I know that. God is right. There are other skeletons, some involving people and God asked me not to embarrass them, but I think I will leave it at that. Yes, I am hardly a saint, but I still am walking with God and trying to improve. I will get there in time because, despite my faults, I am faithful to God and the Bible, and I know it will all work out in the end. And this ends the Life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly for the First Rainbow Bible. I will continue on with my life starting now in the Second Rainbow Bible of Assembly of the Divine Creator, continuing on with another ultimately 25 chapters. Bye for now. All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Tuesday 24th of June 6178 SC (24th of June 2014).

Chapter Twenty-Six

God can get me down, too. There, I said it. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly is only human, and even he is frustrated and pissed off with the judgement of Almighty God from time to time also. I mean, who is the Lord to dictate to me what to do with my life? Remember? Of course, in honesty, he doesn't really dictate as such, but you are not of the faith, I guess, if you are not obeying God's religion, going to church on Sunday, making sure you fast half an hour before Mass, and confessing your sins to the priest in the confessional. For me, young Catholic Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, in my early years, that was the faith. Church on Sunday, fasting half an hour before Mass so as to not despoil the Eucharist and the actual confessions we also bothered with from time to time. Almost the 3 pillars of my Catholicism (and seemingly the family from my young perspective) growing up, but scapulas and rosary beads were a little bit of a deal also, as well as the church missal somewhat. Certainly no bible, but the family did have a big and chunky mysterious and old hardback one, with big words and haunting pictures in true catholic style. It was a St Joseph's one, and had family baptismal records and things in it. In the end, I never really took Catholicism that seriously, apart from my time as an altar boy, were I had learned the rituals, and almost enjoyed them somewhat, but come 16 I was out of there, and real life beckoned with Aso and the gang. I did believe in God, and prayed to him. I prayed to have some friends a few times – I had been universally perpetually unpopular in my St Pats years, apart from some brief friendships, which disappeared later on. I have gained many over life – friends – it seems the prayer was answered in time. I prayed to stop wetting the bed quite possibly. At about 20 that finally stopped happening. Gosh, yes. It took till 20. Since then there has been one abberation in all that time, which was down at the Noahide June Cantrell's place in Melbourne, which is a big item of curiousity for me, but since 20 my bowels finally got their act together and I have had dry nights ever since. Thank bloody God – seriously. I had once been told I stinked (smelled) by a St Pats High teacher – I was embarrassed – she was right. I really needed to wash every morning after wetting my bed, but often I just didn't, and just towelled myself off and went to school, because we had to walk a kilometre to school and just didn't have the time for a lot in the mornings very often. It wasn't fun, in many ways, those years, even though than can be viewed through rose coloured glasses with age. But no, in all honesty, schooling really sucked. The kids hated me, or at the least I was terribly uncool, practically nobody talked to me apart from an odd casual word in bumping into them or something or an a relevant question. No, I spent most of those 11 years of St Pats training on my own, looking after myself, and getting by well enough in the end anyway. Andrew Pighins had been a bit of a friend in primary, Wade Holzheimer a bit of a friend in Infants, Lucas Coates a very brief friend in high school, and Jaimie Hurford and Josephe Peak tolerated me somewhat, but mostly life on my own. Around year 9 Aso and Dradrach showed up at the Arcade (or, really, I showed up there and made friends) so I didn't care that much anymore about the St Pats kids anyway. I finally had some decent friends, AND got along with them. In fact, year 11 at Monaro high was really quite blissful for my status, a year to remember in many ways. All along that pathway, from youthful innocence at the Berridale Church, looking up at the Crucifix of Jesus and knowing this was my religion, to the time I went solo at about 16 with my new friends, God had never, in the end, been that big a deal really. Yeh, sure, he existed. I did believe in him. I just didn't care very much. My later lack of faith is perhaps not that surprising in the end given my earlier attitude. Remember, God has no grandchildren as the saying goes, only children, and I was definitely only a grand-kid for the most part back then – just living on mum and dad's religion, nothing of my own. That was most definitely the case but, of course, things changed a lot later on. The early years in Berridale were a memory of ensuring we got to church on time on Sundays, and sometimes praying a decate of the Rosary. The Hail Mary and the Our Father were the fundamental prayers of my youth, and of course the prayers for penance after the confessional, which you did after your first confession, and while I did this at church, on rote, like everyone else in the congregation, following the ritual, it was never a living faith of my own in those days. It was just that God probably existed and those were the prayers of the faith, and that was about it. Never any serious consideration on what it all meant. But should there have been? Perhaps, in the end, I was just far too young to really get with the bigger picture. After all, what does a kid know? When I hit 20 I was starting to figure out that God possibly was there, and the question was by then, since about 18ish I guess, really actually starting to become a big issue. One I couldn't let go of and really needed to resolve, one way or the other. And I was lucky – whatever it was, it always had to be the truth. Just that. In the end, I would believe the truth, and would search hard to find exactly what that was. You know, I really meant it on that fundamental principle of life once I cottoned on that that was what it was all about for the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. The TRUTH. John 14:6 naturally became a big issue later on, but you would kind of expect that, wouldn't you. The truth was not actually a concern in Berridale years. Pinching dad's copper coins to buy lollies was a concern, and being sneaky enough to get away with it. Lots of the times the kids got in trouble. Lots of the time it was me, but I never confessed. I recall that it was indeed the Scarlets store were I mostly spent my young takings, and I worked with Kerry Scarlet later on in life in AQIS. His dad apparently ran the store with his mum, just down the end of Bent Street to the Anglican Church, turn left and you were just about there after a short walk. Lollies and chomp bars and things – the stuff of my young lustings. The Anglican Church was next door, apart from the presbytery house of the Anglican priest between us. I sort of always knew they were the other Christians, but that wasn't our one. I possibly formed the idea that those were what church building were back then, brick churches, stone buildings. I probably thought the Anglican's were Christians If I had ever given it any serious thought. Later on I think that there were thoughts that they probably were, especially in a high school religious class, were I defended the Jehovah's witnesses for what they were saying about God against the teachings of the teacher, saying 'What is wrong with what they believe? They seem fine. Looking back I do remember that time in that class, and I think I did have a few inklings back then that the Lord alone might have been God. Very soft and subtle, but they may have been there. Later on, of course, that became quite apparent. But at that time I was embarking into the newly emerging Politically Correct world of modern thinking, and I definitely acknowledged the other churches were also Christian, just with different viewpoints. I was a universal christian who accepted the churches then – it didn't bother me at all. Just a few months later it was not a concern, heavily into heavy metal and my gang of friends, but Jenny Cheetham told me she knew there was a God in year 11, and when I got to Canberra in 1990, that really started becoming an issue. Did God exist? I lost my young faith, but in truth, yes, I did search for it pretty quickly in life after I had lost it. And I absolutely had to have the truth of the bloody issue. Nothing else at all would suffice. In the end, all along the way, religion was still there as an issue in my life. I thought it was the bane of mankind at one time in my very late teens, but it was still there. It was God, probably, who had a hold on me. I entered depression when I lost my faith, and it became horrible after a while, but when I found it again, and confessed my faith in God, half the depression went, and when I confessed my sin a bit later, the rest disappeared. Schizophrenia had taken over after that, mind you, but I know Yahweh personally now. I'll never lose my faith again, despite the younger years of deity blues.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, 6178 SC.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

It was mentioned to me by the Spirit today that, at the end of the 21st Century, the world, which is becoming more and more legal actually, will change copyright laws. The 'Clans' and the 'Families' become the inheritors of the rights of their foreparents works of copyright. The Tolkien writings are briefly in the Public Domain within the 21st Century, when fanfiction works can be legally published, but this ends at the end of the 21st Century. In fact, I have been corrected on the issue of judgements and truth on religion. My OWN judgements in the Rainbow Bibles on salvation are how I am judged by God and how my movement judges others. BUT, in accordance with the actual truth, each monotheistic movement is judged by their own beliefs. Protestant christians aren't much saved under 7DF salvation standards. Under their own denominations, they will hardly miss a beat when they go into heaven. You see, the monotheisms are actually sanctifying the world and it is becoming MORE holy. Not less so. Each generation the world increases in holiness. They are the actual facts of salvation.

Oh, I did briefly continue on chapter 26 into the AOTDC rainbow bible, and then off in 'Elders of Destiny' which was briefly going to be just a work of biographies of real life equivalents of the children of destiny, but it has come home to roost now in the first Rainbow Bible. I plan on adding these entries, now, in almost journal like format, till I croak. Perhaps quite a few hundred chapters by the time I'm finished, but time will tell.

Anyway, my Chronicles work is finished. Completely. Heavenly workers in fanfic and other canon-related realites may plunder and pillage and write to their heart's content. A planned son on earth, should I be so lucky, in young Callodyn, shall verily flesh out the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny to match my own effort (and a grandson likewise in young Daniel), with the full word count of each of the primary 37 volumes to ultimately total 400,000 words approx each. My fanfic work is also complete, again, apart from hopeful offspring's commitment to continue on with them and finish off some grand plans. For example, the Chronicles of an Age of Darkness will need Volumes 11 to 20 completed, and Hugh planned 60 so, if the century permits, and the offspring come forth and are will, thus shall be done. Let's hope so anyway.

In terms of fiction I am finished.

Theologically the works go on. There are over half a million words in the Hebrew Bible. Each of the 7 Rainbow Bibles may as well match them, if I can, so I will continue on for some time yet on those theological diatribes. And this autobiography will be much of the continuance of the First of the 7.

I've had a busy enough last few days, some new females appearing in my Mental Health groups, and the masculine dominance still quite noticeable, but now less so. May that continue to be true for freshly faced new female acquisitions to our motley crew.

Greg has invited myself up to the Snow next week with Christie, who should be in town from Perth for a holiday then, and that is something to look forward to. I plan on zero tabogganing, as Greg does plan, and will be happy to throw snowballs at mum should she accompany us. Nay, I shall enjoy the shelter of the Thredbo main community hall, were the stores and lattes will keep me amused most of the afternoon, with a glance out at the frolickers in a sedate walk around the large hall. If a camera is available for some personal pics, I will make use of it and get some shots up online.

Family members continue to get older, as mum commented today, and young Georgia is 15 very soon. Madalene has already left school and is working, has a boyfriend, and I could be a great-uncle before we know it. She's quite an attractive young lady, stunning really, and I expect she possibly has it in mind to have a bit of a clan of her own. I do hope I am a late bloomer on this issue, and, with recent attitude improvements in my personal around the house activities, something which was difficult before, as I lacked the energy and motivation, but which recently has become a little easier, my prospects for my life fortunes to continue to gradually improve seems actually real. The struggle of Job, which I feel I have been living (it was the first biblical book I read completely), seems to be turning slowly towards the end of the suffering, and a time in which the latter years of blessing might soon and eventually be rearing up their ugly heads with the words from God – 'I TOLD YOU SO DANIEL, YOU IMPATIENT BUGGER'. Hopefully I shall praise his mercy and grace still.

Life is acceptable and life is good and I am happy enough. The future beckons yet, and the walk of life goes on. Hopefully the next chapter will have yet more of my story to tell.

All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, Tuesday 8th of July 6178 SC (8th of July 2014 CE)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

The last month has been a regular sort of life for me. No great happenings. There is a bit more life in my mental health group now, with a new female around my age joining the group regularly, named Genevieve. The group is very male-heavy for those who attend the Friday lunch group, and there are rarely appropriate females of appropriate ages to keep the menfolk good company. The change is hopefully a sign of things to come. I have really wanted to finish off the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny in the last month, and have considered various options on the saga, but the reality, at 41, is that I am still youngish, in my writing prime, and it doesn't appear to be letting go of me, new stories still coming along. The river of my talent hasn't run dry yet, and there are all sorts of tales I could continue to tell, so I am resigning myself to the reality that it just won't be finished up any time soon. Besides, the way the actual saga is structured, it is more of an open-ended storyline of a whole host of characters really, in the end, leading somewhat regaular, if extraordinary, lives. So, like life in general, it really just seems to go on, and the saga as it continues to be written reflects this. Just the way it goes, I suppose. My brother Gregory found work back in Perth, after his brief stay here working for Centrelink, and is now in a permanent part-time position in Perth in a familiar job. I have, in the end, wished Greg and his family to settle on this side of the continent, but his wife, Christie, has her family in Perth, so they have been back and forth a bit. Hopefully he will settle eventually. My sister Brigid continues on in her job in the Public Service, raising her three children, the eldest now working, and while she is still married, they are separated. But the continue to get along reasonably well when they are together, so a reality of a marriage is still there. She said to me once 'David's not for me', which I guess sums up her position, but she couldn't afford a divorce, so hasn't bothered, and doesn't appear to wish to remarry anyone by the looks of it. Her three children live with her in Calwell in Tuggeranong, and we are on the other side of Tuggeranong in Macarthur. Tuggeranong is the southern district of the city of Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory of Australia. Ironically, Tuggeranong just got admitted into the AFF (Australian National Soccer competition). Not Canberra, mind you. No. Tuggeranong. We don't have a Canberra team. Very ironic. I had decided I would support a Canberra team in the A League as it was called, and there once was one, but I never followed soccer much back then. But the new Tuggeranong team has all my support. I will start following them soon enough I would imagine. Masterchef finished recently, and 'Brent' won the competition. I had a feeling he would. I found it riveting entertainment (which is saying something for a cooking show), but I found it personally really well done and enjoyed it a lot. Me and my mother Mary shared many nights watching the show, and we discussed it at length. Not much now on TV, but we have sort of tacitly agreed to watch the new X Factor series, and I am going for 'Dean' already. I have followed females in such competitions previously, but this year a bloke seems the best bet for my liking of who I think has the most talent. I watched the Youtube presentation on Little Mix and their journey through the British X Factor the other day (Little Mix are a new all girl band, similar in many ways to the Spice Girls and Girls Aloud), and I have become a big fan of their music. It is very positive and upbeat stuff, and I especially enjoy their 'Word Up' video in support of 'Sport Relief'. Melanie C appears in that video as well, from the Spice Girls (Sporty Spice). My other sister Jacinta continues on her life as usual down in Cooma (about 100 kilometres south of Canberra) and she is enjoying her married life with Alan and their three children. I asked Christie, my sister in law, when she was here recently whether they would have more children, and she said it was really up to God. So, ok. Dear God. Give Christie a ton more please. I haven't been on a holiday out of town for a while now (not since last Christmas I think, down at Jacinta's in Cooma) and have been thinking about a yearly holiday weekend getaway to some country town of NSW, just to escape things for a while, and get a change of scenery. Probably do me good, and I should really get to that. My mum is well enough in her health, but she has been feeling tired recently. She is approaching 80, so things are starting to slow down for Mary Daly. She has always had a lot of energy, and been busy around the house, and still is, but the years seem to be finally catching up to her a bit. She is a great warrior to me. Lots of strength. I am now in the back room of 29 Merriman Crescent, having moved from the front room next to the main bedroom a few months back, and I am settling in, now, it seems for the duration. Either until my mum's passing, an intervening girlfriend, my own death, or the end of the world, I am now likely to be stuck here at 29 Merriman crescent, and this is my lot in life. I recently decided that work, again, and further study, really are too late in my life now for serious consideration. I have been out of the workforce far too long, have put on too much weight with my schizophrenic medication and my general lack of a great number of things to do, and the reality of work again seems to have finally said 'Enough is enough'. So the likelihood is that I will just go on adding to my online writings for now, promote my faith in various online and offline avenues, and suffice on this being the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, and leave it at that. I shouldn't complain. I have my health, a beautiful and prosperous country to live in, and a house which the family now own outrights. Things could indeed be worse, even if they could be a little better with a little luck. I think that will do for now, so, until next time, adieu.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia. 6th of August 6177 SC (in the newly adjusted calender of HNF), (6th of August 2014 CE).

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Hi. I'm Daniel. I was called 'Danny' as a kid, and that is what I was known as at school, and what my family called me growing up. I lived in Berridale in the 1970s and Cooma in the 1980s, and that is when I was called 'Danny'. But we came as a family to Canberra in about 1990 and I started being known as Daniel. But now I want to use 'Danny' again also as a name to go by, and should start telling mum that she can use that about me if she wishes to. Today, on facebook, I answered a question which asked 'Do I accept Jesus'. I answered by saying 'Yes, I accept Jesus on a personal level, as a person, but do not believe he is Christ'. And that sums it up. Jesus and much of his Gospel is ok to me, but I believe he is just a man, not messiah, and definitely not God. I agree, we should love each other. Great idea. Jesus didn't invent it, but he certainly promoted the shit out of it. Good work, Yesh. Capital evangelistic strategy. I'm a Noahide. I'll keep it simple that I try to follow Noah's religion, and I like the Rainbow as the sign of the Covenant. I have my own additional writings for Advancing Noahide ideas, and that is all part of my religious crusade to make the world a better place from my input. I can try, anyway. I invented the card game 'Foundation' today, writing up the rules here on the Karaite Daly Clan homepage, and this card game is just meant for heavenly members of the 'Daly' clan, oh, and any earthly members who read this. But these pages are focused on the 'Eternity' audience, like most of my writings in reality at the moment. I'm 41 now, still single, never married, no kids. I did pash a Korean girl back in the late 1990s, from UPC, whose name was Ann Kim for a while, each morning before work. She was ok, and we got along, but not for me in the end. Not quite my style when it came down to it, even though I proposed to her (but it was during a psychotic attack, and it was only rushed thinking). She was a nice girl, but not my type in the end. Been single ever since then, and still hoping to find someone, but might have to wait till eternal heaven before that happens. Still writing my 'Angel' stories in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, and its getting longer and longer as a saga, with no sign of it ending any time soon. I will probably, now, go on writing it all my days. I'm starting to really enjoy the traditional and conservative English TV on ABC and ABC2 now, and thought the Inspector Banks movie the other night was wonderful. Mum's kind of stuff, but I am starting to get conservative, now, according to mum, and I think that is true as well (and I don't mind either). I really enjoy 'Midsomer Murder's' a lot, as well as the various English TV shows, and while I didn't have a choice in being born in England, and raised in Australia, I can see the wisdom of God in the issue, as I have always been patriotic in sports towards England, and now I really enjoy the things I have been seeing culturally about the place. The other day, on Google Maps, I had a long trip around Halifax in Yorkshire. Google maps is 100% photographic resemblance of the real world, and with the click and point options you can move the view always along the roads. You can see places from most angles, as it was special 360 degree photographic equipment which filmed it all. It's called 'Google Earth' and covers every town, village and city on the planet just about as far as I can tell, but I am not sure about North Korea and some places. It's really brilliant, and by clicking just further up the road, and scrolling around a town, you can take a complete car trip around any city in the world, and see it all. I saw a great deal of Halifax, especially the town centre, and intend to visit many places using this technology in the future. Google earth is brilliant. I also like Wikipedia, which is the public domain encylopaedia online which anyone can edit, and it has information on everything under the sun. I research al my favourite music acts discographies using wikipedia, as well as other things. I smoke, now, and have done so for a few years now, but I don't really regret starting, and don't want to quit, as I enjoy it a lot. But God tells me not to be proud about smoking, or it will be a problem for me. If I keep it in moderation, and do not abuse them, I should have no problems in latter years. Here's hoping. All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, August 2014 / August 6177 SC (in the adjusted HNF Calendar).

Chapter Thirty

This is the final chapter of my autobiography and the final entry of the Rainbow Bible chronologically. The date is Monday the 8th of September 6177 SC in the adjusted calendar of HNF (formerly 6178 SC). Important notes are: There are no longer 7 separate Rainbow Bibles but 1 Rainbow Bible with 7 Sections. The idea of growing and correcting the Rainbow Bibles over time to make them more accurate is complete with this entry. It needs to stabilise and it needs to stand regardless. If there are contradictions, so be it, but I say that about it anyway. It is ultimately in harmony well enough in my own liking and own viewpoint, so the whole work stands as a work of theology for the Dominion of the Noahide Family. Those who adhere to the covenant of Noah and follow the faith of the Patriarchs of Adam through to Noah in fearing God Almighty and walking with him and obeying his ways. The faith is finished, and all that now remains is a little more work on the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny for the next few months, and my spiritual writings will be completed. I saw Tina Arena in concert on Saturday night, and because I bought one of the most expensive tickets to the show, got to meet her in a meet and greet after the show. She said during the show one of the things she felt she was doing was contributing socially to society as an entertainer. That is my goal, in a way, as well. To make this world a better place.

I hope they think that of me when all is said and done.

All the best.

The job done.



(Note: As of the 21st of November 6177 SC (adjusted HNF Calendar Date) there have in fact been several more entries now since this entry in the Rainbow Bible. It really must go on for quite a while yet, and thus I will continue this autobiography. Part of a work of the heart, mind and spirit often wants to complete itself when perhaps enough has been done, but it often yearns for more, and thus, in that truth, I will continue on.)

Chapter Thirty-One

Today is the 21st of November 6177 SC (21st of November 2014). Yesterday was my 42nd birthday. I received two birthday cards, one in the mail from Jill Torley, a friend of the family, and one from my mother. I greatly appreciate both of them. In the last couple of months since the last autobiographical entry, life has gone on much as it always has done for myself. I have continued my activities in the mental health community I attend, and they have been satisfactory enough. I have purchased more goods for the Karaite Noahide community that I am part of. I believe I am able to share later on in heaven the goods I have (within a legal rights scenario) with my own Karaite Assemblies as I am the head of the Advancing Noah movement of the 7 Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith. This seems to be one of the rights of founders of legal religious movements with God. I have decided that nearly all the goods I purchase in life will become part of the rights of my community, but certain items will be reserved strictly for myself later on to retain a small degree of personal originality. Our cat, Miranda died, not long ago, and we have a new cat called Pepper. Miranda was only about 5 years old when she died, and it was a little confusing to me and mum because she was quite young. I do miss her. Pepper was bought by mum for myself to be my cat, but he has shown a strong affinity with mum and her bed. Alack alas he doesn't have a great deal to do with my anymore apart from a little initial interest. But it is good to have a cat in the house again, as we are more cat people than dog people. Apparently, from what mum was sharing with me from something she was reading the other day, cat people are usually a little more, for want of a better word, sophisticated then dog people. Dog people are more of the out doorsy kind of people, while cat people are more indoorsy and probably academic. And on cats, a thought mum has is that male cats are usually more affectionate and female cats are more independent. That actually appears to be reasonably true from my experiences with cats upon reflection. I am now in the back room of 29 merriman, and have been for a while, and it is going well enough. It is just me and mum at home at the moment, but mum is anticipating the possibility of my sister Jacinta coming to live with us, as she is having difficulties in her marriage to my brother in law Alan Bradley. I tend to doubt they would divorce, but a separation of sorts seems possible at this stage. Jacinta finds some of Alan's attitude awkward (and probably quite male and a bit selfish). Alan is a good hearted and likeable enough fellow, and a responsible father, who works for his family, but perhaps not everything is perfect in his life. Time will tell of the outcome of this situation. I have continued on writing the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, and the website has a slightly new format in the way the Chronicles are presented, one which I think will probably work for the best in the end. In fact, the saga really is called 'The Angels Saga' and the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is really just one of the groupings of chronicles based titles volumes that I use. That will probably be the way it remains. Originally I had the title 'Children of Destiny' for the name of the books for a fair while, but I think it was in the Monaro library in Cooma were I came up with 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny'. I had looked up the title Children of Destiny online, and there were already books with that title. In hindsight, I still could have called the saga Children of Destiny, but Chronicles of the Children of Destiny is a better choice, especially as it is actually structured as Chronicles types of story telling for the most part. I am still single, with no real girlfriend on the horizon, and overweight, and show no real prospects of losing that weight at this stage. I am 42 now and men usually put on weight as they age, so I am not really sure if I care that much about it anymore anyway. Still, I would welcome a relationship with a lady if it came along, and the preference would still be to have children if possible. My mother is in good health, and plans on visiting England again next year, with some of the family members. She has been a few times in recent years, but with recent finances coming into the family not long back she can afford such luxuries. In my life I am currently paying of a Hecs university debt for studies, slowly paying a bit through bPay each allowance day, and I usually put a bit aside in personal contributions to my superannuation account. It has a reasonable amount in it now, most of it earned during my working years at AQIS. I haven't really gone anywhere in recent times, and have mostly been at home, living a simple and quiet life. It suits me well enough though. On thoughts on the potential resurrection in a world to come scenario, my general view is that the prophets really just anticipated this possibility due to the idea perhaps that when you were dead you just went to the world of the dead (Sheol) and so there needed to be a reward for your service to God and the probably created the idea of a resurrection to life on earth in the world to come. I tend to doubt this now and usually think that it is probably just heaven when you die if you are decent enough, and that is were eternity is spent. But I am ambivalent, and still acknowledge that such teaching is biblical, and perhaps may occur. I really don't know for sure, and God just won't clarify the issue completely with me. Recently, for about the first time in my life, I have actually started enjoying the taste of beer a little. I have drunk a number of beers in my time, but not always really had any great fascination with the stuff. I have never really been much of a drinker, but I do now enjoy smoking. But recently I have developed a little bit of a taste for beer, and don't mind the flavour so much anymore. But I am quite cautious about excessive drinking. Most of my time is spent writing my religious material, watching TV, listening to music, and resting and sleeping a lot. Apart from that, a bit of social activity with my mental health community. But in truth I am mostly now content enough with my life. It is not yet perfect, but it is perhaps getting there. Working in a job again some day, now, seems probably unrealistic. I have been away from the work force too long, and have grown accustomed to my lifestyle. I have a secure income, so the actual need to work is mostly really put on the back burner. I will likely just keep on doing what I am doing for the remainder of my earthly sojourn. I think, perhaps, I have really just settled now in life. But that is good enough.

All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra Australia, 21st of November 6177 SC.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Yesterday (Thursday 4th of December 6177 SC) was my pension day. I bought some things, and also got into Civic to Impact Comics and bought a bunch of new comics to restart my collection. I have been collecting comics on and off all my life. Back when I was a young kid I collected comics like 'Richie Rich' and things from school fetes, but at about 15 I got into superhero comics, especially those from DC comics. Favourites were Blue Beetle and Firestorm and Justice League International amongst others. I have had big collections over the years, but they have been recycled, and later on in the belief that they were put aside to my heavenly afterlife reward. In fact, in a doctrinal article for the Rainbow Bible in the Assembly of the Most High section, just the other day I wrote a sermon on 'Acquisition' which went on about the general view of 7DF on 'What you acquire in life you acquire for eternity'. I'm a big fan of comics, and now with the restart, and the fact I no longer recycle things to put them away for eternity, the biggest problem I will have in my comic collecting is finding room to store them. And that could possibly be an issue soon enough, as my room is full of books and CDs and not getting any bigger. Fortunately there is room in the carport of the house, where I should be soon enough getting some bookcases for storing more stuff. The carport is sealed off somewhat, and protected from the rain, so if I store things carefully in there they should be fine enough. My current CD collection is now over 100 CDs again, and I have recently concentrated on collecting many of my favourite CDs I have liked over life. It's a growing collection now, and I will be storing many new arrivals in time in the carport on the bookcases. I write comic fanfiction myself, including Justice League Internationa fanfiction, as well as 'Lucifer' fanfiction (from DC Vertigo) and Nurse Jenny from Richie Rich comics. I will likely go on doing this for quite a while, and it would be wonderful one day if I could find an appropriate artist to do them up for me. Time will only tell. I have prayed, now, most of this year very solidly and have thousands of prayers built up, mainly using chapters of scripture uttered with each prayer request. And I pray the same prayer request using the same chapter all the time. I sort of now have the impression that a prayer builds up energy, and with legal prayers to God, based on his covenants of Torah, the prayer lasts forever, or the effect of the prayer. This year has been an ok year for me, and I have gotten good webhits throughout the year for my websites, and anticipate, with solid work, next year should be good again. I spend a lot of time doing ads for my websites using MS Paint, and they are colourful, usually basic, but some look quite nice. I post these ads on my facebook and myspace accounts, as well as a new website called spiritual networks were I also have an account which can post images. Gradually, I think, as time passes over the years, the popularit of my websites will increase and, in time, actually selling physical copies of the stories and the religious books seems hopefully possible. The Angels Saga has grown well for the year, and a lot of stuff got done. I have finished off a lot of works in progress, but there are still a number which need work. A lot of my attempts at fanfiction epics based on Tolkien and Eddings and so on have been mostly on a hiatus for a few years now, but hopefully I will eventually find the patience to get stuck in and continue with them. I have sort of put them into the Angels saga for now, weaving the storylines into the worlds as created planets elsewhere in the angels saga universe. I don't know if I will pursue this for sure, as fanfiction can't really be published till works they are based on enter the public domain, but I might risk it. It will need some careful consideration, or more likely just a quick decision just to continue on with them as part of the Angels saga now anyway. I am talking to a number of people occasionally now on facebook, and there have been faces which I have gotten to know well now. I think, with patience, I might gradually develop some decent friendships, although most of them are overseas, which could prove difficult for meeting them in person. But I like facebook and will stick with it, as I will my other accounts on other websites as well. I visited a prostitute in Fyshwick at Exotic Studios the other night. I have been about 4 or 5 times this year, mostly earlier on, and it had been a bit of a wait. She was a very slim girl, in her 20s, and it was a stimulating experience. Safe sex was practiced, and I have been assured by a very sarcastic spirit which talks to me that all such girls, due to my highly exalted status as a legal citizen of earth based on a torah covenant, in a city which largely lacks such citizens, shall become my personal concubines in the world to come. That could be very interesting cause I've known a few now. Hubba hubba. Move over Solomon. I am 42 now, had a birthday in November, and am hopefully another year older and another year wiser. I still feel quite young in my spirit, and have tastes of a younger Daniel of even his teen years in many ways. Perhaps we never really change that much as people from the fascinations of youth, and older generations, who can often appear as if they have matured greatly, are just reflecting the kind of culture they had in their youths as well anyway. I notice that my generation still wears about the same type of clothes as they git older and that things don't really change that much in the end anyway. Interesting. Life goes on. I am happy and positive at the moment, and my mental condition is really quite well all things considered. I haven't been hospitalized, now, since 2008 – 6 years – and prior to that it was 2001. So in over a decade I have only been in hospital once for my schizophrenic condition. As much as anyone with my kind of mental illness could say, I suppose I am handling it as well as you could really hope. Still there are issues, but they are manageable. Work seems like a possible option in a few years. Depends how things turn out. All things considered, it has been a productive year, and I am hoping for some positive things for 2015/6177SC as well. Especially Star Wars Episode VII at the end of the year which should be fantastic.

Cheers for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Friday 5th of December 6177sc/2014ce-ad

Chapter Thirty-Three

Today is the 27th of December 2014 CE. Today I was chatting with a friend of mine, Justin Angold. Angold is his mother's surname, but his father's surname is Holder. Just sort of identifies as Hebrew-10 Commandments type of faith. Yet, he generally views the prophetical figures as schizophrenics and crazy madmen. For many years now I have been trying to justify Karaite faith as the truth. I have accepted that the scriptures are part of the religion of faith in God, and that the Talmudic approach is not inspired. I had previously considered the Torah only approach, similar to Samaritanism, but came back to Karaism in the end. But not any more. I have been praying Daniel 12 this year in regards to resurrection concerns and the life of the world to come and I have found that the spirit affirms my faith and denies it and I can never get consistent truth EVER from God on these doctrines. It is because the spirit of prophecy is a hodge podge of multiplicity of viewpoints and doctrines about future world, and no consistent truth exists because it is NOT truth. It never was God's plan to start with. So, do I go back and return to just Torah only, the pentateuch faith. No. I have found this alternative. THE OLD TESTAMENT FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCING NOAH MOVEMENT. This Bible is 'Tyndale's Old Testament'. It is the translations William Tyndale did in his lifetime of various books of the old testament, which have been assembled by the editor David Daniell, with word usage updated by the editor David Daniell in a more modern style. The books included are 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers, 5) Deuteronomy, 6) Joshua, 7) Judges, 8) Ruth, 9) 1 Samuel, 10) 2 Samuel, 11) 1 Chronicles 12) 2 Chronicles, 13) 1 Kings, 14) 2 Kings, 15) Book of Jonah. That was the fullness of the translations that William Tynsdale did in his life of the old testament writings. William Tynsdale was the first English translator of the Bible for publishing. The Advancing Noah Movement has recently concluded that the writings in the Neviim in the Tanakh (Old Testament) on Prophecy, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah and so on, in the end, are works of the prophets themselves and not inspired by God. They are sources of confusion and elicit beliefs in 'future worlds' and 'World to come' realities which are untrue. They are prophetical madness, ultimately, and I have found no peace in attempting to justify my karaite faith with these works. My karaite faith needs remodelling - and the prophetical works must go. Because of that, the above foundational writings of William Tynsdale, the first English Editor of the Bible Old Testament, in a translation assembled by David Daniell, will suffice as the doctrinal starting point and scripture foundation for the Advancing Noah Movement from this point onwards. Our attempts to justify and understand such prophecies, especially the book of daniel, have always led to confusion, and it is time to dispel the madness. We may even perhaps argue that God got the right books translated by William Tynedale, the first of the translators for publication in English, in the first place. The list of 15 books will suffice. This is the new starting point of my faith, and the Advancing Noah Movement will gradually adjust over the next while to accommodate the new position. It is perhaps arbitrary that those 15 books are the books accepted, as I am mainly rejecting the prophetical literature of 'prophesying' prophets. Yet William Tynedale is the father of English Bible translations, they are the books he actually translated, and it is an existing bible with a compromise on its contents (not done deliberately for my sake) but which approximately satisfies what I am looking for in a bible. I think, because those 15 books will about do anyway, and that with the name and respect that William Tynsdale has associated with his biblical translations, this work of the editor David Daniell in forming this bible will suffice. The Advancing Noah Movement thus makes the judgement that is remains 'Karaite' as followers of scripture, yet rejects the prophesying prophets and future world doctrines, which bring no peace and soundness of mind and thought. Apart from that, its been a quiet enough time for me. I spent Christmas at my sister Brigid's place in Calwell, and it was a good celebrations. There were quite a number of people there during the day and the food was awesome. The mental health group has concluded its activities for the time being for the year, and will start up again soon enough next year. At the moment I am finishing up a long year with many days of extra resting, for I have been quite tired as of late, and with a recharged, renewed and refreshed spirit, I hope to start with a new beginning in 2015/6178sc. Life has been good enough to me so far – by the grace of God may it ever improve.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Saturday 27th of December 2014/6177sc

Chapter Thirty-Four

Today is the 1st of January 6178 sc (in the adjusted HNF Calendar, aka 1st of January 2014 ce/ad). In 2014 I prayed over 200 times, reciting mostly Daniel chapter 12 in full, for God to resurrect the dead. Very recently I concluded that the prophecies are probably just the rambling prophesying of the Jewish prophets. Saul prophesied, king of Israel. He spoke the word of the lord. But perhaps the word of the Lord is an urge to preach the holiness trained within oneself from the walk with God, and the spiritual blessings of the spirit from God, but is it always perfect? Is it always the divine will of God? If predicting future events do they always have to come to pass? Was Isaiah and Ezekiel and Daniel's prophesying of a future world to come of resurrected souls the absolute truth of God's plan or a prophetic initiative, and nothing more? In the end, I am not 100% sure either way. The David Daniell translation of the Tynedale bible is a possibility for myself, but only in time. Not quite yet. Still further reflection and consideration and prayer to God needs to be done, for indeed, is it not possible that the Tanakh is the very word of Yahweh? If a resurrection comes very soon, then yes indeed I had my part in praying for that to come true soon. Wether that was prayers answered, or the plan all along, is another mystery. And if it does not venture forth any time soon, then that is also a mystery to me. In the end, like I said, I just don't know. But I need patience, and to wait upon the lord, and not be so anxious for an answer so immediately all the time. But I hope for a return of the dead, and the advent of an everlasting paradise, and if it is just for the life of trees as Isaiah 65 prophesies, so be it, yet if it is a time beyond that, when Daniel's resurrection occurs, and indeed eternal life on earth is gained, then so be it also. Time will tell. I have not made any great resolutions for this year, and never really do indulge in such things. Not normally my style, but I recognize other people often make them. Last night I watched in the new year on TV on ABC24 with all the fireworks in Sydney, another spectacular show, and was wondering, is this it? The end of the world. But life still goes on. I have finished up another Lucy Potter story today, Lucy Potter and the flickering flame, which is a shorter one in the saga, and saw the death of Shelandragh May. For now I think I might rest a little on the chronicles, or perhaps this may be the end of it all. Time will again tell. I've smoked a bit the last few days, ordered some comics on ebay the other day, and listened to a lot of music on my stereo. It's been quiet, with not much happening, but that is the usual life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. In 2014 I prayed the scriptures over many requests an enormous amount, and even bested the phenomenal effort of 2013 I would suggest perhaps. Certainly in terms of using the scriptures as prayer anyway. My guardian angel, or the spirit, or whoever it is that talks to me through my voice told me once that God answers prayers at the end of the year also, a summation of all the years prayers to him. Perhaps that is true. I do hope so, for there are a lot of things I have asked for on all sorts of issues to come to pass, and as I have been told that we should pray for what we need or want, then I have done exactly that. But I have kept others in mind as well, often praying for the sanctification of many souls and localities. 2014 or 6177 was a good year. As January continues on, barring a resurrection from the dead, I will likely indeed continue on with the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny soon enough, and probably get around to something like Lucy Potter and the Terran Dragonrider to complete soon enough. I am hoping for good webhits on my websites this year, and God may possibly be favouring me this year with good numbers. Again, time will tell. I have had a good life so far and am content enough at 42. I'm happy most of the time, and though I go through personal hardships throughout the year, it is all worth it in the end. Hopefully 2015 or 6178 sc will live up to all the promise in the world. Hopefully.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Thursday 1st of January 2015/6178sc

Chapter Thirty-Five

You know, it's really about time the Baptist Church produced 'The Holy Bible of the Baptist Church'. The history would logically start with early Anabaptist Christians and their reactions to the Catholic Christendom Empire, and trace the roots up to the foundation of the Baptist union. The book would need Key Histories of various Baptist founders illustrated, as well as hymns, psalms and proverbs of the Baptist Church. Further, the best sermons they can produce for the Baptist Church, as well as the clear doctrinal statements of faith. Other articles and essays could be put in, and prayer to Almighty God for the Word of God and the Spirit of God to guide them would be absolutely essential in this task. Yet, as I have said before, not only the baptist, but Judaism needs another bible, Catholicism needs bibles for every century of the history of the Catholic Church, and all the established churches need their own holy bibles, something along the ideas of that illustrated above. Noahides, who have passion, should produce their own bibles as well. A key word is copyright. Get it while you can. It doesn't last forever. Today is the 16th of January 6178 sc. I wrote this the other day.

Orders of the Holy Roman Catholic Church upon the Reunification of Christendom

God the Father, God of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
Jesus Christ, Lord of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Apostles and Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Majisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The General Body of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Baptist Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Luther of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Presbyterian Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Anglicans of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Jehovah's Witnesses of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Christadelphians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Mormons of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Pentecostals of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Evangelical Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Orthodox Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Salvation Army Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of General Christians of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Congregationalists of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Methodists of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Lawkeepers of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Messianics of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Arian Catholics of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of the Church of Christ of the Holy Roman Catholic Church
The Order of Amish of the Holy Roman Catholic Church

The Order of the Dominicans is bound to be jealous, should the new guys show up. Ha.

Went to group today. It was ok. Went swimming yesterday. It was ok. Bought a Commodore 64 computer on ebay the other day, with a disk drive. Looking forward to getting it. Still have some disks from the C64 we owned years ago. Looking to get some of the games for the computer we never owned. Life has moved on. A resurrection of the dead never happened on January 4 this year, which I prayed for. I have prayed, in persistence, for it now to happen next year in 6179 on January 4 again. Might happen. Might not. Wrote relating to ideas on Daniel just earlier and put it in a sermon in the Rainbow Bible in the Assembly of the Living God section. Resurrections? Still considered. Will it happen? God only knows. Showed people in the group today my youtube video on the rainbow which appeared to me a few years back when I prayed to God asking for a rainbow. I had been discussing noahide faith that morning with God and, after a while, I said to God 'Give me a Rainbow'. It was a completely clear day with barely a cloud in the sky, and half an hour later it was cloudy and a rinbow appeared. It's a 100% fact. Rainbow Covenant guaranteed my friend. Life is good. Busy with my books as usual. Wrote Callodyn and Kayella IX earlier, and it was brill. Really pleased with it. Got a new female friend on facebook. Jessica Moulin. She's a french canadian. Time will tell if anything serious happens. Really, happy I guess, at the moment. Life is going by alright. Bye for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

16th of January 6178sc. (16th of January 2015ce)

Canberra, Australia

Chapter Thirty-Six

Today is Wednesday the 11th of February 6178sc (11th of February 2015ce/ad). It has been a quiet month since my last entry. Very occupied with writing doctrine for the Rainbow Bible and the various other Assembly of Faiths of the Advancing Noah Movement, and especially getting the required websites established. Have a webcam again, and am now making some more videos which go onto my youtube account. Things back up and running in that sense. My old internet service provider had been started by my brother Gregory, and I had been paying him for its use, but when the contract expired we got it cancelled, and I am paying outright for my own service now. Did a few things in the last while – not much though. The highlight was visiting the arboretum in Canberra Central, up near black mountain. It is a new thing, which overlooks the city with stunning views, and has a gift shop, a bonsai tree collection centre as well as the large main room with a cafe and a restaurant, which are the main ideas for the place, alongside the stunning views. I went with my sister Brigid, Mum, Sue Grey (a friend of the family) and Sue's dad who had been visiting from England. It was a little bit rainy on the day, but I had a wonderful time, and enjoyed myself greatly. Apart from that I've been to group a little bit, bought quite a bit more stuff online, and continued on with my writings and a fresh bout of prayer for the year. It's been mostly quiet though. One thing has happened, though, quite unexpectedly. The french Canadian Lady I mentioned last entry, Jessica Moulin, has really started connecting with myself quite strongly. We have had a very well established email dialogue on facebook, with exchange of quite intimate photos, and she seems to be really falling for me, which I find quite strange, but who knows the mysteries of a lady's heart. At this stage ideas of marriage and children have been aired and, while I as of yet have not met her in person, as she works in London as a doctor for Doctor's without Borders, she seems wholesome enough and kind enough to start a relationship with. I could not object really – she is stunningly beautiful, doing well in life, and has a positive and charming personality. But I'm not in love yet, which happens in Daniel Daly's life simply when it happens. That said, my heart is probably gradually being drawn to the girl, simply because she has a great interest in me, and she seems such a great catch. We'll see if love has happened by my next entry. Mum is looking quite healthy and fit. She went walking yesterday with a new group, and I thought to myself last night she looks healthier than me. She'll be around for a while yet, I have constantly been telling myself, and now, at this stage, that indeed looks quite true. I would not be surprised to see her live to 100 or even longer. She takes very good care of herself, and is a great example in this respect. Go for it mum. We're watching My Kitchen Rules, for the most part, at the moment, as we did last year. I'm not quite as addicted as last time, but its a very good job of it yet again. They have a good balance of identities they have chosen, and its done very, very well. Good stuff. Seen most of my nieces and nephews here at the house in the last month, with visits, but James, Greg's son, is still in Perth and naturally I haven't seen him for a while. Greg has given up on the teaching idea, which I think is for the best, as he has plenty of qualifications, and really just needs to commit to a job and just learn to put up with it, rather than always chasing rainbows, which is a Gregory Daly tendency. I, personally, never really wanted to leave my AQIS job, and was planning on working at AQIS for the rest of my working life. I saw no point in every trying to change from the company I was with, and would have still been happy there, if my schizo condition hadn't made work too challenging. No matter – I have been kepy busy enough the last 15 years since leaving AQIS, and my own religious agenda will suffice till my dying day. I know it is important to secure a decent income for yourself, and fortunately I qualify for a disability support pension from Centrelink but, in an ideal world, I would be far healthier in my thoughts and not have the schizophrenic condition, as I would genuinely rather work for my income to feel better about myself and that I am really earning what I get. But I guess I have to face reality as well, and that work will only come along in the future if my condition stabilizes well enough which, at the moment, is not quite true, but may be one day. We'll see how things go. I've completed the Riftwar cycle by Raymond E Feist in terms of having now collected all the books in the saga, except for a recent new novella late addition called Jimmy the Crawler. But I should have that soon enough. I read Magician years ago, back in the 1980s, which starts the 30 volume epic, and while I haven't read the entire saga yet, it will be great to one day eventually get it all completed. Feist is a great author, like David Eddings whom I also greatly admire. So, for the most part in the last month, I've lived safely and securely here at 29 Merriman crescent, in the back room, with little action. Tomorrow, thursday, swimming looks likely, and for now life is going alright. In fact, the future looks good, and I am happy and content enough with it all. Looking forward to more life and seeing were the road takes me.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, Wednesday 11th of February 6178 SC.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Written Thursday the 12th of Feburary 6178sc/2105ce/2015ad/5775JewishCalendar. It is only been one day since my last entry, but I thought I would do a new entry with various things from my life in general. I have started a series of videos on my youtube account called 'Daniel Crapping On' series. I will release a new episode regularly, I hope. The concept is simple – just me bullshitting on about life in general, and picking up things from around my room and talking about them and my religion and just mockery and fun and bad jokes and stupid stuff. Reality Bullshit is what I call it. May it be successful by God's grace and I become an instant Youtube Celebrity. I wrote a short story to my friend Marcus Low just a few minutes ago, using ideas on those video titles, calling the stories after a story I asked Marcus to write for me – 'The Angel Cures'. Marcus is a sufferer of mental illness like myself, and I met him in the Tuggeranong group a few years back. He sells copies of the Big Issue for a living, and is a creative soul. He write a bulletin of sorts he releases regularly of about a page, and is a little bit crazy, just like me, but a happy and friendly enough fellow. His diatribe is that the world is against him, but to me he is slowly working it all out. I wish him well. Jenny Knee, one of mum's friends, dropped her home yesterday after she had been out for a while, and Jenny is a good friend of the family. I think highly of her, as she has a positive and friendly attitude, and has respect for people. Mum is catholic, and while I was raised Catholic, but journeyed on my own faith to find my best understanding of the truth, mum has remained loyal to the church of her upbringing. I wish I could, you know, in the end, have done that. Remained loyal to the Catholic Church. It's not easy to be someone who desires to keep the family faith, but then finds it at odds with what he really believes. I just couldn't remain in it in the end – too difficult to reconcile my own beliefs with that of the church. It's awkward, because I don't really like going against the grain when it all comes down to it, but In the end I guess you just gotta go were your heart leads you. I have been a Noahide 16 years now, have made an oath to God that I commit eternally to Karaite Noahide faith and, as far as I am concerned, the issue of what religion I am is resolved forever now. I know God is there – he has spoken to me, as I have discussed previously – and it has become apparent that my religious beliefs are good enough to satisfy him. So while I had to walk some hard yards, and leave some things behind I didn't really want to, I have made an eternal home in my new faith, and I am sure it will all work out in the end. In kindergarten my teacher was Miss McMinnamin, who became Mrs Ferguson. I can still see her face in my head, and have vague memories of that first year. I didn't really socialize at all with the other kids then, was shy, and put off by their tough talk and behaviour. And that is how the following 10 years at St Pats went for the most part also. Mostly a loner, insular, and not really fitting in. Friends came and went, but it was not ultimately meant to be. Probably, back then, God already knew where my hearts decisions were leading me, and it was just an education job in the meantime. I have very strong affection, though, especially for the high school campus, of those school halls and playgrounds and areas. The spirit of the place was really quite strong, things I notice animistically now, and while I didn't get along great with the kids, the actual spiritual environment and the feel of the school was fantastic. It was probably the fidelity of the brigidine nuns prayers for the school which led it to feel that way, and if it was, I am eternally grateful to them for their tireless efforts. In the end, I was not really a religious kid ever, despite being an altar boy, and while I found it all terribly boring then, I really get it now. If I was still a catholic, it would probably have worked out quite well by now. I like catholic churches, the feel of them, the pews and corners and places you can sit and be at peace. It's a church which has a long tradition, and it is a church which has prayed to God for a long time as well – not always to Jesus, mind you, but to God the father for the most part, especially it seems in the services which honour God a great deal. Sure they teach a trinity concept, but God the father is still the top of it all theologically. I don't really know how catholics get along in the hereafter, and the spirit says different things about all of that, but as a message to any Noahides reading this, Catholicism is not the end of the world. There are a lot of serious dedicated catholics who take religious concepts seriously and try to live decent and godly lives. I still look back with fondness over a lot of my catholic upbringing. But, in the end, the covenant of the rainbow has won my soul, so that is were my eternal future must rest. Canberra has a lot of churches, as does Australia, and the biggest church is the catholic church, whereas the biggest movement is now the pentecostal movement. Potters House was a very full on church, and people call it a cult. But I would say this – if it suited you and you like it, it had a lot to offer. If you understood the grind the pastor was going on about, and saw how it was useful for your own life, it could work. But for a lot of people it just doesn't. It suited me for a while, but I don't think its everyones cup of tea. Too much 'praise the lord' for a lot of people's appetites quite frankly, and they often go off to older more sedate churches as they get older because of it. The for the Advancing Noah Movement I would probably like a diversity of approaches amongst the differing denominations should they ever establish themselves on this Terran soil, because I don't think that just one approach is necessarily the only way to go, or even, from some ways of looking at it, that much of a healthy thing. Too much dictatorship in just one way for everyone. Too much conformity. Divided we stand – united we fall. My pension allowance came in this morning, and I have spent it online already, and bought some tobacco and paid mum my board. I'm working on my comic collection again, and my various collections of things, and am happy enough. I'm doing videos for youtube, as I said, and life is reasonably busy still for the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. Romance finally seems to be in the air, and things are still going well. Family contacts from cousins are happening at the moment, and my prayer life is good and my torah study is equally good. The doctrines continue to be established in the Rainbow Bible and the various websites for my writings, and life goes on much as it has done these last half a dozen years or so especially. My new webcam works well enough, and I am pleased that I bought it, and it was a good price as well. Today is thursday, which is normally my swimming group day, but I haven't decided wether I will go or not. Adrian Chan who runs the group activities (or many of them) is a great friend now, and I have been talking to him about Noahidism for a while now. No conversion as of yet, and it might never happen, but fingers crossed. My hebrew friend Justin Angold came around yesterday afternoon, and we chatted a good long while. He has ideas about a 10 commandments sort of faith, with common law principles in dot format fitting into one of the 10 commandments and made into a little passport size booklet. He has dyslexia and wouldn't be able to read it well, except slowly, but he doesn't mind me writing this out. Yet, like we discussed yesterday, he is not 100% sure if he can make a big enough commitment to it anyway. He is not shallow in his faith or anything like that, it is just that he doesn't really know how much of his heart is in it yet. I think he will work that out gradually. I've known Justin for a while now and he's becoming a good friend. Robert Preston, my bestie, rang me up also yesterday afternoon, and he is getting into comics, for either investment, speculating or collecting or something – but he's not sure which yet. He asked my advice on a few things, and I have been collecting comics since 1987 for the most part, so had a lot to share. It will be great if Rob gets into them in a major way, as comics are a huge part of my own life. Well that will do for this update, and I will post again soon enough.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, Thursday 12th of February 6178SC.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Written Thursday 12th of February 6178sc. Entry two for the day. Special Entry.

Here is the story I wrote for my friend Marcus this morning. It is only in an email to him, an online facebook group, and published only here.

Copyright 6178sc/2015ce/2015ad/5775hebrew/Jewish calendar - Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

Dedicated to Marcus Low

Stuart had an imagination. A rather bizarre one. He dreamed of Asian girls, naked, who approached him and his nether region and gave him intoxicating feelings of divine bliss. They were very attractive, the pick of the gene pool of Genghis Kahn's DNA, and Stuart was in love with each and every one of them. He needed this - hot girls - to infatuate him and his rather deprived sex life. And then, one morning, after some ravishing adventures, an angel, blonde, appeared to Stuart and said to him 'I am the Archangel Gandraladiel'. I am the head angel of a quartet of Guardian angels assigned to you these past 15 years of your life to entertain you and let you know you are special and loved by God. We know you have had a hard life, with wicked parents who have not really given you a proper allowance to further your desires of growing your mediocre Batman comic collection, but no matter. We will satisfy you with the finest Asian fantasies, and in time, with your increased libido, we are sure you will find the power within to get off your arse and exercise your 235 kilogram body, lose some weight, and actually finish the schooling you have delayed these past 6 months due to medical excuses. Stuart, you really need a job. This is a tough world in the year 2048 of the Christian Calendar, and life isn't getting any easier. There is a population worldwide now of over 47 billion people, and its a tough marketplace to compete in. But fortunately you have talent - we hope. Our suggestion is you register that Youtube account you have been thinking about getting, work with that Webcam given to you last Christmas, and start a series of videos called 'Stuart Crapping on'. The objective in these videos is to sit there and just crap on about whatever crosses your mind at that particular moment. Tell simple, pathetic and stupid jokes if you wish to, pick up an object from your room's collection of things and talk about that, and really, in the end, just bullshit on about life for a while. That is what, from our research, people are after now. Reality bullshit. They don't really need it so serious anymore - just talk about whatever crosses your mind, register the video on youtube, and with your copyrights intact you are inevitably onto a successful career. So get to it lad.' The angel had cured Stuart that day. He had an idea of being a Bullshit instant youtube celebrity and, over the next 29 years, he grew from a minor account with a few hits into a world wide sensation of the famous Stuart Marcus Ten Low, bullshitter extraordinaire of whatever the hell crossed his mind at any particular moment, enshrined in vaults of youtube security, and beloved and loved by all and sundry worldwide. And for a while Stuart was happy. Until Stuart Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly entered the arena and took Stuart on at his own agenda. The end

And here is some writing of mine on Collection Ethics I wrote today. Only online in a facebook group and published only here.

Collection Ethics (Copyright 6178 SC by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly – has to be released online and available for viewing, as all my copyrights generally have to (apart from really personal stuff, if God allows me copyright on it)). Look, Dan (speaking to myself). I invest in coins for a return. I'm not going to invest in something else like, for example, a Bon Jovi CD, simply because I actually want those Bon Jovi records, and wouldn't sell them anyway. And when it comes down to it, taking 'Tokyo Highway' as an example, if I owned all 100 copies of this limited edition, I would still want them all anyway. I have to compete with Redbank on BJ credibility for starters, and that won't be easy. I mean, what is the point in all that comic collecting – money? A return? What good is money. If I've got enough, don't bother. The coins will simply do as in investment. And even if I got mind boggling amounts of cash for something I owned, well, in the end, I may as well own it and keep the value and status of such an item. Why bother buying it in the first place if I really don't want it. Sure, if it was deliberately done as an investment, maybe. But you claim to be ethical, so while that is reasonable for a print run of maybe 4000 for a comic, for example, if it has low demand, then you may as well get a few I suppose, but for Bon Jovi of really ruddy limited stuff, leave it alone. Leave that stuff alone for the others who really actually just want the disc and music coz they love the ruddy thing. So don't rip off BJ's fanbase, and only buy those bootlegs for actually listening to. And, in the end, for a limited of 100, maybe 2 or 3 copies is ok for such a diehard BJ fan as yourself, especially as you want BJ collector status, which is sort of important to you now, but leave the rest of the babies alone. There are others who would like them if they knew. Don't be a jerk, buddy.

Cheers again

Danny D

12/2/2015 – 12/2/6178

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Written Sunday 15th of February 6178sc/15th of February 2015ce. Have been at home last few days – haven't gone out. Justin came over again, and has essentially agreed to join Assembly of the Covenant, one of the 70 Assemblies of Faith. It has had introduced to it the Australian Federal Criminal Law code. Justin's idea is to be a judge, in the Judge Dredd mould, who defends the laws of society when and if anarchy reigns. So Assembly of the Covenant is founded on the ancient law of the 10 Commandment and the Criminal Code of Australia as of February 2015. We won't change or update the law but, like the Torah, keep it unchanging throughout future generations. That is the same principle of all my religious rules and writings – they never change, and are never meant to, but act as timeless morality of this era in which they have been formed, which reflects much of the past eras of mankind in their formation. I am collecting things solidly again at the moment, and working on my books, comics, CDs, records, magazines, DVDs, computer and video game collection and other various things. The room is well stocked at the moment, and whatever happens in regards to world to come potentialities, I will go on collecting in the meantime. The relationship between myself and Jessica Moulin is continuing to progress, and hopefully she will be able to meet mum in Hull when mum and some of the family goes over to the UK in July. She wants to surprise them, so I hope for a favourable reception. I have now continued on with some decent prayer again for this year. In late 2012 I began praying in earnest, which continued on throughout 2013 and 2014 in very zealous ways. 2015 started moderately, and I have no great ambitions for rivalling the past two years efforts, but it is now starting to become a solid sort of year for prayer and Torah study and, perhaps, the kind of effort which will hopefully and ideally remain throughout the days ahead. I feel prayer is a big part of life, and it is best to keep God informed of the desires you have in life. I don't think it is so much that God serves us in answering our prayers, because he doesn't serve us at all. But he has expressed in his Torah that he desires us to pray and seek things from him, because he claims to be a provider for us, and, ultimately, he is concerned for the welfare of those who call on his name and turn from darkness and evil and sin. God tends to care for those who seek him and return to him, and loves us as well, especially when we stay faithful to him over a long time and stay loyal to him, his name and his heart. A great fatherly figure and provider for mankind, in essence, but he doesn't mind it personal, especially when we get over idolatrous realities which can come between us and him. He's not a trinity and he's not Jesus himself – he is Yahweh, he is Jehovah, he is the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai – and when you really know who he is personally, prayer works better, and life, in general, works better. I've visited prostitutes about 50ish times in my life now, and while I have definitely received guilt for things in life, most notably for my pinching when I was younger, and I do remember those guilty feelings, I don't get guilt for visiting prostitutes. Having said that, I do kind of know the realities of safe sex practices with these working girls and, I tend to think, if I wasn't following ACT law of Canberra on the issue by wearing the condom and practicing safely, there may indeed by some guilt from God and even possibly rebuke. Maybe, maybe not. But if my name becomes defiled with sexual sin, which some might already think, and some might not, because in some ways my (manhood) is still intact with no breaches by physical contact of insertion without a condom, which might mean I am still afforded a degree of recognition on some semblance of sexual morals. I'm physically clean, have no VD's, and have always been courteous, polite and considerate and warm and loving with the girls I have engaged with for my sexual stimulations. I have never been or acted in any disgusting way with prostitutes, and have behaved like a discreet gentleman in this regards. And the girls, pretty much all of them, have been polite and seemed like nice girls for the most part. They didn't seem oppressed, and seemed to be doing what they wanted to voluntarily without any form of coercion, and none of them seemed to be complaining. But, having said that, yes, I am there to satisfy my sexual desires – what a beast I am. A stack of Bon Jovi and Def Leppard records arrived in the mail the other day which I had ordered on eBay. They were collectable ones of limited editions, some of them the standard singles released which are no longer available, and some specific limited edition collectable types of things. I've been a fan of both bands since the 1980s, and all up have, if all my collection over life was extant, quite a healthy collection of such records. I am nearing the full collection of Bon Jovi 1980s products which were released, and will progress, after that, to complete some of my standard favourites on such 1980s things, such as Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Dio and even Madonna. Also, latter eras of such bands as Evanescence and the Spice Girls and maybe even some Britney Spears and Taylor Swift and other favourites, may be focused on in time, especially vinyl records of various kinds, which is the thing in some ways for the serious heart of my collection. Well, to me anyway, because I do also value rare CD releases, but records are the glory. I have continued working on my religious websites, and much more work is getting done. There is little in the way of new fiction at the moment in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, but I would imagine, as it seems to invariably do so, I will carry on again, and continue with the furthering adventures of the Children of Destiny. Life continues to remain pretty good, and while I might argue with God a bit from time to time, there seems to be a core amount of respect and admiration towards the creator in my heart which guides me over the rough patches and which, I hope, continues to grow in trust, respect and concern.

Cheers for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, 15th of February 6178sc.

Chapter Forty

Written Friday 20th of February 6178 SC / Friday 20th of February 2015 CE. Today my friend Justin Angold came over again and we discussed Torah. He remarked, as he has done previously, how he honours his parents by not reading the Torah, even though it is part of his faith. He doesn't really want to much either, because it sends his head in a spin, as he has mental issues like myself. Really, I neither approve or disapprove of this approach, but in the end I think it would be better if he studied a little Torah at a time on occasions, maybe a verse here and there, and tried not to get too excited about it. But that is in Justin's judgement, and whatever will be will be. Rob came around and discussed comics, and I gave him some Vision and the Scarlet Witch comics. He has bought some Uncle Scrooge Comics from Gold Key from eBay and wants to be a seller of Gold Key Disney comics, especially Uncle Scrooge ones. I wish him well. I went to group lunch today. It was a standard enough affair. Some banter with Adrian as usual, and nothing too much out of the ordinary occurred. Jenny Cutting was at the group today, who has left Christianity and gone into Buddhism. She dislikes the violence of the scriptures, and really does not like the Christian epistle to Timothy because of what she views as sexism within it. Jenny Cutting is a friendly enough girl, and while there is not that many girls who regularly attend the Friday lunch group, and it is always good to have them when they do, it is still alright going there, if not a little boring these day. Mostly been there, done that, if you know what I mean, and not much new under the sun. But after a while in life, it can become repetitive, especially if you are in the same routine all the time. Being staying at home a lot in recent times because I am finding myself happier with the simpler home life and my own religious activities online, rather that integrating so much with the mental health community. Justin has been a godsend in a sense, because it allows me to express myself and my religious desires, and the ideas for Assembly of the Covenant continue to progress. It is one of the 70 assemblies of faith and Justin is happy enough with the ideas we are discussing so far about how it should operate, function and what it should be based upon. Today he suggested the idea of incorporating the negatives of the Torah (the thou shalt not commands for want of a better word) into the code, fitting them into one of the 10 commandment categories. That will be discussed for a while. He brings beer usually, and mum is not completely happy with that because she is under some sort of belief it interfered with medication, which is not true for alcoholic consumption in moderation with our conditions. As I've said previously, I've never been drunk in my life, but I am drinking a bit more alcohol than usual as of late, so I remind myself to retain my non-drunkenness policy, and mum's advice should be listened to. We discussed how parents are often wiser than us and see things in our life we don't see so well, largely because of their own experience on the issue. I remarked how older generations are usually holier than newer ones and, if we should die and go to heaven, and people in heaven have continued walking with God and in the faith since year dot it stands to reason that by now the older a generation is the holier it would be anyway. Most of my recent spate of eBay orders have arrived now, and I am very happy with my new Bon Jovi records in particular – rarities on vinyl. I continue to enlarge my current collection and the stability in my life has continued to grow, I think especially because of prayer, a passage from the book of proverbs which I prayed as a stability prayer over my life over 100 times, and I no longer have any real compulsions to destroy or sacrifice my belongings, and apparently (according to the spirit) I will now gradually grow in real wealth. One of the psalms says its a blessing of the righteous to have houses filled with wealth so hopefully, as I am indeed trying to become a righteous person, my home and mum's (here at 29 Merriman Crescent) will continue to grow in wealth. I must be well over 500 offerings of Psalm 1 for the sanctification of the suburb of Macarthur now (where I live in Tuggeranong) and I add to that regularly. I have a lot of prayers now which are well over 100 using a full chapter of scripture, especially the psalms, and I continue to add further readings to those prayers on a regular basis. The Jessica Moulin relationship is quiet but stable. I will let you all know if things continue to develop with the girl. I am eating a lot of greens now. God told me I neglected my greens growing up, which are necessary for metabolic reasons to deal with weight issues, which is why I have had weight issues a lot of my life. I suppose it is the 'Green' elements of green coffee bean which help in weight loss, because standard coffee never really did anything for me in this respect. I even feel a little lighter in recent days. Hopefully I will be trim soon enough. All things considered, like I have said a number of times in the closing of these entries, I am pretty much content and happy with my life. Things are working out spiritually and in my standing or relationship with God, and I intend to really keep this faith forever – I oathed to God I would, so I can't really change my mind on it regardless. Life's good. Could be better. Maybe gradually becoming so.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, Friday 20th of February 6178 sc.

Chapter Forty-One

Special Entry, Friday 20th of Feb 2015. A letter just written to my brother Greg.

Dear Greg. I am going to post this letter into my autobiography.

Well, I'm Danny Daly. Your bro.  We've known each other all our lives, pretty much.  I remember you back in Berridale.  I wanted to hold you, but mum let Brigid mainly, when you were a little tyke.  You were the new kid in the fam, and I was jealous of Brigid getting all your attention.  But I did get a chance I think.  Growing up with you as my bro was great.  Matt became kind of awkward as he grew, but you were always a cool bro. Cooma life, especially, was great.  I remember our times especially at Lambie gorge near the showground, going over the place, and exploring. To me it always looked like something a bit unexpected for Cooma - I was little shocked when I first saw it, because I didn't think something so cool could exist in Cooma.  When I lived in Cooma a few years ago I went up there walking once, and stood on the lookout tower, which I think is a more recent addition, and relived some of our memories there.  School for me wasn't that great, as I wasn't hugely popular, and I do appreciate your year putting up with my bullshit when we played hand tennis for a while in high school.  I did occasionally play hand tennis with the kids in  my year, but was always a little put off by them.  They were often too much for me in many ways.  I loved when we would play with our army men together, and have marble wars throwing the marble at the army men we had lined up to defeat each other.  I probably cheated lots of times, because I was overly zealous with my interpretations of fair play in those years, but believe me, with my rigorous education on spiritual things which happened from about 20 onwards I got over most of that crappy mindset.  I'm really not the kind of kid I was back then.  You might not really know me in many ways because we have been a bit stand offish for a few years now, but I've grown up for the most part.  I do know I pushed you a bit with the car to drive me around places when I was here in Canberra in the early years, but I'm a lot more cautious about asking favours now and taking people for granted too much.  I'm sorry for the way I came across at times in those early years.  I was focused a lot on my life and things I needed to have done for myself, and I should have given more consideration to how I was impacting with others in what I was asking of them.  I guess life and experience and reflection can be good teachers.  I'm pretty religious as you know, and while I would really have preferred in the end to have remained in the Catholic church, I just couldn't because of how I understood the truth myself.  I'm not really the kind of person, you know, who wants to go against their parents religion and upbringing.  I'm not.  I crave continuity and stability and tradition, but sometimes you just gotta do what you have gotta do, even if you don't like it. It's just the inner convictions some of us have.  I didn't like Matt's attitude for years, and found him very grouchy, but I was always trying hard to respect my older brother, even if that didn't come across too well.  I'm a bloody grotty sort of person around the house, and I damn well know it, and mum still complains a lot.  I am sort of still caught up in my own thing and working on my books and stories and collections of things, and I really don't give the time or consideration to more mundane matters, which I do know I should.  In the end I don't think I'm really actually lazy - more just not focused enough on practical things yet.  That will change though, in time, because I am aware of my problems and am working on them.  I must congratulate you on the choice of Christie for a wife, because she is extremely intelligent and of good humour and maturity. You have found a first class wife who you should always appreciate, and James is the best kid in Australia.  I think forgoing further education by yourself is, in the end, the wisest thing for the time being.  I would commend your music website, and encourage you to work on that idea further and get it well established.  The quality of the recording of Prince of the Blood was first class on the site.  Me - I wish I could get around to doing up a similar music site with my own recordings, but I just haven't had time for quite a while.  I've been very busy with the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, and webhits continue to roll in and gradual popularity of the sites seems apparent at this stage.  So I'm busy enough, and things to do aplenty for the time being.  I'd love to be able to get with you and your recording music and get 'Dangerous Hearts' and some other of my song lyrics turned into songs, as I have ambitions also, and I think we work well together on that stuff.  Hopefully some time in the future.  My hope has always been that you move back to Canberra permanently, and I would recommend Macarthur nearby mum somewhere if you could afford it. LIfe's good for me at the moment, and things are going well enough, and I hope you make some good decisions in the next few months to guide your life towards a succesful and well earned retirement.

All the best.

Your bro

Danny Daly

Chapter Forty-Two

Written Friday the 27th of February 6178sc / 27th of February 2015ce. Today Justin Angold came over again briefly, and we chatted about this and that. He used his USB stick and I uploaded the Assembly of the Covenant doctrine page (which is found online also) to his memory stick. My PC copy has the Federal Criminal Code of Australia within the document, and his challenge over the next year or so is to take the various laws of the code and place them within this or that desgination of the Ancient Covenant – the Ten Commandments. After all this time praying and working on Karaite Noahide faith, it is the Assembly of the Covenant idea, with the 10 commandments as the central pillar, which seems to have finally attracted someone. With his work finished in time, I will add a small number of psalms and sermons, and we have agreed at this stage to have 100 copies of a booklet of the code printed off, 50 for him and 50 for me, costs split equally. Hopefully this idea will catch on with someone out there, and it may hopefully be the beginnings now of some sort of spiritual fellowship for all this activity of mine. He tried to talk me into walking around the block for health reasons, and he wouldn't give me a beer if I didn't, as he usually brings some beer along. I didn't do the walk – he didn't give me the beer. I went to group activities three times this week, which also had the collecting of some books and things from Vinnies down in Greenway at Tuggeranong town centre. My room is starting to fill up again with collected things, and this time I have sworn off against destroying or sacrificing anything to the best of my stability and discipline and now, after all this time with chaos on that issue, it finally appears to now be happening. Alleluia. Usual banter with Adrian Chan in the Van, and I tried some conversion talk on Noahide faith with him yet again, but only humorous silence normally replies. He is at this stage just not interested. A shame, he's a good friend, and great public servant, yet he couldn't get involved with a fellowship with me at this stage anyway, as he can't see mental health clients outside of work proscribed activities due to policy of the department. Yesterday I did a great deal of work on some of the Assemblies of faith, writing new mini sermons and various psalms for them, and they are becoming a little better established in their webpages. Activity overall on my webhits is standard sort of hits at the moment, so I must continue on with my prayers and persevere with the faith, for I am sure God will bless me with patience and time in my ambitions. My current CD collection features now well over 200 CDs, and is now finally starting to get towards the largest CD collection I have owned at any particular time of my life. I have destroyed practically every CD in my collections at times over life, yet the stability prayer I prayed quite a while ago now is finally starting to bear fruit, and I am stable now in my ownership and care and responsibility of my possessions. It's been a long and hard fight, but the future looks good at this stage. The relationship between myself and Jessica Moulin continues to develop, and we have both expressed stronger interest in potential family and marriage ideas in the future. Jessica is a very attractive lady, and I would be very fortunate to be married to such a lovely divine angel. I am continuing to work on home videos for my youtube account, and am enjoying my 'Daniel Crapping on Again' series of videos, which is just me bulshitting on about whatever crosses my mind. It's copyright though, and I intend, at this stage, to continue doing these videos for quite some time to come yet. Today I recorded 'Daniel Crapping on Again 4' and it is uploading at the moment. Very slow the upload to youtube with my current system, but it gets the job done eventually. Family is all well and in good enough health. Greg has quit his uni studies, and continues to work nightfill at woolworths, while Christie works at Medicare. They'll get through it all I am sure. Greg now has a new music website, and it has a sample recording of his classical piece 'Prince of the Blood' on it. It sounds the best I have ever heard it sound, and he's done a great job. I wish him all the success in the world. Hopefully he can find what has eluded me in the real world in many ways so far. Thoughts of the world to come have been on my mind recently, and in spiritual discussions with the Holy Ghost. It will definitely happen it tells me at times, and then contradicts itself and claims I need to be more rationale, and that the prophets were just speaking their mind. It is a nebulous predicament I find myself in, and God simply isn't forking over an answer to this old question of mine I have sought him for ages now any time soon. Come on Jehovah – spill the beans. Regardless, life goes on and, with thoughts on the lovely Jessica on my mind, it finally seems that Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, after so much bloody suffering, might have a hope and a future and an expected end. It would be a welcome relief from the service of suffering I have been going through for quite some time now indeed. It looks like my Hull City Tigers may possibly stay up again in Premiere League for another season, and the Bulldogs look really professional at the moment. Hawthorn Hawks have won the last two AFL grand finals, and things look good for a threepeat. Fingers crossed. A regular sort of week, but God has kept me amused enough, and through his Holy Spirit talks to me all day long now, and I am never alone in a very real way. I continue to be happy living with mum here at 29 Merriman Crescent and while she is going to England in July, life is generally a content enough thing for Danny Daly, and while I hope for better, I am happy with what I have got. And I know I've said that before.

All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia

Friday the 27th of February 6178SC. (Note: SC stands for 'Since Creation')

Chapter Forty-Three

Written Friday the 27th of February 6178sc. Entry two. Taylor Swift is my favourite pop princess when it all comes down to it. Her most recent album was calle 1989. She was born on the 13th of December 1989 and 13 is her lucky number. So I felt, seeing as I just put the CD on and 'Welcome to New York' is currently playing, I would chat about my life in the year 1989. It dawned with new possibilities. The ego year of 1988 was finished – not my ego, but the ego's of my St Pat fellow school mates as we finished the 11 year slog from kindie to year 10, and I travelled with the pack the whole way through. The ball the prior year as celebrations summed up my whole experience – I didn't dance with any girl at all, which had been par for the course the whole slog through school for the most part. But in the prior year or so the 'Gang' of Aso, Draddie, Werle, Grattie, Postie and Willis had become the central thing anyway – and they lived and dwelt in the Public Domain, going to the public school. 1989 was year 11 at Monaro High school as I boldly entered in, but put in zero effort the whole year, and as 1990 came around we disappeared from the Cooma scene entirely to Canberra. In 1989 I met Louise Roseman (who is still a friend of mine on Facebook) who was Donald Shanley's ex. There were issues on that. At the pool Aso kept on telling me, as Louise offered up her bikini clad back for my massage skills to 'Get into her'. I was still tender, and innocent. I kissed her at Dradrach's place that year, and she had a crush, but I wasn't really sure about anything, and wasn't quite ready for girls. At the Cooma show that year it was a blondie called Jenny Taylor from memory, and we were on the dodgems heaps, and she wrote me a dirty porn letter in school. I boldly claimed to Postie that 'Jenny was a test for Louise', which was just bragging and had absolutely no truth in the statement, as she hadn't been at all, but it got around as Postie blabbed, and I get in a lot of shit, especially from Jenny's bestie Belinda. Indoor cricket happened that year, and we won the B Grade comp. I was a good enough team member, and it was a whole lot of fun. There was outdoor cricket, and we were on the 'cops' team. I played a little, but had no records as such, mainly just fielding. That year was heavy metal all year on the portable tape players with headphones, and buying batteries (or sinfully stealing them from woolworths which I must confess I did) was a big part of it. I think the fishing trip to the Murrumbidgee happened that year with the guys, and we stayed overnight in a tent. I remember riding back the following morning, and as I passed Jenny Cheetham's farm, the girl I actually did have a crush on who was from my own year, as Louise and Jenny were younger, my heart yearned for her. I met Jenny years later after contacting her through her mother, and we chatted at a Revival Fellowship get together. She didn't quite remember me it seems, but my crush had been big back then. She seemed older, had lost a bit of her great looks, but it was the same Jenny. I made her the twin of Jesus in my Chronicles of the Children of Destiny. She married a Mr Clark or Clarke, but that ended in divorce, yet she kept the surname. She would in her Christian devotions, and I sensed she would not marry again out of Christian wifely duty, but I could be wrong. We were the Ninja pack that year, up in the pines behind north street, and I will confess the group got involved with pinching ski jackets and things from the ski lodge that year. Mum asked me about it as it was reported in the paper, but I denied the whole thing. I didn't do any of the actual theft, which was the domain of others in the gang, but I did receive stolen goods, for which I was guilty. I repented a lot of this a few years later, and stolen goods were thrown away and I have been severely embarrassed about it for a while. We were Iron Maiden's 'Weekend Warriors' – believe me. But what I did come Monday, eventually, was get over it. And as Bruce sang 'I wasn't that way any more' in the early 90s when Fear of the Dark came out. I had repented by then. And of course, it was the pinball arcade, and mastering the new games, and watching Gareth kick everyone's arse, the nerdy kid from the Eastend Cafe around the corner. Commodore 64 games at Dradrach had been big for a while by then, and me and Greg had purchased our own copy with shared money, which all worked out quite fine actually, with never really any disputes on ownership rights or anything. We shared quite easily in fact. I wagged a lot, and missed half the year through not bothering, but some learning, in the end, had been done, and it wasn't a total waste of my teachers time. Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden was my favourtite track of the time, and anxiously chatting about the next AC DC album with a bloke from my year (Richard I think) was a thing. I liked the school well enough, and we all congregated down by the library entrance near the back of the school, our hang out place. It was, in many ways the time of my life, and I had the time of my life. I didn't know, though, that it was a short lived glory of my youth, as Canberra and depression and the beginnings of my own spiritual journey awaited, but it was in many ways the last days of my innocence, and I remember that year as a standout year in the life of Daniel Daly. And, the greatest of blessings, Taylor Swift was born that year, so it all worked out well in the end anyway.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia

27th of February 6178sc / 27th of February 2015ce

Chapter Forty-Four

Written Saturday 28th of February 6178 SC / 28th of February 2015 CE/AD. I thought I'd write in this chapter about the Christmases I've lived over the years. Early Christmas celebrations back in Berridale were marked by anxiously trying to get to sleep the night before, and thinking that Santa will come in the morning. Dad once said to me back then Santa was real, and I thought of him flying through the sky on his sleight with the reindeer. I remember once trying to get to sleep because I was looking forward to the morning, and thinking I would never find any sleep, but I did fall asleep very quickly. Mornings were when we found a pillowcase full of our presents, and Saturday was spent in the lounge room playing with our toys all day. It was usually the best time of our lives in those days, and we would play around all day. Berridale Christmases were mostly like that, the pillowcase full of presents and toys, and they are some of my fondest memories. Cooma Christmases probably started like that somewhat, and would have continued like that, but by the time I got to 15 or 16 they had probably become less of an issue to me. I don't remember later Christmases of the 80s particularly at all really, but the 90s Christmases I do remember very well the traditions. We would often have Kay Bryant and her son Gerard Bryant for 90s Christmases, and while it had not so much been a personal focus in earlier years, the christmas dinners started to become a little bit more of a thing for me. I remember Kay would always smoke, and that would be often a topic of conversation between the family when Kay was out of the room having a smoke. I remember one occasion on boxing day I think it was, they were all at mass or something, and I found a box of quality chocolates and scoffed most of them or all of them from memory. It was always a good time of year, and a great time to relax. Christmases of the 21st century, thought, changed again. We weren't always at home for them, but would go from either Brigid's or Jacintas or Gregory's place on various years and have Christmas with them, and that tradition has continued. From time to time we would be at home as well, but it fluctuates now from year to year. It's not so much about the presents anymore, as I mainly get presents from mum of clothes and a little bit of cash, but the big thing is the food now, and I look forward to Christmas now each year because mum goes to extra effort in her cooking and does the turkey and the potato bakes, and often the trifle, and the food is of very high quality and it's really a good time. Last Christmas was over at my sister Brigid's place in Calwell, and all up there was about 30 people who showed for the day, and it was a great time to chill out. The food was excellent, and although I was a little quiet, as I often am at such celebrations, I had a good time. I have thought over the last number of christmases that I perhaps should go to Mass with mum, mainly out of tradition and because I was raised a Catholic, but in the end, while I don't mind celebrating the feast with the family and have no problems with it, I don't think I can really include Christian fellowship participation in my lifestyle anymore. I'm too much of a Noahide now. It's just the way it is. Sure, Midnight Mass is a classic idea of Catholicism, and I've thought that if I was to celebrate a service it would have to be the Midnight Mass to be truly authentic, but in the end, no. Just can't do it. I've let mum know that if I die before her then it is ok to have me buried with a catholic mass, but in time that will probably change. If my Karaite Noahide community grows, then I will just have something arranged with them ultimately. People often like to talk about the meaning of Christmas, or the true meaning of Christmas, and people often complain that it has become over commercialized, and perhaps they are right. In many ways its more of an economic principle now, rather than just a traditional christian celebration, and all sorts of people celebrate the day without giving a damn about the spiritual significance of it. Wether that is a good or bad thing, its just the way it is regardless. Regardless, though, of the christian aspect in the holiday, it is a family tradition and I will go on celebrating the day with my mother and family for the time being. When mum dies, barring a world to come eternity adventing, I possibly though will let it go. Instead I may end up starting my own solstice day celebration on the same day, with solstice cake and all that stuff, mainly for any potential family that comes along. Yep, the pagan celebration christmas was based on to start with. But I'm not a pagan, and instead its just an excuse for a celebration for that time of year, and to get along with mainstream society. Ultimately, Christmas has been a happy enough time for me over the years. I don't have anything against celebrating the day, and I find it a great time to relax, eat a lot of food, and just have a good time. It's the year's end, and we all need an excuse for a holiday after another hard years work. And for me its a great time to do just that, and I appreciate the tradition because of it. I am grateful to my mum and dad for all the fuss they have made for us kids in all those years, buying us presents and having a good day for all of us, and when all is said and done, just have yourselves a merry little Christmas. AMEN.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia

Saturday 28th of February 6178 SC.

Chapter Forty-Five

Written Saturday 28th of February 6178 SC. Entry two. I thought I'd spend this second chapter on many of the people I have known throughout my life. Cyril Daly: Dad, and one of the biggest influences. He was a quiet man, faithful worker to his job, and caring father. Mary Daly: Mum, my rock in many ways, who has seen me through many difficult times. Matthew Daly: Big brother. Got along ok when we were young, but latter years beset with arguments. Brigid Bridges nee Daly: Big sister. Tough big sister, but caring and respectful. Jacinta Bradley nee Daly: Little sister, with peacemakers heart. Gregory Daly: Little brother with good musical talent. Mrs MacMinnamon: Kindergarten teacher, and good example: Sr Susan, early infants school teacher, who I really respected. Sandy Schofield: School mate, who I had my first crush on. Mr McHugh: Year 4 & 5 teacher, who I respected a lot. Don Huckell: High school English teacher, with classic 'Murph' stories. Peter Dradrach: unofficial gang leader of my 80 pinball arcade gang of buddies. Damien Asonovsci: closest friend in the gang, and fantasy afficionado like myself. Daniel Porter: Closest friend at Lake Tuggeranong College in 1990. Louise Roseman: first girlfriend in 1989. Lee Chiu: Hong Kong girl I met at CIT and who I wrote letters to, and she wrote back. Unofficial girlfriend. Lindy Barham: Close friend in CIT days. Tammy Saunders: Girl from Potters House who took me to my first Pentecostal service. Mal Makkinga: closest friend in potters house days, who married Tammy Saunders. Phil East: Pastor of Potters and big influence. Sophia Sharaf: hot egyptian girl, and big influence in Potters house. Kerry Scarlett: First real bossman from AQIS. Sensitive to proper conduct. Good public servant. Odette Wells: AQIS co-worker, who I fancied a lot. Kirsty Gilchrist: AQIS co-worker who I also had a crush on. Klaudia Papp: delivered stationery to AQIS occasionally. Very attractive girl and we talked on the phone a bit. Becky Kent: UPC girl who I had a big crush on. Ann Kim: UPC girl, who I liked but knew it wouldn't work out with. Paul Saberton: Pentecostal Father and Son theologican, who I agree with on some fundamental doctrines of christianity. Big influence. Brenton and Chris White: mates from Potters house. I still talk with Chris, but Brenton doesn't really want to know me. I miss him though. Aaron Goodsell: sort of shares my karaite noahide faith, but doesn't explicitly call himself a karaite noahide, but just himself. Peter Fletcher: Potters house, and joined with me at UPC. The Fletch – Most Valuable Player and Greatest of all Time (MVPGOAT at basketball). Madalene Bridges and my nieces and nephews: Glad to have all of them. Great kids. David and Alan my brothers in law: I think well of them. Christie Daly nee Gonzaga: Greg's wife, and smart girl. Gerard Bryant: Long term friend of the family and he's always great to have around. Adrian Chan: Mental health worker and takes me to group activities. A great guy. Marcus CCC: friend from the group, and very hospitable. Marcus Low: also a friend from the group, and great intellect. Jessica Moulin: My current online girlfriend. Thinks might hopefully work out between us. Heck, there is a whole host of names I have left out, but they have been some of my biggest influences and strongest friends. I value all of them and have probably prayed for all of them quite a bit over the years. They have helped produce the person I am today, with words of advice and guidance. Anyway, this is chapter 45, which is the glory chapter, as Daniel equals 45 in ordinal equivalents in Numerology. In some ways this might possibly be the closing of my autobiography, or at least the closing of my first work. I am not sure, but for the time being I will close with this chapter. The spirit has been talking about soon adventing world to come possibilities, and I think I might bring a close to a lot of my writings and works now, and finish them up, and leave it at that for a while. After a sabbath of sorts, I will possibly continue on, but will start again. A new beginning. So this is it, the final chapter of my autobiography, my first autobiography, and while I can't guarantee there won't be a chapter 46 in a little while, for most intents and purposes, right at this moment, this is it. The future will tell of what will be. So saying this final goodbye. Over and out. Cheers.

Danny Daly

28th of Feb 2015

Chapter Forty-Six

Written Tuesday 10th of March 6178SC / Tuesday 10th of March 2014CE. I reached my crossroads, found out that in the end I just didn't believe in any world to come happening on planet earth, and have just accepted that it is a life to come upon death. More of a progressive Karaite viewpoint now, rather than an Orthodox Karaite viewpoint. Jessica Moulin actually appears to be a fake account, from what I've gathered. She gave me her phone number in the end, and I rang it, and there was an answering machine which had her speaking in French, and it seemed to check out. But she finally asked for financial support and I knew what had been happening all along – it was a very sophisticated scam to look like a genuine person. Really had me fooled. Should have known, though. No girl comes on to you like that in real life so quickly. Just weird. I never really had any built up feelings for the girl, and was just going with the flow, and it didn't even really bother me this time. They are getting more devious in the lengths they will go to now on fake accounts, and I don't think I will ever really talk to a girl much now online, unless I can 100% verify her actuality. Anyway, I have decided that 45 was indeed a finishing chapter in many ways in my autobiography, and while life still goes on, that marked the end of the 'Chronicles of the Children of Destiny' which is now the first half of 'The Angels Saga'. The second half, which I have begun writing is the 'Chronicles of the Children of Fate'. I still have a lot more writing in me on this particular storyline, and there is a lot more I can say and go on about, so I have judged that I am about half way there with what I need to get down in writing in the end. So I will split it into two parts, the first and the last, and all other designations and ideas for the saga previously conceived, bow to this as the current champion. I've changed the structure a lot after rethinking, and really can not say at all that I won't do it again, but this will do for now. It may possibly change yet again in the future, and this might by no means be the last format change of the overall structures of the COTCOD universe. But I will work with it for the time being. I still have more stories to tell in the saga it seems, so for now I will go with this general flow of things. In the last week or so I visited the pool again, and chatted a bit with Adrian and co. Went to pizza group on Friday, and over the weekend Mum was at Jacinta's down at Cooma, and I was on my own. Justin Angold came around and we chatted again, and I wasn't too lonely for the weekend. Mum will be gone again for 7 weeks in July, so I will be on my own for quite a while. I'll get through as best I can, which is what I will have to do one day anyway when mum finally passes on. I did some rearranging of my room over the weekend, and brought in a bookcase from outside, and have shifted it all around so that I can also bring in quite a large bookcase, which might have to be 2 narrower ones instead, just to make sure I can get them in my room. I'm 42 now, and have probably gotten to the point were children are no longer really a reality for this earthly life. Can't say it won't absolutely happen, but it no longer looks likely. I'm sort of settling down now to a simpler way of life, happy with mum here in Macarthur until she passes one day in the hopefully distant future, and then it is either Berridale, Cooma or here in Canberra with my sister Brigid as my ultimate final living place, as I wouldn't want to move again after that. I'm not the kind of person who has a great bucket list of things I want to accomplish and tick off in life. It's not really my personality trait to give that much of a damn, really. It's just a simple life for me. I'm not really gonna look back with regrets over things I didn't do. That's not me, as I look to the future for that. I will be happy, though, if one of my core beliefs, what you acquire in life you acquire in life for eternity, turns out to be true. I've had a full life of collecting all sorts of things I'm happy with, and will be eternally blessed should it all be waiting for me on the other side. Let's hope so. My room is neatish at the moment, and I don't think I will change it ever again while I still reside here, apart from bringing in the new bookcases as the final thing. I guess I have finally found that thing in life, on earth anyway, which we all look for I guess – my settling down. I have an active enough life with mental health group activities, so don't need that much more social interaction anyway, so I really look to eternity for the fulfilment of many of my other dreams. God seems to suggest to me a lot that that is were it all is at at this stage anyway, so I will just leave things be for the rest of my life on earth. I have a stable income, a stable home to live in and a stable friendship with my mother, my house mate. I don't think I am really looking for that much change in my life anymore anyway. There are still things I like to do – like going on trips around the local region a bit, and to antique stores to collect old books and things like that. But I'm happy with the simplicity of that being enough, and with my decent meals that I get, and good music and TV, I'm happy enough. And my writings give me something meaningful to do and pursue with much of my free time. I'm happy, I guess. Pretty much content. And, in reality, I am not sure I would want kids anymore in this life, all things considered, even if it were available. Life goes on, as it inevitably does, and I have a lot more adventures to chronicle in the Angels Saga for the time being, and I look forward to moving to Cooma when mum dies – there I said it, I made up my mind – which will make me quite happy. Owning my own permanent home in Cooma is what I am striving for when it all comes down to it, as I love the town and its spirit and its geography. Yes, I'm happy with life, and in reality don't really even want a relationship with a woman till I have my own owned place anyway. So for now it is business as usual here at 29 Merriman Crescent, more writing, trips here and there, social grouping with the Mental Health community, and the continuation of collecting the various odds and sods and bits and pieces I am addicted to collecting. Life goes on. It's good enough.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, 10th of March 6178SC.

Chapter Forty-Seven

Written 10th of March 6178sc – entry two. This entry is more of a diary entry, with just some thoughts of the moment, rather than being a specific autobiographical entry. But it is my thoughts, so they are autobiographical of my minds activities for the day anyway. I thought I'd share the meaning of life. There isn't one. Hah. Seriously, life just is. We just exist. God started it all by existing first and, after a while, he said 'why the hell not' and now we exist too. To pass the time we smoke cigarettes, have sex with our spouse or partner, drink Coca Cola, and play video games. And that generally is the full and complete meaning of life. If you want to get bored with detail you can consider a religious calling and go off and save mankind – and if you do, bully for you. But it's only something to do with life – not the meaning itself. Ultimately it just doesn't have a meaning. We can have things to do to keep ourselves busy but, in the end, as Shakespeare says, that is just much ado about nothing. Just whatever we do to fill in the time is what it is all about. Now, I CAN give some advice how to have a happy and prosperous life with the living experience, which is not so much the meaning of it all, but rather, what to do with it all. And, really, in the end it is just better to replace a mystical search for the meaning of life, which there isn't one on, because we just exist, we just are, and instead fill it in with practical things to do which sort of give happiness and a point to the living experience. Never take it all too seriously, it is just something to do to fill in the time, and remember the rules and laws of life which govern how we get along so we can basically just enjoy it in the end. A secret to life is finding that balance between serious and play – too much serious and you will be bored, too much play and you will get jaded. Find a good balance through trial and error with your work and play, and you will work it out well enough in the end. And if you like a lot of play, sometimes it can really help if you can find a sensible career involving what you love to do. As its said, have a money making career in which you enjoy what you are doing and you will never work a day in your life. Another secret is to work hard in your living things and collect a lot of things which are interesting to do, like books and movies and CDs and board games and jigsaws and magazines and nice clothes and everything under the sun which can pass for a hobby or a pastime, as these things will normally carry on into your eternity and eternal life. Have a lot of choices, in the end, from a hard life's work of getting good stuff to do with your time, and you really will enjoy your eternal existence that much more. Find some nice restaurants and good places to holiday in your life time. Find nice travel routes and places to go and people to see. Fill in life with a good old fashioned bit of adventure, but my personal advice is not to go too crazy with thrill seeking that you forget mundania which pays the practical life's bills and gets you grounded back in the real world. Again, its about that balance thing. Work can actually be enjoyable. If you can develop a good working attitude and try and find ways to enjoy your work, it can be so much more of a thing you enjoy doing rather than a labour. Show some humility in what you need to do to earn a buck, and you will be surprised that you don't mind working for the man so much at times anyway. Develop good friendships and stay loyal to them – that is a great piece of advice for a happy life and eternity. Talk to them, ring them up, write them actual letters and not always just emails, and get to know them and build bonds of trust and respect. Have a good time with them. They enrich the living experience that much more. Go to plays, go to movies, go to fares, go to shows. Be careful with your money, but spend a fortune occasionally when the situation warrants and budget allows. Alcohol is great, but get pissed to much in life and your kidneys will pay for it later on. Remember that moderation word in all things. Ultimately working out how to have a great and fulfilling and happy life is really what we should be concentrating on in the end anyway. A first basic, that I've learned the hard way, is to make sure you know the guy who runs the show – the big Kahuna – God Almighty. An eternity runs so much smoother if you know the one who created it all. Remember God and prioritize on his morals, and believe me life will work that much better for you in the end rather than your own pride-filled reasons and logics. Family is always a great way to go, but make sure you have the finances to support them and, usually, the kind of place to live in a city or town or village or suburb which has enough lawfulness and friendliness to not make your children's lives a hell from oppression of bad neighbours. A good neighbourhood for your children really is a must in the end if you are serious about the family thing. In the end a life of prosperity is about the best choice to make, but its all up to you ultimately. It's your life. It's up to you. Me, I'm generally doing the best I can with it all, and find things to do to fill it all in. I construct my working life on religious writings, as I have a government disability pension so don't really need to do any work to get by, but I would be very bored by now if I didn't do something constructive, practical and useful with my time, and what I am doing now satisfies me. Ultimately, I feel, this earthly life is like a template for eternity in many ways, which goes on forever if we work it out properly with God. And with that fellow himself, God, don't be surprised if there are actually a few surprises from him down the track. In the end, I guess, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. Cheers.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia.

10th of March 2015.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Written Thursday 12th of March 6178sc / 12th of March 2015. Actually, the way the new stories have come out, with the idea with the introduction of 'Adah – Child of Heaven whose role is 'Fate'', I have now gotten towards the final bits of the Angels saga. No, it won't go on indefinitely any more. The 4 O'Clock 15 story saw the end of the theophany, who was taken to the pre-existing realm mentioned a little in the saga, and that is were the Children of Destiny will all gradually be taken and the story will end then. There is probably around 20 to 30 shorts with maybe a few novellas left in the saga now. The Morning Stars of Eternity story 'Raphael' (aka Morning Stars 3) was finished off properly the other day with another thousand odd words which completed it more properly. Most of the 2 volumes of Morning Stars of Eternity stories need this extra work. So each volume is about half done at this stage, which is about another years work all up to finish both volumes. Lucy Potter will go on to 12 novellas which will complete that forever – that is my final decision. Number 8 will be elaborated to its proper length, so will the Golden sovereigns and the terran dragonrider will be finished properly. Morning Stars itself has 21 chapters which complete it. I have the chapter notes for the rest of the story, and will get to that soon enough. The various 1400 stories will all need to be finished off properly, and for the first 20 of them they need about novella lengths. After that its a few stories for each saga for about half a dozen or so, and then just a short story of a few hundred words for each of the remainder of the 1400 universes. Probably about half a million words all up in 2 or 3 volumes all told, which is about 3 or 4 years work, or maybe a little more. The realm of infinity storyline will finish with its 4 parts, and that will take about a year to finish. There will probably be about 50 or so additional short stories inserted into the saga then at various points to finish off loose ends. A years work. Then the Tolkien, Eddings, Cook and other works will be finished off, but not at the original planned lengths, but shortened each to about a novel's length all told. A year for each project. So, at about mid 50s I should have it all done, about a dozenish years from now. It could be done sooner, though, depending on how much I think really needs to be done. But the crux of the central saga is just about told now, and will finish off this year most likely. This autobiography will definitely end at chapter 50 – that is 100% certain in my mind – but I won't definitely say I wouldn't leave it for a decade or so and write a new volume entirely as a complete recap of the past decade. Maybe. Maybe not. And this will do for the day, and I have things largely under control. Cheers. Danny.

Chapter Forty-Nine

Written Friday 20th of March 6178 SC. As much as I would like to stay true to my comments in the last chapter, I just can't. This autobiography simply must continue past chapter 50. I really want to call it quits in many ways, and its not even just about staying true to what I said, but a genuine desire to finish this thing off. But it's not going to work, because what I find is that there is a compulsion within me to keep on writing this autobiography, like there is a compulsion to keep on writing the chronicles of the children of destiny and add in new ideas, that when I often try to finish it, something rises up and forbids that. I must therefore write, whether I like to or not, simply because the compulsion and desire is just to strong to refuse. Just the way it goes, I suppose. The last week has been a regular enough week. Visits from Justin Angold with beer, usual discussion and a happy Daniel. A chat with my sister Jacinta on the phone, who is in the process of buying a home in Cooma North, with a loan from mum, which will be awesome if the bank approves of the whole thing – mus is putting in a 20 grand deposit, which will give them the 'deposit' that they need to get the loan. Alan and Jacinta are genuinely stable workers, so there shouldn't be any problems with them paying off their home loan. I went to the pool yesterday with Adrian, and Rebecaa Hill, Marcus CCC, Leelin Chong and Andrew Wojcik were there, as well as Karl who we picked up while going. I did 5 walked laps of the small pool yesterday – the first time I've bothered with laps – and I felt a bit of extra energy afterwards, so will continue with this mild exercise when I go to the pool now, which is a way of staying a bit fitter. Jessica Moulin contacted me again on facebook, and I asked her if she was really Jessica Moulin, but she never responded. I'm pretty sure it's actually just a fake scamming account. Bitch. I have entered a new phase were I collect a LOT of comics again. I have prayed in past months a lot for DC comics to produce cool comics, and with the new 'Convergence' storyline, and the relaunch of a stack of new number 1s from DC, It looks as if God is answering my prayers, so I will be subscribing to a stackload of new comics shortly enough. Life, generally, is good at the moment. Mum is in good health, but actually complaining that she's been a little bit tired recently. I think old age is FINALLY starting to show up a little for Mary Daly, who has been a brick in my life forever. She is 77 now, soon 78, and not getting any younger, but its been a long time now and she has never shown any real sign of getting older and weary. But in the last few weeks it is coming in a bit. She's finally starting to feel her age. I am not so sure now she will be around for another 20 years, which I had a lot of confidence on, and I might have to start facing reality of moving soon. If the place is going to be sold, and split amongst us, and mum has said that with Jacinta already getting a lot of money, she will not receive a share of the money for the sold house (but she might get a lesser share, depending on how things work out), so I might get a much larger share, which just might make it possible to afford my own home in Cooma somewhere, which is probably the choice I will eventually make to live in. For Canberra, I would likely have to live with my sister Brigid and rent from her, which is a possibility, but I will likely go for my own place in Cooma when all is said and done. I reorganized my bedroom the other day, bringing in bookcases, and had a major 'Sacrifice' as it were of stuff I have hoarded over the last half a year or so, and sent that stuff up to my heavenly home, through destroying it and recycling it. It is generally the way I go about things now. A lot of stuff survived the sacrifice – mainly stuff I had already owned previously and which had been sacrificed already, so I still have a lot of stuff on hand. But the new stuff is already coming in, and soon enough I will have another big downsizing ritual happening yet again. I will be heading off to group for friday lunch in just a few minutes when Adrian gets here, and I'm dying for a ciggie – I will probably buy 2 or 3 rollies from Brett Love, if he will sell them to me, which he usually does, and smoke them happily this afternoon when I get home. I only smoke a 25 gram of champion once a fortnight these days, and that takes me a couple of days, the rest of the fortnight not having a smoke, apart from the few I manage to bludge in group. So I'm looking forward to a smoke this afternoon, and then it is not until next thursday morning, when my money comes in, that I will buy my tobacco and go wild for a couple of days. I do notice, though, because it is only 25 gms of tobacco a fortnight, I don't really have any problems associated with smoking happening, especially as many days in the fortnight I don't smoke at all, which gives my body a decent chance to clean out the toxins. If there is such a thing as a moderate, responsible smoker, I am possibly it. I am writing a new storyline under the pseudonym 'John Connor' at the moment. It is called 'Garbage Men' and is on the account 'johnconnorbooks' found at . It is 7 chapters in at the moment, and they are only short chapters of a few hundred words, but I have a tiny fanbase under this pseudonym, and they don't know my other writings. When I finish the story in a little while, I will probably add my real ID and my Noahide Books website link to my account, and hopefully gain some new traffic to my Noahide Books stories. I may even do another pseudonym again one day, with a new story, and then after I have (hopefully) a bit of success and gain a few new fans, tell them who I really am and give them a weblink to my Noahide books stories. Perhaps an original way of adding to my already established fanbase. Life is generally pretty good at the moment – could be better, could be worse, but I am pretty happy at the moment. Interesting to see what will happen next. All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia

Friday 20th of March 6178 SC / Friday 20th of March 2015 CE/AD.

Chapter Fifty

Written Saturdy 21st of March 6178 SC. I thought I'd mainly just discuss a conversation between myself and Justin Angold who came around again last night, with beer, and we drank and chatted outside. A number of things were discussed. There was a central message, or sort of lesson I shared with him near the beginning of the conversation which took a while. I'll explain. Firstly, I illustrated how recently I had been fulfilling the readings of Torah books (books from the Tanakh) out loud as utterances. I related that recently I had read Genesis fully and Exodus fully, already had completed Leviticus previously, and a number of the other books of the Torah including the whole book of Psalms and all the minor prophets. I explained how this idea came from a psalm which is apparently attributed to David, in which he says that he 'utters' or 'recites' the laws of God (probably Psalm 119). This, when I first encountered it a year or so ago and thought on the idea also (because naturally I'd read it first a long time ago), inspired within me the idea that, I suppose, a potential thing or work a Noahide can also do without involving himself with Jewish law and ritual was the uttering out loud of every book of the Tanakh. So I made that a goal. After that I explained to Justin how differing movements had differing spiritualities and different spiritual essences associated with them. There is usually a 'feel' or 'ambience' of spiritual nature, an animistic thing, associated with monotheistic spiritual communities. I talked about how strong and old and large communities have well developed spirits and are stable and function well with this spiritual strength in their organisation. Then I related how this spiritual energy was achieved – through good works, and prayer and bible study. But I also related that spiritual utterances of scripture also gave strength to a spiritual organisation. I told him about, in my recent experiences, upon completing the books of Genesis especially, and also exodus, I had found new spiritual strength, but more precisely, renewed strength. When I left Catholicism at about 16 I left my spiritual foundation, and it is no surprise depression came in and later schizophrenia. These thing arise without a firm spiritual foundation and way of life. And they can arise quite easily. When I left the church, I lost all that, and while my repentance and service in Potters house pentecostal church brought a new lease of life for a while, when I left Christianity in 1999 I had to completely start again (this much I didn't discuss with Justin, but am saying it here). So I guess my lesson that I am telling here is that for a life to work out orderly, which Justin had been discussing he needed, and to build empire of his own, you need a foundation which doesn't really change in the end and is solidly and firmly worked out and can be built safely upon. I've had this in my life a number of times, but because of my belief in the truth and understanding of the truth, I have simply had to move on whether I liked it or not. But now, having become a Noahide in 1999, and essentially a Karaite Noahide from about that year anyway, I have built up a foundation somewhat now. And with my ongoing utterances of Torah, which I am finding a great necessity, and my strong prayer life, the Advancing Noah Movement which I am trying to form is finally starting to get a strong and firm spiritual foundation. It is gradually working out. A lot of that I discussed with Justin, but some of the last bits of what I just wrote then are just my thoughts to you. Another of the core ideas I shared with Justin was in relation to study in life and finding direction. I remarked to him one of the fundamental lessons I have come to myself. Ultimately, when we are young, it can be sort of difficult to know exactly what we want to do and focus on in life. We get those teachers in year 10 who share career ideas with us, and some of us have worked it out, but some of us have no idea at all. What I pointed out to Justin was this message – it really doesn't matter, which he said so anyway and agreed with. Life, in a sense. Much ado about nothing, like a Shakespeare play. Nobody really gives much of a shit in the end anyway. But its there to live so you may as well make something of it. Now, as I said to him, it usually helps if you have a little talent in the area, and if not that some passion or drive. He remarked he was a jack of all trades in a basic way, and didn't really have much passion or direction at all, but sort of had an idea he would like to be a judge, from his fascination with Judge Dredd. And, as I explained, its not really about WHAT you choose, to have success in life at all – in the end it is just about CHOOSING ANYTHING, but the secret after that is just to stick with it through thick and thin and continue learning that forever. One of my own lessons on this issue is that if you have little to no talent in an area, it doesn't really matter that much, because talent can be slowly learned with perseverance anyway. So, as I said, just choose ANYTHING to study and work on in your life, but when you do STICK WITH IT THROUGH THICK AND THIN AND PERSEVERE. You'll inevitably make it eventually through just patience. One of the things I also related was a study idea. Essentially, if you have a subject you might want to study, and are getting on a bit in life, go to a university co op bookshop, choose a year one introductory text on the subject, and a year two area of speciality, in the conversation with Justin I talked about an introduction to law book, and suggested another area of law, for example family law, but he countered with his criminal law idea. Then I said to him, wait a while, a few months, and if then you are sure you can dedicate your life and study to it, get a piece of paper, draw 30 boxes and number them 1 to 30. And then, once a month, for 2 and a half years, read the first book fully once that first month, and then each month until you have completed all 30 readings. Then repeat it with the other book. This is 5 years of effort but, as God pointed out to me last night, when you have that foundation in you later on when you go to study, especially if it is an introductory text to the subject you want to study with core and fundamental information, decent in nature, on the subject, you will find getting through your chosen subject of study is so much easier, especially as you read the damn books 30 times each, which solidified in great depth the information in your mind. God remarked to me that this information is great to know at 15 years of age, when you can get the pre-study in. Anyway, we chatted about other stuff, and not all the ideas I have shared above were all discussed with Justin, but are my thoughts as I write this, but that will do. Apart from that, yesterday, as I said I would, I went off to lunch in the group, and got my injection. I played chess again with Isaac Lane and won, and drew a game of chess through stalemate with Jarrod Porter. My own fault – I should have won the match. My Bulldogs team in the NRL defeated Manly 16 – 12 last night, and are looking strong again this year. And Hawthorn flogged St Kilda the other night also. So things are looking good for 2015 for my favourite footie teams from Australia again. I prayed a lot again last night and this morning, and am working through more and more scripture, and really think I am slowly getting results with my prayers. I bought the new Kelly Clarkson album recently, 'Piece by Piece', and its a good one, and I have been enjoying listening to that. I am collecting comics again in a major way. And things in general are ok. I continue to add funds regularly to my superannuation, and have recently rolled 2 accounts into 1, so now just have 2 supperanuation accounts all up, which helps save on fees. Things still look good for the future, and time will tell what life will bring.

All the best.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Saturday 21st of March 6178 SC / Saturday 21st of March 2015 CE/AD

Chapter Fifty-One

Written Monday 30th of March 6178 SC / Monday 30th of March 2015 CE/AD. Justin Angold has visited again since my last entry (I think more than once) and our friendship is continuing and developing. He seems to have mostly abandoned ideas of taking terribly seriously the idea of being a 'Judge' in the 'Judge Dredd' mold, and the notion of Assembly of the Covenant, for the time being anyway, following the Criminal code of Australia, the laws being placed within various sections of the 10 commandments, no longer happening. Time will tell if this remains the case. I went to group last Friday, and had pizza and bought some books, and made some more sacrifices of my stuff, this time sacrifices of things to God. Today I also went to Monday lunch group and had a good and cheerful time of conversation with various people, and also bought some more books. There is a family issue with my sister Brigid's family at the moment, which is on my mind a little, and my younger sister Jacinta looks as if she might have her own home very soon in Cooma North. Life, for the most part, has gone on in a most regular way, and nothing much has changed. I am happy enough with it, and things are ok. There is an issue I want to talk about some more. It is about finding a foundation in life and spiritual strength. God sort of made it clear enough to me the other day that the religion I have formed, the 'Advancing Noah Movement of the Seven Divine Fellowships of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith', generally has to earn its stripes to get along with the world and have the kind of access to society and the rights and privileges that other members of society enjoy a lot. And that is based on the works of the movement. When push comes to shove, God made it clear enough to me that my religion still didn't quite have enough prayer yet. As simple as that. My religion is judged by how much prayer, scripture study and charity and other good works it has done, and to expect greater blessings from God these things need to increase for my movement to have anything approaching a decent sort of life. As simple as that. Since late 2012 I have been praying earnestly to God very regularly for various needs, wants and desires. And 2013 and 2014 were in particular quite full years of spiritual growth in my life. But it has only been in the last few weeks that I have finally started noticing that the kind of strength I had as a kid in my catholic faith has been returning a bit. My movement, on average per member, simply did not have the strength in it. And because I left the Catholic Church and then ultimately joined Potters House Christian Church and, yet again, joined the United Pentecostal church later, it was not until 1999 and about that year which I became a Karaite Noahide, that my faith finally stabilized in my permanent religious affiliation. So in the last few years I have had to pray like crazy to establish the ultimate fruit of my studies into Karaite Noahide faith, and with the strengthening and establishment of the Rainbow Bible, especially with its growing list of Psalms and sermons, I am only now starting to gain the kind of strength I need spiritually for prosperity in life in general and prosperity for my movement. But now, and I know I am not going anywhere or changing my religion ever again, things are finally starting to work, and work out for my life. Karaite Noahide faith was the truth my heart had to find in life in its soul mission – I have found that, worked with that, and now I can finally start developing and building with that. Fortunately, I am enjoying praying for things and people and issues, although it has suffering associated with it, as sanctifying things through prayer means that the prayer often really has to deal with the spiritual crap associated with the issue he or she is praying about. You know, technically, if you are holy enough to God, you CAN save another person's soul eternally. Just be prepared to utter out loud in prayer the ENTIRE Tanakh (Jewish Bible) for that person in full over a few years, and God will pretty much guarantee that person's eternal salvation by the time you have finished the job. It will most likely be done well enough well before you complete the job, but that is the full price you need to pay to ensure the job gets done properly enough. And sometimes, especially for loved ones like wives and husbands and children, this job really must be done by the burden of your heart. Ultimately, unless they are some kind of axe murdering genocidal maniac, God will grant you the grace and save their asses forever and ever and ever. Just make sure of your own soul and stability in holiness and legality and lawfulness with God Almighty, giver of the holy Torah, before you even bother insisting on this job of great and much suffering. Foundations. They are what a movement needs. Want to start your own monotheistic religion to God Almighty? My advice – read the entire Jewish bible half a dozen times or so, make notes, and then pray to God for original material, and start developing and writing and developing your own legal codes, Torah of Halakhic way of life, proverbs, principles, teachings, sermons and psalms and songs, and when you have 50,000 words or so as a minimum, you have the beginnings of an eternal foundation for a religion which can and should last forever IF you pray SCRIPTURE over its foundation time and time again in its formation and formative years. God doesn't mind other monotheisms. Jesus probably got approved of in the end for his own work because he was dedicated enough. Mohammed likely the same in the end. Want to do it yourself? It's hard work, but can be done, and the rewards can be glory itself. Anyway, its been a good day, I've been happy, still more to do, but that will do for now.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia, 30th of March 2015

Chapter Fifty-Two

Written Thursday 2nd of April 6178 SC / Thursday 2nd of April 2015 CE/AD. Tuesday this week I went to the bowling AMF centre with the group, and bought some books from Vinnies, and yesterday I went into the group again and also bought some books from Vinnies in Tuggeranong. Vinnies is actually just across the road from the Southern Cross Stadium (were our mental health meetup room is), and I am able to get there whenever Adrian stops in on the way to taking me home. I buy a lot of the 10 cents books (extremely cheap), recycle them after a bit, which builds up my heavenly collection of such books, because of my rights of ownership. As I have said in my religion, what you acquire in life, you acquire in life for eternity. God taught me something recently. While he has all knowledge of creation and how he made the world, there are aspects of knowledge which he has, firstly, not yet researched and which, secondly, he won't and doesn't. This is because the information is copyrighted and created by humans. It might surprise you, but no – God doesn't actually know the information in the contents of subjects you are writing about. HE never copyrighted it. It was the author of the work who has gained the rights on that knowledge. And God guards copyright carefully in humanity at the moment. I mean, you might go around with an attitude that God knows everything about your life but, my friend, unless you actually tell him about yourself and what is going on, he might not have much of an idea at all. Didn't you know that? God has perfect knowledge of how he made the universe and creation, and in his own understanding perfect knowledge of how it works in terms of the laws of nature and science. But in terms of all the kinds of information humanity has created, he has no idea very much, unless the information is given to him to access in some way. Sacrifices can't be done for this, because the Torah prescribes he only accepts the kinds of animal and food sacrifices therein. But a personal contract or covenant made with God to share your life resources with him for himself to access when he needs to (at convenient times to yourself) in the long eternal sojourn is a kind gesture which very few ever make in this earthly life. Or to be precise, nobody at all does. I have done it though. I made a contract on paper, God witnessed it, and I burnt it up to seal the covenant. He has permanent access to my book collection and entire collection of everything, really, in my eternity in heaven. And he tells me nobody has ever done this before. In fact they don't want to, because they compete with God. That's not my problem. I NEED a saviour. I NEED a well informed saviour, who can watch over me, understand me, and is current with the kind of information relevant to my generation. For me, who serves God, it stands to reason that I give him eternal access to my stuff. I always want him around as well. The Son of Man of Daniel chapter 7 didn't do this. He was given authority to rule all nations BECAUSE he had greater knowledge in future generations available to him legally than God, so God put him in charge. That was the Ancient of Days conferring authority in the Son of Man in Daniel chapter 7 if you missed it. God told me the other day – he's catching up again. Anyway, life rolls on. This year has been good enough. It is again showing the kind of spiritual promise the last two fervent years of prayer have offered and God made it clear my movement needs more prayer in its foundation to attract converts. Just the way it really is to establish a new religion/faith/denomination these day. Get in the prayer room (or get stuffed, putting it mildly). I am still at it in my walk with God which, apart from about a five or 6 year or so interruption in my late teens and early twenties when I was trying to work it all out, has gone from a youth who, in the end, probably acknowledged there was a God, to a man of 42 who has a lot of experience, especially in recent years, as he has bothered to really push in on the faith in recent times. Ironically, I haven't been to Fyshwick to visit a prostitute in 2015. Over 3 months now without a working girl, and my general intention to never visit them again is still going strong. I made that intention last year, and it has stuck for now. It's basically in relation to the issues of Vds – in the end, I don't think eternity can be founded on a lifestyle which has permissive fornication in it. It probably just won't work out in the end, potentially for a number of reasons. So I have to get over it, I guess. Just can't have that luxury in my life and, in the end, I might not be taken seriously spiritually until I do get over the brothels. Not be many serious people anyway, but some from this current generation of mine haven't really worried that much on that issue. Such is the sign of the times. But I'm clean down below, so I've been lucky. Hopefully I will stay that way, and maybe a wife isn't too far off one of these days. Life is generally good and working out well at the moment. I've said that before, more than once actually. Justin Angold is proving a good friend, and I hope he visits again soon. The group is always there for me, and I am happy with it, and find purpose in visits there. Things are ok for the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly. My comic collection is currently growing well, while I am buying very few CDs at the moment. Mostly full of them after a long stint of listening to and collecting a lot of music. Time for comics in my life, now, by the looks of it. A phase thing, you know. Happens in my life very regularly, now. Ever since my teenage years I have noticed the trend. Comic times come and go, but they always come around again, and with a vengeance. And then music. I have a strong view, though, that DVDs will hit again VERY HARD one day, and I have a huge amount of back movies since the mid 90s to go back and collect. That will most likely occur, but not yet – perhaps not this decade, but time will tell. It's all in the phases – they start when they start and they finish when they finish. For now its comics, but they will drop from the radar again eventually one day, and even Video games will likely eventually surface again one day. Life's good. Could be better, could be worse, but I'm happy.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia

2nd of April 2015.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Life is good. Life is good.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Macarthur, Canberra, Australia

Thursday 23rd of April 6178 SC

The Life of Cyril Aloysius Daly

A Biography by his son with further Autobiographical information and commentary on Daniel's own life

Compiled by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

 Cyril Aloysius Daly was born on the 11th of August 6086 SC (1922 CE-AD). His father was Peter Paul Daly and Mary Ann Daly (Nee McLean). Cyril was the 7th boy of 9 boys, the boys (in no particular order) being Vincent, Leo, Keith, Stan, Brian, Kevin, Peter & Frank, and his sisters being Molly and Philomena. Cyril was raised in Sydney in New South Wales in Australia. His first home was in the suburb of Clovelly, in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, on the coast. Cyril served in World War II, but did not see any personal combat himself (fortunately, or I might never have been born). He worked in telecommunications sort of work in World War II. He was a war hero because he served his country against the terror of the Axis trio of Germany, Italy and Japan. After the war Cyril worked in different things, but ended up working for the PMG (Post Masters General) and for Telecom. Cyril worked for the PMG/Telecom area for 38 years. My family still has a painting which was presented to Cyril for his achievement from Telecom. It is a lovely painting of the Yaouk valley. Cyril married Mary Daly (Nee Baker) on the 26th of December 1968 in the Christian Calendar, which in the Haven Noahide Fellowship Calendar we would call the 26th of December 6132 SC. Cyril's ancestry traces back to Noah and he is a Noahide biologically and naturally. Cyril was raised in Roman Catholic faith and believed that Jesus was the Christ and died with this faith. His wife Mary Daly is, as of early 6175 SC, also still a practicing Roman Catholic, yet I (Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly) have been attempting to convert her to Noahide faith to accept Haven Noahide Fellowship.

 I have had dreams of Cyril Daly my father in heaven, and he has a beautiful spirit associated with him. I believe in my heart that my father will live forever in heaven, and that my mother Mary Daly, when she dies, will join him. I am hoping that they will realize the wisdom of the Rainbow Covenant of Noah and realize, as Genesis teaches, that the Rainbow Covenant is an Everlasting Covenant. I have firm faith in my abilities to convert him should I eventually die and go to heaven, so I truly believe that both Cyril and Mary will inevitably become members of Haven Noahide Fellowship once they realize that Jesus was not the Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures and that the Jewish people were correct in realizing this truth and, further, that Christianity displeases God. The Noahide faith is an eternal faith, an everlasting covenant as Scripture maintains, and the Rainbow is a natural and supernatural sign of God’s divine intervention in mankind. The Rainbow Covenant is the family faith of Noah’s children and the Daly’s are most probably descended through Noah’s son Japheth to Nigall of the 9 Hostages, and on through to Peter Paul Daly (Cyril’s father) and to Cyril Aloysius Daly and to myself, Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

 In English Noahide Gematria utilizing Ordinal Equivalents, Cyril equals 67. Daly equals 42. So Cyril Daly is 109. Aloysius is 121. So Cyril Aloysius Daly is 230. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly is 228 in Noahide Gematria Ordinal Equivalents.

Cyril had 5 children – in order of birth, Matthew, Brigid, Daniel, Jacinta and Gregory. His grandchildren in order of birth are. Madalene, Jayden, Georgia, Ronan, Amelia, James & Rachel so far. Madalene, Jayden and Georgia are Brigid’s children through David Bridges. Ronan, Amelia and Rachel are Jacinta’s children through Alan Bradley. James is Gregory’s child through Christie Daly (nee Gonzaga). Cyril died in 2007 in the Christian or Common Era Calendar which would be 6171 SC in the Haven Noahide Fellowship calendar. His funeral Service was well attended. Trish Kirby gave the eulogy for Cyril Daly as she did for my brother Matthew. It was excellent on both occasions.  Cyril liked to take photographs, and we as a family still have many of them. As a family we used to go to Buckenderra in New South Wales, for Telecom Christmas parties. These were wonderful times for the family, and I have good memories of them. I remember some early memories of Cyril and myself in Berridale. I was being cheeky and say Zee instead of Zed. Cyril said if I said Zed he would let me have a biscuit (and I think it might have been a Granita biscuit). I obeyed him, but when I had the biscuit I cheekily said Zee anyway. I was a bit of a devil. I remember another memory being in the verandah of 7 Bent Street in Berridale and saying to dad I will stay up all night with you. I didn’t do that in the end, but the memory is still with me. I remember playing in a box which dad had brought home from Cooma, and then the Goodies came on TV. I played in the box for a while longer, then went inside. I remember the time which dad brought home a clock, and we still have that clock here at 29 Merriman Crescent. One of the hands of the clock is currently unattached, but it can be put back on if it needs to be. The clock was made in Korea. This goes back to the 1970s. I have recently thought the clock might be a bit of a collectable, but the family should really keep the clock forever. I have some photos of my dad Cyril Aloysius Daly and I want to keep them forever.

I remember being up in Sydney recently when Auntie Molly had just turned 100, just before she died, and looking at her I was speaking with my mum Mary and saying, doesn’t she look just like dad, and mum agreed. We went up to Sydney with Gregory and Christie and James I think, and we visited Auntie Shirlie (Uncle Stan Daly’s wife) in Caringbah, were we talked about family things. I saw a picture of my cousin Colin, who looks a lot like my brother Matthew. Coming back from that trip to Sydney we listened to a CD, and I was really enjoying the final song by the Pretender’s (500 Miles) which finished perfectly just as we got back home to 29 Merriman Crescent. I was thinking to myself what a good celtic song to sing. I remember another time with Cyril and the family near Nimmitabel were there was a telecom office, up in the forest. We stayed the night and played Monopoly. It was a lovely memory. I think we might possibly have gone more than once.  I remember many visits to Tathra as a kid with the family. We would collect shells and swim in the ocean and play on the rocks. And I remember a time when in Infants school my mum Mary was chosen to accompany a school visit to Tathra. It was a lovely time for me.  I remember a family visit to Uncle Peter’s in Sydney with the family and there were other uncles there. I made some jokes and I think it was Auntie Pat who said I was clever or something like that. I remember we stayed at Uncle Kevin’s with Auntie Pat’s a lot.

There was this time in 1989 CE when Cyril took me and my friend, whose nickname was noodles, up to Sydney to see the Bon Jovi concert. Me and Noodles were up the back a long way from the stage, but I did see Jon Bon Jovi and the Bon Jovi band in person, even if from a long distance. There were two girls in front of us who we thought were cool. I bought a Bon Jovi T Shirt with a heart on the front of it at that concert, and I remember seeing a guy with a Skid Row T Shirt which I thought was very cool.  Bon Jovi have been one of my favourite bands for a long time. I have listened to the Albums Bon Jovi, 7800 degrees Fahrenheit, Slippery When Wet, New Jersey, Keep the faith, These Days, Crush, Bounce, Have a Nice Day & Lost Highway. Hopefully I will get around to hearing the rest of their albums in due course.  My brother Gregory recently saw Bon Jovi live in Perth with Christie. He said they were good.  I remember listening to Bon Jovi on the radio in Perth when we visited just last year in September, and the song ‘When We Were Beautiful’ was playing, and it was a very touching experience for me.  I have had a number of dreams about Bon Jovi, very cool ones, and I love the band heaps.  I remember when I was younger listening to the Bon Jovi song ‘Bad Medicine’ being played in the Cooma Pinball Parlour. The first Bon Jovi album I owned was a tape copy of ‘Slippery When Wet’ which Damien Asanovsci had given to me. Later on I bought New Jersey on tape and I loved the album after a while. I thought it was not very good on the first listening, apart from Bad Medicine and 99 in the Shade, but after a while I adored the album. There was a time me, Damien Asanovsci and Peter Dradrach were working up at the Jindabyne Trout farm, and I had brought along my tape player and I played Bon Jovi up there. The trout farm was a great place, and I have good memories of my time there. They had a clock, like our current grandfather clock, which you had to pull down the bars to make the clock work.  Damien rolled a Ute on the farm for the short while we were working there, but he didn’t get into too much trouble.  When I got back to Cooma I talked with my family about the time, and I remember the time with Brigid when we talked a bit about it. I think I had a tan when I got back. It was good work, not too hard, but we pinched some drinks a little bit because we were thirsty. But we definitely earned our money, and it was about the first paid job I had. I got a cheque for the work, which I cashed probably at St George, probably in the bank account which I still have. It was a building society in those days, but is now a Bank and has recently merged with Westpac.

My father supported the Eastern Suburbs Roosters Rugby League side, as he was from that part of Sydney. My mother Mary also supports the roosters, and I assume she did so to support her husband's team. Matthew, my brother, initially supported the St George Dragons when he was younger, but supported the Roosters later on in life, perhaps because of Cyril. Dad was quite a placid gentleman of a father, though he occasionally had a temper. He never beat us, though, but did bring out the strap rarely when we were younger and gave us a very mild strapping. There was never anything fierce in Cyril's punishments, and he was an excellent father and very appropriate disciplinarian. Of course, dad enjoyed Classical music, and I do remember us watching 'Amadeus' here at 29 Merriman Crescent a number of years ago. Dad liked comedies like 'The Two Ronnies' and 'Open All Hours', but shared with me once that the 'Porrige' comedy was about criminals, and he had a few issues with the show because of it. Obviously he felt that criminals probably shouldn't be glorified in some way, which likely reflected his understanding of his faith. I think, from memory, mum was possibly a lot more social at church than dad, but I can't really remember for sure. Dad was usually with mum out the front of St Pats after church service, and I guess he probably did talk a lot with the congregation. He went faithfully to church every sunday his whole life and was a very devout Roman Catholic, and prayed the Rosary all the time. He read those mini pamphlets which Catholicism produces quite a lot, but I don't recall a big devotion to the old Bible we had in the family, yet I assume he probably knew it well enough. He was a very competent driver of the family car, and didn't speed ever. In fact, I remember in trips from Berridale and to Cooma as well as Canberra always asking dad to go faster. Fortunately he was wise enough to ignore me. When we moved from Cooma to Canberra, we did the move ourselves (or most of it – details are fuzzy) and me and dad went down a couple of times in the station wagon and filled it up with stuff from 6 Bradley to take it to our new rented home in Kambah. He did a basic load, but I insisted on adding a few more things to fill up the car properly. I think he was mainly concerned with getting beds and things up to Canberra on these trips. I remember one time dad took me and Greg out to the Murrumbidgee river because I had hassled him to do so. I didn't even want to go that badly, and we went to the other section with the large bridge. I jumped off it once, and Greg had done a little bit of swimming, but we didn't stay terribly long that time, and went home. But dad had taken us anyway which was kind of him. Dad kept a lot of notes in notebooks related to his work, a lot of it on jobs and things he did for Telecom, going here and there to fix things up. He seemed a competent enough worker at Telecom, though he didn't terribly highly in the organisation, but he always did his work and worked until retirement age. He was a faithful man to work and his occupation and I look back now very proud of a father who raised his children, saw to their schooling and ensure we never went without. We also had enough toys, entertainment, and although mum was the driving force behind it, we definitely had a good share of holidays. Mum and dad argued from time to time, but the definitely loved each other. The undertook Marriage Encounter weekends with their church, were they developed their relationship with each other. I am extremely grateful to have a father which lasted the distance in his marriage and didn't cop out when the going quite possibly got tough. I will always remember that if and when I get married. Dad had a host of tools and enjoyed gardening. He built our first billy cart, and we learned to build them ourselves later, and he taught us to us hammers and nails and screwdrivers and saws. In the garage he had stacks of boxes of those transistors they used in old telecommunication equipment. There were all sorts of odds and ends in the garage, and much of our youth, especially in Cooma, was tinkering around with this or that. He made a little phone system for us in Cooma, which was a wire running between two boxes, were you could speak in one end and hear in the other. It was loads of fun as kids.

A lot of the family holidays were along the NSW south coast. When we were younger the family went to Tathra beach a lot, and I remember coming home sunburnt a heck of a lot. Dad and mum didn't go in the water to swim with us terribly much, and usually stayed up on the beach on the towels. But they might walk in the ripples with us a little, but not usually swim. Sometimes there were exceptions to this, but the norm was for them to stay on the sand as we went swimming or off to the rock pools to collect shells and cuttlefish and things. A holiday home in Terrigal in Gosford was visited a bit, but as we got older we went to Milton near Ulladulla a couple of times I think. Dad was usually the quieter one, driving the car, and talking with mum, while we kids were snapped at not to do this and that by mum an awful lot, and played and had our fun. Dad occasionally played cricket with us over the years, in the back yard at Berridale and Cooma, and here and there, but this diminished, naturally, as he got older. He was an indoors man a lot of the time, but he loved to tinker around in the garage and do things in there. Dad once taught me the secret of batting was to keep your eye on the ball, which I think he learned from Don Bradman's teaching on the issue. I think – I might be mistaken – but he also said the Don usually hit the ball along the ground a lot and was not caught out much because of it. Dad's book collection (which we still own) was mostly scientific technical sort of books, and he had a lot of work related Telecom manuals on hand. In many ways Matt took on dad's stylings in this department, as Matt kept his electronics studies material, and kept his notes and things, and is reminiscent of Cyril in many ways on these things. Matt liked to collect cables and cords and little electronic knick-knacks of various types, and gadgets and things, and I think a lot of that is Cyril's type of behaviour as well. I have probably inherited Cyril's religious genes, being very religious like he was, while Greg has probably got more of Dad's studious type of mentality and his academic scholasticism. It is sort of like Cyril's qualities were divided up among his sons. Dad had an old desk, which is still sitting her in this front room at 29 merriman were I am typing, and a lot of his notes and things are still in files in the desk, untouched by mum for the most part. If he came back from the dead today he could resume his life to a fair degree, and Matt also. The Camera dad have, Matthew seemed to have inherited, but I have it now, in the wooden cupboard in my room which had belonged to Matthew. I moved into Matt's room recently just before Greg got here again recently, and have settled into it. Naturally, we have turfed a whole lot of Matt's studied paperwork now, because nobody in the family really needs it, and its mostly just clutter now. There are many things for both dad and matt that we have retained, though, mostly the important and essential memorabilia of their lives. We still have dad's projector and his films, and Greg got it up and running a couple of years back, but it mostly sits in the closet now, as mum is starting to get on in life, and nobody in the family has much of an interest in those things. Jacinta seems to have a desire – or something mum said relating to that – to own the projector and films, so they will probably go to her one of these days. I will likely inherit dad and matt's book collection and mum is leaving me her book collection also when she eventually passes on. I do have a scrapbook of my father's of movie promo newspaper articles which dad cut out and pasted into the book. It is one of the permanent pieces from dad that I will keep forever. All his photos are still in the cupboard in the room connected to this one, and it looks like they will just sit there until mum passes, at which point I intend to get copies of them all from all the negatives the family still retains of them. There is a photo of dad and mum's wedding right beside me on the wall here in the lounge room and mum has her marriage certificate faithfully on the wall near her bed. Many things have changed since dad's passing (and Matt's also) but many things remain just the same. James, Greg's boy, is getting older, and he reminds me of Cyril in many ways. Soft like dad, and gentle, and of good manners. Mum says he is not close to her at times and feels at a distance somewhat from him, but he opens up to me all the time when he is around and we get along really well. James Daly is an awesome kid and I am very proud of Greg and Christie for producing him. I love him heaps. James full name is James Adelino Cyril Daly, and he takes his middle names from both his grandfathers. He is in Perth at the moment with his mum Christie and they are living at Christie's parents place in Forrestfield, while the home is being rented out, as the family tries to resolve its living situation and work situation. Greg's work at Centrelink is on a contract, and if that ends and he doesn't get alternative work, he will probably go back to Perth, but time will tell either way. As far as I understand it Christie still works at Medicare in Perth, so the family has two incomes at the moment. I am sure they will resolve their challenges in life in time. In latter years, when dad's parkinson's disease became quite prevalent in his life, he was on a wheelchair to get him around a lot of the time, and had become quite a frail old man and of soft speech. It was challenging to talk to him because he was very frail, but things could be said when necessary. We had a lot of carers who helped take care of dad, and they were good for the family and I miss some of them somewhat – without that help it could have been a real challenge taking care of dad. When Matt died, my sister Brigid started going back to the Catholic Church regularly, and now goes each sunday to the church mum goes to, Holy Family church in Corpus Christ parish. That was dad's church in his Macarthur years, and I attended there regularly briefly for a few months in my early 20s when I returned to Christian faith, although after that I went off to Pentecostalism. But Brigid goes regulalry now, and seems to have become somewhat faithful in the way and example mum and dad always set, and mum still does. If it was still my religion I would be going every Sunday myself and, knowing me, all the weekday services as well. Because there are no real believers in my faith in my community here in Canberra I have to do all my religious observances on my own, but I would definitely be very regular in a church if I was still a Christian. So, instead, I read the bible a lot and pray a lot and do things online. It is how I keep my faith and, perhaps many ways, how I walk in the religious tradition of my parents and those before them. The religion may have changed, but the tradition of fidelity to God and King remains the same. I think, of all the things Cyril Daly instilled in his children, it was most definitely a strong religious observance of going to religious assembly and honouring God. Perhaps more than anything else vital to a soul, dad instilled that in us, which gave us so much potential for have a relationship with God and knowing his salvation that, when it all comes down to it, without that in your life, what really matters that much anyway? Thank God dad and Mum care a lot about that issue as far as I am concerned, and will always be grateful for what knowledge of God they did in fact impart to the life of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly.

One of the big things for us as kids was the yearly trip to Buckenderra on Lake Eucumbene for the annual Telecom Christmas party. Dad drove us there and the whole family went, fitting into the station wagon, all 7 of us, some of the kids in the boot, were I usually was, as we drove out to the four mile and took the off-road up towards Adaminaby and up to Lake Eucumbene. We would get things like cans of soft drink for free and I think there were always things like potato crisps and there was usually a barbecue with sausage rolls and probably steaks with fried onions. Dad would have obviously caught up with his workmates at such a gathering, and mum was incessantly mingling with all the people she came along in life anyway. We would have a rug or something, were mum and dad would sleep, and we might play along the shore of Lake Eucumbene, notice the birdshit from the seagulls I think (possibly), but the thrill of the day was when some old chum showed up in a Santa suit and gave all the kids presents. It sure made our day. When the day ended it was a long drive home, but there were lots of long drives home in those early years, especially back from Canberra. That is part of my deepest and fondest memories, the drive in the station wagon home from Canberra at evening after we had done our business in Canberra for the day, and I am sure dad and mum have memories of fondness from those times as well. I remember getting lost in what, I now remember as, the Canberra Centre when we were kids. It gave me bad memories for years, and I was delighted when dad walked past and out the entrance and me and Greg went and chased after him. I don't think dad had even noticed me and Greg had disappeared. Some of the big memories of our trips to Canberra were seeing the giant red golf ball at the golf course in Narrabundah (I think) just near Symonston. We didn't travel through Tuggeranong in those days to come to Canberra, but up the Monaro and past Fyshwick into Manuka, which is were we usually first got into Canberra from. Mum and Dad liked to shop in a Catholic bookstore called 'Pellegrinis' in Manuka in those days, and we went occasionally to a catholic outlet just across the road from St Christopher's cathedral in Manuka. Early childhood is a lot of memories of us going to this or that Catholic place or church or organisation, especially Vinnies in Cooma were dad did volunteer work and mum as well from time to time. I even did a little volunteering there myself on just a few occasions. That was dad's religion and that was dad's faith, and it kept his life very busy and was probably his biggest thing in life, looking back, apart from his work and things. Dad usually watched TV with us, and the family was usually around the TV set in the 80s for the Friday Night and Saturday Night movies which were a big deal for us as kids. We got a VCR as a family some time in the mid 80s and then movies became a more and more common thing, but they were pretty big news before that for us as a family in the earlier 80s, and TV was what we had and watched. I think our TV was a rental back than, but we owned later on and, as a lot of people can relate, they tended to proliferate in the household when they became more affordable. Ironically, these days it is not so much the fuss of paying for the TV, but paying for someone to take the damn old tube one away. In fact, life tends to accumulate a lot of crap in the average Aussie household I think these days and as your family grows in age and wealth it is more of a matter of where I am going to put the damned new things I have gotten. We're not exactly hoarders as a family, but we hardly need anything new these days. Almost more of a recycling thing really, with out with the old and in with the new, and sometimes it doesn't even have to be that old before we let go of it. Just the way of the world at the moment. Dad, in younger years, would have been more used to toasters that you toast one side at a time and then open the lids, turn the bread around, and toast the other side. I could imagine that would have been exactly what he had. But later on, like kettles and things, they became more elaborate. Obviously dad, being born in 1922 and dying in 2007 lived through a turbulent time of not only conflicts, but vast technological change as well. He probably would have seen the advent of TV and Computers and probably got something of a concept of the Internet, even though he was a bit old and out of touch by the time it was starting to really emerge. Dad was never a PC Computer man at home, dabbling with older technologies like 70s calculators and telephones of his era and things, but he is the kind of man who would have been had they been around in his generation. Quite possibly would have been an IT man if he was born in later generations. Amongst his old letters and work envelopes and things he had a lot of letters with 'O.H.M.S' on them, which I think were related to his time in Post Master's General. He worked in various places, and of course working up in the snow a lot of time during the Snowy Mountains Scheme years, though mum tells me now that he didn't actually work on the scheme itself, but did work up there during the time-frame. Ironically the Snowy TV mini series from the 90s I think it was, was set in Cooma, but it wasn't actually Cooma were they filmed because all the places were different. Dad enjoyed his TV, and watched a lot of it in Canberra years in retirement. He lived a quiet enough life I guess for the most part, and wasn't given to going on a huge number of trips personally, though he went with mum a lot. In latter years Greg and Mum and me and Matt and Dad would travel a lot here and there around the Canberra region on various trips with dad, getting him in and out of his chair and helping him to get along. Really, despite dad's frailty, they were enjoyable times, and in many ways the best years of my life. A lot of that was the early 2000s before dad died in 2007, and I hope dad enjoyed those years, despite his frail condition. One trip was out to the tracking station in Tidbinbilla, and I remember pushing dad along in his wheelchair, and pointing out the big dishes to him which he enjoyed looking at. Dad's sort of stuff, really. They were good times, those years. Really, quite good times. I was young in my Noahide faith, but happy with it, and I enjoyed my life with my family, and was, even though I might not have expressed it, very happy to be part of a family with a good father at the head. Since then, life has become gradually a bit more sedate, and I think that will go on for some more time yet, but I sense change is coming one day, and a more interactive life will start happening for Daniel Daly again. Not yet, but I'll get there. Naturally, dad had incontinence problems in later years, and the carers did great work, as did mum, in taking care of him properly. Dad WAS taken care of very well in his latter years. He had an active life, despite his frail condition, and mum was a wonderful lady to stand so dutifully by her husband and ensure he had the best of care for him in his latter years. He deserved it as well, and I have very fond memories of our final years together.

The holiday to Victoria in the 1980s was probably our biggest family holiday as kids. Dad rented a fold down caravan which we towed behind us, and we stayed in that on our journeys. We stayed at places like Creswick caravan park, and visited the Dinosaur park there, and some other places as well. Bendigo was visited as well as Ballarat, were we went to Sovereign Hill, the old Gold Mines. Dad did all the driving in those days (mum never got a license) and Dad would always sit in the driver's seat with mum nearly every time in the seat alongside him. In latter years there may have been some minor exceptions to this rule, but none that I can recall from memory. Dad always took care of the oil for the car and I remember often him testing the oil level for the car in his mechanics of taking care of the car. He probably did this a lot on our Victorian holiday, and one thing we did a lot on such trips was play a lot of cards. Dad liked Euchre, but mum liked Rummy. As little kids we played snap and fish a lot, but moved on from that in later years. Like the Milton trips in the holiday home we stayed in, we were very together as a family, and lived in each other's company constantly. Nothing escaped mum's notice, and she always ensured we had clean clothing and looked our best. The number of times she probably combed my hair when I was young would have been numerous. Dad himself was not an overly affectionate father when it came right down to it. He was in his very old age, a very kind and loving old man, who was probably doing his very best then to show proper love to his family. But mostly growing up he was a caring and thoughtful father, perhaps a little distant from the kids as they grew, but always responsible with them. I was a lot closer to my mother Mary in those years, and always have been closest to my mum of all people, generally, and Dad and I didn't talk a huge amount over my life, but when I was quite young he was definitely daddy who took care of us all. In the latter teens, though, I would hardly have cared very much, more concentrating on my gang friends from the arcade. In the early years in Canberra in the 1990s I probably talked to dad a little bit more about things, but I was mostly in my own world in those days, lost in depression and heavy metal, and didn't really have time for anyone really. But Dad would take me places, and he helped me out when I needed to go to job interviews and things by driving me there. I remember specifically a telemarketers job in Fyshwick he took me for, though I didn't really bother to try and get the job properly, mainly a requirement fulfilled on my job diary to get my next payment from social security, because I really wanted to just go to CIT in a few months from then anyway, and was just bullshitting about looking for work. I would simply ring up those ads which had jobs with phone numbers, ask if they had filled them, which they usually had, and asked them to take my details, so that I could put that on my job diary. Really, though, I just wanted to study at CIT, so didn't care at that stage. But If I had ever been offered a job I would have taken it – it just never happened because I had no real experience or qualifications. For those years in the early 90s I only talked to Dad, and ignored mum completely for 5 years, not talking to her at all except once on the phone when I had to, because I was ringing to get dad to pick me up from southside TAFE. I don't really recall much of what I probably talked to dad about in those days. He was in retirement, and spent most of the time at home with mum, probably watching a lot of TV and just pottering around the house. Though the Parkinsons sort of came in around then some time, and things were starting to be noticed on shakings and things. In the mid 90s, after my crisis, I disappeared off to various group houses and flats of my own for about 4 to 5 years, and I didn't visit home a huge amount in those years. But I did drop in from time to time, and occasionally stayed there in between moves and things. I was taught judgementalism of Catholicism by many of the Pentecostals I ran with at the time, which went to my head a bit, but later on in Noahidism all that nonsense gradually died away. It was nothing but protestant hype and winging as far as I am concerned, and did not relate to the real world and the actual way catholics did in fact live their life. Just bullshit from pride-filled biblical zealots who really thought their biblical devotions and works made them something special. A load of cobblers as far as I am concerned now, but I do give them a break because they are studious of the bible and do maintain good moral standards as people, even though irrationally judgemental. My friends Chris White and Paul Saberton are still pumped up on that hype, and I don't really rebuke them on it, as they just argue biblically ideas from revelation and, from experience, I am just wasting my breath to differ with them anyway. They don't really care about the facts of the situation, and follow 'Two Babylons' ideas of Hyslop wether he proved his case or not. But Chris and Paul are kind and loving people, just stuffed up with biblical zealotry as far as I am concerned. In many ways Paul is very grounded, but he needs to live in the real world for a time. Dad, on the other hand, lived in the real world his whole life, as did mum, and had a far more universal approach and understanding on life, much akin to the way Catholicism which means universal, likes to operate. I had a good grounding growing up, got into pentecostalism and saw the point some of them were driving at with various passages of scripture, but they push it to the extreme, and are not really in touch that much with the real world, nor try to be. The Devil's playground as far as many of the zealot pentecostals are concerned. God love em. Someone has to. Dad never really spoke to me about protestant christians, although Luther was mentioned a little bit as well as King Henry starting the Anglican church, but Mum and Dad didn't really say much about the other churches or worry about them much, although mum did say to me occasionally that if she hadn't been a catholic she would have been in the Salvation Army. Perhaps that says a lot. I found out, from conversations later, that dad did know passages in his bible well enough, and knew some standard catholic interpretations of some passages on philippians I was discussing with him one time in his old frailty. He knew how to answer as well according to his faith and saw his point, though I still disagree with his earthly views (whatever he believes now I don't know, because I hope he is in heaven) that the New Testament or the early church ever taught the Trinity. But obviously the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is what Cyril Daly solidly believed in all his life most likely. Parents and children don't always agree, but they should always love each other, and I think we managed that well enough when all is said and done.

In the Macarthur years dad became gradually older and older and, by the time I was finally starting to grow up and learn about people and loving them and respecting them, he had become a very old man, beset with Parkinson's, who was sometimes difficult to communicate with properly. Oh, we talked from time to time over the years, but in some ways I never really got the opportunity to know him well enough, which is possibly because of the big distance in age between us. Yet I have always respected my father, and really do miss him a lot. I continue to pray for him quite regularly now, as I do for others of my family in heaven. I hope to meet them when this earthly life of mine passes, and catch up a lot and really have a good old yarn with the old man about life and everything 'Daly'. Really, everyone has the best dad in the world, but mine is VERY suitable for Daniel Daly, and I would never consider trading him, nor my mum either. I admire them and respect them, and while we may have different faiths, I know they take God very seriously. I am proud of my parents. I love them both, very deeply, and need them forever in my life, and pray to God they will always be there.

Dad had tools in his tool boxes and out in the carport shed we have 2 metal cabinets full of odds and ends and things. Dad was no great organizer of things, but neither was he disorganized. Mostly a regular type of guy who would usually put things back in their right place, and with things like drill bits and pieces he would never leave them out but ensure they were packed away responsibly, like he did for all his tools. It's just that on the shelves were he put things they wouldn't necessarily always go into the same place. But they were always packed away appropriately. We still have as of today lots of wires and cables and all his tools and things, all out in the carport, and since by brother Matthew passed on last year, that stuff is basically left to me and perhaps Greg, who I doubt will be terribly fussed over it. But there are a lot of memories in those old things, and some times I sit out in the carport, even now in winter, just to be out of the house and feeling busy, even if I am just sitting there. All things considered, dad was an all round sort of a guy, with a blokey sort of aspect to him, but also a very academic one also. His work reflected that, being a technician for Telecom. His mind, like my brother Gregory's, was very mathematical and scientifice and while I myself have abilities in these areas, I am clearly stronger on things like Literature and Religion than Gregory, while he is stronger on Economics and Maths and Science, and we have about the same talent at music. It's not that we don't have the others strengths, its just that we don't pursue them a great deal. For example, Greg has written some fiction, but doesn't pursue it. Like I have said, it's like each of the 3 of Cyril's boys got a different share of his own qualities. Remembering back to Cooma years, I can't see Dad in my head a huge amount, but he was doing things often like mowing the lawn and having cups of tea with mum and guests and driving us to church and things. He watched TV regularly with the family, and we as a family watched a lot of Friday night and Saturday night movies together back in the 80s. In Canberra years, in his retirement, TV was a strong reality of his life. He did read books, and we have a family library full of various tomes, and he would often be looking at a book on Ireland or some such subject, and then he would be getting fed his dinner for, with his ongoing parkinsons problems, he faded away gradually with older age. He would laugh at the simpsons, in which he appreciated the sarcasm, but he had limits in what he thought was appropriate TV. Strangely, when I probably should have talked to him the most, coming into my 20s, I was living out of home in pentecostal group houses, and, by the time I should have been getting to know my dad, it seemed he had become too old, and too frail, and the mind, while it was there, couldn't get past the body so easily. We didn't have any great intellectual conversations in our life, as we didn't talk on any great subjects at all hardly, but there was an odd chat about religion later on, when I was Pentecostal. I am now wise enough to know that it didn't really matter who was right and wrong on that issue, as Dad kept Catholic faith perfectly well as any Pentecostal kept biblical faith. Dad went to church every sunday, but I never really saw him reading the bible as such. It wasn't his thing. Instead it was sunday missals and newsletters and booklets on catholicism, rather than a great scriptural devotion although I do know that he had read the thing. Later on, as he got frail, he still insisted on trying to confess his sins to a priest, and mum got a priest around from time to time, and he confessed, but she said to him he was so old and that God didn't need to hear them. She was probably right for the old man. The wheelchair was the main thing for his older age, and we pushed him all over the place and around various places on outings here and there, especially down to Cooma and Chakola and places like that. Dad was merciful man, and he had great love for his children's wellbeing. I know he hoped that Matt would get married one day, for I remember him reflecting on some of my words on the subject, and I bought my brother a ring recently, and sacrificed it to heaven, like I did for 3 of my uncles, just in case they need them, you know. For I have heard you might just need to own a ring if you want to propose later on in the heavenlies, and they are not that easy to come by. Dad loved us all, and prayed for us regularly, and I continue to pray for all members of the family also, using psalms especially, for all of us, praying regularly throughout the year for all the members of our family and extended family and friends also. I really do miss dad quite a lot now, and really look forward to seeing him again when I pass on one day. He was the foundation of my life, and his example on decency and responsibility will always be part of my cherished memories for my old man. I guess, if I was asked to describe my dad in 1 word, I would use the word 'quiet' to describe Cyril Aloysius Daly. He was certainly conservative and faithful and loving and kind, and a lot of other virtues as well, but he was more than anything else 'Gentle' and above that 'Quiet'. He was not a ruffian of a man, had a calm demeanour, the quiet type of guy, who worked carefully and with fidelity to get the job done, and didn't spend an eternity bragging about it later. He was a wonderful old fella.

Various tools dad owned included hammers, saws, hacksaw blade, screwdrivers of various kinds, drills and drill bits including a manual hand rotating one, digging fork, digging spade, pick, axes, block buster's, ladders, trailers, lots of various nuts and bolts in jars, plenty of nails, files, whetting stone, alan keys, pliars, wrenches, spanners, cutters, electric sander and all sorts of other things, and bits and pieces of things, especially electronic things. In his desk he had things like hundreds of staples and pens and pins and safety pins and things. We still have the desk, which we got when he was in Cooma, and mum uses it now. I think some of his old files are still in there, and the photographic equipment is still there, the really old stuff. When he worked at the brick Telecom building in Cooma, I would often visit after school or sometimes on Saturdays for a little while when he brought me and often Greg and Matt in. I would wander around the big electronic boards full of wiring, or type away at a writer thing dad said I could write on, or drink water from the water fountain, which I just about always did. Dad usually sat quietly in the partitioned off mini-office area in the main section of the building, were he did his thing, and I always liked looking at the cool electronic calculator he kept from the 1970s. Matt inherited that calculator, but its gone now. Dad would discipline us as kids, but he never got really angry, or very rarely with us, even though we were a brat pack of kids. It all worked out as we got older though and the family stuck together through thick and thin. I am sure he learned how to raise children as a work in progress just as much as anything he he had learned from a book or his own family experiences, but I think, looking back, he did a pretty good job at it. Mum and him took to the task with responsibility and almost expertise. Mum had been a nanny in England, and had some training looking after children, so she always knew when we could have a break and when we had to be disciplined, and looking back I feel they usually worked together as a team to resolve the various problems which cropped up. It seems they likely always talked about it to resolve the issues, and while mum usually directed us in what was to be done, it seemed everything was talked over with Cyril beforehand. They worked together well as a team raising children, and despite the difficulties and challenges, I think the world of them both for the wisdom they were able to impart, more from their examples than anything else. If and when I have children of my own one day, I know the kind of responsiblities I will be entrusted to and, because of mum and dad, the kind of ways and lessons I know to be able to handle them. I guess, if I really have a problem with Cyril Daly, is that he has passed on, now, when I am at the kind of age which wants to chat with dad and ask him questions about life and really develop a good friendship. For so much of my life it was Daniel-centric vision, but I am starting to get over myself and see the rest of the world, and I really do wish I'd had another decade or so with my old man, just to nut out his wisdom on life, and to have a drink of beer with him, and uncle Kevin, and chat about the war and the cricket and old grandpa Peter Paul and life in general. Yes, if I have one complaint, is that, even though he lived to 84, he was gone to soon for this son of a gun. But life decides when, and I thank God our final time together was a blessing, and that he died in peace, content in a good home with a good family. He's buried at Queanbeyan lawn cemetry, with Matt now on top of him, and just the other day mum paid for another plot, which can have someone placed on top of it as well, which is for herself and myself when I finally pass on. It's not the same column going along, but it is in the same row I think, and we are not far from Dad and Matt. It's all paid for and the family knows so, when I rest in peace myself, I won't be too far from the man who gave me life in the first place. And that must be a good thing.

There was one time in Cooma, when I made a gate between the house and the garage (the shed). We had what was probably the side of an old cot or something, and I used bolts or fasteners of some kind and then, finding a chain which would support it, connected it to the house so that it swung as a gate. It lasted a few years or so, and I was proud of it and, from memory, I think dad paid me some money for doing the job although I never asked for the money. There was another time when I cleaned out the garage voluntarily, not thinking of money, organising everything and putting it all neatly away, and dad paid me for that as well. But when I had put a lot of comics on the account at the newsagency, even though I wasn't supposed to, mum and dad allowed me to do some chores to pay them off a bit. I think I probably overcharged them for the work I did, but I did do a number of chores to work it off, and they left it at that, and didn't hassle me about it. Of course, they probably knew I pinched a fair few pennies from mum's purse, but it was always grace which covered it. They didn't judge me too harshly. They were merciful and forgiving parents. I look back now and realize that dad had a caring heart, and he rewarded work and effort we did for the family. They were occasions I did think voluntarily for the most part, not expecting payment, but they paid me anyway. It was very kind of them, especially with 5 kids and what must have been a tight budget as mum stayed home looking after us all. I never went without clothes and food, though clothes had initially been hand me downs from Matt when I was a bit younger and he was still bigger than me. We got new shoes pretty regularly, and I was always in my school clothes, and they were always clean and washed and ready for school. The lunches were predominantly sandwiches, but some times we had lunch orders from the canteen, which were always my favourite days. They obviously did well balancing the family budget, and we had many regular holidays, looking back in fact it seemed we were always away some where doing this and that. There were a lot of coast trips, especially Terrigal and Tathra, and numerous visits to the Newmerella river and the Murrumbidgee, but we went to other places as well. Mum was usually the instigator in getting us out and about, and she said she often had to push dad to get us out somewhere, but he never really complained, and let mum handle the organising of those things, but, like he said, he was always there with us, and he watched over us as a responsible parent ought to do. With a moderate sized catholic family, they obviously budgeted well, and with his superannuation payout he was able to pay back his brothers for some of the money we got on house loans to buy the families first homes. When we moved to Canberra, we went into a payback interest only loan for many years from our bank, for the Macarthur house, but that was all finally paid off last year, and Cyril can attest to having afforded the family a Canberra home, largely through his own fidelity to his work. A responsible man, who provided properly for his family's needs – if anything else, that is an enduring legacy of the life of Cyril Aloysius Daly, as much a positive and good witness as any family man can hope to attain. He drove us everywhere, and he would even come and pick me up from Peter Dradrach's down town in the later 80s, after I had been at the Games Arcade or playing cricket at the Rotary oval nets in cooma, and he didn't need to do that, as I usually walked home from these things, but he did do it from time to time anyway, as he had done earlier on picking me up from Andrew Pighins house in Cooma West after work, as I went there after school. He never once roused at me for doing this from memory, never complained to me that I was too much of a problem, and always treated me with care and respect, and was a greatly caring father because of it. One of the things I felt later on in life is that he never really taught me any great moral lessons of the family as it where, but he did give me 16 years in Catholic church every Sunday, and his silent witness, retrospectively, is more than enough now for me to learn from his example of the Godly father and parent he was to me. He was a great dad, and I will always look fondly on how he did raise us, for I am well experienced now in how many parents of especially latter generations can fail so readily on these challenges of life. Good on you dad.

In 1967 dad was living in Jindabyne with a friend, working for PMG/Telecom, and he went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes in France were he met mum and a lady called Maeve. He had an interest in Maeve, but nothing ever eventuated, but he also met mum and the became friends. He returned home, and mum returned home to Hull, were she was staying the Presbytery of St Stephens at the time, looking after a priest, and dad corresponded with mum. He eventually proposed in a letter, and she said no initially, but after a while she said yes, and he came over to England and married her in 1968. They came to live in Jindabyne then, were they stayed, although they lived for a brief while in Braidwood. Matthew and Brigid were born while the family was living in Jindabyne, but then they moved to Berridale in early 1972 (I think) and I was born later on that year on the 20th of November back in Hull, because mum wanted to go home to have help from Grandma with the birth and early times of the new baby. In Berridale one of the friends of dad (who I remember) was Joe Scotland, who lived up the road in a more southern area of Berridale. The Luchetta's and the Lindstroms were good friends in the Berridale years, and I still remember the Berridale Catholic church intimately and the statues which were for a while kept in a vault in the ceiling. The church has a bell tower which is still there today, and Berridale is much the same as it was then, still around the same size and population and housing. Of course, next door to us in 7 Bent Street in Berridale was the Anglican church presbytery, with the Anglican Church at the end of Bent street. Dad would take the trip into Cooma each day to work at the Telecom building in Cooma, and while there had been options of buying a house in Jindabyne, they eventually bought 6 Bradley street in Cooma in the late 1970s/Early1980s, and the whole family moved into town. As I have said previously, the Berridale house had a double garage, and we kept chickens and had a dog called Toby (which disappeared one day) who was a little terrier, and had all our early adventures tromping around Berridale town. There was a tennis court across the road (a variant of which features in one of my 'Harvest' stories in the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny), but we never played on the court, and I wasn't sure if it was private or the town courts. Mum was really the centre of my world in those years, but dad was too, and we were a close-knit family who did our thing, and it was one of those lucky idyllic childhoods, before the schooling years began, and a harder world started becoming known. I think, in many ways, in such a small town, I was shielded from some of the harsher elements in life, for it was an idyllic little town, with beautiful summers, were everything was fascinating and interesting in the town, especially the weird bugs in the back yard which were native (it seems) to the region, and with the pool and the cannon in the park and Anzac day marches dad marched in each year, and plenty of brothers and sisters, and wonderful christmases were pillow cases were full of presents, filled a young life with imagination and happiness and very good times. But school started in the late 70s, and the boys at St Pats were tough, and I wasn't quite ready for the real world I soon found myself in. But, regardless of all that, there was a firm and protective hand from Cyril Daly on his family, watching over us, making the right decisions for us, and as when we came to Canberr in 1990, the move to Cooma in 1980 seemed like a progression of sorts, and in hindsight, the wisdom of God to lead us on to bigger and better things. Even if those things had a whole host of new challenges associated with them. I think dad probably liked Jindabyne and Berridale, for he worked all over the snowy mountains region with his work, and in Cooma he was living a life in a town he was well used to after his earlier years in the Sydney region of his youth. As I have said, dad didn't seem to attract a lot of personal friends to home very much, mostly friends of what I would call the family, but he was always at church each Sunday, and it seems, now, looking back, his friends and colleagues of the church were the main part of his life, especially the workmates at St Vinnies were he worked in various capacities, and were mum occasionally did some volunteer work sorting clothes and things into the various bins. St Vinnies used to be on Sharp Street, but moved to its current location on Vale Street back then, and so much of my childhood memories are of entering the store and asking mum 'Can I have this? Can I have this?' We'd get a lot of stuff we wanted, but not every single time, and we always had nice toys and things to play around with from the charity. Even now I shop very regularly at Vinnies here in Tuggeranong especially, and while I am no longer a Roman Catholic, if I were, I could imagine I would be heavily involved with such an organisation. The main friends of the family in Cooma years were The Collins across the street, who also were Catholic, and the Bryants and the Torley's. The Bryants and the Torleys are still part of our lives, and we see Gerard and his family now every now and again, who live in Theodore, down south in Tuggeranong. Jill Torley is a long friend of the family, but she is now in Western Australia, yet sends regular correspondence and cards and things to members of the family. Dad got along well, mainly it seems, with these sorts of people as his company for they were regular guests in our household, and, looking back, while he had a rare beer at home, he was not the kind of guy who ever really went out drinking with his mates at the pub. It wasn't part of dad's makeup. Oh, I am sure there was the odd beer at a pub with a co Telecom worker now and again, but I never once remember him going off to get pissed, as it wasn't part of his makeup. He was always a sober man, and for that I am eternally grateful for his good example.

I was talking with Auntie Shirlie, Uncle Stan Daly's wife, about dad. She is quite old now, and her memory is not what it used to be, but she had some comments on dad. Like I said above, she found him a 'Quiet' man. But she added, in her own words, that he was 'Strange', in the way he would come to dinner with them, and pick at his meal (which was good food) and be very quiet. I kind of feel, thinking about this, it is sort of were myself, Gregory and Matthew, and even little James (Greg's boy) get a lot of our quirky natures. Dad took lots of photographs and was a scientific and rationale sort of man, but from memory he seemed to express creationism as his viewpoint on origins as opposed to evolution, so from my perspective he really was a sound thinker on a lot of things. But I can see, from Shirlies statements, were I may get some of my schizophrenia and odd ways about myself also. Dad had parkinson's in later years, which is a lack of dopamine in the brain, wereas with my psychosis I get too much of that stuff, but it sort of reflects that kind of person who often has those academic qualities associated with him or her, who also has a gifted mind and often odd quirks which people notice about the character. Very often these are quite religious people, for from my own personal experiences there are a lot of very religious people in mental health circles. Maybe it was something in Dad's DNA, or maybe it was lot more of his strict parenting from an old catholic man who, from Auntie Shirlies own words today, was quite a domineering personality, but dad was a strictly disciplined man in many ways, and very religious himself on his Catholicism, so had those often different to society aspects of his life which mark him out as different in some ways. Hopefully special ways. Dad was bright and intelligent, and his religion and occupations throughout life were a vehicle through which he could express that quiet mind and quiet thoughts, and I assume he was mostly a happy enough spiritual soul, who had a deep appreciation of his faith, and likely a strong respect and devotion to God. We went to church every single Sunday as a family, and dad was very religious about this. My sister Brigid, since Matt's death last year, now goes regularly to church as well, at Corpus Christi were mum goes and, if I had remained Catholic, the new devotion to God I found again in my early 20s would have been leading me in a very similar pathway of dad and my uncles and grandparents catholic devotion. But I found the oldest covenant, and focus my energies on Noahide faith. But I am equally as serious about my old man on religion, and have learned to appreciate Catholic faith more so now, seeing it as a development from Judaism in many ways, and dad will not find me at all slack in my prayers or biblical devotions or writings and discourse on the faith of God Almighty. I believe I have kept the family faith, and while I can't call Jesus Christ or God, I accept him still on a personal human level as a teacher of Gospel truths, and Torah, my new foundation, is eternal in my heart, the rainbow enduring from my and dad's ancient ancestor, Noah himself. I have an older faith, dad, I will tell him. Older than even old Abraham's. Hope that is good enough for you old man, but yes I am damn serious about devotion to El Shaddai as well. Yes, dad had a lot of devotion to religion, to put it bluntly, so if you actually knew him, you would know that I was raised in a very religious household, not really a fundamentalist one in attitudes, probably more in touch with a mainstream focus in society, but definitely one which accepted religion at its heart, and took God seriously when it was time for Church and Godly devotion. Mum calls herself a conservative liberal, and I think that sums up a lot of our own family's way of doing things spiritually. We take it seriously, but are not TOO dogmatic, and we can live and let live and get along with the world well enough as well. We are a grounded family, easy to get along with, generally humble and quiet and serious kind of people, but we can enjoy a good laugh like the next fellow. Yes, dad laughed a lot, and enjoyed comedies on TV, especially Dad's Army and the Two Ronnies, but even some of the more modern comedies in his older age he could have a bit of a chuckle about. As I have said, there were limits, but we are a godly family and, despite our flaws, or perhaps in spite of our flaws, we feel we give a good witness for the faith of monotheism.

Dad liked to watch movies of his era. I have a scrapbook of dad's filled with cutouts (usually from a Catholic newspaper) on old movies of the glory days of Hollywood, which he cut out and stuck into the scrapbook. He took films and had a projector (which is still in the family with a lot of his old films). He was a photographer as well, and this seemed to have been his main hobby or pastime for his life. We have lots of dad's old books on film and photography, and this is one of the legacies he has left his offspring. I remember as a kid I also had a scrapbook (an old notebook of dad's) were I took cutouts of footrot flats cartoons from the papers and pasted them in. I guess I may naturally have followed in dad's way of doing things. He liked the Marx brothers and Laurel and Hardy and things of that era quite a lot, and I remember watching 'Duck Soup' by the Marx Brothers with dad in latter times. He was an older man when he had me (mid 40s) and I always seem to remember dad being an older sort of man, a little distant in some ways, from an older era. He was conservative, and didn't meet my potential expectations I guess from school that dad's be with it and have mates they drank with and stuff like that. He was too old for that, in reality, and from a more conservative world. It is just the way it was, and I guess I didn't always connect with him in some ways because of it. A little bit distant in some ways. But his dad was in his mid 40s when he had Cyril as well, and it's like a very old generation gap separates us all. A different culture and experience of world events, a different appreciation for the struggles in life, because while I have now certainly had my own struggles, I never really saw war as a nation, or depression (which dad would have seen in his youth) or challenges like that. He would have really known the difficulties in life, and probably worked hard to shield us from those things because of it. I have grown up in Australia in a prosperous era, where recession has been the main challenge of the early 1990s, but with strong government support for welfare and social initiatives. I haven't had the challenges of life dad had in his own era, and I perhaps take a lot for granted because of it. The world turned many times over dad's life, living through the 20th century and some of the 21st. He would have seen technologies come and go and new things would have been a constant part of his experiences. He was a technical man, and in Telecom worked with emerging technologies, but its ironic that, something recent like 'Telex' is now replaced, and so suddenly, and that things come and go, not in lifetimes, but in a matter of a few years, and months even. It must have been a very challenging life to have lived in many ways, and exciting in many others, and I could well appreciate that he might have often had concerns about staying up to date in his working knowledge and things like that. But whatever challenges came his way, he worked till he retired at 65, and had 38 years of employment with PMG-Telecom upon retirement. He went the whole distance, and I am proud of him because of it. He knew CD technology in older age, though I never really saw him handle a CD, but he did listen to the music when it was put on, and he would have been well familiar with computers from the 1970s and early 1980s, probably working with various things. I don't think he had a PC as such at Telecom (not really sure on that), as the exchange was mostly other types of telecommunications technology of its day, but he would have had to stay abreast with all of that to do his job properly, and it is a credit to him that he managed to do so and not be made redundant. We had a lot of transistors of the old type in the shed (not the radios, but the transistors which went in televisions and things like that) and I feel he was probably most familiar with earlier technologies of probably the 1960s for the most part, which seemed to be a lot of his textbooks, and 1950s also, and that seems to be the era of the best of his knowledge, but he pulled through, and kept at it in his job, and managed to do various tasks for Telecom of substantial nature. Obviously, especially in this current era, and even more so in technological industries, the world changes so very quickly, and it can be frightening to constantly keep up, but thankfully he kept his knowledge relevant enough to maintain his employment, and the weekly or fortnightly wage was always paid, and the family always got by. Again, it is a credit to him for taking on the challenges of life and seeing them through for the sake of his family.

 I have other memories about Cyril Daly, but that will do for now.

 All the best.

 Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Loving Memories of Cyril

By Jenny Knee & Diana Archer

We remember Cyril as a gentle, humble man with incredible faith and are grateful for having known him. Praying the Angelus meant a lot to Cyril - at the end of each of our Wednesday SVdP meetings we would join with him in praying the Angelus at midday and out of love & respect, prayed it together with other Vincentians at the beginning of his funeral. With Mary’s help, Cyril attended our meetings for as long as he could. He would also attend the men’s shed while he could. Cyril was fully accepting of his illness. We remember his smile & appreciation when we would visit him in hospital or at home. We never heard him complain or say a bad word about anyone. Cyril’s love of Mary, love of his children, grandchildren and for all his family was evident and reflected in prayer. He held you all up in prayer. Cyril was forever grateful to Mary and in his prayers always used the words “Mary does everything”. Cyril was a great example of how living a life of faith; living it with love, acceptance and forgiveness can touch the lives of those around you. Cyril is remembered with great respect and with love.




The Life of Mary Philomena Daly

 A Biography by her son

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

with thoughts from my own life intermixed

Mary Daly was born in Kingston upon Hull in England in the United Kingdom on the 7th of July 1937. She was the third child of Tom Baker and Gladys Baker, her two older brothers being Terrence and Gerald. Mum and Terrence didn't get along terribly well she tells me, but she and Gerald seemed to get along better. Mum remembers the war years. Hull was bombed a fair bit when she was a wee little one. She saw real war devastation, but seemed to come through unscathed emotionally. She liked music a bit, and some of the stars she liked were Lonnie Donnegan and Val Doonican. She tells me she was a bit too early for the Beatles, and doesn't appear to have had much of an inclination for the music of the 1960s or later. We always had the radio on in Berridale, and she listened to that, but I don't think she really ever became much of a fan of latter music artists, although in latter years there have been some bands she likes, like 'The Priests' and she is fond of the lads 'The Justice Crew' but is not really into their music as such. More of a Father Chris Riley fan who was instrumental with the lads. She studied at a Girls Catholic School, taught by French Nuns, in Hull, and then worked in various jobs, before meeting my father Cyril Daly on a Lourdes pilgrimage in the mid 1960s. They married and Matthew, my older brother, was born on the 21st of October 1969. They lived in Jindabyne to start with in New South Wales, but then moved to Berridale, not far from there. My mum and dad are big parts of my childhood memories. There was one time when I was outside of 7 Bent Street in Berridale were we lived and I wanted to get onto the roof. I had explored the entire perimeter of the House and deduced I needed a ladder. Dad had a heavy metal blue ladder (which is currently rusting in the back yard of 29 Merriman) which I attempted to unfold to put against the house. But I was too little and got caught in between the folds of the ladder. I screamed and screamed for mum for a number of minutes, before she finally appeared. I was so thankful to her for it. She tells me that one of her memories is me coming home from school on my first day and saying ‘Thank God for That’. Mum has a definite English accent, still does, and has not yet taken out Australian Citizenship, but is a permanent resident. But she calls herself and Aussie Pom because she has lived in Australia longer than she lived in England. In Berridale we went to the Catholic Church from my earliest memories. Mum and Dad would take us in the car, the family, and I would sit there, staring at the cross, not thinking much except that it was boring. Mum and Dad prayed the rosary at home in those days and we occasionally had people over to pray at nights. Mum was in the kitchen a lot and the radio seemed to be perpetually on. I remember hearing the new songs and learning them quickly, and liking them. Mum likes some of the old artists from around the 1950s, but doesn’t really listen to them at all. She listens to classical music mainly when she listens to music.  There was a time when Grandma Gladys in England sent us a big box of stuff from England. We got lots of surprises. Mum would visit Mrs Luchetta in Berridale a lot and some of the other Berridale residents. She always seemed to be very chatty, and we would stay behind after church was finished for mum to chat to her friends, which she has never stopped doing after church and still does. I remember that Mum went into hospital a while after Greg was born, and she had a miscarriage. I figured that out in time. When Greg was little I remember wanting to hold him, but mum said Brigid would, because she was older or something like that. We travelled to Cooma via the bus when we started school. I remember one time, coming home, we had missed mum at the bus stop in Cooma and came home alone. There was a big doll she had made, and I was ever so grateful to her and hugged her for it. It meant the world to me and I really loved my mother for it. I remember riding my first bike out the front of 7 bent street on the road. Mum would look at us and I would shout ‘Watch me’ as all kids do.

We moved to Cooma around 1980 and the ‘Collins’ were across the road. We lived at 6 Bradley Street, and Mum became friends with Mrs Collins across the road, who also went to the Catholic Church. Us kids played with Peter Collins a lot, who also went to the Catholic School and was in Jacinta’s year. Peter’s cousin was David Lancaster, who was in my year. David was a pretty big guy, and I liked him, but I was never too popular with him or the other kids in the Catholic school. At times I was a little bit befriended, but not much. However, around 15 I befriended some of the kids from the Public school and had a new gang. That is were I seemed to fit in and probably explains why I eventually left Catholicism. Sort of, in my mind, Noahide equates with ‘Public Schools’ (aka State Schools in Australia), and Catholicism is for Christians. Even though, as a courtesy to Jesus, I attended the Catholic Church last Sunday (I go a couple of times a year) mainly to honour the early commitments I made as a Catholic in my youth, I really am not a believer in Catholicism or Christianity. But, in truth, Jesus, to my mind, just started a ‘Torah-Like’ ministry anyway, and the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus probably do deserve to last forever and, in a non Christian sense, he deserves to have a spiritual community based on his teaching enduring throughout eternity. Sort of a ‘Kosher Jesus friendly Assembly’ which is NON-Christian and NON-Messianic in any way, because he WASN’T the Messiah, but he taught some good ideas anyway. To my mind, he wanted to start a spiritual community, so for his evangelistic efforts he deserves some sort of permanent legacy. Jews sometimes call him one of their own and a watered down gospel could maybe one day pop up in some sort of Jewish assembly which didn’t mind Jesus on a personal human level. I had some ideas for a ‘Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth Ministries’ which removed all the ‘Christ’ ideas from Matthew Mark and Luke and all the scathing anti Jewish comments (which I think Jesus is now over with in his heavenly domain – were I do believe he lives alongside the righteous who have died) and start a Jew friendly Jesus club, for want of a better word. Someone might do that one day. 

Mum is a big Jesus fan, of course. Quite into him these days, and serves on the altar as a ‘Minister of the Eucharist’. She is FAITHFUL and has hardly missed a Sunday service in her whole life, just like my father, and my older brother Matthew. My brother Gregory goes a lot of the time as well still. I personally really wish I had a Noahide fellowship here in Canberra to attend, as I would probably go practically every day – but Noahidism is just beginning, so I concentrate on my personal studies and devotions. Mum went to ‘Galong’ in New South Wales to the various Catholic retreats at the monastery there throughout my years growing up, with Dad. We kids were bought along a few times, and it is a lovely place. You definitely notice the peace and tranquillity in the place which is through all the prayers of the saints offered up to God. I am quite sure God keeps faith with Catholics as well and loves them dearly. I just think they haven’t quite worked out yet that he isn’t a Trinity and connected to Jesus in that sense. They are two separate beings. Jehovah’s witnesses know this – Catholics will hopefully eventually work that out. But God definitely loves the faithful Catholic Church, and they are his people too. As it goes for all the people of the God of Noah and Abraham. Mum is of average height for a woman, a little bit of extra weight, which has diminished in her older age. She reads constantly, mainly thrillers and crime dramas, but other stuff as well. She watches a lot of the British television programs on crime drama, as well as being a big fan of ‘Home and Away’. Her best friend here in Canberra is ‘Trish Kirby’ who is a strong theological lady in the local Catholic Church here in Gowrie were they both attend. Trish’s husband ‘Ron’ is non-religious, but I think he is a great guy, and there grand children ‘Liam’ and ‘Noah’ are tops. Trish has been a strong friend of mums for years, and gave the eulogy a few years ago at dad’s wedding. Dad lived to 84. Mum misses him, but life goes on in the end. She keeps his photos up around the house. They were a faithful couple in their marriage – definitely took it seriously – and were great examples to me because of it.

 Religiously she is strong in the faith, without being too strict or too modernistic. She feels there is something to Christianity simply because it has continued to exist for so long. She might be right. She has standard catholic paraphernalia around the house, including a small Jesus statue, some pictures and other stuff, but doesn’t go on about it too much during the week. She studies the bible from time to time these days, and seems to be keeping the faith even stronger in her elderly years. To my mind she has definitely ‘Walked the Walk’ and has never slacked off. She is a genuine Catholic Christian. Nothing fake about her (or dad for that matter on the issue). She has worked with St Vincent de Paul society, as has dad, and done teaching of RCIA and taught religion to little kids in school. She has been quite involved with the Catholic community her whole life, and is the ‘Real McCoy’ when it comes to a practicing Catholic. She probably gets along a bit better with her daughters than her sons, but this seems to be a feminine bonding thing. But we are a strongly connected family, and it is good living here with her at 29 Merriman, despite our arguments which crop up. She gives as good as she gets, but she always knows when to give it a rest. Another of mum’s strong friends is ‘Jill Torley’ who now lives over in Western Australia. Jill writes letters to mum a lot (and she also sends me birthday cards) and we have known Jill and her family for years now. Jill is a very faithful Catholic like mum, and a big reader of the Bible as well. Jill has a few sons, and Paul Torley has been close to the family as well. Mainly in Cooma years, even though he now lives in Canberra as well like us, but he has a lot of children so is a very busy man. Jill sometimes does artwork in the letters she sends, and writes little short stories from time to time. She is quite a good artist. Of course, she trained in music and is a piano teacher. These days she is well retired from that life as far as I understand it. Mum studies a lot with father Michael Fallon’s scripture studies groups at the ‘Curtin Catholic Centre’ in Woden. Michael has written a large number of commentaries on the bible, and his translations of the text are very good. We have a copy of his ‘Isaiah’ commentary, and it illuminates the text in a way I hadn’t seen before. He is a quite competent priest, and currently is parish priest in the Kippax church. He has a website if people want to go looking for it.

 Mum likes shows like ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and likes to watch ‘Sunrise’ on channel 7 a lot. She is usually busy enough and is out most days of the week doing this or that with some group or another. She has a form of diabetes and gets medication for it, but a recent medical improvement has helped her ‘Sugar Levels’ quite a bit. She is doing well now. I think, when all is said and done, Mary Daly will likely be very happy with her life. She has led a positive, helpful life – been faithful to God with the knowledge she has – married, raised 5 good kids, and been a positive servant of the community. She has a good reputation with a lot of people and, to my way of thinking, has benefited mankind because of it. She leaves a good legacy to her offspring. When she finally passes I will do up a myspace site dedicated to her, but can’t do that because she objects to such things. But when she is dead I will do it anyway whether she likes it or not. And while she probably wouldn’t like me posting this biography online, I am going to do it anyway simply because I want to make sure she is remembered. I think, in time in the next life, she will approve of what I have done. All things considered, Mary Daly was and is and has been a good virtuous woman of God. She would be the first to say she was not perfect, but she has always cared, always loved, and always done her best. I am proud of her.

Continuing on now in 2014, me and mum are living here at 29 Merriman Crescent still. Greg (my brother) is staying with us at the moment, and working at Centrelink, trying to get things right with him and his family situation, with Christie (his wife) really wanting to live in Perth were she is from, and Greg probably preferring the east coast. But if Greg continues on in the work they will probably move over here yet again. Mum keeps her day busy with a lot of church related activities, mostly the 'Bailey's group' were they pray and chat, and some gentle exercise meetings and other things. Trish Kirby remains mum's closest friend, but Jenny Knee is also a part of her life. Of course, Brigid and Jacinta (my sister's) take up a lot of her time as does the family in general (were all her worries come from, she would tell you). Mum helped us all out recently with some money which came into the family, and a lot of work has been done on the house to improve it. New kitchen a while back and now a new bathroom and toilet and back door and painted rooms. It is looking quite good the house now, and there is work being done on the roof soon to fix up some broken tiles and other things. Recently mum was at a Galong weekend (and I think Brigid went as well) and it was run by a nun from melbourne. She enjoys her Galong retreats and they revitalize her life. Matt's death (my brother) last year affected mum strongly, but life moves on (as she said the other day) and time heals things I guess. The death in the family has been accepted and Mum is strong and has coped with it. She visits the Cemetery were Dad is buried with Matt from time to time and has a few quiet thoughts for them. They are buried in the Queanbeyan Lawn cemetery, just near the Jerrabomberra township, which is not that far from Macarthur were we live actually. Mum continues to read her thriller books quite a bit, which is how she occupies herself, and his been knitting all sorts of things recently. Some of them have been for people in East Timor (and she asked me were that was) to help them out. A lot of her time is knitting and reading and watching TV and usually she makes the evening meal for the family. She enjoys watching TV a lot, and channel 7Two is probably her favourite. Most mornings she watches 'Sunrise' on channel 7 with David Koch and Natalie Barr and Samantha Armytage and co, and she enjoys that greatly. I usually sit with her for a while and watch a lot of it as well (and its a great show, channel 7. Really well done). She usually watched the Morning Show with Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies aftewards, but recently has been watching Studio 10 or whatever it is called on channel 10 for something new. The mid day movie is commonly watched and Escape to the Country, Bargain Hunt and then things like My Kitchen Rules and Masterchef are very popular. The British Crime stuff like Inspector Morse and Endeavour and Jack Frost and others are always watched, as well as Midsomer Murders and Poirot. All Saints we have been watching recently in the afternoon, and City Homicide, and she enjoys 'A Place Called Home' on 7 on sunday nights a great deal. Very good show again channel 7. TV has been a big part of mum's life for a long time now, because it gives you something to do and keeps you informed. Her life is really quite balanced on how she spends it and she seems happy enough. There are usually outings from time to time with Brigid, especially places like Gold Creek were they buy things they like and they have gone to England 3 times now (I think) in recent years, and have returned with lots of knick-knacks. She spends time talking with the neighbours, including Bernadette across the road, Doreen and David Grima next door, who have always been faithful friends, and Diana Archer down the street in lower Macarthur. Mum is generally a conservative lady and doesn't approve of a lot of my musical tastes. And she obviously has somewhat conservative views on sexual morals and thinks shows on TV push it a bit too much on various issues from time to time. I tend to think she is somewhat a product of her era (as a lot of older people are I guess), and perhaps doesn't easily connect with the idea that our latter generations have, in general, a lot more liberal standards. But she gets along with the world and the culture well enough and is happy enough and is by no means a fish out of water. I should probably take Solomon's advice more and listen to the wisdom of my mother more, because she probably knows what she is talking about.

Anyway, I will continue on with this again some time and share a few more details about my life with Mary Daly from younger years.

That's all for now.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

2011 AD / CE & 2014 AD

6175 SC & 6178 SC

Loving Thoughts of Mary

by Jenny Knee & Diana Archer

When we think of Mary we can’t help but smile and be grateful for her friendship.

She is a steadfast friend, has a good sense of humour, has a great memory for birthdays and is exceedingly generous.

We have a laugh each time we remember Mary travelling to Perth by plane with the Christmas turkey, still frozen, on her lap. She knew it would be defrosted and ready to cook by the time she got there!!

Thinking of Mary, we remember her love of and devotion to Cyril. She was determined to nurse him at home where she believed he wanted to be and with help was able to do so.

When we see teapots we can’t help but think of Mary as she loved collecting them, especially if they were from the UK.

She loves to travel and often reminisces on times past and journeys travelled.

Thinking of Mary we also picture her many colourful rugs, beanies, baby jumpers & booties knitted and crocheted so quickly for those in need.

We also think of Mary wearing good shoes because “it is important to look after your feet by wearing good shoes”. Her Mother taught her that. She has a taste for good things and an eye for colour. She knows what she likes and is quick at making decisions. Once that decision is made she is happy with it.

Mary is known for her honesty. We trust her to always give an honest opinion or answer, even if it is something we may not want to hear. We value this in Mary.

Mary is loyal to her family & friends, is forgiving and is accepting of what life throws at her.

She rolls with the punches. Like Cyril, Mary has great faith and is often heard saying “leave it in God’s hands” and praying “Thank God for all the good things that have happened during the week”.

Mary loves her friends and loves her family - she feels pain for others, cares for and puts other first. She only wants the best for us all. When good comes her way, Mary wants to share it with others.

We have been blessed with Mary & Cyril in our lives.


The Life of Peter Paul Daly

A Mini Biography by his Grand-Son

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly


I never met Peter Paul. He died before I was born. Dad (Cyril) tells me he was a hard man, and I get the feeling dad didn’t appreciate it that much. I think dad said he had a taste for classical music, so he must have had some records. Mum also told me that Peter Paul played the fiddle, so obviously he had a fondness of music. Peter Paul was the son of Peter Daly, who worked as a Grocer in Mullingar (who dad recalls as also being Peter Paul Daly) and Maria Daly nee Molloy, and he was born in Earl Street, Mullingar in Ireland on the 6th of July 1876. Peter Paul's father, Peter Daly, was on the Town Council of Mullingar, serving as Chairman of the Board from 1888 to 1899. Of Course, Peter Paul Daly was born at Earl Street in Mullingar. Also from that time period we have this online record of Denis Daly and his family. The address was 3 Earl Street in Mullingar from the 1911 Census. Denis was born about 1857, which potentially makes him a brother of 'Peter Daly' the Town Commissioner, due to the Earl Street Residence were Peter Paul Daly was born.

Peter Paul Daly was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church on the 11th of July 1876. Funnily enough my brother Gregory was born 100 years after Grand-pa, in 1976. At one point in Peter's life he worked as a Tutor in Orange, NSW and at another he worked as a cellarman in one of the Pubs on one of the main streets of Sydney (ie Pitt or Elizabeth or York street or something like that). Peter married Mary Ann McLean (born 26th of June 1885 in Sydney, the daughter of Duncan McLean and Mary McLean nee Finn) at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney on the 10th of February 1908. Joseph Daly, his brother, witnessed the marriage and signed on the certificate. They had 1 girl, Molly, followed by 9 boys (in no particular order) Stan, Keith, Frank, Leo, Vincent, Cyril, Brian, Peter & Kevin, followed by another girl, Philomena who was last of all. Here at 29 Merriman crescent we have a photo of Peter Paul with some of his boys, as well as a photo of him with his wife (my grandmother) Mary Ann. Peter lived at 43 Arden Street in Clovelly in Sydney where the family was initially raised in Cyril's years, and it would have been a tight fit with so many children. The whole family was Roman Catholic, and it appears they were quite religious and Grandfather probably went to church every Sunday like dad. His son Leo was a Marist Brother, and the whole Clan were involved with Church throughout their lives and kept the faith. I remember going along to St Vincent de Paul with uncle Kevin in Sydney one time, and that uncle Frank went to the latin mass later on in life. Each of the Daly boys seemed actively involved with the Church. Peter Paul used to go to Mass every morning, and he would read the papers in the park before work. He went to Mass up in Waverly at Immaculate Heart instead of Arden Street church, because he preferred those priests who wore the brown habits. At home in Arden street, it was a small 2 bedroom place, with a lounge room, and the family would sit in the kitchen, while Peter Paul sat alone in the lounge room very often. An anecdote from the family is that every afternoon, on radio 2BL, Peter Paul would be listening and 'God save the King' would come on the radio at 4 O'Clock, and he would storm down the hallway in a huff (In true Irish fashion). Auntie Shirlie provided that anecdote for me. His wife Mary Ann died on the 5th of July 1939 at 43 Arden Street, and this was recorded in the Sydney Morning Herald in the obituaries on Thursday the 6th of July 1939 (available to view online). There was a requiem mass for the repose of her soul held at St Anthony's church, Clovelly, on the Thursday morning at 9 O'Clock. The funeral party would leave the church, after Mass, for the Botany Cemetery. By request there would be no flowers. According to online records found at the 'Ancestry' website, Peter lived at Waverly in Sydney in 1915, Coogee in Sydney in 1930, Coogee in Sydney in 1937, Waverly in Sydney in 1943 and Clovelly in Sydney in 1963. He died on the 20th of June 1965 aged 88. Grandpa Peter has 'Daly' features in photos of him from younger years, and I can see were his son's get their looks. I am grateful to my grandfather for having my father, and without him I would not be here. I am sure he is in the heavenlies, receiving his reward and enjoying his rest, and my prayers and best wishes are for him.

 Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 

The Life and Times of Thomas Joseph Baker

A Mini Biography by his Son, written for his Nephew Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly upon request

Gerald Baker

(Copyright Gerald Baker, Thomas Joseph Baker & the Catholic Church 2014 AD)

Your Grand-dad was born on the 9th of September 1902 in West Hartlepool, the son of Terence & Ann (Formely O'Neil) and was baptized at St Joseph's Church West Hartlepool. He has one brother, John (The Father of Theresa). If you are interested your mother will tell you about her. He had a sister called Kitty, the mother of Mary Haswell In Brisbane, and another sister called Celia, who had a son named Terence and was a Thames Pilot but he died some time ago. His mother died young. He may have had other sisters but I can not remember, but your mother might. I presume he attended a Catholic school, may be St Josephs. After he left school I don't know what he did, but in 1928 he must have been working in the Steel Works because he declared 'Personan Non Grata' so was out of work. I can't understand this as he was a very gentle man and I can hardly see him as a firebrand leader. Anyway, he then came to Hull. His sister Kitty had married a fellow called William Tongue who worked on Railway and had been moved to Hull. Your Grand-dad had hoped to get a job on the Railway but ha had poor eyesight, so they would not employ him. So he became a bricklayer labourer. He then met and married your Grand-ma and eventually Terence, myself and your mother came along. They lived at 27 Brazil Street Hull where I was born ( I can not understand why there is not a Blue Plaque on the door!) They then moved to 89 Newbridge Road but then the war started and we got bombed out, so we had to move to 58 Preston Road and live there for the next 30 odd years. Your Grand-dad then changed jobs and worked at Benningas Margarine Factory. I think he left the building trade because he suffered from Rheumatics in his legs and I think working outside in all Weather didn't help. He then worked for a ship repair company and finally for the Docks Board, again as a bricklayer labourer until he retired. Your grandfather was a devout Catholic and after he retired he and your Grandma attended Mass every morning. Your Grandma had done that most of her married life. That reminds me, while he was still working he used to call in at the church on his way and leaving work to stoke the boiler to keep the church warm. He also washed the church windows which must have been hard work because they had leaded lights. After he retired we moved to 18 Ganstead Lane. It was a Bungalow with a big garden which he kept tidy. Like me he had no great love for gardening. His great joy was playing with your cousin Caroline and when your mother came with Brigid and Matthew he was in his element, playing with Matthew and trying to get Brigid to sleep. I think he had a happy few years in retirement, but when he was 76 he became ill and died in Kingston General Hospital, Beverly Road on the 29th of August 1978. Well that's about all I can remember. Your mother might be able to fill in some more or ask her to have a word with our of Mary Haswell's daughers. They may have a family tree of the Baker Family. I am enclosing a copy of the 1871 Census which gives detail of your great grand parents, and maybe your great great grandmother.

Gerald Baker

2014 AD



In the bible it says nobody despises a thief if he steals because he is hungry.  Fellow mankind know you have got to eat your grub to get by. Further, we know you need an opportunity to make something decent of your life and get some happiness in it all. In Australia, the law allows you to study education at a relatively affordable price to year 12.  Then tertiary options are available, hecs schemes in place for University degree costs.  An education is NOT impossible to get in Australia.  Currently, it is still not even that difficult to get. THE AMOUNT OF EFFORT YOU PUT INTO YOUR EDUCATION IS UP TO YOU. Further, if, at the end of your studies, you start looking for work, and you need money, Australia will make sure you fill in a job diary and apply for enough jobs, but

I know the factual truth that with these diaries you can get all the job applications done in ONE DAY OF THE FORTNIGHT WITHOUT TOO MANY PROBLEMS AT ALL. HARDLY A BOTHER.

And then they give you, essentially, free enough money for applying for jobs.  The Jobsearch is not incredible wealth.  By no means.  But its enough to get by on. If you live with parents, its easier, if not you have to learn good manners and good cleanliness and hygiene rules, and live as a flatmate with someone else. This is not impossible to get if you have a good attitude.  AND life has a funny way of rewarding those people WITH a good attitude. There is NO reason, nor will be anytime soon, that you can't have a DECENT ENOUGH LIFE IN AUSTRALIA.


Dear Molken Music. 
I am angry.  I have been a fan of King's X since 1990.  I have the complete works of King's X on CD – NEARLY. I have the complete works of Ty Tabor on CD – NEARLY. I have the complete works of Jerry Gaskill on CD. I have the complete works of Dug Pinnick/Poundhound on CD. I have nearly all the side projects of the band members on CD, apart now from 3rd ear experience, which are next WHAT I LACK ON CD FROM KING'S X I HAVE ON MP3. WHAT I LACK FROM TY TABOR ON CD - WELL I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. Do you know how much it pisses me of this effing MP3 only release. I don't bloody own anything with an MP3. Digital data?  Whoop dee fucking doo. And NO I won't just burn it onto a disc.  Because in 40 trillion years Ty Tabor will snigger at my burnt disc and bring up legalism and say 'Hey, are you sure that's legal danno?'.  And how do I know that?  I CAN JUST TELL.  WHEN THE HECK ARE THE MP3 ONLY RELEASES BEING RELASED ON CD? 
Yours very impatiently and sincerely 
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 
Canberra, Australia

Dear Wally

I apologize for my angry words.  It is a bit frustrating, you see, from my personal perspective to put up with MP3.  I am 42 years old, and became a hard rock and heavy metal fan in the mid 1980s.

I was part of that scene of kids which were into bands like Bon Jovi and Def Leppard and Poison and Iron Maiden and Van Halen and so on.  In 1990 my family moved to Canberra in Australia,

and I got into 'King's X' at that stage, and at the school I was going to (Lake Tuggeranong College) there were a group of us who were into King's X and Queen a lot.  Later on in the mid 1990s when

I became a Pentecostal christian for a while, the canberra Potters House church I joined were also big fans of King's X, and the Christian Band we had in the church used to play King's X music with

alternative strongly christian lyrics used.  I have collected King's X Records, Tapes, Cd's and other paraphernalia since that time, and have had a long and deep interest in the band and their

associated solo and side projects over time.  As I said, I grew up in the 1980s in the hard rock scene, so records and tapes were big, and then CDs.  The MP3 revolution came along later on, but

I just couldn't get into it.  It, to me, is like not really owning anything - just a data file.  There are no lyric booklets or the booklet itself with an MP3, and there is nothing substantial that you actually own and while I myself keep my things forever, there is not really any tangible asset wealth of trasnferability with such an MP3.  It's not a collectable in any way.  Sure, I agree, you do get the music.  But you can listen to all that stuff on spotfiy and myspace and youtube anyway usuaully for no charge. I'm a little older fashioned.  Really, to me, excuse me, but MP3's just suck a bit.  And because I have everything available from King's X on CD format, as well as many records and tapes, it sort of gets frustrating that the new works from Zentaur by Ty Tabor, as well as Trip Magnet and some of the King's X stuff is only available on MP3.  It's just really frustrating. I would like, then, to make a vote to the band, if you are able to chat to them about it or something,

that it really would be great if those products could be released on CD some time in the future. I do realize financial constraints are an issue, but I really would appreciate any potential CD releases

of the said products. Anyway, King's X rock, and I will continue to by products of interest from Molken Music, and remain a loyal customer.

Yours sincerely.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Dear Greg

I am going to post this letter into my autobiography. Well, I'm Danny Daly. Your bro.  We've known each other all our lives, pretty much.  I remember you back in Berridale.  I wanted to hold you, but mum let Brigid mainly, when you were a little tyke.  You were the new kid in the fam, and I was jealous of Brigid getting all your attention.  But I did get a chance I think.  Growing up with you as my bro was great.  Matt became kind of awkward as he grew, but you were always a cool bro. Cooma life, especially, was great.  I remember our times especially at Lambie gorge near the showground, going over the place, and exploring. To me it always looked like something a bit unexpected for Cooma - I was little shocked when I first saw it, because I didn't think something so

cool could exist in Cooma.  When I lived in Cooma a few years ago I went up there walking once, and stood on the lookout tower, which I think is a more recent addition, and relived some of our memories there.  School for me wasn't that great, as I wasn't hugely popular, and I do appreciate your year putting up with my bullshit when we played hand tennis for a while in high school.  I did occasionally play hand tennis with the kids in my year, but was always a little put off by them.  They were often too much for me in many ways.  I loved when we would play with our army men

together, and have marble wars throwing the marble at the army men we had lined up to defeat each other.  I probably cheated lots of times, because I was overly zealous with my interpretations of fair play in those years, but believe me, with my rigorous educuation on spiritual things which happened from about 20 onwards I got over most of that crappy mindset.  I'm really not the kind of kid I was back then.  You might not really know me in many ways because we have been a bit stand offish for a few years now, but I've grown up for the most part.  I do know I pushed you a bit with the car to drive me around places when I was here in Canberra in the early years, but I'm a lot more cautious about asking favours now and taking people for granted too much.  I'm sorry for the way I came across at times in those early years.  I was focused a lot on my life and things I needed to have done for myself, and I should have given more consideration to how I was impacting with others in what I was asking of them.  I guess life and experience and reflection can be good teachers.  I'm pretty religious as you know, and while I would really have preferred in the end to have remained in the Catholic church, I just couldn't because of how I understood the truth myself.  I'm not really the kind of person, you know, who wants to go against their parents religion and upbringing.  I'm not.  I crave continuity and stability and tradition, but sometimes you just gotta do what you have gotta do, even if you don't like it. It's just the inner convictions some of us have.  I didn't like Matt's attitude for years, and found him very grouchy, but I was always trying hard to respect my older brother, even if that didn't come across too well.  I'm a bloody grotty sort of person around the house, and I damn well know it, and mum still complains a lot.  I am sort of still caught up in my own thing and working on my books and stories and collections of things, and I really don't give the time or consideration to more mundane matters, which I do know I should.  In the end I don't think I'm really actually lazy - more just not focused enough on practical things yet.  That will change though, in time, because I am aware of my problems and am working on them.  I must congratulate you on the choice of Christie for a wife, because she is extremely intelligent and of good humour and maturity. You have found a first class wife who you should always appreciate, and James is the best kid in Australia.  I think forgoing further education by yourself is, in the end, the wisest thing for the time being.  I would commend your music website, and encourage you to work on that idea further and get it well established.  The quality of the recording of Prince of the Blood was first class on the site.  Me - I wish I could get around to doing up a similar music site with my own recordings, but I just haven't had time for quite a while.  I've been very busy with the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny, and webhits continue to roll in and gradual popularity of the sites seems apparent at this stage.  So I'm busy enough, and things to do aplenty for the time being.  I'd love to be able to get with you and your recording music and get 'Dangerous Hearts' and some other of my song lyrics turned into songs, as I have ambitions also, and I think we work well together on that stuff.  Hopefully some time in the future.  My hope has always been that you move back to Canberra permanently, and I would recommend Macarthur nearby mum somewhere if you could afford it. LIfe's good for me at the moment, and things are going well enough, and I hope you make some good decisions in the next few months to guide your life towards a succesful and well earned retirement.

All the best.

Your bro

Danny Daly


Dear Aaron

My friend Justin Angold, whose father's surname is 'Holder' but mothers surname is Angold, is not really ever intending to convert to judaism.  He is uncircumcised and has made up his mind that he doesn't want to become an observant Jew.  We have been discussing the 'Assembly of the Covenant' idea, which is one of my earlier ideas of religion, which is focused on observance of the 10 commandments.  Justin wants to add to this observance of a code of law, some sort of common law, and we have agreed upon the criminal law code of Federal Australia as the basic ACT of law we will use.  He intends to ascribe each of the laws into one or more of the categories of the 10 Commandments, which he calls the Ancient Law.  Justin wants to be a 'Judge' of the law, very similar to 'Judge Dredd' ideas, with a small booklet, passport sized, which contains the law.  I shared with him Anthrax's 'I am the LAW' from the Among the Living album, which is all about Judge Dredd, and he has become a huge fan of the album.   Anyway, he has been coming over to 29 Merriman Crescent quite a lot in recent times now, and usually brings beer, which we sip out the back and chat for an hour or so.  He is prepared to commit generally well enough to the Assembly of the Covenant idea, so, seeing as I now have some sort of fellowship idea which might work with at least one guy, perhaps that might be the one you join in on us with and we can concentrate on promoting.  If you are able, just drop around here at 29 Merriman crescent after work or on the weekend some time.  We can chat and try to find a regular time with Justin for possible early discussion meetings. Does that sound good to you? Please let me know.


PS - Justin is about 30 years old, and quite knowledgeable on Torah.  The conversations have been great.


Please add:

 Star Wars from Marvel to my standing order.  If you have issues 1 & 2 still available, I need them.  Next thursday morning I will deposit $100 into your bank account, and the following fortnight I will raise this amount to $150 per fortnight, which will be my usual deposit amount from thereon. This email way of ordering works well enough, and the postage is low enough, that I probably won't bother with coming into the store much anymore.  These days I order most of my stuff from ebay anyway, and as I currently receive a disability support pension for my schizophrenic condition, I don't leave the house that much anyway now.  Life is so much easier with the Internet.  If 52 continues on as normal after convergence, I don't anticipate any change to my standing order. If they completely relaunch with all the convergence titles, I will add them all to my standing order. Otherwise just what I want to add for a while.  Battlestar Galactica:  the Death of Apollo number 4.  was ok.  Nothing spectacular.  There was nothing greatly original in the storyline, and I felt a lot of people could probably have written a story of similar quality if they tried.  As I said, nothing greatly original, but it read smoothly enough, and for a younger reader who isn't familiar with 70s and 80s shows and a long history of hollywood, it would be an ok enough addition.

 Grimm Fairy tales was cool, and the new issue of Wonderland was the quality I got again from the prior issue.  Zenescope is producing very decent quality comics of great reads, and I recommend these again.  I'll be reading the new Princess Leia soon, as well as the Lady death issue I got, and will let you know what I think of them.  I am greatly looking forward to reading the second issue of Spider Gwen, and will soon get stuck into all the back issues of Justice League 3000 I have built up (I ordered all the back issues from ebay, but started with issue 11 I think it is from you guys.  I have read issues 11 & 12 and the issue 1 out of the back issues I got.  I have the full set now, up to date with issue 15, and intend to read them all over the next while.  I haven't yet either got to reading the Lobo series, and have all 5 issues so far, so will tell you what I think when I do get to it.  Most of all, I am really looking forward to issue 2 of Silk, of which issue 1 was fantastic.

 All the best

 Daniel Daly

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904


 I have attached 'A Day in the Life of the Justice League International'.  It's a 20 part series of short stories on the JLI with lots of new characters as well, written as fanfiction, by myself.  I am also working on a few other things comic related, but this little saga is complete, and if you find the time to read it and like it you could pass it on if you wanted to to any possibly interested parties.  Ta


Dear Greg

Remember those little red bibles we got in school?  Remember they were the new testament with also the books of psalms and proverbs. One of the things I do when I pray is use a psalm for a particular request and pray that psalm fully on behalf of the request. For example, in the last year and a bit I have prayed psalm 1 for the sanctification of Macarthur (our home suburb) over 1000 times now. I also have prayed various psalms for the success of the NRL Bulldogs over 100 times, and Psalm37 for yourself a growing number of times, psalm 67 for dad a growing number of times (well over 100) and psalm 57 for mum a growing number of times.  In fact, I am probably well over 10,000 prayers used with a full chapter of scripture used over the past 2 and a half years, for every request under the sun, on a whole host of subjects, including success for Great Britain at the olympics, success for the bulldogs and hawthorn, success for the Hull City Tigers, sanctification

of every suburb of Canberra now prayed for with at least 5 prayers of various psalms used for each suburb, and many tuggeranong ones well over 100 times now each.  But I also pray for DC comics to have success, various businesses in the world to be succesful and maintain good employment programs, as well as prayers for the sanctifcation and ecnomic blessing of many countries now.  I have offered the whole of the minor prophets of the bible in prayer for the sanctification of kingston upon hull, and all the book of proverbs for the sanctification of various towns of Yorkshire.  There have been so many prayers on so many subjects. My friend Justin who visits me a lot, who is sort of a Hebrew Noahide sort of fellow, noted to me how the spirit in Macarthur feels very positive  now and lawful, especially when compared to other places. PRAYER WITH SCRIPTURE WORKS ABUNDANTLY WELL. So, if you have the time, and are willing to pray to God, use psalms as a suggestion, which is the book of prayers, and pray for things like: family members well being success of favourite sporting teams good economic success for Australia and various countries of the world And any issue under the sun really. You see, the scripture sanctifies the prayer request, and the praryers are far more greatly answered because they are far more within the will

of God. try it out



Dear Invisible Republic Team

I've actually sent letters to a comic company before.  DC comics, a few times, back in the 1990s. I was lucky.  I had a poem published in the last issue of 'The Demon' in its 1990s run from DC.

They misspelled my name though - they wrote 'Daniel Dacy' instead of 'Daniel Daly'. Nevermind. Invisible Republic number one was a solid issue.  In fact, great.  I'm taking a risk on some new

issues at the moment, and my comic supplier in Canberra (Impact Comics) does previews in its email bulletin of some of their recommendations, which included your issue.  I thank them for

it. I'll start with the artwork.  The ocean scene, which takes up the majority of the issue, didn't have too much dialogue, but it flowed very neatly and professionally.  I was not confused in the flow

of the storyline (which I sometimes am these days with DC issues, which don't structure the panels with as smooth a flow from one panel to the next that I would like - often I am confused which one follows after the other, which should have been dealt with by DC a long time ago).  Because I was able to read the story effectively, the artwork worked better somehow - it became more interesting and more part of the story because of the flow and smoothness.  Just my opinion anyway.  The artwork itself was great, entirely appropriate to the story being told, and I wouldn't ever want it changed. Just keep on doing it like this. The story.  Arthur and Maia are obviously well thought out characters.  They are facing struggles in life because of the situation in 'Maidstone', finding it difficult to make a living.  Of course, so much of what they are living through is a common part of humanity's struggle anyway.  Maia's choice of nobility not to kill the female soldier and save her hand from the fish shows an integrity in her heart, even when her own life is on the line.  Arthur, though, faces the cold realities of life and realizes that the soldiers are nothing but trouble, and unless they get rid of them, more shit will come to them.  It contrasts the mindset between youth in Maia in some way, not yet entirely jaded by life, and still with the hope of youth, and Arthur,

more experienced, more used to the 'shitty' aspects of life and its grim realities and grim truths.  Perhaps, in future issues, this character contrast between her nobility and his grim reality could be illustrated more. The reporter seemed very real, and while it was dumb luck which led him to find those writings, perhaps a higher power was at work - destiny or something. Anyway, I won't go on forever, but I really enjoyed the first issue of 'Invisible Republic' very much, and look forward to further issues.  I have subscribed to it from my comic supplier, and look forward already to the

next issue.

Thank you very much for your great work

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


Hi. This is to the 'Justice League 3000' team.

I began reading comics from DC seriously in 1987, and soon encountered the Justice League. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold quickly became favourites, and those 60 issues of the giffen/dematteis/maguire run are some of the most treasured moments of my life. I have read DC on and off over the years, touching base every now and again. Formerly known as the Justice League was great and so was I can't believe its not the Justice League. All lovely stuff. But now you have a totally new concept, a totally new era to exploit and develop, and things are wonderful in Justice League 3000 and soon to be 3001 universe. I sense that the wonder twin will keep on resurrecting a plethora of old heroes and the like from the old days, and we soon could have a 31st century which is checking itself to see if it is really a thousand years older than it suspects it might be. The artwork is magnifique, and the strange designs of having walkways all over the place (presumably from the mind of Locus, who I adore), is brilliant. It's unique, its different, and Porter is a master. The humour works best for this team, with the heavy hitters on it, at a slightly softer level than the earlier stuff, and is working well as far as I am concerned. If possible, seeing some sort of elaboration on the human hosts from the 31st century who the league are based on might be a good idea, and having their personalities come into things a little would definitely work for me, but I guess not all of the readership possibly. Reading the first ten issues I felt like this war with the 5 would be going on forever, and it still indeed might, but I wasn't complaining, It's a great concept and should keep the ball rolling more many great adventures for much time to come. Locus, as I said, is brilliant - similar to Harley Quinn in some ways, but the demi-goddess she is is both cute and inevitably appealing to those of us who like a health dose of sarcasm which this comic faithfully delivers. The relationship between herself and Hal Jordan really needs to go on into perpetuity, and a big 'Date Night' at some future point, when Locus has started to hopefully be redeemed somewhat (as she really needs to be an antihero and not a villain, as she is wonderful), with Hal Jordan on the best restaurant in Cadmus World is definitely the way to go. I'm really looking forward to Justice League 3001 issue 1, and the introduction of Lois Lane is one of the best ideas yet. The comic is totally cosmic, deserves a far bigger readership, and DC shouldn't feel ashamed to plug it a lot, and maybe give us a cartoon series based on it.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear Action Reaction

(Letter sent online on 5th of May 2015)

Re: Action Comics 559 (September 1984).

I love this issue. I recently got this comic, amongst many others, in a back issue collecting episode, and decided to read it this afternoon. I have had quite a number of back issues of Action over the years, but have never owned or read Action 559. Yellow Peri, in story one, is an excellent character. I looked her up online and found her in the DC Database. She has appeared very rarely, but looking at her images on Google images, she looks very cool and very much a happening character. I wrote a short flash fiction DC Fanfiction involving Yellow Peri and the Super Buddies from JLI this afternoon, which went into my facebook DC fanfiction page, and all I can say is please DC, give me more of the character of 'Yellow Peri'. Loretta Grant is an 'innocent' character, naieve to the machinations of her husband Alvin, but Alvin, while having married her under false pretenses, seems to have remained loyal as a husband, and the house looked clean and in working order in Apple Creek, Oregon. Bob Rozakis has crafted out a fine story, and it was a great pleasure to read. That is one of the things I really enjoy about the old DC Comics - they usually always stand the test of time as first class entertainment, even decades later. Well Done DC. Please, let me ask again, please feature 'Yellow Peri' more prominently in future releases from DC, and if she could some how get into 'Justice League 3001' or 'Justice League 3002' and hang with Booster Gold (she was a pallbearer or something at his '52' funeral - I think that's right) and Blue Beetle, it really would make my day. Thank you DC for your long life as a company, and making me happy yet again with a character like 'Yellow Peri'.


Dear DC

(Letter sent online on 5th of May 2015)

New Fun Comics number 1 (DC's first comic from 1935) featured 'Oswald the Rabbit' in his Comics debut. He was a Disney character. For a number of years now I have had the idea that 'Oswald' could be a very cute name for a pet rabbit which 'Supergirl' owns. Just something which has stuck in my head for Supergirl and Oswald, as a pet rabbit, especially for an '80s' Supergirl.

All the best DC

Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC Comics

(Letter sent online on 11th of June 2015)

This is for the Justice League 3000/Justice League 3001 team.

Dear Comic lovers. Thank you so very much for the brilliant Justice League 3000 series. It made my day. It ran for 15 issues. My hope and prayer to God and to DC Comics is that Justice League 3001 also run for 15 exact issues, and be replaced by Justice League 3002 to also run for exactly 15 issues. And then Justice League 3003 for exactly 15 issues, and so on and so forth, collecting each series in a Graphic Novel / Trade Paperback collection each time.

With 3002, I would also love to see the debut of the following comics, to also run for exactly 15 issues in the continuity (perfectly kept) of the 3002 era, and so on for subsequent eras:

Superman 3002

Batman 3002

Wonder Woman 3002

Cadmus World 3002

Blue Beetle 3002

Booster Gold 3002

Fire 3002

Ice 3002

Locus 3002

The Five 3002

Please, if sales warrant these titles, make it so.

Thank you DC forever.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC Comics

(Letter sent online on 16th of June 2015)

In Justice League International Quarterly Issue Number 5 from the early 1990s, there was an adventure starring 'The Hero Group' and the 'Global Guardians'. In 'The Hero Group' was a character introduced called 'Particle Man'. I have looked at particle man time and time again over the years, and think his costume is just spiffy, and he has so much potential as a 'comedy' character. His line would be 'Life's a Party' in conversations with Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Please, if at all possible, reintroduce Particle Man to the DC Universe, and popularize this greatly neglected champion of a character.


Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia

Dear DC

(Letter Sent Online on 8th of July 2015)

If the Multiverse is continuing after Convergence, what would really help is a symbol for each of the different universes, especially to be used on the cover of the comic to help the reader know which universe is which. At this stage I have no idea. Further, you guys should have some sort of avenue through which aspiring writers can at least get some sort of shot at working for DC. I write a lot of DC fanfiction, and would love a chance to submit work, but you guy's don't accept submissions. It is really frustrating. Another issue: I have an issue with some of your comic cover designs. They often use more than one element of contrasting scenes, and some of the ways you are putting all these elements together have become very predictable over the last few years. Just doing a standard scene would work much better. I would recommend Zenescope covers to your artists, as they actually do decent covers for their comics, and while I am DC 100% and have been since 1987, you guys haven't always been known as industry leaders on artwork and cover design. Where is that DC 'Cutting Edge' spirit which used to set them apart? I think it got old news when Superman sold a million, and they have been rehashing things ever since. Ha ha harrgh.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, Canberra, Australia.


Dear Please remove my video link for karaite adamide faith. Our movement is not anti-semitic and upholds the rights of Israelites to live in the holy land of Israel and follow the covenant of Israel in this land. We uphold the 'Tanakh' as the scriptures from God. We do not accept orthodox Judaism's claim that the talmud is inspired by God. Calling us anti-semitic because of our disbelief in that cultic teaching is a joke. Please remove our video link, and we are deeply offended by suggestions of any racial discrimination towards Israel, who we view as having a covenant of land and law in the middle east section given to them by God. Thanks.


Hey bro.  How are you.

Life has been good for me the last few weeks.  I have grown quite accustomed to living with mum, now, and until she passes I plan on remaining here at 29 Merriman Crescent.  I still hope to meet a girl and settle down one day, but that won't be for the time being.  I am taking green coffee bean again to help with the weight loss, but for someone my size it has become quite apparent I need quite a large dose of the stuff.  Mum is well, she is happy enough, and life between us is generally ok, but we do argue a bit.  But its usually under control and we tend to be forgiving with each other.  There is a girl in my mental health group called Genevieve who I have a little bit of an interest in.  She reads comics, especially Phantom comics (Like Colin Carpenter), and she is cuteish, and not too old.  I don't know if she likes me much, but if I can lose some significant weight who knows. My stories are coming along, but I'm on a little bit of a hiatus at the moment, but I'm doing a lot of basic art pieces with MS paint and putting them on my various facebook accounts.  I also have a growing number of videos on my youtube account, which I am finally bothering to have monetized.  I did that before with my old account, but it was going to take forever for me to earn the minimum 100 dollar payment because I didn't have much web traffic and views.  But now that I am promoting my new account well enough, it is starting to slowly get the kind of hits which makes having an adsense

account and monetization of videos realistic.  An adsense account can also go on your own private domain website, but you would need good webhits each day to make it worth getting.   (See for more info) I'm not really looking forward to mum leaving soon, as 7 weeks is a while, but I'll live. Looking forward to seeing you soon enough, and good luck with the new plans of work and moving back to Forrestfield, which I personally think is the best idea.  Hopefully I'll visit again in a few years when you are well settled again back in Forrestfield, as I really like the house and really like Perth as well. Keep at it with the music and composition, and writing rock and roll songs is what you should keep on trying to do.

Take Care



Personally, I don't object to 'Civil Unions' between same sex couples, because I do recognize 1) Love can exist between them 2) An established relationship of trust and mutual respect and friendship can exist between them 3) An excitement over each other's presence in a way of intimacy 4) Sufficient trust for the establishment of a relationship were the legal concerns of the other are generally met. However, Marriage, for my way of thinking, is established in the natural order between A Man and a Woman For the purposes of creating a Union of Love between them and a family And usually, but not always, as a sign of a procreative partnership - the siring of children. I see NO reason that same sex couples should insist on calling themselves 'Married' in the eyes of the law when a 'Civil Union' garners the required legal status, and should be sufficient enough in the respect society affords such a union. On these grounds, out the tradition of marriage in society as it has long been established, I vote against same sex marriage. Finally, I am fond of the labour party, have voted for them previously, but currently vote for the Palmer United Party and the Bullet Train party because I have a fundamental difference of agreement with this very policy of Labour on Gay Marriage ideology.


Daniel Daly

Citizen of Tuggeranong, Canberra

Phone:  02 6291 4414

Address:  29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904


Dual Citizen of the United Kingdom and Australia

Born on the 20th of November 1972



Abraham Pleads for Sodom
16 Then the men left and went to a place where they could look down at Sodom, and Abraham went with them to send them on their way. 17 And the Lord said to himself, “I will not hide from Abraham what I am going to do. 18 His descendants will become a great and mighty nation, and through him I will bless all the nations.[b] 19 I have chosen him in order that he may command his sons and his descendants to obey me and to do what is right and just. If they do, I will do everything for him that I have promised.”

20 Then the Lord said to Abraham, “There are terrible accusations against Sodom and Gomorrah, and their sin is very great. 21 I must go down to find out whether or not the accusations which I have heard are true.”

22 Then the two men left and went on toward Sodom, but the Lord remained with Abraham. 23 Abraham approached the Lord and asked, “Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? 24 If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it in order to save the fifty? 25 Surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That's impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent would be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly.”

26 The Lord answered, “If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake.”

27 Abraham spoke again: “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. I am only a man and have no right to say anything. 28 But perhaps there will be only forty-five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because there are five too few?”

The Lord answered, “I will not destroy the city if I find forty-five innocent people.”

29 Abraham spoke again: “Perhaps there will be only forty.”

He replied, “I will not destroy it if there are forty.”

30 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, but I must speak again. What if there are only thirty?”

He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty.”

31 Abraham said, “Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. Suppose that only twenty are found?”

He said, “I will not destroy the city if I find twenty.”

32 Abraham said, “Please don't be angry, Lord, and I will speak only once more. What if only ten are found?”

He said, “I will not destroy it if there are ten.” 33 After he had finished speaking with Abraham, the Lord went away, and Abraham returned home.



I don't recall stating I advocated homosexuality.  I did not state it as something I promoted.  Nor did I advocate gay marriages, but rather civil unions.  If you recall the prior email, I took a stance AGAINST the allowance of gay marriages, but did allow Civil Unions.  The book of Romans passage is not relevant to myself. The type of behaviour involved in sexuality of homosexuality is not as offensive amongst those practitioners who are more reasonably lawful in most other respects in their lifestyle practices.  The simple practice of homosexual behaviour, without the corresponding types of carnal behaviour the men of sodom displayed, would warrant God forgoing the death penalty.  Israel does not 'willy nilly' condemn someone to death for merely being 'gay'.  Your interpretation of leviticus, quoting the rule itself in isolation without the whole sense of judgement shown in the entirety of the Hebrew Bible shows a lack of understanding on how God judges these issues. For example, a 'Deliberate' sin is not forgiveable in the eyes of early Leviticus.  Inadvertent sins may be forgiven through a sin sacrifice, yet deliberate sins usually warrant the death penalty.  However, if we read Isaiah chapter 1 it becomes clear that Israel was guilty of practicing all sorts of sinful behaviours quite deliberately, and God was still prepared to forgive such people should their 'Scarlet sins become white as snow'.  Ezekiel 18 also teaches this principle. In essence, the sin of homosexual activity alone in a 'gay' individual is not sufficient grounds for God putting the individual to death.  A death penalty would only occur when the kind of lifestyle practices of such an individual or community/nation equates with that of Egypt or Canaan, which the Ends of Leviticus 18 & 20 illustrate, this meaning that a variety of ungodly practice would be committed before Judgement fell. The death penalty CAN apply, but only in cases were sufficient enough 'Hedonistic and wicked' behavioiur is practiced by an individual.  Being gay alone and practicing like that when all other lifestyle practices are reasonably and lawful would not warrant such a judgement. As such they may be tolerated a degree of liberty and the freedom to form civil unions, based on the ideas I stipulated in the prior email, could be judged reasonable.


I'd like to get one thing straight. In my religion, the Advancing Noah Movement, it has been my judgement that we allow Civil Unions (not marriages) for same sex couples, when and where in most other respects they are leading godly lives with decent lawfulness associated with those lives. But I want to clear something up, while this is a concession and an allowance 7DF makes for same sex couples, I personally do not really approve of such ideas in any way at all. To me homosexual behaviour is quite perverse, and the idea of marrying the same sex is like a child who is adding up sums wrong all the time - it doesn't quite work. Same sex activity to me is kind of weird, and I don't really approve of it or think it a great idea at all. But, for the sake of getting along, for my religious movement I have founded, should anyone wish to join, we do allow Same Sex civil unions, but don't allow same sex marriages.


Dear friends

I have a favour to ask.

Jesus taught 'Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven'.

And he also taught about 'Talent's' and making sure the churches Lord received a proper return on his investment in his church.

If you would, make this prayer to God the Father.

Dear God

When I die and go to heaven, please accept my life's offering of all my earthly goods acquired in life

as an offering to heaven also.  I understand that when I die these things will be returned to me for

my heavenly life, and that other citizens of heaven can be blessed by the blessing I offer up to you,

dear God, with this prayer.


(Hi Chris.  Hope you are ok.)

P.S.  Don't pray the prayer if it bothers you.



The Christian gospel advocates a notion of living by 'Grace' where sins are easily forgiven by the blood of Jesus. This perpetuates the notion that you don't have to take a lawful lifestyle terribly seriously or repent of ones sinful behaviours because the cross will see you right. It is both a misleading, deceiving and false doctrine, and it is only due to the popularity of the Christian religion since its inception that this false paradigm has endured. Torah is about lawful behaviour.  The kingdom of God of the world to come is a place where proponents of the Christian notion of morality will be seriously challenged.  The idolatry of worship of Jesus as a deity is a grave offence, and is only the beginning of woes that the 'Jesus People' will find upon the judgement of their soul.

Israel has maintained its witness for 2000 years since this upstart Christian religion came along, and will maintain it as long as this misfit religion endures. Torah is eternal. Manmade gospels aren't.


Dear Commonwealth Games Committee

It's about time we went from the Commonwealth Games to

The World Games

And invited the rest of the world outside of the Commonwealth to participate in

The First World Games


Daniel Daly

Canberra, Australia


Local Issues

Yes, I am in favour of Light Rail

Issues of most concern numbered 1 to 4

1)  Tackling Crime in our community

2) Securing Australia's Borders

3) Support for Local Education

4) Protecting our local Environment

In Parliament - One Issue

I would like to see the Introduction of 'Law Studies'

into the Schooling Curriculum of Every year of study

from Kindie to Year 12 as its own subject.  I think

Australian Citizens should be taught the laws of

Australia in our schooling years.  That is very

important to me.

Our Community - One Problem Fixed

I'm pretty happy with most things, but I would

like to see a slight increase in the GST to 12.5%

to help cover a Government Payment to superannuation

for all workers, as well as the initiation of a superannuation

scheme for Centrelink welfare recipients.  I think some people

if they have super put aside form them when they can claim

it would have a better chance of home or flat ownership with

a decent lump sum payment.  It is very important to take

care of our older years, especially in an ageing society, and I

think an increase in the GST of a full 2.5% to 12.5% is justified.

About Politics

Normally I vote for the Bullet Train and Clive Palmer, but I used

to vote labour and the Australian Democrats.  But the way society

has continued to shift to the left in general on moral issues I am

starting to become more comfortable with the liberal party, which

currently might sit well with an 80s/90s labour party, which I am fond of.

I'll probably vote for the bullet train and cliver palmer at the next election

(I'm a big fan of VFT ideas and Huge Works eg Snowy scheme etc), but

I will consider the liberals.  Labour is too far to the left these days.

My Details

Mr Daniel Daly

29 Merriman Crescent

Macarthur  ACT  2904

Phone 6291 4414

Son of Mary Daly who attends Corpus Christi parish at Holy Family in Gowrie

(Zed has been to our house chatting with mum not long ago)

My Work

I currently receive the Disability Support pension, but am developing an online

religious books website, which I hope to have an income from in time.


Yeh, it doesn't violate copyright. I wrote the thing. It's fanfiction, which is legal enough online - see for example. There is heaps of Harry Potter fanfiction, stacks of Twilight, and oodles of various superhero stuff, amongst shitloads of other fanfiction. Legally it can't be published for profit until the work its based upon enters into the public domain, which for Aus and US is 70 years after either the Authors death or the date of publication, whichever is the latter. Kapiche? Look up that website.  You should look up Australian Public Domain law - that is knowledge the Fletch should own. For example wikipedia articles are public domain - anybody can use them and publish them in any way they choose. is full of old works which have entered the public domain, and they add to it virtually every day. You should check the site. You can publish anything on that site if you wished to. For example, Peter Fletcher Publications could publish Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' and sell it for profit if he wished to. So70 years after J K Rowling's death, you could probably expect a shitload of Harry Potter stories and movies to flood the market. But, sooner than that, we will probably be in for an avalanche of tolkien stuff in about 30 years, which will be 70 years after his death. I mean, where do you think new stories like 'Hook' and the recent 'Alice in Wonderland' and various things which are reinterpreations of the original come from? If copyright remained into perpetuity you wouldn't get any new stuff on those ideas at all. One other thing, its the same for music. Anybody can release their own Mozart or Beethoven recordings if they wished to. Got to find a market, but perfectly legal to do so.


Dear Aaron (and others)

It is important that a human, made in the image of God, listen to their conscience.  Law - the bible - is a good guide, but we can't always remember every chapter and verse, can we.  Instead, it is that unwritten law, which our heart dictates to us every living moment, the conscience inside, which feels both goodness for doing the right thing, and guilt for doing the wrong thing, which is what must guide us through this life we live.  We all know the basics of what Noah, or great penultimate grand father, would teach.  Don't be the kind of person God wants to drown in a flood, for example.  Think you can steal?  Check your conscience.  Think you can kill?  Check your conscience. Think you can sodomize that dead donkey?  Check your conscience.  Consciences - useful things to have - cornerstones of our guide for a life filled with morality.  And a human, made in the image of God, who wants prosperity in life, won't get eternal prosperity without eternal morality.  It's just the way it works.  So waffling off on a million theological statements - sure its great - but the biggest statement of all is listen to your heart and conscience, because that's the best guide of getting you through it all.  AMEN.



Yeh, it doesn't violate copyright. I wrote the thing. It's fanfiction, which is legal enough online - see for example. There is heaps of Harry Potter fanfiction, stacks of Twilight, and oodles of various superhero stuff, amongst shitloads of other fanfiction. Legally it can't be published for profit until the work its based upon enters into the public domain, which for Aus and US is 70 years after either the Authors death or the date of publication, whichever is the latter. Kapiche? Look up that website.

Yeh, we are all entitled to our opinions Stepahine. I respect yours and thank you for sharing it with me.

I don't think I've ever really been corrected on my language. Perhaps mum and dad a bit growing up, but in Australia, apart from at church, nobody really gives much of a 'darn' if you swear a bit. In my Christian fundamentalist years I rarely swore at all, and rebuked myself when I did, and perhaps that is your tradition Stephanie. But in my personal religion of Karaite Noahide faith 'colourful' language is a natural expression of our frustrations and our sense of sarcasm. But I note your objections. I might possibly consider a more cautious approach in the future.


Yet I think, Susan, that every year has a 'Winter' in it as well, so a 'Winter of discontent' is a time for 'Keeping the Faith' and reviewing all the things in it which maybe didn't work so well.  It's a time when things die, is winter, the leaves are gone, and its all cold and miserable.  A time when we cool down from our spiritual 'Hype' and face up to the truths of our life.  Those things which are good, although, are inevitably reborn in spring, and then, no sooner, is it 'Summer Solstice' again and we can rejoice in the Lord.

I particularly like the idea of 'Getting Back to Square One', the Summer Solstice, which is the heartland of our personal faith, that time in the Summer of our newborn religious fervour, where we find God, and everything is new again, especially, as it was for me, after a life which had gone down the path of unbelief from early childhood faith, yet found life again, and a new beginning.  Brilliant song, and I'll love it forever.


It is always great to have new beginnings David.  Noah was chosen by God from amongst humanity to rebirth humanity.  So, in a sense, the Noahide movement also represents new birth.  New birth away from the kind of behaviours which, in the end, just end in a deluge of a flood and destruction.  Humanity is, of course, given grace - we will never see another universal flood - but we should never take that for granted.  When we have a fresh beginning in life we need to always reaffirm our commitments to God, and remember the kind of lifestyles we are turning away from, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past and the mistakes of those who choose not to serve Almighty God.  We are not really quite the same as Israel.  We are similar in many ways, but it is an older covenant which is our foundation stone.  So, in this sense, the faith which comes into our lives and hearts from these new beginnings we go through is well founded, well established, and ancient in its endurance - and that endurance is everlasting, as we know the covenant of Noah - the rainbow Covenant - is everlasting.  With such a well rounded and grounded covenant we have great grace and promise with Almighty God and are very lucky to find the truth, witnessed in nature by the Rainbow, and witnessed on our hearts in our consciences, which is a fundamental truth of Noahide faith.  Congratulations and thank you for all the wonderful videos you are doing in the name of Noahide faith.  I very much appreciate your efforts and wish you abundant success in life.

Daniel Daly, Canberra, Australia


No, I don't reject the teaching of the Tanakh from Abraham onwards. I affirm that 100% as the religion for the people of Abraham and Israel. As a Noahide I may notice these teachings and draw inspiration from them if I so choose, but I don't teach their applicability to my own Noahide walk with God. I try to emulate the religion Noah himself followed in relationship to God, which did not have the Abrahamic component associated with it, simply because Abraham did not exist then. But I accept the Tanakh as the primary scripture of God, have read it entirely, and view it as applicable to the way of life of Judaism. I regard the Holy Land of Israel as the right of the Jewish people to inhabit when they are not in a state of exile (Leviticus 26), and affirm Israel is called to be a Priestly Nation in service of God. I agree with Isaiah that Israel should be a light to the nations, but the choice to take notice of that light and resonate with it is up to the individual Noahide to work out for themselves.


You know, what I like about Christianity is the 99% of christians who listen to their priest or pastor's sermons about Jesus teaching you to return the talents he invested in you who simply are too lazy to bother to use their mind and brains and produce anything decent. Especially computer programmers, well trained, who could probably produce quite a number of decent, thoughtful and challenging games for the PC, who sit there, twiddle their thumbs working for comsuper, and wonder why life sux and is boring.  Other ones I admire are Catholic redheaded boys who have actual decent talent at music, but who level out at grade 4 because its just too challenging beyond that, and they couldn't be bothered to produce that many compositions when it comes down to it.  Those people are wonderful you know.  Bill Gates and Mozart love them, because they represent no competition whatsoever.  But what is best of all are Torah students, who've read the Tanakh, and produce zero amount of theological writings or books on spirituality or fiction of any kind for that matter. THEY JUST MAKE MY DAY



The HNF World News: Issue 1

12th of June 6174 SC (SC = Since Creation)    6174 = 2010 CE/AD




Soccer World Cup 2010 begins in South Africa yesterday.

South Africa and Mexico played out a 1 all draw.  Uruguay and France played out a 1 all draw.  Nelson Mandela missed the opening after his great-granddaughter died in a car crash.


Transatlantic rift over Oil Spill

Britain under pressure to intervene in oil spill crisis off the East American Coast.  BP held responsible Attempts at fixing the leak still incomplete.  Environmental damage deemed great.


Tonga aims for nuclear power

The King of Tonga has announced that Tonga should aim towards nuclear power for its electricity supply.


New Rifle to Engage Enemies from Afar

British troops have been issued with a new infantry combat rifle.  Approximately 400 of the rifles have been purchased.  They are intended for use in ongoing Afghan conflict with the Taliban.


Massacre survivors are thankful for tough sentences

Survivors from the Srebrenica massacre of 1995 were pleased with the two tough sentences handed down by the UN court against 2 Bosniah Serbs found guilty of genocide in the Balkans conflict.


Japanese Prime Minister Targets Debt Problem

Naoto Kan signalled a revision of fiscal policy to reduce the nations problem with public debt, warning of a Greece-styled meltdown.


Pope says celibacy central to Catholic Priesthood

Pope Benedict XVI says celibacy is a key element of the Catholic Priesthood, maintaining the long tradition after a wave of criticisms due to the recent child abuse scandals.


Kyrgyzstan signals ‘State of Emergency’

The interim Government of Kyrgyzstan issued curfews on southern parts of the nation after ethnic clashes.


Hope for Palestinians Dims

The Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, has stated that faith in the two-state solution of a separate Palestine and Israel is waning due to lack of progress.






Sth Africa vs West Indies

Stumps on first day – South Africa 3 for 70

The HNF World News: Issue 2

19th of December 6176 SC – SC = Since Creation – 6176SC = 2012 CE/AD




The Two State solution between Israel and Palestine has been approved of by the United Nations Recently.

The U.N. General Assembly has voted to recognize the state of Palestine.  The resolution upgrading the Palestinians' status to a nonmember observer state at the United Nations was approved by the 193-member world body just recently by a vote of 138-9 with 41 abstentions.







The Newtown massacre in the United States of the schoolchildren and schoolkids from last week has propelled fresh discussion on the US’s Gun Laws.


International Troops are gradually being pulled out of Afghanistan.


Barack Obama was re-elected President with strong victory in the recent November US election over Republican candidate Mit Romney.  Mit is a practicing Mormon, but that did not have any major effect on the election.


Julia Gillard is the current Prime Minister of Australia and David Cameron is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  Just the other day, for the first time in 250 years, the Queen sat in with the UK Parliament’s cabinet for a meeting.  It was apparently just symbolic, as there are no changes in Monarchical powers reported.  The UKs Princess Kate Middleton is pregnant, but after a recent scare at hospital, two DJs from an Australian Radio Station rang up the hospital pretending to be members of the royal family and spoke with Kate.  It was initially laughed at as a prank, and Prince Charles made nothing of it at the time, but a few days later the nurse who took the call committed suicide.  She was an Indian Catholic named ‘Jacintha Saldanha’, and the DJs have been seriously questioned in the media  One of the DJs, Maude, does the Video Hits on Australian TV.  I feel they have been unfavourably and unfairly treated by the media and the public.


Most other world events have gone on as normal, the population is now past 7 Billion, and life goes on.





Melbourne won the NRL in 2012, defeating the Bulldogs narrowly in the Grand Final.  The Bulldogs were minor premiers in all 3 grades.

Sydney won the AFL in 2012, defeating Hawthorn.  Hawthorn were Minor Premiers.

Currently Hull City Tigers are 4th on the ladder in the England Champions Division.  There odds of making Premiere League next season seem very good at this stage.  The Champions division is the second of the 4 major divisions in the English Soccer Leagues.


England won a test cricket series in India for the first time in 30 years just the other day.


The UK did very well at the London 2012 Olympics, finishing 3rd after the USA in first and China in second.  UK gained 29 gold, 17 Silver and 19 Bronze.  Australia finished 10th with 7 gold, but many more silver and bronze.  The UK have won at least one gold medal and one silver medal at every modern Olympics, and a bronze in every Olympics as well all but one.  They are the only country to have achieved this record.  The next Summer Olympic games is at Rio in Brazil in South America.



Australia Beat Sri Lanka in the First Test

Finishing in Tasmania Yesterday Australia beat Sri Lanka in the first test of a three test series.



Current Cricket Rankings

ICC rankings for Tests, ODIs and Twenty20

ICC Test Championship

17 December 2012





South Africa




















Sri Lanka




West Indies




New Zealand








Zimbabwe is currently unranked, as it has played insufficient matches. It has 167 points and a rating of 42.

ICC ODI Championship

8 December 2012









South Africa












Sri Lanka








West Indies








New Zealand




















ICC Twenty20 Championship

10 December 2012





Sri Lanka




West Indies












South Africa












New Zealand
















The following teams are not ranked as fewer than eight T20I matches played since August 2010. Afghanistan; Netherlands; Scotland; Canada & Kenya.

Rankings table devised, developed and maintained by David Kendix, member of ICC Cricket Committee


 The HNF World News: Issue 3

7th of February 6178 SC – SC = Since Creation – 6178 SC = 2014 CE/AD

Recent News Items


Russia has made anti-homosexual laws recently, and is being persecuted by the western world's politically correct social agenda on the issue.

The Winter Olympics begins soon in Russia, and protests on this issue are expected to happen.

Catholic Church

The Catholic Church came under attack the other day on the issue of Child abuse by Priests. The UN was the protagonist, and they also complained on issues of Abortion and Homosexuality. Our position is that it is not the right of the UN to speak to a religious organization on issues of morality within the ranks of voluntarily abiding members, as the UN's own sanction on the right to self determination and assembly allows individuals of likeminded morals and values to associate with each other. The stance to forbid these practices (specifically the issues of abortion and homosexuality, as child abuse is covered by law and not a matter of religious morals) within their own ranks is legal and acceptable by the Catholic Church as they do not practice mind control or cultic indoctrination and do not insist members remain within their ranks if they choose to go elsewhere or leave the church. The issues of abortion and homosexuality are left within Catholicism for their own self-determination. It should be noted that in Exodus the Word speaks of judgement upon a man who harms an unborn child. In an accident, with no great harm, the husband determines the punishment. If death of the child occurs, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, bruise for bruise etc applies.


King Hits (one punch) have been heavily legislated against in Australia recently and on recent polls on ninemsn Australia currently has a very low tolerance of violent behaviour.


Test Cricket: In 2013 England won the Ashes in England 4 – 0 (one draw) and the following summer of 2013 Australia regained the Ashes winning 5 – 0 in Australia.

NRL: Sydney Roosters won the 2013 NRL Grand Final.

AFL: Hawthorn Hawks won the 2013 AFL Grand Final.

EPL: Hull City Tigers regained their Premiere League status in the 2013/2014 Season. Halfway through the season they are midfield on the ladder of 20 teams.

Lleyton Hewitt won the Sydney International ATP event earlier this year, the result of months of concentrated training effort with little success, while Wawrinka won the Australian Tennis open this year.

International Heads of State

The Liberal-National Party coalition won the 2013 Australian Federal Election. Tony Abbott was elected Prime Minister. Bill Shorten became Labour opposition leader, replacing Kevin Rudd, who had served twice as Prime Minister, cutting of the final weeks of Julia Gillard's term in office. Bill Shorten defeated Anthony Albanese to gain the position of labour leader.

David Cameron is the current conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Barack Obama was re-elected President of the USA in 2012. He represent the democrat party.

Queen Elizabeth II is still monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

Pope Benedict XVI retired (a rarity for the pope but not without precedent) and became Pope Emeritus. Pope Francis I replaced him.

Vladimir Putin remains President of Russia.


The Noah movie debuts soon. Official trailers can be seen on Youtube. The movie is biblically based and tells the essence of the story, but is dramatized for entertainment purposes. From watching the trailers, the movie appears to be a first class action movie of traditional Hollywood stylings. Star Wars episodes VII, VIII & IX are in pre-production. The cast of the original trilogy from the 1970s/1980s are strongly rumoured to be reappearing. This appears to be quite certain, although the stars are cagey about confirming the fact. There are 2 planned spinoffs. Lucasfilm (George Lucas Movie Production company which produces Star Wars films amongst others) was recently purchased by Disney for a staggering sum. Hollywood continues to churn out a regular supply of new movies and sequels. In the music industry, pop is in vogue for the charts, and country is strong at this time also. R & B maintains itself, wereas traditional Rock and Roll has largely declined over the last decade. There are a growing number of alternative/folkish style semi-rock acts, but traditional Rock Bands of the 60s, 70s and 80s have very few new big names, mainly traditionally established names from those eras keeping the genre alive. Justin Bieber is currently in trouble with the law, the pop superstar being accused of egging a neighbours house. Miley Cyrus remains a controversial figure, while New Zealand teen songstress 'Lorde' appears to be one of the new up and coming pop superstars. The dress codes of the Media Industries seems to have stabilized on late 90s and 2000s fashion stylings, and the liberal style dress code has not greatly changed in this time. There have been criticisms of were some behaviours may be heading, but the pop stars and actors and actresses are not naked yet, and clothes remain worn.


This year internationally has seen one of the most turbulent of extreme weather patterns, with very cold winters in the northern hemisphere, and very hot summers in the southern hemisphere.

Canberra, in Australia, scorched recently (It was bloody hot and draining). Many of us suspect global warming based on the Greenhouse effect and the hole in the ozone layer is primarily responsible, due to our over emissions of harmful toxins into the atmosphere. Carbon emissions are the primary suspect of our problems.

The HNF World News: Issue 4

Monday the 14th of April 6178 SC (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2014 CE/AD

Recent News Items

MH370 was a Malaysian Jumbo Jet which disappeared recently, and went missing. Many nations have been trying to track down the plane, which was believed to have gone missing in the Indian Ocean somewhere. It has been major continuing news because of the inability to find the plane.

Russia recently gained control over Crimea, which has been part of the Country Ukraine, when Russian troops infiltrated that part of the nation. It was mostly a non-violent standoff between Russian troops and Ukrainian ones, but no real bloodshed ocurred. Crimea took a referendum and decided that it did in fact want to join Russia. My view is that sympathizers towards the old USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) were still pro-Russia enough (which had been the substantial part of the USSR) and decided to rejoin the superpower. It has been very suspicious and the West are not really liking or recognizing the decision of the referendum terribly much, but it appears to be reasonable enough ultimately. I feel Crimea, when it comes down to it, probably do want back in with Russia, so it is probably legal enough. There are still further rumblings in other parts of Ukraine on this issue.

Economically, things are generally on the improve in the world at the moment. Europe seems to be now recovering somewhat from the recent Global Financial Crisis of the late 2000s (the noughties) and things are starting to recover.

Moral standards have showed consistent stability for the most part, and the pop culture has shown no real deterioration in its standards in the teenies so far since the noughties. Pop culture remains a big influence of the morals of the youth of the world. It remains a credible scene for entetainment.

There has been the usual run of news stories internationally: disasters, kidnappings, gun shootings and the like. Nothing too extraordinary at the moment. The Hey Dad star was found guilty of pedophilia on a number of charges. He claimed to be innocent after the verdicts had been given. Schappelle Corby can not be interviewed until her parole period is ended. She is now free from prison, living in Bali. She has been suffering anxiety.


Hull City Tigers defeated Sheffield United 5-3 in the semi final of the FA Cup the other day. It is the first time in the over 100 year history of the club that they have made the Final of the FA Cup. They play Arsenal in the final, who defeated Wigan. Go the Tigers (my club).

Gold Coast Titans currently stand at the top of the NRL Ladder with 5 wins and 1 loss. Bulldogs are 2nd with 4 wins and 2 losses.

Hawthorn Hawks currently stand at the top of the AFL ladder.

International Heads of State

The Queen (Queen Elizabeth II) recently visited the new Pope, Pope Francis I. They exchanged gifts. The pope gave a lovely blue orb to Prince George. It really looked special. The queen gave some lovely alcoholic beverage to the pope. Some fine British fare.

Tony Abbott is administering affairs as PM of Australia with competence and propriety. I feel the liberals are doing a competent job, as labour did before them. Newspolls this morning showed labour just ahead on two party preferred voting.


Noah debuted, and was given a solid 7 and a half rating so far by IMDB ratings (Internet Movie Database (I think is the acronym)). I saw it with friends, and gave it 11 out of 10. It was remarkably brilliant. It deviated slightly from scripture on a number of points, but the biblical record was told for the most part. In terms of a biblical epic action adventure movie it was absolutely first class. Highly recommended.

Super Hero movies contine coming out regularly, mostly from Marvel, but DC consistently releases as well. These are some of the bigger blockbusters done these days, the new Captain America and Spiderman movies appear to be first class. The Man of Steel movie released recently is apparently very solid entertainment. The Man of Steel is a title of Superman.

Australia has had 'Freeview' for a few years now, and the number of channels has grown to over 2 dozen. There are also TV shopping channels and NITV (National Indigenous TV), which was formerly on Pay TV.

Hollywood continues to churn out the regular type of commercial movies it focuses on on a regular basis. There is also a strong independent movie scene in the US, as well as in every country by the looks of it. In Australia SBS show international programs. X-Box One was recently released from Microsoft, a gaming console, which is likely to start a run of numbered X-Boxes. Previously there was X-Box, X-Box 360 and I think X-Box 720 Kinnect (or something like that). But they seem to have made a policy decision to go ahead with a numbered sequence from my impressions. Video Games press ahead as likely the most popular entertainment for kids, alongside TV and music. Internet tablets are also increasingly popular, and everyone seems to have a texting mobile phone these days.


Canberra had a lot of rain in the last week. It is sunny today, but the Autumn weather is starting to be noticeable, and it is starting to cool off as winter approaches.

The HNF World News: Issue 5

Sunday the 18th of May 6178 SC (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2014 CE/AD

Recent News Items

MH370 has not been found. The Malaysian airliner was major news for a while, and the communities spent a lot of time searching for it, but with no luck so far.

In Nigeria recently, over 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped. In the media various celebrities posted signs with 'Bring Back our Girls', asking for the return of the kidnapped school girls. There was discussion in the media about how slavery is still prevalent in the world. However, footage of the girl was sent in by the kidnappers, showing a film of about 100 of the girls who supposedly had converted to Islam. Obviously they had been forced into it, and the conversions will not be genuine at all. It is a sinners mentality which believes it has to convert to a faith through fear. No truth exists, as far as I am concerned, through tyranny. The conversions are not valid in the eyes of God. Hopefully the girls will be released soon enough, which is probably the intention of the kidnappers anyway – they are using this tactic to make converts and not much more. It doesn't appear they intended any real harm towards the girls.

The war in the Ukraine has fizzled down to a bit of a civil war conflict. Not a big deal in the news anymore, and not too much appears to be coming from it. The Crimea will likely settle into Russia and, eventually, the west will probably recognize that. The Crimean people might, on the whole, be happier as part of Russia rather than the Ukraine, so I'm not really against the idea anyway.

The civil war in Syria has fizzled right down to less news worthy items, and the situation seems to be gradually diminishing. In fact, at the moment, a lot of tense situations from the last number of decades seem to under control for the most part, and the Palestinian/Israel conflict has far less bite in it these days then it once did. It seems that the world is actually continuing to improve, for the most part, and situations are being resolved. Hopefully war will eventually indeed become a thing of the past.

The budget in Australia was greatly diabolical in many people's eyes, because the liberals increased taxes and decreased spending. They had made promises not to increase taxes, which they broke, yet they defended themselves by claiming they fulfilled the main promise of getting the budget under control. I hate to say it, but I guess I have to agree with them, because tough medicine is sometimes needed to resolve a situation. They are probably being responsible (albeit hypocritical) despite the complaints against them. Worldwide the recent Global Financial Crisis appears to still be coming under control. Things are gradually improving again.

Robert Hughes was found guilty of sexual deviancy claims. The Australian 'Hey Dad' star has been sentenced to 6 years in jail. Rolf Harris is being trialled for the same things in the UK at the moment, and appears to be guilty by the looks of it. The Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa continues to perplex, and the Judge has ordered psychiatric evaluations. In this case I think that might be somewhat justified. Its hard to get a handle on wether he is really guilty or not, but he doesn't appear to be a man of evil, and seems genuinely remorseful on what he has done. My initial impressions was that he might be guilty of manslaughter and not murder, but time will tell.


Hull City Tigers lost 3:2 in extra time against Arsenal in the F.A. Cup Final for 2014. It was the first time Hull had ever made the final, and it was the end of a long and hard premiere league season also, were they managed to finish 16th and stay in the Premiere League for next season. Manchester City finished top of the regular season ladder, so were Champions of the Premiere League.

The Soccer World Cup is happening again this year, so we will keep you posted on results.

In the AFL in Australia, Port Adelaide is currently on top of the ladder, with Hawthorn second. In the NRL in Australia, Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs are currently on top of the ladder. They won their match today against the New Zealand Warriors. In the Super League (English Rugby League) competition in the UK the Leeds Rhinos currently sit on top of the ladder. The two Hull teams are mid ladder at the moment.

ICC Current rankings for Tests, ODIs and Twenty20 (International Cricket)

ICC Test Championship

1 May 2014









South Africa
















New Zealand




Sri Lanka




West Indies












ICC ODI Championship

6 May 2014













Sri Lanka








South Africa








New Zealand




West Indies




















ICC Twenty20 Championship

1 May 2014









Sri Lanka








South Africa








New Zealand




West Indies
































Current Top 10 Rankings in ATP International Men's Tennis - 12th of May 2014/6178 SC

  1. Nadal, Rafael (Spain)

  2. Djokovic, Novak (Serbia)

  3. Wawrinka, Stan (Switzerland)

  4. Federer, Roger(Switzerland)

  5. Ferrer, David (Spain)

  6. Berdych, Tomas (Czech Republic)

  7. Del Potro, Juan Martin (Argentina)

  8. Murray, Andy (Great Britain)

  9. Nishikori, Kei (Japan)

  10. Raonic, Milos (Canada)

International Heads of State

Barack Obama still president of the USA. Queen Elizabeth still Queen of the Commonwealth of Great Britain. Prince William and Kate Middleton (Windsor) visited Australia recently, and they were very well received. Their is a current resurgence of popularity in the Monarchy, though Australia is tacitly a republic these days, if not so officially. Australia seems to be comfortable with the current situation, which suits me well enough as well. Tony Abbot is current Prime Minister of Australia. Francois Hollande, of the Socialist Party, is current President of France. He was born August 12, 1954 in Rouen in France. He has been president of France since 2012.


The Noah movie was well enough received. Some of the criticisms were its lack of complete literacy according to scripture, but it did well enough at the box office. It has come and gone as a successful movie, but hasn't really caught on in any significant way in the culture for the most part. There didn't appear to be any real increase in interest in the Noahide faith due to the movie, but it was a talking point. It may catch on gradually as a movie of interest. Amazing Spiderman 2 debuted recently, and was well receieved. Marvel continue to produce the majority of the superhero movies, but DC is strong on TV series, as opposed to Marvel in this area. DC has usually concentrated on Superman and Batman in terms of its big movies, but I sense they will gradually go to the other heroes as they become more and more established in the culture. I expect DC to eventually catch Marvel in this area, and potentially take over one day. A Justice League movie would probably be a huge box office hit. The Twilight phenomenon has calmed down, and so has the Harry Potter thing for the most part, since the sagas have been completed. They continue to be a popular subject of fanfiction stories, and I visit often, and those subjects are written on constantly. The next real big thing, funnilly enough, is Star Wars again, with Episodes 7, 8 & 9 being done from 2015 every two years, with two spin-off movies, one on a young Han Solo, and one on Boba Fett the Bounty Hunter, being done in between the episodes. So 5 straight years of Star Wars movies from next year, and they are HUGE in the culture at the moment. Star Wars has continued to become an increasingly big phenomenon. The big Superheroes will likely continue like that as well, with a regular supply of big box office hits, and I tend to doubt we have seen the last of Harry Potter and Twilight. J K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, is writing screenplays for a spinoff series on a Harry Potter related magic book on magical creatures. Dumbledore may possibly appear as a cameo, but it is not technically a Harry Potter series. It is, though, from the same universe as the Harry Potter books, and will be canon for that universe. They haven't done new Star Trek series for a while, though the new movies continue to appear. I do suspect, though, Star Trek will return soon enough, when the older series have been exhausted a bit, and sufficient enough demand for new stuff arises. Probably just a matter of time. Things continue to churn along in the entertainment world and the quality of the entertainment continues to be at a high level.


The weather has been quite mild recently, and Sydney enjoyed unseasonably high temperatures in the mid 20s all last week. A milder winter is expected this year for Australia.

The HNF World News: Issue 6

Tuesday the 17th of June 6178 SC (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2014 CE/AD

Recent News Items

MH370 has still not been located. The nigerian schoolgirls have not yet been released. Honestly, after last month's report my views have changed a bit. I do understand that the world is constantly beset by lawlessness and godlessness, and one thing the kidnappers are instilling into these girls are strict behaviour standards and probably decent work ethics. Ultimately, as ironic as it may sound, more good is probably being done for Africa through this than bad. The world could use some discipline as far as I am concerned. The kidnapped girls had the slogan 'Bring Back Our Girls' associated with it, various signs paraded by celebrities and the like. Recently some Israelite youngster were kidnapped by Palestinians, and the sign 'Bring Back our Boys' has been used associated with it. It lacks grace and is just fake pandering to the world as far as I am concerned to promote the situation like this. It's shamelessly using the Nigerian situation to promote their own. Iraq has developed a civil war in recent weeks, akin somewhat to developments in Syria. US has been debating whether they want to enter into some sort of arrangement with Iran to handle the situation, even though they are at loggerheads with Iran over various issues, including nuclear disarmerment. Iran, though, appears to like the idea somewhat, and wants to emerge from the sanctioned state they are viewed as. Civil war tension in middle east nations has been a constant reality for a while now. The usual array of shootings, kidnappings, murders and the like fill our news stories each night. Nothing much changes in mankind's behaviour. Statistically, these things only affect a small number of the population over any given timespan, but lawlessness is never a good thing. The trial with Rolf Harris continues. It appears that he is probably guilty of something, although he is strongly denying the claims with his defense. The Oscar Pistorius situation in South Africa is not yet resolved, and he will be undergoing mental assessment. Robert Hughes, the Hey Dad actor, was found guilty and sentenced to 6 years I think it was. The Australian Budget has not passed the senate yet, and the greens and labour are blocking it, most displeased with it. Malcolm Turnbull was seen in discussions with Clive Palmer, which is speculated may lead to compromises on the part of the liberals to the Palmer party to get the budget through. This is not surprising if it happens.


The Football (Soccer) World Cup has started again in Brazil. Australia and England both lost their first matches. Germany and the USA won their opening encounters, as did Brazil. Some teams are looking strong already, and a big named team will quite possibly take the cup this year. The Commonwealth Games will be held this year in Glasgow in Scotland from the 23rd of July to the 3rd of August. The next Olympic Games is in Brazil in 2016. The Penrith Panthers currently sit in first place on the NRL ladder and Port Adelaide sit in first place on the AFL ladder. St Helens currently sit in first place on the Super League (UK Rugby Legue) ladder. The San Antonio Spurs won the US NBA (National Basketball) championship for 2014. The Seattle Seahawks won the American NFL (National Football Competition – Grid Iron) for the 94th season, played in Super Bowl XLVIII played on February 2nd 2014, defeating the Denver Broncos.

One Day Cricket International Rankings Table

ICC ODI Championship

15 June 2014









Sri Lanka








South Africa












New Zealand




West Indies




















International Men's Tennis top ten rankings as of 16 June 6178 SC (16 June 2014)

Nadal, Rafael (Spain)

Djokovic, Novak (Serbia)

Wawrinka, Stan (Switzerland)

Federer, Roger (Switzerland)

Murray, Andy (Great Britain)

Berdych, Tomas (Czech Republic)

Ferrer, David (Spain)

Del Potro, Juan Martin (Argentina)

Raonic, Milos (Canada)

10 Gulbis, Ernests (Latvia)

International Heads of State

The current German Chancellor is Angela Merkel since 22nd of November 2005. She heads the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and was born on the 17th of July 1954. She was seen at the World Cup the other day supporting Germany against Portugal. German won comprehensively. Queen Elizabeth II, head of the United Kingdom, turned 88 recently. Currently the odds are favourable that she will become England's longest reigning Monarch in a few years, if she outlasts Victoria's reign. So many famous celebrities have come and gone while Elizabeth has remained on the throne. The current Pope, Pope Francis, is a biblical sort of pope, and their has been a renewed interest in scripture during his term in office so far. Pope Benedict XVI is still a Pope Emeritus, whereas Pope Francis recently reported to a Spanish newsmedia organisation that the possibility of himself retiring also in this day and age is a distinct possibility. A precedent has been established, apparently. As priests are now in the habit of retiring regularly in catholicism, this is not that unusual. Tony Abbott is still Prime Minister of Australia, although they haven't managed to pass the budged yet. A double dissolution seems unlikely, but if it did happen Australia would go to the poles again and, with the current state of the polls, labour would likely get in with Bill Shorten to be next Prime Minister. Frankly, next election that seems likely anyway.


The movie from Disney, Frozen, has gone on to become the worlds bestselling box office movie of all time. Now, when you take inflation and population growth, as well as improvements in media advertising into account, I don't think the same situation would likely apply on a balanced scale, were Star Wars (episode IV from 1977)probably comes out on top. But in terms of actual monetary value in an unadjusted scale, Frozen (an animated epic) is now number one all time. It is a kids movie and has proven exceptionally popular anyway, and may end up indeed being the most popular movie of all time, adjusted, anyway. Michael Jackson's posthumous album 'Xscape' has done reasonably well on the music charts, though it has offered no outstanding hits to the industry. A recent trend is older albums, being popularised through soundtrack and other promotional vehicles, which had achieved a lot of success, are constantly showing up in the top 100 on the music charts these days. Certain bands and acts of great popularity seemed to have created an ongoing demand for their music in what is usually a throwaway, flash in the pan, commercial culture. Nirvana's “Nevermind” is a particular example of an album which is still selling very well over 20 years later since its release. In that particular case, the success of Dave Grohl (Nirvana's drummer) with his band the Foo Fighters in the year's since Kurt Kobain's death (the lead singer of Nirvana) has perhaps attributed a fair degree to the success of the album, but by no means that alone, as it was tremendously popular on original release. Big name hard rock and heavy metal albums seem to breed a lot of loyalty in the marketplace and with fans. They seem to be taken a lot more seriously than the pop and rock bands which come and go, and ironically have a far more enduring legacy at this point. Eg bands like Metallica and Iron Maiden, and hard rock bands like Def Leppard and Bon Jovi are just as, and even more so popular now than in their 80s heyday, and in the touring scene such bands often dominate.


Weather has been quite moderate in Canberra in the last month, and has winter has dawned, as promised, the weather is in fact quite mild and tolerable this year. Quite enjoyable in fact.

The HNF World News: Issue 7

Friday the 5th of December 6177 SC (In the adjusted calendar of HNF) (SC = Since Creation)    6177 = 2014 CE/AD

Recent News Items

There was a G20 summit in Brisbane a few weeks back. This was the 'Government 20' or something like that, which was a representation internationally of the heads of state of 20 of the biggest political/economic nations of the world. It is the same standard list of nations each time, and it has grown in membership over the years. This year it was in Brisbane in Queensland in Australia, and made a lot of news. Tony Abbot, the prime minister of Australia from the Liberal party, was criticized a little for his lack of respect for the issue of climate change, which Barack Obama, president of the United States, spoke on. Mr Abbot didn't really want that issue on the agenda, but a lot of leaders wished to talk about the issue. Just prior to the summit, China and the US, the world biggest emitters of carbon polution, had signed an agreement with each other to limit emissions, and it was a hot topic, but Mr Abbot wanted to talk primarily about economic issues. In Australian politics, Jacqui Lambie, who was a senator in the newly formed Palmer United Party, split from the party and went independent. She has proven somewhat popular with the Australian people, but the media has been very critical of the Palmer United Party. This morning I noted on the news Joe Hockey, the treasurer at the moment, commented that about 75% of the budget measures for this year had been passed. I has been a very difficult budget, and criticized greatly, but in all honesty I agree with Joe that tough measures needed to be taken to get Australia back to an economic surplus. I feel, even though I am left wing moderate, that the liberal party are acting responsibly in this area. Before becoming prime minister, Tony Abbot, in all honesty, came across as a bit of schmuck in some ways, but since becoming Prime Minister I feel he has demonstrated a confident aura of a Prime Minister you can respect, and has handled a difficult job well enough. Not perfect, but he has done ok. In hindsight, now, I don' actually mind the liberal prime ministers we have had over the years. Our Pms, from both labour and liberal, in living memory, have been the right ones really. Australia has probably gotten it right each time. The Isis situation and the conflict in Syria and Iraq continues on. There have been more beheadings of westerners by zealot Isis extremists, but the US and other nations military personnel are currently engaged in a 'Bombing' war against them. They are not committing ground troops at this stage, and I don't think personally that will be necessary. Our war ISN'T against Islam. It is against extremists in Islam, who don't really even interpret Quran passages appropriately, and who are just hotheaded passions, not giving a damn, and fist pumpers, lifting their guns in the air, to be 'Cool' to each other in the name of Islam. I think they just get a bloody rush out of this lifestyle. Watching the James Bond movie 'The Living Daylights' from the 1980s the other day, set in Afghanistan, it was the same old thing back then. Isis will be dealt with in time. Terrorists will not prosper. Christmas, it seems to me, seems to start earlier every year in recent times, and it was just late November, and the TV has already starting doing Christmas related things and shows. It will a big thing all throughout December this year, and is a major source of culture and focus for many of us. It is a very traditional universal celebration now, and Santa is as big a part with many of the more mainstream citizens as the actual point of the celebration, the birth of Jesus, is. Many aspects of the Christmas season have become practically secular.


Phil Hughes, Australian Cricketer, was killed the other day playing Cricket in the Australian state Sheffield Shield competition. He was hit by a ball under his helmet on his neck, and collapsed to the ground. He died a few days later in hospital. It has been very big news in Australia, and the funeral was shown the other day on TV. He was a Catholic man, and the Eulogies were appropriate. It brought to mind some of my families Eulogies, and the way a life is 'Celebrated' in a funeral service. This year South Sydney won the NRL Grand Final, with runners up the Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs. In the AFL competition, Hawthorn won the Grand final for the second year in a row, defeating Sydney, quite comfortably in the end. In Rugby Union Australia recently slipped to 5th in the world in rankings, the lowest they had ever been. The International Rugby Union games usually focus around a northern hemisphere competition and a southern hemisphere competiton. The Olympic Games are coming up again in 2016, and they are set in Rio in Brazil.

International Heads of State

Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William, the Duchess of Cambridge, is pregnant again. They had their first child, a son, Prince George not long ago. The monarchy has shown recent increase in popularity in Australia and, at the moment, discussions on a republic seem to be on the backburner. Paul Kagame is the sixth and current president of Rwanda in Africa, having taken office in 2000. He was born on the 23rd of October 1957 and is married to Jeannette Kagame. He represents the political party 'The Rwandan Patriotic Front'. Pope Frances recently declared that 'God does not have a magic wand', casting doubt on the 7 days of creation teaching of Genesis, and suggested that evolutionary theories of the big bang origin are not incompatible with Catholic faith. What a guy.


A Star Wars VII teaser premiered the other day. It showed very brief scenes from the next Star Wars movie, which will have much of the cast from the original movies of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Taylor Swift will be touring Australia late next year for 4 concerts. She is about the biggest pop star on the planet at the moment, with the likes of Katy Perry and Beyonce and Lady Gaga and One Direction other very big names. The Noah movie was released on DVD and Blu Ray recently. It was talked about somewhat on initial release, but has not otherwise captured the imagination of the public in any significant way. Mainly just viewed as another religious movie by the majority it would seem. A new movie premieres around now, 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' which stars Christian Bale from the Batman Dark Knights movies as Moses. It looks quite spectacular, and should prove popular enough. The final part of the hobbit trilogy and part one of the final Hunger Games series of movies are also premiering around now, and are probably the biggest movies of the moment. The Freeview channels on Australian TV came in a rush, but they seem to have stabilized in their numbers now, and Australians have a great deal more television to watch on free to air now because of it.


There has been a decent amount of rain here in Tuggeranong the last few days, a big relief after a very hot day which got up around 40 degrees celsius. It will likely be another hot summer in Australia this year.

The HNF World News: Issue 8

Thursday the 12th of February 6178 SC (In the adjusted calendar of HNF) (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2015 CE/AD

Recent News Items

In Sydney recently an extremist Muslim took hostages at Lindt cafe in the central Sydney city district, and held them hostage for nearly a day. The cafe was just opposite the channel 7 news room, and the Morning Show was on when the siege began. I was watching the Morning Show and saw near the beginning of the activity. At the end of the siege the extremist had killed individuals and was killed himself by police. It was very concerning to Australian citizens, who are not quite used to the kind of terror that people in the middle east live with constantly. This kind of witness for Islam shows clearly that it is a religion which can easily be abused, thus denoting that it could not be the primary witness of the God of creation. In Pakistan, the Taliban was responsible for killing a large amount of schoolchildren from a school recently. It was a huge massacre and, again, denotes that Islam is a religion which is easily lent to abuse and evil. Another incident of major news note on the problems of Extremism was the murders in France of people working for a French magazine, which had published cartoons of Mohammed in a critical manner. Islamic extremist killed a number of people working at the office. They were later found and in fights with the police were killed. France had shown solidarity against this extremism, and a number of heads of state from around the globe, including the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Palestinian leader, and the leader of Germany, amongst others, held arms together in a march protesting against the barbarities of this extremism and rights to freedom of expression. The pope, though, did comment that while people need to express themselves, this does not mean a mandate for unabated criticisms of figures of import, or otherwise for that matter. In Australia the prime Minister Tony Abbot recently chose to make Prince Philip a Knight of the Order of Australia, which proved a very unpopular decision, and was labelled a serious blunder by many, leading to a spill in the leadership and a vote to determine whether they would elect a new leader of the liberal party, Malcolm Turnbull being the chief challenger. Mr Abbot retained his leadership 61 votes to 39. There was conjecture that he had been promised about 70 votes, yet obviously some of the ministers changed their mind and supported the idea for Turnbull to replace Abbott. The possibility of another spill is quite apparent at some future point, largely based on how successful Tony Abbot will be in addressing some of the many criticisms labelled at him, especially the idea of being more consultative before making key decisions, something he has promised to address. There have been some fires in western Australia recently, which is a sign of the summer season in reality in Australia, because it seems every year there are bush fires. Probably necessary for the environment, a good cleaning out of build up dried vegetation. Fire cleanses. In Egypt, the Australian reporter Peter Greste was freed after a number of months imprisoned, after being exonerated against accusations of working against the government. His other colleagues have not yet been freed, and there is much discussion and attempts going on to have them freed. The Bali 9, as they were called, drug related criminals, have 2 members of Australia Citizenship who are due to be executed soon. There have been many attempts at appeal of the decision, and claims that they are reformed characters, and the mother of one of the individuals has been on many news shows recently claiming her son deserves mercy as a reformed individual. My impression on this is that she is correct, and hopefully mercy will be granted, though it looks very difficult for them. Already some executions have taken place there this year, and while Australia does not have a death penalty, they do recognize the rights of sovereign states to make their own laws on these issues.


Novak Djokovic won the recent Australian Tennis open for men and Serena Williams won the female draw. Both have won many majors now, and are highly successful and competitive tennis players. Novak defeated Scotsman Adrian Murray in the final. In the recent One Day Cricket Australian series between Australia, England and India, Australia defeated England in the final. The world cup of One Day Cricket begins very shortly. Australia won the Asian cup of Soccer the other day, and the mood is as such that they are going to have a very big crack at trying to do very well in the next soccer world cup. The Commonwealth Games was last year, and next year, 2016, is the Rio Olympic Games, which is the next International major sporting meet, apart from various world championships this year of specific sports.

International Heads of State

Enda Kenny, born on the 24th of April 1951, is the current taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland, head of the Fine Gael party. Kenny was voted Taoiseach of the Dail (Irish Parliament) on March 9, 2011, by an unprecedented 90 votes. (Note: The surname 'Daly' (My own) is a root word derived from the 'Dail' which is the Irish parliament)


The Grammy Awards were held recently, and British Artist Sam Smith did very well. Long term rock and rollers, AC DC, opened the show, and Madonna performed live as well. It was not a greatly high rating show, though. My Kitchen Rules is back on TV again this year in Australia, and is one of the major television raters at the moment on Australian TV. The show went just over 4 hours long the other night, an amazing tribute to the success of the show. Later this year, Masterchef Kitchen (assuming they continue) is likely to do extraordinarily well as well. Shows like the X Factor and the 'Idol' entertainment shows, showcasing mostly musical talent, continue to do quite well, and each year a new slew of pop stars are born. Many continue on for a while with a successful career, but so many come and go with an album or two, and seem almost forgotten now. Marlisa won the recent Australian X Factor, a young 15 year old female, narrowly defeating Dean Ray, a charismatic rocker in the Michael Hutchence of INXS mould. On the charts, Taylor Swift has been having extraordinary success with her new album 1989, and is extremely popular worldwide with her albums, shows and very winning personality.


This last January and February's summer weather has fortunately been moderate enough in the Canberra region, and we continue to get strong and consistent rainfall, fortunately.

The HNF World News: Issue 9

Saturday the 21st of March 6178 SC (In the adjusted calendar of HNF) (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2015 CE/AD

Recent News Items

In Sydney the other day the Lindt Cafe, which had been subject to a Muslim Extremist hostage situation, reopened for business. There were memorial plaques on the wall for the 2 people who had been killed in the siege, but looking at the report I saw, it seemed just regular business as usual had restarted, and, ironically, life just goes on. Of the two Malaysian airplanes which disappeared in recent time, the second one had crashed into Ukraine, but the first one has not yet been found, and no wreckage has been recovered. Still a mystery. The 2 Australian Bali 9 prisoners in Indonesian Jail, on death row for dealing in drugs, have been moved to what is called 'Death Island' awaiting their execution, but their have been a lot of delays, currently a clemency hearing is going on, and Australia is working hard to save them. The two ones facing the death penalty, as the other 7 were sentenced to prison terms only, seemed though to have reformed their ways and lives. One of them is an artist now and paints a lot of paintings. I'm not really sure if I should judge a soul, but I am somewhat hoping for their redemption to eternity if they are put to death. They seem ok people these days. Julian Assange, the wiki leaks founder, has been housed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy for a few years now in the UK, escaping extradition to a scandinavian country (can't recall which off the top of my head, but I think it was Sweden), for discussing details related to sex crimes accusation. The real worry, though, is extradition from that country to the US for far more serious issues. But those sex crime issues soon will lapse in the ability to have him charged, and he will be able to leave the Embassy in a few months anyway. The country has finally sent people over to chat with him in the Ecuadorian assembly, which they refused to do in the first place, but which they now have not much choice about if they want to investigate the issue and get some answers. My guess is that Julian Assange and wikileaks could be a quite hot topic again soon enough, especially with his soon new found freedom awaiting him.


The NRL Rugby League season has gotten underway again in Australia this year, and already some teams looks stronger than others. At the moment teams like Penrith, Souths, Newcastle, Wests Tigers, Bulldogs and the Roosters seem like the real potential title contenders. There are other teams still in contention at this early stage, but my guess is that the ultimate premiere will likely come from one of those teams. In the Cricket world cup at the moment, Australia defeated Pakistan in a quarter final, and now face India in their semi-final. The other semi-final is yet to be decided.

International Heads of State

Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of Australia in the late 1970s and the early 1980s, died just the other day. He was 84 years old. He led the Liberal party in government, and preceded Bob Hawke from the Labour party who was the next Prime Minister. I remember Malcolm's years as Prime Minister vaguely, and he seemed to be a steady and conservative type of leader, but having seen him advocate various things since that time over the years, he seemed a man of genuine conscience and good will, and Australia has lost a fine leader and one of its best spokesmen. I have a hunch Hilary Clinton will be America's next President, and the mood for a woman to finally get the job is probably strong in the US. At the moment there is good support for Barack Obama, and economic and business figures for the US are quite ok at the moment. Things seem to be on something of an improve. Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader, went missing for a week, it seemed, and their was speculation on what had happened to him in the media, but he returned after a week and informed the press that people like a bit of controversy. Benjamin Netanyahu has been returned to office in Israel after the recent election. Just before the election he spoke to US congress about Iran and its nuclear ambitions, which had mixed opinions on whether he should have done so from various sources. He had actually been invited to speak before congress, so it was not an attempt by his party at winning votes in Israel's election.


My Kitchen Rules is back on TV again this year, and it seems to get stronger and more popular and more elaborate as each year passes. Both MKR and Master Chef seem to be very big raters for their respective channels, and when one ends, the other takes over midway through the year. I am not watching MKR as religiously as I did last year, but the quality of the show is again strong. Genuine and decent entertainment on Australian television. There is a new cartoon movie out at the moment with Rihanna the pop star and Steve Martin the comedian doing voices in it, and it looks a good one for the kids. (I forget its title, but it is about a young lady and her adventure with an alien looking kind of fellow). In Comics news, Star Wars Number 1 from Marvel came out recently, in anticipation of the New Star Wars movie at the end of the year, and it nearly sold 1 million copies all told (a huge amount for a comic these days). The comic chart currently is Marvel as the biggest seller and usually the higher positions on the chart, but DC is a very healthy second usually, and often has the number one slot with Batman usually regarded as the industry standard on sales of an ongoing title. Each month there are usually new big number ones which take the top slot for monthly sales, but the most successful ongoing title in terms of sales is usually 'Batman' and Amazing Spiderman is often in as the second most successful of the ongoings. There have been a lot of comics related superhero movies in the last decade or so, and DC recently announced a whole slew of new ones also. They have mainly concentrated on Batman and Superman movies so far, but now are finally branching out into others of their well established characters, and matching Marvel somewhat in their foray into the big screen. Good times await.


There was a major cyclone in Queensland recently, again after last year's effort, and it caused a fair bit of damage. The effects of it really seemed to in fact reach Canberra in the end, as I remember one evening experiencing a fierce wind and rain storm, and while there was no huge thunder and lightning, the wind was about as strong as I had ever felt it for a while, and I was even a little afraid for a bit, such being the fierceness of it all. There was also more recently another cyclone in the pacific which ran through Vanuatu especially and did a great deal of damage. There are Vanuatu help appeals going on in the news at the moment. Apart from that, the weather for Canberra in the last few weeks has been mostly mild and kind to us all, and I personally have appreciated it greatly.

The HNF World News: Issue 10

Monday the 6th of April 6178 SC (SC = Since Creation)    6178 = 2015 CE/AD

Recent News Items

The Somali Islamist Extremist Militant group Shabah attacked students at Garissa University just the other day. They killed around 150 students. They asked questions whether students were muslims or christians, and those who said they were muslims were not killed and set free. The 4 gunmen were ultimately killed in the ensuing struggle with authorities. There bodies were later paraded to the general public and stones were thrown at them by some. In the middle east, Islamic State (Isis) controls half of Syria and half of Iraq, and is in ongoing war with the remainder of Syria and Iraqi forces. The US and other powers have troops involved, but only for air activity with missiles and bombs – they won't deploy ground troops at this stage and, as the conflict goes on, and Islamic State gradually loses territory, it is unlikely they will commit ground troops again. Many of our nations have had enough of this fight, and don't want to lose their sons and daughters with endless squabbles with Extremist Muslim groups. In Australia there have been a number of cases of missing schoolchildren recently. There is a search currently underway for a boy in the bushlands of central Victoria, and another schoolgirl has gone missing. The Easter death toll on the road was not too worrying this year, but police always have messages of caution for motorists for the holiday season. There was yet another international plane crash recently, in the Alps in France. There were issues over the pilot. There had been 2 pilots in the cockpit, and one of them had taken a refreshment break. But the other, so it seems from the black boxes (recording devices) had locked the cockpit, and crashed the plane. From investigations into his life there seemed to have been anxiety issues with the pilot, and it looks as if he planned the crash in advance.


The AFL and Rugby League seasons are underway again this year in Australia. It's another competitive year, but no teams have yet emerged who look certain to make the grand final. A reasonably even competition by the looks of it this year in the Rugby League. The AFL started this weekend just past, and Hawthorn hammered Geelong in today's game, and already look chances to make it 3 Grand Final's in a row. The top teams in the RL so far this year are Newcastle, Brisbane, Souths, Storm, Roosters, St George, Canterbury and Penrith. Grant Hackett, the Australian swimmer, came out of retirement 6 months ago, and over the weekend qualified for further competition in an up and coming relay competition for Australia swimming. He had been retired for 6 years, and is now 34. My personal opinion is that he probably should have just let it go, and let the up and comers do their thing, but some people like to have another. Yet, to me, there is always a new champion waiting, ready to write their name on the trophies of glory. Australia won the recent One Day Cricket World Cup, defeating New Zealand in the final. They won the final match comfortably in the end, although NZ had defeated them once in preliminary rounds. The Ashes between Australia and England in the Cricket are coming up again this year, and it looks to be another competitive and highly fought for series. The Ashes has a long history of competition and tradition in world cricket, and the fervour doesn't appear to be abating on it any time soon. It is still fiercely contended for and valued as an icon of male nationalistic glory.

International Heads of State

Benjamin Netanyahu's party won the recent Israeli election, but they haven't been in the news much recently. There is no current conflict going on between Israel and Palestine, and things have calmed down for the moment. It is looking increasingly likely that Hilary Clinton will end up the Democrat candidate for presidency in next years US election, and I sense that she probably has the favour of the people and will win. Like Australia, the US like to switch from one wing of politics to the other quite frequently, but I feel the democrats might get in for yet another 3rd current term in office, and perhaps 4th. Uhuru Kenyatta is the current president of Kenya. He has been in office since April 9 2013. He was born on October the 26th 1961 in Nairobi in Kenya. He leads the Jubilee Alliance Coaltion, which is a coalition of various political parties merged to form power after recent elections. He is married to Margaret Gakuo and they married in 1991. Kenya is a country in the continent of Africa, south of Europe. Prince Harry is visiting Australia at the moment. He is visiting Darwin, Perth and Sydney, and is here for a month working with the Australian Defence Force. He had one official engagement with the public, at the National War Memorial in Canberra this morning, but will mostly be engaged with military work. And speaking of royals, Kate Middleton, the duchess of Cambridge, married to Prince William, is about to give birth in about a month, to their second child after Prince George.


Local Tuggeranong band 'The Coven' had their first jamming session the other day. Locals Brett Love, Matthew Sanderson and Amanda Caldwell are in the band. They are also in my own Mental Health group, and may they by the grace of God reach dizzying heights. Madonna's album 'Rebel Heart' got to number one on release just recently in Australia, but has dropped right down the charts after only 2 weeks. On personal subjective opinion that singles and albums charts are pretty crappy at the moment, with not terribly much decent music on offer, and the good stuff too lowly placed. There is a lot of alternative and rap/hip hop, and its quite boring to my personal tastes. Fast and Furious 7 is the big blockbuster at the movies at the moments, and the main actor, Paul Walker, who died during the shooting of the movie, has had some of his role done by CGI and scenes from earlier movies.


Mild weather in recent times here in Canberra. Not too hot or cold, but mostly predictable enough Autumn weather. Daylight savings time returned to normal just the other day here in Canberra, and the days will gradually get shorter till the winter solstice, and colder too. There has been thunder and rain today, but it is pleasant Canberra weather for the most part this time of year. Internationally there are no notable cyclones of great distress happening at the moment.


A Prayer for the Internet

Dear Jehovah God. By your goodness and grace, may you please bless the Internet, keeping banking and business transactions uncorrupted, granting safe online social communities, and smooth flow of internet surfing and general web interactivity. AMEN

A Prayer for the Advancing Noah Movement

Dear Jehovah God. Please unite the Advancing Noah Movement. Please perpetuate us eternally, as everlasting as the Rainbow. Please grant us grace, truth, peace, harmony and prosperity. Please sanctify us to wisdom, humility, righteousness and honesty. And please help us to serve you and the Kingdom of God in fidelity and loyalty. Now and forever. AMEN.

A prayer of Jesus. The Our Father.

This prayer I prayed growing up as a Catholic. However, because I believe that God is still essentially our heavenly father, which the Tanakh also maintains, I have prayed this prayer in the name of Karaite Noahide Faith also. I use it as part of my own religion.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. AMEN.

A prayer I developed back in the 1990s. To you dear Lord my God I pray.

To you dear Lord my God I pray. Direct my paths throughout this day. And keep my life away from strife as you guide me along the way.


To clutch at something which will not stay

Is not that wise any old day

To plead a heart to keep the faith

In the truth we hold, won't make them stay

To say 'We are the lords of Truth'

Might persuade Boaz, but not always Ruth

To parade the virtues of Rainbow Signs

Does not always make your hearts mine

Indeed, unless, I own your faith

But not with words, but deeds and grace

Indeed, unless, I remain true

All my boasts, what's that to you?

I can not make a soul stay true

To faith of Noah, unless its YOU

Unless its your choice, deep inside

To stay with us, with us abide

We want you here, forever on

To not leave us, to sing our song

Of Rainbow Signs, which you did choose

To keep our faith inside of you

But nay, depart, if ye'll not stay

We can not keep you even this day

If beyond our assemblies and fellowship halls

You hear what is another call

There is so much, so more true lore

It's not all ours, there's other doors

Which open up to different ways

So many good in many ways

Advancing Noah is our thing

We wish this always you would sing

But should your heart find different shore

We wish you well, with peace in store

For all your life, wherever you roam

And may you find eternal home

In where it is you do belong

So go with grace, and this, our song

Peace with you and peace forever

May God guard you always, as his own treasure.


PART ONE - Daniel 7 - the OFFICIAL interpretation.

After all my speculation on 2020, I give this as the final, last and absolute word and official doctrine of the Rainbow Bible and the Advancing Noah Movement on our interpretation of the eschatology of the Book of Daniel and the timing for the resurrection of the dead.

First Beast - Babylon

The Lion with Eagle's Wings

Second Beast - Media Persia

The Bear with 3 Ribs in its mouth

Third Beast – Greece

The Leopard with 4 wings – the 4 generals who took over after Alexander the Great

Fourth Beast – Romano-Palestinian

The Beast of Iron


In Daniel 9:27 & Daniel 11:31 we have the awful horror. At the end of Daniel 11 we have the Greek General Nicanor coming to an end at Beth Horon, between The sacred Mountain and the Sea (halfway between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean). The proof of this being Nicanor is found in 1 Maccabees chapter 7. The Awful Horror of Daniel 9 and 11 pertain to the persecutions of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. In Daniel 8:22 we see again that is the Greek beast which has the 4 horns which break up into the 4 kingdoms.

Because of that:

In Daniel 7 & 12, it is actually the THIRD beast which has the 4 wings associated with it. The Leopard, which has associated with it from Daniel 9 & 11 the Awful horror of Antiochus Epiphanes persecution.


The Time, times and half a time of Daniel 7 & 12, the persecution of the FOURTH beast, is NOT THE SAME AS THE PERSECUTION OF THE GREEK THIRD BEAST. Thus, the Awful horror of Daniel chapter 12 pertains NOT TO THE THIRD BEAST, but a time of persecution by the fourth beast, which REPEATS THE THEME OF THE THIRD BEAST. This is why Roman Culture follows and repeats Greek culture and the gods of Rome and Greece are interchangeable.


On that logic, the Awful horror of Daniel 7 and 12 – the time, times and half a time – is the Roman Equivalent, which BEGAN in AD/CE 70 and Ended in 1948 AD/CE, when Israel was restored as a nation.

Dates: Fourth Beast placing saints under power for time, times and half a time (3 and a half years) - Startdate: 70 CE - Enddate - 1948 CE - Total time 1878 years.

Period of rule of beast - 1290 days = equivalent of 1878 years. From 70CE to 1948CE.

Period from end of beasts reign to resurrection - 45 days, worked from Daniel chapter 12 (from 1290 days to 1335 days).


3 and a half years = 1290 Days = 14 seasons.

1 season = 1878 divided by 14 = 134 years.

134 years = 1 season = 90 days.

45 days = half a season.

45 days = half of 134 years = 67 years.

1948 CE + 67 years (the 45 days from 1290 days (the end of the 4th beasts reign) till 1335 days (the resurrection of Daniel and the dead) = 2015


The 10 Horns and the 11th Horn of the Fourth Beast of Daniel chapter 7

  1. Roman Kingdom – 753BCE-509BCE

  2. Roman Republic – 509BCE-27BCE

  3. Western Roman Empire – 27BCE-476

  4. Eastern Roman Empire – 330-1453

  5. East Francia – 840-962

  6. West Francia – 843-855

  7. Holy Roman Empire – 962-1806

  8. Ottoman Empire – 1299-1923

  9. German Empire – 1871-1918

  10. German Reich – 1919-1933

  11. Nazi Germany – 1933-1945

The Saints took possession of the Kingdom when Israel ended its exile since the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70 on the 14th of May 1948. The Nazi 11th horn had 'Made war on the Saints' by holocausting them.

PART TWO – Why Part One is problematic now

When we look at Daniel chapter 8 we see that out of the 4 horns of the 'Goat Beast of Greece' a 'Little horn' emerges. When cross referencing this with Daniel 7 we see that the fourth beast emerges from the Leopard third beast. Thus, the idea above that there are separate 'Time Times and Half a time' for a Greek AND a Roman beast is wrong. The fourth beast is the 'Antiochuses' of Seleucid Greek Empirate. It is in fact not Roman at all. Nicanor is a general of the fourth beast and is the one featured at the end of Daniel chapter 11, who makes his camp between the temple and the sea (at Beth Horon). There is thus only ONE time, times and half a time, and therefore when we go on attempting to justify A 2000 + year roman beast, we are not scripturally correct. It was the best of my understanding at the time, but it was still just wrong. The resurrection never ocurred after the Death of Nicanor, when Daniel 12's prophecy comes into play. Having said that the life of trees (longevity of life) from Isaiah 65 which was supposed to be post-babylonian exile, and the resurrection of the dead and the gathering of Israel from exile of Ezekiel never ocurred either. They did return home, but no resurrection ocurred. The timeframe from Daniel 12's resurrection is ancient, back in the days of the restored second temple after the antiochus persecution, and it just DIDN'T HAPPEN. The spirit has both suggested to me that Israel didn't have the faith at the time, and the prophecies are for the ultimate end of days which orthodox judaism and karaite judaism still teach, and that the traditional Messiah is still to appear (although I see Zerubbabel as the fulfiller of the messianic role of Isaiah 11). In Daniel God speaks with Daniel and has the voice of a multitude. This is the SAME voice which God spoke to me with in Goulburn, which I have talked about elsewhere in this Rainbow Bible. There IS a divine encounter going on in the book of Daniel. It appears, as I have said elsewhere in this bible, that The Angel of the Lord who appeared to me seems to be the Angel Michael.

The question is this. Are the propecies somewhat inspired, but the idea of resurrection the idea of the prophets themselves, and thus never came to pass, or was the faith of Israel insufficient back then, and Judaisms traditional idea now established of a latter day messianic era with a resurrection in the world to come still to advent? That is the question. I continue to pray seeking God for a firm answer.

The End of the Rainbow Bible